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Blood Complete Examination

Test Result Unit Normal Range

TLC 7.83 x10^9/l 4.00- 11.00

RBC 4.98 x10^12/l 4.50- 6.50

Hb (Hemoglobin) 14.8 g/dl 13.00- 18.00

HCT 41.9 % 38.00- 52.00

MCV 84.0 fl 80.00- 94.00

MCH 29.7 pg 26.00- 32.00

MCHC 35.3 % 32.00- 36.00

Platelet Count 168 x10^9/l 150.00- 400.00

Neutrophils 51 % 40.00- 75.00

Lymphocytes 36 % 20.00- 45.00

Monocytes 06 % 2.00- 11.00

Eosinophils 07 % 1.00- 5.00

Liver Function Tests
Test Result Unit Normal Range
Bilirubin Total 0.6 mg/dl
See Below*
* 0.18 to 1.10
12.0 up to 5 Days

SGPT (ALT) 37 U/L 9.00- 40.00

SGOT (AST) 52 U/L 10.00- 40.00

Alkaline Phosphatase 210 U/L 0.00- 306.00

Total Protein 7.4 g/dl 6.40- 8.30

Albumin 4.4 g/dl 3.40- 4.80

Globulins 3.0 g/dl 2.50- 3.50

A/G Ratio 1.47 1.20- 2.20

Lipid Profile

Test Result Normal Range
Cholesterol 270 mg/dl See Below*
* Desirable: Without known coronary
artery disease less than or equal to
200 Optimal: With known coronary
artery disease less than or equal to

Triglycerides 180 mg/dl Upto 150.00

HDL (Cholesterol) 43 mg/dl 35.00- 55.00

LDL (Cholesterol) 162 mg/dl 100.00- 130.00

VLDL (Cholesterol) 36 mg/dl 7.00- 25.00

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