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Grammar Assessment 4

A) Write the plural form for these words.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

1) cap 11) match

2) flower 12) boss

3) box 13) potato

4) goat 14) bush

5) glass 15) horse

6) bench 16) island

7) shop 17) child

8) diamond 18) sheep

9) stone 19) bicycle

10) aeroplane 20) mouse

B) Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns.

1) The postman is here. ………………. wants to deliver a large parcel.

2) John and Smith are wearing helmets because ………………. are

going mountain biking.

3) I take my notebook with me everywhere I go. ………………. write

the things I have to do in ………………. .

4) Mother screamed when ………………. saw a black rat. Father ran

after ………………. with a broom.

5) Peter’s uncle washed the drain. ………………. felt tired after that

so ………………. went to bed early.

6) “Where are ………………. going? ………………. must clean your room

before ……………….. go out to play,” says Tim.

Grammar Assessment 4

C) Write a suitable question for each answer given.

1) ….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The fire station is along the main road.

2) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

You should buy the tickets before they are sold out.

3) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

My dentist’s appointment is at 11 a.m..

4) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Rita is crying because she fell and hurt her knee.

5) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I think the pudding is sweeter than the cake.

6) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

My shoe size is 8.

7) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I parked the car in the basement.

8) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The Blue team won the football match.

9) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

I hid Margo’s birthday present in my cupboard.

10) ….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The leather wallet is mine.

Grammar Assessment 4

D) Join the sentences using ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘but’.

1) We fed the bears at the zoo. We fed the deer at the zoo.


2) You can come with us now to the beach. You can join us
later for a boat ride.



3) Is this material hand woven? Is this material machine made?


4) The hotel room is big. The hotel room is not clean.


5) Xena bought a new suitcase. Xena has not used her new
suitcase yet.



6) He tried to get on the horse. He kept falling off.


7) Sparrows can fly. Ostriches cannot fly.


8) The technician took an X-ray of the patient’s hand. The technician

sent the X-ray to the doctor.


Grammar Assessment 4

Answer Keys

A) Write the plural form for these words.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

1) cap caps 11) match matches

2) flower flowers 12) boss bosses

3) box boxes 13) potato potatoes

4) goat goats 14) bush bushes

5) glass glasses 15) horse horses

6) bench benches 16) island islands

7) shop shops 17) child children

8) diamond diamonds 18) sheep sheep

9) stone stones 19) bicycle bicycles

10) aeroplane aeroplanes 20) mouse mice

B) Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns.

1) The postman is here. He wants to deliver a large parcel.

2) John and Smith are wearing helmets because they are

going mountain biking.

3) I take my notebook with me everywhere I go. I write

the things I have to do in it.

4) Mother screamed when she saw a black rat. Father ran

after it with a broom.

5) Peter’s uncle washed the drain. He felt tired after that

so he went to bed early.

6) “Where are you going? You must clean your room before you

go out to play,” says Tim.

Grammar Assessment 4

C) Write a suitable question for each answer given.

1) Where is the fire station?

The fire station is along the main road.

2) What should I do now?

You should buy the tickets before they are sold out.

3) What time is your dentist’s appointment?

My dentist’s appointment is at 11 a.m..

4) Why is Rita crying?

Rita is crying because she fell and hurt her knee.

5) Which dessert is sweeter, the pudding or the cake?

I think the pudding is sweeter than the cake.

6) What is your shoe size?

My shoe size is 8.

7) Where did you park the car?

I parked the car in the basement.

8) Who won the football match?

The Blue team won the football match.

9) Where did you hide Margo’s birthday present?

I hid Margo’s birthday present in my cupboard.

10) Whose leather wallet is this?

The leather wallet is mine.

Grammar Assessment 4

D) Join the sentences using ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘but’.

1) We fed the bears at the zoo. We fed the deer at the zoo.

We fed the bears and the deer at the zoo.

2) You can come with us now to the beach. You can join us
later for a boat ride.

You can come with us now to the beach or join us later

for a boat ride.

3) Is this material hand woven? Is this material machine made?

Is this material hand woven or machine made?

4) The hotel room is big. The hotel room is not clean.

The hotel room is big but not clean.

5) Xena bought a new suitcase. Xena has not used her new
suitcase yet.

Xena bought a new suitcase but has not used her new

suitcase yet.

6) He tried to get on the horse. He kept falling off.

He tried to get on the horse but kept falling off.

7) Sparrows can fly. Ostriches cannot fly.

Sparrows can fly but ostriches cannot fly.

8) The technician took an X-ray of the patient’s hand. The technician

sent the X-ray to the doctor.

The technician took an X-ray of the patient’s hand and

sent the X-ray to the doctor.


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