Basic Education Unit Paascu Level Iii Accredited Iso Certified

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



May 15, 2020

Dear Parents/ Guardians:

Warm Paulinian Greetings!

It‟s been a while and I pray that your family is safe and healthy!

It has always been our mission at St. Paul University Philippines to provide our students with
quality Catholic Paulinian education. In this time of pandemic, we will continue to do so- but
now in a different way- as we transition into the new normal.

For the fourth quarter of School Year 2019-2020, we will take a systematic path and employ
a very manageable approach in administering class instruction. Over the past few weeks,
teachers have been working diligently on their Dynamic Instructional Plans (DIPs) which will
be delivered to all the learners to ensure continuity of learning.

On the succeeding pages, you will find the fourth quarter learning targets of Paulinian
Spirituality Advocacy and Mission. All learning tasks of the subject are anchored on the
learning competencies your child needs to master. Since these tasks are to be done at home, I
ask that you take time to assist/guide your child to assure his/her success of education.

Please do also take note that all accomplished tasks may be send through email, messenger,
other social media platform, or be brought to the designated drop boxes strategically situated
at the university‟s pedestrian gate.

I am fully aware that these difficult times are having a significant impact on you, your family,
and the school and so we will remain in constant communication with you and will be
available for questions during this transition. We are confident we can move into this new
normal together.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing the accomplishment your child will create. I
fervently pray that we will all be blessed and that we will overcome all the difficulties during
this time of uncertainty. Let us continuously pray and work together, all for the greater glory
of God!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Joia Magda Thalia Hantonette T. Acorda
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500








Subject Teacher

Checked and Reviewed by: MRS. JESSIEVIC PICO

Subject Team Leader


St. Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Module 1: The Vision of the Church as Church of the Poor

For this lesson we will know the vision of the Church as Church of the poor and how we-
Paulinians partake in this vision.

This module is designed for you to:
1. explain the meaning of the Church of the Poor using the document of the
Second Plenary Council of the Philippines;
2. strive to imitate Christ's preference to the poor; and
3. appreciate the acts of Jesus in uniting all people to Himself and His
preferential option for the poor.


“In the Philippines today, God calls us most urgently to serve the poor and the needy. The
poverty of at least half of the population is a clear sign that sin has penetrated our social
structures. Poverty in the sense of destitution is not God‟s will for anyone” (Plenary Council
of the Philippines II 122).

To define what “Church of the Poor” means. “The „Church of the Poor‟ is one whose
members and leaders have a special love for the poor…. It is not an exclusive or excluding
love in such a way that there is no room in a Christian‟s heart for those who are not poor. For
always, the Christian must love all persons…. Christ was able to love well-to-do people like
Zaccheus and the family of Martha, Mary and Lazarus” (PCP II 126-127).

“The „Church of the Poor‟ is one where, at the very least, the poor are not discriminated
against because of their poverty, and they will not be deprived of their „right to receive in
abundance the help of the spiritual goods of the Church, especially that of the Word of God
and the sacraments from the pastors‟” (PCP II 128).

“The „Church of the Poor‟ is one that will be in solidarity with the poor. It will collaborate
with the poor themselves and with others to lift up the poor from their poverty” (PCP II 130).
“The „Church of the Poor‟ means, in the words of Pope John Paul II, that: „Before today‟s
forms of exploitation of the poor, the Church cannot remain silent. She also reminds the rich
of their precise duties. Strong with the Word of God, she condemns the many injustices
which unfortunately, even today, are committed to the detriment of the poor‟” (PCP II 131).

“Pastors and members of the Church will courageously defend and vindicate the rights of the
poor and the oppressed, even when doing so will mean alienation or persecution from the rich
and powerful” (PCP II 131).

“The „Church of the Poor‟ will also mean that the Church will not only evangelize the poor,
but that the poor in the Church will themselves become evangelizers. Pastors and leaders will
learn to be with, work with, and learn from the poor. A „Church of the Poor‟ will not only
render preferential service to the poor but will practice preferential reliance on the poor in the
work of evangelization” (PCP 132).

“The „Church of the Poor‟ is one where the entire community of disciples … will have such a
love of preference for the poor as to orient and tilt the center of gravity of the entire
community in favor of the needy” (PCP 134).
“When the Church in the Philippines becomes truly this Church of the Poor, the poor will feel
at home in her, and will participate actively, as equal to others, in her life and mission. The
Church will then become truly a communion, a sign and instrument, for the unity of the
whole Filipino nation” (PCP 136).

In the Philippines today, the Church must be a “Church of the Poor”. This means a Church
that embraces and practices the spirit of evangelical poverty; combines detachment from the
possessions with profound trust in the Lord; shows a special love, a love of preference to the
poor; does not discriminate against the poor but vindicates their rights; gives preferential
attention and time to the poor; has pastors and leaders who will learn to be with work and
learn from the poor; not only evangelize the poor, but recognizes that the poor will
themselves become true evangelizers; orients and tilts the center of gravity of the entire
community in favor of the needy (Plenary Council of the Philippines 125-136)

TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if otherwise

__________ 1.In the words of Pope John Paul II, The „Church of the Poor‟ means, „Before
today‟s forms of exploitation of the poor, the Church will remain silent.

__________2.The Church in the Philippines envisions herself as Church of the Poor.

__________3.In the Philippines today, God calls us most urgently to serve the poor and the

__________ 4.Within the local Church in the Philippines, there is Church of the rich and the
Church of the poor.

__________ 5.The „Church of the Poor‟ is one that will not be in solidarity with the poor.

__________ 6.The „Church of the Poor‟ is one whose members and leaders have a special
love for the poor.

__________ 7.As Christians, we are not oblige to help one another, especially the needy
members of the society.

__________ 8.Christians are encouraged to imitate Jesus‟ commandment to love the poor.

__________ 9.The „Church of the Poor‟ will also mean that the Church will not only
evangelize the poor, but that the poor in the Church will themselves become evangelizers.

__________ 10.A „Church of the Poor‟ will not only render preferential service to the poor
but will practice preferential reliance on the poor in the work of evangelization.


Answer the following questions and write a brief explanation in the space provided.

1. Who are the ones considered poor in this time of crisis. How do you help them? Give
concrete examples. (5 pts. )
2. When was the last time that you responded to the call of Jesus, that is to be Church of
the Poor? Briefly narrate it and what did you learn from this? (5 pts.)




St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Module 2: Spotlights of Jesus (Humility, Mercy, Compassion and Joy);

You have learned in the previous module the vision of the Churc as Church of the poor. At
this point, you shall learn the spotlights of Jesus: humility, mercy, compassion and joy which
will further help us to live as Church of the Poor.

This module is designed for you to:
1. Explain the spotlights of Jesus (Humility, Mercy, Compassion and Joy);

2. Commit oneself to imitate Jesus‟ humility, mercy, compassion and joy; and

3. Pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to live a truly Christian life imitating the values
of Jesus.


Humility means putting God and other persons ahead of our own selfish interests. Humility
comes with the knowledge that God‟s creation as a whole transcends our narrow interests. As
with other aspects of wisdom, humility will gain us much more that we sacrifice.

Philippians 2:5-11 tells us about the humility of Jesus. out of His great love for us, He chose
to come to earth as a human. Jesus even chose to obey God the Father to the point of dying an
embarrassing and painful death on the cross for our sins. Jesus is the perfect example of
humility, and we are called to follow His example. But, can we follow His example
perfectly? No. Only Jesus can be perfectly humble, but because of His humility, He offers us
salvation and forgiveness for all the times we‟re not perfect! He will even help us live with
humility when we ask. While our imperfect humility can‟t bring salvation to others, like
Jesus‟ perfect humility did, it can help other people want to know more about God.

HUMILITY - What does it mean to be humble? (Humility is being free from pride and not
thinking of you first. It is realizing your talents and gifts are from God, putting your worth in
Him, admitting you can never live up to His holiness and perfection, seeing how much you
need Him and asking for His help.) Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and
honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4) “But the greatest among you shall be your servant. “ And
whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.
(Matthew 23:11-12)

God‟s mercy means His pity, compassion, and kindness toward people. His mercy shows up
in the believer‟s life at salvation, and then God continues to show mercy in forgiveness.

Mercy fuels compassion, providing promising glints of light in a darkened world. It‟s
kindness, forward forgiveness, and empathy. Mercy chooses not to be offended, and
compassionately sees a hurting heart behind hurtful words. God‟s mercy is reflected in the
cross of Christ, a direct reflection of His love for us. Mercy is an extension of and expression
of love, “an act of kindness, compassion, or favor.” Mercy is a characteristic of the One True

God‟s plan stems from His merciful love for His people. Knowing there was nothing we
could do to earn our way into His presence; He made a way through the crucifixion of Christ.
Defeating death, Jesus opened up access to God for us. Through prayer, God‟s Word, and
the Holy Spirit living in us, each day brings fresh new mercy.


A general definition of compassion is sympathy and concern for the sufferings of others and a
desire to alleviate such suffering. The Hebrew and Greek words translated as "compassion" in
the Bible speak to having mercy or being moved with sympathetic pity.

The compassion includes having compassion for people that are lost. God has compassion for
people that are lost. Jesus‟ compassionate ministry on Earth was to reach out to the lost and
teach them the truth. Mark 6:34 advises us of Jesus‟ compassion for the lost.

Mark 6:34, “And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with
compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to
teach them many things.”

It is the willingness to give to others above and beyond what we own them.

Joy isn‟t like happiness which is based upon happenings or whether things are going well or
not. No, joy remains even amidst the suffering. Joy is not happiness. Joy is an emotion that‟s
acquired by the anticipation, acquisition or even the expectation of something great or
wonderful. It could be described as exhilaration, delight, sheer gladness, and can result from a
great success or a very beautiful or wonderful experience like a wedding or graduation but
the definition of joy that the world holds is not nearly as amazing as biblical joy but joy is
also gift.

Paul mentions some of the fruits of the Spirit like “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, and faithfulness” and many others so joy is one of the fruits or the results of having
the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. You cannot fake joy…you either have it or you don‟t. Paul
writes to the church at Thessalonica that “for you received the word in much affliction, with
the joy of the Holy Spirit” (1 Thess 1:6) indicating that joy is associated with God the Holy
Spirit and that the “righteousness and peace and joy [is] in the Holy Spirit” (Rom 14:17) and
finds it source in God as even “the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit”
(Acts 13:52).

Joy isn't emotional, in the sense that we commonly think of joy; rather, it is the state of being
undisturbed by the negative things in life.


Identify whether the given statement can be classify as humility, mercy, compassion and joy.

__________1.Tonyo is giving his snack to his classmate knowing that he did not have
enough for breakfast.

__________2.Peter is still positive after the things that had happened to his life.

__________3.Simon‟s friend failed the test; the only way that he can help his friend is to
help him review so that he can somehow understand their lesson.

__________4.Mother‟s Love is endless they are willing to give out everything to their

__________5. Karina knows how to give back despite that they are also affected by the


Make a slogan portraying the spotlights of Jesus

(Humility, Mercy, Compassion and Joy)

II. ESSAY (5 pts. each)

Explain the questions briefly and write your answers in the space provided.

1. Read the Parable of the Prodigal Son. How is the value of mercy, compassion and joy

2. In what life scenarios do we need to be humble, merciful and compassionate to




St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Module 3: Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue

You have learned in the previous module the spotlights of Jesus: humility, mercy,
compassion and joy. At this point, you shall learn and understand ecumenism and interfaith
dialogue; in this way we are reminded of our need to be united regardless of faith and

This module is designed for you to:
1. understand the nature of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue;

2. appreciate the value of unity in the family, community, in the Church and
outside the Church; and

3. initiate interfaith dialogue with anyone he/she encounters.

Within the Catholic Church, the term „Ecumenism‟ refers to efforts of different Christian
Churches to develop closer relationships and develop better understandings of their shared

While interfaith dialogue is the means of co-operation with those people of Non-Christian

Ecumenism is concerned with restoring unity of the Christian Churches, Vatican II

recognized non- catholic Christians, for all who are justified in faith through Baptism are
incorporated into Christ and therefore have a right to be called Christians and with good
reason are accepted as brothers by the children of the catholic Church.

In this module we will look through “The Visit of Holiness Pope Francis to Assisi for the
World Day of Prayer for Peace” Thirst for Peace: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue”.

(Source: Vatican Radio)

Pope Francis told those present at the closing ceremony for the World Day of Prayer for
Peace gathering in Assisi, Tuesday, “we have come to Assisi as pilgrims in search of
peace.” He said that, “God is calling us to confront the great sickness of our time:
indifference”, adding we cannot remain indifferent.

The Pope recalled his visit to the Greek island of Lesbos along with the Ecumenical Patriarch
Bartholomew, where they saw the sorrow of war in the eyes of the refugees there at first
hand. “All of them have a great thirst for peace. We do not want these tragedies to be
forgotten”, he said. “We do not have weapons”, the Pope underlined. “We believe, however,
in the meek and humble strength of prayer.”

Speaking about the importance of prayer the Pope stressed that, “prayer and concrete acts of
cooperation help us to break free from the logic of conflict and to reject the rebellious
attitudes of those who know only how to protest and be angry.”

The Holy Father during his discourse described peace as, “a thread of hope that unites earth
to heaven, a word so simple and difficult at the same time”, adding that, “we who are here
together and in peace believe and hope in a fraternal world”.

Pope Francis in his message on the occasion emphasized “For the sake of Peace, Religious
beliefs must never be allowed to be abused in the cause of violence and war. We must be
clear and unequivocal in challenging our communities to live fully the tenets of peace and
coexistence found in each religion and to denounce acts of violence when they are


TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if otherwise.

__________ 1. Ecumenism refers to efforts of different other Churches to develop closer

relationships and develop better understandings of their shared faith.

__________ 2. In order to attain peace communication is a must.

__________ 3. Pope said that “God is calling us to confront the great sickness of our time:
__________ 4. Peace reigns in the heart of Filipinos especially in this time of crisis.
__________ 5. Filipinos do not know the word union during this time when our world is
about to give up. .

1. Explain briefly the question given and write your answer on the space provided.
What is your response on the message of Pope Francis?

2. Direction: Write a letter addressing everyone the need to stop conflict and war.



St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



Module 4: The Message of Pope Francis to the Young

You have learned in the previous module the ecumenism and interfaith dialogue. At this
point, you shall learn and understand your significance as young people of God using "Pope‟s
Message to the Young."

This module is designed for you to:
1. understand the Pope‟s messages to the young;
2. respond to the demands of Christ‟s discipleship by taking the role to help
make the world better; and
3. show appreciation to your talents and gifts to be used for the building of the
Body of Christ, the Church.

A world without youth is a world without a Future, and if the Church does not take care of
youth it is like a house founded on sand.Today the world of youth is polarized by ideas and
proposals that are contrary to true moral, ethical and political freedoms; the Church, for its
mission, must always ensure young people its closeness and its support so that they should
never feel alone. The Church must serve as a mirror of truth, a mirror that reflects to the
young the teachings of Christ – the way, the truth and the life. Today, more than ever, the
Church is called to show young people the true path to follow, that is, to show Christ, because
Christ is the way that every Christian is called to follow if he wants to find peace, happiness
and unconditional love.

Attach here is the message of Pope Francis to the youth for the World Youth Day

He said that like the Virgin Mary, they are needed, and they should not be afraid to leave
their mark on the world.

“Like the young woman of Nazareth, you can improve the world and leave an imprint that
makes a mark on history, your history and that of many others”. “The Church and society
need you.”
“With your plans and with your courage, with your dreams and ideals, walls of stagnation fall
and roads open up that lead us to a better, fairer, less cruel and more humane world.”

“Speak to her as you would to a Mother. Together with her, give thanks for the precious gift
of faith that you have received from your elders, and entrust your whole life to her. She is a
good Mother who listens to you and embraces you, who loves you and walks together with
you,” he said.

Mary “recognized the great things that God was accomplishing in her life,” gave thanks for it,
and then put it into action, going to help her cousin Elizabeth, the Pope said. She “was not a
young couch potato who looks for comfort and safety where nobody can bother them.”

“Dear young people, God is also watching over you and calling you, and when God does so,
he is looking at all the love you are able to offer,” Francis said.

“we will talk about how you, as young people, are experiencing the life of faith amid the
challenges of our time,” the Pope said. “We will also discuss the question of how you can
develop a life project by discerning your personal vocation...”

In discerning the plan God has for our lives, we can look to Mary, who was very young
herself, as an example of the gift of faith lived out, he said.

Referencing an address he gave at World Youth Day in Krakow, Francis said to not be afraid,
for though we might think, but “I am a sinner, what can I do?” the truth is that “when the
Lord calls us, he doesn‟t stop at what we are or what we have done.”

“On the contrary, at the very moment that he calls us, he is looking ahead to everything we
can do, all the love we are capable of giving.”

How do we prepare to, like Mary, give this love? Pope Francis offered four practical
suggestions. One, is to end each day doing an examination of conscience – reflecting on our
day, remembering both “the good times and the challenges, what went well and those that
went wrong.”

These can also be recorded in a journal if we like and is a good way of noticing what God is
doing in our lives, he said.

Another suggestion the Pope made is to spend more time reading the Bible. If you, as young
people, want to make your life a “gift for humanity” it is “essential to connect with the
historical tradition and the prayer of those who have gone before you,” he said.

Doing lectio divina, a method of prayerfully reading the Bible and applying God‟s word to
your own life will help to “illumine your steps.”

Thirdly, Francis stressed the importance of going to Mass and frequent reception of the
Eucharist, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
And lastly, he said that young people must speak to and learn from the wisdom of their
elders, especially grandparents or other relatives. “Do you realize how extraordinarily
enriching the encounter between the young and the elderly can be?” he asked.

“Young people have strength, while the elderly have memory and wisdom.”

“The genuine experience of the Church is not like a flash mob, where people agree to meet,
do their thing and then go their separate ways,” Pope Francis continued.

“The Church is heir to a long tradition which, passed down from generation to generation, is
further enriched by the experience of each individual. Your personal history has a place
within the greater history of the Church.”

Even young people should be mindful of tradition and the past, he said, though this is not the
same as being nostalgic or remaining stuck on a certain period of history as being the best.
One of the gifts of youth is questioning and dreaming about the future, he said.

“God came to enlarge the horizons of our life in every direction. He helps us to give due
value to the past so as to better build a future of happiness.”

“Many people think that young people are distracted and superficial,” Francis explained.
“They are wrong! Still, we should acknowledge our need to reflect on our lives and direct
them towards the future.”

“When God touches the heart of a young man or woman, they become capable of doing
tremendous things.”

Youth is not only the future, but God‟s gift to the church. Inspired by this statement, the
Youth Advisory Bishops, 17 of the Regional members of the Brazilian National Conference
of Bishops, met to assess progress and establish goals and projects for the evangelization of
young people.

Direction: Write AGREE if you are in favor with the given statement and DISAGREE if
you are against it. Write your answer in the space provided.

________ 1. In building a brighter tomorrow we have to let the youth get involved in the
activities of the community.

________ 2. They get to involve in the Church by sharing their gifts and talents.

________ 3. The best way to be part of the Church is by letting yourself to know more about

________ 4. Young people like me should follow the path of Jesus to peace, happiness and
unconditional love.

________ 5. Young people have strength, while the elderly have memory and wisdom.


Direction: Draw a poster showing how youth can be of great help during this time of pandemic.
Explain briefly your poster in 3-5 sentences.

You made it! 

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