Materials and Methods

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Materials and Methods

Date fruit packaging establishment: Application of HACCP system was conducted at a date fruits packaging establishment in
Qassim region during the period of 2015.

Application HACCP system: According to NACMCF HACCP system was implemented during different packaging steps of date
fruits based on the following seven principles: 1) Conduct a hazard analyses; 2) Identify the critical control points (CCPs); 3)
Establish critical limits for preventive measures associated with each identified CCP; 4) Establish CCP monitoring requirements;
5) Establish corrective actions should be taken when monitoring procedures indicate there is a deviation from an established critical
limit; 6) Establish verification procedures and 7) Establish record- keeping and documentation procedures. The results were
summarized with reference to CCPs and their monitoring on the HACCP worksheet.

Microbiological analysis: Raw date fruit and packaged date samples as end product were microbiologically analyzed. Different date
fruit samples (10 g from each) were aseptically taken, homogenized in 90 ml of sterile diluent (0.1% peptone water) with a
Stomacher (Seward, Model 400, England) for 30 s, serial dilutions were prepared in peptone water 17. Different date fruit samples were
analyzed for total aerobic bacterial count , yeast and mold, coliform group , Staphylococcus aureus counts . After incubation, the
colonies (30-300 colonies) developed on agar plates were counted. Each value represents the mean of duplicate and results were
expressed as Log Colony Forming units per gram (log CFU/g) .

Description of the product: Packaged date is a product made from dates retains all the characteristics and free from damage,
spoilage, fermentation and packaged in food packaging allows the consumer display and carry the required data according to the
specification food label. According to Kader and Hussein , dates tend to be light brown in color, uniform in shape and long,
moderately sweet, slightly to moderately chewy, smooth texture and mouth feel. Quality indices include fruit size, shape, color,
texture (chewiness), cleanliness, and freedom from defects (such as sunburn, skin separation, insect damage, sugar migration to fruit
surface, and fermentation) and decay-causing pathogens. In the same time, quality factors in the CODEX standard for dates include
the following points: (1) dates should possess the characteristic color and flavor for the variety, be of proper stage of ripeness, and
be free of live insects and insect eggs and mites;
(2) Moisture content of 26 to 30%, depending on the variety; (3) Minimum fruit size of 4.75 g (unpitted) or 4.0 g (pitted) ; (4) Absence
of defects, including blemishes, mechanical damage, unripe, unpollinated, embedded dirt or sand, damaged by insects and/or mites,
souring, mold, and decay. Dates and their products should be free from objectionable matter and free from microorganisms that
represent a hazard to human health .

Hazard analysis of raw materials and during date fruits packaging steps: Identification of different hazards (biological,
chemical and physical) is implemented for different raw materials (raw date fruits and packaging materials) used in production
packaged date fruits and during various packaging steps of date fruits from receiving raw materials up to the end step of processing as
packaged date fruit product. The different possible biological, chemical and physical hazards of raw date fruits and different packaging
steps are identified and listed in Table 1, at the same time, control measures of each identified hazard were determined. As presented in
Table 1 it could be noticed that, different biological, chemical and physical hazards were analyzed during receiving raw date fruits.
Hazards could be listed as insects, pathogenic bacteria, spore forming bacteria and yeast and mold, (biological), in the same time, the
most important microbiological hazards in addition to insects were spore forming bacteria and presence of yeasts and molds could result
mycotoxins. Therefore, mycotoxins, pesticide residues, heavy metals and different impurities and foreign materials were identified as
chemical and physical hazards, respectively. Siddiq et al. reported that dates could be contaminated with different hazards (biological,
chemical and physical) both in the pre-harvest and postharvest stages. The biological hazards cover a wide range of insects including
flies and pests, microbiological hazards such as Gram negative and positive bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella and E. coli) and Clostridium
botulinum, Clostridum perfringens, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus, respectively, viruses and parasites. Chemical hazards
could include fungal toxins, carcinogenic agents as pesticides and insecticide residues. Physical hazards include glass, metals, stones,
wood chips and hard plastic chips and part/ organs of birds and insects. In addition to the aforementioned
notices, dates are fairly dry fruits, with water and sugar contents of 10-15% and 60-88% (on dry basis), respectively , hence they
are generally regarded as stable to microbial spoilage. However, some contaminants, especially osmotolerant yeasts and molds,
may survive for longer times or even grow on the fruits. Microbial contaminants isolated from date fruits include yeasts, molds,
lactic acid bacteria and some potential pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and A. flavus . Moisture content is a critical
parameter responsible for the microbiological quality of the dates, microbial counts were high at the first (kimri) and second
(rutab) stage of maturation, then decreased significantly at maturation stage, which had low water activity and high sugar content.
Therefore it appears that, presence of microflora in date fruits may be dependent on the variety and the maturation stage . Control
measures could be used for controlling the aforementioned listed hazards (Table 1) and certified suppliers of raw ingredients
complains with raw material specifications and good manufacturing practices (GMPs). So, the receipt of raw date fruits
should be in accordance with the standards and requirements of the particular source of regulations and circulars issued by the
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs. At the same time, microbiological, chemical and physical characteristics of raw date
fruits should be under the upper limits given in guides of microbiological specifications and criteria for foods and harmful
residues in food. Examples of hazards sources during processing date as water, worker health and hygiene, facilities and packaging
utensils and processing steps were identified the different.

Table 1. Hazard analysis of raw materials and different preparation steps of packaged date fruits.
Preparation step Control measures
Biological Chemical Physical
Insects, pathogenic
Mycotoxins, Different Certified suppliers, complains with
Receiving raw date bacteria, spore
pesticides residues impurities and raw materials specifications and
fruit forming bacteria and
and heavy metals. foreign materials. good manufacturing practices.
yeast and mold.
Different Certified suppliers, complains with
Packaging materials Non. Chemical toxins. impurities and raw materials specifications and
foreign materials. good manufacturing practices.
Good manufacturing practices,
sanitation standard operating
Insects, pathogenic procedures and fumigation
Residues of
bacteria, spore conditions such as time,
Fumigation fumigation Non.
forming bacteria and temperature and concentration of
yeast and mold. methyl bromide and final residues
of fumigation material in final
Potable water should be used in
Chemical toxins Different washing date fruits, good
Washing with water Pathogenic bacteria. impurities and manufacturing practices and
and heavy metals
foreign materials. sanitation standard operating
Good manufacturing procedures,
Sorting date fruits Pathogenic bacteria. Non. Foreign materials. sanitation standard operating
procedures and personal hygiene.
Pathogenic bacteria, Maintains of drying conditions
spore forming (e.g. drying temperature and
Drying Non impurities and
bacteria and yeast velocity of air) and good
foreign materials.
control measures of these hazard sources could be listed as could be used for prevent, eliminate and reduce each identified
follows: 1) the quality of water in direct contact with edible hazard during the packaging steps to an acceptable level.
portion of produce should be of potable quality, in the same Different packaging steps of date fruits are illustrated in Fig.
time, regularly test and maintain a record of water quality, 2) 1 and the hazard analysis results of these steps are reported
workers and other food handling employees should be trained in Table 1. Listed different control measures could be used
in aspects of good hygienic practices, importance of sanitation, to prevent, eliminate and reduce each identified hazard to an
and proper hand washing technique, 3) the toilet and wash acceptable level. Fumigation is an important preparation step
room facilities, production, and other areas, should be in date fruits packaging for removal different insects
provided with facilities such as tissue paper, soaps, etc., and be contaminated raw date fruits. The control measures of this step
properly cleaned on a regular basis, 4) maintain sanitary clean are good manufacturing practices, (GMPs), sanitation standard
facility including buildings, fixtures, other physical facilities, operating procedures, (SSOPs) and fumigation conditions such
and equipment. as time, temperature and concentration of methyl bromide and
In the same time, pest control should be established in the final residues of fumigation material in final product. Insect
and mold.
packaging processing line. Different date fruit packaging steps infestation manufacturing practices.
in store products may be controlled effectively by
Good Over
fumigation. manufacturing
the pastprocedures,
100 years fumigation has been the
Sorting date fruits Pathogenic bacteria.
Fumigation Non. Foreign materials. sanitation standard operating
most effective
procedures and personal hygiene. method of pest control
fruits in Fig. 1 and the hazard analysis results of theseDifferent Good manufacturing practices,
Non Non impurities and sanitationReceiving raw date fruits
standard operating
Washing with water foreign materials. procedures and metal detector.
Storage Non. Non. Non. Non.
steps are tabulated in Table 1. The different control measures
Sorting date fruits

Sorting dried date fruits

Date fruits packaging during storage of dates. Up to nine different chemicals have
been used as fumigants, but currently, only chlorpyrifos-methyl
(Reldan) and phosphine are considered safe for use in date
preservation and food industries 29. According to Barreveld 25,
Figure 1. Flow diagram of dried date fruits packaging steps. the practical, average dose of effective fumigation of dates has
been reported as 15 g/m3 of storerooms for 12 h at 15°C. If the
processing temperature is lower, the amount of gas has to be
increased (25 % for every 3°C drop) but can be reduced when
time of treatment is increased. Using malathion and methyl
bromide are common among producers, but many stored-
product insect species have developed resistance to
malathion. Many of the chemical pesticides used to protect
dates from insect activity are threatened by environmental
legislation. Methyl bromide depletes the ozone layer and has
been classified as a class I ozonedepleting substance and is
being phased out by 2015 worldwide 30.
Washing raw date fruits is important processing step during
packaging date fruits since it is performed for removing
different physical hazards could be contaminated date fruits
during and post harvesting process. Potable water (free of
various biological, chemical and physical contaminants) should
be used in washing process, and GMPs and SSOPs could be
used as control measures for this step. Homayouni et al. 31
reported that, because dates may be contaminated by insects
and their dead bodies and dust during harvesting and handling,
therefore they should be cleaned to raise their marketability.
Fresh drinking water should be used in washing date fruits.
For dates exposed to various types of contamination of
physical, chemical or/and microbiological hazards, clean
water must be used and care taken that all the fruit are washed.
Washing and rinsing periods, chlorine concentrations,
temperatures and pressures of washing and rinsing water
should be adequate to remove dirtiness and to decrease the
microbial load 32.
Sorting date fruits is the second processing step which could
be used in removing contaminated date and fruit unavailable
for eating and processing dates. Date fruits sorting is done
manually as more factors can be controlled. In manual
processing the color, texture, size, moisture and blemishes are
the main factors which are needed to be checked. The damaged
and infested dates are removed by workers while they are
moving on the belt 25. Since the sorting date fruits is done
manually GMPs, SSOPs and personal hygiene of workers in
the processing line are the control measures which should be
established during the sorting step (Table 1).
Moisture content of dates is an important quality parameter
that contributes to the quality of dates. Hussein et al.33 classified
dates on the basis of moisture content as dry date with less than
20 per cent moisture that require high temperature and sun
intensity for maturity with about the same level of sucrose and
reducing sugars. Semi-dry dates were found to have moisture
levels ranging from 20-30 per cent with low sucrose content
and soft dates with more than 30 per cent moisture with low
sucrose content and must be eaten fresh. The most effective
and common form of processing is the convective drying
method, because of its ability to reduce the moisture content in
food and preserved well 34. Therefore, drying date fruits is one
of important step during packaging process as it is applied
especially for controlling biological hazards which contaminate
the date fruits pre and post harvest since the effect of drying
process due to heat treatment and reducing water activity of
dried product. Heat treatment of
dates may have some beneficial effects on date fruit. The presence of insects on any stage lessens the quality of date; activity of
enzymes and growth of microorganisms have the same effect, so the aim of applying this treatment is destroying insect life, reducing the
microbial count and decreasing enzyme activity . In the same time, Kader and Hussein 5 reported that, dry the dates to 20% moisture or
lower greatly reduced incidence of molds and yeasts. Maintains of drying conditions (e.g. drying temperature and velocity of air) and
good manufacturing practices are the control measures could be established during drying step (Table 1). After drying process sorting
dried date fruit is very important for removing date with poor quality characteristics, since this step is done manually GMPs, SSOPs
and personal hygiene should be established as control measures for this step.
Packaging date fruit step is performed especially for preventing product from different hazards (biological, chemical and physical)
and enhancing different quality characteristics of product. In the same time, as mentioned earlier and listed in Table 1 different
identified biological, chemical and physical (non metal) hazards could contaminate date fruits as raw materials and during
processing steps could be controlled by applauding different control measures established at each processing step. About physical
hazards (metal) it could be controlled during packaging step since metal detector should be established at this step in addition to GMPs,
and SSOPs (Table 1). According to Kader and Hussein 5 GMPs and SSOPs should be established during processing date fruits in the
following points: GMPs 1. Personnel hygiene to prevent the spread of illness, 2. Adequate buildings and facilities, 3. Sanitary food
contact surfaces and 4. Process control to prevent cross-contamination; SSOPs 1. Safety and purity of the water used in all operations, 2.
Cleanliness of utensils and equipment, 3. Prevention of cross-contamination, 4. Hand washing and toilet facilities, 5. Protection of food
from contaminants, 6. Labeling and storage of toxic compounds, 7. Monitoring employee health and not allowing sick employees to
touch the food and 8. Pest control.

Critical control points during date fruits packaging steps: Critical control points (CCPs) are processing step where control measures
could be performed to prevent, eliminate and reduce any identified hazards (biological, chemical and physical) to an acceptable level 16.
A decision tree used for identified preparation step could be established as CCP during packaging date fruits and the results are shown
in Table 2. It could be noticed that, receiving raw date fruits and packaging materials is the first identified CCP, as aforementioned
listed in Table 1, three types of hazards, biological, chemical and physical, were identified so this step could be used as CCP for
controlling the identified hazards. The other identified CCPs during packaging date fruits were fumigation (biological hazards),
washing date with water (biological, chemical and physical hazards), drying (microbiological hazards) and packaging (physical hazards)
(Table 2). Inspection and storage of fruits date (raw materials); sorting; cleaning; washing; drying; transporting to the packinghouse,
and serving/ distributing the markets, are the critical control points in the packaging lines 32.

Critical limits for each identified CCP: Critical limits of each identified CCP during packaging date fruits were determined. The
critical limits of receiving raw ingredients should be listed in supplier guarantee specifications of each ingredients established by
Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs 28. So levels of different hazards in raw ingredients should be under the maximum values
listed in guides of microbiological specifications and criteria for foods and harmful residues in food ( At the
same time, microbiological, chemical and visual inspections of all raw materials should be taken into consideration according to
established HACCP plan. The critical limits of fumigation were conditions of fumigation such as time, temperature and
concentration of methyl bromide and final residues of fumigation material in final product. About washing step it’s critical limits
were compliance with general recommendation of GMPs, SSOPs and characteristics of water. Aran et al. 35 reported that, 50-125
ppm active chlorine is adequate for eliminating the microbial risks of the fruits and vegetables. For very dirty raw materials 1-5
ppm active chlorine should be added to the final rinsing water. To avoid the contamination from water used for washing, water
analysis (chemical and microbiological) should be performed by authorized laboratories periodically 32. The conditions of drying
steps as temperature and time were established as critical limits for drying steps during. About the critical limits of packaging step
(metal detector) the sensitivity of metal detector is the critical limit of this CCP so dimensions of metal contaminants detected by
metal detector should be recorded as critical limits of this point. According to El-Tanboly et al.32, metal contamination of fruits
during production occurs especially where there is no properly handled raw fruits during harvesting steps, therefore metal detector
should be applied during processing step of fruits.

Monitoring procedures: Visual inspection of supplier guarantee for raw date fruits and packaging materials in addition to
inspection of raw date fruits during different packaging steps
Table 2. Critical Control Points during preparation steps of packaged date fruit samples.
Decision tree questions*
Preparation step Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CCP Hazard
Receiving raw date fruit and
packaging materials Yes Yes - - CCP Biological, chemical and physical
Fumigation Yes Yes - - CCP Biological.
Washing with water Yes Yes - - CCP Biological, chemical and physical
Sorting date fruits Yes No No - - -
Drying Yes Yes - - CCP Microbiological
Sorting date fruits Yes No No - - -
Date fruits packaging Yes Yes - - CCP Physical
Storage Yes No - - - -
could be established as monitoring procedures for CCPs of receiving raw ingredients and cleaning grains, respectively. Visual
inspection of date fruits during washing process is the monitoring procedure which could be used at the washing step. About
fumigation and drying steps visual inspection of fumigated and dried date fruits in addition to conditions of fumigation (time,
temperature and dose of fumigated agent) and drying (time, temperature and moisture content of date) steps are the monitoring
procedures of fumigation and drying steps. Where the validity of metal detector (the ability of the metal detector in detection of
metal contaminants) is checked it could be used as monitoring procedure for packaging step of date fruits.

Corrective actions: Different corrective actions for each identified CCP of date fruits packaging processing line were established. A
corrective action for the receiving raw date fruits and packaging materials rejected any doubtful ingredients as it not accompanied
by supplier guarantee. Where check and repair washing, fumigation, drying and packaging (metal detector) conditions in
addition to reprocess date fruits to the aforementioned processing steps if necessary were the corrective actions established for
washing, fumigation, drying and packaging steps when monitoring procedures of these CCPs indicated that, the critical limits of those
steps were exceeded.

Verification procedures: About verification procedures it could be reported that, aforementioned monitoring procedures for each
identified CCP could be established for verifying applied HACCP plan during date fruits packaging process, as recommended by
NACMCF 13, 16 . In the same time, microbiological analysis of packaged date fruits as end product was the main verification
procedures of applied HACCP plan, whereas the microbiological analysis of food reflected the sanitary conditions of processing line
in addition to the safety of the product. The microbiological analysis of raw date fruits and packaged date fruits samples are
presented in Table 3. It could be noticed the effect of applying HACCP plan during processing since the tested microbiological
criteria (counts of total bacterial, yeasts and molds, coliform group and S. aureus) of raw date fruits and packaged date fruit samples
decreased from 3.70, 2.85, 0.60 and 1.60 to 1.55, 0.48, < 1 and < 1 log cfu/g, respectively. Low total bacterial count of packaged date
fruit samples indicates the positive effect of different processing steps in reducing the microbiological contamination of date fruits.
The total viable counts are indices of the general microbiological quality of food 31, elevated counts of mesophilic aerobic bacteria
may be due to inadequate processing or post-processing contamination such as poor dates handling or hygiene practices36.
According to Saudi standards for microbiological criteria of foods 37, the loads of yeasts in date fruits should not exceed 10 cfu/g in 3
out of 5 replicates of tested sample and that of moulds not to exceed 102 cfu/g in 3 of 5 replicates of tested sample (SASO). In the
same time, coliform group and S. aureus were not detected at detection limit < 101 cfu/g (Table 3), which indicated the high
sanitary conditions of date fruit packaging line under investigation in addition to the correcting of applied HACCP plan. According
to Nguz et al. 38, levels of E. coli are often used for monitoring the sanitary conditions under which foods are processed. More than
102 CFU/g coliform represents a potential risk to health, Health Laboratory Services 39, 40, counts of coliform at this level may also
indicate a significant failure of hygiene standards in the handling and/or storage of ready to eat foods like fresh fruits and dates 36 .
According to Saudi standards for packaged dates, the maximum counts for yeasts, moulds, and coliform should be 210 (2.32 log
cfu/g) cfu/g, 310 (2.49 log cfu/g) cfu/g and 10 (1.00 log cfu/g) cfu/ g, respectively, but there are no limits for other microbial
groups36. Date fruits are also known to contain some antimicrobial components. For example, some varieties contain up to 2.5%
tannins 41, which have been reported to cause growth inhibition to many species of fungi and bacteria 42. Hamad 26 noticed that, most
microbial contaminants of dates die with time if the fruits are packaged and stored at refrigeration temperature. According to the
aforementioned results, it could be suggested that, HACCP system applied in the packaged date fruits processing line under
investigation was correctly planed and effectively applicable.

Record keeping procedures: Record keeping documents for each identified CCP during packaged date fruits are presented in Table
4. It could be observed that, keeping of supplier guarantee for raw date fruits and packaging materials and documents the inspection
results of those were the record documents for receiving raw ingredients. In the same time, visual and inspection reports of
fumigation, washing, drying and packaged date fruit steps should be kept and established as documented of HACCP plan. Finally it
could be reported that, Tables 1, 2 and 4 and Fig. 1 show formal documents that pulls together the key information of HACCP plan
for date fruit packaging line, and contain details of all that is critical to product safety. An important role of HACCP system is to
help the food processor applying HACCP during their processing line through identification of key or critical control measures
that prevent, eliminate or reduce different hazards (biological, chemical and physical) to acceptable level as previously listed in
Tables 1 and 2. A HACCP worksheet contained the seven principles of HACCP system are presented in Table 4.

Date fruits are consumed as traditional and ideal food in Saudi Arabia. It provides a wide range of essential nutrients and potential
health benefits. Contamination date fruits with different hazards, biological, chemical and physical, in fruits is a matter of concern.
Hence methods that will control these hazards of fruits at harvest, post harvest and at storage conditions are required and should be
made mandatory, one of this method is HACCP system. The results of our study showed that HACCP system is needed in order to
improve the safety of packaged date fruits. HACCP system could evaluate the different sources of hazards during various processing
steps of packaged date fruits and established different

Table 3. Microbiological analysis of date fruits sample before and after drying.
Microbiological test log cfu/g
Date fruit samples
Total bacterial count Yeast and mold count Coliform group S. aureus
Raw date fruits 3.70 2.85 0.60 1.60
Packaged date fruits 1.55 0.48 <1 <1
Table 4. HACCP worksheet for preparing steps of packaged date fruit samples.
CCP Hazard Critical limits Monitoring Corrective actions Verification Record keeping
Visual Auditing of
inspection of supplier
Supplier guarantee
Receiving supplier guarantee and
Biological, and documents the
raw date fruit Supplier guarantee guarantee and Reject any Visual
chemical results of inspection
and specifications of characteristics doubtful inspection of
and raw date fruits and
packaging ingredients. of raw date ingredients. characteristics
physical packaging
materials fruits and raw date fruits
packaging and packaging
materials. materials.
Fumigation Visual Check and repair Reports of
conditions such as inspection of fumigation Test and visual fumigation process
time, temperature fumigated date conditions and
Fumigation Biological and concentration of fruits and reprocess if inspection of and visual
methyl bromide and fumigated date inspection of
recorded the necessary
final residues of fruits. fumigated date
fumigation (increase time of
fumigation material fruits.
conditions. fumigation).
in final product.
Compliance with
Biological, general Visual Check and repair Periodically
Washing with chemical recommendation of inspection washing process analysis of Reports of water
water and GMPs, SSOPs and during washing and rewashing water used in analysis.
physical characteristics of process. fruits if necessary. processing line.
Checked the
Reports of checked
Checked Check and repair drying
Compliance with the drying
temperature and drying conditions conditions and
general conditions and
time of drying and reprocess if determined the
recommendation of measurements the
Drying Biological process and necessary moisture
GMPs, SSOPs. moisture content
moisture (increase time or content and
Temperature of and microbiological
content of dried temperature of microbiological
drying 70 OC. load of dried date
date fruits. drying). load of dried
date fruits.
Checked the Check and repair Checked the Reports of checked
Date fruits Sensitivity of metal metal detector and metal detector and
Physical detector validity of metal validity of metal
packaging reprocess the inspected of final
detector. detector.
product. date product.

control measures could be used for controlling these identified hazards. Identified CCPs during different processing steps of packaging
date fruits and establishment their critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification procedures and record keeping
makes the application of HACCP system one of the safety tools to emphasize the safety of packaged date fruits.

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