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Assignment 4- ME ME ME -EGOISM





Option C its hard to say but this just means less people competing with me for scares
opportunities and resources .

Explain why you think is the case :egoism in philosophy is an ethical holding that the good is
based on the pursuit of self interest . Egoist are less concerned with philosophic problems of what
is the self than with common notions of person and concerns . To me this is totally inhumane
and wrong to say that 20000 children dying has become an advantage for others to prosper in
the world today . It has become survival of the fittest every man for him self , eat or be eaten in
this competitive jungle no one is safe in because of greed and selfishness .

Tell us what you think of this option : It shows us how selfish people can be , morally good for
one person the same scares opportunities and resources will become exhausted on day than what
will happen to those that thought 200000 children dying is an advantage for then ?

Instead of letting 20000 children die we should rather look at ways we can sustain our resources
and create more opportunities so that the next generation could benefit from them .Altruism
say any action taken for the benefit of someone else is good and that any action taken for own
benefit is bad said ‘Ayn Rand ’.


Summarise the option you expressed in assignment 2

My option I expressed is option E its morally unacceptable for 20000 children to die irrespective
of the cost .

Tell us whether the opinion are >>>>>

The opinions are compatible but differ :

Explain your reasoning : In assignment 2 I sad that it is good that Whitey Basson earns 620000000

Because he worked hard for it . In assignment 3 I said that it is morally unacceptable for 20000
children to die irrespective of cost .We need to create a balance in our society where even the
poor can get good health systems , greed and selfishness should not blind us to a point that we
forget human kindness and empathy .

Reference :
Student no :42360854

Date 15/03/2019

Most likely Utilitarian option -option E ‘its morally unacceptable for a single child to die of
preventative diseases and we should collectively fix this irrespective of the cost . with treatable or
preventative diseases and child poverty as whole our children should not be deprived of good
basic health system and nutrition .Money should not be looked at when it comes to a child’s well
being ,and collectively our government and businesses should be involved in reaching this goal

Our government gives out a budget every year to each department ,according to the times live the
Gauteng department of health receives the highest budget worth 46.4 billion about 38% of total
budget 2018/2019, with social grants only receiving 7.9 & of that budget so why are 20000
children still dying from preventative diseases and malnutrition ?

Feeding schemes are introduced in schools but due to lack of money and corruption this
schemes fail to provide our children with nutritious f proper food.

How do I feel about this -it’s a huge responsibility and could be financially strainers.

If we look at a simple thing like children Vaccinations there is already a shortage of this
Antidote due to lack of finance as per department of health , but what more shocking is that the
rich have excess to this Vaccinations because they can afford to buy it while the poor and
their children become victims of circumstances. The fault is not only our government but our
community as well ,there is a saying that it takes a village to raise a child but this this days orphans
are raising them selves some can go to school hungry for days and this because of greed of family
members keeping their social grants for their own benefit .

Which option I chose- Option F its morally unacceptable for a single child to die from preventable
diseases and should collectively fix this irrespective of the cost .

Why do I think my option is correct - It represents ubuntu we say this word a lot in south Africa
but we forget to practice it . if more financial companies like Nedbank could work to protect
children’s rights and commit to donating an additional 5 million to children vaccinations this
could change lives .we need to stop looking the other way as start contributing to our children’s
well being .

References :

One in every 100 South African children dies before their second birthday because they lack access
to health-care services, including life-saving vaccinations. Global Citizen partner Nedbank believes
that every child has the right to develop and thrive. You can join us by taking action here to support
the Global Goals.

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