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Students Reasons to join SWAT: BE TOBACCO

Working Against
Tobacco (S.W.A.T.) FREE
 Make a difference and impact
the lives of others.
Mission: Students Working  Participate in local community
Against Tobacco (SWAT) is events to promote the cause.
Florida’s statewide youth or-
ganization working to mobi-  Build self-confidence and
lize, educate, and equip Flori-
da youth to revolt against  Improve your public speaking,
and de-glamorize Big Tobac- leadership, and organizational
co. It is a united move- skills.
ment of empowered youth
 Learn to set and achieve goals.
working towards a tobacco-
free future.  Learn to work as a team.

 Boost your resume.

SWAT is designed to create a
youth-led, youth-driven club  Earn service hours for gradua-
tion and/or Bright Futures.
that will work toward pre-
vention of tobacco use and
addiction in local schools
and communities.

SWAT provides teens with

tools that empower youth to
take control of the fight
against Big Tobacco.
Free Tools to Help You Quit

Text Message Programs

 Smokefree Teen has free text mes-

sage programs that give you 24/7 tips,
advice, and encouragement to help
you become—and stay—tobacco
free. These programs look just like a
Download text conversation you’d have with a
the app.  Try SmokefreeTXT to quit smoking.
Your chances of quitting
are better if you don’t do
“THIS IS  Try DipfreeTXT to quit smokeless
it alone.
 quitSTART App: The free
quitSTART app is made for teens and Ask for HELP from fami-
can help you quit smoking. It gives ly , friends, healthcare
you customized tips, inspiration, and providers, and/or counse-
challenges so you can quit for good. lors.
@smokefreeus QUIT TODAY!

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