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Expense Management System



Client Name: Goodman Fielder Limited

Work Order Number: WO_GOF006
Created: 3 April 2018
Last Revision: 10 April 2018
IMS Issue Number: 28028

Inlogik Pty Ltd

Suite 4, 260 Auburn Road
Hawthorn VIC 3122
ABN: 35 058 997 121

Offices also located in Sydney, London, and New York

Confidential Information and Copyright

This document contains sensitive commercial data ("Confidential Information") of Inlogik and Goodman Fielder Limited. Its contents are subject to the
confidentiality provisions described in the contract (variously known by the following terms or similar - "Contract for Services", "Hosting Agreement" or
"Software License Agreement") between the parties which governs the software or service to which this Work Order relates.

Version Control ................................................................................................................................................... 2

1. Client Details .............................................................................................................................. 3
Contacts .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................ 3
Delivery Items ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Delivery Date ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Business Requirements ............................................................................................................... 4
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Details ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Functional Design........................................................................................................................ 6
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Details ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
A. Create New Instance....................................................................................................................................... 6
FD1. Create New Central Instance of ProMaster .............................................................................................................. 6
FD2. Custom Script Required to Port Data & Users from Goodman Fielder NZ ................................................................ 7
B. Updates Required in New Instance Only ........................................................................................................ 7
FD3. Update GL Structure ................................................................................................................................................. 7
FD4. Add New Business Rules ........................................................................................................................................... 8
FD5. Add 2 New Account Types ........................................................................................................................................ 9
FD6. Add 2 New Export Activities ..................................................................................................................................... 9
FD7. Additional Scripts/Modules & Upgrade to ProMaster v10.2 .................................................................................... 9
Project Management Role .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Client Role ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5. Changeover Process .................................................................................................................. 11
Note to Client & Implementer ........................................................................................................................................ 11
6. Work Order Approval ................................................................................................................ 12
Terms and Conditions ....................................................................................................................................... 12
ExpenseMe Terms of Use ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Version Control

When Who Version Details

3/04/2018 E Wandera 1 Business Requirements and Functional Design

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1. Client Details
Organisation: Goodman Fielder Limited
Client Code: GOF

Client Contact:
Name: Mark O'Driscoll
Email: Mark.O’

Inlogik Project Manager:

Name: Charlotte Towey

2. Scope of Work
Delivery Items
• Create new central Instance of ProMaster
• Custom Script to port Data from current Goodman Fielder NZ Instance to newly created Single instance
• Update GL Structure
• Add new Business Rules
• Add 2 new Account Types ANZ Visa (Card Type 86), and Personal Claim NZ (Card Type 1200)
• Add 2 new Export Activities – “Export ANZ Visa NZ Transactions to SAP”, “Export Claims NZ to SAP”
• Upgrade to v10.2 & Enable Mobile App with Coding, PIN, Claims and Smart Attach.

Delivery Date
The delivery date of this work will be confirmed on receiving of a signed Work Order.

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3. Business Requirements
• BR1. Create new central Instance of ProMaster
• BR2. Custom Script to port Data from current Goodman Fielder NZ Instance to newly created Single
• BR3. Update GL Structure
• BR4. Add new Business Rules
• BR5. Add 2 new Account Types ANZ Visa (Card Type 86), and Personal Claim NZ (Card Type 1200)
• BR6. Add 2 new Export Activities – “Export ANZ Visa NZ Transactions to SAP”, “Export Claims NZ to SAP”
• BR7. Upgrade to v10.2 & Enable Mobile App with Coding, PIN, Claims and Smart Attach.

Goodman Fielder Limited has requested the integration of their two current instances of ANZ Expense Manager;
Goodman Fielder Australia, and Goodman Fielder New Zealand, to now become operational under one central
ProMaster instance.

The new instance of Promaster will retain the same GL Structure, with minor updates. The Company Structure
will remain the same, and Users and Card Accounts will be ported from the respective Goodman Fielder AU and
Goodman Fielder NZ sites.

The following enhancements are required:

BR1. Create new central Instance of ProMaster (to be copy of current AU Instance)
A new instance of ProMaster will be created, which will be a copy of the current Goodman Fielder Australia
instance of ANZ Expense Manager (

In new instance:
✓ Company Structure
✓ GL Structure and GL Codes
✓ Expense Types
✓ Tax Codes
✓ Export Activities (“Export ANZ Visa Transactions to SAP”, and “Export Claims to SAP”)
✓ Account Types (Card types 15, 12) and associated import activities
✓ HR Data (including User Profile Data and Card Accounts Profile Data)

✓ All Transactional Data
✓ All Historical Data
✓ Activity Log History
✓ All historical exports (Restart Batch numbering)

BR6. Custom Scripts Required

• Custom Script to port Users and their Card Accounts from Goodman Fielder NZ Instance to newly created
• Custom Script to port Users and their Card Accounts from Goodman Fielder AU Instance to newly created

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BR3. Update GL Structure
• An attribute of “Company” shall be added on GL Account <GL3>, WBS <GL5>, and Profit Centre <GL6>
• An attribute of “Internal Order Req?” shall be added to GL Account <GL3> if this attribute = “Y” for the
selected GL Account, an Internal Order will be mandatory.

BR4. Add new Business Rules

Business Rules will be added to enforce:
• Negative transactions have an attachment
• Conditions for mandatory entry of Internal Order, WBS, and Profit Centre.

BR5. Add 2 new Account Types ANZ Visa (Card Type 86) and Personal Claim NZ (Card Type 1200)
A new Visa card and Personal Claim Account Type will be added, for New Zealand Users.

BR6. Add 2 new Export Activities

“Export ANZ Visa NZ Transactions to SAP”
• This export is to be a copy of the Activity “Export ANZ Visa Transactions to SAP”, with the exception that
it only includes Visa Card Type 86 transactions.

“Export Claims NZ to SAP”

• This export is to be a copy of the Activity “Export Claims SAP”, with the exception that it only includes
Personal Claims Card Type 1200 transactions.

BR7. New instance will be upgraded to ProMaster v10.2, and the ExpenseMe Mobile App will be enabled with
Coding, PIN, Claims and Smart Attach.

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4. Functional Design
• FD1. Create new central Instance of ProMaster
• FD2. Custom Script to port Data from current Goodman Fielder NZ Instance to newly created Single
• FD3. Update GL Structure
• FD4. Add new Business Rules
• FD5. Add 2 new Account Types ANZ Visa (Card Type 86), and Personal Claim NZ (Card Type 1200)
• FD6. Add 2 new Export Activities – “Export ANZ Visa NZ Transactions to SAP”, “Export Claims NZ to SAP”
• FD7. Upgrade to v10.2 & Enable Mobile App with Coding, PIN, Claims and Smart Attach.


A. Create New Instance

FD1. Create New Central Instance of ProMaster

1.1 Copy the following instance, to create new Instance of ProMaster.


1.2 Scripts required for changes required in new instance:

✓ Company Structure
✓ GL Structure and GL Codes
✓ Expense Types
✓ Tax Codes
✓ Export Activities (“Export ANZ Visa Transactions to SAP”, and “Export Claims to SAP”)
✓ Account Types (Card types 15, 12), and associated import activities
✓ HR Data (including User Profile Data and Card Accounts Profile Data)

✓ All Transactional Data (Card Type 15, and Card Type 12) in all workflow steps.
✓ All Historical Data
✓ Activity Log History
✓ All historical exports (Restart Batch numbering)

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FD2. Custom Script Required to Port Data & Users from Goodman Fielder NZ

2.1 Create custom script to port only data specified below from the following instance, into the newly created


Data required:

✓ Company Structure
✓ GL Codes
✓ Expense Types
✓ HR Data (including User Profile Data and Card Accounts Profile Data)*

Note: Remove any Transactional or Historical Data.

2.2 Custom script required to update all ported NZ Card Account Profiles with details of new Account Types
(specified in FD5)
• ANZ Visa – Card Type = 86
• Personal Claim New Zealand – Card Type = 1200

B. Updates Required in New Instance Only

FD3. Update GL Structure

Updates to GL Structure as highlighted in red below:

# 1 2 3 4 5 6
Name Company Cost Centre GL Account Internal Order WBS Profit Centre
Length Company Company Company Company Company
Internal Order
Attribute 1 GL Account
Attribute 2
Attribute 3
Attribute 4
Filtered By Company Company Company Company Company
Show on Account Y Y Y Y Y Y
Show on Expense Setup Y Y Y Y Y Y
Show on Coding Y Y Y Y Y Y
Required on Account Y Y N N N N
Required on Expense Setup N N Y N N N
Required on Coding Y Conditional Y Conditional Conditional Conditional
Autosearch Y Y Y Y Y Y

Note: If Attribute 1 (Company) of GL Account <GL3> is blank, make that GL Account <GL3> valid against any Company <GL1> value.

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Applies To Type Action

Cost Centre <GL2>, Internal Order <GL4>, WBS <GL5>, Profit
Centre <GL6>
Clear GL Account <GL3> when value of WBS <GL5>
GL Account <GL3> Fillahead Default from attrib. 2 of WBS <GL5>

FD4. Add New Business Rules


Parameter Type Parameter Name Purpose Initial Value

Workflow CapProject_Exp To nominate a GL Account for Capital Projects 68970
Workflow WBS_GLAccount To nominate a GL Account for WBS Expenses 68970
Workflow ReceiptReq_Threshold To set a threshold value for mandatory receipting 0

Business Rules

# Name Criteria Halt (Y/N) Workflow Step Message

If transaction has gross amount LESS Waiting
than value of WF Parameter Accountholder Display Message:
1 Receipts Mandatory <ReceiptReq_Threshold> Y “This expense requires a receipt.
AND Waiting Finance Please correct and resubmit.”
Does not have a file attached Review
If populated:
If on expense line, WBS <GL5> is Clear out value in GL Account
populated <GL3>, and populate value of
AND WF Parameter
2 Populate GL Account - WBS Y
GL Account <GL3> is blank, or NOT <WBS_GLAccount>
Waiting Finance
EQUAL to value assigned to WF
Parameter <WBS_GLAccount> If blank:
Populate value of WF Parameter
If on expense line, attribute 2 of GL Display Message:
Account <GL3> = “Y” “This expense requires an
3 Internal Order Mandatory Y
AND Internal Order. Please correct
Waiting Finance
Internal Order <GL4> is blank and resubmit.”
If on expense line, GL Account Waiting
<GL3> is assigned to WF parameter Accountholder Display Message:
4 WBS Mandatory <CapProject_Exp> Y “This expense requires a WBS.
AND Waiting Finance Please correct and resubmit.”
WBS <GL5> is blank Review
If on expense line, selected GL Waiting
Display Message:
Account <GL3> = begins with “1” or Accountholder
“This expense requires Profit
5 Profit Centre Mandatory “2” or “3” Y
Centre. Please correct and
AND Waiting Finance
Profit Centre <GL6> is blank Review

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FD5. Add 2 New Account Types

5.1 Add new ANZ Visa NZ (Card Type = 86)

• Add new ANZ Visa NZ (Card Type = 86). Change long description to “ANZ Visa New Zealand”, and short
description to “ANZ Visa NZ”.
✓ All existing expense types currently assigned to ANZ Visa (Card Type 15) should also be assigned to the
newly added Account Type.

• Add import activities “Import VCF Visa Statement Data” and “Import VCF Visa Statement File”.

5.2 Add new Personal Claim NZ Account (Card type = 1200)

✓ All existing expense types currently assigned to ANZ Visa (Card Type 15) should also be assigned to the
newly added Account Type.

FD6. Add 2 New Export Activities

Create 2 new export activities

6.1 Export ANZ Visa NZ Transactions to SAP

Create the activity “Export ANZ Visa NZ Transactions to SAP”, which is to be a copy of the activity “Export ANZ Visa
Transactions to SAP”, with the exception that this activity only includes transactions belonging to Card Type 86.

6.2 Export Claims NZ to SAP

Create the activity “Export Claims NZ to SAP”, which is to be a copy of the activity “Export Claims to SAP”, with the
exception that this activity only includes Personal Claim Expenses belonging to Card Type 1200.

FD7. Additional Scripts/Modules & Upgrade to ProMaster v10.2

• Upgrade the new instance to v10.2

• Enable ExpenseMe Mobile App with Coding, PIN, Claims, and Smart Attach.
• “Enable Mobile Access” for all users (the app will need to be downloaded).

Note –ExpenseMe Terms and Conditions are attached to this Work Order

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Project Management Role
• Request new instance for Goodman Fielder, which should be a copy of current Goodman Fielder Australia
instance, in ProMaster version 10.2, with changes as specified in the Functional Design.
• Set up new data feeds for new Visa (Card Type 86), and update account details page in the system.
• Update Import Rules and assign to newly added Account Type; (Card Type 86).
• Update User Accounts for Visa (Card Type 86) Accountholders.
• Update Merchant Templates to Visa (Card Type 86).
• Assist client with review of the Expense Types, Tax Codes, and GL Codes associated with Goodman Fielder
Australia and Goodman Fielder New Zealand, and make amendments to the System GL codes, Expense
Types, and Tax Codes list if required.
• Provide client with templates for User Account creation, and assist with setup of Users in new instance.
• Assist client to update their User list, Account list, and Company Structure, to reflect the merged single
• Inlogik Implementer should turn on the setting to allow attachments during coding in the new system.

Client Role
• Client to provide any additional data for new single instance, including any GL Codes required for bulk
• Client to review Users, Expense Types listing for AU & NZ, and provide Inlogik implementer with any
updates required to these, including Tax Codes required for NZ.

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5. Changeover Process
Note to Client & Implementer
1. Inlogik Project Resource to request test site for central instance be created, to enable all changes defined
in this Work Order to be applied first.

2. Inlogik Project Resource should assist the client to take the current system down for maintenance:
o On an agreed cutover date, the Inlogik Project Resource will work with the Goodman Fielder
Project Resource to induce a load-halt period, where no new transactions will be loaded into the
current Production Instances (AU & NZ). The Client should disable the Import Statement Data
activities, to stop transactions from coming into the system. The Client is also responsible for
exporting all unprocessed transactions in the system.
o When the current Goodman Fielder current instances (AU & NZ) are ready to become archived
sites, the Goodman Fielder Project Resource should inform the Inlogik Implementer in this
o Once sites are archived, Inlogik Implementer should now assist Goodman Fielder to take the
systems (Goodman Fielder (AU &NZ)) out of maintenance mode.

3. The Inlogik Project Resource will assist Goodman Fielder to take the Production Instance (of new central
instance) down for maintenance, so that changes specified in this design can then be applied. During this
period, only nominated users (responsible for this project) will be able to log into the Live system.

4. Once this Work Order has been applied and the Goodman Fielder Project Resource is happy with the
system, the Inlogik Project Resource will assist them to take the system out of the maintenance mode.

5. Inlogik Project Resource should assist the Goodman Fielder Project Resource with set up of the new
system by importing users, GL codes, Expense types, Tax Codes, that have been provided by Goodman

6. Inlogik Implementer should set up the account details page same as the old instances. Goodman Fielder
should update all the configuration settings to be same as the old sites.

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6. Work Order Approval
On behalf of and as an authorised delegate of Goodman Fielder Limited, I approve this Work Order and accept the
designs defined in this document, and the payment schedule above.
I acknowledge and understand that the cost associated with this work order is separate
from and in addition to any Implementation charges as quoted in Schedule 4 of our Agreement.
Where my organisation requires a supplier to have a Purchase Order to enable settlement of invoices, I have included
these details of this PO which is for the full cost of the schedule.

EXECUTED on behalf of Goodman Fielder Limited

Name and Position Signature of person Date

PO number to quote with Invoice Address

Terms and Conditions

Work will not commence until:
• A signed work order is faxed to Inlogik;
• A purchase order number is supplied.
• Client to provide appropriate technical resources required to assist with Inlogik queries.
• User Acceptance Testing must be completed within 14 days of delivery.
• Payment is due in accordance with the terms of your Service Agreement, or if nothing is specified within
15 days after invoice.

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ExpenseMe Terms of Use

Terms of Use
These terms govern your use of the ExpenseMe app, which has been created by Inlogik Pty Limited ABN 35 058 997 232
(‘Inlogik’). Inlogik makes the ExpenseMe app available to you on these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use
Note that these terms apply to ExpenseMe as modified or upgraded from time to time.

Use of ExpenseMe
ExpenseMe has been designed to enable mobile access to and use of expense management software provided as software as
a service built and hosted by Inlogik (‘the Service’). You are not allowed to use it for any other purpose.

Intellectual Property
ExpenseMe, and all intellectual property therein, is the property of Inlogik and is protected by copyright law. You are granted
a personal and limited revocable non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to use ExpenseMe as authorised by these terms.
Inlogik makes no claim to ownership or copyright in the data entered into the Service by you or other users of the service.

Warranty and Limitation of Liability

(a) Inlogik warrants that ExpenseMe has been built without negligence to support the provision of the Service. All other
warranties, representations, statements, or terms and conditions not expressly stated in these terms are excluded
to the extent permitted by law.
(b) Nothing excludes, restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, guarantee, right or remedy implied or imposed by
any statute or regulation which cannot lawfully be excluded, restricted or modified. In particular, if any condition or
warranty is implied under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) or any equivalent State or Territory
legislation and cannot be excluded, the liability of Inlogik for breach of the condition or warranty is limited to one or
more of the following at Inlogik’s option:
• the supplying of the services again; or
• the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
This limitation does not apply to the extent a claim against Inlogik is based on reckless indifference and/or wilful
misconduct of Inlogik.
(c) In all respects ExpenseMe shall be treated as part of the Service provided by Inlogik, and any liability of Inlogik,
including pursuant to subclause (a), will be limited as set out in the contract relating to the Service.

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