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+ <@ Road Safety Audit Team Leader

TUL Wee °
wa Global Credential


@ Road Safety Audit Team Leader

ATT yan y
Mee Global Credential

Online Application Form


<@ Road Safety Audit Team Leader

Taw y
Mee Global Credential

Online Application Form

¢ Applicants will need to submit their road

safety experiences to verify that they meet
the minimum requirements

...have a minimum of five (5) years relevant

road safety experience in a road design, road

construction, traffic law enforcement or traffic

engineering field...
Online Application Form

¢ Applicants will need to verify that they have

attended the minimum training course

requirements | —_ |
Within twenty-four (24) months prior to application for RSATL Credential,

successfully receive a certificate from a recognized Road Safety Audit

training course with a minimum of at least sixteen (16) hours duration; as
well as at least one recognized certified training course of eight (8) hours
or a minimum of eight (8) Professional Development Hours (PDHs) that
covers Road Safety Legal Issues, Legislation and Policy, Collision
Investigation, Road Safety Engineering, or Road Design.
IW cr er Road Safety Audit Team Leader
se Global Credential

Online Application Form

Applicants will need to verify that they have

participated in a minimum of three (3) large
Road Safety Audits or Inspections or six (6)
small Road Safety Audits or Inspections in

the p Ee VIO US three (3 ) iN GAS. previous thirty six (36)

months the applicant conducted a minimum of three (3) large road safety

audits/inspections requiring over ten (10) person-days level of effort each

OR six (6) small road safety audits/inspections requiring less than ten (10)
person-days level of effort...

@ Road Safety Audit Team Leader

ATT yan y
Mee Global Credential

¢ Once qualifications are confirmed,

applicants will need to pay a US$690
registration fee and take a Qualifying
Knowledge Exam (QKE)


~ o ‘\ 7 ~ 7
Ge Gv:

a —

<@ Road Safety Audit Team Leader

Ia w y
Mee Global Credential

¢ Applicants will have exclusive access to

on-line training programs on RSA topics.
They will be housed on the IRF website

<@ Road Safety Audit Team Leader

Tal w y
Mee Global Credential

¢ A minimum score of 80% is required to

pass the QKE. Applicants have thirty days
to take the exam and they can take it three
times during these thirty days
Wy It ~ Road Safety Audit Team Leader

sy Global Credential

¢ Once the QKE Is passed, applicants will

submit the following items to verify their

in-field practical experience

Three (3) Road Safety Audit briefs comprising:

e Scheme description
e Illustration of problem identification & solving
e Client feedback with letters of recommendation
The submitted audit briefs will be reviewed in
detail by an independent third party.
“ROAD SAFETY AUDIT” can be a Road Safety Audit
or a Road Safety Inspection
RSA Project Brief

(complete one per project)

Description of Audit / Inspection Scheme

Name of scheme
(if applicable)



Project role
(e.g. team lead, member)

Team Leader, Road Safety Auditor


Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa



Type of audit

* Conduct a Project Information Review

« Conduct site inspection/s

« Indepth Geometric and Safety Performance Study based on the Preliminary Design
Drawings, producing safety check lists and d etailed comments

« Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Report (Feasibility and Preliminary Design) of the
Design, including the identification of aspect s for improvement of the road safety

« Expression of an Audit Opinion regarding its acceptability or not from a Road

Safety point
of view

Length of review
(in miles or km)

New Scheme: Grade Separated Rotary Interchange

(in person-days, inc. site visit &
report preparation)

Inception Meeting-0.5days

Site Insepction-7 day

Analysis of preliminary design -5 Days

Audiot Report — 7 day

Client Feedback — jiday

Notable features of the

audited scheme

(e.g. type of & function of the

audited road, prevalent RTI

As part on the N3 capacity upgrade strategy, Royal HaskoningDH V has completed the
Preliminary Design of the u grade of the combined Epworth/ Market Road Interchange
after a
detail d traffic analysis confirmed that the existing two interchanges an d the N3
are under capacity and will not cater for the future traffic demands from both the
National traffic
and traffic generated from the Msunduzi Municipalities future town planning.

The new scheme is unique in that it combines two interchanges which operate as one
combines them in a new layout as a free flow grade separated rotary interchange
Problem Solving

Executive Summary
of Audit Findings

(summarize the major

traffic injry risks identified
on the audited scheme)

As set out in the Audit Brief, the geometric alignment for the interchange upgrade
has been
assessed in terms of Roads Safety and Geometric Design Guidelines as follows:

e The geometric design criteria for the N3 north and southbound carriageways
applied for 100km/hr design speed is consindered to be in accordance with the
G2 manual. Curve widening has been proposed on the inside of the horizontal
curves on the approach to bridge parapets / piers for improved stopping sight
distance and is also in accordance with the G2 manual.

e The proposed interchange ramps horizontal and vertical alignments achieve

design standards of between 60 - 90km/hr. It should be noted that there are crest
vertical curves which are at the limit of the 60km/hr design speed and as these
are located at ramp diverges/merges, careful consideration should be given to
these locations during the Detail Design stage in order to provide clear and un-
obstructed sight lines to the motorist.

Whilst the preliminary design has been carried out in accordance with the SANRAL G2
manual and apart from the findings listed under Section 4 of this report, the
geometric layout is considered acceptable from a design speed point of view.

However, the Risk Assessment results show that remedial action is required in order
minimize the risks as identified:

1. Pedesirian Walkways : High risk with probable frequency and serious severity of
Vehicular /pedestrian collisions.

2. South-Eastern Rotary Weaving: High risk with frequent frequency and minor
severity of side-on vehicular collisions.

3. From South, East and North to City Link Merge: High risk with frequent frequency
and minor severity of side-on vehicular collisions.

4. From City to North, East and South Link Merge: High risk with frequent frequency
and minor severity of side-on vehicular collisions.

5. Cleland Road / Cleland Road Extension Intersection: High risk with probable
frequency nd serious severity of head-on vehicular collisions.

lt is recommende d that a Stage 3 Road Safety Audit be carrie d out on the Detail
of this interchange layout. The complexity of the layout should not be
underestimated and
carefull attention will have to be given to the road marking and signage of the
in order to relay advance and accurate information to the road users.

countermeasure 1
(summarize your
recommendation(s) to

It is recommended that a guardrail be placed behind the kerb so as to provide
protection to the pedestrians and to reduce the frequency and severity of
address one of the risks

identified above)

Item 2 above:
ceo aelaem 9 it is reecommended that merge length be re-evaluated to provide a
longer and safer merge
(summarize your length in order to reduce the frequency of vehicular collisions in
this merge zone. It is also

recommendation(s) to
address one of the risks
identified above)

recommended that the area between the Link from City Ramp and Cleland to Market
be day lighted as much possible in order to ensure improved visibility of the
merging traffic in order to reduce the frequency of vehicular collisions.


countermeasure 3
(summarize your
recommendation(s) to
address one of the risks
identified above)

ltem 8:

It is re commended that the access positions be re -evaluated in conjunction with

upgraded Cleland Road / Cleland Road Extension Intersection in order to reduce the
frequency and severity of collisions.

Copy 1 diagram

TU te er Road Safety Audit Team Leader

Ww Global Credential

¢ Once approved, the IRF Road Safety Audit

Team Leader Global Certificate will be
issued with a two (2) year validity


Road Safety Audit Ha Suey

Team Leader Wy
Global Credential
IW ic er Road Safety Audit Team Leader
Ww Global Credential

(ee) esol-pe

¢ The IRF Road Safety Audit Team Leader Global

Certificate can be renewed for an additional two years


Road Safety Audit AAI Suey

Team Leader oT

Global Credential

IW ic er Road Safety Audit Team Leader

Ww Global Credential

Re ere

¢ Recertification Applicants must verify that that

they attended the minimum training course

requirements during the previous twenty four

(24) months to maintain their proficiency in the
Road Safety Audit process

Achieve sixteen (16) Professional Development Hours

(PDHs) in Accident Investigation, Road Safety

Engineering, or related discipline by attending or teaching

a course during the previous twenty-four (24) months.
qy lt er Road Safety Audit Team Leader
Ww Global Credential

AV leyht=re)l 1h er=sel-pe

¢ Recertification Applicants must verify that that

they conducted at least six (6) Road Safety Audits
or Inspections as a Team Leader during the
previous twenty-four months

Conduct as Team Leader a minimum of six (6) Road

Safety Audits every twenty-four (24) months.

“ROAD SAFETY AUDIT” can be a Road Safety Audit or a Road

Safety Inspection
Road Safety Audit qTT <@
Team Leader a Re | a7

Global Credential...
a Verify Crede

49 ~ Knowledge Exam,

| Se Submit RSA Samples

| & Letters of


| a

yo H at _~
fe th a
sae ws .
e \
, aa iF



: 7 Road Safety Audit

” © Team Leader
Global Credential
Res ponsibilities

RSA Team
Design Team / Project Owner

Conduct a
start-up meeting
Conduct Start-up Meeting

us = Step
z |
e «
Conduct Start-up Meeting


Project RSA Agenda

objectives Date

! 9.30 AM Introduction to RSA process

2 ro j Ye i ra rt " g a 9.30 — 10.00 AM Project objectives/background

10.00 — 12.00 PM Initial site visit by car

12.00 — 1.00 PM Lunch

RSA p roc fh S 1.00 — 5.00 PM Detailed site review

5.00 — 6.30 PM Peak hour review

Sc h = ra Te | e 6.30 - 8.30 PM Dinner

8.30 — 9.30 PM Nighttime site review

Exchange of Day? Date

r n fo 's m a t r O Ah 7.30 — 9.30 AM Continue detailed site review

10.00 — 12.00 PM Individual assignments

12.00 — 1.00 PM Lunch

1.00 — 3.00 PM RSA team develops workshop summary/

— 4,30 PM Preliminary findings meeting

General meeting — all need to attend especially “roadway owners’ i.e.,

persons responsible for development of plans and/or facility owner

RSA team activity — all who are interested in participating in the site visits
and developing suggestions (excluding roadway owners)

Optional RSA team activity — FHWA anticipates doing this work on their
own, but welcomes all who are interested in participating
The Start-up Meeting:
Provide Project Information@™

Two to three
year crash
() Group, Inc.

Engineers « Planners « Landscape Architects

Lincoln, Ri - Norwood, MA - Hartford, CT

#245 MAIN ST




3, 14, 18, 19, G6) 830, 36 ——pt>

12—pHH> 3
(he So

#251 MAIN ST
+ ++44+44—_ 29
@10 eq 22, 27, 32
#44— 5, 2364)

Intersection: Main Street at Old Mill Road/Ireta Road

Date Range: January 2010 - December 2014


2, 6(7)17
24 |






#256-272 MAIN ST


<— Moving Vehicle

~<e— Backing Vehicle ~44¢—_ Rear End

- — — Non-Involved Vetele —P— Head On
+—_ & Pedestrian S4— Side Swipe
—<{!. >) Bicycle Out of Control

Left Tum

c Right Angle
GS] Parked Vehicle
O Fixed Object
© Fatal Accident
© Injury Accent

Revised 04/08/14

Crash Type (First Impact)

Single Motor Vehicle Head On Hiead On - Left Turn Aube Backing Rear Enc
Cae: C=? €s=)|| cP =) xr” C=»
—— te |e ¥. — = ||.
Sideswipe - Sideswipe -
Rear End - Lett Turn Rear End-Right Tum Same Direction Opposite Direction Other
eis ae — ge? | Zan =<
_ a S&S Other Unknown
ped 1 a _@ Gz
Work Zone - Location
1. Deer » Freeway 4. Before the First Work Zone B Bicyctst
2. Turkey 4. Entrance / Exit Ramp Related Warning Sign P Pedestrian
3. Elk 2. Authorized Median Crossover 2. Between the First and Last E Engineer
(Railroad / Train)
4. Moose Related Work Zone Warning Sign
5. Bear 3. Transition Area / Increase or 3. No Warning Signs
97. Other Decrease in Travel Lanes = = =
98. Unknown 4. Rest Area Related ontributing Circumstances
5. Scale / Weigh Station Related 4. Pri c h
20. Curved Roadway 2 Ete ae to R i
iB ackup Due to Regular
a. iGSe 6. All Otmer Freeway Areas Congestion 4a: Sleeper Section
= » Intersection 3. Backup Due to Other Incident 44. Other Enclosed Passenger /
2. Cloudy 7. within Intersection 4. Glare Cargo Area
3. Fog 8. Driveway Related within 150 ft. 5. Traffic Control Device 415. Other
Unenclosed Passenger /
4. Rain of Nearest Edge of Intersection Inoperative, Missing or Cargo Area
5. Snow 3. Intersection Related-Other Obscured 16. Riding In / On Trailing Unit
6. Severe Crosswinds 21. Roundabout 6. Shoulders . 417. Riding On Vehicle Exterior
7. Sleet / Hail > Other Non-Freeway Areas (None, Low, Soft, High) 98. Unknown
8. Blowing Snow ; ; 10. Straight Roadway d = Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, Etc.
93. Blowing Sand, Soil, Dirt to Other Selection (In-Line Seating)
10. Smoke 441. Curved Roadway cd 41. Driver
98. Unknown to Other Selectio = _ — 4. Passenger One
12. Driveway Related Not within aS Niet a to ater te 7. Passenger Two
Light 150 ft. of Intersection 1. On the Road 45. Other Unenclosed Passenger /
13. Parking Related Legal 2. Median c PR
41. Daylight Roadside a. Sh Id i a
2. Dawn 44. Transition Area / Increase or ee ee re a ae ——
3. Dusk Decrease in Travel Lanes : a eo oulder / Cur! Restraint Use
- i i fs ore
4. Dark-Lighted 15. Median Crossing Related 6. Gn-Siest Pandan 1. No Belts
5. Dark-Unlighted 16. Railroad Crossing Related , g 2 2. Shoulder Belt Only Used
97. Other 17. Rest Area Related = oo ~~ (Non-Traffic) 3. Lap Belt Only
98. Unknown 18. Scale / Weigh Station Related = = oor 4: Shoulder and tap Bali
19. Non-Traffic Area - fey tL Ale 5. No Belts Used
97. Other 98. Unknown 4
Road Surface Con fey a] = 6. Child Restraint System —
4. Dry 98. Unknown Forward Facing
2. Wet 7 = 7. Child Restraint Not Used or
= ie Traffic Control Trafficway Improperly Used
4. Snow 1. Signal . 41. Not Physically Divided a. fave ao System —
5. Mud, Dirt, Gravel 2 SE eae, Sign : : CEWO=VM sayy Tirssttie) 93. Child Restraint
System —
6. Slush 3. Son Siar with Flashing 2. Divided Highway without Traffic ” Booster
Seat am
7. Debris SU ee 10. Restraint Failure
: . 4. Yield Sign 5 ivi i i i i
8. Water (Standing / Moving) ae eves = SS eos | Eeeay, Sa etic 41. Restraint Use
3. Sand _ 7 12. Helmet Worn
ze =e 4. One-Way Traffic
10. Oily Work Zone - Activity 5. Non-traffic 13. Helmet Not Worn
97. Other 4. Lane Closure 6. Two-Way, Not Divided, with a 14. Helmet Use Unknown
98. Unknown 2. Lane Shift / Crossover Continuous Left Turn Lane
3. Work on Shoulder or Median
4. Intermittent or Moving VWork
97. Other
MSP UD - 10 (Rev. 01/2016
Authority: 1949 PA 300, Sec. 257.622
Compliance: Required

Penalty: $100 and/or 90 days

evised August

State of Michigan Traffic Crash Report

reas or

neient # | | | | | |

File Class

ORI Department Name Investigator(s) Badge # Photos Reviewer

Mi 2 ves
= No

Crash Date Crash Time

No. of Units
Special Circumstances CS None CO Hit and Run aL School Bus

> Unknown Animal

<> Fleeing Police

Crash Type
&> Rear End-Left Turn

Special Checks CO Fatal

<> Replace <> Delete
Ic > ORV/Snowmoebile

> Corrected Copy

<> Non-Ttraffic

<> Singie Moter Vehicle (D> Head On

<> Rear End-Right Turn CO Sideswipe-Same

> Head On-Left Turn COD Anglie CD) Backing

D Sideswipe-Oppesite CO Other


Cc) Rear End

c> Unknown

Weather Road Surface Condition |Total Lanes

Count City/Twp | Area Traffic Control Relation to Roadway [VVork Zone-Type | Work
Zone-Workers Present Work Zone-Activity | VWVork Zone-Location Contributing
| <> Const./Maint.| CD Yes = ne
> utitit CO No
| Location =
Prefix Primary Road Name Road Type Suffix Divided Roadway
Litt? ttt tT tt ete te ee te ET ET ET TT TTT EE ET | | iE | Se Ss
|_Oe Mw
Distance Direction Trafficway Speed Limit Posted
CO Feet CG mites| North Cosouth Coeast Co west a1 m2 03 04 m5 Os SS ves
<> Beginning of Ramp CO End of Ramp a No
Prefix Intersecting Road Name Road Type Suffix Divided Roadway
On Cs
| | | | | Se Sw
Unit Number | Driver's License State / Number Pnit Type Sex
[| | | tive t tt om ee OP Germ feom or

[o> Driver is Owner License Type mao Wc Wm

Street Address

City State | ZIP



CA Cos oc ao



Position Restraint Airbag

Ejected c>

Trapped ¢>

Condition at Tame of Crash

Driver Distracted By

Total Occupants Hospital Code Ambulance Code

Citation Hazardous Action Action Prior Sequence of Events (M Hi mul Event)

> Hazardous 4% 2 an

<> Cther ap aD aD ap
Alcohol Suspected Contributing Factor Test Type <> Breath —\ Blood <> + Urine Test
Results Interlock Device

| R Ht v N

Cres CONS CO ves CONo & Field < PET > Refused C> Not Offered a Ponding oa =
Drug Suspected Contributing Factor Test Type <> Blood c> Urine Test Results
<> ves © No CO vres CG no <> Field < Refused > Not Offered | oa Bensins
Vehicle Registration State Insurance Company Policy Number

| | Towed By

Towed To

. CTT |

Year Make Model

Vehicle Type Location of Greatest Damage 1°! Impact

Color Special Vehicles | Vehicle Use

Extent of Damage Vehicle Direction

Private Trailer Type Vehicle Defect —


[TELL iii aia

Name Ejected c>
Street Address Sex Com Or Trapped c>
City State ZIP Phone Injury Qa Kk Da oc oo
Date of Birth Position Restraint Airbag Hospital Code Ambulance Code
Ejected cy

Street Address Sex c>aM CF Trapped gd

City State ZIP Phone Injury a K CA Oe.B oc coc
Date of Birth Position Restraint Airbag Hospital Code Ambulance Code
‘> Owner Name Address
<> Uninjured Passenger [Sp one Roe Boa. Rea.
> Witness
cD Owner Name Address
> Uninjured Passenger
C> Witness Phone Age [RSs [Rest
Reported Date Reported Time Damaged Property

Serial Override / Public COyYes CONo

Revised: August 3, 2013

Unit / Driver

Unit Number | Driver's License State / Number Date of Birth Unit Type Sex
Lt dat tt tt ey Pe) ee ee er ee eee
Name <> Driver is Owner License Type TD0o0 Wc Wm

Street Address

Phone Number

Endorsements C> cry C> F CR

GVWR/GCWR €>10.000 LBS or Less
10.001 - 26,000 Las

C> 26.001 LBS or More

City State [ze Injury GK Da Os oc oOo

Position Restraint Airbag ‘ Condition at Time of Crash Driver Distracted By Total
Occupants| Hospital Code Ambulance Code
Ejected cD 73 ona
rapes S| | | | [| | iI | Lt] [iJ tt qtttt
Citation Issued . - : us Action | Action Prior Sequence of Events (M = Most Harmful
©) Hazardous ae 2 am 4"
<> Other ap aD aD QD
Alcohol Suspected Contributing Factor Test Type C> Breath CD Bileod CD Urine Test
Results Interlock Device
Results Yes No
Ores CONo Ores CONo & Fiela @& PBT © Refused CD Not Offered Pending | |
Drug Suspected Contributing Factor Test Type <)> Blood co urine Test Results
> ves CO No CO ves C No © Field © Refused © Not Offered oS ending [| [4]
Vehicle Registration State Insurance Company Policy Number
| | | | | | | | | | | | Towed By Towed To
VIN Year Make Model Color Special Vehicles; Vehicle Use
Vehicle Type Location of Greatest Damage 1° Impact Extent of Damage | Vehicle
Direction | Private Trailer Type Vehicle Defect
Name Ejected
Street Address pd on Or Trapped c>
City oa kK Da oes oc aD:

Date of Birth Position Ambulance Code

Name Ejected (>
Street Address Sex COM OF Trapped CD
oi oa ae aay Injury OK Oa os oc o¢
Date of Birth Position Restraint |Airbag Hospital Code Ambulance Code
<> Owner Name Address
a) Uninjured Passenger Phone Age Pos. |RRest.
Cc Witness ___ | _

Owner Name Address

C> Uninjured P nger
© Witness Prane [Age Pos [Rest.
Unit # Carrier Name

rai Crash Diagram


Address —
City [State ZIP
Vehicle Configuration Cargo Body Type CDL Restrictions
_| | MsO7TMmtOosOr0
CDL Type Endorsements
MA OB OC DMNone (COOH cP aT Cn as Cc x
Medical Card Exempt HAZMAT HAZMAT ID HAZMAT Class
Cc Yes > Farm Cc Placard
c> No c> Cther C> Cargo Spill

Remarks / Narrative
The Start-up Meeting:
Provide Project Information@@™

Two to three
year crash
OSS iol ats
eee Traffic volumes
| ee a ©) —_- Pv ar)
>a | photographs
ae ciion | =) 3 Tete Te FS
238 ~~ BBR Evel ergedliare)

Design criteria


. =
~ e€
Reeve Me ar

ae |

RSA Team
Design Team / Project Owner

Perform field
Perform Field Reviews


Road or
Perform Field Review:
Preparation for the Field Review

Review available
crash data


Designate a
secretary and
Perform Field Review:
Preparation for the Field Review

Drawing, aerial

still /video

Measuring wheel,

Emergency lights “
for vehicle
Perform Field Review:
Common Items to Observe

e Observe road user


surrounding land

Observe link points

to the adjacent
Perform Field Review:
Common Items to Observe

red wer
4 ti ae eee i eet 2
om ae a ees , \
; ites (aoe amit GS \
ete ee Bet a
se oe
Perform Field Review:

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