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Discussion Questions for Hero

1. What is the song “Hero” about?

>The song “Hero” about every problems has its way, something in us in the answer of
all, therefore he is a hero.

2. According to the song “Hero”,. what makes a hero?

> What makes a hero are lost hope, despair, then the hero will be formed within.

3. Who is your hero? Why?

> My first hero is my belief because when I feel I can't so said “if I believe, I can”, there is
something motto for me. Then, the second hero is song “euphoria”. When I feel sad, hope
gone, and so down, or very happy, I sing a song “euphoria”. Because when I sing the song,
make me feel so fighting or so euphoria.

4. How does this song make you feel?

> This song makes me feel that everything can be done if we can trust inside.


1. Invictus is a Latin word that means “unconquered”, what does it say about the poem?
 In my opinion this poem attracts two types of people. The first person is a
person who is steadfast in anger and tears, to always struggle. His soul will be
free even though his body is in prison. Then people who like this when
listening to poem invictum will increasingly become invincible.
The second person is a spoiled person, who feels the problem is more severe
than others even though it’s nothing. When reading this poem will be a slap on
2. What do you think the poet is not frightened?
 Poet never frightened. The poet remains steadfast in anger and tears, shrouded
in darkness, will remain strong even though the body is imprisoned but the
soul remains free.
3. Do you like the poem “Invictus”?
 Of course, this is a good poem
4. Do you agree with the poem saying? Why? Why not?
 I agree with this poem saying, because this poem states the truth, indeed there
are still many people who talk about us, but still stand firm.
5. Do you think the poem change people?
 Yes of course. The poem change people, if understand with the poem.

“stand by me'
1. What do you think the tittle “stand by me” means?
 The theme of the song telling to overcome everything that face is.
2. Do you consider is “stand by me” is inspirational song? Why?
 Yes, because it makes me more brave to overcome the problems.
3. If you had to changes the lyrics “stand by me” which lyrics would you changes?
 I can as long as there is God that will show us the right part in life.

“We shall overcome”

1. What do you think is the theme of this song?

 The theme of the song is like telling us to overcome everything that face us.
2. Is this an inspiring song? Did is inspire you?
 Yes, because it makes me more brave to overcome the problems.
3. Do you think you can overcome all the obstacles and live in happy and prosperous
 I think I can as long as there is God that will show us the right part in life.

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