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Group may be defined as the aggregation of small number of people who work for common
goals and develop a shared attitude.

The following are the features of the group:-

a. TWO OR MORE PERSONS - A group should have atleast two people. With a single
individual there cannot be a meaningful interaction.

b. COLLECTIVE IDENTITY - Each member of the group must believe that s/he is a part of the
group and be aware of his membership. If not aware, there will be no meaningful interaction.

c. INTERACTION - Each member should share her/his ideas with others through
communication, at least occasionally.

d. SHARED GOAL INTEREST – Every group has a common objective. The shared goal
interest/s brings the group members together.

Types of Groups

1. Primary & Secondary Groups:-

A primary group has intimate, face to face association & co-operation e.g. family,
neighbourhood groups, friendship groups

A secondary group is formal, may not have any interest in the problems & pleasure of others.

2. Membership & Reference Groups:

A membership group is one to which an individual really belongs.

A reference group is one with which the individual identifies. The attractiveness of the reference
group makes the norms of that group more attractive to the individual who aspires for it.

3. Command & Task Groups:

A command group is composed of subordinates who report directly to a common supervisor e.g.
a production manager & his subordinates in his department.

A task group is usually formed to solve a problem. It is comprised of the employees who work
together to complete a particular task.

4. In-groups & Out-groups:

In-groups are a cluster of individuals that have a dominant place in social functioning.
The out-groups are marginal in the society and referred as minority groups.

5. Formal & Informal groups:

Formal groups are created and maintained to fulfill specific needs related to the overall
organizational mission:
a. Designed by Top management for achieving organizational goals
b. Concentrates more on the performance of job
c. People are placed in hierarchy and their status determined accordingly
d. Co-ordination of members are controlled through process, procedures etc

Informal Groups are created in the organization because of social and psychological forces
operating at the workplace.
a. A natural outcome at the work place & not designed and planned
b. Organization is coordinated by group norms and not by norms of the formal organization
c. Such group associations are not specified in the blue-print of the formal organization

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