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Executive summary

This report consists of the ideology of the “transformational business plan” which helps then in
their business for the future days. In the plan, the organization is going to implement a new
system that is based on “health and safety” legislation for the employees because it is important
for them and also for their business. The trends, practices, and performance of the laws are going
to describe in this report with their proper analysis. in the finds, all elements are included those
are found out from the research.

Table of Contents

Overview of organisation................................................................................................................4

Environmental situation...................................................................................................................5

Trends in “health and wellness”......................................................................................................6

Practice and performance of “health and wellness”........................................................................7





This report is based on the formation of the strategies that are used for the business plan of an
organization. In this report, a “transformational business plan” has been suggested to be prepared
based on the topic of “Occupational health and wellness”. According to this topic of the plan, the
HR department of the organization is going to prepare a plan for the safety of the organization
and its employees. In the organization, different types of changes are required and based on those
changes some planning has to made and its all are done by the HR manager and his team. Thus,
the importance of this plan and the requirement of this plan is the major concerning matter of this

Overview of the organisation

The organization “Yourway Energy Service” is a Canada based energy service provider whose
main interest is to develop and explore “fossil related fuels” such as oil and natural gas. But soon
they decided to shift their business and expanded it with “renewal energy”. Thus, this is a big
change in this company and the employees of the have to go through the changes. The number of
employees of this company is almost 1000 and with the change, they also have to change their
working style and skill. As the change was going to be initiated the organization is on the
pressure and the staff members also under the pressure because they have to prepare themselves
to work in this change and learn new things. As their jobs have been changes along with the
market and the technology so that they have to learn all those things. Thus, if they are trying to
adopt the changes, as a result, different types of health issues are evolved. The employees are
suffering from stress, mental issue, the number of sick leaves has increased and also accidents
and all the things are facing by the company last two years.

YES has mainly concentrated on two factors or issues, injury prevention, and physical safety.
This company follows a very low level of compliances for its employees and they do not allow
to provide different other safety facilities to the employees and the rules and regulations. They
are not ready to invest in the safety laws that much so that they only invested on the major first
aid training and safety training and give training for handling the hazardous situations and also
train them about the injury and how to operate it. But, with the changes and the growth of the

organization creates pressure on the employees and almost 100 employees are facing the
problem of “health and safety” in the organization. As the company faces different types of
health issues of the employees, the HR department of the company has been decided that they
should make some changes in their strategies and their factors. The higher authority finds out
that this safety trend of the organization and increasing cost affected the business very much and
based on this issue the company has been decided to make some changes in their employee’s
safety with the help of the HRM. The HR manager suggested making a plan for overcoming
these health issues and for the support he has his team members and the managers. The
organization asks the help of the HR manager to prepare a plan for the “health and wellness” of
the employees of the organization during the change[ CITATION cco20 \l 1033 ].

Environmental situation
The current environment of the organization is very critical because they are unable to provide
the best services to their employees and this creates dissatisfaction in them and they are not
willing to provide the proper workforce to the company. As this company focused on “fossil
fuels”, but with the developed technology they also have been decided to include more new
technology in their business for future growth. As they decided to start their business with the
“renewal energy” and for this purpose, they make some changes in their working process and
their management. This organization never shows their concern about their employee “safety and
health”, they do not invest their money on them rather they invest it in their business
improvement. But they did not understand that if they do not have the proper workforce then
how they should improve their business[ CITATION hsa20 \l 1033 ].

After the implementation of the changes in the organization, they give training to their
employees about the change and how they should adjust to the changes. But they do not mention
the “health and safety” rules for the employees. With the new business, the employees also have
to follow the new trend and new technology so that they need training, and the organization
provides them the basic training. However, the employees started their job with the new
technology and the new trend but they face different types of health issues. Sometimes, the
employees get injured by using the technology and some of the technology is so advanced they
are unable to use it properly. This is also affected the environment of the organization, the

employees feel that the company did not provide them the proper support and services and they
also are not concern about their safety. This creates dissatisfaction within them and they did not
give their full workforce in the company[ CITATION saf20 \l 1033 ].

Thus, the organization soon understood that they should do something for the improvement of
their environment and the safety of their employees and for this reason they ask the HR
department to hand the situation. The HR department of the organization is a four-member group
who play their role very effectively. First of all, they do their research on the situation and they
talk to the employees along with the higher authority of the organization. After the discussion
with they would decide what they need to do and proceed with the way. From the perspective of
the employees, they understand that the employees are not happy with the situation and the
changes because this change is not beneficial for them. On the other hand, the higher authority of
the organization commented they cannot invest their money on their “health and safety” but they
train how to operate this type of situation. After consulting both of the party the HR find out this
is a very critical issue and they have to find a way to overcome from this critical
situation[ CITATION Ran20 \l 1033 ].

Concentrated on this situation they suggested that the organization should include the “health
and wellbeing” act and rules in their business for their employees so that they can work securely.
If the organization follows the accurate and correct rules and laws then they do not need to invest
so much money and for this reason, they should follow the governmental rules and regulations.
The employees are willing to have the rights and the organization does not deny it so that they
have to provide them the proper services. With the time the organization understands that these
rules are required with the change of management, change of technology and change of
services[ CITATION saf201 \l 1033 ].

Trends in “health and wellness”

In a workplace, “health and wellness” is important and if YES follows the regulations then they
can prevent different issues from the organization and secure their employees from the health
issuers. This is an “energy service provider” company so that they need to care about the security
of their employees. In recent times, the organization faces different types of health issues in their
working process and the organizations try to resolve the problem as soon as possible and for this

process, they maintain different types of laws. The administration of “safety and health”
suggested the organization to follow some trends that are standard able.

Prevent injury and illness: By following the “health and safety” act the organization and
prevent any type of illness and injury. This also helps the employees and the manager to find out
critical hazards in the environment of the organization. The organization also takes the
responsibility to give training where they can inform them about the importance of this law for
them and how it can protect their rights. In the training, they should also inform the employees
about the practices, procedures, and behavior that may help to prevent illness from the
organization. In the workplace, cleanliness should maintain and the employees should use
sanitizer when they having their lunch and if anyone had cough or cold then the organization
should provide him leave for some days until he does not get fit.

Reduce hazards: “Potential hazards” are considered as very critical for the environment of the
organization. The activities and behaviors, chemicals, furniture’s and even equipment may cause
harm to the employees of the organization. Thus, the organization should at them very carefully
and try to resolve all these hazards. The organization also should provide healthy food to their
employees so that they may not fall sick.

Avoid consequences: The organization should avoid the consequences rather they should follow
its rules ad doing their jobs. The organization has to follow the guidelines of ‘health and safety”
and by following those rules they may able to reduce the problems. But if they do not follow it, it
would not be good for their business. Thus, the organization should not look at the consequences
but do their jobs and follow the rules[ CITATION wor202 \l 1033 ].

Practice and performance of “health and wellness”

If the organization invests their money in the security and health of their employees then it was
considered a great investment because they are not only securing their health of their employees
but they also securing their organization’s future. With such a low level of laws, they cannot
attract new employees in their organization and if the existing employees leave then they cannot
grow up their business. The organisation needs to protect their employees and their health. With
time these things get worse and the employees do not willing to work in this company anymore.

So that the HRM deportment suggested that the organization should follow the practices of
“health and safety”. Before implementing the practices in the organization, the higher authority
should follow some steps and those steps are –

 The organization firstly understands the demands of the employees and the employer,
both are important for the business because they work for the growth of the business. As
the organization should also provide them the best possible benefits so that it does not
feel low from the organization. These demands find out by the HR of the organization
and they collect the information use it in the business.
 HR also needs to collect the information and data and develop a plan that they can use in
their organization for implementing the “health and safety” policy in the organization.
 It is the responsibility of HR to develop a “communication plan” for the employees so
that they can communicate with the manager. If the employees undoubtedly
communicate with the manager then they can easily develop a good connection with
them and it also helps them to successfully implement the law in the organization.
 In the organization, HR suggested that they should also follow the incentive plan for the
employees so that they can attract the employees in the organization. Before it, they
should confirm the “health and safety” rule in the organization[ CITATION for13 \l 1033 ].

From the research, many things come to the forefront that the organization YES followed a
strategy in their organization for their employee’s safety and health. But with the changing
business, they realize that their employees are facing a lot of problems. Mostly their health issues
increase with time and the employees are getting so affected by it that they cannot work hard.
From the above discussion, it is found out that the organization facing this safety issue and
directly affected the environment of the organization. If the environment of the organization was
unstable because of the health issue then it affected the workflow of the organization. There are
some trends follow for the “health and safety” rule in the organization. It is found out that the
organization can operate their health services by avoiding the serious type of consequences, by
hazard replacement and illness prevention[ CITATION And16 \l 1033 ]. However, health practices
also help them to understand the steps by which they are going to implement the health laws.

According to the steps the organization firstly understand the needs of the employees, gather the
information about the employees, HR develops the “communication plan” which make the
relationship strong and the incentive plan attract the employees towards the organization. These
are the things that are found from the research and based on the findings it could be said that if
the organization follows the implementation plan then they can include the “health and safety”
act in their system for the employees.

After analyzing all the important factors in this report, the researcher also recommends some
new process through which they can improve their organization. If the organization implements
“health and wellness” legislation in the organization then they might gain more success than any
other organization. Like, if the organization follows the rules then they should provide the proper
training to the employees to make then inform about the rights and their benefits. For the
training, they require high qualified trainer who knows these laws and clears all their doubts. For
the high product future profit, the organization should invest some money. The organization not
only focuses on the “health and safety”, but they should also include the security flaw in the
system so that the employees not only feel healthy but they also feel secure. The organization
needs to understand the importance of the health legislation and for this thing, they do their best
to support the employees and their support also make them able to loyal towards the organization
and their role. The organization needs to give training about the new technology so that they can
efficiently do their jobs.

From this research report, some influential information is found out those they can use for the
future and in the recommendation, some new ideas are also mentioned. If the organization YES
uses the new process in their business then they can easily grow up their business for the future.
From the services and the effectiveness of the business the organization changes its strategy and
shifts its business. As a result, the employees faced some problems with their health and the
organization also not ready to invest money in the laws of health. But they face some problems
and they have to overcome those problems, thus, they ask the help of the HRM and ask them to

solve the problems. The research on this issue and try to solve the problem by suggesting them to
follow the trend of the health and wellness” and the practices they can easily implement the law
in their organization.

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