Army Aviation School

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Gyssell Dayanna Contreras Rodríguez

April 15, 2020
The operation of the helicopter machines is mainly discussed and how they fly for
this is taken into account how we can divide the modern rotor systems, these are
articulated rotor, the Angeles and louis rotor system or the semi-rigid rotor system,
In order to get aircrafts that are “heavier than air” off the ground a force has to act
upwards that is as least equal to the weight of the aircraft. This force is called lift and
is created by the wings.

The case for helicopters is different. The turning rotors create lift, similar to a wing,
and accelerate the airflow downwards. This is accomplished by a simultaneous
increase in the angle of incidence (the angle between the rotor blade and the
helicopters longitudinal axis) and thus also the angle of attack of all rotor blades.
This is known as collective pitch. The air is “blown” downwards, similar to a fan, the
total lift increases und the helicopter begins to ascend. In order to move the vehicle
forwards “only” the rotor plane has to be tilted forwards so that the airflow is slightly
“blown” to the back by the rotor. Different from airplanes, helicopters can fly forwards,
sideways and backwards and also stan still in the air. This is possible, because the
main rotor blades are rotating and thus the air is flowing constantly and delivers the
required lift.
A helicopter has three flight control inputs. The cyclic stick, or just cyclic, is used
during hovering to direct the helicopter to the left, right, front or back. During forward
flight the cyclic is used to initiate turns or up and down pitches. With the pedals the
helicopter can be turned along the yaw axis while hovering and with the collective
the pilot controls ascent and descent during hovering and, together with the cyclic,
the speed during forward flight.

Finally, there are known the most important technical essentials of the flight in

How you fly a helicopter

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