Marking Guide: Assessment Task 1: Plan and Present Workplace Communication and Consultation Systems

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Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

Marking Guide
Assessment Task 1: Plan and present workplace
communication and consultation systems

Candidate’s name Phone no.

Assessor’s name Kevin Egan Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s


Did the candidate: Yes No

Submit a communications planning portfolio that included:

● a communications and consultation strategy?

● a grievance procedure?

Deliver a 10–15 minute presentation on proposed communications and

consultation strategy?

Complete assessment task and submit deliverables by agreed date and


Performance indicators

Did the candidate: Yes No

Part A: Communications planning portfolio

Develop a draft communications strategy for meeting organisational needs

that included the following:
● 2–3 communications objectives

● at least two audiences, for example, senior management, work

teams, or individual employees
● at least two methods of communication or media?

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd
Facilitator Guide Marking Guide


Did the candidate: Yes No

Include in their communications strategy at least two provisions in the

communication strategy to facilitate bottom-up communication or
consultation, for example, strategies or tactics to promote or facilitate
consultation on:
● employee health and safety

● continuous improvement of work processes,

● employee conditions and pay

● job roles and performance expectations?

Include in their communications strategy explanation of processes for

management to provide feedback on consultation?

Ensure their communications strategy uses appropriate writing

For example:
● business formality, tone

● appropriate vocabulary

● correct grammar

● appropriate structure.

Develop a grievance procedure that is:

● consistent with organisational grievance policy

● consistent with relevant legislation, for example anti-discrimination

legislation, WHS legislation
● uses appropriate structure

● uses an appropriate level of formality for written procedures?

See sample answer that follows this Marking Guide.

Part B: Presentation to senior management team

In their presentation, address audience needs and use interpersonal skills

to win trust, build confidence and support for their proposed strategy?

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd
Facilitator Guide Marking Guide


Did the candidate: Yes No

In their presentation, address organisational needs for communication, as

per scenario?
For example, they addressed:
● lack of an overarching approach to information management that
helps to promote common understanding of team goals and
organisational values and to build strategic relationships
● slow responses to internal and external customer needs

● slow and ineffective communication of and implementation of ideas

for improved processes
● ineffective or no use of modern communication technologies and
social platforms
● inadequate consultation, resulting in risks to compliance
(particularly WHS consultation requirements) and too little bottom-
up information flow from employees to management - this results
in poor organisational take-up of improvement ideas identified by
teams and individuals at lower levels of the organisation and by
customer-facing managers and employees
● inconsistent application by managers of grievance procedures
posing a risk to employee relations
● poor sense of employee engagement, empowerment and
accountability for work performance
● poor general awareness of (and therefore poor support of)
organisational goals, ethics, values.

In their presentation, address external regulatory or legal requirements,

such as for WHS consultation, anti-discrimination or industrial relations?
● Candidate should briefly discuss relevant legislation.

In their presentation, discuss business ethics requirements?

For example:
● tolerance of diversity

● equity

● transparency.

In their presentation, explain proposed communications strategy, policies

and procedures and how such communications systems and policies can
support a coordinated approach to developing effective work

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd
Facilitator Guide Marking Guide

Comments/feedback to participant

Outcome: Successful Unsuccessful

Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

Sample grievance/dispute resolution procedure

This procedure is applicable to all grievances or disputes, for example, involving health and
safety, performance management, anti-discrimination or industrial relations matters, such as
disputes over pay or conditions.
If you have a grievance or wish to lodge a complaint, complete the following steps.
1. Arrange to meet with your direct supervisor to discuss the grievance.
a. Your manager or HR representative will record details on a standard report
template, a copy of which is to be stored on the organisation’s HRMS.
b. Your manager or HR representative will provide you with, or ensure access to,
this procedure.
2. Failing resolution at this stage:
a. Your direct supervisor will escalate the matter to more senior management.
b. If your supervisor fails to do this, escalate the matter to more senior management.
3. Failing resolution at this stage:
a. JKL Industries will refer the matter to an independent mediator for assistance in
resolving the dispute.
b. If you are not satisfied, contact the relevant regulator for mediation, for example:
i. state/territory health and safety regulator
ii. Human Rights Commissioner
iii. Fair Work Ombudsman.

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

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