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SUS  Assignment 2 : DO  THE RIGHT THING

STUDENT NO :42360854
DATE : 28 February 2019
My proposed act as maxim
“I will take the ZAR620 000000.00 (A) when I have  done a years work (C) in  order to get really
My maxim as a universal law
“All people (7 billion of them ) will take 620 000000.00 when they have done a years  work in
order to get really, really rich”.
Is my maxim conceivable in a world ruled by universal law?
If all the 7 billion people take 620 000000.00 when they have done a years work in order to get
really ,really rich  (like me).
There will be a down fall in the  economy ,people would want to  buy everything that money can
buy which  will lead to scarcity of goods and there  wont  be  enough goods  to satisfy everyone
needs . Production will be at halt as there will be no one  to produce  the goods ,farming ,clothing
,housing and food ,This would mean that  demand  and supply will  not exist . In conclusion this
maxim is not  conceivable in the real world ruled by universal law.
Would I rationally act on my maxim in such a world ?
I would defiantly be spending more money every chance  I get, I might even go on a luxury
holiday  as I will be  able to afford it . I will be able  to afford a healthy life style as diet  is costly .
Earning 620 000000.00 annual salary would  mean that  I will be able to excess everything good
that money can buy  with out  getting in to credit card debt  or obtaining a personal loan . I would
be rich there for I would be  able to afford  the best health services that money can buy . so yes I
would act rationally on my maxim .
2. Kant probable opinion
According to Kant theory this  would  be  morally binding ,Mr Whitey Basson  build Checkers
from the ground up .Under Mr Basson Shoprite grew from eight tiny  stores to 577  Shoprite
supermarkets,202 Checkers  supermarkets and a lot more stores .Checkers net  income grew
from 3.7billion to 4.3 billion under Basson management . So its true hard work  does  pay.
What do I think about Whitey Basson earnings of ZAR 620 000000?
To  be honest I envy  the guy I mean  who wouldn’t  want to earn so much money. I can think of
all the things I can do with  my salary buy  a new  house  ,pay my  outstanding fees  with  UNISA
and even take  my child to a prestigious  school. Luxury cars  and  expansive holidays will be
easily  excess able . Secondly  Mr  Basson must have  done  something  right  to  earn so  much 
money being  voted as one of the best CEO in south Africa he had to work hard  to  get there . At
the  same time  employees at Checkers are currently  earning a minimum wage of R 3500.00
,with this salary  they still need to feed their families and still travel  to work .at list  increase the
employees salary  to R5000.00 a month .
Why I think this?
Most  of this employees  are bread winners at their  homes  some  come  from far  just to get to 
work .increasing their  salaries  wont make them richer but  it  could  make their lives a little
easer, with the   petrol  increase and the hike  food prices  its  not  possible  to  survive  on a 
R3500 salary .

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