Cement and Concrete Composites: Rajab Abousnina, Allan Manalo, Weena Lokuge, Zuhua Zhang

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Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

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Cement and Concrete Composites

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Effects of light crude oil contamination on the physical and mechanical T

properties of geopolymer cement mortar
Rajab Abousnina, Allan Manalo∗, Weena Lokuge, Zuhua Zhang
Centre for Future Materials, School of Civil Engineering and Surveying, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350, Australia


Keywords: Fly ash and oil contaminated sand are considered as the two waste materials that may affect environment. This
Geopolymer paper investigated the suitability of producing geopolymer cement mortar using oil contaminated sand. A
Cement mortar comparison between physical and mechanical properties of mortar produced using geopolymer and Ordinary
Strength Portland Cement (OPC), in terms of porosity, hydration and compressive strength, was conducted. The results
showed that heat curing can increase the compressive strength of geopolymer mortar up to 54% compared to
Oil contaminated sand
ambient curing situation. The geopolymer mortar with 1% of light crude oil contamination yielded a 20% higher
compressive strength than OPC mortar containing sand with a saturated surface dry condition. Furthermore, the
formation of efflorescence decreased as the level of oil contamination decreased. Moreover, the heat curing
method increased the kinetic energy and degree of reaction for geopolymer cement mortar, which cause an
increment of the density of the pore system and improving the mechanical properties of the resulting composites.
From the results of this study, it was demonstrated that geopolymer mortar has the potential of utilizing oil
contaminated sand, and reducing its environmental impacts.

1. Introduction revealed that the oil acted like a chemical plasticizer and improved the
fluidity and doubled the slump of the concrete mix, while maintaining
There is growing public concern about the wide variety of toxic its compressive strength. A similar study was conducted by Mindess and
organic chemicals that are either deliberately or inadvertently being Young [10] where engine oil was added to a fresh concrete mix and
introduced into the environment. Petroleum hydrocarbons are a found that its effect was similar to adding an air-entraining chemical
common example of these chemicals because they enter the environ- admixture that enhanced some of the durability properties of concrete.
ment frequently, in large volumes, and in a variety of ways. Leakage Additionally, the potential use of soil contaminated with petroleum in
from natural deposits is one of the major ways that crude oil affects the highway construction was investigated by Hassan et al. [11], and they
environment [1] Co-produced water associated with the production of concluded that it could be used for this purpose. Recent study by Ajagbe
oil and gas is also another source of oil contaminated sand [2–4]. In- et al. [3] investigated the effect of crude oil on compressive strength of
tentionally or accidentally, oil spill contamination has detrimental ef- concrete, and concluded that 18–90% of its compressive strength was
fects on the properties of the surrounding soil and changes its physical lost due to 2.5–25% contamination with crude oil. Abdul Ahad [12]
and chemical properties [2]. To minimise its effect on the environment, indicated there was a significant reduction in the compressive strength
methods of remediation ranging from sand washing, bio-remediation, and about 11% reduction in the splitting-tensile strength of concrete
electro-kinetic sand remediation, and thermal desorption have been soaked in crude oil.
implemented, but are not considered to be cost effective [5]. One al- Geopolymer is a combination of reactive material that is rich in
ternative method of remediation is using contaminated sand for en- silica and alumina, with alkaline liquid [13]. This material has been
gineering applications. Some researchers have already investigated the studied widely and shown to be a promising green substitute for or-
use of sand contaminated with oil in road base materials or topping dinary Portland cement in some applications. It is reported that geo-
layers in parking areas [6–8]. Furthermore, several studies investigated polymer concrete has good engineering properties [14–17] and it re-
how oil contaminated sand would affect the mechanical properties of duces the potential for global warming as a result of its ability to
concrete; for example, how used engine oil affect the properties of replace ordinary Portland cement [18,19]. Geopolymer concrete was
fresh, hardened and reinforced concrete [9]. These investigations developed as a result of research into heat resistant materials after a

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: manalo@usq.edu.au (A. Manalo).

Received 7 May 2017; Received in revised form 27 February 2018; Accepted 3 April 2018
Available online 04 April 2018
0958-9465/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

series of catastrophic fires [20], and it has the advantage of not using Table 2
any Portland cement in its production. Geopolymer research has shifted Chemical composition of fly ash (%).
from being in the field of chemistry to engineering applications and Element SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2 O SO3
commercial production. Furthermore, the use of fly ash has further
environmental advantages because the volume of fly ash produced Percentage (%) 51.8 24.4 9.62 4.37 1.5 0.34 1.41 0.26
annually is too high compared to the percentage utilised in a beneficial
way. For instance in Australia 14.5 million tonnes of fly ash was pro-
duced, of which only 2.3 million tonnes were utilised in useful appli- Table 3
Properties of sodium silicate solution.
cations, mainly as a partial replacement for Portland cement [17,21].
The improvement of geopolymer technology and applications will lead Property Value
to a broader utilisation of fly ash, as the use of fly ash in concrete and
Composition Sodium oxide, (Na2O) 14.7 (%)
other building materials has been observed over the last 15 years. Silicon dioxide, (SiO2) 29.4 (%)
In order to provide a more cost effective solution, oil contaminated Water 55.9 (%)
sand can be combined with cement binder that come from industrial Specific gravity of solution 1.52
waste like geopolymer concrete. Currently, most of the studies focused PH value 11 to 13
Odour No odour
on combining oil contaminated sand with Portland cement in order to
Solubility in water Completely soluble
provide a better and more cost effective remediation method. However,
the effect of crude oil on the properties of geopolymer and cement
mortar such as strength, hydration, polarisation, and porosity is still composition, while crystalline material accounts for the difference [26].
unknown. This study aimed at investigating a new concept for utilizing The last author has studied the preparation of Millmerran fly ash for
the contaminated sand in geopolymer concrete which appears to be the many years, and the design of the composition of these materials were
first study in this research area. reported in Refs. [27,28].

2. Experimental program 2.3. Alkaline liquid

2.1. Oil contaminated sand A combination of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) solutions was used as the alkaline liquid.
Air dry fine sand was used because of its similarity to the sand in the
Libyan Desert where the first author originated. The Particle Size 2.3.1. Sodium silicate solution
Distribution (PSD) of the sand was determined following AS-1141-2011 The sodium silicate solution was obtained from PQ Australia. This
[22]. The PSD test showed that the maximum grain size of the sand solution is recommended for use as a detergent ingredient, adhesive,
particle is less than 2.36 mm. Mineral Fork w2.5 motor cycle oil was binder, feedstock silica source or industrial raw material. Some of its
used to contaminate the sand as this oil has a density and viscosity very important properties of the solution are tabulated in Table 3.
similar to that of light crude oil as shown in Table 1. The samples were
prepared by mixing the dry sand with eight different percentages of 2.3.2. Sodium hydroxide solution
light crude oil (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% by the weight). In addition, The sodium hydroxide solution was prepared in the laboratory by
uncontaminated (0%) sand was used as a control sample. The sand was dissolving sodium hydroxide pellets in water. Its specific gravity de-
mixed manually with the oil and was placed inside a plastic container pended on its concentration expressed by the term molar (M).
for 72 h to allow the mixture to attain a homogenous condition. The Generally, the concentration for making geopolymer concrete varies
effect of curing methods on the compressive strength of geopolymer from 8M to 16M. A previous study, conducted by Hardjito and Rangan
mortar using fine sand with different levels of light crude oil con- [29], measured the mass of the NaOH solid by using a different con-
tamination (0, 1 and 10%) was investigated first. These percentages centration. Based on their investigation, an 8M solution contains 262g
were selected based on the results of the preliminary investigation on of NaOH solid per kg of solution while 10M, 12M, 14M, and 16M
the mechanical properties of fine sand contaminated with light crude contain 314g, 361g, 404g, and 444g, respectively. Thus, the specific
oil [23]. Zero oil percentage represents the control sample, 1% re- gravity of the NaOH solution can be calculated; for instance, the actual
presents the optimum shear strength and the optimum compressive weight of a 1 L, 12M solution is (12 × 40 × 1000)/361 = 1329.6 g,
strength conducted using Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and the where 40 is the molecular weight of the NaOH, and its specific gravity is
10% represents the highest percentage of crude oil contamination at- 1329.6/1000 = 1.10. In this study, a 10M solution was prepared. This
tained a comparable result to control sample (0%). molarity was selected based on initial trials comparing 10M and 13M,
where a 30% higher compressive strength was achieved for 10M than
2.2. Fly ash 13 M. The properties of the Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are given in
Table 4.
The fly ash used in this study was Type F (low calcium) fly ash of
approximately 15 μm. It was sourced from Pozzolanic Millmerran, 2.4. Mix design
Queensland, Australia. The chemical composition of the fly ashes is
given in Table 2, and its packing density was found to be 1100 kg/m3. The mixing was performed manually in the laboratory using
Generally, amorphous material accounts for 60%–90% of bulk fly ash Kitchenaid mini mixer (mono phase 5lt). The samples were prepared by

Table 1 Table 4
Comparison between light crude oil and Fork w2.5 Motorcycle oil [24,25]. Properties of sodium hydroxide solution.
Specifications Light crude oil Fork w2.5 Motorcycle oils Ref. Properties Value

Density (kg/L) 0.825 0.827 [24–26] Compositions (10 M solution) Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solid 36.1 (%)
Viscosity (mm2/s) 5.96 6.74 Water 63.9 (%)
Temperature (°C) 40 40 Specific gravity, (10 M solution) 1.10

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

Fig. 1. Heat transfer test.

mixing the dry sand with nine different percentages of light crude oil Three 50 × 100 mm size cylinders were tested from every mix which
(0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% by the weight). In addition, uncontaminated represents the crude oil contamination from 0% up to 10%. Testing was
(0%) sand was prepared as a control sample. The oil was mixed conducted according to AS 1012 (1999). The load was applied using a
manually with the dry sand and then the samples were placed inside a 100 kN MTS machine at a constant cross head speed of 1 mm/min. The
plastic container for 72 h to allow the mixture to attain a homogenous compressive strength was calculated by dividing the load by the cross
condition. A lid was placed on the plastic container to prevent the crude section area of the specimens. The failure mechanisms of each specimen
oil from evaporating from the sand. Wettability of the sand vary from 0 were also observed and recorded.
up to 10% of crude oil contamination. In this study the effect of SSD was
investigated especially with 0–1% of crude oil contamination because 2.7. Isothermal calorimetry
from 2% and above the wettability is quite high and the saturated
surface dry condition was achieved. Fly ash was then added to the fine In order to investigate the effect of crude oil on the hydration, the
sand and mixed for around 2 min. Alkaline solutions were prepared by polarisation process Isothermal calorimetry was used. The isothermal
mixing the sodium hydroxide and the sodium silicate solutions at least calorimetry is a useful technique to study the hydration of a cementi-
one day before mortar mixing and were gradually added to the solids tious system [32], particularly during the first 48 h of hydration. This
and mixed for another 2 min. The composition of the geopolymer device has the advantage of being able to test a material at a specific
mortar was in accordance with AS 2350.12 2006 with mix proportions temperature. Typically, isothermal calorimetry is used to investigate
of 1:3:0.5. One part of fly ash and three parts of sand at a fixed fly ash to the major thermal peak that occurs during the acceleration phase of the
alkaline solution ratio of 0.5. This mix design was comparable to our hydration process. The experiments were carried out based on ASTM C
previous study on cement mortar containing fine sand contaminated 1679. The pastes were mixed externally and loaded into the isothermal
with light crude oil [30,31]. The fresh mortar was cast and compacted calorimeter. The time elapsed between the instant the activating solu-
by the method normally used for Portland cement mortar/concrete. tion was added to the powder, and the paste loaded into the calori-
Plastic moulds (50 mm diameter and 100 mm high) were used to avoid meter, was around 2 min. This method of mixing was employed to
using any agent or grease to release the specimens. This also prevented avoid the large instantaneous heat release associated with alkali dis-
any crude oil leaching from the mix. solution in water. In this investigation the tests were run for 48 h.

2.5. Curing 2.8. pH measurement

Two different curing methods were used: ambient curing in air (AC) The pH was measured by grinding the geopolymer mortar into a less
and heat curing (HC). The AC specimens are left in open air to cure until than 2 mm fraction and preparing a 1:5 (ground concrete: water) so-
testing at 28 days. The specimens were exposed to the ambient air in lution. The samples were shaken in a rotary shaker for 1 h and then
the laboratory at temperature around 22 °C and relative humidity (RH) centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 min.
50%. Whereas, HC specimens were kept in oven at 60 °C for 24 h and
afterwards the specimens were stored in a fog room at 25 °C and 2.9. Heat transfer
RH = 85%. The temperature and RH were monitored by using a digital
thermometer and humidity meter. Two conditions were investigated with the fine sand at the SSD
condition and with 2% of light crude oil contamination. The 2% was
2.6. Compressive strength test of geopolymer mortar considered based on the previous study conducted by Abousnina et al.
[33], and it has been found that fine sand will start not to absorb any
The cylindrical specimens were surface-grinded before being placed water in this condition. In these experiments, two thermocouples were
in the testing machine to smoothen the top and bottom surfaces. This is used to measure the temperature in each sample: T1 represented the
done to ensure more uniform load distribution, shape and dimensions; temperature in the surface of the specimen, while T2 represented the
the compressive strength of three samples of each level of crude oil heat at the centre of the specimen. In addition, T3 measured the en-
contamination was tested and the average of each batch was plotted. vironmental temperature “inside the oven”, as shown in Fig. 1. Both

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

Fig. 2. Example image of specimens' surface showing pores ((a) natural colour of the surface and (b) after readjust the colour to be readable by the software). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

samples were placed in the oven at 60 °C and the temperature was re- the (ASTM C1437-07). The flow test results of the 0% up to 10% of
corded every minute, until the T2 of both specimens reached 60 °C. crude oil contamination was 150 ± 12 mm. Increasing the level of oil
Three replications of each sample were conducted and the average contamination made the mix more workable compared to un-
value was recorded. contaminated mix. From a slump of 138 mm for uncontaminated
sample, this increased to 162 mm for mix with 10% oil contaminated
2.10. Porosity sand. This agreed with a previous study conducted by Hamad and Rteil
[9] wherein they concluded that the oil acted like a chemical plasticizer
The interior parts of the specimen sections were imaged (Fig. 2) and improved the fluidity and doubled the slump of the concrete mix,
under a microscope set at a magnification of 65 times, and analysed while maintaining its compressive strength. Furthermore, the increase
using TBitmap software. The image analysis involved resin colour in flow for mixes containing light crude oil was also observed by
analysis to identify the pixels in the image as pores. The test was con- Hamad, Rteil and El-Fadel [34] and Nuruddin, Shafiq and Beddu [35].
ducted just after the compression test (after 28 days). In addition, Al-Mutairi [36]. This strongly indicates that the oil con-
tamination positively affects the workability of the produced fresh
2.11. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images concrete.

The microstructure of all the samples was observed using a scanning 3.1. Effect of curing methods on the compressive strength
electron microscope (SEM) (JEOL JCM-6000, Tokyo, Japan), in order to
investigate the effect of light crude oil. All the specimens for SEM ob- Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the compressive strength at 28 days
servation were cut, polished, and coated with a thin layer of gold–- between the geopolymer mortar with 0%, 1% and 10% of oil con-
palladium, using a vapor-deposit process [34]. taminated sand, and that cured by heat curing (HC) and air curing (AC).
It was observed that the HC specimens exhibited an almost 2.5 times
3. Results and discussions higher compressive strength than AC specimens for the three levels of
light crude oil contamination. This is due to the high temperature
The failure strength, type of failure, and pH values of all specimens (60 °C) during curing which enhances the geopolymerisation process.
with different crude oil contamination are shown in Table 5. It shows This is expected as Hardjito et al. [37] reported that curing temperature
the measured pH values of fly ash geopolymer mortar, containing dif- plays an important role in the geopolymerisation process of fly ash
ferent percentages of light crude oil contamination (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, based geopolymer mortar. Similarly, Vijai, et al. [38] found that the
4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%). In general, increasing the crude oil content compressive strength development of geopolymer concrete occurred
decreases the pH values. The mortar with 10% crude oil contamination quite rapidly when oven curing was implemented. Moreover, more than
had a pH of around 10.8 while the uncontaminated sample had a pH of twice the strength was achieved for HC geopolymer mortar with oil
11.4. The pH values of geopolymer mortar with 0% up to 1% of light contaminated sand which supports the findings by Patil et al. [39].
crude oil contamination decreased slightly, while by increasing the These authors found that the strength of geopolymer mortar at 28 days
crude oil from 2% to 10%, the pH values gradually decreased. was enhanced by 2.1 times with heat curing compared to ambient
Fig. 3 shows the typical failure modes of geopolymer mortar cy- curing. Furthermore, a previous study conducted by K. Vijai et al. [40]
linders with oil contaminated sand under compression. Two different concluded that the compressive strength of heat cured concrete is
failure modes were observed, i.e. axial splitting (columnar fracture), around 47% higher than that for ambient cured concrete. These find-
and shear failure. The specimens containing crude oil from 0% up to 4% ings suggest that heat curing is an effective method to produce a geo-
all failed due to “axial splitting”, as shown in Fig. 2. The failure types polymer mortar containing oil contaminated sand with good compres-
observed in the geopolymer mortar are similar to that of typical cement sive strength.
mortar. The cracking and splitting along the length of the specimen The higher strength of HC geopolymer mortar with oil contaminated
were observed due to the development of tensile forces in mortars with sand, compared to AC mortar, can be also explained by the increase in
up to 4% of oil contamination (Fig. 2). This behavior was also observed the kinetic energy and degree of reaction at high temperatures, which
by Guades [35]. However, the dominant failure mode for the mortar subsequently increases the density of the pore system in the mortar as
with a crude oil content of 6%–10% was splitting and shear failure. indicated by Olivia and Nikraz [41]. It is also believed that a higher
These types of failure were also observed in low strength cement mortar temperature activates alumina-silicate phases in the fly ash (FA), so
when tested under compression loading [31]. Furthermore, Fig. 2 they are generally cured at 60–90 °C [42]. Therefore, disregarding the
shows visible formation of efflorescence on the surface of geopolymer results obtained with different crude oil content, the amount of strength
mortar up to 2% of crude oil contaminations. However, the ef- gained when heat curing was used compared to air curing was similar
florescence products are not observable with the naked eye on speci- to previous studies [27,38,39]. This indicates that a similar result was
mens containing crude oil from 4% and higher. The observation that the observed in terms of the effect of curing methods when oil con-
presence of light crude oil in high level can reduce efflorescence pro- taminated sand is used in a geopolymer concrete mix. On the other
duct is very interesting as this issue is becoming a great concern to the hand, the low compressive strength, developed by the geopolymer
concrete researchers now-a-days. mortar with oil contamination at ambient temperatures, is due to the
Table 6 shows the result of the flow table test (workability) based on slow reaction and setting of FA-based geopolymeric materials [41].

Table 5
3.2. Effect of SSD condition of sand on the compressive strength
Failure strength, failure type and pH values of geopolymer mortar with dif-
ferent crude oil contamination. The effect of the surface condition of the fine sand particles on the
compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar, cured under HC and
Crude oil content Failure Standard Type of pH
(%) strength deviation failure
AC methods, is shown in Fig. 5. In general, the compressive strength of
MPa mortars produced with fine sand in the SSD condition is higher com-
pared to mortar with fine sand in the unsaturated surface dry condition
0 16.8 1.0 Axial splitting 11.45 (USSD). For instance, the compressive strength of HC-SSD is 10.5%
0.5 18.6 1.5 11.45
higher than that of HC-USSD. A similar trend was observed for AC-SSD,
1 24.1 1.4 11.42
2 20.2 1.0 11.3 which exhibited a 42% higher compressive strength compared to AC-
USSD, as shown in Fig. 5. This indicated that the SSD condition plays a

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

Fig. 3. Failure modes of specimen.

Table 6
Flow table test of mortar containing different crude oil content.
Crude oil content (%) Flow (cm) SD

0 138 0.7
0.5 140 0.2
1 143 0.2
2 144 0.4
4 145 1.7
6 147 0.3
8 155 0.6
10 162 0.2

Fig. 5. Effect of surface condition of the fine sand on the compressive strength.

The comparison of the compressive strength between the geopo-

lymer mortar containing fine sand in the SSD condition, and those
containing fine sand contaminated with light crude oil, is also shown in
Fig. 5. It is interesting to note that the mortar with 0.5% of light crude
oil has a compressive strength similar to that of the HC-SSD condition
(∼19.0 MPa), and when the crude oil content was increased to 1% (HC-
1%), a 20.8% higher compressive strength than HC-SSD was observed
Fig. 4. Compressive strength as a function of crude oil content. compared to uncontaminated samples (HC-USSD). Similarly, the mortar
with 2% oil contamination had at least an 8% higher compressive
large potential role in enhancing the compressive strength. For USSD, strength than HC-SSD. This higher compressive strength for mortar with
the dry sand absorbs water in the concrete mix which severely disrupts oil contaminated fine sand is due to the degree of wetness caused by the
the ratio of water to geopolymer solids and creates uncontrollable mix, crude oil, which replicates the SSD condition of sand. In a previous
as indicated by Black [43]. This aligns with the finding of earlier study study conducted by Abousnina et al. [45] it was found that un-
conducted by Abousnina et al. [44] in which a higher compressive contaminated sand had the highest percentage of water absorption and
strength was obtained at 1% contamination, compared to the un- as the amount of crude oil increased the absorption percentage de-
contaminated sample (0%), due to the degree of wettability on the creased. At 0.5% the absorption was 2.35%, and at 1% the absorption
surface of the sand particles. In this condition, where contaminated was decreased up to 0.8%, while at 2% water absorption became 0%, as
sand is used, the condition of SSD can be achieved at a certain con- the sand started to change from a partially saturated condition to a fully
tamination level after which it will change the SSD to a fully saturated saturated status. This indicates that the alkalinity was not diluted at
state where a high percentage of crude oil may affect the compressive these percentages, due to the unavailability of free water in order to
strength of geopolymer mortar. achieve the SSD condition, as the sand particles were already coated by

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

the crude oil. Increase in alkalinity leads to a high compressive strength there is available the more globules can be covered, providing the
of geopolymer concrete, as found by previous researchers [46–48]. powder is sufficiently fine [52,54]. Thus, it is expected that the fly ash
Hardjito et al. [49] have stated that the concentration of alkaline with crude oil worked as an emulsifying agent whereby the fly ash
solution is the most significant factor for geopolymerisation and that a distributed in crude oil and created the emulsion. When this emulsion is
higher concentration of NaOH yields a higher compressive strength. mixed with the aggregate, it creates a thin layer, with the water eva-
Thus, the higher compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar with porating to leave a coating of the original binders on the surface [51].
1% and 2% of oil contamination, rather than the mortar with fine sand This may be the reason behind the enhancement of the compressive
in the SSD condition, was due to the high alkalinity of the solution, strength, with up to the 4% of crude oil contamination, whereby it
which dissolved and activated the amorphous, reactive silica and alu- showed higher compressive strength compared to uncontaminated
mina during the geopolymerisation process, leading to generation of samples.
more geopolymeric binder. As the sand particles were coated with light Increasing the crude oil content from 4% to 10% caused a sig-
crude oil, the concentration of the alkaline solution was not affected, nificant reduction in compressive strength due to the saturation of the
while an additional 29 g of water was available for fine sand with SSD sand particles with oil. By increasing the crude oil content, the ratio of
condition. This amount of water may have diluted the alkaline solution, alkaline liquid -to- fly ash will be increased, because the sand and the
and hence affected the rate and extent of geopolymerisation reactions, fly ash will be saturated with crude oil. Black [43] has stated that when
which then resulted in a lower compressive strength than the mortar the alkaline liquid to fly ash ratio (AL: FA) ratio is increased above a
with oil contaminated sand. Furthermore, the enhancement of the certain level; the compressive strength will actually decrease. This re-
compressive strength at HC-1% and HC-2%, compared to HC-SSD, may duction in strength may be due to fly ash particles, with a finite surface
have been due to the higher thermal conductivity of oil compared to area, not being fully saturated with alkaline liquids, because the sand is
water. Likewise, the oil lowers the water evaporation rate which results already saturated by the crude oil, and hence, at a certain point, any
in the better heat transfer and higher thermal conductivity of oil more alkaline liquid is simply wasted within the mix. This excess al-
compared to water. The mass balance of the specimens before and after kaline liquid then effectively becomes extra water, diluting the mix and
drying were taken and the results showed that the oil lowered the water affecting the bonding between aggregate and binder.
evaporation rate which resulted in better heat transfer and higher Furthermore, Najafi Kani et al. [55], have elaborated that when a
thermal conductivity of oil compared to water. For instance, the total concrete column comes in contact with damp sand at its base, so that
evaporation of specimen with 0.5% of crude oil was 2.6%, and by in- water moves upwards through the concrete by capillary action and
creasing the crude oil content the amount of evaporation decreased evaporates from its surface, it leaves the surface enriched in the alkali
dramatically, and hence, the lowest water evaporation was 1.95%, cations which were present in the pore solution. The deposited alkalis
which was observed for specimens with oil contamination of 10%. This can then react with atmospheric CO2, results in the formation of the
effect of thermal conductivity on the properties of geopolymer mortar white carbonate surface deposits known as efflorescence. The SEM
containing oil contaminated sand was demonstrated by comparing the analysis in Fig. 7a to Fig. 6d showed that the microstructure of each
compressive strength between mortars at HC-2% and HC-SSD. The heat mixture tends to change too dramatically as the crude oil content is
transfer (HT) tests conducted confirmed that heat transfer in mortars increased up to 2%, which aligns with the visual observation in Fig. 2. It
with crude oil (2%) was higher than that for SSD specimens, as shown can be observed that the efflorescence of the product was clearly seen
in Fig. 5. The heat transfers from the surface to the centre of the spe- up to 2% of crude oil contamination (Fig. 7d), whereas increasing the
cimens containing crude oil were faster by 124 min, indicating a faster crude oil content above 2% decreased or rather inhibited the ef-
polymerisation process. Khale and Chaudhary [50] have indicated that florescence (Fig. 7e to Fig. 6h). It seems, judging from these images,
curing time improves the polymerisation process, resulting in higher that the higher percentages of light crude oil hindered the rapid ef-
compressive strength. This result also explains the higher compressive florescence products. This is in contrast to the common understanding
strength of the HC mortar compared to that of AC mortar, as shown that a porous structure provides more channels for the transport of
earlier in Section 3.1. Furthermore, the release of water from the re- water and alkali cations, which is expected to lead to efflorescence
action of geopolymerisation will lead to the formation of pores, and the [56]. The presence of crude oil at high percentages may play a great
drying procedure will accelerate the evaporation of water, which might role in retarding the efflorescence that is created as the pores start to be
increase the reaction extent. That means more Al will be cooperated in partially filled by the crude oil.
the geopolymer network structure. Geopolymer, containing much higher soluble alkali metal con-
centrations than conventional cement; could lead to a significant issue
3.3. Effect of oil contamination level on the strength of geopolymer when effloresce products are exposed to humid air or come in contact

As clearly shown in Fig. 5, the sample with 1% of light crude oil

produced the maximum compressive strength (24.0 MPa) compared to
others. Meanwhile, the minimum compressive strength was obtained
with 10% of crude oil contamination (11.0 MPa). The increment of the
strength at 1% of crude oil contamination can be attributed to two main
reasons: firstly, it was due to the increase in the cohesion between sand
particles, as presented by Abousnina et al. [45]. The second reason may
be that the crude oil and the fly ash acted as the emulsifying agents.
Jackson and Dhir [51] have stated that emulsions are comparatively
stable systems of small globules of binder, dispersed in water, and kept
in permanent suspensions by means of an emulsifier. Furthermore, the
emulsion binders and the water are generally referred to as anionic or
cationic, depending on the type of the emulsifier used. Previous studies
[52,53] have used the finely divided solids as emulsifiers, and they
found that the formation of emulsion depends upon: (i) the grain size of
the powder - the smaller the grain the better the emulsion, until an
optimum is reached, after which smaller grains have inferior emulsi-
fying properties; and (ii) The quantity of powder - the more powder Fig. 6. Heat transfer curve (HTC).

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

Fig. 7. SEM images of contaminated fine sand with different crude oil percentage.

with water [57,58]. Merrigan [59] stated that the appearance of the surface of the hardened mortar. Abousnina et al. [45] indicated that the
efflorescence comes through the travel of alkali sulphates through the fine sand contaminated by 4% of light crude oil is already hydrophobic
pores to the surface. If the natural pores in the concrete can be reduced, which prevents the sand particles to be in contact with moisture as well
it becomes harder for the salts to migrate through to the surface. The as the atmospheric CO2. This inhibits the formation of the efflorescence
presences of light crude oil at high level (4%–10%) filled the pores and products.
hence, retarded the travel of alkali sulphates through the pores to the

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

the light crude oil started to combine with OH− from the NaOH as
shown in equations (1) and (2), and created the H2O. The creation of
water in the mix diluted the alkaline solution and decreased the alka-
linity and level of pH. As expected, the amount of additional water
created due to this process increased as the amount of crude oil in-
creased. With a decrease in pH for high level of oil contamination, the
amount of soluble aluminium to react with calcium decreases and
hinders the geopolymerisation process [60–62].


Fig. 8. Normalized compressive strength between geopolymer and OPC.

3.4. Compressive strength of geopolymer and cement mortar


Fig. 8 shows the percentage change of the compressive strength of Fig. 9 shows a comparison between the pH values of geopolymer
geopolymer cement (GPC) and OPC cement mortar with respect to and cement mortar as a function of different crude oil contaminations.
uncontaminated samples (0%). Similar proportion of the mix design It can be seen that the pH values of cement mortar containing light
was used, i.e. 3:1:0.5 for both OPC and GPC as presented in section 2.4. crude oil at 0% was 12.54, and increasing the crude oil content from
The positive change (above x axis), represents the increase in com- 0.5% to 6% did not show a significant variation. However, when the
pressive strength, while the negative value for the change (below x axis) crude oil increased to 8% and 10%, the pH values decreased. The drop
indicates a decrease in compressive strength. In general, a higher in pH of concrete was caused by a chemical replacement reaction
strength gain change was observed for GPC mortar than for OPC within the cement paste that is usually thought to replace the hydroxide
mortar. At 0.5% of light crude oil contamination, the compressive anion in calcium hydroxide with a carbonate anion to form calcium
strength of the GPC mortar was 10% higher than uncontaminated carbonate. This chemical process is called carbonation. The model of
samples, while the OPC mortar is similar to the uncontaminated carbonation that is most widely accepted takes place in dissolved
sample. At 1% oil contamination, the strength gain of GPC mortar was phases [63,64]. The dissolution theory of carbonation is a series of
22% higher than that of OPC mortar. On the other hand, a more sig- complex reactions that replace the hydroxide anions in calcium hy-
nificant decrease in the compressive strength of OPC mortar was ob- droxide with a carbonate anion. The following equations summarize the
served than for GPC mortar when the oil contamination was 44% and main chemical reactions in the carbonate system.
higher. This may be related to the heat curing method used with the CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ↔ H2CO3(aq) (3)
geopolymer, which increases the kinetic energy and degree of reaction
during geopolymerisation, which causes an increment of the density of H2CO3(aq) ↔ H + (aq) + HCO3 - (aq), pKa = 6.35 (4)
the pore system and improves the mechanical properties of the resulting
HCO3-(aq) ↔ H+(aq) + CO3 2-(aq), pKa = 10.33 (5)
As the reactions continue, with the addition of carbon dioxide, more
3.5. Effect of pH on the strength of geopolymer calcium hydroxide will dissolve in order to maintain equilibrium of the
system, allowing more calcium carbonate to form until essentially all of
As shown in Fig. 9, the pH of the geopolymer mortar had an effect the calcium hydroxide is converted to calcium carbonate [64–66]. The
on the developed compressive strength. Adding light crude oil up to 1% rate at which carbonation occurs in traditional concrete depends on the
did not show a significant variation, but as the crude oil increased, the moisture content of the concrete, the relative humidity in the ambient
pH value deceased. This could be attributed to the organic acids air, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the depth
available in crude oil. The ionic H+ from the organic acids present in of the specimen, and the surface area of the concrete specimen Al-
though the carbonation rate increased by increasing the crude oil
content; the compressive strength decreased at high level of crude oil
content. This reduction in compressive strength was due to the incre-
ment of the total macrospores as shown in Fig. 10. On the other hand,
the pH value at high level of crude oil contamination (8–10%) slightly
decreased due to the dilution of alkaline solution. In these contamina-
tion levels, the aggregates were already saturated with crude oil. Thus,
the any additional water in the mix will become free water and will
decrease the alkalinity of the solution. This finding was also observed
by Ref. [67]. Xu and van Deventer [68] highlighted that a solution with
high alkalinity is necessary to completely destruct the raw materials in
a geopolymer mix.

3.6. Effect of porosity on the strength of geopolymer mortar

Fig. 9. pH values of GPC and OPC as a function of different crude oil content Fig. 10 shows the results of total porosity (%), micropores (< 0.2
(%). μm), mesopores (0.2–30 μm), and macropores (> 30 μm) of

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

Fig. 10. Relationship between porosity of GPC and O with different crude oil contamination (%).

geopolymer specimens, compared to OPC as a function of different used.

percentages of light crude oil contamination. All measured porosities;
micropores, mesopores, and macropores is in % of the Total Porosity. In
general, it can be seen that in the overall trend of total porosity, mi- 3.7. Influence of temperature on the hydration of activated fly ash and
cropores and macropores were similar in geopolymer and OPC. For cement mortar
instance, increasing the crude oil content increased the total porosity
(%) in both geopolymer and OPC dramatically. However, the total The influence of temperature on the reaction of fly ash, cement, and
porosity of the geopolymer was higher by around 2.3 times compared to their blends, is elucidated in this section using the calorimetry tests,
the porosity of the OPC. The increment of the total porosity and the conducted on geopolymer mortar and cement mortar, containing 0%
pores size in geopolymer, compared to cement mortar, can be explained and 10% of light crude oil contaminations at 25 °C. Fig. 13, shows the
by the geopolymer mortar containing a lot of air voids, some compac- heat release response of activated fly ash and cement mortar. In terms
tion voids, and tiny curved microcracks, which were not seen in the of the cement mortar, it can be seen that the hydration process is
cement mortar as shown in Fig. 10. A large part of the air voids is strongly affected by the presence of light crude oil. There were lagging
related to hollow fly ash particles [69]. and decreasing in temperature peaks with 10% of crude oil con-
It can be seen that in both percentages of crude oil content the tamination, compared to an uncontaminated sample (0%). This in-
number of the pores, and the pore sizes, were higher with geopolymer dicates that the hydration process did not complete when the fine sand
compared to cement mortar, and a more open pore structure can be was contaminated with 10% of light crude oil. The thermal profile,
seen in Fig. 11 (GPC mortar with 0% and10%). Many small micro- resulting from the isothermal calorimeter, showed a suppression of the
cracks can be seen in geopolymer with 10% of crude oil contamina- Tricalcium Silicate (C3S) peak (D) and a significant decrease in the
tions, as shown in Fig. 12. Some of these micro-cracks show an open height of the third hydration Tricalcium Aluminate (C3A) peak (F). The
space appearing where few reaction products have developed. The rate of hydration of the cement was faster for uncontaminated samples
overall structure looks denser, and fewer micro-cracks and less open at an early age compared to specimens with 10% of light crude oil
space occur with hardened cement mortar, compared to geopolymer contamination. This can be attributed to the presence of calcium sili-
mortar. This may be due to lower workability observed with geopo- cates, as they are the main cement compounds (occupying about 75% of
lymer mortar compared to cement mortar. The compaction of the cement weight), and they are responsible for the final strength of the
geopolymer mortar was not as easy as the cement mortar and hence, hardened cement paste. By contrast, the reaction of C3A with water is
higher porosity was observed with geopolymer mortar, compared to very violent, with the evolution of a large amount of heat, in turn
cement mortar in total porosity, as well as in the mesopores and mac- forming calcium aluminates hydrate in the form of leaf hexagonal
ropores. However, percentages of micropores were higher with cement crystals [70,71]. As a consequence, the mortar formed a physical bond
mortar compared to geopolymer mortar, which indicates that the large with the aggregate, which resulted in mortar strength. In contrast, for
air voids were removed by the compaction when the cement mortar was specimens with 10% of light crude oil contaminations, the surface area
of residual sand particles, untreated in specimens, were coated with

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

Fig. 11. Microscopic images of the pore size distribution in geopolymer and cement mortar with and without crude oil contamination.

crude oil. Thus, this percentage of light crude oil delayed the reaction of rate of property development in such a system. A similar trend and
C3S, as well as to C3A, as shown in Fig. 14-a. The reaction of C3A to similar temporal location of the acceleration peak, but with a lower rate
form insoluble calcium sulfoaluminate (3CaO.A12O3·3CaSO4.30- by around 10%, were observed when 10% of crude oil contaminations
32H2O) - ettringite - around C3A particles, which permits enough time was used compared to uncontaminated samples. However, adding 10%
for the hydration of C3S, was slower. Thus, longer time and lower re- of light crude oil to OPC resulted in significant changes in the calori-
action occurred with C3A when 10% of light crude oil was used, hence, metric response, especially with respect to the temporal location of the
physical bond formation between cement paste and aggregate was acceleration peak. Such a drastic change was not noticed for the fly ash
hindered. activated paste.
Geopolymer mortar instead of the two-peak system observed for the Fig. 14(a–b) Cumulative heat evolution of cement and geopolymer
cement mortar, the geopolymer mortar shows only one large peak that mortar with 0% and 10% of crude oil contamination using isothermal
is generally observed within the first 1-2 h Fig. 14-b. The general single calorimeter.
peak trend in geopolymer mortar mixture is due to the fact that the Fig. 14-a, shows that the increase in crude oil content decreased the
dissolution of some of the initial materials happens early, along with cumulative heat values after 48 h, in geopolymer mortar and OPC
some gelation, to form reaction products, but no additional reaction mortar. The reduction of cumulative heat evolution between 0% and
products of exothermic kinetics are formed until much later. It is an- 10% crude oil contamination is clearly observed. This Figure shows that
ticipated that when the later reactions take place, the heat release rate the cement mortar was not fully reacting and hence, the cumulative
is in all probability slow and low. For the fly ash activated pastes, an heat of hydration decreased. On the other hand the cumulative heat
increase in crude oil content from 0% to 10% resulted in insignificant release values for geopolymer mortar were lower than those for cement
changes in the calorimetric response. The dissolution of the geopolymer mortar Fig. (14-b). The maximum cumulative heat releases (at 0% and
mortar, with and without crude oil, was taking place simultaneously as 10%), after 48 h for geopolymer mortar, were found to be 196 J/g and
indicated by the single peak response. The significant increase in peak 17.96 J/g, respectively. However, the maximum cumulative heat re-
intensity at 0% of crude oil indicated an increased amount of reaction leases (at 0% and 10%), after 48 h for cement mortar, were found to be
products during the early stages. This resulted in the further diffusion- 243 J/g and 196.4 J/g, respectively. The maximum cumulative heat
controlled reaction being slowed down, consequently influencing the releases (at 0%), after 48 h for geopolymer mortar, was 196 J/g, while

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

Fig. 12. Micro-cracks at geopolymer mortar with 10% of crude oil contaminations.

the maximum cumulative heat releases (at 0%)was 243 J/g. It can be 4. Conclusions
seen that the cumulative heat of the geopolymer is lower than the ce-
ment mortar. This finding was supported by Leemann et al. [72] This study investigated the effect of using fine sand with light crude
wherein they found that the cumulative heat of geopolymer mortar was oil contamination on the physical and mechanical properties of geo-
152 J/g using NaOH and 157 J/g using KOH as activators. The reduc- polymer mortar. Further investigations were done on the effect of
tion of cumulative heat evolution in both of geopolymer mortar and curing and SSD condition on the compressive strength of geopolymer
cement mortar provided evidence that the cumulative heat evolution mortar. SEM observations of the microstructure of the geopolymer
was affected by the presence of light crude oil. The reaction of the al- mortar were also conducted. Based on the results, the following con-
kaline solution with the fly ash was highly affected by the presence of clusions were drawn:
10% of light crude oil. The cumulative heat, evolved from specimens
containing 10% of crude oil content, showed a significant reduction • Heat curing is effective in producing geopolymer mortar containing
compared to uncontaminated samples, and it reached 91% in 2880 min. oil contaminated sand. The mortar cured under this condition ex-
This shows the effect of light crude oil on the activation of NaOH ac- hibited almost twice the compressive strength than those cured
tivated fly ash mortar. This may be due to the influence of the light under ambient curing conditions.
crude oil in the fly ash blend, which is more pronounced, and thus the • The surface condition of the fine sand significantly affected the
difference in the cumulative heat flow curves are much larger for fly ash compressive strength of the geopolymer mortar. The compressive
when compared to cement mortar [73]. strength of the mortar containing fine sand contaminated with 1%
crude oil content has 20% higher compressive strength than the
uncontaminated samples with fine sand in the saturated surface dry

Fig. 13. Influence of light crude oil on the calorimetric response of geopolymer mortar.

R. Abousnina et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 90 (2018) 136–149

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