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Hello, I am Rebecca waterson and this is quarantine days. The show
where we look at and discuss members of the publics lives during
COVID-19. Today on the show we are going to be looking at Aoife
Fullerton a 17-year-old from Draperstown in Co. Derry if it works in
the shop and we are going to be asking her Questions on how her life
has changed. Hello, Aoife, how are you?
Hi Rebecca, I'm good.
How is your life change due to COVID-19?
My life has changed a lot my social life, my school life, my work life
and in general my everyday life. The hardest thing of it all is not
being able to see my family and Friends.
Do you ever think you're putting your family at risk due to working in
a shop and being in contact with the public?
I am very scared that working in the shop and being in contact with
the public might result in me catching COVID-19 and spreading it to
my family. It's a very horrible thought,
How do you follow the rules on social distancing in a shop?
In the shop for social distancing we have markets on the floor to
keep the customers two metres apart. We have queues outside the
shop so that only so many customers can come in at the same time,
a shop assistant for wipe each customer trolley make sure that they
have their hands on the taste or wearing gloves. All the workers have
to wear gloves and masks all the time, we also have to stay 2 metres
apart from other workers and their only three people allowed on an
aisle at a time. There are screens put up at the till to prevent
customer from having contact with the workers. The shop has also
introduced workers starting at 5:00 o'clock in the morning. I normally
do this shift, so I work up at 3.45 and get my breakfast do my
morning routine. I have to work we normally have to start work at 5
minutes early, so I get to work to work 5 minutes before my shift and
then I start my shift. The reason why we do this is because it helps
the other workers starting at 8 o'clock because we pack out the
shelfs u for them because we are low on stock due to people
stocking up on foods an essential items. When doing this we saver
time for the workers going in at 8 and no customers are in the way,
so this is better for social distancing. The shift is from 5 to finish so
we start at 5 and we be there 5 minutes early and we work till finish
which is the time the manager tells us to home. So, I normally finish
at half 9 and when I come home, I sleep and do my tech work.
How is your school life affected by COVID19?
I'm a student at North West regional college and I studied creative
media studies with film because of COVID-19 we can't go out in film
stuff with her camera or use the equipment that the tech provides
us. So we mostly have to do theory stuff at the house. We have zoom
calls. But it is a real is a struggle not being able to see my friends or
not being able to have face to face contact with the lectures for help.
But I am managing and I'm trying my best to get it all done. Thank
you for having me Rebecca.
That is all for me Rebecca.

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