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Yeasts and molds in fermented food production: an

ancient bioprocess
Marina Venturini Copetti

The fermentation of carbon sources by fungi leading to the Fungal biota plays an important role in the development
production of foods and beverages represents one of the of peculiar sensorial characteristics of some traditional
oldest and most economically significant of all biotechnologies. fermented foods, participating on metabolic processes
Also, some traditional fermented foods require a ripening through production of many enzymes and metabolites
period to develop their best sensorial characteristics. On during the ripening period [2]. These biotas sometimes
ancient times, fermentation was carried out spontaneously. are diverse and only spontaneously inoculated in the
With scientific development, single strains were selected and products, depending on the maturation environment.
adapted for use as starters in some large-scale food producing. In other cases, fungal strains can be selected and used
Currently an apparent revival of interest in complex as starter, accelerating the fermentation and standardizing
fermentation is occurring, as well in the use of mixed strains the food produced [3].
wondering production of food and beverages with more diverse
and peculiar flavors impressed by a more complex micro- This review will focus on the use of yeasts and molds as
organisms interaction and the associated health functionalities. bioprocessing agents for the manufacture of foods
through fermentation, highlighting ancient processes cur-
Address rently developed at industrial level.
Federal University of Santa Maria, Rural Sciences Center, Department of
Food Technology and Science, 1000 Roraima Avenue, Santa Maria, RS,
97105-900, Brazil
Alcoholic beverages
Saccharomyces sp. is the major yeast genus involved in the
Corresponding author: Venturini Copetti, Marina ( production of alcoholic beverages. Probably the best
understood processes are wine and beer [4]. Besides
the well-established use of Saccharomyces as starters,
Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 25:57–61
non-Saccharomyces yeasts used in the co-fermentation of
beverages impact on the sensory profiles by increasing the
This review comes from a themed issue on Food bioprocessing
complexity and organoleptic richness [5].
Edited by Cristiano Ragagnin de Menezes
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
Available online 28th February 2019 Winemaking is an ancient biotechnology, and the basic activities of modern wineries are fundamentally the same
2214-7993/ã 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. as those undertaken traditionally: Extraction of sugars
from grapes and their fermentation by yeasts to produce
an alcoholic beverage. It can be carried out spontaneously
throughout endogenous micro-organisms from grape and
winery surfaces or using exogenous micro-organisms from
starter culture of single or mixed yeast strains [6–8,9].
Modern, large-scale wineries generally use specially
Introduction selected starter cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae [10].
Fungi, both yeast and filamentous, by virtue of their
metabolic versatility have important role in food industry Spontaneous fermentation of grape juice is driven by a
processes. The role of yeasts on the production of fer- complex community of microorganisms. A yeast succes-
mented foods is well established. A study revealed that sion from Hanseniaspora to Saccharomyces has been estab-
industrial yeasts are genetically and phenotypically dis- lished, due differences on species sensitivity to the
tinct from wild strains and stem from a limited set of produced ethanol, and so, population driven on selectiv-
ancestral strains adapted to man-made environments ity [7,9,11,12].
(clades of: Asian strains such as sake yeasts, one mostly
containing wine yeasts, a mixed clade containing bread The technological diffusion of the use of selected strains
and other yeasts, and two separate families of beer yeasts) of S. cerevisiae simplified the fermentation process,
[1]. In contrast, foods showing presence of molds are, in although, more recently there is an increasing interest
general, considered inadequate for consumption, but toward controlled mixed fermentations using more than
selected species of molds are useful for the manufacture one selected yeast strain [6–8]. The micro-organisms
of certain foods or ingredients (Figure 1). selected and even the sequence and time of inoculation Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 25:57–61

58 Food bioprocessing

Figure 1

Pigments Asian Foods

Organic acids Bread
Oils and Fatty
acids Fungi Cheese
S Mycoprotein Cocoa N

Flavoring Cured meats


Current Opinion in Food Science

Fungal importance in some industrial food and ingredients production bioprocesses.

can exert strong influence in the sensorial profile of wines Most of the peculiar flavor and aroma of any beer are
[13–15]. determined by the yeast strain and fermentation condi-
tions [1]. The majority of beer consumed around the
The use of more complex and controlled inoculum (co- world is the bottom-fermented lager beer and the top-
inoculation or sequential inoculation with non-Saccharo- fermented ale beer, fermented with strains of Saccharo-
myces and S. cerevisiae) [13,16–19] and the revival of myces pastorianus [Saccharomyces uvarum (carlsbergensis)] at
spontaneous fermentation, labeled as ‘wild ferments’ 7–10  C and S. cerevisiae at 18–25 C, respectively [21].
[15], are recent trends in wine market. These kind of
products meet the consumers claim for more natural and/ In recent years, with the development and success of craft
or peculiar food; the diversity of microbial population of beers [22,23,24], the brewers are also starting to use non-
natural (or spontaneous) and sequential fermentation can conventional yeast in order to impact on aroma and flavor
offer the desired complexity and diversification to these and generate differentiated products [25–29]. Brettano-
wines [20]. myces and other non-conventional yeasts would be highly
attractive for the development of specialty beers, since
yield natural flavors out of scope of conventional Saccha-
Beer romyces species, resulting in products with novel attractive
Beer brewing is one of most ancient human pursuits, flavor compositions [27,29,30].
representing one of the first forays in biotechnology.
Differently from other alcoholic beverages which are Craft beers are also unpasteurized and unfiltered, so, have
originated from fermentation of simple fruit sugars, beer the potential for delivering probiotic yeasts. Inclusion of
is obtained through fermentation of starch derivative S. cerevisiae var. boulardii in mixed starter increased the
sources. The starch must be first solubilized in the wort antioxidant activity and polyphenols content in beer
using enzymes to generate more simple sugars, ferment- without negative influence in beer aroma [31].
able into ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, and other fermen-
tation by-products, including higher alcohols and esters, Asian foods
through the action of brewer’s yeasts, mostly Saccharomy- Many fermented Asian foods employ fungi for their
ces sp. [21]. manufacture [32]. The molds Aspergillus oryzae and

Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 25:57–61

Yeasts and molds in food production Venturini Copetti 59

Aspergillus sojae play a pivotal role in some Asian food Bread

processing, through their use as the starter for prepara- Bread is a food prepared by baking fermented dough,
tion of koji, a source of fungal enzymes (both amylolytic, essentially made from flour, water, and leavening agent
lipolytic and proteolytic) necessary for assimilation of [37]. The fermentation occurs through the metabolism
nutrients by other microorganisms in subsequent fer- of complex fermentable carbohydrates (such as sucrose,
mentations [33]. The koji also contributes to color, maltose, and starch) from the dough into glucose and
flavor, and aroma, which are important for the overall fructose by the yeast S. cerevisiae. During baking, protein
character of the fermented products, such as soy sauce denaturation leads to a hardening of the glutinic struc-
and sake [33]. In recent times, efforts have been made ture, determining the conservation of bread shape and
to explore the health-promoting effects of Koji and its volume [37].
derived products consumption, including their antioxi-
dant, antimutagenic, antitumoral, and stress regulation Besides the action as leavening agent, S. cerevisiae impress
activities, capability on elimination of gluten allergen subtle flavors, mainly through the synthesis of organic
and lowering cholesterol [33]. acids and volatile products. In contrast, the association of
S. cerevisiae to other species of yeasts and lactobacilli can
lead to production of a more acid product and with
Sake or rice wine
peculiar flavor, the sourdough.
Sake is a Japanese alcoholic beverage made from rice and
manufactured by means of a mixed fermentation of molds
Sourdough bread
and yeasts in two stages [34]. At the first stage of
Sourdough is a mixture of cereal flour and water that is
fermentation, rice is steamed, cooled down, inoculated
spontaneously fermented by consortia covering hetero-
with A. oryzae, and kept at 30 C for two days for koji
fermentative lactic acid bacteria and yeasts [38].
production. Then koji is mixed with steamed rice, water
and inoculated with S. cerevisiae for alcoholic fermenta-
The use of sourdough in baking is an ancient technology
tion. Approximately two months is needed to complete all
that is currently undergoing a revival of interest. Bread
the fermentation steps and obtaining the sake [32].
production relied on the use of sourdough as leavening
agent for most of human history; the use of baker’s yeast
The development of high-class sake based on acidity has
dates back less than 150 years [39]. The sourdough
begun in Japan in more recent years; thus, the sake
technology remained in European countries mainly
industry has entered a new era, and the use of diverse
because rye flour requires acidification to achieve an
yeasts is becoming relevant and, like some wines, can
optimal bread quality. Some well-known sourdough
drive on certification of geographical indication [35].
breads are the sweet breads from Mediterranean coun-
tries, such as panettone and colomba [40], as well the San
Shoyu or soy sauce Francisco bread.
Shoyu or soy sauce is a traditional Japanese liquid
seasoning also manufactured by a two-stage fermenta- Sourdough promotes an improvement in dough structure,
tion process in which a consortium of filamentous fungi aroma, palatability, nutritional value and prolonged shelf-
and yeasts species occurs [34]. The filamentous fungi life, mainly due its stability against fungal spoilage [41].
A. oryzae or A. sojae are grown on a mixture of steamed Besides, in more recent years, functional/nutritional fea-
soybeans, cracked wheat and wheat bran to koji pro- tures of sourdough fermentation (such as potential to
duction. The koji is then mixed with water and salt, lower glycemic index, increase mineral bioavailability
following 6–12 months fermentation. The fermented and decrease the gluten content, among others) have
product is then pressed to produce the fermented juice, been highlighted [42].
shoyu [32,33].
Mold-ripened cheeses
The flavor of soy sauce is chiefly determined by protei- Mold-ripened cheeses are of two major types: surface
nases, amylases, and other enzymes synthesized by the mold-ripened cheeses (such as Camembert and Brie,
mold species used. In contrast, yeasts such as Hansenula generally ripened by Penicillium camemberti, forming a
spp. and Zygosaccharomyces rouxii have an important role velvety white rind) and internal mold-ripened cheeses
on the development of a tangy taste, and bacteria such as (or blueveined cheeses, ripened by Penicillium roqueforti,
Tetragonococcus halophila on acidic aroma and clear as Danablu, Roquefort, Stilton, and Gorgonzola) [43].
appearance [34].
Basically, the making and ripening of mold-ripened
Soy sauce contains, in addition to taste and aroma com- cheeses involve lactic acid bacteria as primary starters,
pounds, certain bioactive components that have anti- besides yeasts and molds. The fungal biota is notably
hypertensive, anti-carcinogenic, anti-microbial, anti-oxi- involved in the consumption of lactic acid and lactate
dative and anti-platelet activities [33,36]. produced by lactic acid bacteria, raising the pH, as well as Current Opinion in Food Science 2019, 25:57–61

60 Food bioprocessing

in proteolysis and lipolysis, fundamental processes for fungal development. Even then starters are applied in
ripening. The type and concentration of acids, primary modern food processing to improve fermentations and
and secondary alcohols, carbonyl compounds, esters, and standardize the product, spontaneous fermentations
hydrocarbons determine the peculiar aroma/flavor of remain and, in a certain extent, are showing a revival
these cheeses [34]. Interactions between microorgan- of interest due to the diverse and peculiar flavors
isms and their environmental factors and between micro- impressed by different micro-organisms interacting dur-
organisms themselves are determinant in controlling rip- ing the food fermentation, as well due some health
ening and sensorial properties of cheeses [43]. benefits associated.

Cocoa Conflict of interest statement

Cocoa is the main raw material for chocolate production. Nothing declared.
The primary objectives of cocoa fermentation are the
removal of mucilage and the development of chocolate Acknowledgement
flavor precursors. The sugar rich bean mucilage is fer- To Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico -
mented by yeasts; the violet cotyledons of beans become CNPq for a research grant to M.V.C. (Process 309691/2015-0).
brown during the week-long fermentation, are dried and
roasted [44]. References and recommended reading
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