Review Material ! Evaluation 1 Name:: I. Instructions: Read The Article. Then Choose The Correct Answer

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I. Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer.

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and is 24 years old. I think his job is interesting because people from all around the world come to
Thailand to dive in the sea with Jettrin. So every day he meets people from different countries.
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Wow! His life is exciting, and he has a good salary too.

In my -./7 ? ,&& *4& ,5>& @&.@1& &:&$" (5"; ?+> 5 (%:&$ *..7 /8* '.* #.$ *.8$%,*,; ? (%:& #.$ ,&5#..(
with my brother and father. We catch octopus and shellfish. My family and I then sell the seafood
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Guinean and we speak Spanish here. We are the only country in Africa where people speak
Spanish. Tourists come here from Spain, but not from many other countries. I sometimes want to
meet more people like Jettrin does, but I enjoy my days with my brother and father.

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dangerous fish. However, for me, the work is very interesting. I think other jobs are boring. Police
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and I are very lucky men.

1. According to the reading, what does Luis think about his job?
a. His salary is good.
b. His work is safe.
c. He is lucky.
2. What does Luis catch in the sea?
a. Shellfish
b. Octopus and shellfish
c. Octopus

3. Where are the tourists that come to Equatorial Guinea from?

a. Greenland
b. Spain
c. Canada
4. How long can Jettrin and Luis stay underwater?
a. 10 minutes
b. 5 minutes
c. 15 minutes
5. What nationality is Luis?
a. Spanish
b. Thai
c. Equatorial Guinean

II. II. Instructions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of be. Use the
simple present tense.

6. Noot and Paul Thai.

7. I not a teacher.

8. He a teacher.

9. My husband and I Peruvian.

10. Her mother an engineer.

11. You a police officer.

12. Our teacher from Bahrain.

III. III. Instructions: Complete each sentence with the simple present form of the verb in

13. I usually (go) to bed around 11:00 p.m.

14. Cindy (catch) the bus near her house.

15. My parents often (visit) friends in Houston.

16. My friend and I (go) to the movies every Saturday.

17. Mateo (take) a shower every morning.

18. My sister (start) work at 7:00 a.m.

IV. IV. Instructions: Write yes/no questions with Do or Does. Use the words in
parentheses and the simple present tense.

19. (you / eat breakfast / every morning)

20. (Tom / take a nap / in the afternoon)

21. (you and your friends / watch TV / at night)

22. (Mick and Nora / eat out / on Saturdays)

23. (your father / catch the bus / every day)

24. (they / read the newspaper / every day)

V. V. Instructions: Choose the correct possessive adjective to complete each sentence.

Circle the correct option.

25. <4& /59 /&1.'9, *. >&; ?*+, QQQQ /59;

a. his
b. our
c. my

26. <4& @5,,@.$* /&1.'9, *. 4%>; ?*+, QQQQ @5,,@.$*

a. my
b. his
c. her
27. <4& *%0J&* /&1.'9, *. ".8; ?*+, QQQQ *%0J&*;
a. our
b. your
c. their
28. <4& 05>&$5 /&1.'9, *. 8,; ?*+, QQQQ 05>&$5;
a. my
b. her
c. our
29. <4& ,4.&, /&1.'9 *. 4&$; <4&"+$& QQQQ ,4.&,;
a. her
b. your
c. their
30. <4& J&", /&1.'9 *. *4&>; <4&"+$& QQQQ J&",;
a. his
b. our
c. their

VI. Instructions: Read the article. Then choose the correct answer.

My teenage son, Donny, is traveling alone for the first time to visit his grandparents in Peru. He has
a flight early Saturday morning at eight thirty. I am sharing a few pointers with him to make his
travel easy.

1. Donny has two bags. He should tie a sock to his bags so that he can find them.
2. He should check the expiration date of his passport.
3. He should take a good book with him.
4. He should take some snacks. (I think some beef jerky, and a couple of oranges or a mango.)
5. He should make a copy of his passport.
R; S& ,4.81('+* B&5$ &T@&',%:& -&B&1$";
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take a credit card. Donny already has one credit card.)

345* &1,&6 ? *4%'J N.''" ,4.81( *5J& 5 ,B&5*&$ /&058,& %*+, ,.>&*%>&, 0.1( .' *4& 5%$@15'&; X47
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is OK.)

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also quick and cheap and he actually wants to be independent and do everything on his own.

He has his passport and visa. He knows that at the airport he has to check in and go through
security before he boards the airplane. Once he arrives in Peru, he has to go through immigration,
claim his baggage, go through customs, and finally meet my dad outside of the customs exit.

31. Donny should make a copy of his .

a. passport
b. visa
c. credit card
32. Where is Donny going to meet his grandfather?
a. in customs
b. in immigration
c. outside of the customs exit
33. When Donny arrives in Peru, what does he have to do first?
a. claim his baggage
b. go through immigration
c. go through customs
34. What is one of the snacks will Donny take on the airplane?
a. beef jerky
b. apples
c. chips
35. Y* B45* *%>& %, N.''"+, #1%94*6
a. 7:45
b. 7:30
c. 8:30

VII. Instructions: Match the questions to the answers below.

a. Is this your bag, Shawn?
b. Should I bring credit cards?
c. Whose camera is this?
d. Should she bring warm clothes?
e. Y$& *4&,& ".8$ ,%,*&$+, J&",6
f. Do you have any travel advice for me?
g. Is this our baggage?
h. Whose tickets are these?
36. Z.8 ,4.81('+* 05$$" 5 1.* .# 05,4;
37. Yes, she should.
38. Z&,7 *4&"+$& 4&$,;
39. <4&"+$& .8$,; <45'J ".82_
40. Z&,7 ".8 ,4.81(; <4&"+$& :&$" 8,&#81;
41. A.7 %*+s not mine.
42. It belongs to Doug.
43. A.7 %* %,'+*; X8$, %, 5* *4& /59959& 015%>;
VIII. Instructions: Choose the best phrase to complete each conversation.

a. take a taxi
b. pack your bags
c. go through customs
d. go through security
e. buy your ticket
f. board the airplane
g. claim your baggage
h. go through immigration
i. check in
j. buy duty free goods
44. Y[ ?+> *$5:&1%'9 /" @15'&; N. ".8 45:& 5'" 5(:%0&6
K[ Z.8 ,4.81( QQQQQ 5* *4& 5%$@.$*; Z.8 ,5:& >.'&" /&058,& ".8 (.'+t pay any taxes.
45. A: Am I going to see the pilot of the plane?
K[ !5"/&; 34&' ".8 QQQQQ7 ".8+$& 9.%'9 *. ,&& #1%94* 5**&'(5'*,7 5'( ,.>&*%>&, ".8 ,&& *4& @%1.*;
46. A: You go through customs after you .
B: I understand. They might want to look inside my bags.
47. A: How do you usually get to the airport?
B: I usually .
48. A: Where do I ?
K[ Y#*&$ ".8 &'*&$ *4& 5%$@.$*7 9. *. *4& 5%$1%'&+, ,&$:%0& 0.8'*&$; <4& 59&'* B%11 4&1@ ".8;
49. A: What should I take with me on my trip? Do you have any advice?
B: After you , remove at least 1/3 of the things you put in them. You should travel light.
50. A: Do you need to ?
B: Yes, I do. I have my credit card right here.
51. A: Why do we have to ?
K[ =. *45* @&.@1& (.'+* 05$$" (5'9&$.8, *4%'9, .'*. *4& 5%$@15'&;
52. A: Why do we have to ?
B: So that they can check your passport. They tell you if you can enter the country.
53. A: Why do we have to ?
K[ =. *45* @&.@1& (.'+* /$%'9 #..( .$ .*4&$ illegal things into the country.

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