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"Olson, Jessica" <jessica,olson@everettsd.

RE: Acquisition o . j luilding
Lid,S: January 4,2011 1:03:55 PM PST
To: "Cohn, Gary" cocorncsevereaso.orcc-
Cc: "Petersen, Edwin" <ed.petersenteeverettsd.orq>, <>, "Mahan, Kathy"
<>, "Vanderwilt, Debbie" «Dvanderwiltsseverettsd.orq>

Gary ..

There must be some confusion Your response indicates that I am asking for information I should already know, or is overly difficult to
obtain Let me assure you I am not.

Let's begin with what I DO want. Simplified, here is the information I would like to know:

1) Regarding conversations with the Mayor's ollice concerning the District's potential acquistion of t h e _ building and it's potential
uses or tenants Please share with me which district ollicials (whether elected or employed) and which City of Everett officials took part in
these conversations and the dates these conversations were held,

2) Regarding conversations with Snohomish County concerning concerning the District's potential acquistion of the building and
it's potential uses or tenants: Please share with me which district ollicials (whether elected or employed) and which County officials took
part in these conversations and the dates these conversations were held,


3) Regarding conversations with WSU concerning concerning the District's potential acquistion of the building and it's potential
uses or tenants Please share with me which district officials (whether elected or employed) and which WSU otnciars took pan in these
conversations and the dates these conversations were held

4) Please also share the names of any other individuals in the community or individuals representing other organizations that the district
has conversations with regarding this acquisition or potential acquisition. and the dates of those conversations,

Do I already have this information? Well, none of this intorrnation was provided in the three executive sessions you allude to in your
response, and quite frankly, to discuss "the district's history of working with the city, higher education institutions, and local business
interests on the potential for K-12 and higher education partnerships that have led to this opportunity to work more closely in the interest
of our students and community over the next several decades" would be an improper topic of discussion in an executive session But
regardless, as someone who was present at these meetings, you'll no doubt recall that no such intormalion was presented. as in reality
you only gave the board an oblique statement or two that these entities support the District acquiring this building. and that in the case of
WSU, that they are interested in haVing a satellite branch campus within the building and becoming a tenant. So the board was in no way
"briefed" as you contend as "briefing" necessarily involves providing substance and detail -- detail that I am attempting to get from you

The two-hour background session you cite (which you were not present for) was essentially a documental history lesson on District efforts
to design and construct a new CAF -- none of the information related to the building In fact. questions regarding the acquisition of
the I building were deferred by Mike Gunn for handling during executive session. So, while the presentation was excellent. it was
essentially a two hour presentation on a buildinq we didn't build. and did not answer the questions I pose above, But: even if the board
had been filled in on all these disussions with the City of Everett. Snohomish County. and WSU as you contend -- wouldn't it be '10 trouble
at all for you to repeat those names and dates again?

As to your fears of being forced to "gather together data from a variety of sources, and generate new records when no public records
exist. and prepare a report to [me]" .. I am happy allay your fears I am not asking lor any such thing. All I am asking for written,

verbally or in an email is a list of names and dates No report need be created, no records generated just a quick phone call
n n

regarding information that is likely on a calendar somewhere, Certainly the District must have some existing records supporting your
assertion to the board that conversations and discussions have been held with entities such as the mayor and a state university about this
purchase. Because it would seem very odd that a school district .. a public entity no less would endeavor to gauge the interest and

commitment level ot a host of other public entities as future partners and/or tenants, and yet there would be no record of any discussions
or meetings.

But the thing is, I'm not even asking for those records (which surely exist),

I'm just asking for the names of WHO participated in these discussions, and WHEN

Jessica Olson
everett Public Schools
Board 01 Directors. Position #4
(425) 772-0437
-·---Original Message-n--
From Cohn, Gary
Sent Mon 1/3/2011 9:34 AM
To: Olson, Jessica
Cc: Petersen, Edwin: Val Hughes (vhughes@perkinsco;e.corT), Mahan, Kathy; Vanderwilt Debbie
Subject RE Acquisition of Building


Jessica, your request for the administration to gather together data from a variety of sources, and generate new records when no public
records exist, and prepare a report to you presents a resource allocation challenge as well as a policy adherence question, In addition to
the three executive sessions on potential property acquisition you have attended with other board directors, Jeff Russell and you were
presented a two-hour background session to provide you an equitable (if not superior) level 01 background knowledge regarding the
twenty-plus year history of the district's work on consolidating its central support services. You have been brieled in the three executive
sessions regarding the district's history of working with the city, higher education Institutions, and local business interests on the potennar
10r K-12 and higher education partnerships that have led to this opportunity to work more closely in the interest of our students and
community over the next several decades

Please be re-assured that I've consulted timely with the school board president, who is the board's elected representative between board
meetings to ensure that the board's elected leadership is apprised 01 work progress related to expectations 01 my performance, I am very
concerned that this request, in and of itself. presents the potential lor premature disclosure of information lawfully and properly confined to
the confidentiality 01 executive session proceedings, and as well will require an inordinate amount of work by a number of district staff who
are working on board-established priorities and timelines While I'm very content-if not eager-to discuss any of this in the context of my
performance review or a property acquisition discussion I believe it to be in the board's best interest to refer your request for this special
report to legal counsel for advice and the board president for consultation on response under Policy 1715 In addition, I'll record this as a
director request for the possibility of action in the future

Or, Gary Cohn


-----Original Message-----
From Olson, Jessica
Sent Monday, December 27, 20103.20 PM
To' Cohn, Gary
Cc: Andrews, Carol
Subject Acquisition 01 BUilding

Gary -

In two previous executive sessions it has been asserted to the board, but never substantiated that discussions have been held with both
the Mayqr's ottice (Everett Mar0r) and representatives from Washington State University on the District's acquisition of the
buildinq The board was told that both of these entities support the District acquiring this building, and that in the
case of WSU, that they are interested in having a satellite branch campus in this building and becoming a tenant

I am uncomfortable that the District continues to press on with this real estate deal to acquire the? building when, as I have stated
multiple times, the board has been given NO proal or documentation of any of the things you have been saying in executive session, I also
find it strange that conversations have been held with the Mayors office and WSU, yet the board has never held these same
conversations since I took office One would expect a school board would have these conversations first, and then input and interest levels
from other entities would be sought.

Please share with me what district officials (whether elected or employed) took part in these conversations, the dales these conversations
were held, and the names of the individuals participating in the discussions representing WSU and the Mayor's office. Please also share
the names of any other individuals in the community or individuals representing other organizations that the district has conversations with
regarding this acquisition or potential acquisition

This request is in addition to my earlier request to be provided with all information the current board members or previous board members
have been provided with in order to become privy to this transaction

Thank you.


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