Public Office and Officers

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Cornejo, Due process is violated only if an

office is considered property. However, a public office is not
property within the constitutional guaranties of due process.
WHAT IS A PUBLIC OFFICE? It is a public trust or agency. As public officers are mere
agents and not rulers of the people, no man has a
Defiinition proprietary or contractual right to an office. Every officer
accepts office pursuant to law and holds office as a trust for
A public office is the right, authority and duty created and the people whom he represents.
conferred by law, by which for a given period, either fixed by
law or enduring at the pleasure of the appointing power, an In Abeja v. Tanada, 267 SCRA 806, public office being
individual is invested with some portion of the sovereign personal, the death of a public officer terminates his right to
functions of the government, to be exercised by him for the occupy the contested office and extinguishes his
benefit of the public. (Mechem) counterclaim for damages. His widow and/or heirs cannot
be substituted in the counterclaim suit.
Purpose and Nature

A public office is created to effect the end for which Elements

government has been instituted which is the common good;
not profit, honor, or private interest of any person, family or (1) Must be created either by (a) the Constitution, (b) the
class of persons (63 A Am Jur 2d 667) Legislature, or (c) a municipality or other body through
authority conferred by the Legislature;
(1) A public office is a public trust. (Art. XI, Sec. 1, 1987 (2) Must possess a delegation of a portion of the sovereign
Consti) power of government, to be exercised for the benefit of the
“Public office is a public trust. All government officials public;
and employees must at all times be accountable to the
people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty (3) The powers conferred and the duties discharged must
and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead be defined, directly or impliedly by the Legislature or through
modest lives.” legislative authority;

In City Mayor v CA, 182 SCRA 785, a public officer who (4) The duties must be performed independently and
is found to be guilty of “dishonesty, oppression, and without control of a superior power other than the law;
disgraceful and immoral conduct” and “grave misconduct” in
office should thereby be dismissed. To hold otherwise would Exception: If the duties are those of an inferior or
be a mockery of a fundamental rule that public office is a subordinate office, created or authorized by the
public trust and would render futile the constitutional dictates Legislature and by it placed under the general control of
on the promotion on morale, integrity, responsiveness, a superior office or body;
progressiveness and courtesy in the public office
(5) Must have some permanency and continuity
(2) It is a responsibility and not a right but a privilege given
by the people to public officers to perform the sovereign Note: This is not to be applied literally. The Board of
functions of the government in order to promote public Canvassers is a public office, yet its duties are only for a
interest. limited period of time.

GENERAL RULE: A public office, being a mere privilege Modes of Creation Of Public Office
given by the state, does not vest any rights in the holder of the
office. This rule applies when the law is clear. (1) by the Constitution
EXCEPTION: When the law is vague, the person’s holding of (2) by statute / law
the office is protected and he should not be deprived of his (3) by a tribunal or body to which the power to create the
office. office has been delegated
(3) It is purely personal and not a property. Hence, the right
of the public officer to hold public office is extinguished Public Office v. Public Contract
through his death and could no longer be transferred through
his heirs.

Creation Incident of sovereignty Originates from will of

In Segovia v Noel, it is a fundamental principle that a public contracting parties
office cannot be regarded as the property of the incumbent
and that a public office is not a public contract. Nonetheless, Carrying out of sovereign Obligations imposed only
Object as well as governmental upon the persons who
Act. No. 3107 should be given a prospective effect in the
functions affecting even entered into the contract
absence of legislative intent to the contrary. Although there is persons not bound by the
a vested right to an office, which may not be disturbed by contract
legislation, yet the incumbent has, in a sense, a right to his
office. If that right is to be taken away by statute, the terms Subject Tenure, duration, continuity Limited duration
should be clear. Matter

Scope Duties that are generally Duties are very specific

A public office is not the property of the public officer continuing and permanent to the contract
within the provision of the Constitution against deprivation of
property without due process of law or within an agreement in Where duties The law Contract
a treaty not to impair the property or rights of private are defined
Public Officer v. Public Employment
(1) In quo warranto proceedings relating to the question Public employment is broader than public office. All
as to which of 2 persons is entitled to a public office public office is public employment, but not all public
(2) In an action for recovery of compensation accruing employment is a public office.
by virtue of Generally, a position is a public office when it is created
the public office by law, with duties cast upon the incumbent which involve
the exercise of some portion of the sovereign power, and in Q: When is a public officer estopped from denying that he
the performance of which the public is concerned. Public has occupied a public office?
employment is a position which lacks one or more of the A: When he has acted as a public officer, esp. where he
foregoing elements. has received
public monies by virtue of his office.


- the salary or fee of the - the salary, compensation, WHO IS A PUBLIC OFFICER?
holder is annexed; or fee is annexed;
A public officer is a person who holds public office.
- the position to such office - it is an an office for profit.
is supposed to be accepted Definition
for the common good.
A public officer is one who performs public functions /
duties of government by virtue of direct provision of law,
Scope and Extent of Power of the Legislature popular election, or appointment by competent authority. His
duties involve the exercise of discretion in the performance
GENERAL RULE: The creation of a public office is primarily of the functions of the government, and are not of a merely
a legislative function. clerical or manual nature. (See Sec. 2 (14), E.O. 292)
Exceptions: (1) where the offices are created by the
Constitution; Note: For the purpose of applying the provisions of the
(2) where the Legislature delegates such power. Revised Penal Code, employees, agents, or subordinate
officials, of any rank or class, who perform public duties in
Delegation of Power to Create Public Office the government or in any of its branches shall be deemed as
public officers.
Q: What is the effect where an office is created pursuant to Illustrations:
illegally delegated powers?  In the case of Maniego v. People, a laborer who was in
A: The office would have no existence.
charge of issuing summons and subpoenas for traffic
violations in a judge's sala was convicted for bribery under
UST v. Board of Tax Appeals
RPC 203. The court held that even temporary performance
The authority given to the President to "reorganize within of public functions is sufficient to constitute a person as a
one year the different executive departments, bureaus and
public official.
other instrumentalities of the Government" in order to promote
 In the case of People v. Paloma, a sorter and filer of
efficiency in the public service is limited in scope and cannot
money orders in the Auditor's Office of the Bureau of Posts
be extended to other matters not embraced therein.
was convicted for infidelity in the custody of documents. The
Therefore, an executive order depriving the Courts of First
court pointed out that the sorting and filing of money orders
Instance of jurisdiction over cases involving recovery of taxes
in the Bureau of Posts is obviously a public function or duty.
illegally collected is null and void, as Congress alone has the
"power to define, prescribe and apportion the jurisdiction of
In Art 203, RPC, any person who, by direct provision of
the various courts."
law, popular election or appointment by competent authority,
shall take part in the performance of public in the
Methods of Organizing Offices government of the Phil Islands, or shall perform in said
government or in any of its branches, public duties as an
(1) Single-head: one head assisted by subordinates. Swifter employee, agent or subordinate official, of any rank or or
decision and actions but may sometimes be hastily made. class, shall be deemed to be a public officer.
(2) Board System: collegial body in formulating polices and
implementing programs. Mature studies and Under Sec 2, RA 3019, the term “public officer” includes
deliberations but may be slow in responding to issues “elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent
and problems. or temporary, whether in the classified or exempt service,
receiving compensation, even nominal, from the
Modification and Abolition government.

Although the National internal Revenue Code authorizes

GENERAL RULE: The power to create an office
the Bureau of Internal Revenue to effect a constructive
includes the power to modify or abolish it. (i.e., this is
distraint by requiring any person to preserved the destrained
generally a legislative function)
property, there is no provision constituting such person as
apublic officer by reason of such requirement. The
(1) Where the Constitution prohibits such modification /
Sandiganbayan, therefore, has no jurisdiction over the case
involving such person.
(2) Where the Constitution gives the people the power to
modify or abolish the office;
In Laurel v. Desierto, April, 12 2002, the SC said that
the most important characteristics which distinguishes an
Ocampo v. Secretary of Justice
office from an employment is that the creation and conferring
The legislative power to create a court carries with it the
of an office involves a delegation to the individual of some of
power to abolish it. When the court is abolished, any
the sovereign functions of government, to be exercised by
unexpired term is abolished also.
him for the benefit of the public, and that the same portion of
the sovereignty of the country, either legislative, executive,
Zandueta v. De la Costa
or judicial, attaches, for the time being, to be exercised for
RULE: When a public official voluntarily accepts an
the benefit of the public. Unless the powers so conferred are
appointment to an office newly created by law -- which new
of this nature, the individual is not a public officer.
office is incompatible with the former -- he will be considered
to have abandoned his former office.
Exception: When the non-acceptance of the new
appointment would affect public interest, and the public official Who are not considered Public Officers?
is thereby constrained to accept.
 Special policemen salaried by a private entity and
Estoppel / To deny Existence of Office patrolling only the premises of such private entity (Manila
Terminal Co. v. CIR);
 Concession forest guards (Martha Lumber Mill v.
 Company cashier of a private corporation owned by the appointed to an office legally existing. (Norton v.
government (Tanchoco v. GSIS) County of Shelby)

May a Person Be Compelled to Accept Public Office?
Requisites (1) Existence of a de (1) De jure office;
GENERAL RULE: NO. jure office;
(2) must possess the (2) Color of right or
legal qualifications general
(1) When citizens are required, under conditions provided by for the office in acquiescence by the
law, to render personal military or civil service (Sec. 4, Art. II, question; public;
1987 Const.);
(3) must be lawfully (3) Actual physical
chosen to such possession of the
(2) When a person who, having been elected by popular office; office in good faith
election to a public office, refuses without legal motive to be NOTE: this is not
sworn in or to discharge the duties of said office (Art. 234, (4) must have qualified absolutely true. An
RPC; Note: the penalty shall be either arresto mayor, or a himself to perform intruder or usurper may
fine not exceeding P 1,000.00, or both) the duties of such ripen into a de facto
office according to officer.
the mode
(3) Principle of “Posse Commitatus” prescribed by law.

No Presumption of Power Basis of Right: he has the lawful Reputation: Has the
Authority right / title to the office possession and performs
the duties under color of
In Villegas v Subido, nothing is better settled in the law right, without being
than that a public official exercises power, not rights. The technically qualified in all
points of law to act
government itself is merely an agency through which the will
of the state is expressed and enforced. Its officers therefore How ousted Cannot be ousted. Only by a direct
are likewise agents entrusted with the responsibility of proceeding (quo
discharging its functions. As such, there is no presumption warranto); not collaterally
that they are empowered to act. There must be a delegation
of such authority, either express or implied. In the absence of Validity of Valid, subject to Valid as to the public until
official acts exceptions (e.g., they such time as his title to
a valid grant, they are devoid of power.
were done beyond the the office is adjudged
scope of his authority, insufficient.

Rule on Entitled to compensation Entitled to receive

CLASSIFICATION OF PUBLIC OFFICERS Compensatio as a matter of right; compensation only during
n the time when no de jure
The principle of "no work, officer is declared;
no pay" is not applicable
DE FACTO OFFICERS to him. He is paid only for actual
services rendered by him.
A DE FACTO OFFICER is one who has the reputation of
being the officer that he assumes to be, and yet is not a good
officer in point of law (Torres v Ribbo, 81 Phil 44). He must DE FACTO INTRUDER
have acted as an officer for such length of time, under color of
Nature Officer under any of the 4 One who takes
title and under such length of time and under such circumstances discussed possession of an office
circumstances of reputation or acquiescence by the public under Part II (above). and undertakes to act
and the public people, without inquiry, and relying on the officially without any
supposition that he is the officer he assumes to be, to submit authority, either actual or
to or invoke his action. apparent

Basis of Color of right or title to None. He has neither

Q: When is a person a de facto officer? authority office lawful title nor color of
A: Where the duties of the office are exercised under any of right or title to office.
the following circumstances:
(1) Without a known appointment or election, but under such Validity of Valid as to the public until Absolutely void; they can
circumstances of reputation or acquiescence as were "official" acts such time as his title to be impeached at any time
the office is adjudged in any proceeding (unless
calculated to induce people, without inquiry, to submit to insufficient and until he continues to
or invoke his action, supposing him to the be the officer act for so long a time as
he assumed to be; or to afford a presumption of
his right to act)
(2) Under color of a known and valid appointment or election,
Rule on Entitled to receive Not entitled to
but where the officer has failed to conform to some
compensation compensation only during compensation at all.
precedent requirement or condition (e.g., taking an oath the time when no de jure
or giving a bond); officer is declared;

(3) Under color of a known election or appointment, void He is paid only for actual
services rendered by him.
(a) the officer was not eligible; Q: Can an intruder / usurper ripen into a de facto officer?
(b) there was a want of power in the electing or A: Yes. With the passage of time, a presumption may be
appointing body; created in the minds of the public that the intruder has a right
(c) there was a defect or irregularity in its exercise; to act as a public officer.
such ineligibility, want of power, or defect being unknown
to the public. Q: Is good faith a factor in the ripening of intruder status
into de facto status?
(4) Under color of an election or an appointment by or A: Yes. HOWEVER, it must be noted that the good faith
pursuant to a public, unconstitutional law, before the must be on the part of
same is adjudged to be such. the public; not on the part of the intruder.
Note: Here, what is unconstitutional is not the act
creating the office, but the act by which the officer is
Q: What is the de facto doctrine?
A: It is the principle which holds that a person, who, by the A QUO WARRANTO PROCEEDING is a special civil
proper authority, is admitted and sworn into office is deemed action, a demand by the state upon some individuals or
to be rightfully in such office until: corporations to show by what right they exercise, some right
(a) by judicial declaration in a proper proceeding he or privilege appertaining to the state which according to the
is ousted therefrom; or Constitution and the laws of the land, they can legally
(b) his admission thereto is declared void. exercise by virtue of grant or authoryt from the state.

Q: What is the purpose for the doctrine? The writ of quo warranto is never directed to an office,
as such, but always against the person (Mendoza v Allas,
A: It is to ensure the orderly functioning of government. The 392 SCRA 623).
public cannot afford to check the validity of the officer's title
each time they transact with him. In the case of Tarrosa v Singson, 232 SCRA 555,
Tarrosa has no standing in his capacity as a tax payer in
In Malaluan v COMELEC, Mar 6, 1996, the COMELEC, questioning the legality of the appointment of Singson, as
finding merit in Evangelista’s appeal from the RTC, ordered Governor of BSP. Tarrosa is not a person claiming to be
Malaluan to vacate the office of mayor and to pay entitled to said office or position even unlawfully held and
Evangelista’s atty’s fees, actual expenses, unearned salary exercised by Singson. Moreover, he failed to prove that he
and other emoluments, obviously considering Malaluan a is entitled to the subject position.
usurper, in as much as he was ordered proclaimed only by the
RTC. The SC deemed the award of salaries and other In Nuenes v. Angeles, in this case, there were four (4)
emoluments improper, holding that Malaluan was not a petitioners seeking to oust six (6) Board Members. The
usurper but a de facto officer, having exercised the duties of Court held that this could not be done unless all 4 of them
the elective office under color of election (having been were entitled to the offices of the 6.
declared winner by the RTC).
Liabilities of De Facto Officers
Examples of De Facto Officers
 The liability of a de facto officer is generally held to be
 A judge who continued to exercise his duties after his the same degree of accountability for official acts as that of a
appointment was disapproved by the CA according to a de jure officer.
newspaper report, but before receiving the official notification  The de facto officer may be liable for all penalties
regarding the rejection of his appointment (Regala v. Judge of imposed by law for any of the following acts:
CFI); (a) usurping or unlawfully holding office;
 A lawyer instructed by the Acting Provincial Governor to (b) exercising the functions of public office without lawful
file an information for homicide, where the latter had no right;
authority to designate him as assistant fiscal, and where the (c) not being qualified for the public office as required
DOJ had not authorized him to act as such (People v. by law.
Penesa);  The de facto officer cannot excuse his responsibility for
 A third-ranking councilor who is designated to act as crimes committed in his official capacity by asserting his de
mayor by an officer other than the proper appointing authority facto status.
prescribed by law, and lacking the consent of the Provincial
Board (Codilla v. Martinez)

Examples of Those Not Considered as De Facto Officers CLASSIFICATION OF CIVIL SERVICE

 A judge who has accepted an appointment as finance
secretary and yet renders a decision after having accepted
The purpose of the Civil Service Law is to
such appointment (Luna v. Rodriguez);
professionalize and improve efficiency in performing public
functions. Hence, to promote good governance and integrity
 A judge whose position has already been abolished by in public office.
law, and yet promulgates a decision in a criminal case after
the abolition and over the objection of the fiscal (People v. So) In Meram v Edralin, 154 SCRA 238, the court ruled that
the very purpose of the Civil Service Law dictates that
Legal Effect of Acts of De Facto Officers persons who are qualified and next in rank should be given
preferential consideration when filing up a vacated position.
As regards the officers themselves Appointments under the Civil Service Law should be based
GENERAL RULE: A party suing or defending in his on merits and fitness system and NOT on blood ties.
own right as a public officer must show that he is an officer de
jure. It is not sufficient that he be merely a de facto officer. The Civil Service embraces all branches, subdivisions,
instrumentalities, and agencies of the government, including
As regards the public and third persons government owned or controlled corporations with original
GENERAL RULE: The acts of a de facto officer are charters (Art IX-C, Sec 2(1)).
valid as to third persons and the public until his title to office is
adjudged insufficient. One of the objectives of the CS Law is to avoid
Official Acts of De Facto Officers Not Subject to Collateral
Attack In Eugenio v. CSC, the ruled that the CSC has no power
to abolish CESB because CESB is created by law (PD 1).
Thus, it can only be abolished by the legislature. In the case
RULE: The title of a de facto officer and the validity of his acts at bar, the Congress had not yet enacted a law abolishing
cannot be collaterally questioned in proceedings to which he CESB, therefore, CSC has no authority to abolish CESB.
is not a party, or which were not instituted to determine the
very question. In Rubenicia v CSC, May 31, 1995, the court ruled that
the CSC has the power to effect changes in the Merit
REMEDY: Quo warranto proceedings System and Protection Board (MSPB).
Who may file: The relocation to the Commission of the functions of the
(1) The person who claims to be entitled to the office; MSPB relating to the determination of administrative
(2) The Republic of the Philippines, represented by disciplinary cases were the changes prescribed by the
(a) the Solicitor-General; or Commission in its effort to “streamline the operation of the
(b) a public prosecutor CSC” which in turn required the “simplification systems,
cutting of red tapes and elimination of an unnecessary (e) Positions in the AFP, although governed by a separate
bureaucratic layer”. The previous procedure made it difficult merit system;
for cases to be finally resolved within a reasonable period of (f) Personnel of government-owned or controlled
time. The change, therefore, was moved by the quite corporations with original charter; and
legitimate objective of simplifying the course that (g) Permanent laborers, whether skilled, semi-skilled, or
administrative disciplinary cases be decided at a reasonable unskilled.
Another reason is that since MSPB is part and parcel of NOTE: General Rule: a non-eligible cannot be appointed to
the internal organization of the Commission, thus, not an a position in career service.
autonomous entity created by law BUT merely attached for Exception: When there is urgency for filing the position
administrative purposes of the CSC. and the vacancy pertains to a non-permanent position.

ELIGIBILITY, which is the term usually used in reference (2) Non-career Service.
to the Civil Service Law, refers to the endowment/ Characterized by: (i) entrance on bases other than
requirement / accomplishment that fits one for a public office. those of the usual tests utilized for the career service, (ii)
tenure limited to a period specified by law, or which is co-
terminous with that of the appointing authority or subject to
CLASSIFICATION OF CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS his pleasure. Or which is limited to the duration of a
UNDER PD 807 & EO 292: particular project for which purpose the employment was
(1) Career Service.
This class is characterized by (i) entrance based on merit OFFICERS/EMPLOYEES INCLUDED:
and fitness to be determined, as far as practicable by (a) elective officials, and their personal and confidential
competitive examinations, or based on a highly technical staff;
qualifications, opportunity for advancement of a higher career (b) department heads and officials cabinet rank who hold
positions, and (ii) security of tenure. office at the pleasure of the President, and their
personal and confidential staff;
Note: Person appointed to a career service cannot be (c) chairman and members of the commissions and boards
removed from office except provided by law and with just with fixed terms of office, and their personal and
cause. confidential staff;
(iv) Contractual personnel or those whose employment in
In Palmera v. CSC, security of tenury means that no government is in accordance with a special contract to
officer or employee in the Civil Service shall be suspended or undertake a specific work or job requiring special or
removed except for cause provided by law and after due technical skills not available in the employing agency, to
process. be accomplished within a specific period not exceeding
1 yr, under their own responsibility, with the minimum
POSITIONS INCLUDED ARE: direction and supervision; and
(a) Open career positions – prior qualification in an (v) emergency and seasonal personnel.
appropriate examination is required;
(b) Closed career positions – e.g. scientific or highly In Montecillo v. CSC, Jun 28, 2001, SC ruled that under
technical in nature; Admin Code of 1987, the CSC is expressly empowered to
(c) Career executive service – appointee is required to declare positions in the Civil Service as primarily
possess the appropriate Career Executive Service Officer confidential. Hence, the above enumeration is not an
(CESO) eligibility. e.g undersecretaries, bureau directors, exclusive list. The Commission can supplement this above
etc.; enumeration.

Two (2) Requisites that must concur to attain security of In Orcullo v. CSC, May 22, 2001, SC classified the co-
tenure: terminous status, as follows: (i) co-terminous with the
(i) career executive service eligibility; and project; (ii) co-terminous with the appointing authority; (iii)
(ii) appointment to the appropriate career executive co-terminous with the incumbent; and (iv) co-terminous with
service rank. the specific period.
It must be stressed that the security of tenure of
employees in the career service executive (except 1st and
2nd level employees in the civil service) pertains only to CLASSIFICATION OF CIVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS
rank and not to the office or to the position to which may UNDER THE CONSTITUTION:
be appointed. Thus, a career executive service officer
may be transferred or reassigned from one position to (1) Competitive positions.
another without losing rank which follows him wherever Appointment is based on the merit and fitness system.
he is transferred or reassigned.
Accordingly, where the appointee does not possess (2) Non-competitive positions.
the required career executive service eligibility, his Apointments not based on merits and fitness system.
appointment will not attain permanency. These are appointments which are usually:

In Achacoso v Macaraig, 195 SCRA 235, security of (i) Policy determining – The officer lays down principal or
tenure does not lie if the person appointed to a CES position fundamental guidelines or rules; or formulates a method of
is ineligible. action for government or any of its subdivisions (eg.
Department Heads)
(1) Professional – person appointed cannot exercise his (ii) Primarily confidential – It denotes not only confidence in
discretion. The security of tenure of the person appointed is the aptitude of the appointee for the duties of the office but
with regards to the position. primarily close intimacy which ensures freedom of
(2) Sub-professional – the nature of job is technical, intercourse without embarrassment or freedom from
supervisory and scientific. Also, the security of tenure is with misgivings or of the Philippines upon the recommendation of
regard to the position. the CSC.
(3) Career Executive – security of tenure is with regard to
rank. In CSC and PAGCOR v Salas, SC laid down two
instances when a position may be considered primarily
(d) Career officers (other than those belong to the Career confidential, they are as follows: (a) when the President,
Executive service) – appointed by the Pres.; upon the recommendation of the CSC, has declared the
position to be primarily confidential; and (b) close intimacy
which ensures freedom of intercourse without embarrassment when the corporation questioning the jurisdiction participated
or freedom from misgivings or of the Philippines upon the actively in the proceedings in NLRC, and in fact, sought
recommendation of the CSC. Hence, in this case, a position relief therefrom.
to as member of the Internal Security Staff is NOT a primarily
confidential because the nature of its functions which the court
found are just routinary duties that do not show close intimacy
with PAGCOR Chairman. Also, the fact that said position is
two positions away from the Chairman.
In Montecillo v. CSC, Jun 28, 2001, SC ruled that under
Admin Code of 1987, the CSC is expressly empowered to
declare positions in the Civil Service as primarily confidential. QUALIFICATION generally refers to the endowment / act
Hence, the above enumeration is not an exclusive list. The which a person must do before he can occupy a public
Commission can supplement this above enumeration. office.

In Delos Santos v Mallare, the SC enunciated the Sec 39, LGC of 1991, provides that:
principle of “PROXIMITY RULE”, which is still authoritative
until now, -- that the occupant of a particular position could be (a) An elective local official must be:
considered a confidential employee if the predominant reason (i) a citizen of the Philippines;
why he was chosen by the appointing authority was the (ii) a registered voter in the barangay, municipality,
latter’s belief that he can share a close intimate relationship city, or province or, in case of a member of the
with the occupant which ensures freedom of discussion sanguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang
without fear of embarrassment or misgivings of possible panglungsod, or sangguniang bayan, the district
betrayals of personal trust and confidential matters of the where he intends to be elected;
state. (iii) a resident therein for at least one year immediately
preceding the day of election; and
In Cadiente v Santos, 142 SCRA 280, the position of a (iv) able to read and write.
City Legal Officer is primarily confidential, requiring the utmost
degree of confidence on the part of the Mayor. AGE QUALIFICATIONS
(b) Candidates for the position of governor, vice-governor,
In Grino v. CSC, 94 SCRA 450, the position of a Privincial or member of the snagguniang panlalawigan, or mayor,
Attorney is primarily confidential, hence, the removal of vice-mayor or member of the sangguniang panglungsod
Angela is valid. The power to removed an employee of of highly urbanized cities must be at least twenty-three
primarily confidential position rest upon the person who years of age on election day.
possess the power to appoint or the person who appointed
him. But as to the legal staff, the removal is void. The (c) Candidates for the position of mayor or vice-mayor of
position of these subordinates are remote from that of the independent component cities, component cities, or
appointing authority, the element of trust between them is no municipalities must be at least twenty-one years of age
longer predominant. on election day.

In Santos v. Macaraig, The position of a Philippine (d) Candidates for the position of member of the
Representative (Ambassador) is primarily confidential. Sangguniang panglungsod or sangguniang bayan must
Hence, no security of tenure attached. be at least eighteen years of age on election day.

(e) Candidates for the position of punong barangay or

(iii) Highly technical – This requires possession of technical member of the sangguniang barangay must at least
skill or training in a supreme or superior degree. eighteen years of age on election day.

In Besa v PNB, the position of legal counsel of the PNB (f) Candidates for the sangguniang kabataan must be at
was declared both primarily confidential and highly technical. least fifteen years but not more than twenty-one years
of age on election day.


CORPORATIONS GENERAL RULE: Congress is empowered to prescribe
the qualifications for holding public office, subject to the
Officers and employees of a government-owned or following restrictions:
controlled corporations created by special law, with original
charter, are governed by the Civil Service Law. (1) Congress cannot exceed its constitutional powers;
On the other hand, officer and employees of a GOCC’s
created by a general law, without original charter, are (2) Congress cannot impose conditions of eligibility
governed by the Labor Code. inconsistent with constitutional provisions;
The test to determine what law shall govern is whether or
not the GOCC’s has an original charter. (3) The qualification must be germane to the position
("reasonable relation" rule);
The following are GOCC’s with original charter:
(1) Boy Scout of the Philippines – created by CA 111 (An Act (4) Congress cannot prescribe qualifications so detailed as
to Create a Public Corporation to be known as BSP). to practically amount to making an appointment.
(2) Local Water Districts – created by PD 198 (Legislative appointments are unconstitutional and
(3) Philippine National Red Cross – created by RA 95 therefore void for being a usurpation of executive
(1) Philippine Postal Corporation – created by RA 7354 power.);

GOCC’s without original charter: (5) Where the Constitution establishes specific eligibility
(1) Philippine National Construction Corporation – general requirements for a particular constitutional office, the
law constitutional criteria are exclusive, and Congress
(2) Philippine Veterans Bank – no charter of its own, a cannot add to them except if the Constitution expressly
private corporation. or impliedly gives the power to set qualifications.

NOTE: Estoppel applies in GOCC’s – In the case of ZCWD v

Buat, 232 SCRA 589, general rule is that, a water district with Q: What legislative enactments are tantamount to legislative
an original charter is a GOCC governed by the CS Law CS appointments?
Rules and Regulations. The exception to this rule is that,
A: (1) Extensions of the terms of office of the incumbents;
(2) The People's Court Act, which provided that the
President could designate Judges of First Instance,  Express the minimum requirements for a class of
Judges-at-large of First Instance or Cadastral Judges to positions in terms of education , training and experience, civil
sit as substitute Justices of the Supreme Court in treason service eligibility, physical fitness, and other qualities
cases without them necessarily having to possess the required for successful performance. (Sec. 22, Book V, EO
required constitutional qualifications of a regular Supreme 292)
Court Justice. (Vargas v. Rilloraza);  A statement of the minimum qualifications of a position
which shall include education, experience, training, civil
(3) A proviso which limits the choices of the appointing service eligibility, and physical characteristics and
authority to only one eligible, e.g. the incumbent Mayor of personality traits required by the job. (Sec. 2, Rule IV,
Olongapo City (Flores v. Drilon); Omnibus Rules)

(4) A legislative enactment abolishing a particular office and  With respect to a particular position, such qualification
providing for the automatic transfer of the incumbent standards shall serve as the basis for the determination by
officer to a new office created (contemplated in the appointing authority of the degree of qualifications of an
Manalang v. Quitoriano); officer or employee (ibid);

(5) A provision that impliedly prescribes inclusion in a list  Shall be used as basis for civil service examinations for
submitted by the Executive Council of the Phil. Medical positions in the career service, as guides in appointment and
Association as one of the qualifications for appointment; and other personnel actions, in the adjudication of protested
which confines the selection of the members of the Board of appointments, in determining training needs, and as aid in
Medical Examiners to the 12 persons included in the list the inspection and audit of the agencies' personnel work
(Cuyegkeng v. Cruz) ; programs (ibid);

 Shall be administered in such manner as to continually

POLITICAL QUALIFICATIONS provide incentives to officers and employees towards
professional growth and foster the career system in the
GENERAL RULE: Political qualifications are not required government service (ibid);
for public office.  It shall be the responsibility of the departments and
Exceptions: agencies to establish, administer and maintain the
(1) Membership in the electoral tribunals of either the qualification standards on a continuing basis as an incentive
House of Representatives or Senate (Art. VI, Sec. to career advancement. (Sec. 7, Rule IV, Omnibus Rules)
17, 1987 Const.);
(2) Party-list representation;  Their establishment, administration, and maintenance
(3) Commission on Appointments; shall be the responsibility of the department / agency, with
(4) Vacancies in the Sanggunian (Sec. 45, Local the assistance and approval of the CSC and in consultation
Government Code) with the Wage and Position Classification Office (ibid);
 Whenever necessary, the CSC shall provide technical
assistance to departments and agencies in the development
Property Qualifications of their qualification standards. (Sec. 5, Rule IV, Omnibus
In the cases of Maquera v. Borra and Aurea v.
COMELEC, the Supreme Court struck down R.A. 4421 which  Shall be established for all positions in the 1st and 2nd
required candidates for national, provincial, city and municipal levels (Sec. 1, Rule IV, Omnibus Rules);
offices to post a surety bond equivalent to the one-year salary
or emoluments of the position to which he is a candidate,
which shall be forfeited in favor of the govt. concerned if the
candidate fails to obtain at least 10% of the votes cast. DISQUALIFICATIONS OF LOCAL
The Supreme Court held that property qualifications are
inconsistent with the nature and essence of the Republican ELECTIVE OFFICIAL
system ordained in our Constitution and the principle of social
justice underlying the same. The Court reasoned out that:
"Sovereignty resides in the people and all government Sec 40, LGC of 1991, provides that:
authority emanates from them, and this, in turn, implies The following persons are from running for any elective local
necessarily that the right to vote and to be voted shall not position:
be dependent upon the wealth of the individual concerned.
Social justice presupposes equal opportunity for all, rich
and poor alike, and that, accordingly, no person shall, by
(a) Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense
reason of poverty, be denied the chance to be elected to involving moral turpitude or for an offense punishable by
public office." one year or more of imprisonment, within two years after
serving sentence;

Q: When must the qualifications be possessed? In Dumlao v. COMELEC, 95 SCRA 400, the part pf the
law which provided that mere filing of a criminal information
A: Where the time is specified by the Constitution or law: At for disloyalty was prima facie proof of guilt, and thus
the time specified sufficient to disqualify a person running for public office, was
held unconstitutional for being contrary to the constitutional
Where the Constitution or law is silent: presumption of innocence.
There are 2 views:
In De Guzman v Zubido, 120 SCRA 443, the court said
(1) qualification must be at the time of commencement of that not all violations of national statutes or ordinances are
term or induction into office; ground for disqualification to hold appointive or elective
(2) qualification / eligibility must exist at the time of the public office. An offense to be considered as a a
election or appointment disqualification is that the offense should be intrinsically
criminal and of public character. It must be an offense
* Eligibility is a continuing nature, and must exist throughout involving moral turpitude.
the holding of the public office. Once the qualifications are
lost, then the public officer forfeits the office.
(b) Those removed from office as result of an administrative natura-born Fil. As Cruz was not required by law to go
case; through naturalization proceedings in order to reacquire his
citizenship, he is a natural born Fil. As such, he possessed
(c) Those convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of all the necessary qualifications to be elected as a member of
allegiance to the Republic; the House of Rep.

(d) Those with dual citizenship;

(e) Fugitives from justice in criminal or non-political cases
In the case of Mercado v. Manzano, 307 SCRA 630 (1999) here or abroad;
the court held that: Dual cit’p is different from dual allegiance
frowned upon by the 1987 Consti. The former arises when, (f) Permanent residents in a foreign country or those who
as a result of the concurrent application of different laws of have acquired the right to reside abroad and continue to
two or more states, a person is simultaneously is considered a avail of the same right after the effectivity of this code;
national by the said states. Dual cit’p, on the other hand, and
refers to the situation in which a person simultaneously owes,
by some positive act, to two or more states. While dual cit is In the case of Caasi v CA, 191 SCRA 229, the court
involuntary, dual allegiance is the result of individual’s volition. said that a candidate for election who is a green card holder
The concern of the framers of the Consti was not with dual cit must have waived his status as a permanent resident or
per se, but with dual allegiance. Hence, the phrase dual cit’p immigrant of a foreign country. His act of filing of candidacy
in RA No. 7160 must be understood as referring to dual did not itself constitute a waiver of his status as a permanent
allegiance. Consequently, persons with mere dual cit’p do not resident or immigrant of the US. The waiver of his green
fall under the disqualification. Unlike those with dual card should be manifested by some act or acts independent
allegiance, who must, therefore, be subject to the strict of and done prior to the filing for candidacy.
process with respect to the termination of their status, for
candidates with dual cit’p, it would suffice if upon the filing of
their certificate of candidacy, they elect Phil cit’p to terminate (g) The insane or feeble-minded
their status as persons with dual cit. Thus , Mercado is
qualified because when he filed his certificate of candidacy,
he elected Phil cit’p and in effect renounced his Amer cit’p. NOTE: In the case of Lingating v COMELEC, 391 SCRA
629, the ruled that Sec 40, LGC of 1991, does not apply
In Frivaldo v COMELEC, the court said that the when the decision has not yet become final. In the case at
citizenship requirement must be met only on election day. bar, the decision of SP has not yet attained finality at the
While the Local Government Code requires one year time of the election due to the timely appeal made by Sulong
residency immediately preceding election day and the which was still unresolved.
prescribed age on election day, no date is specified for
citizenship. The purpose of the citizenship requirement is to HOWEVER, in the case of Reyes v. COMELEC, the
ensure leaders owing allegiance to no other country. Such decision has long been final and executorybcause of the
purpose is not thwarted, but instead achieved by construing refusal to accept the service of decision. The refusal of the
the requirement to apply at time of proclamation and at the party counsel to receive a decision may be construed as a
start of the term. waiver on his part to have a copy of the decision. Indeed the
failure to serve the decision was attributable to petitioner and
In the case of Labo v. COMELEC, Aug 1, 1989, Labo's his counsel.
first contention is irrelevant. He became an Australian citizen
by virtue of naturalization and not by marriage.
The second argument is specious w/c cannot stand against The legislature has the right to prescribe
the clear provisions of CA No. 63, w/c enumerates the modes disqualifications in the same manner that it can prescribe
by w/c Phil. citizenship may be lost, and among them are (1) qualifications, provided that the prescribed disqualification do
naturalization in a foreign country; (2) express renunciation of not violate the constitution.
citizenship; and (3) subscribing to an oath of allegiance to
support the Consti. or laws of a foreign country, all of w/c are
applicable to petitioner. Under Article IV, Section 5, "dual
allegiance of citizen is inimical to the national interest and Aliens Not Eligible to Public Office
shall be dealt with by law."
xxx Even if it be assumed that, as petitioner asserts, his
This is self-explanatory.
naturalization was annulled after it was found that his
marriage was bigamous, that circumstance alone did not
automatically restore his Phil. citizenship. His divestiture of
Q: What happens if the qualification is lost which the officer
Australian citizenship does not concern us here. That is a
is holding office?
matter between him and his adopted country. What we must
consider is the fact that he voluntarily and freely rejected Phil.
A: The officer must be terminated. But take note that it is
citizenship and willingly and knowingly embraced the
not automatic. The loss, then becomes the ground for
citizenship of another country. The possibility that he may
have been subsequently rejected by Australia does not mean
that he has been automatically reinstated as a Phil. citizen
Phil. citizenship may be reacquired by direct act of congress,
by naturalization or by repatriation. It does not appear that Effect of Pardon Upon Disqualification to Hold Public Office
petitioner has reacquired Phil. citizenship by any of these
methods. GENERAL RULE: A pardon shall not work the
restoration of the right to hold public office. (Art. 36, Revised
In Aznar v. COMELEC, the court ruled that a person who Penal Code)
both an American And Filipino citizen can validly run for public
office. The act of filing the certificate of candidacy is sufficient Exceptions:
to revoke his American citizenship. (1) Where such right to hold public office is expressly
restored by the terms of the pardon (Art. 36, RPC);
In Bengzon v HRET, the court held: As distinguished from
the lengthy process of naturalization, repatriation simply (2) When a person is granted pardon because he did not
consists of taking of an oath of allegiance and registering said commit the offense imputed to him (Garcia v. Chairman,
oath in the Local Civil Registrar. Moreover, repatriation COA)
results in the recovery of the original nationality. This means
that, if he was originally a natural born citizen before he lost Rules governing effects of pardon:
his Phil cit., he will be restored to his former status as a
(1) A public official who has been convicted of a crime but Appointment and qualification to office are separate and
has been pardoned must secure a reappointment before distinct things. Appointment is the act of being designated to
he / she can reassume his / her former position. a public office by the appointing authority. Qualification is
(Monsanto v. Factoran) the act of signifying one's acceptance of the appointive
position. This generally consists of the taking / subscribing /
Note: Acquittal is the only ground for automatic filing of an official oath, and in certain cases, of the giving of
reinstatement of a public officer to his / her former position. an official bond, as required by law. (Mechem)
No one can be compelled to accept an appointment.
(2) Pardon does not exempt the culprit from payment of the
civil indemnity imposed upon him / her by the sentence. Lacson v. Romero
(Art. 36, par. 2, RPC) The appointment to a government post involves several
steps: (1) the President nominates; (b) the Commission on
(3) A convicted public official who has been pardoned is not Appointments confirms the appointment; and (c) the
entitled to backpay and other emoluments due to him appointee accepts the appointment by his assumption of
during the period of his suspension pendente lite. office. The first 2 steps are mere offers to the post but the
(Monsanto v. Factoran) last step rests solely with the appointee who may or may not
accept the appointment.


A judge may not be made a judge of another district
In Manalang v. Quitoriano, the court ruled that the without his consent. Appointment and qualification to office
Congress cannot either appoint a public officer or impose are separate and distinct things. Appointment is the sole act
upon the President the duty to appoint any particular person of the appointee. There is no power which can compel a
to an office. The appointing power is the exclusive prerogative man to accept the office.
of the President, upon which no limitations may be imposed
by Congress, except those resulting from:
(1) the need of securing the concurrence of the Commission Effect of Failure to Qualify
on Appointments; and
(2) the exercise of the limited legislative power to prescribe
 Failure to qualify is deemed evidence of refusal of the
the qualifications to a given appointive office.
In Cuyegkeng v Cruz, SC said that the power of  It is a ground for removal:
appointment vested in the President by the Constitution
connotes necessarily a reasonable measure of freedom, If qualification is a condition precedent:
latitude, or discretion in the exercise of the power to choose - Failure to qualify ipso facto is deemed rejection of the
appointees. office

In Flores v Drilon, where only one can qualify for the If not condition precedent:
posts in question, the President is precluded from exercising - Failure is not ipso facto rejection
his discretion to choose whom to appoint. Such supposed
power of appointment, sans the essential element of choice, is  Justifiable reasons for delay in qualifying include
no power at all and goes against the very nature itself of sickness, accident, and other fortuitous events that excuse
appointment. delay.
 The Omnibus Election Code provides that the officer
must qualify (i.e., take his oath of office and assume office)
Castaneda v. Yap – Knowledge of ineligibility of a within 6 months from proclamation. Otherwise, the position
candidate and failure to question such ineligibility before or will be deemed vacant.
during the election is not a bar to questioning such eligibility Exception: If the non-assumption of office is due to a
after such ineligible candidate has won and been proclaimed. cause beyond his control.
Estoppel will not apply in such a case.
 Qualification is significant because it designates when
security of tenure begins.
In Aquino v COMELEC, court said that in residency of not
less than 1 year prior to the elections for the position of
Congressman. In election law, residence refers to domicile, Oath of Office
i.e. the place where a party actually or constructively has his
permanent home, where he intends to return. To  An oath is an outward pledge whereby one formally
successfully effect a change of domicile, the candidate must calls upon God to witness to the truth of what he says or to
prove an actual removal or an actual change of domicile. the fact that he sincerely intends to do what he says.
Here, it was held that leasing a condominium unit in the
district was not to acquire a new residence or domicile but  Although the law usually requires the taking of an oath,
only to qualify as a candidate.
it is not indispensable. It is a mere incident to the office and
constitutes no part of the office itself. However, the
In Marcos v COMELEC, domicile, which includes the twin
President, Vice-President and Acting President are required
elements of actual habitual residence, and animus manendi, by the Constitution (Art. VII, Sec. 5) to take an oath or
the intention of remaining there permanently. It was held that
affirmation before entering into the execution of their office.
domicile of origin is not easily lost, and that in the absence of Such oath-taking is mandatory.
clear and positive proof of a successful change of domicile,
the domicile of origin should be deemed to continue.
Q: Who are authorized to administer oaths?
A: (1) Notaries public;
(2) Judges;
(4) Secretary of House / Senate;
(5) Secretary of Exec. Departments;
(6) Bureau Directors;
Qualification (7) Register of Deeds;
(8) Provincial governors;
Appointment and Qualifications to Office Distinguished (9) City mayors;
(10) Municipal mayors;
(11) Any other officer in the service of the government of Power of the Legislature to Fix and Change the Term of Office
the Philippines whose appointment is vested in the
(12) Any other officer whose duties, as defined by law or
 Where the term is fixed
regulation, require presentation to him of any statement
by the Constitution: Congress has no power to alter
under oath
the term.
Q: Who are obliged to administer oaths in all instances, and
However, such term of office can be shortened or
not just in matters of official business?
A: (1) Notaries public;
by the vote of the people ratifying a constitutional
2 (2) Municipal judges;
3 (3) Clerks of court
 Where the term is not fixed:
Congress may fix the terms of officers other than those
Time of Taking the Oath of Office provided for in the Const.

A public officer must take his oath of office before Congress has the power to change the tenure of officers
entering upon the discharge of his duties. holding offices created by it. However, if the term is
lengthened and made to apply to the incumbents, this could
be tantamount to a legislative appointment which is null and
Requalification void.

If a public officer is re-elected or re-appointed, he must

take another oath and fulfill the other condition precedents When Term of Office Dependent Upon “Pleasure of the
before assuming office. The oath and other qualifications President
made prior to assumption of his previous office will not be
valid for subsequent terms of office. Congress can legally and constitutionally make the
tenure of certain officials dependent upon the pleasure of the
President. (Alba v. Evangelista)
Giving of Bonds Where the office is held at the pleasure of the
appointing power and such appointing power can exercise
the power of removal at his mere discretion, the public officer
may be removed without notice or hearing. (Alba v.
Persons Required to Give Bonds Evangelista)

Q: Who are the public officers generally required to give a

bond? No Vested Interest in Term of Office
A: (1) Accountable public officers or those to whom are
entrusted the collection and custody of public money;
Public office is a privilege revocable by the sovereignty
(2) Public ministerial officers whose actions may affect the
at will. An incumbent cannot validly object to the alteration
rights and interests of individuals.
of his term since he has no vested right in his office.
(Greenshow v. U.S.)
The bond is in the nature of an indemnity bond rather
than a penal or forfeiture bond.
The bond is also an obligation binding the sureties to make
good the officer’s default. It is required not for the benefit of Term of Office Not Extended by Reason of War
the office holder, but for the protection of the public interest
and is designed to indemnify those suffering loss or injury by There is no principle, law or doctrine by which the term
reason of misconduct or neglect in office. may be extended by reason of war. (Nueno, et al. v.

Effect of Failure to Give Bond Within the Prescribed Period

Doctrine of Hold–Over
If not condition precedent:
- Failure to give bond merely constitutes a ground for Q: What is the doctrine of hold-over?
forfeiture of the office; it is not forfeiture of the office ipso A: A public officer whose term has expired or services have
facto. been terminated is allowed to continue holding his office until
his successor is appointed or chosen and had qualified.
IF condition precedent: (Mechem)
- Failure to give bond within the prescribed period renders the
office vacant.
Purpose of the Hold-Over Rule

Term and Tenure of Office Public interest. It is to prevent a hiatus in the

government pending the time when a successor may be
chosen and inducted into office.
Term of Office Tenure of Office

Alba v. Evangelista
It is only in those cases in which the office is held at the De Jure De Facto
pleasure of the appointing power and where the power of
removal is exercisable at its mere discretion that the officer Fixed and definite period of Period during which the
may be removed without notice or hearing. time during which the officer incumbent actually holds the
may claim to hold the office office. It may be shorter
as of right. than the term.
Holding-Over Rules replacement of the appointee simply because it considers
another employee to be better qualified. (Lapinid v. CSC)
(1) Where the law provides for it:
 To hold that the Civil Service Law requires that any
The office does not become vacant upon the expiration of
vacancy be filled by promotion, transfer, reinstatement,
the term if there is no successor elected and qualified to
reemployment, or certification in that order would be
assume it. Incumbent will hold-over even if beyond the term
tantamount to legislative appointment which is repugnant to
fixed by law.
the Constitution. The requirement under the Civil Service
Law that the appointing power set forth the reason for failing
(2) Where the law is silent:
to appoint the officer next in rank applies only in cases of
Unless hold-over is expressly or impliedly prohibited,
promotion and not in cases where the appointing power
incumbent may hold-over.
chooses to fill the vacancy by transfer, reinstatement,
reemployment or certification, not necessarily in that order.
(3) Where the Constitution limits the term of a public officer
(Pineda v. Claudio)
does not provide for hold-over:
 The CSC is not empowered to change the nature of the
Hold-over is not permitted.
appointment extended by the appointing officer, its authority
being limited to approving or reviewing the appointment in
the light of the requirements of the Civil Service Law. When
the appointee is qualified and all the legal requirements are
Commencement of Term of Office satisfied, the CSC has no choice but to attest to the
appointment. (Luego v. CSC)
(1) Where the time is fixed:  Appointment is a political question.
The term will begin on the specified date.  Where the palpable excess of authority or abuse of
discretion in refusing to issue promotional appointment
(2) Where no time is fixed: would lead to manifest injustice, mandamus will lie to compel
The term will generally begin on the date of the election the appointing authority to issue said appointments.
or the appointment. (Gesolgon v. Lacson)

Q: When does an appointment take effect?

COMMENCEMENT OF OFFICIAL A: Immediately upon its issuance by the appointing
authority. (Rule V, Sec. 10, Omnibus Rules).
(a) Election When Appoint Becomes Complete, Final and Irrevocable
(b) Appointment
(c) Others:
GENERAL RULE: An appointment, once made, is
(i) Succession by operation of law;
irrevocable and not subject to reconsideration.
(ii) Direct provision of law, e.g. ex-oficio officers
Qualification: Where the assent, confirmation, or
Election: Selection or designation by a popular vote
approval of some other officer or body is needed before the
appointment may be issue and be deemed complete.
Exceptions: (1) When the appointment is an absolute nullity
Q: Distinguish between designation and appointment.

Nature of Appointing Power Definition Imposition of additional Selection of an individual

duties upon an existing to occupy a certain public
office office by one authorized
The power to appoint is intrinsically an executive act by law to make such
involving the exercise of discretion. (Concepcion v. Paredes) selection
The power and prerogative to a vacant position in the civil
service is lodged with the appointing authority.
Extent of Limited Comprehensive

Discretion of Appointing Official Security of No. Yes.


 Discretion, if not plenary, at least sufficient, should thus When deemed Assumption of a Assumption of a 2nd
be granted to those entrusted with the responsibility of abandonment designated position is not appointive position is
administering the officers concerned, primarily the department of prior office deemed abandonment of usually deemed
heads. They are in the most favorable position to determine the 1st position abandonment of the first
who can best fulfill the functions of the office thus vacated.
Unless, therefore, the law speaks in the most mandatory and (Mitra v. Subido);
peremptory tone, considering all the circumstances, there (2) When there is fraud on the part of the appointee
should be, as there has been, full recognition of the wide (Mitra v. Subido);
scope of such discretionary authority. (Reyes v. Abeleda) (3) Midnight appointments

 Appointment is an essentially discretionary power and A completed appointment vests a legal right. It
must be performed by the officer in which it is vested cannot be taken away EXCEPT for cause, and with previous
according to this best lights, the only condition being that the notice and hearing (due process).
appointee should possess the qualifications required by law.
(Lapinid v. CSC)
 The only function of the CSC is to review the appointment
in the light of the requirements of the Civil Service Law, and (1) (a) Permanent appointment – extended to a person
when it finds the appointee to be qualified and all other legal possessing the requisite qualifications, including the
requirements have been otherwise satisfied, it has no choice eligibility required, or for the position, and thus
but to attest to the appointment. It cannot order the
protected by the constitutional guarantee of security of Sec 13, Omnibus Rules Implementing Bk V, EO
tenure; and 292 States: “All appointments involved in a chain of
promotions must be submitted simultaneously for the
(b) Temporary Appointment – is an acting appointment. approval by the Commission. The disapproval of the
It is extended to one who may not possess the requisite appointment of a person proposed to a higher position
qualifications or eligibility required by law for the invalidates the promotion of those in the lower positions
position, and is revocable at will, without the necessity and automatically restores them to their former
of just cause or a valid investigation. positions. However, the affected persons are entitled to

In the case of Province of Camarines Sur v CA, July 14,

1995, the court held that “the acquisition of the appropriate (2) APPOINTMENT THROUGH CERTIFICATION – is
civil service eligibility by the temporary appointee will not ipso issued to a person who has been selected from the list of
facto convert the temporary appointment into a permanent qualified persons certified by the CSC from an appropriate
one; a new appointment is necessary. register of eligibles, and who meets all the qualifications
prescribed for the position.
In Achacoso v Macaraig, 195 SCRA 235, it was held that
an appointment to a position in the Service of the Civil Service (3) TRANSFER – is a movement from one position to
does not necessarily mean that the appointment is a another which is of equivalent rank, level or salary without
permanent one and that the appointee entitled to security of break in service. Under current CS Rules and Regulations,
tenure. Where the person does not possess the qualifications transfer may be imposed as an administrative penalty.
for the position, the appointment is temporary and may be
terminated at will. An uncontested transfer violates security of tenure. A
transfer that results in promotion or demotion, advancement
In Romualdez III v CSC, 197 SCRA 168, the acceptance or reduction, or a transfer that aims to lure the employee
by the petitioner of a temporary appointment resulted in the away from his permanent position, cannot be done without
termination of official relationship with his former permanent the employee’s consent.
position. When then temporary appointment was not
renewed, the petitioner had no cause to demand Indeed, no permanent transfer can take place unless
reinstatement thereto. the officer or employee is first removed from the position
held, and then appointed to another position.
A mere designation does not confer security of tenure, as
the person designated occupies the position only in acting But in the case of Quisumbing v Judge Gumban, 193
capacity (Sevilla v. CA). This was reiterated in Gloria v de SCRA 520, the appoinment of respondent Yap being that of
Guzman, Oct 6, 1996, where it was held that private District Supervisor at large, she could be assigned to any
respondents’ assignment as Coordinator of Extension station, as she is not entitled to stay permanently at any
Services (CES) at PSCA was a mere designation; thus, not specific station.
being a permanent appointment, the designation to the
position cannot be the subject of a case for reinstatement.
(4) REINSTATEMENT – is technically the issuance of a
In Orcullo v CSC, May 22, 2001, where the employment new appointment, which is essentially discretionary
is qualified by the phrase “unless terminated sooner”, it is discretionary; such exercise of the discretionary power
clear that even if the employment is co-terminous with the cannot be controlled even by the courts, as long as it is
project, the employee nevertheless serves at the pleasure of properly exercised by the appointing authority.
the appointing authority.
Any person who has been permanently appointed to a
However, where the temporary appointment is for a fixed position in the career service and who has, through
period, the appointment may be revoked only at the expiration delinquency or misconduct, been separated therefrom, may
of the period, o, if revocation is made before such expiration, be reinstated to a position in the same level for which he is
the same has to be for a valid and just cause. qualified.

Provisional appointment is one which may be issued , In Gloria v Judge de Guzman, the court said that private
upon prior authorization of the CSC, to a person who has not respondent’s subsequent acquisition of the appropriate civil
qualified in an appropriate examination but who otherwise service eligibility is no reason to compel petitioner to
meets the requirements for appointment to a regular position, reappoint him. Acquisition of civil service eligibility is not the
whenever a vacancy occurs and filing thereof is necessary in sole factor for reappointment. Still to be considered are:
the interest of the service and there is no appropriate register performance, degree of education, work experience, training,
of eligibles at the time of the appointment. seniority, and more importantly, whether or not the applicant
enjoys the confidence and trust of the appointing power,
considering that the position of Board Secretary II is primarily
OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS confidential. Reappointment to such position is an act which
is discretionary on the part of the appointing authority; it
(1) PROMOTION – is a movement from one position to cannot be the subject of an application for a writ of
another with increase in duties and responsibilities as mandamus.
authorized by law and usually accompanied by an increase in
(5) DETAIL – is the movement of an employee from one
(i) Next-in-rank Rule. agency to another without the issuance of an appointment,
The person next in rank shall be given preference in and shall be allowed only for a limited period in the case of
promotion when the position immediately above his is employees occupying professional, technical and scientific
vacated. But the appointing authority still exercises positions. It is temporary in nature.
discretion and is not bound by this rule, although he is
required to specify the special reason or reasons for not (6) REASSIGNMENT – An employee may be reassigned
appointing the officer next-in-rank from one organizational unit to another in the same agency
This means that the one who is next-in-rank is given provided that such reassignment shall not involve a
only preferential consideration for promotion; but it does reduction in rank, status or salary.
not necessarily follow that he alone and no one else can Reassignment is recognized as a management
be appointed . prerogative vested in the Civil Service Commission and, for
that matter, in any department or agency embraced in the
(ii) Automatic Reversion Rule. Civil Service. It does not constitute removal without cause.
Reassignment should have a definite date or duration. In Note: To be appointed from a list of at least 3
Padolina v Fernandez, the court said that the lack of specific nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council (Art.
duration of the reassignment was tantamount to a floating VIII, Sec. 9, 1987 Const.)
assignment, thus a diminution in status or rank. Resps were  Ombudsman and his deputies
deprive of emoluments, thus diminution in compensation. Note: To be appointed from a list of at least 6
Also, it removes supervision over 41 employees, thus nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council, and
diminution in status. from a list of 3 nominees for every vacancy thereafter
(Art. XI, Sec. 9, 1987 Const.)
In Fernandez v Sto Tomas, there was no violation of
security of tenure when there is no change in rank, status and Q: Does the President have the power to make
salary to their newly assigned stations. They also retained appointments when
their positions as Dir IV and V. Congress is in recess?

NOTE: Security of tenure in CES is acquired with respect to A: Yes. However, such appointments shall be effective only
rank, not to the position. until:
(1) disapproval by the Commission on Appointments; or
(2) the next adjournment of the Congress (Sec. 16, Art.
(7) REEMPLOYMENT – names of persons who have been VII, 1987 Const.)
appointed permanently to a position to a career service and
who have been separated as a result of a reduction in force Q: What is the effectivity of appointments extended by an
and/or reorganization, shall be entered in a list from which Acting President?
selection for employment shall be made.
A: Such appointments shall remain effective unless revoked
by the elected President within 90 days from his assumption
or reassumption of office. (Sec. 14, Art. VII, 1987 Const.)
(2) (a) Regular appointment – is one made by the President
while Congress is in session after the nomination is
confirmed by the Commission on Appointments and NOTE: Where the appointment is to the career service of
continues until the end of the term. the Civil Service, attestation by the CSC is required. Such
appointment is not deemed complete until attestation/
Q: What are the steps in the appointing Process? approved by the CSC.
A: (1) Nomination by the president;
(2) Concurrence by the ConA; and Without favorable certification or approval of the CSC,
(3) Issuance of the appointment by the President. no title to the office can yet be deemed to be permanently
vested in favor of the appointee, and the appointment
revoked or withdrawn by the appointing authority.
(b) Ad-interim Appointment – is one made while
Congress is not in session. Before confirmation by the Q: When appointment becomes complete?
Commission on Appointments, is immediately effective,
and ceases to be valid if disapproved by or bypassed by A: An appointment becomes complete only when the last
the Commission on Appointments upon the next act required of the appointing power is performed: until the
adjournment of the Congress. process is completed, the appointee can claim no vested
right in office nor claim security of tenure.
An ad-interim appointments a permanent appointment,
and is being subject to confirmation does not alter its In Aquino v CSC and Uy v CA, it was held that when the
permanent character. appointing authority has already exercised hi power of
appointment, the Commission cannot revoke the same on
STEPS IN THE APPOINTING PROCESS: the ground that another employee is better qualified, for that
(1) Appointment by the appointing authority; will constitute an encroachment on the discretion vested in
(2) Issuance of the commission; and the appointing authority. The Commission may not and
(3) Acceptance by the appointee. should not substitute its judgment for that of the appointing
Q: What are the positions can the President nominate and
appoint with the consent of the Commission on
A: (1) Heads of the executive departments (Art. VII, Sec.
16, 1987 Const.);
(2) Ambassadors (ibid);
(3) Other public ministers and consuls (ibid); (1) Expiration of Term or Tenure of Office
(4) Officers of the armed forces from the rank or colonel
or naval captain (ibid); (a) End of a fixed term
(5) Other officers whose appointments are vested in him
by the Constitution (ibid), including Constitutional Upon the expiration of the officer’s term, unless he
Commissioners (Art. IX-B, Sec. 1 (2) for CSC; Art. is authorized by law to hold over, his rights, duties and
IX-C, Sec. 1 (2) for COMELEC; Art. IX-D, Sec. 1 (2) authority as a public officer must be ipso facto
for COA). terminated.

Q: Who can the President appoint without the need for CA (b) End of Pleasure where one holds office at pleasure
approval? of appointing authority

A: All other officers of the government whose appointments (c) Loss of confidence in primarily confidential
are not otherwise provided for by law; employment
 Those whom he may be authorized by law to appoint; (2) Reaching the age limit; Retirement
(3) Bona fide abolition of office
 Members of the Supreme Court;
(4) Abandonment of office
Note: To be appointed from a list of at least 3
(5) Acceptance of an incompatible office
nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council (Art.
(6) Resignation
VIII, Sec. 9, 1987 Const.)
(7) Resignation
 Judges of lower courts; (8) Removal for cause
(9) Temporary appointments’ termination
(10) Recall be deemed “removed” or “dismissed” therefrom, upon the
(11) Impeachment expiration of said term. The main difference between the
(12) Prescription of right to office former - the primarily confidential officer - and the latter is
(13) Death that the latter’s term is fixed or definite, whereas that of the
(14) Conviction of crime where disqualification is an accessory former is not pre-fixed but indefinite, at the time of his
penalty appointment or election, and becomes fixed and determined
(15) Filing of certificate of candidacy when the appointing power expresses its decision to put an
(16) Performance of act or accomplishment of purpose for end to the services of the incumbent. When this event takes
which the office was created place, the latter is not “removed” or “dismissed” from officer -
his term has merely expired.
Expiration of Term or Tenure of Office
Gray v. De Vera
President appointed Gray as Board secretary of the
End of Fixed People’s Homesite and Housing Corporation but was later
Term terminated through a board resolution due to loss of
confidence. SC reversed ruling that Gray’s appointment was
a permanent one. Although the President, EO 99, declared
End of Pleasure Where One Holds office at Pleasure of the position of secretary to the board of a government
Appointing Authority corporation “primarily confidential in nature,” it does not
follow that a board secretary whose appointment was
permanent may be removed from office without a formal
Alba v. Evangelista
charge specifying the ground for removal and without giving
President can validly terminate tenure of Vice Mayor of
him an opportunity to be head. Such removal was illegal
Roxas City as the office was created at the pleasure of the
since there was no lawful cause for removal.
President. What is involved here is not the question of
By declaring that the position is primarily confidential in
removal, or whether legal cause should precede or not that of
nature, the President intended that the position be filled by
removal. What is involved here is the creation of an office and
an appointee of unquestioned honesty and integrity. The act
the tenure of such office, which has been made expressly
of Gray in reporting the board’s act of mismanagement and
dependent upon the pleasure of the President.
misconduct was in consonance with the honesty and
integrity required for the position.
Fernandez v Ledesma
The Charter of Basilan City provides that the President
Cariño v. ACCFA
shall appoint and may remove at his discretion any of the
SC reversed termination of lawyers who were appointed
city’s officers, including its Chief of Police, with the exception
as permanent employees of ACCFA. That petitioners’
of the municipal judge, who may be removed only according
positions are primarily confidential is immaterial. The
to law. The legislative intent is to make continuance in office
Constitution merely excepts primarily confidential positions
dependent upon the pleasure of the President. Congress has
from the coverage of “the rule requiring appointments in the
the power to vest such power of appointment. Further, “A
civil service to be made on the basis of merit and fitness as
public office is the right for a given period, either fixed by law
determined from the competitive exams,” but does not
or enduring at the pleasure of the creating power.” Alba v.
exempt such positions from the operation of the principle
Evangelista states that the replacement is not removal, but an
that no officer or employee in the civil service shall be
expiration of tenure, which is an ordinary mode of terminating
removed or suspended except for cause as provided by law,
official relations. What is involved is not removal, or whether
which recognizes no exception.
legal cause should precede such removal, but the creation of
an office and the tenure of such office, which has been made
expressly dependent upon the pleasure of the President. Reaching the Age Limit;
Loss of Confidence in Primarily Confidential
Employment Conditions for Entitlement to Retirement
Hernandez v. Villegas (R.A. No. 8291)
Even officers and employees of the civil service
occupying primarily confidential positions are subject to the a) he has rendered at least fifteen (15) years of service;
constitutional safeguard against removal or suspension b) he is at least sixty (60) years of age at the time of
except for cause. retirement; and
Official and employees holding primarily confidential c) he is not receiving a monthly pension benefit from
positions continue only for so long as confidence in them permanent total disability.
endures. The termination of their official relation can be Compulsory Retirement
justified on the ground of loss of confidence because in that
case, their cessation from office involves no removal but
Unless the service is extended by appropriate
merely the expiration of the term of office.
authorities, retirement shall be compulsory for an employee
at least sixty-five (65) years of age with at least fifteen (15)
Ingles v. Mutuc
years of service; Provided that if he has less than fifteen (15)
The statement that an officer holding a position which is
years of service, he may be allowed to continue in the
primarily confidential in nature is “subject to removal at the
service in accordance with existing civil service rules and
pleasure of the appointing power” is inaccurate. Such
statement (a mere obiter in the case of De los Santos v.
Mallare), if detached from the context of the decision in said
case, would be inconsistent with the constitutional command Retirement
to the effect that “no officer or employee in the Civil Service Benefits
shall be removed or suspended except for cause as provided
by law,” and it is conceded that one holding in the government the lump sum payment defined in RA No.
a primarily confidential positions is “in the Civil Service.” 8291 payable at the time of retirement
This should not be misunderstood as denying that the plus an old-age pension benefit equal
incumbent of a primarily confidential position holds office at to the basis monthly pension payable
the pleasure only of the appointing power. It should be noted monthly for life, starting upon
however, that when such pleasure turns into displeasure, the expiration of the give-year (5)
incumbent is not “removed” or “dismissed” from office - his guaranteed period covered by the
“term” merely “expires” in much the same way as an officer, lump sum; or
whose right thereto ceases upon expiration of the fixed term
for which he had been appointed or elected is not and cannot
(2) cash payment equivalent to eighteen (18) months of his away with it wholly and permanently. In the case at bar,
basic monthly pension plus monthly pension for life there was never any thought of not rebuilding the bridge.
payable immediately with no five-year (5) guarantee. The collapse of the bridge did not work to destroy but only to
suspend the position of toll collector thereon, and upon its
Beronilla v GSIS reconstruction and re-opening, the collector’s right to the
The compulsory retirement of government officials and position was similarly and automatically restored.
employees upon reaching the age of 65 years is founded on
public policy which aims by it to maintain efficiency in the Manalang v. Quitoriano
government service and, at the same time, give to the retiring The National Employment Service was established by
public servants the opportunity to enjoy during the remainder R.A. No. 761 in lieu of the Placement Bureau. Quitoriano
of their lives the recompenses for their long service and was appointed as NES Commissioner in spite of the
devotion to the government, in the form of a comparatively recommendation of the Labor secretary to appoint Manalang
easier life, freed from the rigors, discipline and the exacting who was the incumbent Director of the Placement Bureau.
demands that the nature of their work and their relations with SC held that appoint of Quitoriano was valid. A removal
their superiors as well as the public would impose on them. implies that the office still exists. R.A. No. 761, creating NES,
expressly abolished the Placement Bureau and, by
UP Board of Regents v. Auditor General implication, the office of the Director of the Placement
A BOR resolution extended the services of a UP Bureau. Had Congress intended the NES to be a mere
professor for another year. In the same year, he reached the enlargement of the Placement Bureau, it would have
age of 65. The Auditor General questioned the legality of the directed the retention, not the transfer, of qualified personnel
resolution arguing that the services rendered after the to the NES. Manalang has never been NES Commissioner
compulsory retirement age were illegal and that he was not and thus could not have been removed therefrom.
entitled to compensation. SC upheld Auditor General ruling
that as government employees, UP professors are Abolition Must Be in Good
compulsorily covered by the Retirement Law which creates a Faith
uniform retirement system for all members of the GSIS.
As well settled to the rule that the abolition of an office
Rabor v. CSC
does not amount to an illegal removal or separation of its
At the age of 55, Rabor was hired as a government
incumbent is the principle that, in order to be valid, the
employee at the Davao City Mayor’s Office in 1978. In 1991,
abolition must be made in good faith, not for personal or
he was advised to apply for retirement. He was already 68
political reasons, and not implemented in violation of law.
years old with 13 years of service. He requested that his
services be extended in order that he may complete the 15-
Briones v. Osmeña
year service requirement. This was denied and Rabor claimed
Briones and Rosagaran were employees in the Office of
that the doctrine enunciated in Cena v. CSC should be
the City Mayor since 1937 and 1940, respectively, In 1956,
applied in his case.
the City created 35 new positions and abolished 32, of which
the positions of Briones and Rosagaran were included.
SC ruled that the Cena doctrine is not applicable. CSC
Consequently, the two were terminated. SC held that the
Memo Circular No. 27, s. of 1990 cited in the decision in Cena
termination was not valid. While abolition does not imply
v. CSC, provides that “any request for the extension of service
removal of the incumbent, this rule is true only where the
of compulsory retirees to complete the 15-year service
abolition is made in good faith. In other words, the right to
requirement for retirement shall be allowed only to permanent
abolish cannot be used to discharge employees in violation
appointees in the career service who are regular GSIS
of the Civil Service law nor can it be exercised for personal
members, and shall be granted for a period not exceeding one
or political reasons.
(1) year.” Cena further stated that the authority to grant the
extension was a discretionary one vested in the head of the
Facundo v. Pabalan
agency concerned. To reiterate, the head of the government
There is no law which expressly authorizes a municipal
agency concerned is vested with discretionary authority to
council to abolish the positions it has created. However, the
allow or disallow extension of service of an employee who has
rule is well-settled that the power to create an office includes
reached 65 years old without completing 15 years of
the power to abolish it, unless there are constitutional or
government service; this discretion to be exercised
statutory rules providing otherwise. But the office must be
conformably with CSC Memo Circular No. 27, s. of 1990.
abolished in good faith.

Bona Fide Abolition of Office Cruz v. Primicias

As well settled as the rule that the abolition of an office
 As a general rule, absent some Constitutional prohibition, does not amount to an illegal removal of its incumbent is the
Congress may abolish any office it creates without principle that, in order to be valid, the abolition must be
infringing upon the rights of the officer or employee made in good faith. Where the abolition is made in bad faith,
affected. for political or personal reasons, or in order to circumvent the
constitutional security of tenure of civil service employees, it
 To consider an office abolished, there must have been an is null and void. In the case at bar, while 22 positions were
intention to do away with it wholly and permanently. abolished, 28 new positions with higher salaries were
simultaneously created. No charge of inefficiency is lodged
 Termination by virtue of the abolition of the office is to be against petitioners. In truth and in fact, what respondents
distinguished from removal. There can be no tenure to a sought to achieve was to supplant civil service eligibles with
non-existent office. After the abolition, there is in law no men of their choice, whose tenure would be totally
occupant. In case of removal, there is an office with an dependent upon their pleasure and discretion.
occupant who would thereby lose his position. It is in that
sense that from the standpoint of strict law, the question Reorganizati
of any impairment of security of tenure when there is an on
abolition of office does not arise. The right itself
disappeared with the abolished office as an accessory Reorganization occurs where there is an alteration of
following the principal. the existing structure of government offices or units therein,
including the lines of control, authority and responsibility
Busacay v. Buenaventura between them to promote greater efficiency, to remove
Busacay was laid off as toll collector when the bridge was redundancy of functions, or to effect economy and make it
destroyed. However, the bridge was later reconstructed and more responsive to the needs of their public clientele. It may
opened to the public with a new collector being appointed. result in the loss of one’s position through removal or
Busacay was ordered reinstated by the SC. To consider an abolition of office. Reorganization of the government may be
office abolished, there must have been an intention to do required by law independently of specific constitutional
authorization. But in order to be valid, it must also be done in  A public office may become vacant ipso facto by
good faith. abandonment and non-user. When an office is once
abandoned, the former incumbent cannot legally
Board of Directors of PCSO v. Alandy repossess it even by forcible re-occupancy.
Alandy was the incumbent Assistant General Manager of
the PCSO. In 1954, Resolution No. 314 was passed to  Abandonment must be total and absolute, and must be
reorganize the PCSO. The position of Assistant General under such circumstances as clearly to indicate an
Manager was converted to General Field Supervisor to which absolute relinquishment thereof. Moreover, the officer
Alandy was appointed. However, in 1955, the position of should manifest a clear intention to abandon the office
Assistant General Manager was again created through and its duties. Abandonment by reason of acceptance of
Resolution No. 422 and a different person was appointed to another office, in order to be effective and binding, must
the position. SC invalidated the new appointment and spring from and be accompanied by deliberation and
reinstated Alandy to his position as PCSO Assistant General freedom of choice, either to keep the old office or
Manager. What occurred here is that the position of Assistant renounce it for another. Temporary absence is not
General Manager was not abolished but was merely sufficient.
converted to another position. As such, the conversion merely
caused the giving of additional functions to Alandy, who still Summers v. Ozaeta
held the position of Assistant General Manager. Summers, a cadastral judge, assumed office as CFI
judge due to an ad interim appointment. However, the ad
Dario v. Mison interim appointment was disapproved and Summers now
In pursuance of its reorganization policy, Pres. Aquino seeks to be reappointed as cadastral judge. SC held that
issued EO 127 in 1987 which provided for the reorganization Summers’ voluntary acceptance of the position of CFI judge
of the Bureau of Customs. Pursuant to EO 127, amounted to a waiver of his right to hold the position of
Commissioner Mison terminated a total of 310 employees. cadastral judge during the term fixed and guaranteed by the
Upon appeal, the CSC ordered the reinstatement of 283 Constitution. He accepted and qualified for the position of
employees which was upheld by the SC. The dismissal are judge-at-large by taking the oath of office of judge-at-large,
not valid. There is no dispute that pursuant to the Freedom and not merely of an “acting” judge-at-large. The situation is
Constitution and the various executive orders issued by Pres. one wherein he cannot legally hold two offices of similar
Aquino, the different departments of government were category at the same time.
authorized to carry on reorganization programs. But the
nature and extent of the power to reorganize were Zandueta v. Dela Costa
circumscribed by the source of the power itself. The When a public official accepts an appointment to an
Reorganization process is made up of two stages. The first office newly created or reorganized by law which new office
stage, which was effected pursuant to Proclamation 3, is incompatible with his former office, qualifies for the
allowed removals “not for cause,” and it ended on 02 February position, takes the necessary oath, and executes acts
1987. On the other hand, the second stage is a continuing inherent in the newly created office, he will be considered to
one from 02 February 1987 pursuant to the 1987 Constitution. have abandoned the office he was occupying by virtue of his
The 1987 Constitution requires that removal “not for cause” former appointment and he cannot question the
must be a result of reorganization. Such removals must also constitutionality of the law by virtue of which he was
pass the test of good faith, a test obviously not required under appointed.
the first stage which was envisioned as a purgation.
A reorganization is carried out in good faith if it is for the Floresca v. Quetulio
purpose of economy or to make the bureaucracy more Floresca’s refusal to assume his pre-war post as Justice
efficient. Good faith, as a component of reorganization under of the Peace and his subsequent acceptance of other
a constitutional regime, is judged from the facts of each case. employments without any pretense on his part that he
In the case at bar, there was lack of good faith. Mison’s simultaneously continued to perform the functions of the
argument that the reorganization is progressive would be valid Justice of the Peace, clearly show deliberate abandonment
only if it was pursuant to Proclamation 3. However, in spite of of the latter office.
her immense revolutionary power, Pres. Aquino still
promulgated EO 17 which established safeguards against the Ortiz v. De Guzman
propensity that accompany reorganizations and established Ortiz allowed three years to elapse since he was ousted
the rule that dismissals should be based on findings of from office without having taken any steps to reclaim his
inefficiency, graft and unfitness to render public service. former office. SC held that he cannot ask for reinstatement.
Assuming then that the reorganization in the first stage was A public employee who voluntarily abandons his office for a
progressive and still valid, such dismissals as ordered by long time is estopped from asking for reinstatement. In order
Mison would still have to comply with the terms set down in to constitute an abandonment of office, it must be total, and
EO 17. under such circumstances as to clearly indicate an absolute
relinquishment. Temporary absence is not sufficient where
Rubenecia v. CSC no statute fixes the period beyond which the absence must
SC upheld power of the CSC to transfer jurisdiction over continue. In all cases, the officer should manifest a clear
administrative appeals from the Merit Systems Protection intention to abandon the office and its duties. Yet, this
Board to the CSC en banc itself. The 1987 Administrative intention may be inferred from his conduct. If his acts and
Code made clear that the MPSB was intended to be an office statements are such as to clearly indicate absolute
of the CSC like any other of the other 13 offices in the CSC. In relinquishment, a vacancy will be thereby created and no
other words, the MPSB was a part of the internal structure judicial determination is necessary. When once abandoned,
and organization of the CSC. It was not an autonomous entity the former incumbent cannot legally repossess the office.
created by law and merely attached for administrative
purposes to the CSC. Thus, it was a proper subject of Madrid v. Auditor General
organizational change which the CSC is authorized to One claiming the right to a position in the civil service
undertake under the present Civil Service law. The resolution must institute the proper proceeding within one year from the
merely re-allocated to the CSC itself the functions of the date of separation, otherwise he is deemed to have
MPSB relating to the determination of administrative abandoned his office or even acquiesced or consented to his
disciplinary cases to “streamline the operation of the CSC.” It removal, and thus is not entitled to seek reinstatement. The
did not purport to abolish the MPSB nor to effect the rationale is to inform the Government of the rightful holder of
termination of the relationship of public employment between the office and to prevent payment of salary to both
CSC and any of its officers or employees. claimants.

Abandonment of Office Magana v. Auditor General

Having accepted the benefits accruing from the abolition
of his office, he is estopped from questioning its validity or
deemed to have waived the right to contest the same.
some authorities, no acceptance is necessary to render
Villegas v. Subido a resignation effective, especially when the resignation
Villegas did not abandon his office as mayor of the City of is unconditional and purports to take effect immediately.
Manila when he assumed the position of Director of NAWASA Indeed, it may be provided by statute that the
because he had been merely designated in an acting capacity resignation of a public officer is to take effect at the time
and was not appointed to the said position. of filing it.

Tan v. Gimenez  However, many other cases take the view that to be
The fact that, during the time his appeal was pending and effective, the resignation must be accepted by
was thus deprived of his office and salary, an employee competent authority. Without acceptance, the
sought employment in another branch of the government does resignation is nothing and the officer remains in office.
not constitute abandonment of his former position. (63 Am Jur 2d., sec. 163)

Acceptance of an Incompatible Office  NOTE: Two (2) elements are necessary to constitute an
effective acceptance:
intention to relinquish office coupled with actual
 He who, while occupying one office, accepts another
relinquishment; and
office incompatible with the first, ipso facto absolutely
acceptance of resignation.
vacates the first office. That the second office is inferior to
the first does not affect the rule. And even though the title
Gonzales v. Hernandez
to the second office fails as where election is void, the
Gonzales filed a letter of resignation the pertinent
rule is still the same, nor can the officer then regain the
portion of which reads: “ x x x subject to the result of my
possession of his former office to which another has been
appeal with the Civil Service Board of Appeals, and to the
appointed or elected.
provisions of the Resolution of the Cabinet on July 17,
1939.” SC held that Gonzales, although his conditional
 If the law or Constitution as an expression of public policy
resignation was unconditionally accepted, cannot be
forbids the acceptance by a public officer of any other
considered as having resigned from office. There was no
office other than that which he holds, it is not a case of
resignation to speak of. To constitute a complete and
incompatibility but of legal prohibition.
operative act of resignation, the officer or employee must
show a clear intention to relinquish or surrender his position.
Incompatibility of offices exists where:
In the case at bar, there was no such intention as Gonzales’
(a) There is conflict in such duties and functions so
resignation was subject to the result of his appeal.
that the performance of the duties of one
interferes with the performance of the duties of
Ortiz v. COMELEC
another, as to render it improper for
Petitioner’s separation from the government as a result
considerations of public policy for one person to
of the reorganization ordained by former Pres. Aquino may
retain both.
not be considered a resignation within the law’s
(b) One is subordinate to the other and is subject in
contemplation. Resignation is defined as the act of giving up
some degree to its supervisory powers for in
or the act of an officer by which he declines his office and
such situation where both are held by the same
renounces the further right to use it. To constitute a complete
person, the design that one acts as a check on
and operative act of resignation, the officer or employee
the other would be frustrated.
must show a clear intention to relinquish his position
(c) The Constitution or the law itself, for reasons of
accompanied by the act of relinquishment and its
public policy, declares the incompatibility even
acceptance by competent and lawful authority. Based on the
though there is no inconsistency in the nature
facts, petitioner’s resignation lacks the element of clear
and functions of the offices.
intention to surrender his position. We cannot presume such
intention from the letter he sent placing himself at the
Exceptions to the Rule on Holding of Incompatible Offices
disposal of the President. He did not categorically state that
he was unconditionally giving up his position. It should be
(a) Where the officer cannot vacate the first office by his own
good to note that said letter was actually a response to
act, upon the principle that he will not be permitted to thus
Proclamation No. 1 of Pres. Aquino calling all appointive
do indirectly what he could not do directly, as where the
public officials to offer their “courtesy resignation.”
law requires the approval of the provincial board before a
municipal official can resign.
 A “courtesy resignation” cannot properly be interpreted
(b) First office is held under a different government from that
as resignation in a legal sense. It just manifests the
which conferred the second.
submission of a person to the will of the political
(c) Officer is expressly authorized by law to accept another
(d) Second office is temporary.
NOTE: Courtesy resignation is not allowed in (1) career
positions and (2) non-career positions with security of
Resignation tenure (i.e. local elective officials).

 A resignation of a public officer need not be in any

particular form, unless some form is prescribed by Removal For Cause
statute. Ordinarily, it may either be in writing or by parol.
The conduct of an employee may properly be regarded
No officer or employee of the civil service shall be
as constituting a resignation from the position held by
removed or suspended except for cause provided by law
him. However, to constitute a complete and operative
(Sec. 2(3), Art. IX, 1987 Constitution).
resignation of public office, there must be an intention to
relinquish a part of the term, accompanied by the act of
relinquishment. Grounds For Removal From
 The right of a public officer to resign is well recognized,
even where it is provided than an officer may hold over  For Presidential appointees, Prof. Barlongay states that
until election and qualification of a successor. The right is there is no specific law providing for the grounds for
sometimes recognized or secured by constitution or their removal. Determination of grounds is just a matter
statute. of practice and by analogy, the grounds used for non-
presidential appointees are made applicable.
 The views in the various jurisdictions are conflicting in
regard to what constitutes acceptance of a resignation
and whether an acceptance is required. According to
 For civil service officials and employees, see Sec. 46, Violation of Security of Tenure
Book V, E.O. No. 292 which provides for at least 30
grounds for disciplinary action.  A transfer is a movement from one position to another
which is of equivalent rank, level, or salary without break
 For local elective officials, Sec. 60 of the Local in service involving the issuance of an appointment.
Government Code provides for the grounds where an
elective local official may be disciplined, suspended or  It shall not be considered disciplinary when made in the
removed from office. interest of public service, in which case, the employee
concerned shall be informed of the reasons therefore. If
Misconduct need not be “in office” in case of appointive the employee believes that there is no justification for
officers. the transfer, he may appeal to the SC.
Misconduct must be “in office” in case of elective
officers.  The transfer may be from one department or agency to
another or from one organizational unit to another in the
Nera v. Garcia same department or agency; Provided, however that
Under the Revised Administrative Code, the rule in any movement from the non-career service to the career
preventive suspension provides that a Bureau Chief may service shall not be considered a transfer.
suspend, with the approval of the head of the department, any
subordinate officer or employee if he is charged with Lacson v. Romero
dishonesty, oppression or grave misconduct or neglect in the Lacson was appointed provincial fiscal of Negros
performance of duty. The same words are expressed in the Oriental by the President. However, three years after,
civil service law. From these provisions, suspension was another person was appointed to the same position while
proper even if the dishonest act was not in the performance of Lacson was nominated to the position of provincial fiscal of
his duty since under the Revised Administrative Code and the Tarlac. Lacson never accepted the appointment and did not
Civil Service Law, dishonesty was not qualified by the phrase assume the duties of said office. The SC held that Lacson
“in the performance of duty.” has the right to occupy the office of provincial fiscal of
Negros Oriental as he neither accepted nor assumed the
Ochate v. Ty Deling office of provincial fiscal of Tarlac and no one can compel his
The SC held that the facts alleged in the administrative to do so.
charge, as substantiated by the affidavits of the complainants, The intended transfer of Lacson to Tarlac, if carried out
do not justify the administrative proceedings instituted against without the approval of Lacson, would be equivalent to a
the petitioner and his suspension by the governor. The removal from his office in Negros Oriental. The reason is that
alleged libel imputed to the mayor was not such misconduct a fiscal is appointed for each province and Lacson could not
even if the term “misconduct in office” be taken in its broadest legally hold and occupy the two posts of fiscal of Tarlac and
sense. The radio broadcast in which the objectionable Negros Oriental simultaneously. Therefore, to be a fiscal of
utterances were made had nothing to do with his official Tarlac must mean his removal from office in Negros.
functions and duties as a mayor. Since the transfer in the case at bar is considered a
removal, such should be for cause in order for the other
Misconduct committed during a prior term, not a ground person to legally occupy the office in Negros. There was no
for dismissal cause for Lacson’s removal. He therefore remains as fiscal
of Negro.
Pascual v. Provincial Board
The SC held that the weight of authority follows the rule
which denies the right to remove one from office because of Termination of Temporary
misconduct during a prior term. Offenses committed or acts Appointment
done during a previous term are generally held not to furnish
cause for removal and this is especially true where the
Quitiquit v. Villacorta
Constitution provides that the penalty in proceedings for
The appointment being temporary in character, the
removal shall not extend beyond the removal from office and
same can be terminated at pleasure by the appointing
disqualification from holding office for the term for which the
officer was elected and appointed. The underlying theory is
that each term is separate from other terms and that re-
election to office operates as a condonation of the officer’s Ferrer v. de Leon
previous misconduct to the extent of cutting off the right to One holding an office in a temporary capacity may be
remove him therefore. ousted at anytime with or without cause.

Aguinaldo v. Santos What Determines Character of

SC held that Aquinaldo should not be removed from Appointment
office. His re-election to the position of Governor of Cagayan
has rendered the administrative case pending before it moot Hojilla v. Marino
and academic. The controlling factor in determining the character of the
Offenses committed or acts done, during a previous term appointment is the appointment itself. Even if a position is
are generally not held to furnish cause for removal. The Court permanent, if the appointment is made temporary, the
should never remove a public officer for acts done prior to his appointment is determinative. What is determinative is not
present term of office. To do otherwise would be to deprive the nature of the office (permanent or temporary), but the
the people of their right to elect their officers. When the people nature of the appointment.
have elected a man to office, it must be assumed that they did
this with knowledge of his life and character, and that they  One appointed to a position of another who was illegally
disregarded or forgave his fault or misconduct, if guilty of any. suspended or dismissed, holds it in temporary capacity
It is not for the court, by reason of such fault or misconduct, to and must yield to the latter. The reason for this is that
practically overruled the will of the people. there was no valid termination.
The rule then is that a public officer cannot be removed
for administrative misconduct committed during a prior term,
since his reelection to office operates as a condonation of the Recall
officer’s previous misconduct to the extent of cutting off the
right to remove him therefore. This rule, however, is not
applicable to criminal cases pending against the petitioner for  The Congress shall enact a local government code
acts he may have committed during the failed coup. which shall provide for a more responsive and
accountable local government structure instituted
Transfer from One Position to Another May or May Not through a system of decentralization with effective
mechanisms of recall, initiative and referendum …(Sec.  Performance of act or accomplishment of purpose
3, Art. X, 1987 Constitution) renders office functus officio.

 Procedure for recall is provided in Sections 69-75 of the

Local Government Code.

Garcia v. COMELEC
SC upheld initiation of recall through the Preparatory
Recall Assembly. Recall is a mode of removal of a public
officer by the people before the end of his term of office. The
people’s prerogative to remove a public officer is an incident
to their sovereign power, and in the absence of constitutional
restraint, the power is implied in all government operations.
There are two reasons why a Preparatory Recall Assembly is
allowed: (1) to diminish the difficulty of initiating recall through
direct action of the people; (2) to cut down on expenses.
Moreover, the Constitution does not provide for any
particularly mode of initiating recall elections. Initiation by the
Preparatory Recall Assembly may be considered as initiation
of recall by the people, although done indirectly through
representatives. In any event, the composition of the
Preparatory Recall Assembly is politically neutral, so loss of
confidence cannot be said to be inspired by difference in
political party affiliation.

Prescription of Right to Office

Unabia v. City Mayor

No reinstatement is possible in the case at bar. Even if
the removal was void for lack of cause, Unabia filed his
petition for reinstatement with the CFI after a delay of one
year and fifteen days. Any person claiming a right to a position
in the civil service is required to file his petition for
reinstatement within one year, otherwise he is deemed to
have abandoned his office. Reason is public policy and
convenience, stability in the public service.

NOTE: The one-year period is the prescriptive period to

claim public office (whether through quo warranto or
otherwise). The one-year period presupposes judicial action,
not administrative action.
Filing of Certificate of Cnadidacy

 Sec. 66 of the Omnibus Election Code states that any

person holding appointive public offices or positions,
including active AFP members, is considered ipso facto
resigned from office by the mere filing of certificate of

 Only the moment and act of filing are considered. Once

the certificate is filed, the seat is forever forfeited and
nothing, save a new election or appointment, can restore
the ousted official.

Note: The following provisions have been repealed

by Sec. 14 of R.A. 9006 (Fair Election Act of

 Sec. 67 of B.P. 881 which states that any

elective official, whether national or local,
running for any office OTHER than one which he
is holding in a permanent capacity, except for
President and Vice President, shall be
considered ipso facto resigned from office by the
mere filing of a certificate of candidacy.

 The first proviso of Sec. 11 of R.A. 8436

which states that "Any elective official, running
for any officer other than one which he is holding
in a permanent capacity, except for President
and Vice-President, shall be considered ipso
facto resigned upon the start of the campaign

Performance of an Act or Accomplishment of Purpose for

which the Office was Created

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