#MDchat Twitter Chat Transcript For January 4, 2011

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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Tue Jan 04 17:45:00 PST 2011
To: Tue Jan 04 19:15:00 PST 2011

Learn more about #MDchat at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

HealthIsSocial On #MDchat tonight, one topic will be Open-sourcing cancer research. Any physicians,
researchers, others welcome to join. 9pm Eastern.
Tue Jan 4 17:47:25 PST 2011

MD_chat On #MDchat tonight, one topic will be Open-sourcing cancer research. Any physicians,
researchers, others welcome to join. 9pm Eastern.
Tue Jan 4 17:47:26 PST 2011

PhilBaumann On #MDchat tonight, one topic will be Open-sourcing cancer research. Any physicians,
researchers, others welcome to join. 9pm Eastern.
Tue Jan 4 17:47:26 PST 2011

jodyms Friends, there may be *more than usual* tweets as I tune in to #MDChat at 8 pm central.
Tue Jan 4 17:51:55 PST 2011

Abeeliever A post I wrote recently about #psychosomatic illness: http://bit.ly/e43wuP #mdchat #mhsm
Food for thought.
Tue Jan 4 17:59:11 PST 2011

EinsteinMed #mhealth right up there. RT @Callooh: The top 10 health stories of 2010 from the Harvard
Health Blog http://ow.ly/3ypgP #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:02:04 PST 2011

KathyKastner #MDchat Kathy, blogger of various health topics (but feel like that describes us all) health and
communication (of all sorts) Greetings.
Tue Jan 4 18:04:04 PST 2011

CrescendoCG Happy new year! Beth here - I work w/employees, pts, consumers to help them get more
involved w/ their health & healthcare. #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:05:38 PST 2011

EinsteinMed Hi everyone. Happy New Year. Paul Moniz, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:06:24 PST 2011

jodyms @MD_chat Still on Twitter:) #mdchat

Tue Jan 4 18:06:52 PST 2011
chukwumaonyeije Evening all. Chuck Onyeije Maternal-fetal Medicine, Atlanta #Mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:08:07 PST 2011

MD_chat T1 Open-Sourcing Cancer Research: Viable method of advancing knowledge & solving
problems? See http://bit.ly/fFIZn4 as example. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:08:08 PST 2011

westr Bob West, Syracuse, personalized medicine advocate; interested in that crowdsourcing
question. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:08:50 PST 2011

chukwumaonyeije T1. Short answer. Yes. Computing power changes everything. The formerly impractical is
possible. #Mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:11:02 PST 2011

MD_chat @chukwumaonyeije And beyond computing: how about the idea of inviting talent outside
medicine? "Outsiders" perspective. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:12:18 PST 2011

EllenRichter I like that answer! RT @chukwumaonyeije: Short answer. Yes. Computing power changes
everything. The formerly impractical is possible #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:12:24 PST 2011

westr T1 I think so. I feel crowdsourcing by a combined physician-patient community of large scale
is far more reliable than either alone #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:13:27 PST 2011

chukwumaonyeije @MD_Chat outsider perspective as well as rapid iteration of models and reevaluation of data
are now feasible. Not so 10 yrs ago #Mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:15:40 PST 2011

westr T1 I think patients need to be directly involved- equal partnership with Docs #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:15:49 PST 2011

MattMerg T1 There will probably be bias in the datasets. The highly motivated subset of patients will be
the ones reporting person-level data #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 18:16:43 PST 2011

westr Yep. Fully agree with that. RT @chukwumaonyeije: @MD_Chat outsider perspective & rapid
iteration of models and reevaluation... #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:17:41 PST 2011

MD_chat @MattMerg Good point. #MDchat

Tue Jan 4 18:18:18 PST 2011

Callooh Late to #MDchat Hello, all

Tue Jan 4 18:19:27 PST 2011
healthgist http://j.mp/d5Z8gi ? @Callooh Late to #MDchat Hello, all
Tue Jan 4 18:19:27 PST 2011

EinsteinMed T1: Impt 2 have objective person-level data on adherence to cancer meds, diet, phy. activity,
sleep, qual/life as article says. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:20:10 PST 2011

chukwumaonyeije @MattMerg: T1 There will probably be bias in the datasets. Open sourcing helps clean data
Tue Jan 4 18:21:55 PST 2011

jodyms @westr T1: I agree that patients can & should be involved..we encourage all to take intiative
to educate themselves & engage #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:22:00 PST 2011

mkmackey @MattMerg agree here is a perspective on crowdsourcing data from provider & patient views
http://bit.ly/fXAurC #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:22:43 PST 2011

a_singledrop Ooh #cancer! RT @MD_chat On #MDchat tonight, open-sourcing cancer research. Any
physicians, researchers&others welcome to join. 9pm Eastern.
Tue Jan 4 18:23:18 PST 2011

westr Welcome Dianne! Appreciate ur Quora contributions BTW. RT @Callooh: Late to #MDchat
Hello, all
Tue Jan 4 18:23:37 PST 2011

EllenRichter @mkmackey Nice link, thanks! Good read. Good points made on actively including patients!
http://bit.ly/fXAurC #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:25:00 PST 2011

Callooh Thanks! @westr #MDchat

Tue Jan 4 18:25:01 PST 2011

MD_chat T1 Follow up - Beyond patients & computation, is it possible that Cancer research needs an
entirely tradition-free analysis? #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:25:28 PST 2011

westr HUGE! RT @EinsteinMed: T1: Impt 2 have objective person-level data on adherence to
cancer meds, diet, phy. activity, sleep, ... #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:25:44 PST 2011

westr Link RT @mkmackey: @MattMerg agree here is a perspective on crowdsourcing data from
provider & patient views http://bit.ly/fXAurC #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:27:38 PST 2011

Callooh Crowdsourcing might also cause more attn to be paid to managing AEs (e.g., impetus for
developing tech like chemo cold caps) #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:27:45 PST 2011
westr A MUST. RT @EllenRichter: @mkmackey Nice link, thanks! Good points made on actively
including patients! http://bit.ly/fXAurC #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:28:44 PST 2011

MattMerg T1 Totally agree on this point. You need as many minds attending to the problem and as many
ideas flowing as possible. @MD_chat #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 18:30:00 PST 2011

westr Great questions tonight! RT @MD_chat: T1 Follow up - Is it possible that Cancer research needs
an entirely tradition-free analysis? #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:30:02 PST 2011

westr Beauty of Quora, in principle. RT @MD_chat: T1 Follow-up: Think Quora and Cancer. Anybody
can tackle a specific CA problem. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:31:31 PST 2011

westr That got by me. RT @Callooh: Crowdsourcing might also cause more attn to be paid to managing
AEs (e.g., impetus 4 developing tech.. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:32:53 PST 2011

MattMerg T1 And I think we could use crowdsourcing just as much in designing health policy as in scientific
research. #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 18:33:20 PST 2011

MD_chat @westr Yes - not so much Quora.com, but the idea of having a place of diverse minds tackling
problems in a vetting environ. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:33:42 PST 2011

MaverickNY Cancer research is changing all the time but biggest single need I see is 4 improved education of
community oncologist in monitoring #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:35:20 PST 2011

EllenRichter Good point worth recommending to policywriters! RT @MattMerg T1 I think we could use
crowdsourcing in designing health policy #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:36:03 PST 2011

westr @MD_chat Sure, just saw a report of that today on Xconomy. #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:36:07 PST 2011

westr !! RT @MD_chat: RT @MattMerg: T1 think we could use crowdsourcing just as much in

designing health policy as in scientific research. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:36:59 PST 2011

MD_chat @MaverickNY What are biggest limiting agents (weaknesses) in oncologist monitoring? #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:37:20 PST 2011

MattMerg T1 In case you missed:A video-game that crowd-sources human brain power to fold proteins
http://goo.gl/cQUWE and http://goo.gl/PNVFZ #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 18:38:03 PST 2011
westr @MaverickNY your baby! #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:38:10 PST 2011

mkmackey @MaverickNY quality standards can be difficult with multiple sites #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:38:18 PST 2011

Callooh The BreakthroughsToCures game was a novel approach, a game to get ppl to dev/ ideas for
spding up drug disc http://bit.ly/eunayR #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:38:21 PST 2011

EllenRichter What an interesting concept! I imagine many uses! Thanks for that link! RT @Callooh: The
BreakthroughsTo Cures http://bit.ly/eunayR #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:42:07 PST 2011

westr Cool! RT @Callooh: BreakthroughsToCures game: novel approach to get ppl to dev/ ideas for
spding up drug disc http://bit.ly/eunayR #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:42:12 PST 2011

MaverickNY @mkmackey so true, yet EU ahead in this with standardisation on international standards IS
Tue Jan 4 18:42:34 PST 2011

healthpolicygrp Interesting article. I would be curious to learn what he cancer registry folks had to say. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:42:49 PST 2011

healthpolicygrp Interesting article. I would be curious to learn what cancer registry folks had to say. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:43:49 PST 2011

mkmackey @MaverickNY have you been involved in studies that involve crowdsourcing with patients?
Tue Jan 4 18:44:45 PST 2011

MattMerg T1 Along the same lines, a good TED talk on the concept of harnessing games to solve problems
#MDChat http://on.ted.com/8oPy
Tue Jan 4 18:45:17 PST 2011

Callooh Another way to approach crowdsourcing issue is if pharm wld consider advisory boards that
included both docs & patients #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:45:50 PST 2011

MaverickNY lovely post RT @cure_magazine: Guest Blog from @jodyms : Top 10 cancer stories of 2010
http://bit.ly/f1ZSne #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:47:41 PST 2011

westr Saving all ur links! RT @MattMerg: T1 a good TED talk on the concept of harnessing games to
solve problems #MDChat http://on.ted.com/8oPy
Tue Jan 4 18:47:48 PST 2011
westr Has it ever been considered?? RT @Callooh: Also, if pharm wld consider advisory boards that
included both docs & patients #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:49:19 PST 2011

westr TY! RT @MaverickNY: lovely post RT @cure_magazine: Guest Blog from @jodyms : Top 10
cancer stories of 2010 http://bit.ly/f1ZSne #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:50:37 PST 2011

mkmackey @MaverickNY thanks. #mdchat

Tue Jan 4 18:50:42 PST 2011

MaverickNY @westr @Callooh they have been done, but some docs uncomfortable #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:51:22 PST 2011

EllenRichter T1 Would there be better cooperation, teamwork if all sides participate together in
crowdsourcing? ie: MDs, pharma, patients, etc #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:51:47 PST 2011

healthpolicygrp I do not see in this brief article how poor patient outcomes due to lack of access to timely,
appropriate care are transformed #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:52:49 PST 2011

westr @healthpolicygrp no big deal. See Patientslike me vid I posted today. 80K patients revealling all
Tue Jan 4 18:53:23 PST 2011

MaverickNY @mkmackey I have been involved with a situation where we crowdsourced solutions w/ docs and
patients over drug supply issues #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:54:55 PST 2011

teamoncology Yes! RT @MaverickNY biggest single need I C is 4 improved education of community oncologist
in monitoring #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:55:19 PST 2011

GailZahtz I stink at lurking...put me in to agree with everything @westr said. IMHO the key is physicians & e-
patients creating solutions #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 18:55:35 PST 2011

s_eller Interesting comments coming from @EllenRichter & @MattMerg from #MDchat -may have to
participate instead of lurk next time ;)
Tue Jan 4 18:55:49 PST 2011

EllenRichter @westr Do you have a link to that video you just talked about? I dont see the original tweet in my
quick look at your homepage #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:55:56 PST 2011

healthpolicygrp There are certainly invaluable exemplars of longitudinal studies eg Washington Coutny; Nurses
Study which may provide guidance #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:56:20 PST 2011
MD_chat @s_eller By all means :) #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 18:56:44 PST 2011

MattMerg @healthpolicygrp I think the hope is that the data might turn up diet, sleep, and/or behaviors that
modulate the pharm treatment #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 18:58:36 PST 2011

westr @EllenRichter on my iPhone now, but can send tomorrow, or just Google patientslikeme and you
should spot the vid. Let me know! #mdchat
Tue Jan 4 18:59:11 PST 2011

healthpolicygrp Hi @westr. Opt in w/ transparency is awesome. 80K!!!! Wow. Not clear that this is the proposed
protocol #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:00:44 PST 2011

MattMerg Maybe the effects would be mild, but in theory, the stat. power from the larger patient numbers
might do the trick @healthpolicygrp #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 19:00:46 PST 2011

Callooh Also know that QOL studies are difficult to do yet might make an imp difference if we had that
data for more treatments #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:01:20 PST 2011

westr @MaverickNY was it successful? #mdchat

Tue Jan 4 19:01:24 PST 2011

GailZahtz @healthpolicygrp Could you explain more on what you meant by "this is not the proposed
protocol"? Thanks. #MDChat
Tue Jan 4 19:01:52 PST 2011

westr Time to design new protocols! RT @healthpolicygrp: Hi @westr. 80K!!!! Wow. Not clear that this
is the proposed protocol #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:03:11 PST 2011

Callooh Need to consider crowdsourcing at diff times: screening, diagnosis, treatment (and during
progression) to understand diff nds #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:04:17 PST 2011

EllenRichter Is it this? @westr "YouTube - A Year in Review with PatientsLikeMe: The Patient Experience
(2010)" http://j.mp/fDslXf #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:05:05 PST 2011

westr Yes. RT @EllenRichter: Is it this? A Year in Review with PatientsLikeMe: The Patient Experience
(2010)" http://j.mp/fDslXf #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:05:51 PST 2011

healthpolicygrp Thx @MattMerg. Perhaps... It is fair to say I am not 2000% convinced. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:07:51 PST 2011
westr Parting thoughts; immensely important topic ripe for exploration by many different groups of
investigators. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:08:00 PST 2011

Callooh Some #seriousgames resources, if folks are interested; the mix includes games for health
http://bit.ly/hqwHTj #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:08:03 PST 2011

healthpolicygrp Advances in technologies + an environment of Patient/Family/Community/Providers as partners +

access would/ *will* be Transforming. #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:09:40 PST 2011

westr More parting thoughts: I would be elated to participate in so bold an endeavor as crowdsourcing
disease #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:10:50 PST 2011

EllenRichter Very interesting. This is all new to me! RT @Callooh: Some #seriousgames resources includes
games for health http://bit.ly/hqwHTj #MDchat
Tue Jan 4 19:11:06 PST 2011

westr Great topic; great chat! Good night all. #MDchat

Tue Jan 4 19:13:38 PST 2011

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