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Question 1........................................................................................................................................3

Question 2........................................................................................................................................3

Question 3........................................................................................................................................4

Question 4........................................................................................................................................5


Question 1
“Salmonellosis” is known as “foodborne zoonoses” which constitute by the Public health as a
worldwide infection but soon it becomes a global level infection. This infection attacked the
humans and there is a source of this infection includes the “meat products” basically “poultry
meats”. The reason of “Salmonellosis” is the non-typhoidal “Salmonellosis enterica serotypes”
and it has been distinguishing through the “self-limiting gastroenteritis syndrome”, the symptoms
are fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain and all these things are happening within 4-72 hours and
this is incubation period and it is very rare kind infection for the mortality [ CITATION PAn16 \l
1033 ].

“Public health” takes the initiation to inform people about the infection of “Salmonellosis” so
that they can secure themselves and their families. This infection has now spread globally and
this is spreading from “poultry meats” and “public health” also informs the food industry to look
at these issues and carefully provide meat to the customers. People can overcome this infection
but they have to follow some rules. For this infection, they make a control plan where they
include –

 Encourage people with hand washing signs.

 Provide hand sanitizer or washing facilities
 Inform people about the infection of “Salmonellosis”
 The “public health” organizes “Salmonella-free-day-old-chicks” for ensuring that the
“poultry bleeding flocks” are absolute “Salmonella free”.
 Kept the chicks in the “salmonella free environment”.
 Provide the chicks with food and water which are “Salmonella free”.
 Regularly monitor the egg processing chain production.
 If anyone gets infected by “Salmonella” then he should detect as soon as
possible[ CITATION the11 \l 1033 ].

Question 2
The process of “bioremediation” is based on the use of the organisms for neutralizing or
removing the “contamination” from the waste. The most important thing that needs to understand
is that the structure of the “waste remediation” does not use the “toxic chemicals”, thus, if an
organism uses that may be harmful in some circumstances. If a simple way has been chosen to
describe “bioremediation” then it could be said that the maggots are used for the “wound care
control”. The wounds which have contamination also have the maggots and introduce them and
maggots eat that contamination and allow healing the wound.

In the “environmental catastrophe”, “bioremediation” is used in two ways – “In-situ” and “Ex-

“In-situ”: According to this class, when the “contamination waste” is properly treated from its
origin. For instance, if any soil gets contaminated at a place, it does not need or require removing
that soil from that place or its origin place, it can be efficiently treated at its place of origin. This
main characteristic of this treatment is that it helps to prevent the extension of the contamination
from its displacement from transportation.

“Ex-situ”: It is the treatment that occurs at the time when the “contamination waste” replaces
from its treatment place. As an example of the soil, it could say that this treatment takes place
when soil moved and it transported from that place where the “bioremediation” can use for the
treatment. The positive side of this treatment is to control and contain the products of
“bioremediation” along with the contaminated area [ CITATION con201 \l 1033 ].

Question 3
The “tetracycline antibiotics” has been used for treating patients who are suffering from any type
of infections like acne. After having this antibiotic, it steps the bacteria from spreading all over
the body of the patient. This antibiotic only works for the “bacterial infections”, ion any type of
“viral infection” this antibiotic does not work. If any patient has the antibiotic when it does not
need, there is a possibility that the antibiotic may not work in the future. This is also used in a
combination with the medication of “anti-ulcer” for treating different types of issues of “stomach
ulcer”. The children who are younger than 8 years cannot consume this medicine and at the time

of pregnancy, this medicine should avoid. This medicine also causes different types of other
issues and the patient should avoid the sunrays when they are consuming this medicine.

This medicine also has some side effects which are important to identify before taking this
medicine. From the medical perspective, it could be said that this medicine is good and it cures
the bacteria of the body and helps to heal. The side effects of this antibiotic are important and
those are –

 Vomiting, nausea, unhealthy stomach, diarrhea and “loss of appetite”.

 White sores or patches grow up in the mouth and over the lips.
 The patients feeling swallowing, hairy or black tongue, tongue get swollen.
 Vaginal itching[ CITATION San191 \l 1033 ].

Question 4
With the “selective media” several organisms have been growing up and also take part in the
other organism’s development. There are different ways are followed for the accomplishment of
the selectivity. As an example, organisms are used for utilizing the sugar that can simply be
screened through making and in this process, the medium is sugar which the “carbon source”.
The “selective inhibition” can possible by achieving different “microorganisms” through adding
the antibiotics, dyes and “specific inhibitors” or salts that can affect the organism's “enzyme
system” or “metabolism”. For instance, media contains the “thallium acetate” or “sodium azide”
and “potassium tellurite” that participate in the growing process of the “Gram-negative
bacteria”. On the other hand, for the development of “Gram-positive bacteria”, media enlarge
with the “crystal violet” or penicillin”. “Tellurite agar” has been selected for the “Gram-positive
organisms” and “Nutrient agar” used in “Gram-negative organisms”.

One of the “selective medium” is “Mannitol salt sugar” which is used in the quarantine of the
“pathogenic staphylococci”. This medium holds the “mannitol” that is a “phenol red indicator”
and it contains 7.5% “sodium chloride”. A high level of “salt concentration” involves the
extension of the several bacteria than the “staphylococci”. Within the MSA, “Staphylococcus
aureus” is pathogenic that helps to create the “small colonies” that has been surrounded through
the “yellow zones”. The reason for “color change” shows that the mannitol fermented by the “S.

aureus” that produces acid and as in return the indicator changes its color into yellow from red.
The extension of several bacteria normally inhibited [ CITATION wwu20 \l 1033 ].

conserve-energy-future. (2020, april 18). What is Bioremediation? Retrieved april 18, 2020, from

P.Antunes. (2016, feb). Salmonellosis: the role of poultry meat. Retrieved april 18, 2020, from

Sinha, S. (2019, Jan 14). Tetracycline. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from

thepoultrysite. (2011, may 13). Strategies to Control Salmonella in Poultry. Retrieved april 18,
2020, from

wwu. (2020, April 18). SELECTIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL MEDIA. Retrieved April 18, 2020,

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