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In minerals processing, screening is considered the simplest and most convenient method of
sizing particles. Simply, in this context, screening involves separating particles of an ore ac-
cording to size and, often, geometry. This is the primary reason why screening is performed.
The screening process typically follows after comminution processes such as primary
crushing and secondary crushing. There are different types of screens available. Some are
grizzlies, vibratory, and wire mesh screens. Simply, the process of screening ore material is
such that the material is passed through a screen - or sometimes multiple screens - to classify
the particles according to their respective sizes and shapes. Another use for screening is to
determine the percentage of fines present in the ore and, as common practice, in the oversize.
From these, the efficiency of the screens may be determined. Through screening, there is an
observable particle size distribution (PSD) that is used in industry to select appropriate
subsequent processes that the material may undergo. For instance, the finer particles may be
sent for ’fines dense medium separation (DMS) and the larger particle may be sent for
’coarse DMS’ . Likewise, the interparticle may continue to a leaching process and the larger
particles be sent back for re-crushing. The efficiency of the screening process is determined
by a set of factors: the type of screen used (static or vibrating), type of panels used (steel or
rubber), panel size and geometry (square panel or rectangular), feed rate (particle speed and
throw), and the phenomena of probability and stratification. The factors are not limited to the
above-mentioned. Another, is whether the screening process is dry or wet. Both have their
merits, but the latter is preferred because it does not generate dust. In this investigation, 12
kg of hematite ore is sized using an industrial screen. Thereafter, a representative sample of
the ore is sieved in the lab using Tyler mesh sieves. Information from both processes can be
used by engineers to determine losses and process efficiencies with the intention of not only
monitoring, but also optimizing the screening process.

Screening is the simplest method for sizing particles in minerals processing. It is used to separate
particles of a material according to size and shape. Screening usually follows after comminution.
The aim of this experiment was to screen and sieve hematite ore and to study its particle size
distribution. The screening was done using an industrial screen and the sieving was done using
laboratory Tyler sieves. The size distribution is often of critical importance to the way the material
performs in use. A sieve analysis can be performed on any type of non-organic or organic granular
materials including sands, crushed rock, clays, granite, feldspars, coal, soil, a wide range of
manufactured powders, grain and seeds, down to a minimum size depending on the exact method.
Being such a simple technique of particle sizing, it is probably the most common.

Fig: - Seives used for gradiation test

Sieves for All Types of Applications

Half Height Sieves

Where smaller quantities of sample are being analyzed half height, sieves are often used. These are
available in diameters of 38, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 315, 350, 400 and 450mm, as well as 3, 8, 12
or 18 inches with the complete range of woven wire mesh or perforated plate sieving mediums.

Microplate Sieves
For very fine particle size analysis Endecott’s produce a range of microplate sieves made from
electro-etched nickel plate in stainless steel frames of 100mm diameter. Available with unique self-
clearing apertures in sizes from 75 to 5 microns.

Wet Washing Sieves

For samples that need to be separated with the help of wet washing. Available in 8 inches diameter
by 4 or 8 inches deep, or their metric equivalents, with brass or stainless-steel frames. A complete
range of aperture sizes with optional support medium for fine mesh.

Extra Depth Sieves
Extensively used by the construction and cement industries. These extra depth sieves are available
with a diameter size of 450mm and a depth of 300mm. Made from plated steel with woven wire
mesh or perforated sieving mediums.

Air Jet Sieves

These sieves are specifically designed for use with air jet systems. They are available in 200mm
diameter brass or stainless-steel frames and an extensive range of aperture sizes.

Grain Sieves
As used by Government Intervention Boards and similar organizations worldwide for testing grains
and cereals. Available in 200mm diameter brass frames with plated mild steel slotted plate and a
range of aperture sizes as specified in ISO 5223.

Lids & Receivers

Lids, receiving pans and intermediate receiving pans are available in brass, stainless steel or plated
steel with the following diameters: 38, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 315, 400 and 450mm as well as 3,
8, 12 or 18 inches. Half height receivers are also available.

Pocket Sieve Set

High quality pocket sieves are very useful for testing small samples either in the laboratory or on
site. The brass sieve has a range of interchangeable mesh discs of different aperture sizes. It is
supplied complete with a sieve brush and belt pouch.

Sieve Brush & Analysis Graph Paper

Double ended sieve brushes specially designed for cleaning sieves with one end coarse bristles and
the other fine. Graph paper for the rapid analysis of sieve test data. Pad contains 25 sheets printed on
semi-transparent detail paper to allow direct comparison of graphs.

Wet Sieving Kit

For tests that require wet sieving Endecott’s offer a conversion kit suitable for the Octagon and EFL
shakers. The kit includes top clamping plate with a Perspex cover and spray rose, watertight seals
and a stainless-steel receiver with drainage spout.

Sample Dividers
These hand-held sample dividers will subdivide material samples into smaller portions while
retaining the characteristics of the original sample. Produced in stainless steel with slot widths or
either 6.35mm (1/4in) or 12.7mm (1/2in).

Stratification & Probability

This describes a phenomenon when smaller and lighter particles pass in-between larger particles.
When a screen is feed, the bed of material is usually layered - light and smaller particles on top and
larger particles at the bottom. As the screen vibrates, particles are sorted according to their weight
and size. Larger particles generally move more across the screen than downward. On the other hand,
the fine particles tend to move more downward than across through the voids between the larger and
coarser particles.

Probability, in the minerals processing context, refers to the degree of likelihood that a particle will
’see’ a panel opening and fall through it. When the bed of material vibrates across the screen, some
particles fall right through the apertures, some bounce off the panels, and some do not even get to
see the panel opening due to poor stratification. An excellent screening efficiency, recovery, and
minimal losses have an associated corresponding high probability. Poor efficiency and major losses
may be indicative of low probability during the screening process.

Dry Screening vs Wet Screening

Dry screening refers to when a dry feed is fed onto a classifying screen. If this step is preceded by a
wet process, the feed must first be dried by either baking or by sun. Drying by baking is preferred
because it takes less time and is ultimately more economical. Wet screening is when the feed is fed
onto the screen along with water or washed across the screen by jets of water. The risk with wet
screening is that fine material may be lost as mud/paste on the screen surface or the fines may be
suspended in water and carried over to the oversize launder. Wet screenings generally preferred
because it does not generate dust.

The difference between a sieve and a screen

A sieve is used to process individual batches of product. At Gough, we sell a lot of sieves to baking
companies who use them to sift and check screen bags of flour and other ingredients before they are
mixed during production. The sieving process sifts out lumps and improves the quality of the flour
for better final produce, as well as adding a measure of safety by separating out any debris that may
have found its way into the product.

A screen is used on a continuous flow of product. Screens are installed into production streams to
remove lumps and oversize particles, or allow fine particles and dust to be separated out, cleaning
up the final product. We have supplied screen systems to chemical manufacturers to screen off
lumps before the final bagging process, and to crisp manufacturers to remove small broken crisps
and crumbs before packing. Screens come in both circular and linear configurations; deciding which
is best for a particular process is usually determined by the type of product being processed, the
throughput required, and space limitation within a facility.

There are different methods for carrying out sieve analyses, depending on
the material to be measured.


Here a throwing motion acts on the sample. The vertical throwing motion is overlaid with a slight
circular motion which results in distribution of the sample amount over the whole sieving surface.
The particles are accelerated in the vertical direction (are thrown upwards). In the air they carry out
free rotations and interact with the openings in the mesh of the sieve when they fall back. If the
particles are smaller than the openings, they pass through the sieve. If they are larger, they are
thrown.. The rotating motion while suspended increases the probability that the particles present a
different orientation to the mesh when they fall back again, and thus might eventually pass through
the mesh. Modern sieve shakers work with an electro-magnetic drive which moves a spring-mass
system and transfers the resulting oscillation to the sieve stack. Amplitude and sieving time are set
digitally and are continuously observed by an integrated control-unit. Therefore, sieving results are
reproducible and precise (an important precondition for a significant analysis). Adjustment of
parameters like amplitude and sieving time serves to optimize the sieving for different types of
material. This method is the most common in the laboratory sector.


In horizontal sieve shaker the sieve stack moves in horizontal circles in a plane. Horizontal sieve
shakers are preferably used for needle-shaped, flat, long or fibrous samples, as their horizontal
orientation means that only a few disoriented particles enter the mesh and the sieve is not blocked so
quickly. The large sieving area enables the sieving of large amounts of sample, for example as
encountered in the particle-size analysis of construction materials and aggregates.


A horizontal circular motion overlies a vertical motion which is created by a tapping impulse. These
motional processes are characteristic of hand sieving and produce a higher degree of sieving for
denser particles (e.g. abrasives) than throw-action sieve shakers

Fig: - Tapping sieving


Most sieve analyses are carried out dry. But there are some applications which can only be carried
out by wet sieving. This is the case when the sample which has to be analysed is e.g. a suspension
which must not be dried; or when the sample is a very fine powder which tends to agglomerate
(mostly < 45 µm) – in a dry sieving process this tendency would lead to a clogging of the sieve
meshes and this would make a further sieving process impossible. A wet sieving process is set up
like a dry process: the sieve stack is clamped onto the sieve shaker and the sample is placed on the
top sieve. Above the top sieve a water-spray nozzle is placed which supports the sieving process
additionally to the sieving motion. The rinsing is carried out until the liquid which is discharged
through the receiver is clear. Sample residues on the sieves have to be dried and weighed. When it
comes to wet sieving it is very important not to change the sample in its volume (no swelling,
dissolving or reaction with the liquid).

Air Circular Jet

Air jet sieving machines are ideally suited for very fine powders which tend to agglomerate and
cannot be separated by vibrational sieving. The reason for the effectiveness of this sieving method is
based on two components: A rotating slotted nozzle inside the sieving chamber and a powerful
industrial vacuum cleaner which is connected to the chamber. The vacuum cleaner generates a
vacuum inside the sieving chamber and sucks in fresh air through the slotted nozzle. When passing
the narrow slit of the nozzle the air stream is accelerated and blown against the sieve mesh,
dispersing the particles. Above the mesh, the air jet is distributed over the complete sieve surface
and is sucked in with low speed through the sieve mesh. Thus, the finer particles are transported
through the mesh openings into the vacuum cleaner.

Types of sieves

Woven wire mesh sieves

Woven wire mesh sieves are according to technical requirements of ISO 3310-1.[7] These sieves
usually have nominal aperture ranging from 20 micrometers to 3.55 millimeters, with diameters
ranging from 100 to 450 millimeters.

Perforated plate sieves

Perforated plate sieves conform to ISO 3310-2 and can have round or square nominal apertures
ranging from 1 millimeter to 125 millimeters.[8] The diameters of the sieves range from 200 to 450

American standard sieves

American standard sieves also known as ASTM sieves conform to ASTM E11 standard.[9] The
nominal aperture of these sieves range from 20 micrometers to 200 millimeters, however these
sieves have only 8 inches (203 mm) and 12 inches (305 mm) diameter sizes.

Limitations of sieve analysis

Sieve analysis has, in general, been used for decades to monitor material quality based on particle
size. For coarse material, sizes that range down to #100 mesh (150μm), a sieve analysis and particle
size distribution is accurate and consistent.

However, for material that is finer than 100 mesh, dry sieving can be significantly less accurate.
This is because the mechanical energy required to make particles pass through an opening and the
surface attraction effects between the particles themselves and between particles and the screen
increase as the particle size decreases. Wet sieve analysis can be utilized where the material
analyzed is not affected by the liquid - except to disperse it. Suspending the particles in a suitable
liquid transports fine material through the sieve much more efficiently than shaking the dry

Sieve analysis assumes that all particle will be round (spherical) or nearly so and will pass through
the square openings when the particle diameter is less than the size of the square opening in the
screen. For elongated and flat particles a sieve analysis will not yield reliable mass-based results, as
the particle size reported will assume that the particles are spherical, where in fact an elongated
particle might pass through the screen end-on, but would be prevented from doing so if it presented
itself side-on.

Engineering applications

 Gradation is usually specified for each engineering application it is used for. For example,
foundations might only call for coarse aggregates, and therefore an open gradation is needed.

 Sieve analysis is used in testing materials for construction.

 It is important because the requirements for concrete mixes are well-graded aggregates with
specific course aggregate diameters.

 High strength concrete and pre-stressed concrete needs maximum sized aggregates for these
to be able to pass through the reinforcing bars.

 The aggregate sizes are determined by sieve analysis.


In sieve analysis, the particle size distribution is defined using the mass or volume. Sieve analysis is
laboratory test procedure in which particles will move vertically or horizontally through sieve mesh.
Depending on the needs and particle material different sieving methods are available for the
application. They are manual sieving method, mechanical sieving method, dry sieving method and
wet sieving method.

Manual sieving method is carried out in places where there is no electricity and mainly used in,
onsite differentiation among large and small particles. Mechanical sieving method is used in
laboratories to assure the quality and this is the widely using method in present days. In mechanical
sieving the method can be classified into two further groups depending on their sieving movement
as horizontal movement sieving method and vertical movement sieving method. The vertical
movement sieving method is also known as throw-action sieving and vibratory sieving methods.
Dry sieving method is considered mostly and here the testing particles (specimen) are in dry state.
Wet sieving method is considered when the particle that is going to be used is already exists as wet
or suspension. Here, in the sieve shaker machine a nozzle will be provided to water the upper most
sample material. But need some extra about the water concentration during this wet sieving


•Worn-out panels should be replaced to minimize material losses and to improve screen efficiency.

•A longer sieving time may have been appropriate. This is because when the sieves were handled,
some particles still fell through the mesh.

• Use sieve meshes with rectangular apertures.

•The feed rate should be lowered to improve screening.

•The ore should not have been fed manually onto the industrial screen.

• Perhaps wet screening should have been done. The industrial screen generated dust.
1). Find out the
a) Sauter mean diameter
b) Volume mean diameter, for the given data.


(Dpi) (cm) (gms)
0.752 115.8
0.378 36.5
0.226 42.7
0.186 27.7
0.120 7.3

SOLUTION: - We prepare the following table from the given table:

MASS IN EACH MASS FRACTION Dpi xi / Dpi xi/ (Dpi)3

FRACTION (gms) ( xi)
(cm) (y) (z)
115.8 0.503 0.752 0.669 1.183
36.5 0.158 0.378 0.405 2.925
42.7 0.186 0.226 0.823 16.174
27.7 0.121 0.186 0.650 18.804
7.3 0.032 0.120 0.267 18.518
∑y = 2.814 ∑ z=57.604

Therefore now;
a) Sauter mean diameter (Dvs) = 1/∑ y = 1/ 2.814 = 0.355 cm.

b) Volume mean diameter (Dv) = 1/∑ z = 1/ 57.604 = 0.0173 cm.


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