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Motivation Letter for Energy Engineering Program at Milano Bovisa Campus.

“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul” Joseph Addison. I do not envision
myself getting educated for refining my soul but for triggering off a chain reaction that would result in the
refinement of a generation, a nation. And for that chain reaction it is required that the starting neutron
should have enough potential.

My whole life so far has been a great struggle to fulfil my ambitions for higher studies. Since the overall
expense of my studies was beyond my financial reach and I was told that for continuing studies in the best
schools, I had to gain scholarships which I did. At primary and secondary school, I had been the recipient
of merit based scholarships and gold medals. At high school in pre-engineering exam, I gained highest
score of the past 24 year history of my college and received gold medal from the dean on this
achievement. What pushed me towards engineering was rather my strong penchant for mathematics and
applied physics. Mr. Theodore von Karman articulated the answer better than I ever could, he said
“Scientists study the world as it is, engineers create the world that never has been.” Therefore the motto
of my life is to study the creator’s genius to create my humble own and improve the quality of human life.

My direction towards engineering was completely aligned during my visit to “Creative Leaders
Conference” where I represented my college in youth platform to discuss, analyze and ameliorate the
prevailing energy crisis and pressing economic issues of country. I realized that I had to develop strong
skill set to be able to contribute for my country. My dream was materialized when I got admission in
mechanical engineering at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), the university that
runs the top engineering program in Pakistan, where 50000 applicants apply each year and only 0.8%
students are selected. Being a mechanical engineer I have gone through different streams of the field
which include designing (3D modeling, drafting and analysis on CAD/CAM packages), manufacturing,
turbo-machinery, energy resources and their utilization and automotive technology.

During my internship at mechanical design department I worked on designing, drafting and analysis of the
assembly of commercial flood lights which had to be viable for manufacturability. It was when I learnt
more precisely the “design for manufacturing”. I have worked on the implementation of regenerative
braking mechanism for energy utilization on a guided vehicle platform. For my final year project I worked
on multipurpose four wheeled autonomous vehicle platform capable of material handling and transport
in industry. The platform was generic in application and could be utilized for various civil, medical and
industrial applications with suitable modifications. It provided a room for our department to focus on
projects related to industrial automation and was also nominated for gold medal.

I have been employed at Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited right after my graduation in July 2014. (2.6
years industrial work experience). I have worked here in rotary and static equipment maintenance
departments at various plants including Ammonia Plant, offsite and utilities, Nitro-phosphate plant and
product handling and storage section. The industrial on-field exposure while providing me practical
knowledge of turbo-machinery has also developed strong desire in me to pursue higher studies to gain
computational, analytical and experimental expertise in turbo-machinery and renewable energy
generation and utilization methods and enrich myself with latest technology. I have gained sufficient
industrial experience in maintenance of centrifugal /PD pumps, blowers, steam and gas turbines (GE MS
5001), conveyor belts, piping systems , heat exchangers and vessels. I have also attended one seminar of
GE Representatives at Fauji Fertilizer Company for Gas Turbine Control Systems and System-I Interface.
I also have good experience in computerized maintenance management system (Oracle ERP) for
maintenance planning and scheduling tasks which is a core requirement for project management
professionals. In addition to that, I have also gained experience of Annual Turnaround 2015 Maintenance
Planning and Execution at Nitro-phosphate Plant. Major modifications at plant were executed with the
milestone of zero injury, zero re-work and zero time delay.

Now the question arises, what pushed me to pursue higher education? I will explain it in two fold

Questions like “Why”, “How” and “What else” have always intrigued me, I have had the courage,
determination and the enthusiasm to take on challenges when others have doubted me. I am not ruled
by fear but driven by it. My shortcomings, my aspirations give me the necessary drive, the persistence to
work hard, be the tortoise that finishes the race. My academic life so far is a testament to these qualities
and I feel that these qualities would help me prosper and flourish at Milano as I yearn to unravel my
hidden potential and thirst for education further.

Secondly, I wish to gain computational, analytical and experimental expertise in energy engineering
domain bridge technological gaps. Fulfilling energy needs in a sustainable manner in Pakistan is probably
the biggest challenge we as engineers have right now. No one knows this better than me as a Pakistani
who experiences power outages around 4 to 6 hours every day. Business, education, medical activities all
freeze as power outages have a detrimental impact on the economy as well as the social fabric. Coming
up with solutions to these problems, meeting the growing demand and shifting from fossil fuels to
efficient energy production methods is an urgent challenge. During my undergraduate studies, I have
worked on feasibility analysis of solar electricity generation and it was appreciated by faculty. I plan to
join the energy sector applying my industrial and technical experience to enhance performance and
reliability of steam, gas and wind turbines in a competitive sector working for energy solutions. In addition
to that I also have special penchant for learning the renewable energy production methods as Biogass,
Solar, Wind, and hydro power.

During my hunt for pursuing the courses for masters, I had to prioritize based on my research interests,
industrial experiences and the area in which I possessed technical and practical depth. After detailed study
I found my interests lying in turbo machinery, IC Engines and power production systems. I want to
specialize in Energy Engineering domain to fulfil the aim of providing energy solutions and working for
energy deficit. Luckily the course contents at Milano Bovisa Campus under the domain of Master Program
in Energy Engineering offers a blend of all these courses which are related to energy production systems
and its utilization and some additional courses which will serve as a bonus in building my technical base.

Lastly I do not want to pursue advanced studies in Politechnico Di Milano merely as an opportunity to
advance my theoretical and practical knowledge rather I aim to avail this opportunity also for gaining
multi-cultural exposure, bridge the technological gaps, develop good relations and portray a better image
of my country abroad. At Milano, I will be surrounded by eminent scholars and gain the chance of meeting
and learning from distinguished scholars and professors whom I have always idealized. A small pond fish
I am who seeks to plunge into unchartered oceans of knowledge to work for betterment of society from
grass root levels. I hope that with my positive attitude, solid academic base and relevant experience I
would be able to contribute significantly in my cherished field which will significantly improve the quality
of human life.

At the end I would like to thank the committee for their time reviewing my application.

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