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I. Discuss the following questions.

(a) Which artists do you think are the most famous?

(b) Why do you think they are famous for?

(c) Do you remember any unusual story / fact about art? Give examples.

II. Read the article and find two unusual things about the artist Congo.

Monkey business

An artist (1) who was referred to as ‘the Cézanne of the apes’ shot to fame in the 1950s.
He first appeared on the TV show Zoo Time, which was represented by Desmond
Morris. After he had given Congo a brush, Morris announced that he wanted to find
out if chimpanzees could paint! The works which were painted by Congo were very
abstract in style, but some people felt they showed talent. When he received a
painting as a present, Picasso was so impressed he put it on his wall! In 2005, Congo’s
(6) (7)
paintings were sold at Bothams, an auction house that specialized in art. As they
sold for more than $25,000, they fetched a higher price than works by Warhol and
II. Match the following sentences to the underlined sections.

Original sentence Substitution (PC)

represented by Desmond Morris
specializing in art
Having received a painting as a present
Sold for more than $25,000
painted by Congo
Having given Congo a brush
referred to as ‘the Cézanne of the apes’

A. Highlight the sections that disappeared from the sentences and answer the
following questions.

(a) Which ones replace a reason (e.g. because of)?

(b) Which ones replace a time clause (e.g. when, while)?

(c) Which ones replace a relative clause (e.g. who, which)?

B. Look at the original sentences. Answer the following questions.

(a) Which ones are in active voice?

(b) Which ones are in passive voice?

(c) What’s the difference in the resulting sentences?

III. Transform the underlined sections.

1. As a result of being wanted for murder, Caravaggio spent several years in exile.

2. Wladyslaw PodkowiDski destroyed his own masterpiece which was hanging in a


3. After he had argued with Gauguin, Van Gogh famously cut off his own ear!

4. Jackson Pollock died in a car crashed which was caused by driving while drunk.

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