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Genetically modified organism (GMO)

Genetic engineering is a transplant of one gene to an other gone both between genes and
gene cross to produce a useful product for living organism. At first, genetic engineering was
only conducted on plant to solve the food’s lack for world population, and it does not only
apply to the plants and animals are similar in its development, but it has evolved in humans and
cross types. The basic principle of genetic engineering technology is manipulating the
composition changes of the nucleic acid of DNA or tucking new genes into the DNA structure of
the recipient organism can be derived from the other organism. The deployment and use of
genetically modefied organism have been inviting society’s controversy. In this paper there are
some GMO controversies from various factors. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be
defined as organism (i.e. plants, animals, or microorganisms) in which the genetic material
(DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural
recombination. Foods produced from or using GM organisms are often referred to as GM foods.
For example health,economic,religious,environmental,and other factors.

Health aspects
I disagree with GMO because many GMO foods use microorganism as donor with the
potential to cause allergies. Based on information it is thought that there is not yet one study
guarantee genetically modified food 100 percent safe for consumption. And also that gene
engineering might change the nutritional value or nutrition in that food. According to the
center for food supply, A US-Based nonprofit organization, “Each genetic Insertion creates the
added possibility that formerly nontoxic elements in the food could become toxic”. It is based
on health aspects.

Economic aspects
The negative impact for farmers in particural is very detrimental to them because non-GMO
farmers are unable to increase productivity that is more profitable. It is well-known result in
economics that, in the perfectly competitive market of agriculture, the higher profits earned by
farmers in the short run will eventually pass to consumers, causing farmers to make less money
in the long run. Problems also arise with the ecological impact of genetically modified corps.

Religious aspects
Next from religious factors, In my religion we are required to choose good foods. In the Al-
Qur’an in surah Al-Baqarah verse 168 the meaning : “O mankind Eat of that which is lawful and
wholesome in the earth, and follow not the footsteps of the devil.Indeed, he is to you a clear
enemy”. It was stated clearly that muslims must choose good food. Muslim community groups
in Indonesia as the majority group has a requirement that requires the food consumed is halal.
So it becomes very important to include information about the contents of a GMO food
products. For that we need a clear machanism for monitoring the GMO content in circulation.

Environmental aspects
Now it has been found that GMO crops can damage the environment because they can the
ecosystem. For example it can cause super pests or weeds in the environment and the
uncontrolled transfer of genes from transgenic plants to other plants in nature through
pollination. GMO also results in loss of biodiversity. This can happen one of them through gene

I think people’s opinions are different, but here i give a view of the negative aspects of GMO
and i contra GMO. We better consume foods that are natural non-GMO. And must be smart in
choosing healthy foods because health is expensive.

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