General Directions: Fill All The Blanks

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Zamboanga del Sur



General Directions: Fill all the blanks

Directions: Carefully read the statements below and write your answers on the space provided before each
_______________________1. It is something that is perennially around us. The expression or application of
human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works
to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
_______________________2. A famous French philosopher of the twentieth century.
_______________________3. The process of releasing yourself from tormenting and disabling state by doing
_______________________4. An English philosopher who is best known for his work in aesthetics.
_______________________5. Latin word of Art.
_______________________6. German physicist who demonstrated that knowledge is actually derived from
_______________________7. An art form where the artist expresses his emotions not by using paint, charcoal
or camera but expresses them through words.
_______________________8. A function of art that depend on the person who created the art.
_______________________9. The art of putting together successions of still images in order to create an
illusion of movement.
_______________________10. A function of art which addresses a collective need of a group of people.
II. True False
Directions: Comprehend. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.
________1. Human before crafted tools just to live and survive.
________2. As man existed in this planet, he has cultivated the land, altered the conditions of the fauna and
________3. Art is made by nature.
________4. By experience, we mean the “actual doing of something”.
________5. One can argue with other person’s evaluation of art because they have the same experience.
________6. According to Collingwood, an artwork does not need to be a real thing, but can be something that
is imaginary.
________7. Art is a product of a man’s creativity, imagination, and expression.
________8. Physical function has something to do with direct, tangible uses of art.
________9. Aristotle, Plato’s most important student in philosophy, agreed with his teacher that art is a form
of imitation.
________10. In Plato’s metaphysics or view of reality, the things in this world are only copies of original, the
eternal, and the true entities that can only be found in the World of Forms.
Directions: Provide what is being asked.
1. Important elements of Performance art.
2. Functions of Art.
3. List of popular art expressions.
4. Philosophical Perspectives on Art.

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