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Self-assessment final quiz

Underline the correct choice.

1 I ____ that Dave’s put his house up for sale.

a ’ve been seeing b ’m seeing c see

2 The number of people emigrating from the country ____ risen to record levels.

a has b have c had

3 The phone rang while I ____ the dishes. I dried my hands and answered it.

a was done b was doing c was being done

4 Before my parents bought a car, we ____ our bicycles to school every day.

a used to be riding b used to riding c used to ride

5 During her vacation in Europe, Margaret visited museums, went shopping, and ____ a lot of interesting

a met b was meeting c had met

6 John ____ me three times already this morning, and I’ve only been at work for an hour.

a phoned b had phoned c ’s phoned

7 How long has Mrs. Ortiz been ____?

a having that apartment b owning that house c living here

8 Barbara has been pursuing a career in architecture ____ she graduated in May.

a since b when c until

9 ‘You don’t know where Karen is, ____?’ ‘Sorry, I have no idea.’

a is she b do you c don’t you

10 After the rain ____, I’m going to sweep the front porch.

a stop b stopping c stops

11 When I ____ the book, I’ll return it to the library.

a will finish b finish c am finishing

12 I wish ____ nearer. Then we could meet more often.

a I lived b I would live c living

13 ‘What ____ to do after university?’ ‘I’d like to get a job in publishing.’

a will you hope b are you hope c do you hope

14 You ____ smoke in this part of the restaurant. There’s a No Smoking sign!

a mustn’t b needn’t c don’t have to smoke

15 That was a long journey. You ____ exhausted!

a have to be b can be c must be

16 I ____ have listened to your advice and started out before the rush hour.

a must b had better c ought to

17 That fire could ____ the whole building yesterday.

a have burned down b have burn down c burned down

18 Because she studied hard, Sabrina shouldn’t have failed her exam but she ____.

a was b did c should

19 If you ____ to sign up for the course, you’ll need to fill out this form.

a want b will want c wanted

20 Look at those clouds. It’ll be amazing ____ have heavy rain before long.

a unless not b if don’t we c if we don’t

21 I’d like to learn to play a musical instrument if I ____ more time.

a will have b had c would have

22 If I ____ to the disco last Saturday, I wouldn’t have met Liz.

a haven’t gone b hadn’t gone c didn’t go

23 I can’t buy a present for Mum ____ you lend me some money.

a unless b when c if

24 All students ____ English and Math 101.

a require to take b are required taking c are required to take

25 We’re pleased to inform you that your application ____.

a accepted b has accepted c has been accepted

26 My new DVD player ____ next week.

a will repair b will be repaired c will being repaired

27 The rich newlyweds bought a beautiful new home and ____ installed.

a a pool was b their pool was c had a pool

28 The opening of the new freeway has made traffic conditions in the city____.

a better b more good c the better

29 It wasn’t the ____ holiday I’ve ever had, but it was certainly the ____.

a most cheap, relaxing b cheapest, most relaxing c cheapest, much relaxing

30 Some people in the factory were found to be earning ____ a dollar a day.

a so little as b as little as c as few as

31 Sue is 1.34 metres tall and Jill is 1.80 metres tall. Jill is ____ taller than Sue.

a little b more c by far

32 She said she ____ anything like that before.

a hadn’t seen b didn’t see c wasn’t seeing

33 The minister was asked what ____ to do about inner city crime.

a did he intend b he did intend c he intended

34 In 1927, Belgian-born Georges Lemaitre published his explanation of the creation of the universe ____
became known as the Big Bang theory.

a when b which c what

35 I saw the children ____ parents are looking for a babysitter.

a whose b which c who their

36 Jim’s parents don’t let him ____ out late on weekdays.

a staying b stay c to stay

37 The student apologised ____ the professor ____ being late.

a to / for b to / of c for / of

38 I’m looking for yesterday’s newspaper. Did you throw it ____?

a out b back c away

39 Our neighbours made ____ noise last night that we couldn’t get a minute’s sleep.

a much b so much c too much

40 I wasn’t interested in the performance very much. ____.

a Neither was I b Nor I did c So I wasn’t

41 It’s still hot in here ____ the air-conditioning is turned up high.

a yet b even though c unless

42 Would you ____ picking me up from the airport?

a allow b mind c agree

43 When the famous pianist was a child, he was accustomed to ____ for several hours a day.

a practice b practiced c practicing

44 It was essential that we ____ the lease before the end of the month.

a sign b signed c had signed

45 The young couple liked to buy, redecorate, and ____ older homes for a profit.

a to resell b resell c reselling

46 Please turn the TV ____ a little, it’s very loud.

a off b down c. up

47 There will be an hour ____ before we’ll be boarding the plane.

a cancel b approach c delay

48 I am horrified by the way ____ seems to be taking over the planet.

a fast food b sweet meals c foreign food

49 Car pooling is one way to help reduce the negative ____ of cars on the environment.

a decline b impact c increase

50 If children are ____ of love and security they may have problems in later life.

a supplied b ensured c deprived

51 Nurses receive ____ regarding the protocol to follow when certain medical situations arise.

a training b certificates c lessons

52 Sometimes a piece of music can ____ very strong memories and emotions.

a evoke b enhance c provoke

53 Will robots in the home ____ us from having to do the housework soon?

a envision b allow c liberate

54 He ____ since he lost his job.

a has been feeling bad b is feeling badly c was feeling bad

55 John remembered his parents’ anniversary and ____.

a sent to them flowers b sent them some flowers c to them sent flowers

56 A: Have you heard? Sandra sold her flat and bought a houseboat.

B: ____

a What she did? b She did what? c Did she what?

57 A: She could have applied for the scholarship.

B: ____

a Why didn’t she? b When did she apply? c I’m glad that she did.
58 A: I heard that Paul is in Paris.

B: ____. I saw him an hour ago.

a That must be true b That might be true c That can’t be true

59 A: Where is Derek?

B: ____ some stamps.

a He stopped buying b He stopped to buy c He’d better get

60 A: Would you mind if I had another slice of that apple pie?

B: ____

a No, of course not. b Yes, help yourself. c No, thanks. I’m not hungry.

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