Retention Schedules

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Document Type Retention Policies

Employee File Management

Document Type Retention Policies

Retention Policies determine how long a certain document type is stored as active in an employee's folder.
Adding retention policies to a document type ensures that the document automatically moves into an employee's
expired folder when the retention deadline is passed. Retention policies can be set for active employees or can
become active once an employee is terminated.
Retention policies for active employees:
• On a Specific Date: any document of this type on the platform expires on the specific date.
• Based on the Document's Upload Date: any document of this type expires based on when it was added to the
system. The time period can be specified in years, months, or days.
• Based on the Document's Metadata: any document of this type expires based on a Date field. Any document
type that uses this retention policy must include the Date type metadata. The document type can be set to
expire immediately upon the metadata date, or after a specific period defined in years, months, or days.
• No Limit: any document of this type does not expire.
Retention policies for terminated employees:
• Overwrite at Employee Departure: any document of this type expires based on employee termination. The
document can be set to expire immediately upon termination, or after a specific time period defined in years,
months, or days.

Create Document Retention Policies

The creation of retention policies allows you to specify when a documents will be automatically moved to an
employee's expired folder.

NAVIGATION: Menu > Admin > Documents > Retention Policies

1. Select the New Policy button to create retention policies for a new document type.
2. Select the specific document type from the list to modify or update an existing retention policy.
3. Enter a Name in the preferred language text box.

The first language field with the respective language that appears is the default language of the
platform. If there are multiple interface languages, the HR User can translate the Retention policy
names in the respective languages. Otherwise, the Retention policy names appear in the default
language on the platform.

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4. Modify the technical code that autopopulates based on the retention policy name, as needed. You cannot
modify the technical code once the retention policy is saved.
5. Select and define the document types.
6. Add Custom Fields, if needed.
7. Select and define the Default Expiration Date box.
8. Check the Overwrite at the Employee Departure box, if needed.
9. Select Create Retention Policy.

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