Pand D 2 Booklet 2

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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 2

Name: __________________
Group: __________________
Date: ________

AC 2.1 Describe THREE stereotypes outlining positive and negative factors of each.

Stereotype 1:

People feel that a woman needs a man to support her.

Positive factors:

A positive factor of this is women can use this to their advantage for example if she
does not want to change a tire. A woman may also feel in powered when she proves
she can stand on her own without a man.

Negative factors:

A negative factor to this is that society can see a female as in superior to a male and
therefore are treated differently. For example, if a female has a stereotypical man’s job
like an engineer they may laughed at by other men in their field.

Stereotype 2:

A stereotype society has is that all Chinse people are very smart.
Positive factors:

All people just assume their smart and compliment them on it with is nice thing and can
boost a person’s conference. Its good to acknowledge people’s success.

Negative factors:

Chinse people could feel pressured to keep up with this stereotype. They may also like
an outsider if they are not smart or people may frown on them.
Stereotype 3:

The final stereotype is all people with blonde hair are dumb.

Positive factors:

People who have blonde hair and are smart prove society and the stereotype wrong.
Being underestimated can drive people to work harder.

Negative factors:

The bad thing about this stereotype is that people should not be judged on what hair
colour they have or been linked to a certain chartist.

Learner signature: ____________________________________ Date:__________________

Assessor signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________

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