Instructions 17

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F4 Liberal Studies Assignments

a) Deadline for submission: 27th March 2020

b) Read Textbook, pp. 52-55 and 62, 67-69 (on nuclear power, wind power and alternative energy

c) Watch the following videos about nuclear power:

 鏗鏘集 - 核能非萬能 (Jan 16, 2018)
 通識爽教室:核電發展 (Feb 22, 2012)
 蘋果日報 - 日本運港蔬菜含核輻射 (April 28, 2012)

d) Watch the following videos about wind power:

 Hong Kong: Renewable Energy (Nov 1, 2011)
 風力發電 (Feb 7, 2013)
 RTHK: 關注香港海上風力發電場 (Jan 3, 2009)

e) Supplementary Reading:
Attachment 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power
Attachment 2: Nuclear Power in China’s Energy Mix
Attachment 3: Constructing an Offshore Windfarm in Hong Kong
Attachment 4: Development of an Offshore Wind Farm in Hong Kong (EIA Study by HK Electric)

f) Do 2014 DSE Paper 1 Question 2a and 2b

g) Do 2019 DSE Paper 2 Question 2a and 2b

h) Do News Quiz 8

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