The Late Middle Ages

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1. Calvinist tought that work is the only thing that statisfies God and that laziness is a sin.

thought God chose who will be a successfull merchant. Calvinists also had puritan
ceremonies. Calvin’s main idea was theocracy. He set it up in Geneva. It was led by a
Consistory which consisted pastors who were Church members and the pastors who were
the elected members. They also thought that the human has his own faith and can’t change
where he will go to the heaven or hell, this is called predestination.

2. Ignatius of Loyola found a new monestic order, the Jesuit order. This order mainly focused
on teaching and sending missionaries to convert people. There were reforming popes Pope
Paul III: called together the Council of Trent where they made the decisions which limited
only one person to two Church offices and they prohibited selling indulgences and made
control about corruption, Pope Paul IV: made a list of forbidden books which damaged the
Catholic Church. He organised the Holy Office which was the same as the Inquisition.

3. Absolutism in England started during the time of Henry VIII. He changed the constitution
with the theory of the divine right of kings. This meant that the king rules by the will of God
so estates couldn’t affect him. He started wars agaubst the French and the Holy Roman
Empire. He didn’t stand critisism. In an absolute monarchy the king or queen rules without
any restriction and had all three powers: legislation, execution and jurisdiction.

4. Mercantilism: was a form of economy. It was mainly ruled by the merchants.

Peace Treaty of Westphalia: It closed the Thirty year war. France got the fertile territorry of

Edict of Nantes: It gave the French protestants, the Huguenots religious freedom and
political rights.

„Cuius regio eius religio”: It was in the Peace Treaty of Augsburg and it meant that who owns
the land decides the religion on it.

Antitrinitans: they didn’t believe in the exist of the Holy Trinity. Their main representative
was Mechael Servetus.

5. The Baroque style appeared in every art. It was monumental, had tension. Because it was a
part of counterreformation they showed the wealth of the Church. In architecture: Winter
Palace in St. Petersburg. Painting: Rembrandt and Rubens. Literature: Miklós Zrínyi: Peril of
Sziget. Music: Bach, Handl, Vivaldi.

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