Part 3 Open Energy Management

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Management &

Ziemowit Iwanski

Grupa Uczelni Vistula

Praktyczna wiedza. Biznesowe podejście. Globalne możliwości.
Energy Management &
Part 1. Energy Resources & Scarcity of
Part 2. Power Generation Technologies
– fossil fuels.
Part 3. Renewable Energy, Sustainable
Energy Mix & Decarbonization.
Part 4. Energy Management &
Ziemowit Iwanski
Grupa Uczelni Vistula
Praktyczna wiedza. Biznesowe podejście. Globalne możliwości.
Part 3. Renewable Energy,
Sustainable Energy Mix &

 Zero Emission Power Generation -

Technologies Overview.

 Sustainable Energy Mix

 Decarbonization Issues.

Grupa Uczelni Vistula

Praktyczna wiedza. Biznesowe podejście. Globalne możliwości.
Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

Sustainable energy mix and seamless power supply.

 Up to date power generation for next decades


 Optimal use of local energy resources.

 Modern power transmission and distribution

 Flexible power generation, transmission, distribution

and supply.

 Distributed power in Block Chain operational control.

 Imagine before decide.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 2
- Power Generation Technologies – fossil fuels

Diversification of technologies is necessary…taking under consideration all of above.



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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
To answer above questions we need to understand up to date status of different power generation technologies.
We will discuss in detail each zero emission power generation technology, assessing its advantages and indicating
disadvantages, from technical and environmental but as well Economic points of view.

There are going to be indicated ways of development in short and mid term for different zero emission power
generation technologies.
In regard to the operational flexibility there will be given special attention to the operational conditions, restrictions
and advantages from operation in the power grid system. Technical, but as well Economic constraints and
advantages typical to different technologies.

There will be discussed life time and associated service costs of different technologies. There are as well Available
date on technology upgrade possibilities to be updated in the future. In detail discussed will be different countries
energy mix and their way to achieve its sustainability.

In the end of this Part we will discuss possible approaches to energy decarbonization, technologies and future.

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Economics of Power Generation - Energy Generation - Challenges and
Directions of Development

Diversification of technologies is necessary…

HYDRO Power Plants:

• Siting & Hydrology

GAS • Pumping & Storage

• Location constraints


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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Oldest from all renewable energy power generation
technologies, however not most favorite one.

It requires large water flow or reservoir capacities.

It requires reshaping natural environment when artificial
reservoirs are build.

Biggest in world power plants are hydro power plants.

First Hydro power plants vere built in half of XIX century.

Types of hydro power plants (HPP) are following:
• Flow hydroelectric plants – damming rivers (biggest > 20
GW Electric capacity).
• Flow hydroelectric plants – without dams, uses natural
flow of water.
• Pumping – storage – using two water reservoirs on
different ground level.
• Tidal hydroelectric power plants – uses sea tides.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Pelton type hydro turbine. Build on Francis type hydro turbine. Used
principle of the mil wheel. Used in fall down mainly for power generation, both in
H>50m. As well when Francis type is not water fall down conditions but as well
efficient due to the long entry channels. in pumping storage hydro power
plants. Can be used at fall > 100m.

Kaplan type hydro turbine. Propeller type Deriaz type hydro turbine. Similar to
turbine, used for water falls from 1,5 to Francis turbine, different with option
80m. At higher fall – danger of cavitation on of movable blades. Used for water
blades. Movable blades allow power output falls from 13 to 300 m. Can be used
regulation. Maximum capacity for single for pumping storage applications.
turbine 180 MW.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Biggest Hydro Power Plants are built
in China – HPP of Three Gorges –
22,5 GW Electric capacity from 32
hydro generators. There is high
intensity of hyro power generation in
Kanada, Scandinavia, Brasil and in
African countries with large rivers.
Hydro power plants of pumping
storage type are good candidates for
natural high capacity energy
storages used to take off excess of
electric power from the grid when
demand and price of electricity are
low to drive hydro turbines in
pumping regime and elevate water
for further use when demand and
price of electricity is elevated. They
can as well store excess of
renewable energy in the grid.

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Economics of Power Generation - Energy Generation - Challenges and
Directions of Development

Diversification of technologies is necessary…

Nuclear Energy:

• Safety
GAS BIOGAS WIND • Reliability
SOLAR& Availability
• Investment Costs


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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Leaders in number of
operating nuclear power
plants (NPPs) and installed
capacity in nuclear power
plants are actually USA,
France, Russia, South
Korea and China.
Japan is not included since
after Fukushima they
stopped most of existing

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

Different is share of energy

generated in NPPs in different
countries. Here leaders are:
France, Slovakia, Hungary,(where
share of nuclear energy is over
50%), Ukraine, Belgium, Sweden,
(where share of nuclear energy in
total energy generation is over

Most dynamic development of NPP

is actually in China – planned
installation of 50 GW in next 25
years, in India – planned
construction of close to 20 GW
nuclear capacity.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

Most popular type of nuclear technology is one based on

Pressurized water reactors – PWRs used in USA –
Westinghouse, France – AREVA/Framatom, Russia –
ROSATOM, and licenced to South Korea and to China.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

Boiling Water Reactors BWRs are mostly used in USA,

Japan, Sweden and in Switzerland. They were not
licenced to China. They built their future advantage on
natural coolant circulation.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Development of modern NPPs
is targeting their Safety in any
of accidental situation. Design
and technical measures are
limiting probability of an
accident with melting nuclear
fuel as low as below of 3 E-7.

These are multiplied reactor

cooling systems, but as well
use of natural circulation and
gravity phenomena to protect
nuclear reactor core from
damage during potential severe
accidental situation.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

Reuse of spent nuclear fuel is future option for nuclear energy.

Using reactors operating on „fast neutrons” permits to eliminate
heavy residuals atoms in fission reaction. Reactors IV generation.
Such approach can limit necessary storage of nuclear heavy
wastes from 300 000 years down to 100 years storage.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

Diversification of technologies is necessary…


Renewable Energy: SOLAR CLEAN COAL

• Installed Capacity Factor

• Reliability & Availability
• Scale Factor

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Biogas – renewable fuel able to substitute
fossil fuels

Biogas …
• results from anaerobic fermentation of organic materials
• is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide
• serves as a high-energy, CO2-neutral fuel

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

Biogas installation can use bio components from

agriculture or from food industry.
Typical plant capacity is about 1 MW. It is an
attractive power generation solution for rural area
where energy is used for local industry, and there is
demand for power supply 24/24.

Ideal solution for distributed power and heat supply

to agricultural industry and local inhabitants.

Biomass is growing opportunity for decarbonization

of future fuels feedstock.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
It is very important to address biogas
productivity from different bio feedstock.
There is always need to balance bio
feedstock with its availability, cost and
biogas productivity from digesting the

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Wind energy onshore and offshore – biggest potential for renewable
energy mix

Power of the wind was used from very beginning in

human techniques,
Todays’ wind turbines are capable to transform 45% of
wind energy onto electric energy.

Average electric capacity of onshore wind turbine is of

2,4 MW, while today’ average capacity of offshore wind
turbine is 4 MW.
Capacity of offshore wind turbines is going to grow up to
15 MW per unit.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

During last 30 years power capacity of onshore wind

turbines grown up 60 Times from several kW in 1980
up to 3 MW today.

An average real power capacity of wind turbine is

equal to 16-18% of its installed capacity. Therefore 3
MW wind turbine has average power generation
capacity of 600 kW only.

To catch more wind towers of wind turbines are

growing up (optimal wind speed start from altitude of
120 m.) and accordingly span of rotor becomes
bigger – to have larger working surface and to react
on weaker wind speeds.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

There are two types

of wind turbines
construction, - with
gearbox and with
special single magnet
type generator –
which doesn’t require
costly gearbox use.

Reliability of wind
turbines is similar and
there is no big
difference in regard of
investment cost or of
operational service

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
In 2017 in Europe
were installed 3,1
GW of Electric
capacity in offshore
wind power plants,
mainly on the North
and Baltic Seas.
13 new deep water
floating units were
installed in Hvwind
Scotland in 2017.
Total installed
capapcity in
European offshore
energy is of 15,8
GW in 4000 wind
turbines and in 11

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
There is total
of 500 GW
capacity of
wind farms in
the world.

The lead in
capacity has
China and
USA, in
Europe it
belongs to
Germany and
to Spain.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Solar Energy

Solar energy radiation is reaching Earth surface with an

average energy of 180 W/m².

It results in average power generation from 600 kWh/m²

during an year in Scandinavia up to 2500 kWh/m² in Central

Solar energy which reaches surface of the Earth during six

months is equal to the entire energy of fossil fuels (coal,
crude oil, natural gas) and uranium geological deposits.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Growth of PV photovoltaic power
generation in coming years is in parallel
to the substantial drop in price of PV
cells from close to 10$ per watt in 1990
to 30 cents per watt in 2015.

Effectiveness of application depends

strongly of available solar energy and
length of solar day.
In case of Europe it pays back in
Southern European countries like Spain,
Greece and Italy. In case of Northern
part of Europe solar installations can be
used mostly as a part of distributed
power generation systems, which is
supported from power distribution
It is depicted below.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Renewable energy is currently most attractive one from environmental sustainability point of view.
We will discuss next zero emission technologies, renewable power generation and global industry decarbonization

Along with technology development and growth of demand its cost is diminishing so it became more and more
popular solution for emissions control in today’s world.
However each of renewable technology to be effectively used requires specific location conditions – high and
stable water flow – in case of hydro, big number of sunny days – in case of solar, flat area and stable winds – for
wind energy generation.

There exist as well geothermal technology – which needs specific techniques and geological resources and
conditions for application.
In rural areas biogas and biomass technologies can be readily used – however their role could be only local –
since units capacity are not big ones.
There is visible future for large sea wind farms and in case of southern countries – extensive use of solar power
generation units.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Sustainable energy mix – European leadership.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Development of power generation sector in China gives an excellent outlook on possible withdrawal from coal fired and hydro oriented
energy economy to the energy mix which can meet different customers needs with limited environmental emissions.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Decarbonization of industrial sector – the next frontier.
Industry also emits about 28 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, of which 90 percent are carbon dioxide (CO ) emissions.

Between 1990 and 2014, GHG emissions from major sectors such as buildings, power, and transport increased by 23 percent (0.9 percent
per year), while emissions from the industrial sector increased by 69 percent (2.2 percent per year).

Over the last decades, the outlines of energy transition pathways have emerged in the buildings, power and transport sectors. These have
been driven by technological breakthroughs and cost reduction. For industrial processes, such pathways are less well-defined.

The energy transition in industry should be viewed in the context of global trends that will impact the demand for and preferred production
routes of industrial products. There is an expected growth in resource demand, driven by an increase in middle class consumers of ~3
billion in the coming 20 years, as well as rapid urbanization.

From global perspective on the energy transition in industry, with a focus on reducing CO emissions from industrial processes in cement,

steel, ammonia, and ethylene production. It shows that decarbonization of industry is technically possible through a combination of technical
solutions, the optimum mix of which will vary widely between sectors and regions.
The long time horizons involved in building or retrofitting industrial sites mean that significant emission reductions can be achieved more
efficiently through investment and plans initiated now, with an eye on capitalizing on future developments.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
The industrial sector accounts for a significant share of global
GHG emissions. From 1990 to 2014, industry’s direct GHG
emissions increased about 70 percent, or 2.2 percent per year
on average. This was faster than global GHG emissions, which
increased by 30 percent, or 1.1 percent per year on average.
During the same period, industry’s economic output increased
slightly faster than its GHG emissions, resulting in a 5 percent
reduction of direct GHG emissions per unit of economic output
from 1995 to 2014.
Direct GHG emissions from industrial processes, along with
indirect GHG emissions resulting from the generation of
electricity used by industry, accounted for 28 percent
(~15 Gton CO2e) of global GHG emissions in 2014 (Exhibit 1)
CO₂comprised more than 90 percent (~10 Gton CO₂) of direct
GHG emissions from industrial processes in 2014. Less than 10
percent of industry’s direct emissions consist of GHGs other
than CO₂: methane (e.g., from black carbon production),
fluorinated gases (used in refrigeration), and nitrous oxide (e.g.,
from the production of glyoxylic acid and nitric acid).

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Cement, steel, ammonia, and ethylene are the industrial
commodities whose production generates almost 45
percent of industry’s direct and indirect CO₂emissions.
In these subsectors, about 45 percent of direct and indirect
CO₂emissions come from the processing of feedstocks.
Another 35 percent of direct and indirect CO₂emissions in
these subsectors come from fuels that are combusted to
generate high-temperature heat.
The remaining 20 percent of emissions from these
production processes are generated by other modes of
energy consumption.
Emissions from feedstock or fuel production and from the
handling of industrial products at end-of-life are not
included in direct or indirect industry emissions.
In other industrial sectors, about a third of energy used is
electricity, and the remainder of energy consumption is
mostly for low- and medium-temperature heat. The largest
of these in terms of energy consumption are: food and
tobacco; paper, pulp, and print; and nonferrous metals.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Coal is a major industrial fuel and feedstock

Coal is the source of a third of the energy used in industry

globally. It provides 70 percent of the energy used in steel
and cement production. In the steel sector, coal is used both
as a feedstock (reductant of iron ore to steel) and as a fuel
(e.g., for melting iron ore and producing on-site power).
In the cement sector, coal provides fuel for cement kilns and
on-site power production.

In the production of chemicals, most fuels are used as

feedstocks. Ethylene production consumes 18 EJ worth of
energy-carrier feedstocks per year, mostly in the form of
petroleum- or natural gas based products such as naphtha,
ethane, and LPG. Methanol and ammonia production takes
up 7 EJ worth of energy-carrier feedstocks per year, mostly
natural gas. (Exhibit 3)

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
A regional perspective on reducing industrial CO₂
Industry decarbonization will play out differently
in different regions. China will play a pivotal part
in the effort to reduce industrial emissions, as it
accounts for a large share of production and CO₂
emissions in the four focus sectors.
Producers in other countries, who rely more on
gas for heat production, produce 55 percent less
CO₂ emissions per unit of energy consumed for
China will remain the largest producer of
cement, steel, and ammonia, but its share of
global production will be smaller. China’s steel
and cement production is expected to decline
through 2050.
The largest increases in industrial production are
expected to occur in India and Africa.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Several technical and economical factors currently inhibit the
reduction of CO emissions in the focus sectors:

It is difficult to abate CO emissions from cement, steel, ammonia,


and ethylene production for four technical reasons: (Exhibit 5):

1. The processing of feedstocks generates about 45 percent of CO emissions 2

in the focus sectors. These emissions can only be reduced by changing

feedstocks or processes, rather than changing to low-carbon energy
2. These sectors have a large demand for high-temperature heat (in the focus
sectors the high temperature heat demand ranges from 700 °C to over
1,600 °C which generates 35 percent of CO emissions).

3. Given the deep integration of these industrial processes, any change to

one part of the process will have to be accompanied by changes to other
parts of the process.
4. Industrial production sites, especially in the four focus sectors, typically
have lifetimes exceeding 50 years, with regular maintenance.
5. Changes in the equipment or processes at existing sites require capital-
intensive rebuilds or retrofits, whereas new sites can more economically
implement these decarbonization measures.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization
Decarbonization options

Decarbonization options for the four focus sectors can be grouped into the following categories:
(Exhibit 6)

 Demand-side measures. Decreasing the demand for an industrial product should lead to lower production and CO2 emissions. For example, light-weighting
can reduce the demand for steel, and cement could be replaced by materials such as wood. In addition, increasing the circularity of products, e.g., by
increasing recycling or reuse of plastics and steel, would lessen CO2 emissions by reducing the production of virgin materials

 Energy-efficiency improvements. Increases in energy efficiency can economically cut fuel consumption for energy use by 15 to 20 percent across sectors.17
Potential gains in energy efficiency will differ between sectors and facilities. Generally speaking, developed regions will tend to be closer to the low end of that
range, and developing regions closer to the high end. Using less fossil energy to make industrial products will lower CO2 emissions.

 Electrification of heat. Emissions from the use of fossil fuels to generate heat can be abated by switching to furnaces, boilers, and heat pumps that run on
zero-carbon electricity. Electrifying heat can involve a change in the production processes. For example, to electrify ethylene production, companies need to
install both electric furnaces and electrically driven compressors.

 Hydrogen usage. Emissions from the consumption of fossil fuel for heat and emissions from certain feedstocks can be abated by changing them for zero-
carbon hydrogen. In this report it is assumed that hydrogen is generated by using zero-carbon electricity for the electrolysis of water. For example, ammonia
production can be decarbonized by replacing the natural gas feedstock with zero-carbon hydrogen.

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Energy Management & Strategies Part 3 – Literature & References
- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Mix & Decarbonization

1. Ziemowit Iwanski, Lectures & Presentations

2. Arnoout de Pee, Dickon Pinner, Occo

Roelofsen, Ken Somers, Eveline Speelman,
Maaike Witteveen; „Dekarbonization of
industrial sectors: next frontier”,
The McKinsey&Company June 2018

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Thank you for Energy Management &
your kind Strategies Part 3
attention By
Ziemowit Iwański

Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula

Szkoła Główna Turystyki i Rekreacji

ul. Stokłosy 3, 02-787 Warszawa

(wejście od stacji Metro Stokłosy)

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Grupa Uczelni Vistula

Praktyczna wiedza. Biznesowe podejście. Globalne możliwości.

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