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National University

College of Engineering

Electronics Engineering Department

Compilation in Seminars and Field trip

Submitted by:

Aguilar, John Rey

Cruz, Bianca Rizz

David, Kent Edward

Gabriel, Juan Miguel

Perez, Larsen

Samonte, Noel

Submitted to:

Engr. Joseph Nalunat

October 3, 2019

I. Certificate of Attendance.......................................................................................................................4
1. Aguilar, John Rey..............................................................................................................................4
2. Cruz, Bianca Rizz............................................................................................................................14
3. David, Kent Edward........................................................................................................................24
4. Gabriel, Juan Miguel.......................................................................................................................35
5. Perez, Larsen....................................................................................................................................45
6. Samonte, Noel..................................................................................................................................56
.................................................................................................................................................................. 63
.................................................................................................................................................................. 64
II. Reflection on Seminars Attended......................................................................................................65
1. Aguilar, John Rey............................................................................................................................65
2. Cruz, Bianca Rizz............................................................................................................................65
3. David, Kent Edward........................................................................................................................66
a. “Mini Educational Tour to Zoe Broadcasting”.........................................................................66
b. “Impact of Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies to the Internet of Things”. .67
c. “Code Red: Cybersecurity in the Philippines”.........................................................................68
d. “Make the most out of static site”.............................................................................................69
e. “Introduction to App Services”.................................................................................................70
f. “Provisioning and managing azure resources with azure lab techniques”.............................71
g. “Big Data: Tools and Techniques”.............................................................................................72
h. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”..............................................................73
i. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”...............................................................74
j. “Profession Enhancement: Career Path Orientation”.............................................................75
k. “Profession Enhancement: Calculator Techniques”................................................................76
4. Gabriel, Juan Miguel.......................................................................................................................77
5. Perez, Larsen....................................................................................................................................77
a. “Mini Educational Tour to Zoe Broadcasting”.........................................................................66
b. “Impact of Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies to the Internet of Things”. .67
c. “Code Red: Cybersecurity in the Philippines”.........................................................................68
d. “Make the most out of static site”.............................................................................................69
e. “Introduction to App Services”.................................................................................................70
f. “Provisioning and managing azure resources with azure lab techniques”.............................71
g. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”...............................................................73
h. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”..............................................................74
i. “What makes me who I am?”.....................................................................................................75
j. “Profession Enhancement: Calculator Techniques”................................................................76
6. Samonte, Noel..................................................................................................................................78
a. “Mini Educational Tour to Zoe Broadcasting”.......................................................................78
b. “Impact of Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies to the Internet of Things”. 79
c. “Code Red: Cybersecurity in the Philippines”........................................................................80
d. “Parallel Computing”................................................................................................................81
e. “Modern Cybersecurity”...........................................................................................................82
f. “Making Sense of Machine Learning Model Predictions”......................................................83
g. “Big Data: Tools and Techniques”...........................................................................................84
h. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”.............................................................85
i. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”..............................................................86
j. “Profession Enhancement: Career Path Orientation”............................................................87
k. “Profession Enhancement: Calculator Techniques”...............................................................88
III. Current Trends of Technology in Communication........................................................................89
1. Machine Learning............................................................................................................................89
2.THz Frequencies...............................................................................................................................89
3. The Post-Cellphone Era is Near.....................................................................................................89
4. LTE Continues to Be More Important Than 5G...........................................................................90
5. Massive MIMO Implementation Continues to Be at Least as Exciting as Massive MIMO
6. Security, Privacy and The Supply Chain.......................................................................................90
IV. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................91
5. Perez, Larsen

Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

a. “Mini Educational Tour to Zoe Broadcasting”

Our mini field trip in light channel/network in Antipolo is all about their digital broadcasting
communication equipment and its digital head end system. The head system is necessary for
distributing the audio and video sources from a Television network to broadcast in people’s
television. The headend system will improve and control the quality of video and audio of a
Television network. The first step process of headend system is to receive the audio and video
(RF) to be broadcast to people by the use of equipment of C or Ku band satellite dish. Then it
will be processed in integrated receiver decoder/encoder, the RF input will become ASI output.
Then it will go through multiplexer and will become 1 channel. They also emphasized in their
topic that it is necessary for a broadcasting network to have a back up equipment for worst case
scenario such lightning strike to prevent interruption in operating broadcast communication.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

b. Impact of Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies to the Internet

of Things”

The seminar about the impact of emerging wireless communications technology to the internet of
things was hosted by Engr. Christian P. Enoval .He started to discuss the basics of electronics
and communications by asking some definition of terms to spice up the discussion. Then he
discuss the meaning of Internet of things which any forms of sending and receiving of
information through internet and can be expanded into application such as controlling and
monitoring through internet.
He later discussed the application of internet of things such as controlling and monitoring
machines and devices through internet. He gave examples such as you can control and monitor
your machines and devices in far distances as long as it can connect to internet.At the end of the
discussion he conclude that to implement internet of things we must also increase the capality of
internet into atleast a fifth generation network of internet.
Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

c“Code Red: Cybersecurity in the Philippines”

Mr. Robert John Williams a cybersecurity expert who owns a company in providing security in
business firms in our country. He discusses the history all over the world about the security that
had breached to steal money and information that usually happens in bank and in information
systems. The speaker also talks about what do hackers do when they stole information on
someone. The speaker told us that they are selling it to the black market. He told us that they
stole information such as credit card, a degree in college and any other sensitive and confidential
information on a person. They also show us the actual hacking on computer using the ghost
remote access trojan tool to control and steal information on hacker’s victim.
Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

d. “Make the most out of static site”

This seminar in microsoft was hosted by an expert web developer. This seminar discuss how
does static generator in websites work to create websites, how does websites process data, and
how to use jamstack to automatically create a static generator. I have learned the benefits of
using Gatsby and jamstack which is cheaper, easier to develop, and faster to load because there
are numerous website creation which are expensive and slow to compute processes. So they
emphasized the beneficial use of jamstack and gatsby on azure websitr developing. They also
discuss that creating a static generator for websites has no serverside rendering which speeds up
the processes of data in a websites that is very much helpful to solve website traffic.
Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

e. “Introduction to App Services”

This seminar on Introduction to App Service in websites. They discuss first for the introduction
the definition of cloud. You can gather more clouds around your site to help support it so your
users see no degradation of services. Clouds are responsible for processing data in your websites.
After this they discuss what an azure app services is and what an azure app services can provide.
The speaker enumerates its services such as online class interaction and online business
interaction. He also said that its is not vulnerable to hacking because it is already protected in
hacking attacks such ddos and website defacing.
Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

f. “Provisioning and managing azure resources with azure lab services”

This seminar about provisioning and managing azure resources with azure lab services discussed
on how you will manage your own website’s problem such as the interface for website visitor,
the traffic in case of sudden increase in website visitor, website information or data storage, and
its computing power of your website to process the data coming to your website. The speaker
discuss on how azure app services enables you to build host website apps in programming
language of your choice without managing infrastructure. You can choose on PHP, JAVA ,
PYTHON, HTML and many more.

Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

h. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

This talk is about what happens after we graduate as an electronics and communication degree
holder . The speaker from excel review center , a topnotcher in board exam from a well known
private school in manila told us to be wise in deciding which review center to choose to help us
pass the board exam in Electronics and communication engineering. He later discuss how excel
review center is different from any other review centers. We learned that the excel review center
produces the most passers and topnotchers in board exam of Electronics and communication
Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

i. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

This talk is about Perc-DC review center this talk is from a well known instructor in Perc-DC
review center and a well known seminar speaker, Mr. Rex Jason. The speaker talks about their
review center have a discount and produce a topnotcher even if not an achiever or excel in
college. The speaker talks about the perks on choosing the Perc DC as your review center. They
said that they focus on every student’s outcome and bring out the best in them. He also told us
that they are giving discount and give 2 free books after we register at their review center to start
reading the book for advanced study.
Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

j. “What Makes Me Who I Am”

This seminar is non-technical seminar in National University from the College of Education,
Arts and Sciences (CEAS) is about knowing your personality in different times you experience,
how you can be the best version of yourself and maintain your best version of yourself. The
speaker introduces the topic with a personality test using shapes. And then she discuss what does
a person makes him/her or to be simple, what are the things that makes you a person and it is
your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual part of your personality. Then she discussed how
each part of your personality be improved to be a better person and maintain it as you encounter
problems that stop your improvement of you personality.
Perez, Larsen J.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

k. “Profession Enhancement: Calculator Techniques”

This seminar about the Calculator techniques discusses by a professor in a review center with
many years of experience in teaching, Mr Rex Jason.He thought us calculator techniques that
focuses on mathematics. He clearly discusses the calculator techiniques on different course in
math which is algebra, (age problem, clock problem, diophantine problem, number problem,
table technique in motion problem, and mixtures in algebra.) Differential calculus (maxima and
minima problems in numbers and area. Integral calculus (finding volume), Differential equations
( finding the general solution, growth and decay and cooling ) and Advanced math such as the
techniques in finding the laplace and inverse laplace of a function.
II. Reflection on Seminars Attended

1. Aguilar, John Rey

FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.

Seminars and Field Trips

“Mini Educational Tour to Zoe Broadcasting”

In this mini fieldtrip that we attended I was able to see the actual equipment that being used on a
TV station and how they operate and i myself got also be familiarized on the different function
and use of the TV broadcasting equipment and our Professor Engr. Ronquillo told us that this is
what we’re going to see if we want to work on a TV broadcasting company.
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

“What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

On this talk or seminar the speaker Engr. Jaime Tiong Jr. the possible thing that will happen after
we graduate he also introduced how Important the review center is the study plan of the review
center and how we should choose the review center that we’re going to enroll and because of that
I learned that after I graduate it is very important to have a study plan to be able to pass the board
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

“What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

Our speaker on this seminar was Engr. Rex Jason H. Agustin the discussion is more focus on
finding what review center is right for you. He said that background checking of the review is
center is a must we need to check if this certain review center have the capacity to produce a
engineers and if this review center is competitive or not in the terns of passing rate.
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

“Profession Enhancement: Career Path Orientation”

In this seminar that we attended the speaker discussed possible path or track that we could
choose when we became an engineer there are various fields for an ECE to choose like Semi-
conductor sector the Data communications, Bio Medical, Telecommunications and many more
and because of this I was able to have a knowledge on what field that Im going to take once I
was become an Engineer.
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

“Profession Enhancement: Calculator Techniques”

In this seminar I learned the fastest way to solve mathematical problems and that is by the use of
calculator techniques the speaker show us how we can solve math problems fast and by the
means of this techniques we can now solve problems easier and faster and we can use it on our
exam in the future.
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

“Provisioning and managing azure resources with azure lab services”

The speaker on this seminar discuss on how azure app services enables you to build host website
apps in programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure. You can choose
on PHP, JAVA , PYTHON, HTML and many more. Its more about the provision and managing
azure resources with azure lab services. How you gonna manage your own website if you want
to create on.
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

. “What Makes Me Who I Am”

Although this seminar is non-technical seminar its very helpful for a student like me because it’s
all about knowing my personality and how can I be the best version of myself and how to know
who I am. It’s very important to know who you are and to be able to distinguish what your
personality is because if you know what makes you happy that’s the time that you can bring the
best in you.
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

Crafting my path for positive result

Crafting my path for positive result is a seminar about how to build your future its focuses on the
decision making because every choice that you make has a big impact to your life so you must
know how to make the right decisions on your life you always need to consider everything
before making a choice you must think not only twice before you act because there are things
that can’t be fix easily.

Kent Edward
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

“Introduction to App Services”

This seminar is an Introduction to App Service in websites. They tell us what cloud is and it
function cloud is very important because it can help to support your website Clouds is the one
responsible on processing the data on your websites. And they discuss the azure app service
which very useful because it have a lot of services that can provides one of this is the protection
meaning your website is not vulnerable to hacking.
FSMNRF3 Aguilar John Rey P.
Seminars and Field Trips

“Make the most out of static site”

This seminar that was hosted by Microsoft web developer is all about the static generator static
generator is app or program that you can install on your computer and it will help you to enhance the
performance of your computer so you can open or use the other programs or that needs high memory
or performance and azure is offering this static generator you will just have to go to their web site and
install it.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

a. “Mini Educational Tour to Zoe Broadcasting”

In this tour we went to Antipolo to visit a TV broadcasting that is supervised by ENGR.

Ronquillo. We experienced how a tv network is being broadcasted in the whole metro manila.
We also know the struggles and problems that a TV broadcasting are facing every day. And I
also familiarized myself on the equipment’s that is used in broadcasting. The speaker and ENGR.
Ronquillo gave us more knowledge to what we will be facing after we graduated.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

b. “Impact of Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies to the

Internet of Things”

The seminar about the impact of emerging wireless communications technology to the internet of
things was hosted by Engr. Christian P. Enoval who’s a very excellent speaker we learned a lot
of thing and topics about what the impact of wireless communication and internet of things can
affect the present and the future of our country. He talks about the emerging trends in the field of
electronics and the new ways to improve our society like smart cities. How IoT helps the
manufacturing and business industry today
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

c. “Code Red: Cybersecurity in the Philippines”

The seminar that Mr. Robert John Williams talk about is the cyber security here in the
Philippines. Mr. Williams talk about how unsecured our network in the Philippines and how the
hackers can hack our laptops and other devices. He also explains how to prevent this type of
attacks and how to prevent it form happening. The talk opens our eyes that not all devices that
has password is secured in the internet.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

d. “Make the most out of static site”

The seminar I attended which is about making the most out of static site hosting with jam stack
using azure and Gatsby’s, was very interesting. Because the speaker explained to us how to build
a blog using a Gatsby’s. Gatsby.js is a static PWA (Progressive Web App) generator. You get
code and data splitting out of the box. Gatsby loads only the critical HTML, CSS, data, and
JavaScript so your site loads as fast as possible. I have learned the benefits of using Gatsby
which are it is cheaper, easier to develop, and faster to load.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

e. “Introduction to App Services”

MS Tech August Session: Introduction to App Service, a seminar that explained to us what an
App Service is. It is a service plan option of Azure App Service that provides a fully isolated and
dedicated environment for securely running Azure App Service apps at high scale, including
WebApps, Mobile Apps, and API Apps. The speaker told us that customers can create multiple
App Service Environments within a single Azure region, as well as across multiple Azure
regions. This makes App Service Environments ideal for horizontally scaling state-less
application tiers in support of high RPS workloads. The seminar was full of information’s about
the topic which is great for a ECE student like me.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

f. “Provisioning and managing azure resources with azure lab techniques”

The seminar entitled provisioning and managing azure resources with azure lab services had a
great speaker. Their voice was clear enough for me to understand what he/she? was talking
about. Azure Lab Services enables you to quickly set up an environment for your team in the
cloud. A lab owner creates a lab, provisions Windows, or Linux virtual machines, installs the
necessary software and tools, and makes them available to lab users. The seminar taught me that
using azure lab services will make the lab owners job easier because they can quickly set up a lab
for their needs.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

g. “Big Data: Tools and Techniques”

In this seminar Dr. Ira Valenzuela talks about his career and education and how he was
introduced to big data. Dr Valenzuela talks about the data’s that every company uses and where
this data’s are stored. She also talks on how to be one of the data analysts and how this trend can
affect our future not just for ECE student but also other related courses.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

h. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

What will happen after graduating the ECE course how their review center is better thatn other
review centers and he also let the student see what is the study plan of their review center and
how the review center will help us to beat the ECE board exam.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

i. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

The talk that Engr Rex Jason H. Augustin talks about how to choose the right review center. The
Philippines has very large pool of review centers that will help us to pass the ECE board exam.
He also discusses how is their review center is competitive in terms of passing rate and discussed
the study plan of their review center
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

j. “Profession Enhancement: Career Path Orientation”

The seminar about career path orientation is about what will the ECE students will face after
graduating the course. The speaker helps us to choose the right career that we would like to take
and salaries of each. The careers that the speaker talk about is the semi-conductor companies,
broadcasting companies and telecommunication companies. And the speaker also talks about the
company he built the sparkfly company. The speaker helps us to pick the right career that we
would fit and enjoy our work.
David, Kent Edward U.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

k. “Profession Enhancement: Calculator Techniques”

The seminar about the Calculator techniques is a great topic for us ECE students. Because
this topic helps us to solve math problems easily and conveniently. The seminar taught us
different techniques on how to solve different math problems like algebra, advance
mathematic and other math related topics. The speaker is great in explaining his lesson that’s
why we understand the topic very well.
6. Saonte, Noel
Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

a. “Mini Educational Tour to Zoe Broadcasting”

Most what I like in the fieldtrip was that I was able to see the equipment used in a TV Station
Transmission center particularly by ZOE Broadcasting Network INC., and I was somewhat
got the idea on how transmission of signal works from receiving the signal coming from the
TV studio and transmitting it all over the country. In what I learned the signal received by the
dish from the TV studio will be sent to the headend equipment/system wherein the RF signal
will be decoded to an audio and video signal and be encoded as a digital signal this signal
will enter the multiplexer and then be modulated in order for it to be transmitted. This signal
will pass through the Low pass filter using the rigid line and be amplified before it reaches
the transmission antenna. With this experience, I can conclude that this was a worth it, fun
and very educative experience.
Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

b. “Impact of Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies to the

Internet of Things”

In this seminar Engr. Christian P. Enoval discussed the importance and the impact of wireless
communications technologies to the internet of things (IoT). Where at the heart of the
explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial IoT (IIoT) is wireless technology,
made possible via RF or radio frequency. This technology enables devices to communicate
with another without being physically connected. But it has grown to include cellular devices
and other advances, keeping in stride with an enormous demand for new consumer and
industrial applications. Technological enhancements that support this incredible growth
include the speed and bandwidth of the underlying networks, extended battery life of IoT
devices, broader capabilities of wireless communication protocols, and more secure
management of devices and networks. These advancements have allowed a significant
number of industries to replace expensive, and often unreliable, wired communication with
wireless communication.

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

c. “Code Red: Cybersecurity in the Philippines”

In this seminar Mr. Robert John Williams discussed the cybersecurity threats that are
occurring and that might occur in the Philippines. Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-
connected systems, including hardware, software and data, from cyberattacks. In a computing
context, security comprises cybersecurity and physical security both are used by enterprises
to protect against unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems. With
fast-growing technology, criminal acts also evolved, and they are now doing this act online or
remote access without noticing by the victim. Critical thing that I learned from this event is
that we should be aware of cyber crime and be more knowledgeable on how we could defend
ourselves or prevent these malicious acts we should build knowledge in terms of

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips

d. “Parallel Computing”

In this seminar Engr. Randy Joseph Fernandez discussed parallel computing, parallel
computing or processing is generally implemented in operational environments/scenarios that
require massive computation or processing power. The primary objective of parallel
computing is to increase the available computation power for faster application processing or
task resolution. Typically, parallel computing infrastructure is housed within a single facility
where many processors are installed in a server rack or separate servers are connected. The
application server sends a computation or processing request that is distributed in small
chunks or components, which are concurrently executed on each processor/server. Parallel
computation can be classified as bit-level, instructional level, data and task parallelism. What
I learned most is that with parallel computing we could process data better and faster.

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips
e. “Modern Cybersecurity”

In this seminar Mr. Anfernee S. Sodusta discussed the cybersecurity threats that are occurring
and that might occur in the Philippines. Cybersecurity is the protection of internet-connected
systems, including hardware, software and data, from cyberattacks. In a computing context,
security comprises cybersecurity and physical security both are used by enterprises to protect
against unauthorized access to data centers and other computerized systems. With fast-
growing technology, criminal acts also evolved, and they are now doing this act online or
remote access without noticing by the victim. Critical thing that I learned from this event is
that we should be aware of cybercrime and be more knowledgeable on how we could defend
ourselves or prevent these malicious acts we should build knowledge in terms of

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips
f. “Making Sense of Machine Learning Model Predictions”

In this seminar Mr. Abraham Camba discussed making sense of machine learning model
predictions. Machine learning is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that
computer systems use to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying
on patterns and inference instead. It is seen as a subset of artificial intelligence. With this
seminar I learned how machine learning work and how they are implemented in devices.

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips
g. “Big Data: Tools and Techniques”

In this seminar Dr. Ira Valenzuela discussed big data and its tools and techniques. Big data is
a field that treats ways to analyze, systematically extract information from, or otherwise deal
with data sets that are too large or complex to be dealt with by traditional data-processing
application software. From this seminar I learned some tools and techniques to analyze big
data some of them are Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra, Drill and Hcatalog.

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips
h. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

In this seminar Engr. Jaime Tiong Jr. discussed ideas on what may happened after graduation.
He also discussed on how their review center operates in terms of the study plan of the
review. From this seminar as a student I learned that before the review or after we graduate,
we should be prepared for the fast-paced lessons in the review center, we should also cope
with the study plan or be ahead of it in order to be ready for the board exam.

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips
i. “What’s Next, A Talk in Post-Graduation Seminar”

In this seminar Engr. Rex Jason H. Agustin discussed the next step after graduation which is
finding a review center that will fit you. As a student we should check the background of the
review center and try to see if they can really produce engineers and should be competitive in
terms of its passing rate. He also discussed their study plan of the whole review also he
discussed what to expect during the review. Therefore, with seminar I was able to foresee
what will happened during the review so that I could prepare for it.

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips
j. “Profession Enhancement: Career Path Orientation”

In this seminar the speaker discussed the paths or tracks that we could take once we become
an engineer some examples of these paths are in the fields of Telecommunications, Mobile
companies, Wireless communications, Embedded systems and Data communications. With
this event we were able to have an insight of what track we are going to take once we become
an engineer, I am very grateful that I was able to participate on this event and be able to gain
knowledge on the different career paths an electronics and communications engineer can

Samonte, Noel S.
FSMNRF3 – Seminars and Field Trips
k. “Profession Enhancement: Calculator Techniques”

In this seminar the speaker discussed ways we can solve math problems using calculator
techniques. With these techniques we can now solve problems faster in calculus, algebra,
trigonometry, mechanics, etc. As a student this event was very helpful because I was able to
gain knowledge on how I could solve math problems as fast as possible with help of
calculator techniques.

III. Current Trends of Technology in Communication

1. Machine Learning
If You Are Not Doing It, People Will Still Shun You at Parties and Now Your Children Will
Laugh at You Too. Moving up to the number one spot for this year. Well it is happening now,
especially in some network planning functions and radio resource management. Everyone is
now trying to use it all the way down to the physical layer. Now that there is some real use,
we expect this year will be when it turns and starts rolling back down the hype curve, such is
human nature (in fact we expect AI to become disappointed in itself sometime this year and
need some counselling). But in the meantime, the activity in ML will continue to rise in
comms, and the CTN EB will certainly milk it for a few articles. Implementation in the edge
of the network might be a big topic for this year. Federated Learning, you heard it here first.
2.THz Frequencies
Where Communication Meets Positioning and Imaging. A defining feature of 5G has been
the breaking of the 6 GHz ceiling. But what can we say, this is already boring? Beyond, vast
horizons of idle bandwidth had long awaited designers brave enough to face the challenges
that these millimeter-wave frequencies present: small antenna apertures, lack of diffraction
around obstacles, atmospheric attenuation of rain and snow, device power consumption, cost,
etc. Now researchers are starting to explore the even higher frequency frontier that lies
between 100 GHz and 1 THz, where the aforementioned challenges become even more
taxing, but the promises also multiply: besides even broader swaths of free bandwidth, their
tiny wavelength makes these frequencies suitable for high-resolution positioning and even
crude imaging. If this blend of possibilities fructifies, applications wait for short-range
systems, vehicular networks, or drone-to-drone connectivity, among others.
3. The Post-Cellphone Era is Near
We made a first mention of this last year, and it is not something bound to happen overnight,
so here we go again. The cellphone, and more recently its smartphone incarnation, has long
been the undisputed darling of wireless communications. Other devices do connect to
wireless networks, but their volume has barely registered to date. The appearance of a myriad
of satellite gadgets such as smart-watches, eyeglasses, or wearable devices has made little
impact on the network so far. And where is that smart city we should all have been living by
now? However, IoT is making quiet progress into the network with device growth estimated
in the 20-30% range, though their data volume remains quite low to date. It is expected that
new IoT applications will put more demand on the network for bandwidth. We say this with
the caveat that video will continue to drive mobile data volume and will increase its share in
all probability in 2019. Vehicle to network and industrial control are the darlings of 2019 to
watch out for. Anyway, we will call 2019 the year of IoT and see what happens. For that
thing that sits in your pocket and you pay more attention to than your family, this year will be
the year of the unfolding smart phone, which we think is totally cool and may lead to a more
fundamental change than just driving yet more video demand, that could be called “post
smart phone”. However, the transformation of IoT is expected to be more profound, with a
progressive shift from human-borne transceivers to domestic appliances, vehicles, robots,
drones, and industrial equipment. Machines taking over from humans: sound familiar? Oh
and has anyone not watched the self-driving car knocking over a robot at CES? 2019 is the
year of robot-on-robot violence.
4. LTE Continues to Be More Important Than 5G
Boring but true. Every year Ericsson published a very nice mobility report and this year they
are predicting that LTE subscribers will continue to grow through 2021 and that 5G will be
frankly a bit of a blip until then. LTE has a lot of juice left in it and the new peripheral
technologies such as IoT and ML will give LTE a boost thru 2021. So, don’t throw that book
on LTE away quite just yet.
5. Massive MIMO Implementation Continues to Be at Least as Exciting as Massive
MIMO Theory
Resurrecting this one from last year because we were right about it and it is not going away
quite just yet. The power and cost remain non-trivial issues and now we are discovering that
the algorithms given to us by the academics need some tweaking. We once again typed
“massive MIMO implementation” into IEEE Xplore and found our 287 papers since 2015
had increased by 22% to 351 papers but this is half the rate of last year. So maybe we are
beginning to settle down a little. We expect that 2019 will be a year to focus on mobility
tracking and capacity optimization.
6. Security, Privacy and The Supply Chain
In the interest of pointing out the elephant in the room we have to say something about the
global supply chain. To mix our metaphors we will stay away from the 3rd rail of passing any
opinion on this complex and political topic. But it is undeniable that the communications
community is rethinking how it cooperates. From where to hold an international conference,
if there is risk that some of the attendees might not be able to get a visa, to how we secure
public confidence in our complex supply chain. Even the issue of how we communicate
professionally and under what rules is being called into question. There is no doubt that most
equipment in our networks today has passed through many countries and been worked on at
some level by many engineers of many nationalities and constructed with components from
all over the globe. If our customers need a change in this system, there is the potential for
some serious disruption, and this will underlie all of the other hot topics we have mentioned
so far. As technologists we must believe there are technical solutions to this problem, and we
are hopeful that the technical community can get ahead of the politicians in this area. So, we
predict that 2019 will be a very interesting year for the IEEE which at its heart is an
organization that tries to foster communication and cooperation among its members.


Code Burst. (n.d.). How TeraHertz Technology Will Change The World Of Wireless

Communication . Retrieved from Code Burst:

Expert System. (n.d.). Machine Learing. Retrieved from Expert System:

Fast Company. (n.d.). Be Prepared: We're Entering a Post Device Era. Retrieved from Fast



Masive MIMO. (n.d.). Retrieved from Science Direct:

supply chain beyond. (n.d.). The Network Effect. Retrieved from Beyond supply chains:
Larsen Perez

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