Maximo Property Performance MGMT Solution Brief

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IBM Global Business Services

Supply Chain

IBM Maximo Property Performance Management Solution

Property Management and Oversight
Highlights Managing a large, possibly international, port- vices has enhanced the already significant
folio of properties is complex. Managing the property management support capabilities
 Extends IBM Maximo™ property overall performance of costly property assets of Maximo, to extend its functionality with
portfolio management in Estates, requires a host of disparate information that IBM Maximo PPMS (Property Performance
invariably resides in multiple source systems. Management Solution). Maximo PPMS has
Facilities. Environment and
In addition, the marketplace trend for prop- added new dimensions and capabilities to
Projects functions beyond ‘core’
erty management organizations to centralize support property management, particularly
Maximo capabilities.
their organizations and to outsource delivery in Estates (including leases), Facilities (in-
 Enables expanded monitoring, of their services creates further challenges cluding space management), Environment
assessment and measurement for effectively managing an entire, complex (including utilities and carbon consumptions)
of key property management portfolio. Obtaining key performance informa- and Projects (including approvals and project
performance metrics. tion, such as total cost of occupancy, is diffi- management).
cult when data comes from multiple sources,
 Enables hierarchical views from
especially when it must conform to ‘bench- Applying PPMS still permits Maximo to be
the whole portfolio, to individual
mark’ standards. used in its ‘traditional’ mode–data is input
buildings and assets.
directly by in-house staff, and services are
 Enables yearly and monthly IBM, itself faced these challenges when it managed and delivered internally. However,
‘targets versus actuals’ outsourced the delivery of services through- PPMS adds a dimension--key data can be
comparisons. out Europe. Its solution was to create its own imported from external systems belonging
‘hub’ of data, linked to the systems of its to suppliers, or other third parties. PPMS is
 Based upon IBM’s own experience
service providers. IBM Global Business Ser- used as a data repository that stores and
of managing a complex,
vices has taken this internal concept, which consolidates this data, and permits Key Per-
international portfolio.
has been honed and proven over the past formance Indicators (KPIs) from providers to
five years, and has produced an equivalent show the performance of all estates, facili-
solution using IBM Maximo™. ties, environmental or projects assets. This
facilitates calculations regarding total cost of
Maximo, one of the world’s leading asset ownership of individual buildings, and can
management solutions, has long supported be rolled-up into sites, areas and regions, to
the challenges of property and facility man- reflect the whole portfolio.
agement. IBM Maximo Professional Ser-
Maximo PPMS — PPMS Structure Real World Example
Making Property Assets Clearer California
Maximo has always offered capabili- University
ties that help organizations to better
understand their property manage- Southern
ment operations, needs, and options. California
These capabilities have evolved over
time, in response to emerging market Area UCLA
needs and to specific requests from
our customers—with added input from
our Maximo consultants. The additional Site Main Campus
features of PPMS provide a whole new
set of Maximo attributes and applica-
tions that extend Maximo well beyond Land North Car Park
its core product functionality. All have
been built on IBM’s own experience of
Building(s) Library – data such as:
managing its large property portfolio, • Address
and are aimed solely at maximizing the • Building Manager
• Date Built
output of property assets–frequently the
• Number of Floors & Layout
second largest spend item on organiza- • Utilities Consumption
tions’ balance sheets. in-house, PPMS also gives them the in- • Carbon Output
• Critical Assets
formation and flexibility to alter their sup-
• Maintenance Record etc.
PPMS Benefits plier base. The resultant data on assets
PPMS provides comprehensive views and portfolio performance—both target
on the entire property portfolio man- and actual—can be shared with bidders,
agement data set, containing both func- enabling them to make better informed
tional performance management and and more cost-effective, bids. Property Address – Property Regions
transactional asset management data and Property Areas applications that
items. Specific benefits include: Estates Management capture:
Property Locations – Allows creation of • Address details
• Improves access and decision- property specific information: • Regions creation within an
making via common and consistent • Property Type, level and unique organization, and areas creation
aggregated data. property reference number within a region
• In-house users are focused on • Property picture, map and property • Assignment of properties (Maximo
information relevant to them and do contacts Locations) to an area
not have to search multiple external • Property and company addresses
Estate Manager – Provides estates
systems, each of which require to various standards
data including:
training. • Building and land details
• Freeholds, leases and future
• Improves visibility, enabling matching Leases – Captures lease-in and lease- leases attached to property
of financial system records with out information: • Yearly and monthly property cost
supplier work orders, and tighter • Lease boundary areas, cross- breakdowns
Business Control where needed. referenced to Maximo locations
Estate Area – View of properties
• Built using IBM Maximo configuration • Rents, valuations, rights and
belonging to an area; buildings and
tools that can respond flexibly to obligations
land within the property, including:
individual customer needs • Lease events
• Total freeholds and freeholds by
PPMS allows corporate organisations to Freeholds – Captures freehold property
maintain property data definitions and information: • Total leases and leases by
ownership in-house, thus safeguarding • Freehold boundary areas, cross- property
critical property data. And since the key referenced to Maximo locations • Yearly area, and monthly property
asset and performance data is retained • Valuations, rights and obligations cost breakdowns
Facilities Management Utilities – Allows input of target and Environmental Area – Presents view
Asset Register – Provides new actual values against a utility stream: of properties within an area, and
attributes including: • Usage, cost, and carbon buildings and land within the property:
• Critical asset indicator (calculated), target against actual • Property and building utilities; YTD
• Asset energy rating • Heating degree days and cooling summary, target against actual
• Asbestos indicator degree days • Property and building waste; YTD
• Utility performance, carbon summary, target against actual
Asset Manager – Gives asset
emission and cost performance • Consolidated property and
managers a property asset and work
reports (5 each) building utility and waste carbon
emissions summary, target against
• Major assets attached to a Waste – Allows input of target and
property or building actual values against a waste stream:
• Consolidated property and
• Planned and reactive service • Target volume, cost and carbon
building utility and waste cost
requests; work by building listed (calculated), target against actual
summary, target against actual
by year and by month • Waste performance, carbon
• Consolidated building utility and
• Overall property, and specific emission reports and cost
waste carbon emissions by net
building CO2 summaries performance reports (5 each)
• Property yearly and monthly cost
Utility Manager – Provides property • Building energy efficiency and
utility overview: environmental impact ratings
Space Manager – Delivers space and • Utility consumption per month and
occupancy data through Maximo from per year, target against actual Projects Management
CAD or GIS packages • Utility cost per month and per year, Project Approvals – workflow to gain
target against actual approval for projects
Facility Area - Presents area property • Work orders hold the activity data
• Utility carbon emissions per month
views, including land and buildings: Project Management – work can be
and per year, target against actual
• Property and building asset defined and costs collected
summaries Waste Manager – Provides property • Control at project or task levels
• Property and building work waste overview:
summaries • Waste generation per month and Integration – links to MS Project and
• Property and building space per year, target against actual Primevara
summaries • Waste cost per month and per Maximo PPMS also provides Regional
year, target against actual and Area Data Books that summarize
Environmental Management
• Waste carbon emissions per data listed above, to provide a compre-
Facility Periods – Allows reporting
month and per year, target against hensive overview of all these elements.
periods definition against property,
building or lower hierarchical location
Environment Manager – Provides
Utility Streams – Allows utility
property utility and waste overview:
monitoring and defines attributes:
• Utility consumption per year, target
• Measurement unit, utility type,
against actual
carbon factor multiplier, utility
• Waste generation per year, target
vendor, meter name and report
against actual
• Consolidated utility and waste
Waste streams – Allows waste streams costs per year, target against
creation for monitoring, and defines actual
attributes: • Utility and waste cost per year, split
• Measurement unit, waste type, target against actual
disposal type, carbon factor • Utility and waste carbon emissions
multiplier, waste vendor (optional), per year, target against actual
meter name (optional) and report • Utility and waste carbon emissions
indicators per year, split target against actual
Why IBM? For more information © Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
The Maximo PPMS solution is delivered To learn more about IBM Global IBM Global Services
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only through IBM Maximo Professional Business Services, or IBM Professional
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Services, the Maximo consulting arm of Services, contact your IBM sales U.S.A.
IBM Global Business Services. Our con- representative, or visit: Produced in the United States of America
sultants are uniquely qualified to assist 01-09
you with Maximo PPMS and any other All Rights Reserved

Maximo solution. They are committed to IBM, the IBM logo, and Maximo
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tants continually contribute feedback on

the tools and processes they use, thus
participating in a process that enhances
both the product and the method—and
increases the benefits to you.

As part of the world’s largest and most ex-

perienced asset management consulting
organization our IBM Maximo Professional
Services consultants deliver the most
comprehensive approach to your solution.
They will help you implement the most
transformative asset management solution


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