BASE24-eps 2.1.6 - Application Management User Guide PDF

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Management User

12 May 2017
ACI Worldwide
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Publish Date: 12 May 2017

© Copyright ACI Worldwide, Inc. 2017
All information contained in this documentation, as well as the software described in it, is confidential and proprietary to ACI Worldwide, Inc., or
one of its subsidiaries, is subject to a license agreement, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except
as permitted by such license, no part of this documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
electronic, mechanical, recording, or any other means, without the prior written permission of ACI Worldwide, Inc., or one of its subsidiaries.
ACI, ACI Payment Systems, the ACI logo, ACI Universal Payments, UP, the UP logo and all ACI product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of ACI Worldwide, Inc., or one of its subsidiaries, in the United States, other countries or both. Other parties’ trademarks
referenced are the property of their respective owners.
About this user guide.................................................................................................... 13
Conventions used in this guide...................................................................................... 14
What's new in this publication...................................................................................... 15
Release 2.1.6 (May 2017)......................................................................................... 15
Release 2.1.3 (August 2016)..................................................................................... 15

Section 1: Getting started..............................................................................................17

ACI application management.....................................................................................18
ACI application management design........................................................................... 20
Managed beans (MBeans)................................................................................. 21
MBean server..................................................................................................22
Connectors and remote adaptors....................................................................... 23
ACI application management security.................................................................24
Managed resources.................................................................................................. 24
ACIJMX agent deployment........................................................................................ 25
Supported management functionality......................................................................... 27
Executing scripts............................................................................................. 30
Processing and logging notifications and events................................................... 31
Instrumenting and managing process-defined resources....................................... 32
Instrumenting and managing BASE24-eps business services................................. 34

Section 2: ACI application management MBeans........................................................... 36

ACI MBeans............................................................................................................ 37
Manipulating resources using list/show/inquire/hide operations..............................40
MBean naming convention................................................................................ 42
CommsManager.............................................................................................. 44
ICEXS (CommsHandler)................................................................................... 46
ICEStation...................................................................................................... 50
ICEStationpool................................................................................................ 51
MessagingManager.......................................................................................... 52
WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager)................................................................... 54

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 3
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
WMQQueue (WebSphere Message Queue).......................................................... 56
ProcessManager.............................................................................................. 58
UnixProcess.................................................................................................... 60
JSFUnixProcess............................................................................................... 62
SISUnixProcess............................................................................................... 64
SISZProcess................................................................................................... 69
ZProcess........................................................................................................ 71
WndProcess.................................................................................................... 73
JSFWndProcess............................................................................................... 75
CounterMonitor............................................................................................... 80
GaugeMonitor................................................................................................. 84
TopologyManager............................................................................................ 90
RemoteAgentProxy.......................................................................................... 91
XPNETSystemManager..................................................................................... 92
XPNETSystem................................................................................................. 94
XPNETNode.................................................................................................... 95
XPNETQueue................................................................................................. 101
XPNETProcess............................................................................................... 105
Component................................................................................................... 108
ProcessControl (BASE24-eps).......................................................................... 114
BASE24-eps business services................................................................................. 115
SBA Metrics Component..................................................................................116
SBA Metrics Service....................................................................................... 118
Foundation Metrics Component........................................................................ 119
Foundation Metrics Service..............................................................................120
SBA Service Management Service.................................................................... 122

Section 3: ACIJMX agent security................................................................................ 124

ACIJMX agent security............................................................................................ 125
ACIJMX MBean server wrapper component........................................................ 125
Authentication............................................................................................... 126

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Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Authorization................................................................................................ 128
Auditing....................................................................................................... 130
Master/client agent security............................................................................ 131
Application management security settings......................................................... 131
Audit records................................................................................................ 154

Section 4: Application management user interface...................................................... 156

Application management windows/pages...................................................................157
Detail windows/management console pages.............................................................. 157
Summary windows and pages..................................................................................162
Communications Handler Summary window and page................................................. 166
Message Routers Summary window or page.............................................................. 167
Process Summary window and Processes Summary page............................................ 168
Queue Summary window and Queues Summary page................................................. 169
Queue Manager Summary window and page.............................................................. 170
Station Summary window and Stations Summary page............................................... 171
BSVC Components Summary window........................................................................172
BSVC Services Summary window............................................................................. 173
SBA Components Summary window......................................................................... 174
SBA Services Summary window............................................................................... 176
SBA Management Services Summary window............................................................ 177

Section 5: MBean server management.........................................................................179

Initialize or stop a backup MBean server................................................................... 180
Start or stop notifications........................................................................................ 180
Controlling trace message levels.............................................................................. 181
Set the levels of trace messages to be produced................................................ 181

Section 6: Process management.................................................................................. 183

Process instrumentation..........................................................................................184
Managing processes............................................................................................... 184
Add a new process from an existing process...................................................... 184
Add a new process......................................................................................... 185
Delete a process............................................................................................ 185
Restore a deleted process or processes.............................................................185
Start and stop individual processes.................................................................. 186

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Start and stop multiple processes.................................................................... 186
Kill individual processes.................................................................................. 186
Setting up processes to restart automatically............................................................. 187

Section 7: BASE24-eps process control commands...................................................... 188

BASE24-eps process control commands.................................................................... 189
Initiating process control commands.........................................................................190
Initiate process control commands from the ACI desktop.................................... 190
Initiate process control commands from the APF admin browser...........................191

Section 8: IBM Websphere MQ management............................................................... 192

IBM Websphere MQ instrumentation......................................................................... 193
Managing an IBM Websphere MQ queue manager.......................................................193
Add a new IBM Websphere MQ queue manager for management from the ACI desktop
............................................................................................................... 194
Add a new IBM Websphere MQ queue manager for management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 194
Connecting to and disconnecting from the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager.............. 195
Connect to and disconnect from a running IBM Websphere MQ queue manager...... 195
Permanent and temporary IBM Websphere MQ queue management.............................. 195
Managing IBM Websphere MQ queues.......................................................................196
Listing all queues defined to the WebSphere queue manager............................... 196
Adding an IBM Websphere MQ queue for permanent management....................... 197
Remove an IBM Websphere MQ queue from permanent management................... 197
Add an IBM Websphere MQ queue for temporary management............................ 198
Connect to and disconnect from IBM Websphere MQ queues................................198
View IBM Websphere MQ queue attributes........................................................ 198
Pop an IBM Websphere MQ queue.................................................................... 199
Starting and stopping an IBM Websphere MQ queue (not supported by the ACIJMX agent)
............................................................................................................... 199

Section 9: ICE-XS management................................................................................... 200

ICE-XS managed resources and instrumentation........................................................ 201
Managing an ICE-XS process................................................................................... 201
Create a CommsHandler MBean for an ICE-XS process....................................... 202
Connect to and disconnect from an ICE-XS process.................................................... 202
Start and stop ICE-XS processes.............................................................................. 203

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Permanent and temporary management in ICE-XS..................................................... 203
Managing ICE-XS stations....................................................................................... 204
List all ICE-XS stations defined to a running ICE-XS process from the ACI desktop. 204
List all ICE-XS stations defined to a running ICE-XS process from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 204
Add an ICE-XS station for permanent management from the ACI desktop............. 205
Add an ICE-XS station for permanent management from the APF admin browser....205
Remove an ICE-XS station from permanent management from the ACI desktop..... 205
Remove an ICE-XS station from permanent management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 206
Add an ICE-XS station for temporary management.............................................206
View ICE-XS station attributes......................................................................... 206
Start and stop ICE-XS stations........................................................................ 206
Managing ICE-XS stationpools................................................................................. 207
List all stationpools defined to the ICE-XS process from the ACI desktop............... 207
List all stationpools defined to the ICE-XS process from the APF admin browser..... 207
Add an ICE-XS stationpool for permanent management from the ACI desktop........208
Add an ICE-XS stationpool for permanent management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 208
Remove an ICE-XS stationpool from permanent management from the ACI desktop
............................................................................................................... 208
Remove an ICE-XS stationpool from permanent management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 209
Add an ICE-XS stationpool for temporary management from the ACI desktop........ 209
Add an ICE-XS stationpool for temporary management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 209
View ICE-XS stationpool attributes................................................................... 210
Start and stop ICE-XS stationpools...................................................................210
Managing ICE-XS msgrouters.................................................................................. 210
List all msgrouters defined to the ICE-XS process from the ACI desktop................ 210
List all msgrouters defined to the ICE-XS process from the APF admin browser...... 211
Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for permanent management from the ACI desktop.........211
Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for permanent management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 211
Remove an ICE-XS msgrouter from permanent management from the ACI desktop
............................................................................................................... 212
Remove an ICE-XS msgrouter from permanent management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 212
Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for temporary management from the ACI dekstop......... 212

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Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for temporary management from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 213
View ICE-XS msgrouter attributes.................................................................... 213
Start and stop ICE-XS msgrouter (not supported).............................................. 213

Section 10: XPNET management..................................................................................214

XPNET managed resources and instrumentation......................................................... 215
XPNET system level functions.................................................................................. 215
Add an XPNET system to be managed...............................................................216
Remove an XPNET system from application management.................................... 217
Restore an XPNET system to application management........................................ 217
Permanent and temporary management of XPNET system resources.............................217
Managing XPNET nodes...........................................................................................218
List all nodes defined to the XPNET system........................................................218
Add an XPNET node for permanent management............................................... 218
Remove an XPNET node from permanent management....................................... 219
Managing XPNET processes..................................................................................... 219
List all processes defined to the XPNET node..................................................... 219
Add a process for permanent management in XPNET.......................................... 219
Remove a process from permanent management in XPNET..................................220
Add a process for temporary management in XPNET...........................................220
View XPNET process attributes.........................................................................220
Start and stop XPNET processes.......................................................................221
Reset XPNET process statistics.........................................................................221
Managing XPNET stations........................................................................................ 221
List all stations defined to the XPNET node........................................................ 221
Add an XPNET station for permanent management............................................. 222
Remove an XPNET station from permanent management.................................... 222
Add an XPNET station for temporary management............................................. 222
View XPNET station attributes..........................................................................223
Start and stop XPNET stations......................................................................... 223
Reset XPNET station statistics..........................................................................223
Managing XPNET queues......................................................................................... 223
List all queues defined to the XPNET node......................................................... 224
Add an XPNET queue for permanent management..............................................224
Remove an XPNET queue from permanent management..................................... 224

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Add an XPNET queue for temporary management.............................................. 225
View XPNET queue attributes...........................................................................225
Suspend routing to an XPNET queue.................................................................225
Manage messages in an XPNET queue.............................................................. 226
Reset XPNET queue statistics...........................................................................226

Section 11: Managing BASE24-eps business services.................................................. 227

BASE24-eps business services MBeans......................................................................228
Managing service providers..................................................................................... 229
View or reset attributes for a service provider....................................................229
Set a service provider as preferred (OverrideOn)............................................... 229
Remove the preferred setting for a service provider (OverrideOff)........................ 230
View service provider details........................................................................... 230
Managing service proxies and stubs in a specific application process............................. 230
View or reset attributes for a service proxy or stub in a specific application process
............................................................................................................... 231
Stop a service stub in a specific application process............................................231
Initiate a raw message trace........................................................................... 231
Terminate a raw message trace....................................................................... 232
Managing specific proxies and stubs across multiple application processes..................... 232
View or reset attributes for a specific service or proxy across all applications processes in the syste
............................................................................................................... 233
Managing BASE24-eps service consumers and implementations in a specific application process
....................................................................................................................... 233
View or reset service consumer or implementation attributes...............................233
Managing specific BASE24-eps service consumers and implementations across multiple application proce
....................................................................................................................... 234
View or reset service attributes........................................................................234

Section 12: CounterMonitor_ GaugeMonitor_ and StringMonitor processing............... 235

Adding and configuring monitors.............................................................................. 236
Adding monitor MBeans.................................................................................. 236
Configuring monitors – sample monitor configurations........................................ 238
Starting and stopping monitors................................................................................ 241
Start and stop individual monitors from the ACI desktop or APF admin browser......242
Start all monitors from the ACI desktop or APF admin browser.............................242
Delete monitors..................................................................................................... 242

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Section 13: Script execution using ScriptManager....................................................... 243
Executing scripts on demand................................................................................... 244
Execute scripts on demand from the ACI desktop............................................... 244
Execute scripts on demand from the APF admin browser..................................... 244
Scheduling script execution..................................................................................... 244
Add scheduled scripts from the ACI desktop...................................................... 245
Add scheduled scripts from the APF admin browser............................................ 246
Remove scheduled scripts from the ACI desktop................................................ 246
Remove scheduled scripts from the APF admin browser...................................... 246
Triggering script execution with notifications..............................................................247
Set up automated script execution based on notifications from the ACI desktop..... 247
Set up automated script execution based on notifications from the APF admin browser
............................................................................................................... 249
Guidelines for writing ACIJMX scripts........................................................................ 251

Section 14:
Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface.. 253
ACIJMX command interpreter interface..................................................................... 254
Start the ACIJMX command interpreter interface................................................ 255
Stop the ACIJMX command interpreter interface................................................ 255
Entering ACIJMXCI commands................................................................................. 256
ACIJMXCI commands..............................................................................................258
ASSUME command.........................................................................................258
ENV command...............................................................................................259
EXEC command............................................................................................. 260
EXIT command.............................................................................................. 261
RUN Command.............................................................................................. 261
SELECT command..........................................................................................262
SET command............................................................................................... 264
UPDATE command......................................................................................... 264
Executing scripts using runscript.............................................................................. 265
Start Runscript.............................................................................................. 265
Runscript syntax............................................................................................266
Setting up a security file................................................................................. 267
Example ACIJMXCI process control Jython run scripts......................................... 267
Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and ACIJMXCI....................................268

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Section 15: Multiple agent management (master and client agents)........................... 272
Multiple agent management.................................................................................... 273
Master/client agent requirements............................................................................. 273
Configure the client agent....................................................................................... 275
Configure the master/client relationship.................................................................... 276

Section 16: ACIJMX directory information................................................................... 277

ACIJMX directory contents.......................................................................................278
ACIJMX(boot).mlet file contents............................................................................... 278
Resource build files................................................................................................ 281
Resource build file template............................................................................ 281
Resource build file sample...............................................................................285
Standard ACIJMX scripts......................................................................................... 289

Section 17: Configuring the ACIJMX agent.................................................................. 291

ACIJMX agent file...........................................................................292
ACIJMX agent sample files.............................................................. 302
ACIJMX agent APPLCNFG table.................................................................................305 file.....................................................................................................306
acijmx.policy file.................................................................................................... 308
Adaptor definition file............................................................................................. 308
Disable SSL transport security for the ACI desktop or APF admin browser adapter.. 309
Disable SSL transport security for the ACIJMX command interpreter interface adapter
............................................................................................................... 310
Convert the ACI desktop or APF admin browser adapter to two-way SSL transport security
............................................................................................................... 311
Convert the ACIJMX command interpreter interface adapter to two-way SSL transport security
............................................................................................................... 311
Connector definition file.......................................................................................... 312
Configuring processes to instrument their own components and services....................... 316
Coding external processes to instrument their own components and services................. 317
Create a managed component or service in an external SIS-based process............319
Migrate from ACIJMX version 7.4 to version 8.2......................................................... 320
JMX differences between version 7.4 and version 8.2..........................................322
Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop platform
....................................................................................................................... 322

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Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent using Apache Tomcat
....................................................................................................................... 324
Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent using IBM WAS.. 325

Section 18: Starting and stopping the ACIJMX agent...................................................329

Start the ACIJMX agent on an IBM system z platform..................................................330
Stop the ACIJMX agent on an IBM system z platform.................................................. 331
Start the ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX platform...................................................... 331
Stop the ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX platform.......................................................332
Start the ACIJMX Agent on a Windows Platform..........................................................332
Stop the ACIJMX agent on a Windows platform.......................................................... 333
Start the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop platform....................................................333
Stop the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop platform.................................................... 334

Section 19:
Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page
................................................................................................................................ 335
Detail window and Management Console page display hierarchy................................... 336
Changing the descriptor files................................................................................... 336
Grouping by attribute values................................................................................... 338
Extending the hierarchical display for dynamically registered resources......................... 342
Visibility level for components and services................................................................345

Section 20: Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop...........347

Application management for BASE24-eps on an HP NonStop platform........................... 348
Configure ONCF security for the application management agent................................... 348
Adding NCSP and NCSS records for the ACIJMX agent.........................................349
Configuring the ONCF user ID property............................................................. 352
Configuring the ONCF password property.......................................................... 352
Generating the encrypted password................................................................. 353
Configuring the encryption key property........................................................... 353
Configuring the agent management service............................................................... 354

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Application Management User Guide — May 2017
About this user guide
The ACI Java Infrastructure Application Management User Guide describes ACI Application
Management and the use of the Application Management (ACIJMX) agent for managing system
resources. The manual includes high-level information for a general understanding of Application
Management as well as the detailed information needed for setting up and managing different
types of resources.
Application Management functionality is available through the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser,
but can also be exposed and made accessible to third-party management systems such as IBM
Tivoli Monitoring, or through a command line interface from your platform shell environment. In
these different cases, the available resource-level management functionality is the same;
however, the implementation will vary. The information in this guide is intended to provide the
necessary detail to be useful for all of these situations.

The intended audience consists of system operators who need to set up and use the Application
Management functions to manage resources in their system—using either the ACI desktop or APF
Admin browser, or a third-party management system. As such, the information is provided so that
it can be referenced for either purpose.

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Conventions used in this guide

Conventions used in this guide

This section explains how the security best practices symbol and IBM System z platform
terminology is used in this guide.

Security best practices symbol

Important: This guide uses the symbol shown at the left to alert you to cross-industry best
practices for protecting sensitive data that is stored, processed, or transmitted in an ACI
product system. Whenever you see this symbol, you should carefully review the information
provided next to the symbol to ensure you are implementing cross-industry best practices
for securing data. Refer to the Security Best Practices documents for more information
about configuring the ACI products to comply with cross-industry best practices.

IBM system z platform

Throughout this guide, the term “IBM System z platform” refers to IBM System z hardware
running the z/OS operating system.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 14
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
What's new in this publication
Here is what’s new in this publication.

Release 2.1.6 (May 2017)

Following are the topics and the changes made for release 2.1.6.

BSVC Services Summary window

Adds an example window image and brief description.

BSVC Component Summary window

Adds an example window image and brief description.

SBA Components Summary window

Adds an example window image and brief description.

SBA Services Summary window

Adds an example window image and brief description.

SBA Management Services Summary window

Adds an example window image and brief description.

Release 2.1.3 (August 2016)

Following are the topics and the changes made for release 2.1.3.

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and ACIJMXCI

Adds procedures for enabling a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and ACIJMXCI on all

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent on an HP
NonStop platform
Adds procedures for enabling a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and an ACIJMX agent on an
HP NonStop platform.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 15
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
What's new in this publication

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent using Apache
Adds procedures for enabling a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and an ACIJMX agent using
Apache Tomcat.

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent using IBM WAS
Adds procedures for enabling a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and an ACIJMX agent using
IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS).

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Section 1: Getting started
This section provides an introduction to ACI Application Management and the ACIJMX agent.

In this section:

ACI application management........................................................................................ 18

ACI application management design.............................................................................. 20
Managed resources...................................................................................................... 24
ACIJMX agent deployment............................................................................................ 25
Supported management functionality............................................................................ 27

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 17
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Getting started

ACI application management

ACI Application Management provides for consolidating and centralizing the collection and
publication of system management data and functionality across ACI products.
ACI products are made up of numerous objects that can be run across multiple systems, LPARs,
and machine boundaries. ACI Application Management is a cross-platform JMX-based
infrastructure that allows for consolidating the management and monitoring of these many objects
into single view and making this management capability accessible to the ACI desktop and APF
Admin browser or to third-party management systems (such as IBM Tivoli, CA Unicenter, or HP
OpenView, depending on the platform), or through a command line interface.

ACI application management components

The ACI Application Management infrastructure consists of the following components:
• One or more ACIJMX agents, which are responsible for monitoring and managing their assigned
• A set of MBeans definitions used to instantiate the MBeans needed to manage an ACI product
environment. MBeans are internal to the ACIJMX agent.
• A set of connectors and remote adaptors to provide connections to different external facilities
(e.g., ACI desktop, APF Admin browser, IBM Tivoli Monitoring). Connectors and remote
adaptors are internal to the ACIJMX agent.
• ACI desktop user interface windows or APF Admin browser pages, which provide a graphical
user interface to the Application Management data and operations exposed by the agent.
• An ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface, which provides command line access to the
Application Management data and operations exposed by the agent.

ACIJMX agents
ACI Application Management is implemented using JMX-based agents, called ACIJMX agents,
specifically designed to manage ACI product applications. An ACIJMX agent acts as a flexible and
configurable broker of management information. It gathers information from the various managed
resources and makes that data available to the outside world—for example, to the ACI desktop or
APF Admin browser, to third-party management applications, and through a command interpreter
interface. It also provides the external interface for initiating remote operations on one or more
managed resources.

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Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Getting started

ACI desktop user interface and APF admin browser

The ACI desktop user interface and the APF Admin browser provide a graphical representation of
the agent-managed data within the system. Both provide custom controls to display the
management data exposed by the agent, and their presentation is tailored to ACI’s resource
Both the ACI desktop user interface and the APF Admin browser communicate with the ACI
Application Management agent (via the ESWeb server) using an HTTPS remote adaptor.

ACI desktop user interface and APF admin browser

The ACI desktop user interface and the APF Admin browser provide a graphical representation of
the agent-managed data within the system. Both provide custom controls to display the
management data exposed by the agent, and their presentation is tailored to ACI’s resource
Both the ACI desktop user interface and the APF Admin browser communicate with the ACI
Application Management agent (via the ESWeb server) using an HTTPS remote adaptor.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 19
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Getting started

ACIJMX command interpreter interface

The ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface (ACIJMXCI) is a command-line interface you can use
to submit ACIJMXCI commands or Jython scripts—from an IBM, UNIX, Windows, or HP Nonstop
shell environment—to be run by the ACIJMX agent.
ACIJMXCI commands can execute all of the functions available to you through the ACIJMX agent.
This includes functions like initiating operations on MBeans, setting and viewing attributes, and
running scripts.

ACI application management design

ACI Application Management is implemented using Java Management Extensions (JMX)
technology. JMX is an agent-based technology designed specifically to enable remote
management of Java applications and having a basic understanding of JMX is helpful to
understanding how ACI Application Management works. Documentation of JMX is readily available
on the Internet.
JMX agents and ACIJMX agents are designed based on the three-level architecture illustrated in
this graphic. ACIJMX agents add a fourth level to the architecture to handle security. The various
components included in this graphic are described below.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 20
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Getting started

Managed beans (MBeans)

In JMX, in order to be managed, a resource must first be instrumented, which essentially is the
process of exposing specific attributes and operations (properties and methods in Java class
terminology) of the resource for remote management.
JMX uses standard Java objects known as Managed Beans (MBeans for short) to instrument
resources to be managed by the agent as well as to perform other types of processing such as
managing or monitoring other MBeans.
MBeans are internal to the agent and provide a management interface to the resource. This
management interface enables the MBean to take the following actions on behalf of the resource:
• Read and/or write attributes (properties)
• Invoke operations (methods)
• Emit notifications
The collection of instrumentation MBeans defined to the agent make up what is called the
instrumentation layer.

ACI application management MBeans

ACIJMX agents provide a specialized set of MBeans responsible for carrying out the different
management functions available to the agent.

There are different hierarchical levels of MBeans. Those at the lowest level of the hierarchy
interact directly with the system resources they manage; those at higher levels of the hierarchy
interact with other MBeans and allow for grouping similar types of MBeans.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 21
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Getting started

Note: Certain MBeans are specific to the platforms they run on, although most function
across multiple platforms.

Defining MBeans
Top-level MBeans are defined to the ACIJMX agent in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\config\acijmx.mlet file
and are loaded at agent initialization.
MBeans nested under the top level can then be added as a group from a Python script built for
your system (e.g. or individually using operations exposed by the top-level MBeans.
Note: The Python script used to add groups of resources is built from an XML input file by
the runmbeanscriptbuilder script. Refer to section 16, “ACIJMX directory information”, for
information about the XML input file and the runmbeanscriptbuilder script.

MBean server
The MBean server is the core component of the JMX agent. It discovers and executes those
operations exposed by its registered MBeans. To be managed, resources must be registered to the
server through their corresponding MBeans. Once a resource is registered, it becomes visible to
the management applications to which the agent is connected. The MBeans server component
manages those MBeans that are registered to it, performing the following basic operations:
• Discovering, or determining, the management interface of each MBean.
• Querying MBeans.
• Reading and writing the attribute values exposed by the MBean.
• Performing operations exposed by the MBean.
• Receiving notifications emitted by the MBean.

Monitoring MBean changes

JMX provides two ways to monitor changes in MBeans: MBeans can emit notifications when
specific events occur (such as a change in an attribute value), or monitor MBeans can poll an
MBean periodically to retrieve the value of an attribute. Both of these approaches are used by the
ACIJMX agent.

JMX notifications and listeners

Notifications are JMX objects (functionally similar to event messages) emitted by MBeans and
received by the MBean Server that describe specific conditions that have occurred in an MBean’s
underlying resource (such as a state change). The notifications an MBean emits are specific to the
MBean and defined in its descriptor file.
Notifications map directly to events logged by the agent to its standard logging locations, and
they can also be used to trigger the execution of a script at the time the notification is raised.
Script execution is handled by the ScriptManager MBean.
JMX also supports the creation of Java classes called listeners that listen for notifications and
apply some type of logic when a notification is received. Listeners register with the MBean Server
to receive notifications from specific MBeans, or all MBeans. When those MBeans emit the
notifications they are sent to the listener at which point the listener carries out its prescribed

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The ACI Application Management ScriptManager MBean is a listener. It can listen for a notification
from a specific MBean and execute a specific script if it receives the notification.
Note: Listeners in this context are JMX constructs. They are not the same as listeners
defined within the ACI Java Server Framework.

Monitor MBeans
Monitor MBeans can be instantiated and configured to periodically observe other MBeans. Monitor
MBeans emit notifications only if a specific MBean attribute has changed beyond a specific
ACI Application Management supplies three monitor MBeans: CounterMonitor, GaugeMonitor, and

Connectors and remote adaptors

JMX connectors and remote adaptors are used to make agent functions accessible from remote
management applications. An agent can include any number of connectors and remote adaptors,
which allow it to be monitored and managed remotely—and simultaneously—through different
protocols. Together these connectors and remote adaptors make up the remote management
The following diagram shows the different types of connectors and adaptors supported by the
ACIJMX agent. Note that the default connection in all cases uses one-way or two-way SSL,
although this can be changed through configuration. Refer to section 17, “Configuring the ACIJMX
agent”, for information about configuring connectors and adaptors.

A connector makes a Java Management Extensions (JMX) MBean server accessible to remote Java
technology-based clients. This kind of communication involves a connector server in the agent and
a connector client in the manager—the client accessing the JMX agent as a remote representation
of the MBean server. In this case, the client and server convey management operations
transparently point-to-point over a specific protocol.

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ACI Application Management supports RMI and JMXMP connectors. Either type of connector can be
used to connect ACIJMX agents to other ACIJMX agents or to third-party monitoring applications.
Currently, the IBM Tivoli Monitoring system can only use RMI connectors.

Remote adaptors
Remote adaptors are similar to connectors except they provide protocol translations (e,.g., HTML,
SNMP). They provide a management view of the JMX agent through a given protocol by adapting
the agent operations into corresponding representations in the given protocol. Management
applications that connect to the JMX agent through remote adaptors are usually specific to the
given protocol. They access the agent not through a remote representation of the MBean server
(as is the case for connectors), but through operations that are mapped to and from those of the
MBean server.
ACI supports two HTTPS remote adaptors: one for the ESWEB server (which handles the ACI
desktop or APF Admin browser) to connect to the ACIJMX agent; one for ACIJMX Command
Interpreter Interface to connect to the ACIJMX agent.

ACI application management security

The ACIJMX agent uses the standard ACI Java Infrastructure (AJI) security framework to
authenticate Application Management users and to authorize and audit actions carried out through
Application Management.
To enforce and manage security, the ACIJMX agent expands the standard JMX three-layer
architecture by adding a security layer. This security layer handles all aspects of security for the
ACIJMX agent and communicates with the AJI security framework as needed for authentication,
authorization, and auditing.

Managed resources
The generic term for a system entity that can be managed is resource. The types of resources
that can be managed through ACI Application management are described in the following table.
What can be managed for each resource is controlled by the attributes and operations exposed by
the MBean used to instrument the resource.

Managed Resource MBean

System and application processes (System z platform) JSFZProcess
System and application processes (UNIX platform) JSFUnixProcess
System and application processes (Windows platform) JSFWndProcess

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Managed Resource MBean

Queue managers and queues WMQ (WebSphere
Queue Manager)
WMQQueue (WebSphere
Message Queue)
Communications managers and endpoints ICEXS CommsHandler
ICEStation pool
XPNET-specific resources XPNETSystem
Internal process resources that have been enabled to register with the Component
ACIJMX agent to expose their own sets of attributes and operations.

Platform access (IBM system z, UNIX, and Windows platforms)

ACIJMX agents on the IBM System z, UNIX, and Windows platforms carry out their management
functions using kernel facilities and communications.

Platform access (HP NonStop platforms)

ACIJMX agents on the HP NonStop platform carry out their management functions using the
existing Online Network Control Facility (ONCF) subsystem.
Requests for managing XPNET resources, result in one or more XPNET 3.1 ONCF requests to be
constructed and sent via the Network Control Point (NCP) server defined in the Pathway
environment. The agent sends the requests to pathway through the use of the HP NonStop Java
JToolkit product.

ACIJMX agent deployment

The ACIJMX agent runs in a Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) and is responsible for managing
resources within a defined domain. In this case, a domain is defined as a combination of an
application environment and machine boundaries. For example, there may be multiple agents
running on a given machine, one for managing a test/certification environment and one for
managing the live production environment.

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On the IBM System z platform, at least one ACIJMX agent must be running in an LPAR in order to
manage resources within the LPAR. Multiple agents can be established within an LPAR, although
that typically involves setting up a master ACIJMX agent.

Onboard or off-board deployment

An ACI Application Management agent can run on the managed system or optionally off-board
(UNIX, Windows, and System z) depending on requirements of the application.
Note that processes can only be started by a local ACIJMX agent (i.e., an agent running in the
same system as the process). Thus, offboard management typically requires the use of master
and client ACIJMX agents.

ACI desktop or APF admin browser connection

There is a one-to-one relationship between the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser and an ACI
Application Management agent. A single agent can interface with only one instance of the ACI
desktop or APF Admin browser user interface server. However, a single ACIJMX agent can be
configured to manage other ACIJMX agents—which enables management of multiple domains
from the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser.

Master and client application managers

A single ACIJMX agent can be configured to manage other ACIJMX agents. This capability allows
the management of multiple domains to be funneled through a single agent.
For example, there may be multiple agents running in a production environment, one for the
primary production site, one for a backup production site, and so on. In this case, it might be
beneficial to set up one of the ACIJMX agents (or a separate ACIJMX agent) to manage all other
ACIJMX agents running in that environment.
An ACIJMX agent that manages other ACIJMX agents is called a master ACIJMX agent, and the
ACIJMX agents being managed are called client ACIJMX agents.
In a multi-system environment (or multi-LPAR environment on an IBM System z platform), a
master agent can be deployed that can provide a single system image by interfacing to a number
of client agents.
Setting up master and client agent is performed using the TopologyManager MBean.

Database requirements (XML flat files)

The ACIJMX agent imposes no database requirements. All configuration data and all current state
information is stored as XML flat files, with backup copies.

Agent installation directory (<ACIJMX_BASE>)

The installation directory of the ACIJMX agent is set in the ACIJMX_BASE variable of the
acijmx_env_vars file and the acijmx.jmx.install.path property of the ACIJMX agents file. Throughout this manual, when referring to directory locations,
<ACIJMX_BASE> is used to denote the installation directory of the ACIJMX agent.

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MBean configuration directory

The configuration information for the MBeans is stored in XML descriptor files in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory. Among other things, these descriptor files define the attributes
and operations to be exposed by the MBean and the notifications the MBean is to generate.

Persistent store directory

The ACIJMX agent tracks the current attributes associated with their managed resources in XML
files that it writes to a persistent store (<ACIJMX_BASE>
\store) directory. One XML file is created and maintained for each managed resource—similar to
the following excerpt from a UNIX system:


When an attribute changes, the agent always renames the existing XML file with a .save suffix and
writes a new XML file.
The XML store file contains the most current information available for the managed resource; the
save version contains the next most recent view of the resource. The save files can be used for
recovery should a primary XML store file become corrupt.
The structure of each file is based on the corresponding resource descriptor file under the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory.
The location of the <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory is defined when installing the ACIJMX agent.
It is specified in the fifth parameter of acijmx.mlet file, created at installation in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory.

Maintenance considerations
System administrators need to consider how long to leave old files for purposes of restores and
whether to retain backups of old \store files.
When a resource MBean is deleted, the XML file remains unless it is specifically deleted. As long as
the XML file remains, you can use it to restore the resource for management. Restore operations
recreate MBeans using the previous settings in the XML file.
If they have been backed up and removed, the XML configuration files for deleted resources can
be restored to the <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory in order to facilitate a restore.

Supported management functionality

The management functionality supported by ACI Application Management and the ACIJMX agent is
summarized below.

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Security Note: The management functionality you have access to is controlled by the roles and
permissions you have been given. Certain capabilities described here may not be available to you.

Exposing consolidated management information

One of the primary functions of the ACIJMX agent is to provide a single, standard API to access
management information for ACI products. This API exposes all of its management capabilities to
the outside world. The ACIJMX agent uses connectors and remote adaptors to interface with the
• ACI desktop or APF Admin browser
• ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface (ACIJMXCI)
• Third-party monitoring applications and various enterprise management products

Viewing and modifying resource attributes

The ACIJMX agent provides access to the attributes associated with its managed resources.
Attributes define both the static and dynamic properties of the resource.
Some attributes are read-only; these typically reflect current status information about the
resource or static configuration information. Other attributes are read/write; these attributes
contain configuration information that can be updated.
The attributes exposed for each resource are defined by the MBean instrumenting the resource.

Monitoring attributes
ACIJMX agents can be set up to watch the values of attributes for exception conditions or out-of-
bound values and log warning/threshold events. This functionality is implemented using monitor
MBeans which are responsible for watching the values of specified attributes and issuing JMX
notifications when the monitored condition are met.
There are three types of monitor MBeans supported by the ACIJMX agent:

Monitor Type Description

CounterMonitor Compares an attribute value to a single threshold and emits a notification if
the threshold is exceeded. You can configure the monitor to compare the
threshold to an actual attribute value or to the difference between the
current and previous values of the attribute (the latter is called difference
mode). CounterMonitors are intended to monitor attributes whose values
increase linearly with time, such as message counts. The CounterMonitor
can also be configured to automatically reset its threshold to a higher value
each time it is exceeded up to a specified maximum.
GaugeMonitor Compares an attribute value to two thresholds—a high threshold and low
threshold—and can be configured to emit a notification if the attribute value
exceeds the high threshold or falls below the low threshold. GaugeMonitors
are used most often for attributes whose values increase and decrease over
time, such as the depth of messages on a queue. Similar to the
CounterMonitor, the GaugeMonitor can be configured to compare the high
and low thresholds to an actual attribute value or to the difference between

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Monitor Type Description

the current and previous values of the attribute (the latter is called
difference mode).
StringMonitor Compares an attribute value to a specific string value and can be configured
to emit a notification if the attribute value matches, or does not match, the
specific string value.

Monitors operate by executing on a predetermined interval and checking the configured attribute
value against its threshold values. The predetermined interval for monitor evaluation defaults to
10 seconds, but the evaluation interval can be modified once the monitor is added.
Notifications as a result of a monitor evaluation are mapped directly to standard events within the
ACIJMX environment.

Initiating operations
The ACIJMX agent provides access to those operations exposed by its managed resources. The
operations exposed for each resource are defined by the MBean instrumenting the resource.
Lower-level MBeans responsible for managing the resource directly typically support start, stop,
initialize, and kill operations.
Higher level management MBeans that manage other MBeans are typically instrumented to
support operations such as adding and deleting resources.

Sync operations – implementing descriptor file changes

All MBeans support a sync operation. This operation reinstantiates the MBean using the current
descriptor file—it enables changes in the descriptor files to be reflected in the MBeans.
For example, if you wanted to remove an operation (no longer allowing it to be exposed by an
MBean), you would comment it out of the MBean descriptor file to remove it from the
instrumentation and then perform a sync operation on existing MBeans of the corresponding type.
The sync operation would reinstantiate the MBean using the modified descriptor file, picking up
the new (in this case reduced) instrumentation.

Delete/restore operations
Where an MBean for a resource is deleted, the XML file carrying all of its information is retained in
the persistent store (<ACIJMX_BASE>\store) directory. As long as the XML file is not deleted
manually or as a part of maintenance, it can be used to restore the MBean. Several MBeans
support restore operations.

Restarting processes automatically

The ACIJMX agent can be configured to restart failed processes automatically. Automatic process
restarts are controlled by several attribute settings that are standard across all of the process
MBeans. These attributes enable you to specify, by process, whether or not to attempt an
automatic restart, the maximum number of times to try to restart the process if it fails, and the
amount of time to wait between automatic restart attempts.

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Adding and deleting processes

The ACIJMX agent can add and delete processes to the system it is managing. These actions are
carried out by the ProcessManager MBean and actually add and delete the underlying process
resources as well as their corresponding MBeans.
In addition to an addProcess operation, the ProcessManager MBean also supports an
addProcessLike operation which can be used to create new processes similar to processes that
already exist.

Entering BASE24-eps process control commands

The ProcessControl MBean provides the capability to enter BASE24-eps process control commands
through its exposed alter, deliver, info, and status operations. BASE24-eps process control
commands have a standardized syntax which makes them recognizable to the processes that
receive them regardless of how they are initiated. Process control commands entered through the
ACIJMX are functionally identical to the process control commands entered by any other means.
Valid processing control commands are documented in the BASE24-eps Process Control User

Executing scripts
The ACIJMX agent supports the capability to execute user-written Jython (Python with Java
bindings) scripts, either on demand or based on triggers you set up.
Scripts can be written for a multitude of purposes, from starting and stopping resources to
warmbooting all of the ACIJMX agent’s managed resources. Several Jython script samples are
provided in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\scripts directory.

Executing scripts using ScriptManager

The ScriptManager MBean provides the capability to execute scripts directly using one of its
exposed operations, to schedule scripts for execution, or to configure scripts to execute based on
the receipt of specific notifications from specific objects.
Scheduling scripts enables you to execute scripts automatically at specific dates and times—
optionally executing them automatically on a recurring daily basis.
Configuring scripts to execute based on the receipt of specific notifications from specific objects
enables you to write scripts to take action automatically based on specific changes to different
managed resources. In this case, the ScriptManager registers with the specified object (MBean) to
receive notifications. Upon receipt of a subsequent notification from the object, the ScriptManager
executes the specified script.

Executing scripts using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

The ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface (ACIJMXCI) provides the capability to execute scripts
directly using its RUN command.

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Processing and logging notifications and events

Notifications are internal events triggered within the agent that map directly to events logged by
the agent to the standard logging locations. These notifications can also trigger a script to be
executed at the time the notification or event is raised.
The ACIJMX agent logs events for notifications received from its MBeans as well as agent-specific

Enabling notifications
In order for notifications to function they must be enabled through the ServerManager MBean—
using the startNotifier operation. If they are not enabled, no notifications are generated or

Consolidating STDOUT and STDERR output with the event messages

All process MBeans monitor the STDOUT and STDERR locations for those processes they start.
Processes write to the STDOUT and STDERR locations if for some reason they cannot write
Any messages a process writes to its STDOUT or STDERR location are picked up by the process’
MBean and converted into standard event messages by the agent. The standard event messages
used are as follows:

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Location SSID Event # Event Text

STDOUT 6010 5
Output logged to console of Process <symbolic-
name>:<actual message text>

STDERR 6010 4
Error logged to console of Process <symbolic-
name>:<actual message text>

This functionality consolidates the output from multiple locations, so that all process-related
events can be monitored in one event location, rather than several.
Note: The ACIJMX agent itself can write to its STDOUT and STDERR locations when
necessary, so you need to be aware of any messages being written to these locations. The
STDOUT and STDERR locations reside in the <ACIJMX_BASE>
\logs directory. Refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide for information about
configuring event message handling for AJI server processes.

Instrumenting and managing process-defined resources

ACI Application Management supports the capability of both monitored (i.e, started, stopped, and
automatically restarted by the ACIJMX agent) and unmonitored processes to register and
instrument their own resources with the agent. Processes must be specifically adapted to do this,
but those that are adapted can expose their own component/service attributes and operations to
the agent for management.
If there is a specific internal resource—such as an internal metric or operation—to be exposed for
a process, the process can be modified to register that resource with the ACIJMX agent. For
example, if the number of messages read and sent are important metrics for a process, that
process can be adapted to expose those metrics as attributes through the ACIJMX agent.
Likewise, if resetting the message counts is a useful operator function, the process can be
adapted to expose that function as an operation through the ACIJMX agent.
The ACIJMX agent supports this type of instrumentation for both SIS-based C++ processes and
AJI-based Java processes, whether they are monitored or not by the agent.
At startup, an adapted process uses a defined port connection (defined in the
ManagementServerPort attribute of the ServerManager MBean) to connect to the agent and
register those components and services that it is written to register. Processes communicate with
the agent using an ACI standard instrumentation API.
The agent creates MBeans for each registered component and service and begins treating the
registered components and services as individual resources that can be managed.
Typically, internal process resources that expose attributes and operations for a single process are
registered as components, whereas internal process resources that expose global system
attributes and operations (representing information that crosses multiple process boundaries) are
registered as services.

BASE24-eps integrated server process components

The BASE24-eps Integrated Server process is adapted to register the Message Delivery Service
(MDS) and Interface components with the agent at startup as shown in the diagram below.

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The MDS component is registered as a component. The ACIJMX agent instantiates a Component
MBean to manage it.
The Interface components are registered as services. The ACIJMX agent instantiates Service
MBeans to manage these components.

Unmonitored (External) process components

Using the Management Service Client Framework API for AJI-based Java processes or the SIS
Management Service API for SIS-based processes, unmonitored (external) processes can register
components and services with the agent at startup as shown in the diagram below.

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Instrumenting and managing BASE24-eps business services

When in use, BASE24-eps business services, as well as any other SBA-based services, can be
instrumented and managed by the ACIJMX agent. The System Integration Services (SIS) and
Foundation layers that are part of all standard BASE24-eps C++ processes have built-in
functionality that enables service classes to register and expose processing metrics and operations
The ACIJMX agent enables you to manage the following types of service-based resources. This
table also identifies the SIS- and Foundation-based mechanisms used to register the resources,
along with the MBean definitions used.

Registration MBean Resource

SBA Metrics Component SBA component: Exposes attributes and operations for
individual service proxies or service stubs started in a
specific SBA-based application process.
SBA Metrics Service SBA service: Exposes aggregated metrics for all
instances of a specific service proxy or service stub
across multiple application processes in the system.
Foundation Metrics Component BSVC component: Exposes attributes and operations for
individual service consumers or service implementations
started in a specific SBA-based application process.
Foundation Metrics Service BSVC service: Exposes aggregated metrics for all
instances of a specific service consumer or service

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Registration MBean Resource

implementation across multiple application processes in
the system.
SBA Service Service SBA Service Management service: Exposes a set of
Management attributes and operations for each service provider that
registers with the SBA Service Locater process.

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ACI application management MBeans

ACI application management

Section 2:
This section describes each of the MBeans provided with ACI Application Management.

In this section:

ACI MBeans................................................................................................................. 37
BASE24-eps business services.....................................................................................115

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ACI application management MBeans

ACI MBeans
ACI Application Management provides a specialized set of MBeans that are responsible for
managing ACI recources.

MBean descriptor files

The MBeans are instantiated using XML descriptor files as templates. Among other things, these
XML descriptor files—known as model files—define the attributes and operations to be exposed to
the agent by the particular type of MBean as well as the notifications that the MBean can emit.
The descriptor files essentially define what the MBean can do.
MBean XML descriptor files are contained in the the <ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory.

MBean hierarchy
There are different hierarchical levels of MBeans. Those at the lowest level of the hierarchy
interact directly with the system resources they manage; those at higher levels of the hierarchy
interact with other MBeans and allow for grouping and managing similar types of MBeans.

Platform differences
Certain ACI MBeans are specific to the platforms they run on, although most function across
multiple platforms.

ACI desktop and APF admin browser

The ACI desktop and APF Admin browser provide a dynamic graphical representation of the
management functionality exposed by the MBeans documented in this section. All of the
management functionality provided through the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser corresponds
directly to the attributes and operations exposed by the various types of MBeans.

MBean summary
The following is a summary of ACI MBeans, indicating the platforms they can be used on and the
descriptor files used to instantiate them. The MBeans are provided in roughly the same
hierarchical order and structure as they appear on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser.

MBean Descriptor File Z/OS UNIX Wnd NSK

CommsManager CommsManager-descriptor.xml X X
ICEXS CommsHandler ICEXS-descriptor.xml X X
ICEMsgrouter ICEMsgrouter-descriptor.xml X X
ICEStation ICEStation-descriptor.xml X X
ICEStationPool ICEStationPool-descriptor.xml X X
MessagingManager MessagingManager-descriptor.xml X X

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ACI application management MBeans

MBean Descriptor File Z/OS UNIX Wnd NSK

WMQ (WebSphere WMQ-descriptor.xml X X
Queue Manager)
WMQQueue WMQQueue-descriptor.xml X X
Message Queue)
ProcessManager ProcessManager-descriptor.xml X X
JSFZProcess JSFZProcess-descriptor.xml X
SISZProcess SISZProcess-descriptor.xml X
ZProcess ZProcess-descriptor.xml X
JSFUnixProcess JSFUnixProcess-descriptor.xml X
SISUnixProcess SISUnixProcess-descriptor.xml X
UnixProcess UnixProcess-descriptor.xml X
JSFWndProcess JSFWndProcess-descriptor.xml X
WndProcess WndProcess-descriptor.xml X
ScriptManager ScriptManager-descriptor.xml X X
ServerManager ServerManager-descriptor.xml X X
CounterMonitor CounterMonitor-descriptor.xml X X
GaugeMonitor GaugeMonitor-descriptor.xml X X
StringMonitor StringMonitor-descriptor.xml X X
TopologyManager TopologyManager-descriptor.xml X X
RemoteAgentProxy RemoteAgentProxy-descriptor.xml X X
XPNETSystemManager XPNETSystemManager- X
XPNETSystem XPNETSystem-descriptor.xml X
XPNETNode XPNETNode-descriptor.xml X
XPNETStation XPNETStation-descriptor.xml X
XPNETQueue XPNETQueue-descriptor.xml X
XPNETProcess XPNETProcess-descriptor.xml X
Component Component-descriptor.xml X X X
Service Service-descriptor.xml X X X
Process Control ProcessControl-descriptor.xml X X X

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ACI application management MBeans

MBean Descriptor File Z/OS UNIX Wnd NSK

business services
SBA Metrics Component-descriptor.xml X X
Foundation Metrics Component-descriptor.xml X X
SBA Metrics Service Service-descriptor.xml X X
Foundation Metrics Service-descriptor.xml X X
SBA Service Service-descriptor.xml X X
Management Service

Operations parameters – selection patterns

Several search/selection operations exposed by certain MBeans provide the capability to filter the
returned matches based on a pattern entered as an operations parameter. Patterns can be
specific values, in which case the search/selection operations return a specific match. Standard
wildcard characters can also be introduced to expand the matching possibilities. MBean operations
support standard regular expressions. Several typical wildcard examples are provided below.

Pattern Match Description

* Multiple character match. Matches any values of any length. Can be used by
itself or conjunction with other characters.
* Would match any value of any length.
I* Would match any value of any length starting with I.
I*2 Would match any value of any length starting with I and
ending with 2.
? Single character match. Matches any single character value. Can be used by
itself or conjunction with other characters.
IS? Would match any three-character value starting with IS (e.g.,
IS1, IS2, ISa, etc.).
I? Would match any two-character value value starting with I.
I??2 Would match any four-character value starting with I and
ending with 2.
[] Matches any character within the brackets. The addition of a ^ character
matches any character not within the brackets.

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Pattern Match Description

IS[123] Would match any three-character value of IS1, IS2, or IS3
IS[^123] Would match any three-character value other than IS1, IS2, or

Manipulating resources using list/show/inquire/hide

The following manager-level MBeans support list, show, inquire, and hide operations that provide
options for viewing, adding, and removing resources in cases where the actual underlying
resources cannot be added or removed by the ACIJMX agent.
• WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean
• ICEXS (CommsHandler) MBean
• XPNETSystem MBean (does not support the inquire operation)
• XPNETNode MBean
The standard list, show, inquire, and hide operations can be useful for viewing potential resources
for management, for adding resources for permanent or temporary management, and for
removing resources from management.
Again, these operations do not add or remove underlying resources. They just expose or hide the
resources for management by the ACIJMX agent.

List operations
The following list operations list (i.e. return for display) all resources of a given type that are
available for management. Resources are listed regardless of whether or not they are currently
managed by the ACIJMX agent.

MBean List Operations

WMQ MBean listQueues – Provides a list of all queues defined to the WebSphere
queue manager.
ICEXS MBean listStations – Provides a list of all stations defined to the ICE-XS
listStationpools – Provides a list of all stationpools defined to the ICE-
XS process.
listMsgrouters – Provides a list of all Msgrouters defined to the ICE-XS
XPNETSystem MBean listNodes – Provides a list of all nodes defined to the XPNET process.
XPNETNode MBean listProcesses – Provides a list of all processes defined to the XPNET
listQueues – Provides a list of all queues defined to the XPNET node.

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ACI application management MBeans

MBean List Operations

listStations – Provides a list of all stations defined to the XPNET node.

Show operations – adding resources for permanent management

The show operations add a specific resource for permanent management. Permanent
management simply means that the resource is added and not removed automatically after a
period of time. The show operations create a resource MBean for the new resource being added.

MBean List Operations

WMQ MBean showQueues – Adds a queue.
ICEXS MBean showStations – Adds a station.
showStationpools – Adds a stationpool.
showMsgrouters – Adds a Msgrouter.
XPNETSystem MBean showNodes – Adds a node.
XPNETNode MBean showProcesses – Adds a process.
showQueues – Adds a queue.
showStations – Adds a station.

Inquire operations – adding resources for temporary management

The inquire operations add a specific resource for temporary management. Temporary
management means that the resource is added and then removed automatically after a specific
length of time (specified by the CleanupTimer attribute). The inquire operations create a resource
MBean for the new resource being added.

MBean List Operations

WMQ MBean inquireQueues – Adds a queue for the length of time specified by the
WMQ MBean CleanupTimer attribute.
ICEXS MBean inquireStations – Adds a queue for the length of time specified by the
ICEXS MBean CleanupTimer attribute.
inquireStationpools – Adds a stationpool for the length of time
specified by the ICEXS MBean CleanupTimer attribute.
inquireMsgrouters – Adds a Msgrouter for the length of time specified
by the ICEXS MBean CleanupTimer attribute.
XPNETNode MBean inquireProcesses – Adds a process for the length of time specified by
the XPNETNode MBean CleanupTimer attribute.
inquireQueues – Adds a queue for the length of time specified by the
XPNETNode MBean CleanupTimer attribute.

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MBean List Operations

inquireStations – Adds a station for the length of time specified by the
XPNETNode MBean CleanupTimer attribute.

Hide operation
The hide operations remove a specific resource from management. These operations delete the
resource MBean for the resource being removed, effectively eliminating it from management by
the ACIJMX agent. The operations do not have any affect on the underlying resource.

MBean List Operations

WMQ MBean hideQueues – Removes a queue.
ICEXS MBean hideStations – Removes a station.
hideStationpools – Removes a stationpool.
hideMsgrouters – Removes a Msgrouter.
XPNETSystem MBean hideNodes – Removes a node.
XPNETNode MBean hideProcesses – Removes a process.
hideQueues – Removes a queue.
hideStations – Removes a station.

MBean naming convention

The ACIJMX agent uses a standard naming convention for identifying its MBeans (also referred to
as objects). This convention is used internally; however, there are also places where the
convention is exposed through the ACIJMX MBean attributes and operations.
The MBean naming convention is structured as follows:
<domain>: name=<symbolic_name>, type=<value>[, subtype=<value>]
[, agent=<symbolic_name>]
Example: ACI_JMX: name=ACI_HISO93, type=Process, subtype=zProcess, agent=ACI_MFZ
The various identifiers included in the convention are described below. Note that the name, type,
subtype and agent values can be in any order.

Identifier Description
<domain> The domain of the ACIJMX agent. The domain is defined by the following
attribute in the files used by the ACIJMX agent. It will be the
same for all of an ACIJMX agent’s MBeans.

name= Symbolic name of the MBean (object). This value is the Symname attribute
value from the MBean.
type= Type of MBean (object). Valid values are provided in a separate table below.

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Identifier Description
subtype= Subtype of the MBean (object). Only included for certain MBeans. Valid values
are provided in a separate table below.
agent= Used with remote MBeans (objects) only—those being managed through a
RemoteAgentProxy MBean. This is the symbolic name of the remote (client)
agent under which the object is instantiated. This value is the Symname
attribute value from the RemoteAgentProxy MBean for the object.

Valid types and subtype

The type and subtype identifiers used in the MBean naming convention are based on the kind of
MBean (object). Type and subtype identifiers are provided below for each MBean.

MBean type= subtype=

CommsManager CommsManager No subtype
Component Component No subtype
CounterMonitor Monitor CounterMonitor
GaugeMonitor Monitor GaugeMonitor
ICEMsgrouter Msgrouter ICEMsgrouter
ICEStation Station ICEStation
ICEStationpool Station ICEStationpool
ICEXS CommsHandler ICEXS
JSFUnixProcess Process JSFUnixProcess
JSFWndProcess Process JSFWndProcess
JSFZProcess Process JSFZProcess
MessagingManager MessagingManager No subtype
ProcessControl ProcessControl No subtype
ProcessManager ProcessManager No subtype
RemoteAgentProxy RemoteAgentProxy No subtype
ScriptManager ScriptManager No subtype
ServerManager ServerManager No subtype
Service Service No subtype
SISUnixProcess Process SISUnixProcess
SISZProcess Process SISZProcess
StringMonitor Monitor StringMonitor
TopologyManager TopologyManager No subtype

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MBean type= subtype=

UnixProcess Process Process
WMQ QueueManager WMQ
WMQQueue Queue WMQQueue
WndProcess Process Process
XPNETNode XPNETNode No subtype
XPNETProcess Process XPNETProcess
XPNETQueue Queue XPNETQueue
XPNETStation Station XPNETStation
XPNETSystem XPNETSystem No subtype
XPNETSystemManager XPNETSystemManager No subtype
ZProcess Process ZProcess

Use with monitors

Monitor MBeans use the standard naming convention for identifying the objects that they monitor.
The only difference is that the agent value is not used, because monitors can only be configured
to monitor local resources (i.e., MBeans instantiated by their own ACIJMX agent). The following is
an example:
Example: ACI_JMX: name=ACI_HISO93, type=Process, subtype=zProcess

The CommsManager is a top-level MBean that manages CommsHandler MBeans on an IBM
System z or other UNIX platform.
Currently, the only CommsHandler MBean supported by the ACIJMX agent is the ICEXS MBean.
Note: Communications components on an HP NonStop platform are managed by the
XPNETSystemManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by the CommsManager MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
CommsHandlerList List of configured CommsHandlers No
Symname CommsHandler symbolic name No

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The following are the operations exposed by the CommsManager MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Add addCommsHandler Adds a new <CommsHandler name –
CommsHandler MBean. symbolic name of the
<CommsHandler style –
currently, the only supported
style is ICEXS>

Delete deleteCommsHandler Deletes an existing <CommsHandler name –

CommsHandler MBean. symbolic name of the
Add Like addLikeCommsHandler Adds a new <New CommsHandler name –
CommsHandler MBean symbolic name of the new
that has characteristics CommsHandler>
like an existing
CommsHandler MBean.
name – symbolic name of the
existing CommsHandler>

Restore restoreCommsHandler Restores a deleted <CommsHandler name

CommsHandler MBean. pattern – refer to the
“Operations parameters –
selection patterns” topic for a
description of acceptable
Init init Initializes the
CommsManager MBean.
Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates
management of all
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean
using the current
descriptor file. This
operation allows changes
in the descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.

The CommsManager MBean emits no notifications.

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ICEXS (CommsHandler)
ICEXS (CommsHandler) MBeans interact with and manage a running ICE-XS process. It also
creates and manages the following MBeans:
• ICEMsgrouter
• ICEStation
• ICEStationPool
One ICEXS MBean manages a single ICE-XS process, and one ICEXS MBean must be created for
each ICE-XS process to be managed.
ICEXS MBeans are created and managed by the CommManager MBean.
Note: ICE-XS is set up and configured externally to the ACIJMX agent and must be
configured prior to setting up the ACIJMX agent for the product. The ACIJMX agent cannot
create or delete ICE-XS resources. It can only expose and manage those resources already
Note: ICE-XS processes can be managed and stopped and started using the ZProcess or
UNIXProcess MBean. Refer to those MBeans for information on that attributes and
operations they expose.

The following are the attributes exposed by the ICEXS (CommsManager) MBean. The right-most
column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
Version ICE-XS Version No
Symname ICE-XS process symbolic name No
MonitoredStationList List of stations managed permanently No
InquiredStationList List of stations managed temporarily No
MonitoredStationpoolList List of stationpools managed permanently No
InquiredStationpoolList List of stationpools managed temporarily No
MonitoredMsgrouterList List of msgrouters managed permanently No
InquiredMsgrouterList List of msgrouters managed temporarily No
State CommsHandler current state. Values are Uninitialized, No
Initialized, Connected, or Disconnected.
CleanupTimer The number of seconds that temporary ICEMsgrouter, Yes
ICEStation, and ICEStationpool MBeans are available to
the ACIJMX agent for management. Temporary
ICEMsgrouter, ICEStation, and ICEStationpool MBeans are
automatically deleted after this number of seconds.

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Attribute Description Mod

InitialCommsHandlerState CommsHandler initial state—the state the MBean is to be Yes
placed in when the ACIJMX agent starts. Values are
Connected or Disconnected.

The following are the operations exposed by the ICEXS (CommsManager) MBean. The left-most
column indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the
operation. The right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Init init Initializes the ICEXS MBean.
Show showStation Adds an ICE-XS station for <station name – symbolic
Station permanent management. name of the station>
Hide hideStation Removes an ICE-XS station <station name – symbolic
Station from management. name of the station>
Inquire inquireStation Adds an ICE-XS station for <station name – symbolic
Station temporary management. name of the station>
Show showStationpool Adds an ICE-XS stationpool <stationpool name –
Stationpool for permanent management. symbolic name of the
Hide hideStationpool Removes an ICE-XS <stationpool name –
Stationpool stationpool from symbolic name of the
management. stationpool>
Inquire inquireStationpool Adds an ICE-XS stationpool <stationpool name –
Stationpool for temporary management. symbolic name of the
Show showMsgrouter Adds an ICE-XS msgrouter for <msgrouter name –
Msgrouter permanent management. symbolic name of the
Hide hideMsgrouter Removes an ICE-XS <msgrouter name –
Msgrouter msgrouter from management. symbolic name of the
Inquire inquireMsgrouter Adds an ICE-XS msgrouter for <msgrouter name –
Msgrouter temporary management. symbolic name of the
List listStations Produces a listing of stations <Station name pattern –
Stations defined to the ICE-XS process refer to the “Operations
—not just those managed by parameters – selection
the ICEXS MBean. patterns” topic for a

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Button Operation Description Parameters

description of acceptable
List listStationpools Produces a listing of <Stationpool namepattern
Stationpools stationpools defined to the – refer to the “Operations
ICE-XS process—not just parameters – selection
those managed by the ICEXS patterns” topic for a
MBean. description of acceptable
List listMsgrouters Produces a listing of <Msgrouter name pattern
Msgrouters msgrouters defined to the – refer to the “Operations
ICE-XS process—not just parameters – selection
those managed by the ICEXS patterns” topic for a
MBean. description of acceptable
Connect connect Connects to the ICE-XS
Disconnect disconnect Disconnects from the ICE-XS
Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates the
management functions of the
ICE-XS (CommsHandler)
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean
using the current descriptor
file. This operation allows
changes in the descriptor file
to be reflected in the MBean.

The ICEXS CommsHandler MBean emits no notifications.

ICEMsgrouter MBeans interact with and manage ICE-XS message routers.
One ICEMsgrouter MBean manages a single message router and one ICEMsgrouter MBean must
be created for each message router to be managed.
ICEMsgrouter MBeans are created and managed by the ICEXS MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by an ICEMsgrouter MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

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Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
Symname ICE-XS Msgrouter symbolic name No
CommsHandlerName ICE-XS CommsHandler name (the symbolic name of the ICE- No
XS process)
State Msgrouter current state. Values are Started or Stopped. No
CommsHandlerState CommsHandler current state. Values are Uninitialized, No
Initialized, Connected, or Disconnected.
isMonitored True means the msgrouter is permanently managed; false No
means the msgrouter is only temporarily managed.
ConnsAccepted Number of connections accepted by this msgrouter No
ConnsRefused Number of connections refused by this msgrouter No
InboundConns Number of current inbound connections No
OutboundConns Number of current outbound connections No
PeakInboundConns The highest number of concurrent inbound connections since No
the msgrouter was started
PeakOutboundConns The highest number of concurrent outbound connections since No
the msgrouter was started

The following are the operations exposed by an ICEMsgrouter MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Init init Initialize the ICEMsgrouter MBean.
Get Attr getAttrSummary Retrieves msgrouter information. This operation generates
Summary an INFO msgrouter NOF-XS ICE-XS process command and
accepts the returned information.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file.
This operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.

The ICEMsgRouter MBean emits no notifications.

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ICEStation MBeans interact with and manage ICE-XS stations.
One ICEStation MBean manages a single station and one ICEStation MBean must be created for
each station to be managed.
ICEStation MBeans are created and managed by the ICEXS MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by an ICEStation MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
Symname ICE-XS Station symbolic name No
CommsHandlerName ICE-XS CommsHandler name No
State ICE-XS Station current state. Values are Stopped, Starting, No
Started, or Not Available.
CommsHandlerState ICE-XS CommsHandler state Values are Uninitialized, No
Initialized, Connected, or Disconnected.
isMonitored True means the station is permanently managed; false No
means the station is only temporarily managed.
BytesReceived Number of bytes received by this station since it was No
BytesSent Number of bytes sent using this station since it was No
MessagesReceived Number of messages received by this station since it was No
MessagesSent Number of messages sent using this station since it was No
MsgrouterName Msgrouter associated with this station No
StationpoolName Stationpool associated with this station No

The following are the operations exposed by an ICEStation MBean. The left-most column indicates
the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Init init Initializes the ICEStation MBean.
Start start Starts the station.

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Button Operation Description

Stop stop Stops the station.
Get Attr getAttrSummary Retrieves station information. This operation generates an
Summary INFO STATION NOF-XS ICE-XS process command and
accepts the returned information.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file.
This operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.

The ICEStation MBean emits no notifications.

ICEStationpool MBeans interact with and manage ICE-XS stationpools.
One ICEStationpool MBean manages a single stationpool, and one ICEStationpool MBean must be
created for each stationpool to be managed.
ICEStationpool MBeans are created and managed by the ICEXS MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by an ICEStationpool MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
Symname ICE-XS Stationpool symbolic name No
CommsHandlerName ICE-XS CommsHandler name No
State ICE-XS Stationpool state. Values are Stopped, Starting, No
Started, or Not Available.
CommsHandlerState ICE-XS CommsHandler state. Values are Uninitialized, No
Initialized, Connected, or Disconnected.
isMonitored True means the stationpool is permanently managed; false No
means the stationpool is only temporarily managed.
BytesReceived Number of bytes received by this stationpool since it was No
BytesSent Number of bytes sent using this stationpool since it was No
MessagesReceived Number of messages received by this stationpool since it was No

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Attribute Description Mod

MessagesSent Number of messages sent using this stationpool since it was No
MsgrouterName Msgrouter associated with this stationpool No
StationpoolName Stationpool name No

The following are the operations exposed by an ICEStationpool MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Init init Initializes the ICEStationpool MBean.
Start start Starts the stationpool.
Stop stop Stops the stationpool.
Get Attr getAttrSummary Retrieves stationpool information. This operation generates
Summary an INFO STATIONPOOL NOF-XS ICE-XS process command
and accepts the returned information.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file.
This operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.

The ICEStationpool MBean emits no notifications.

The MessagingManager is a top-level MBean that manages queue manager MBeans on an IBM
System z or other UNIX platform.
Currently, the only queue manager MBean supported by the ACIJMX agent is the WMQ
(WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean.
Note: Messaging components on an HP NonStop platform are managed by the
XPNETSystemManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by the MessagingManager MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

QManagerList List of configured queue managers No

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Attribute Description Mod

Symname MessagingManager symbolic name No

The following are the operations exposed by an MessagingManager MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Add addQueueManager Adds a new queue <QueueManager name –
manager. symbolic name of the queue
<QueueManager type –
currently, the only supported
type is WMQ>

Delete deleteQueueManager Deletes an existing <QueueManager name –

queue manager. symbolic name of the queue
Add Like addLikeQueueManager Adds a new queue <New QueueManager name –
manager like an symbolic name of the new
existing one. queue manager>
<Existing QueueManager name
– symbolic name of the existing
queue manager>

Restore restoreQueueManager Restores a deleted <QueueManager name pattern

queue manager. – refer to the “Operations
parameters – selection
patterns” topic for a description
of acceptable values>
Init init Initializes the
Shutdown shutdown Gracefully
management on all
queue managers.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the
MBean using the
current descriptor
file. This operation
allows changes in
the descriptor file to

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Button Operation Description Parameters

be reflected in the

The MessagingManager MBean emits no notifications.

WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager)

The WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean interacts with and manages the IBM Websphere
MQ queue manager. It also manages the WMQQueue MBeans.
One WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean manages a single IBM Websphere MQ queue
manager and, in most cases, there is only one.
WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBeans are created and managed by the MessagingManager
Note: The IBM Websphere MQ queue manager is set up and configured externally to the
ACIJMX agent and must be configured prior to setting up the ACIJMX agent. The ACIJMX
agent cannot create or delete IBM Websphere MQ queue manager resources (i.e., queues).
It can only expose and manage those resources already configured.

The following are the attributes exposed by a WMQ (WebSphere QueueManager) MBean. The
right-most column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Symname Symbolic name No
Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
QueueManagerName Queue manager name No
CharacterSet Character set ID of the queue manager’s code set No
MaximumMessageLength The maximum message size that can be handled by the No
queue manager
State Queue manager current state. Values are Uninitialized, No
Initialized, Connected, or Disconnected.
ClientChannel Name of the server-connection channel on the IBM Yes
Websphere MQ queue manager. Used with client mode,
but not bindings mode connections. For client mode
connections, this is typically the SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN
default server connection channel. Refer to section 8 for
more information about client and bindings mode
ClientHostname Name of the host to connect to for IBM Websphere MQ Yes
queue manager access. Used with client mode, but not

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Attribute Description Mod

bindings mode connections. For client mode connections,
set to the DNS hostname to contact for accessing this
queue manager. Typically, the queue manager is running
on the same system as the agent, so the value “localhost”
can be used for this attribute. Refer to section 8 for more
information about client and bindings mode connections.
ClientPort Port to connect to for IBM Websphere MQ queue manager Yes
access. Used with client mode, but not bindings mode
connections. For client mode connections, set to the port
number (e.g., 1414) that the MQ listener uses for
connections. For example, in a BASE24-eps system, this
would be the same value specified by the MQ_PORT_JMS
environment variable. Refer to section 8 for more
information about client and bindings mode connections.
CleanupTimer The number of seconds that temporary WMQQueue Yes
MBeans are available to the ACIJMX agent for
management. Temporary WMQQueue MBeans are
automatically deleted after this number of seconds.
MonitoredQueueList List of managed queues No
InitialManagerState The state of a queue manager following initialization—the Yes
state the MBean is to be placed in when the ACIJMX
agent starts. Values are Connected or Disconnected.
Optional for both client mode and bindings mode
connections. Refer to section 8 for more information
about client and bindings mode connections.
By default, the WMQ MBean does not automatically
connect to the underlying MQ queue manager when the
ACIJMX agent is initialized (to accommodate the situation
where the MQ queue manager is not initialized when the
ACIJMX agent is started). Setting this attribute to
“Connected” causes the WMQ MBean to connect to the
queue manager automatically at agent startup.

The following are the operations exposed by the WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean. The
left-most column indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate
the operation. The right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Init init Initializes the WMQ MBean.
List listQueues Produces a listing of queues defined <Queue pattern – refer to
Queues to the WebSphere queue manager— the “Operations

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Button Operation Description Parameters

not just those managed by the parameters – selection
WMQ MBean. patterns” topic for a
description of acceptable
The WebSphere queue manager’s
MQ command server must be
running in order to process this

Connect connect Reconnects to the queue manager.

Disconnect disconnect Disconnects from the queue
Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates management
of the WMQ MBean.
Show showQueue Adds a queue for permanent <Queue name – symbolic
Queue management. name of the queue>
Inquire inquireQueue Adds a queue for temporary <Queue name – symbolic
Queue management. name of the queue>
Hide hideQueue Removes a queue from <Queue name – symbolic
Queue management. name of the queue>
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the
current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the
descriptor file to be reflected in the

The WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean emits no notifications.

WMQQueue (WebSphere Message Queue)

WMQQueue (WebSphere Message Queue) MBeans interact with and manage individual IBM
Websphere MQ queues.
One WMQQueue MBean manages a single queue, and one WMQQueue MBean must be created for
each queue to be managed.
WMQQueue MBeans are created and managed by the WMQ MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by a WMQQueue (WebSphere Message Queue) MBean.
The right-most column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Symname Symbolic name for the queue No

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Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
QueueManagerName Queue manager name No
QueueState Queue current state. Values are Initialized, Not No
Initialized, Connected, or Disconnected.
MaximumMessageLength Maximum size of application data No
OpenInputCount The number of handles that are currently valid for No
removing messages from the queue
OpenOutputCount The number of handles that are currently valid for adding No
messages to the queue
isMonitored True means the queue is permanently managed; false No
means the queue is only temporarily managed.
QueueType The queue type No
CurrentQueueDepth Current queue depth No
MaxQueueDepth Maximum number of messages allowed to be put on the No
InhibitGet True means MQGET operations are restricted (not Yes
allowed); false means MQGET operations are not
InhibitPut True means MQPUT operations are restricted (not Yes
allowed); false means MQPUT operations are not

The following are the operations exposed by the WMQQueue (WebSphere Message Queue) MBean.
The left-most column indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to
initiate the operation. The right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Get Attr getAttrSummary Retrieves useful Queue
Summary attributes. This operation
returns CreationDateTime and
TriggerData for the queue.
Init init Initializes the WMQQueue
Pop pop Clears the specified number of <Number of messages to
messages. remove>
Connect connect Connects to the queue manager.
This operation allows for

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Button Operation Description Parameters

gathering information and
performing operations on the
Disconnect disconnect Disconnects from the queue
Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates
management of the WMQQueue
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using
the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the
descriptor file to be reflected in
the MBean.

The WMQQueue (WebSphere Message Queue) MBean emits no notifications.

The ProcessManager is a top-level MBean. It manages other MBeans that manage processes
directly on the IBM System z, UNIX, and Windows platforms.
The ProcessManager can create the following types of MBeans:
• ZProcess and UnixProcess MBeans. These MBeans can be used to manage any type of
executable UNIX process.
• WndProcess MBeans. These MBeans can be used to manage any type of executable Windows
• SISZProcess and SISUnixProcess MBeans. These MBeans expose a specialized set of attributes
and operations used to manage BASE24-eps C++ processes.
• JSFZProcess, JSFUnixProcess, and JSFWndProcess MBeans. These MBeans expose a specialized
set of attributes and operations used to manage Java processes built on the ACI Java Server
Framework (AJSF).
Note: Process management on the HP NonStop platform is handled by the
XPNETSystemManager and XPNETProcess MBeans.

The following are the attributes exposed by the ProcessManager MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
ProcessList List of configured processes No

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Attribute Description Mod

Symname ProcessManager symbolic name No

The following are the operations exposed by the ProcessManager MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Add addProcess Adds a new process. <Process name – symbolic name of
the process>
<Process style: values are
ZProcess, JSFZProcess,
SISZProcess, UNIXProcess,
WndProcess, JSFUNIXProcess,
JSFWndProcess, SISUNIXProcess
depending the type of MBean to be

Delete deleteProcess Deletes an existing <Process name – symbolic name of

process. the process>
Add addProcessLike Adds a new process that <New process name – symbolic
Like has characteristics like an name of the new process>
existing process.
<Existing process name – symbolic
name of the existing process>

Restore restoreProcesses Restores a deleted <Symbolic name pattern – refer to

process MBean. the “Operations parameters –
selection patterns” topic for a
description of acceptable values>
Init init Initializes the
ProcessManager MBean.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean <Process name – symbolic name of
using the current the process>
descriptor file. This
operation allows changes
in the descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.

The ProcessManager MBean emits no notifications.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 59
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

UnixProcess MBeans interact with and manage unspecialized UNIX processes running on a UNIX
One UnixProcess MBean manages a single process, and one UnixProcess MBean must be created
for each process of this type to be managed.
UnixProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.
Note: Specialized processes—System Interface Services (SIS) and ACI Java Server
Framework (AJSF) processes—require their own specialized MBeans, SISUnixProcess and
JSFUnixProcess, respectively.

The following are the attributes exposed by a UnixProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
OutPath File path for standard output Yes
EnvPath File path of a file that specifies environment variables Yes
required by the process
InstanceHandle System-specific process instance information No
Args The startup arguments required by the process for Yes
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components/services No
ExecutablePath Program file path Yes
State The current execution state of the process. Values are No
Uninitialized, Stopped, Starting, Started, Stopping, or
ErrPath File path for standard error output Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the Yes
process is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
Symname Process symbolic name No

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to Yes
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.

The following are the operations exposed by a UnixProcess MBean. The left-most column indicates
the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in
the MBean.
Init init Initializes the UnixProcess MBean.

The UnixProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
ocess_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string} 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally terminated,
ocess_abnormal_termin Critical exit status {exit status as string}, {restart
ation_err indication}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.u 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process
nsupported_operation_e Warning {subject}
rr 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process
ocess_error_log Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard error} 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process
ocess_output_log Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard output} 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in
ocess_cmdstate_err Warning state 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process
ocess_service_err Info {subject}: {exception string}

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 61
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

JSFUnixProcess MBeans interact with and manage ACI Java Server Framework processes running
on a UNIX platform. ACI Java Server Framework processes are Java processes built using the ACI
Java Server Framework (AJSF). These processes have attributes unique to the AJSF and thus
require a specialized MBean.
One JSFUnixProcess MBean manages a single process, and one JSFUnixProcess MBean must be
created for each AJSF process to be managed.
JSFUnixProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by a JSFUnixProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
InstanceHandle Process ID (PID) No
Args Arguments to be supplied to the main class Yes
State Current process state. Values are Uninitialized, Stopped, No
Starting, Started, Stopping, or Abnormal.
Symname Process symbolic name No
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to Yes
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.
ProcessId Process instance used as key to the Application Yes
Configuration (APPLCNFG) table.
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes
ConfigFile Configuration properties file Yes
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components No
ExecutablePath Program file path (JVM) Yes
ErrPath File path for standard error messages Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the process Yes
is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 62
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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
ClassName Java class to execute (with main) Yes
VMArgs Runtime switches for JVM Yes
ManageProcess True means the process can register internal components Yes
or services for management; false means the process
cannot register internal components or services for

The following are the operations exposed by a JSFUnixProcess MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.
Init init Initializes the JSFUnixProcess MBean.
Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the

The JSFUnixProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
ocess_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string} 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally
ocess_abnormal_termina Critical terminated, exit status {exit status as
tion_err string}, {restart indication}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.u 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process
nsupported_operation_e Warning {subject}
rr 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process
ocess_error_log Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard error}

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 63
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ACI application management MBeans

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process
ocess_output_log Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard output} 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in
ocess_cmdstate_err Warning state 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process
ocess_server_err Info {subject}: {exception string}

SISUnixProcess MBeans interact with and manage C++ processes, implemented with System
Interface Services (SIS), running on a UNIX platform. Processes implemented with SIS have
unique attributes that require specialized MBeans.
One SISUnixProcess MBean manages a single process, and one SISUnixProcess MBean must be
created for each process of this type to be managed.
SISUnixProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by a SISUnixProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
Args Additional startup arguments Yes
ConfigPath Directory for static configuration files Yes
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes
ModelQueueStub Queue name stub for synchronous queue names Yes
CommandQueue Process instance name and command queue Yes
ErrPath File path for standard error output Yes
ThreadCount Number of processing threads to initiate Yes
QueueManager Queue manager name Yes
InstanceHandle Process ID (PID) No
InputQueue Queue name for request input Yes
State Current process state. Values are Uninitialized, No
Stopped, Starting, Started, Stopping, or Abnormal.

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Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

Symname Process symbolic name No
TimerQueue Queue name for timer requests Yes
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to Yes
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes
MetadataType Type of metadata. Values are CSV (comma separated Yes
value and MT (memory table). Only MT is supported.
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components No
ExecutablePath Program file path Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the Yes
process is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
DataPath Directory for metadata Yes
ApplicationId Metadata application ID Yes
ManageProcess True means the process can register internal Yes
components or services for management; false means
the process cannot register internal components or
services for management.

The following are the operations exposed by a SISUnixProcess MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.
Init init Initializes the SISUnixProcess MBean.
Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 65
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ACI application management MBeans

The SISUnixProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
ocess_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string} 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally terminated,
ocess_abnormal_termina Critical exit status {exit status as string},
tion_err {restart indication}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.u 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process
nsupported_operation_e Warning {subject}
rr 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process
ocess_error_log Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard error} 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process
ocess_output_log Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard output} 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in
ocess_cmdstate_err Warning state 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process
ocess_service_err Info {subject}: {exception string}

JSFZProcess MBeans interact with and manage ACI Java Server Framework processes running on
an IBM System z platform. ACI Java Server Framework processes are Java processes built using
the ACI Java Server Framework (AJSF). These processes have attributes unique to the AJSF and
thus require a specialized MBean.
One JSFZProcess MBean manages a single process, and one JSFZProcess MBean must be created
for each AJSF process to be managed.
JSFZProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by a JSFZProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
InstanceHandle Process PID No
Args Arguments to be supplied to the main class Yes

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 66
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

State Current process state. Values are Uninitialized, Stopped, No
Starting, Started, Stopping, or Abnormal.
Symname Process symbolic name No
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to Yes
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.
ProcessId Process instance used as key to the Application Yes
Configuration (APPLCNFG) table.
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes
ConfigFile Configuration properties file Yes
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components No
ExecutablePath Program file path (JVM) Yes
ErrPath File path for standard error messages Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the process Yes
is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
ClassName Java class to execute (with main) Yes
VMArgs Runtime switches for JVM Yes
ManageProcess True means the process can registered internal Yes
components or services for management; false means
the process cannot.

The following are the operations exposed by a JSFZProcess MBean. The left-most column indicates
the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 67
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

Button Operation Description

Init init Initializes the JSFZProcess MBean.
Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the

The JSFZProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message

com.aciworldwide. 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
jmx.process_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string}

com.aciworldwide. 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally

jmx.process_ Critical terminated, exit status {exit status as
abnormal_ string}, {restart indication}

com.aciworldwide. 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process

jmx.unsupported_ Warning {subject}

com.aciworldwide. 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process

jmx.process_error_ Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
log standard error}

com.aciworldwide. 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process

jmx.process_output_ Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
log standard output}

com.aciworldwide. 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in

jmx.process_ Warning state

com.aciworldwide. 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process

jmx.process_server_ Info {subject}: {exception string}

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 68
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

SISZProcess MBeans interact with and manage C++ processes implemented with System
Interface Services (SIS) and running on an IBM System z platform. Processes implemented with
SIS have unique attributes that require specialized MBeans.
One SISZProcess MBean manages a single process, and one SISZProcess MBean must be created
for each process of this type to be managed.
SISZProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by a SISZProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
Args Additional startup arguments Yes
ConfigPath Directory for static configuration files Yes
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes
ModelQueueStub Queue name stub for synchronous queue names Yes
CommandQueue Process instance name and command queue Yes
ErrPath File path for standard error output Yes
ThreadCount Number of processing threads to initiate Yes
QueueManager Queue manager name Yes
InstanceHandle Process PID No
InputQueue Queue name for request input Yes
State Current process state. Values are Uninitialized, Stopped, No
Starting, Started, Stopping, or Abnormal.
Symname Process symbolic name No
TimerQueue Queue name for timer requests Yes
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to Yes
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes
MetadataType Type of metadata. Values are CSV (comma separated Yes
value and MT (memory table). Only MT is supported.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 69
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

RegisteredComponentList List of registered components No
ExecutablePath Program file path Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the Yes
process is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
DataPath Directory for metadata Yes
ApplicationId Metadata application ID Yes
ManageProcess True means the process can register internal Yes
components or services for management; false means
the process cannot register internal components or
services for management.

The following are the operations exposed by a SISZProcess MBean. The left-most column indicates
the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.
Init init Initializes the SISZProcess MBean.
Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the

The SISZProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
ocess_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string} 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally terminated,
ocess_abnormal_termin Critical exit status {exit status as string}, {restart
ation_err indication}

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 70
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ACI application management MBeans

Type SSID/# Severity Message

com.aciworldwide.jmx.u 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process
nsupported_operation_e Warning {subject}
rr 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process
ocess_error_log Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard error} 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process
ocess_output_log Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard output} 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in
ocess_cmdstate_err Warning state 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process
ocess_service_err Info {subject}: {exception string}

ZProcess MBeans interact with and manage unspecialized processes running on an IBM System z
One ZProcess MBean manages a single process, and one ZProcess MBean must be created for
each process of this type to be managed.
ZProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.
Note: Specialized processes—System Interface Services (SIS) and ACI Java Server
Framework (AJSF) processes—require their own specialized MBeans, SISZProcess and
JSFZProcess, respectively.

The following are the attributes exposed by a ZProcess MBean. The right-most column indicates
whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
OutPath File path for standard output Yes
EnvPath File path for environment variable loading Yes
InstanceHandle System-specific process instance information No
Args Startup arguments Yes
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components/services No

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 71
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

ExecutablePath Program file path Yes
State Current process state. Values are Uninitialized, Stopped, No
Starting, Started, Stopping, or Abnormal.
ErrPath File path for standard error output Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the process Yes
is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting to
restart the process again.
Symname Process symbolic name No
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to restart Yes
a failed process. After this number of attempts, the
MBean ceases trying to restart the process.

The following are the operations exposed by a ZProcess MBean. The left-most column indicates
the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.
sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the
Init init Initializes the ZProcess MBean.

The ZProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
ocess_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string} 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally terminated,
ocess_abnormal_termina Critical exit status {exit status as string},
tion_err {restart indication}

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 72
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ACI application management MBeans

Type SSID/# Severity Message

com.aciworldwide.jmx.u 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process
nsupported_operation_e Warning {subject}
rr 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process
ocess_error_log Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard error} 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process
ocess_output_log Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard output} 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in
ocess_cmdstate_err Warning state 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process
ocess_service_err Info {subject}: {exception string}

WndProcess MBeans interact with and manage unspecialized Windows processes running on a
Windows platform.
One WndProcess MBean manages a single process, and one WndProcess MBean must be created
for each process of this type to be managed.
WndProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.
Note: Specialized processes—ACI Java Server Framework (AJSF) processes—require their
own specialized JSFWndProcess MBeans.

The following are the attributes exposed by a WndProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
OutPath File path for standard output Yes
EnvPath File path of a file that specifies environment variables Yes
required by the process
InstanceHandle System-specific process instance information No
Args The startup arguments required by the process for Yes
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components/services No

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

ExecutablePath Program file path Yes
State The current execution state of the process. Values are No
Uninitialized, Stopped, Starting, Started, Stopping, or
ErrPath File path for standard error output Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the process Yes
is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
Symname Process symbolic name No
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to Yes
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.

The following are the operations exposed by a WndProcess MBean. The left-most column indicates
the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the
Init init Initializes the WndProcess MBean.

The WndProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
ocess_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string} 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally terminated,
ocess_abnormal_termin Critical exit status {exit status as string}, {restart
ation_err indication}

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 74
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ACI application management MBeans

Type SSID/# Severity Message

com.aciworldwide.jmx.u 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process
nsupported_operation_e Warning {subject}
rr 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process
ocess_error_log Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard error} 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process
ocess_output_log Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard output} 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in
ocess_cmdstate_err Warning state 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process
ocess_service_err Info {subject}: {exception string}

JSFWndProcess MBeans interact with and manage ACI Java Server Framework processes running
on a Windows platform. ACI Java Server Framework processes are Java processes built using the
ACI Java Server Framework (AJSF). These processes have attributes unique to the AJSF and thus
require a specialized MBean.
One JSFWndProcess MBean manages a single process, and one JSFWndProcess MBean must be
created for each AJSF process to be managed.
JSFWndProcess MBeans are created and managed by the ProcessManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by a JSFWndProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
InstanceHandle Process ID (PID) No
Args Arguments to be supplied to the main class Yes
State Current process state. Values are Uninitialized, Stopped, No
Starting, Started, Stopping, or Abnormal.
Symname Process symbolic name No
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to Yes
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.
ProcessId Process instance used as key to the Application Yes
Configuration (APPLCNFG) table.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 75
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes
ConfigFile Configuration properties file Yes
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components No
ExecutablePath Program file path (JVM) Yes
ErrPath File path for standard error messages Yes
Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the Yes
process is to be restarted upon failure
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at Yes
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
ClassName Java class to execute (with main) Yes
VMArgs Runtime switches for JVM Yes
ManageProcess True means the process can register internal Yes
components or services for management; false means
the process cannot register internal components or
services for management.

The following are the operations exposed by a JSFWndProcess MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Start start Starts the process.
Stop stop Stops the process gracefully.
Init init Initializes the JSFWndProcess MBean.
Kill kill Terminates the process immediately.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the

The JSFWndProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 76
Application Management User Guide — May 2017
ACI application management MBeans

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6010.1 3 Error executing startup for Process
ocess_start_err Critical {subject}, {exception string} 6010.2 3 Process {subject} abnormally terminated,
ocess_abnormal_termina Critical exit status {exit status as string},
tion_err {restart indication}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.u 6010.3 1 Unsupported operation on Process
nsupported_operation_e Warning {subject}
rr 6010.4 3 Error logged to console of Process
ocess_error_log Critical {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard error} 6010.5 0 Output logged to console of Process
ocess_output_log Info {subject}: {Line of output received on
standard output} 6014.1 1 Process {subject} command invalid in
ocess_cmdstate_err Warning state 6010.6 0 Management service error, Process
ocess_server_err Info {subject}: {exception string}

The ScriptManager MBean provides the capability to run Jython (Python with Java bindings)
scripts on demand, based on a schedule, or based on the receipt of notifications. For information
on using ScriptManager, refer to the “Script execution using ScriptManager” section.
Scripts are typically stored in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\scripts directory, but the ScriptManager
MBean allows you to configure a path to the script location using the ScriptPath attribute.


The following are the attributes exposed by the ScriptManager MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

NotificationObjects List of objects (MBeans) that issue script notifications No
NotificationTypes List of notification types that are managed No
ScheduledScripts List of scheduled scripts. Scheduled scripts are listed as follows: No
ID=1;;INTTIME=7/3/08 9:05:00 AM
CDT;DAILY=true[;LASTRUN=7/3/08 9:05:00 AM CDT]
<ID=> – ID assigned by the ScriptManager to identify the
scheduled script.

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

<SCRIPT=> – Name of the scheduled script.

<INTTIME=> – Date and time the script was initially scheduled
to run.
<DAILY=> – True or false indicating whether the script is to be
run daily.
<LASTRUN=> – Date and time the script was last run. Not
present if the script is yet to be run.

ScriptPath Default path for location of script files Yes

Symname Symbolic name No
Type User-specified MBean classification Yes

The following are the operations exposed by the ScriptManager MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Params

Exec execScript Executes a <script filename> – Name of the
Script complete Jython script to be run.
script from a
<Param6> – Up to six
parameters to be provided to the
script at execution.

Schedule scheduleScript Schedule a <script filename> – Name of the

Script Jython script to script to be run.
run at a specific
<year> – Year (yyyy) the script
is to be run.
<month> – Month (0–11, 0
being January) of the specified
year the script is to be run.
<day> – Day (1–31) of the
specified month the script is to
be run.

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Button Operation Description Params

<hour> – Hour (0–23) of the

specified day the script is to be
<minute> – Minute (0–59) of the
specified hour the script is to be
<second> – Second (0–59) of
the specified minute the script is
to be run.
<daily> – True or false value
indicating whether the script is to
be executed each day. True
means the script will execute
each day at the specified time
starting on the specified day.

Remove removeScheduledScript Removes a <ID> – ID of the scheduled

Scheduled scheduled script to be removed.
Script script.
Add addNotificationObjects Adds MBeans to <Type/classification of MBean>
Objects be monitored for
<MBean name pattern – refer to
the “Operations parameters –
selection patterns” topic for a
description of acceptable values>
<Script file to execute on

Add addNotificationType Adds type of <Type of notification to monitor

Type notification to – refer to Type values,
be monitored. documented in this section, for
the available notifications>
Remove removeNotificationObjects Removes <Type/classification of MBeans>
Objects MBeans to be
<MBean name pattern – refer to
monitored for
the “Operations parameters –
selection patterns” topic for a
description of acceptable values>

Remove removeNotificationType Removes type of <Notification type – refer to Type

Type notification from values, documented in this
being section, for the available
monitored. notifications>

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ACI application management MBeans

Button Operation Description Params

Init init Initializes the
Sync sync Reinstantiates
the MBean using
the current
descriptor file.
This operation
allows changes
in the descriptor
file to be
reflected in the

The ScriptManager MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message

com.aciworldwide.jmx. 6029.1 1 Scheduled script timer expired while the
scriptmgr_script_tmre Warning application manager process was down,
xpired_err ScriptMgr did not execute the configured
script : {script and schedule information}
com.aciworldwide.jmx. 6029.2 1 Daily scheduled script timer expired while
scriptmgr_script_dailyt Warning the application manager process was down,
mrexpired_err ScriptMgr did not execute the configured
script : {script and schedule information},
Last ran by scriptmgr on <date and time>
Scheduling it to <new date and time>

The CounterMonitor MBean compares an attribute value to a single threshold and emits a
notification if the threshold is exceeded. CounterMonitors are intended to monitor attributes
whose values increase linearly with time, such as message counts.
You can configure a CounterMonitor MBean to compare the threshold to an actual attribute value
(called the raw value) or to the difference between the current and previous readings of an
attribute. The latter is called difference mode and is a more typical use of a CounterMonitor
MBean because it allows you to identify spikes in steadily increasing attribute values.
In the first case, when monitoring a raw value, a notification is emitted when the attribute
exceeds a predetermined threshold value. In difference mode, a notification is only emitted when
the difference between the current attribute reading and the last preceding attribute reading
exceeds the predetermined threshold value.
When monitoring a raw value, the Offset attribute can be used to continually reset the raw
threshold to a new, higher value, to allow the monitoring to continue. For example if an initial

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threshold is 1,500 and the Offset attribute is 1,000, once the initial threshold of 1,500 is passed, a
new theshold is set for 2,500. When the threshold of 2,500 is passed, the threshold is reset to
3,500, and so on. The Modulus attribute sets the maximum value for the threshold. Once the
threshold reaches this maximum value, the threshold is reset to the InitThreshold value.
CounterMonitor MBeans are created and managed by the ServerManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by the CounterMonitor MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

DerivedGaugeTimeStamp Timestamp of the last observation by the monitor No
Active Status of monitor – True means the monitor has been No
started; false means the monitor has not been started.
DifferenceMode True means the threshold is monitored in difference Yes
mode; false means the threshold is monitored as a raw
GranularityPeriod Number of milliseconds between observations. The default Yes
is 10000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds.
Notify True means the monitor issues a notification when the Yes
threshold is exceeded; false means the monitor does not
issue a notification when the threshold is exceeded.
InitThreshold Initial threshold value. The starting threshold for the Yes
CounterMonitor (set by the threshold parameter on the
addCounterMonitor operation).
ObservedObjects An array containing the objects being monitored. This No
attribute is for internal use by the ACIJMX agent.
Offset Threshold increment value. Value to be added to the Yes
current threshold after the monitored attribute exceeds
the previous threshold value.
ObservedAttribute That attribute being monitored Yes
Modulus The maximum value that the attribute value will allow— Yes
the value at which the counter will wrap
ObservedObject The object (MBean) being monitored. If multiple objects No
are being monitored, this attribute lists the first of the
objects. Refer to the “MBean naming convention” topic for
information on how the object is identified.
Threshold Threshold value. The current value of the threshold for Yes
the CounterMonitor. This value is affected by the Offset.
DerivedGauge Value of the monitored attribute when it was last No

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The following are the operations exposed by the CounterMonitor MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation (in
this case the button text matches the operation name). The right-most column identifies
parameters required for the operation.

Button/Operation Description Parameters

getDerivedGauge Retrieves the value of the <ObjectName of monitored
current monitored attribute for object – name of the
the specified MBean. monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

getDerivedGaugeTimeStamp Retrieves the time the <ObjectName of monitored

specified monitor was last object – name of the
updated. monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

getThreshold Retrieves the current threshold <ObjectName of monitored

value for the specified MBean. object – name of the
monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

start Starts the monitor, activating

stop Stops the monitor,
deactivating monitoring.
addObservedObject Adds the specified MBean to <ObjectName of monitored
the set of monitored MBeans. object – name of the
The new MBean will be monitored MBean>
monitored for the conditions
Refer to the “MBean naming
already set up for this
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

removeObservedObject Removes the specified MBean <ObjectName of monitored

from the set of monitored object – name of the
MBeans. monitored MBean>

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Button/Operation Description Parameters

Refer to the “MBean naming

convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

containsObservedObject Tests whether a specified <ObjectName of monitored

object is being monitored by object – name of the
the MBean. This operation monitored MBean>
returns true or false.
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

The CounterMonitor MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6002.4 3 Runtime exception encountered while
ntime_err Critical monitoring object {Observed Object Name,
including the subtype if present}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.m 6002.1 3 Monitored object {Observed Object Name,
bean_err Critical including the subtype if present} does not
exist or is not currently registered 6002.2 3 Attribute {Attribute name} does not exist
tr_err Critical for object {Observed Object Name,
including the subtype if present}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.ty 6002.3 3 Attribute type is invalid for this monitor,
pe_err Critical object {Observed Object Name, including
the subtype if present}, attribute
{Attribute name} 6002.5 3 Mismatch between attribute {Attribute
reshold_err Critical name} type and monitored type for object
{Observed Object Name, including the
subtype if present} 6002.8 3 Threshold exceeded on monitored object
resh_exc Critical {Observed Object Name, including the
subtype if present}, attribute {Attribute
name}, value {Derived attribute value, or
string that triggered the notification} 6002.11 3 Attribute value is currently undefined or
tr_not_init_err Critical uninitialized for this monitor, object
{Observed Object Name, including the

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Type SSID/# Severity Message

subtype if present}, attribute {Attribute

A GaugeMonitor MBean compares an attribute value to two thresholds—a high threshold and low
threshold—and can be configured to emit a notification if the attribute value exceeds the high
threshold or falls below the low threshold. Gaugemonitors are used most often for attributes
whose values increase and decrease over time, such as the depth of messages on a queue.
You can configure a GaugeMonitor MBean to compare the high and low thresholds to an actual
attribute value (called the raw value) or to the difference between the current and previous
readings of an attribute. The latter is called difference mode. In the first case, when monitoring a
raw value, a notification can be emitted when the attribute is higher or lower than the
predetermined threshold value. In difference mode, a notification would only be emitted when the
difference between the current attribute reading and the last preceding attribute reading is higher
or lowere than the predetermined threshold value.
GaugeMonitor MBeans are created and managed by the ServerManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by the GaugeMonitor MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

NotifyHigh True means the monitor issues a notification when the Yes
high threshold is exceeded; false means the monitor does
not issue a notification when the high threshold is
DerivedGaugeTimeStamp Timestamp of the last observation by the monitor No
Active Status of monitor – True means the monitor has been No
started; false means the monitor has not been started.
DifferenceMode True means the threshold is monitored in difference Yes
mode; false means the threshold is monitored as a raw
GranularityPeriod Number of milliseconds between observations. The Yes
default is 10000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds.
ObservedObjects An array containing the objects being monitored. This No
attribute is for internal use by the ACIJMX agent.
ObservedAttribute The attribute being monitored Yes
ObservedObject The object (MBean) being monitored. If multiple objects No
are being monitored, this attribute lists the first of the
objects. Refer to the “MBean naming convention” topic
for information on how the object is identified.

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Attribute Description Mod

LowThreshold Low threshold for the GaugeMonitor No
HighThreshold High threshold for the GaugeMonitor No
NotifyLow True means the monitor issues a notification when the Yes
low threshold is exceeded; false means the monitor does
not issue a notification when the low threshold is
DerivedGauge The value of the monitored attribute when it was last No

The following are the operations exposed by the GaugeMonitor MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation (in
this case the button text matches the operation name). The right-most column identifies
parameters required for the operation.

Button/Operation Description Parameters

getDerivedGauge Retrieves the current value of <ObjectName of monitored
the monitored attribute for the object – name of the
specified MBean. monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

getDerivedGaugeTimeStamp Retrieves the time the <ObjectName of monitored

specified monitor was last object – name of the
updated. monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

setThresholds Sets the values of high and low <High threshold value>
<Low threshold value>

start Starts the monitor, activating

stop Stops the monitor,
deactivating monitoring.
addObservedObject Adds the specified MBean to <ObjectName of monitored
the set of monitored MBeans. object – name of the
The new MBean will be monitored MBean>

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Button/Operation Description Parameters

monitored for the conditions Refer to the “MBean naming
already set up for this convention” topic for the
GaugeMonitor. naming convention required
for this parameter.

removeObservedObject Removes the specified MBean <ObjectName of monitored

from the set of monitored object – name of the
MBeans. monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

containsObservedObject Tests whether a specified <ObjectName of monitored

object is being monitored by object – name of the
the MBean. This operation monitored MBean>
returns true or false.
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

The GaugeMonitor MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6002.4 3 Runtime exception encountered while
ntime_err Critical monitoring object {Observed Object
Name, including the subtype if present}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.m 6002.1 3 Monitored object {Observed Object
bean_err Critical Name, including the subtype if present}
does not exist or is not currently
registered 6002.2 3 Attribute {Attribute name} does not exist
tr_err Critical for object {Observed Object Name,
including the subtype if present}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.ty 6002.3 3 Attribute type is invalid for this monitor,
pe_err Critical object {Observed Object Name, including
the subtype if present}, attribute
{Attribute name} 6002.5 3 Mismatch between attribute {Attribute
reshold_err Critical name} type and monitored type for
object {Observed Object Name, including
the subtype if present}

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Type SSID/# Severity Message 6002.8 3 Threshold exceeded on monitored object
resh_exc Critical {Observed Object Name, including the
subtype if present}, attribute {Attribute
name}, value {Derived attribute value, or
string that triggered the notification} 6002.9 3 Gauge exceeding high threshold on
resh_high_exc Critical monitored object {Observed Object
Name, including the subtype if present},
attribute {Attribute name}, value
{Derived attribute value, or string that
triggered the notification} 6002.10 3 Gauge dropped below low threshold on
resh_low_exc Critical monitored object {Observed Object
Name, including the subtype if present},
attribute {Attribute name}, value
{Derived attribute value, or string that
triggered the notification} 6002.11 3 Attribute value is currently undefined or
tr_not_init_err Critical uninitialized for this monitor, object
{Observed Object Name, including the
subtype if present} or attribute {Attribute

A StringMonitor MBean compares an attribute value to a specific string value and can be
configured to emit a notification if the attribute value matches, or does not match, the specific
string value. A typical use of this type of monitor MBean might be watching for changes in the
state of specific resources.
StringMonitor MBean are created and managed by the ServerManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by the StringMonitor MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

DerivedGaugeTimeSta Timestamp of the last observation by the monitor No
Active Status of monitor – True means the monitor has been started; No
false means the monitor has not been started.
GranularityPeriod Number of milliseconds between observations. The default is Yes
10000 milliseconds, or 10 seconds.

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Attribute Description Mod

NotifyMatch True means the monitor issues a notification when the Yes
attribute value matches the test string; false means the
monitor does not issue a notification when the attribute value
matches the test string.
StringToCompare String value for comparison to attribute Yes
ObservedObjects An array containing the objects being monitored. This attribute No
is for internal use by the ACIJMX agent.
ObservedAttribute The attribute being monitored Yes
ObservedObject The object (MBean) being monitored. If multiple objects are No
being monitored, this attribute lists the first of the objects.
Refer to the “MBean naming convention” topic for information
on how the object is identified.
NotifyDiffer True means the monitor issues a notification when the Yes
attribute value differs from the test string; false means the
monitor does not issue a notification when the attribute value
differs from the test string.
DerivedGauge The value of the monitored attribute when it was last No

The following are the operations exposed by the StringMonitor MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation (in
this case the button text matches the operation name). The right-most column identifies
parameters required for the operation.

Button/Operation Description Parameters

getDerivedGauge Retrieves the current value of <ObjectName of monitored
the monitored attribute for the object – name of the
specified MBean. monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

getDerivedGaugeTimeStamp Retrieves the time the monitor <ObjectName of monitored

was last updated. object – name of the
monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

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Button/Operation Description Parameters

start Starts the monitor, activating
stop Stops the monitor,
deactivating monitoring.
addObservedObject Adds the specified MBean to <ObjectName of monitored
the set of monitored MBeans. object – name of the
The new MBean will be monitored MBean>
monitored for the conditions
Refer to the “MBean naming
already set up for this
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

removeObservedObject Removes the specified MBean <ObjectName of monitored

from the set of monitored object – name of the
MBeans. monitored MBean>
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

containsObservedObject Tests whether a specified <ObjectName of monitored

object is being monitored by object – name of the
the MBean. This operation monitored MBean>
returns true or false.
Refer to the “MBean naming
convention” topic for the
naming convention required
for this parameter.

The StringMonitor MBean emits the following notifications.

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6002.4 3 Runtime exception encountered while
ntime_err Critical monitoring object {Observed Object Name,
including the subtype if present}
com.aciworldwide.jmx.m 6002.1 3 Monitored object {Observed Object Name,
bean_err Critical including the subtype if present} does not
exist or is not currently registered 6002.2 3 Attribute {Attribute name} does not exist
tr_err Critical for object {Observed Object Name,
including the subtype if present}

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Type SSID/# Severity Message

com.aciworldwide.jmx.ty 6002.3 3 Attribute type is invalid for this monitor,
pe_err Critical object {Observed Object Name, including
the subtype if present}, attribute {Attribute
name} 6002.6 3 Attribute {Attribute name} matches the
ring_match Critical monitored value {string value} for object
{Observed Object Name, including the
subtype if present} 6002.7 3 Attribute {Attribute name} differs from
ring_differ Critical monitored value {string value} for object
{Observed Object Name, including the
subtype if present} 6002.11 3 Attribute value is currently undefined or
tr_not_init_err Critical uninitialized for this monitor, object
{Observed Object Name, including the
subtype if present} or attribute {Attribute

The TopologyManager is a top-level MBean that creates and manages RemoteAgent Proxy
Together, the TopologyManage and RemoteAgent Proxy provide capability to manage multiple
agents (and their resources) from the single Application agent.

The following are the attributes exposed by the TopologyManager MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

RemoteAgentProxies Remote agent list No
Symname Agent symbolic name No


The following are the operations exposed by the TopologyManager MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

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Button Operation Description Parameters

addRemote addRemoteAgentProxy Adds a remote agent for <Agent name –
Agent management. symbolic name of
the remote agent>
removeRemote removeRemoteAgentProxy Removes a remote <Agent name –
Agent agent from symbolic name of
management. the remote agent>
Init init Initializes the
Sync sync Reinstantiates the
MBean using the current
descriptor file. This
operation allows
changes in the
descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.

The TopologyManager MBean emits no notifications.

RemoteAgentProxy MBeans interact with and manage other ACIJMX agents.
RemoteAgentProxy MBeans assume responsibility for those attributes that the agent can view and
change and the operations that the agent can perform.
One RemoteAgentProxy MBean manages a single agent, and one RemoteAgentProxy MBean must
be created for each agent to be managed.
RemoteAgentProxy MBeans are created and managed by the TopologyManager MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by a RemoteAgentProxy MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Hostname Remote agent host name Yes
Port Remote agent port Yes
Protocol Remote agent protocol. Values are jmxmp and rmi. Yes
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.

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Attribute Description Mod

RemoteAgentMBeanCount Number of remote MBean proxies registered by this No
remote agent proxy
Status Remote agent connection status No
Symname Remote agent proxy symbolic name No

The following are the operations exposed by a RemoteAgentProxy MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Start start Activates the RemoteAgentProxy MBean.
Stop stop Deactivates the RemoteAgentProxy MBean.
Init init Initializes the RemoteAgentProxy MBean.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file. This
operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be reflected in the

The RemoteAgentProxy MBean emits no notifications.

The XPNETSystemManager MBean is a top-level MBean that creates and manages the following
subordinate MBeans on an HP NonStop platform:
• XPNETSystem
• XPNETStation
• XPNETQueue
• XPNETProcess
Note: Together, these MBeans replicate many of the network control command functions
available through Online Network Control Facility (ONCF).
Note: XPNET systems are set up and configured externally to the ACIJMX agent and must
be configured prior to setting up the ACIJMX agent. The ACIJMX agent cannot create or
delete actual XPNET resources (i.e., nodes, stations, queues, and processes). It can only
expose and manage those resources already configured.

The following are the attributes exposed by the XPNETSystemManager MBean. The right-most
column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

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Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
MonitoredXPNETSystemList List of XPNET systems to be managed No
Symname XPNETSystemManager symbolic name No

The following are the operations exposed by the XPNETSystemManager MBean. The left-most
column indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the
operation. The right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates
management on all XPNET
Add addXPNETSystem Adds an XPNET system to be <XPNET system name –
System managed. Creates an symbolic name of the
XPNETSystem MBean. XPNET system>
Delete deleteXPNETSystem Deletes an XPNET system <XPNET system name –
System from being managed. symbolic name of the
Deletes an XPNETSystem XPNET system>
Add Like addXPNETSystemLike Adds an XPNET system to be <New XPNET system
System managed with characteristic name – symbolic name of
like an existing one. Creates the new XPNET system>
an XPNETSystem MBean like
<Existing XPNET system
an existing MBean.
name – symbolic name of
the existing XPNET

Restore restoreXPNETSystem Restores a deleted <XPNET system name –

System XPNETSystem MBean. symbolic name of the
XPNET system>
Init init Initializes the
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean
using the current descriptor
file. This operation allows
changes in the descriptor file
to be reflected in the MBean.

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The XPNETSystemManager MBean emits no notifications.

XPNETSystem MBeans interact with and manage XPNET systems running on an HP NonStop
platform. XPNET systems have characteristics and attributes unique to XPNET and thus require a
specialized MBean.
One XPNETSystem MBean manages a single XPNET process, and one XPNETSystem MBean must
be created for each XPNET process to be managed.
XPNETSystem MBeans are created and managed by the XPNETSystemManager.
Note: XPNET systems are set up and configured externally to the ACIJMX agent and must
be configured prior to setting up the ACIJMX agent. The ACIJMX agent cannot create or
delete actual XPNET resources (i.e., nodes, stations, queues, and processes). It can only
expose and manage those resources already configured.

The following are the attributes exposed by an XPNETSystem MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
NCPServerClass Pathway server class of the NCP server process that Yes
management requests will be sent to.
PathmonPPD PPD name of the Pathway system that contains the NCP server Yes
process that management requests will be sent to.
State XPNET system current state. Values are Uninitialized or No
Symname XPNET system symbolic name No
MonitoredNodeList List of XPNET nodes to be managed No

The following are the operations exposed by an XPNETSystem MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates management of
the XPNETSystem MBean.
Hide hideNode Removes an XPNET node from <XPNET node name –
management. symbolic name of the
XPNET node>

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ACI application management MBeans

Button Operation Description Parameters

List listNodes Retrieves a list of XPNET nodes. This <XPNET node name pattern
operation produces a list of all XPNET – refer to the “Operations
nodes—not just those currently parameters – selection
managed. patterns” topic for a
description of acceptable
Show showNode Adds an XPNET node for permanent <XPNET node name –
management. symbolic name of the
XPNET node>
Init init Initializes XPNETSystem MBean.
sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the
current descriptor file. This operation
allows changes in the descriptor file
to be reflected in the MBean.

The XPNETSystem MBean emits no notifications.

XPNETNode MBeans interact with and manage XPNET nodes running on an HP NonStop platform.
XPNET nodes have characteristics and attributes unique to XPNET and thus require a specialized
One XPNETNode MBean manages a single XPNET node and one XPNETNode MBean must be
created for each XPNET node to be managed.
XPNETNode MBeans are created and managed by the XPNETSystem MBean.
Note: XPNET systems are set up and configured externally to the ACIJMX agent and must
be configured prior to setting up the ACIJMX agent. The ACIJMX agent cannot create or
delete actual XPNET resources (i.e., nodes, stations, queues, and processes). It can only
expose and manage those resources already configured.

The following are the attributes exposed by an XPNETNode MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
MsgsQueuedToUnavailableServi Number of messages queued to all unavailable No
ces services
NodePPDName Active XPNET node PPD (Process Pair Directory) name No

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Attribute Description Mod

State The current execution state of the XPNET node. No
Values are Uninitialized, Unknown, Abnormal, Started,
Starting, Stopped, or Stopping.
ErrorMsg Get Attributes error message—present if an error No
occurred while attempting to retrieve attribute
information; cleared once attribute information is
InquiredProcessList List of XPNET processes managed temporarily No
MonitoredProcessList List of XPNET processes managed permanently No
CurrentQueueMemory Number of bytes currently in use for message queues No
InquiredStationList List of XPNET stations managed temporarily No
MonitoredStationList List of XPNET stations managed permanently No
MsgsQueuedToUnknownDests Number of messages queued to all unknown No
PercentMemoryUsed Current percentage of memory used by object No
information and queueing
Symname XPNET node symbolic name No
LastResetTime Timestamp of last statistics reset operation No
MaximumPercentMemory Maximum percentage of memory used since last No
statistics reset operation
MaximumQueueMemory Total number of bytes used since the last statistics No
reset operation
InquiredQueueList List of XPNET queues managed temporarily No
MonitoredQueueList List of XPNET queues managed permanently No
DroppedMessages Number of messages dropped due to network No
overload management activity since statistics were
last reset
TotalMessagesQueued Total number of messages currently queued by the No
XPNET process for all stations, processes, links, and
StartupStatus Indication of the progression of XPNET node startup No
Failures Total number of unexpected stops or abnormal No
terminations since the XPNET node was started
CleanupTimer Number of seconds that temporary XPNETStation, Yes
XPNETQueue, and XPNETProcess MBeans are available
to the ACIJMX agent for management. Temporary

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Attribute Description Mod

XPNETStation, XPNETQueue, and XPNETProcess
MBeans are automatically deleted after this number of
XPNETSysName Name of the XPNET system that is the parent of this No
XPNET node

The following are the operations exposed by an XPNETNode MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates
management of the
XPNETNode MBean.
Hide hideProcess Removes an XPNET process <Process name – symbolic
Process from management. name of the process>
Hide hideQueue Removes an XPNET queue <Queue name – symbolic
Queue from management. name of the queue>
Hide hideStation Removes an XPNET station <Station name – symbolic
Station from management. name of the station>
Inquire inquireProcess Adds an XPNET process for <Process name – symbolic
Process temporary management name of the process>
Inquire inquireQueue Adds an XPNET queue for <Queue name – symbolic
Queue temporary management. name of the queue>
<Type of queue – Values:
Process, Station, Service,
Dest, Internal, Unknown, or

Inquire inquireStation Adds an XPNET station for <Station name – symbolic

Station temporary management. name of the station>
List listProcesses Returns a list of XPNET <Process name pattern – refer
Processes processes that are available to the “Operations parameters
for management. – selection patterns” topic for
a description of acceptable
List listQueues Returns a list of XPNET <Queue name pattern – refer
Queues queues that are available for to the “Operations parameters
management. – selection patterns” topic for

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ACI application management MBeans

Button Operation Description Parameters

a description of acceptable
List listStations Returns a list of XPNET <Station name pattern – refer
Stations stations that are available for to the “Operations parameters
management. – selection patterns” topic for
a description of acceptable
Show showProcess Adds an XPNET process for <Process name – symbolic
Process permanent management. name of the process>
Show showQueue Adds an XPNET queue for <Queue name – symbolic
Queue permanent management. name of the queue>
<Type of queue – Values:
Process, Station, Service,
Dest, Internal, Unknown, or

Show showStation Adds an XPNET station for <Station name – symbolic

Station permanent management. name of the station>
Init init Initializes the XPNETNode
Reset resetStats Resets the values of statistical
Stats counters for the XPNET node.
This operation generates a
control command.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean
using the current descriptor
file. This operation allows
changes in the descriptor file
to be reflected in the MBean.

The XPNETNode MBean emits no notifications.

XPNETStation MBeans interact with and manage XPNET stations running on an HP NonStop
platform. XPNET stations have characteristics and attributes unique to XPNET and thus require a
specialized MBean.
One XPNETStation MBean manages a single station and one XPNETStation MBean must be created
for each XPNET station to be managed.
XPNETStation MBeans are created and managed by the XPNETNode MBean.

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ACI application management MBeans

The following are the attributes exposed by an XPNETStation MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
ErrorMsg Get Attributes error message—present if an error occurred while No
attempting to retrieve attribute information; cleared once
attribute information is retrieved.
CrtpTerminalStatus Status of a CRT PASSTHRU terminal type No
ErrorCount Cumulative error count since the XPNET process was started or No
the station statistics were last reset (using the resetStats
InputFailures Total number of read failures since the XPNET process was No
started or the station statistics were last reset
isMonitored True means the station is permanently managed; false means No
the station is only temporarily managed.
LastResetTime Timestamp of last statistics reset operation No
LineProtocol Line protocol No
LogicalState The logical state of the station. Values are STARTED, STOPPED, No
or Unknown.
MaxQueueCount Maximum number of messages that have been queued for the No
station since its maximum queue count statistic was last reset
(using the RESETSTATS, MAXQUEUE command/modifier combo)
MessagesReceived Total number of input messages since the XPNET process was No
started or the station statistics were last reset (using the
MessagesSent Total number of output messages since the XPNET process was No
started or the station statistics were last reset (using the
MsgDropRate Rate at which messages were discarded from the station queue No
during the last queue evaluation delay interval. The value is
expressed as an integer scaled by 100, representing a rate in
messages per second
MsgsDroppedTTL Total number of messages that have been discarded from the No
station queue by network overload management since statistics
were last reset
OutputFailures The total number of write failures on the line since the XPNET No
process was started or the station statistics were last reset
QueueCount The number of messages queued to this station No

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

QueueState The queueing state of the station message queue. Values are No
Initialized, Error, Not Initialized, or Connected.
RetryCount Number of retries that have been executed in the current line No
error analysis interval
State Current state of the station. Values are Not Initialized, Error, No
Starting, Started, Stopping, Stopped, Suspended, or Unknown.
StateDetail Detailed information on the state of I/O activity with respect to No
this station. Values are as follows:

Symname XPNET station symbolic name No

The following are the operations exposed by an XPNETStation MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Start start Starts the XPNET station. This operation generates a START
STATION network control command.
Stop stop Stops the XPNET station. This operation generates a STOP
STATION network control command.

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ACI application management MBeans

Button Operation Description

Get Attr getAttrSummary Retrieves station information. This operation generates INFO
network control commands and accepts the returned
Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminates management of the XPNETStation
Init init Initializes the XPNETStation MBean.
Reset Stats resetStats Reset values of statistical counters. This operation generates
a RESETSTATS STATION network control command.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file.
This operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.

The XPNETStation MBean emits no notifications.

XPNETQueue MBeans interact with and manage XPNET queues running on an HP NonStop
platform. XPNET queues have characteristics and attributes unique to XPNET and thus require a
specialized MBean.
One XPNETQueue MBean manages a single queue and one XPNETQueue MBean must be created
for each XPNET queue to be managed.
XPNETQueue MBeans are created and managed by the XPNETNode MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by an XPNETQueue MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
ErrorMsg Get Attributes error message—present if an error occurred No
while attempting to retrieve attribute information; cleared
once attribute information is retrieved.
isMonitored True means the queue is permanently managed; false means No
the queue is only temporarily managed.
CurQueueDepth The current depth of the queue No
LastResetTime Timestamp of last statistics reset operation No
MaxQueueDepth The maximum configured depth of the queue No

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Attribute Description Mod

QAT Queue alert threshold set on this queue No
QMI Queue management index set on the queue No
QMT Queue management threshold set on this queue No
QueueManagerName Queue manager name No
QueueState Current Queue state. Values are NORMAL, QAT (the queue No
count is currently greater than the queue alert threshold, but
less than the queue limit for network overload management),
NOM (the queue count is currently greater than the queue
limit for network overload management), or Unknown.
QueueType Queue type No
State Current queue state. Values are Initialized, Error, Not No
Initialized, or Connected.
Symname Queue symbolic name No
XPNETNodeName XPNET node name No

The following are the operations exposed by an XPNETQueue MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Parameters

Get Attr getAttrSummary Retrieves queue
Summary information. This operation
generates the following
network control commands
as applicable and accepts
the results:

Freeze freeze Suspends routing to this

destination. This operation
generates a CONTROL

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Button Operation Description Parameters

control command.
Pop pop Removes the specified <Number of messages to
number of messages from remove from the queue>
the queues and return the
actual number of messages
removed. This operation
generates a CONTROL POP
network control command.
Purge purge Removes all the messages
from the queue and return
the actual number of
messages removed. This
operation generates a
control command.
Queue qread Reads messages from a <Name of the file from which
Read disk file and queues them. the messages are to be read.>
This operation generates a
<Select criteria – The type of
messages to be read from the
control command.
file. Values are ALL (any type of
message) or SAFONLY (store-
and-forward messages only).
Defaults to ALL.>
<The number of messages to
read from the file. Values are 0–
2,147,483,647. Defaults to 0
(all messages in the file) if thise
value is not specified.>
<Message index—the first
message to process from the
file. Values are 0–
2,147,483,647. Defaults to 1 if
this value is 0 or is not
<Maximum number of messages
to process from disk during each
interval. Values are 1–4,096.
Defaults to 5 if this value is 0 or
is not provided.>
<Number of seconds to wait
between processing messages
from the file. Values are 0–

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ACI application management MBeans

Button Operation Description Parameters

32,767 seconds. Defaults to 5 if

this value is 0 or is not

Queue qtransfer Transfers messages from <Symbolic name of the

Transfer the queue to the queue of destination>
the specified object. This
<The number of messages to
operation generates a
read from the file. Values are 1–
2,147,483,647. Defaults to all
network control command.
messages in the file if this value
is not specified.>
<Message index—the first
message to process from the
file. Values are 1–n, where n is
the of the last message in the

Queue qwrite Writes messages from the <Filename to store queued

Write queue to a disk file for later messages>
retrieval. This operation
<Select criteria – The type of
generates a CONTROL
messages to be written to the
QWRITE network control
file. Values are ALL (any type of
message) or SAFONLY (store-
and-forward messages only).
Defaults to ALL.>
<The maximum number of
messages to process. Values are
0–100,000. Defaults to 100,000
if this value is 0 or is not
<Message index—the first
message to process from the
queue. Values are 0–
2,147,483,647. Defaults to 1 if
this value is 0 or is not
<Maximum number of messages
to process during each interval.
Values are 1–4,096. Defaults to
1,000 if this value is 0 or is not
<Number of seconds to wait
between processing messages

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Button Operation Description Parameters

from the file. Values are 0–

32,767 seconds. Defaults to 5 if
this value is 0 or is not

Reset resetStats Resets values of statistical

Stats counters. This operation
generates a RESETSTATS
network control command.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean
using the current descriptor
file. This operation allows
changes in the descriptor
file to be reflected in the
Init init Initializes the XPNETQueue

The XPNETQueue MBean emits no notifications.

XPNETProcess MBeans interact with and manage XPNET processes running on an HP NonStop
platform. XPNET processes have characteristics and attributes unique to XPNET and thus require a
specialized MBean.
One XPNETProcess MBean manages a single process, and one XPNETProcess MBean must be
created for each XPNET process to be managed.
XPNETProcess MBeans are created and managed by the XPNETNode MBean.

The following are the attributes exposed by an XPNETProcess MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Type User-specified MBean classification Yes
Args Process start options No
AuditInput Indicates whether audit of input from the XPNET process No
is enabled
AuditOutput Indicates whether audit of output to the XPNET process No
is enabled

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

BackupInstanceHandle Backup instance PPD name or cpu,pin No
DroppedMessageCount Count of messages discarded due to network overload No
management actions
DroppedMessageRate Rate of messages dropped during the last queue No
evaluation delay interval
ErrorMsg Get Attributes error message—present if an error No
occurred while attempting to retrieve attribute
information; cleared once attribute information is
ExecutablePath Program file path No
Failures Number of failed attempts to restart the process No
InputBlockCount Count of message blocks received from the No
InputCount Count of messages received from the XPNET process No
InstanceHandle Instance PPD name or cpu,pin No
LastOperatorAction The last operator action attempted on the MBean—used No
during recovery to return the MBean to the last state
intended by the operator. Values are Start and Stop.
LastResetTime Timestamp of last statistics reset operation No
ManageProcess True means the process can registered internal Yes
components or services for management; false means
the process cannot.
MaxQueueCount Highest number of messages queued to the process No
since statistics were last reset
OutPath The fully-qualified path for output from the process No
OutputBlockCount Count of message blocks sent to the XPNET process No
OutputCount Count of messages sent to the XPNET process No
QueueCount Number of messages on direct process queue No
QueueState Current Queue state. Values are NORMAL, QAT (the No
queue count is currently greater than the queue alert
threshold, but less than the queue limit for network
overload management), NOM (the queue count is
currently greater than the queue limit for network
overload management), or Unknown.
RegisteredComponentList List of registered components No

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Attribute Description Mod

Restartable True or False value indicating whether or not the process No
is to be restarted upon failure
Retries Maximum number of times the MBean attempts to No
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts,
the MBean ceases trying to restart the process.
RetryEvalDelay Number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at No
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the
MBean waits this number of seconds before attempting
to restart the process again.
State Process current state. Values are Initialized, Not No
Initialized, Abnormal, Starting, Started, Stopping,
Stopped, Unknown, or Error.
Symname Process symbolic name No

The following are the operations exposed by an XPNETProcess MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Get Attr getAttrSummary Returns a summary of the attributes for the process. This
Summary operation generates INFO, STATISTICS, and STATUS network
control commands and accepts the returned information.
Reset Stats resetStats Resets the statistical counters for the process. This operation
generates a RESETSTATS network control command.
Shutdown shutdown Gracefully terminate management of the XPNETProcess
Start start Instructs XPNET to start the process. This operation
generates a START network control command.
Stop stop Instructs XPNET to stop the process. This operation generates
a STOP network control command.
Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current descriptor file.
This operation allows changes in the descriptor file to be
reflected in the MBean.
Init init Initializes the XPNETProcess MBean.

The XPNETProcess MBean emits the following notifications.

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ACI application management MBeans

Type SSID/# Severity Message 6038.1 2 Management service error, XPNET Process
ocess_service_err Error {subject}: {exception string} 6038.2 1 Unknown Message Received from XPNET
ocess_unknown_messag Warning Process {subject}: {received data}

Component MBeans interact with and manage components that have been registered to the agent
by an application process.
One Component MBean manages a single component and one Component MBean is created for
each component registered to be managed.
Component MBeans are created and managed by the MBean Server.
Note: Typically, internal process resources that expose attributes and operations for a
single process are registered as components, whereas internal process resources that
expose global system attributes and operations (representing information that crosses
multiple process boundaries) are registered as services. Another way to think of it is that
components are used when exposed attribute information is available from memory and
services are used when the exposed attribute information must be retrieved from a data
source on disk.

Basic Attributes
The following are the basic attributes exposed by a Component MBean for all registered
components. The right-most column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the

Attribute Description Mod

ComponentId Component ID No
RegisteredInstance Executable that registered this component instance No

BASE24-eps MDS component attributes

The following are the attributes exposed by a Component MBean for the
BASE24-eps Message Delivery Service (MDS) component. The right-most column indicates
whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

MessageInCount The number of messages received by the MDS component No
since the process was started.
MessageOutCount The number of messages sent by the MDS component since No
the process was started.
MessageRetryCount The number of messages retried by the MDS component since No
the process was started.

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The Component MBean exposes no standard operations. Any operations need to be defined by the
process registering the component.

The Component MBean emits no notifications.

Service MBeans interact with and manage services that have been registered to the agent by an
application process.
One Service MBean manages a single service and one Service MBean is created for each service
registered to be managed.
Service MBeans are created and managed by the MBean Server.
Note: Typically, internal process resources that expose attributes and operations for a
single process are registered as components, whereas internal process resources that
expose global system attributes and operations (representing information that crosses
multiple process boundaries) are registered as services. Another way to think of it is that
components are used when exposed attribute information is available from memory and
services are used when the exposed attribute information must be retrieved from a data
source on disk.

Basic Attributes
The following are the basic attributes exposed by a Service MBean for all services. The right-most
column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

ComponentId Component ID No
RegisteredInstance Executable that registered this component instance No
ExecutableList List of executables that provide this service No

BASE24-eps interface components attributes

The following are the attributes exposed by a Service MBean for all BASE24-eps Interface
components that are registered as services. The right-most column indicates whether the
attributes can be modified by the MBean.
Note: The attribute information is taken or derived from the Interface_MGR_DS data
source. The related data source element names are provided parenthetically following the
description. Data source information for BASE24-eps is provided in the BASE24-eps Data
Source Reference Manual.
Attribute Description Mod
InterfaceLogonState The state of the interface component No
(acq_logon_st and iss_logon_st). Values are
as follows:

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

Logged on as Both
Logged on as Acquirer only
Logged on as Issuer only
Logged off

OutboundRequestCount The number of outbound transaction No

requests sent since the performance
statistics were last reset (perf_ext_cnt).
OutboundApprovalPercentage The percentage of outbound transactions No
that were approved since the performance
statistics were last reset
(perf_ext_apprv_cnt and perf_ext_cnt).
OutboundDenialPercentage The percentage of outbound transactions No
that were denied—for reasons other than a
bad PIN or key synchronization error—since
the performance statistics were last reset
(perf_ext_deny_cnt and perf_ext_cnt).
OutboundBadPinPercentage The percentage of outbound transactions No
that were denied due to a bad PIN since the
performance statistics were last reset
(perf_ext_bad_pin_cnt and perf_ext_cnt).
OutboundKeySyncErrorPercentage The percentage of outbound transactions No
that were denied due to key synchronization
error since the performance statistics were
last reset (perf_ext_key_sync_cnt and
kpt_out_txn_cnt). The percentage is based
on the number of transactions processed
using the current outbound PIN key.
OutboundTimeoutCount The number of outbound requests that have No
timed out since the performance statistics
were last reset (perf_ext_tmout_cnt).
OutboundAverageResponseTime The average authorization time for all No
outbound transactions (in milliseconds) since
the performance statistics were last reset
(perf_ext_auth_tim and perf_ext_cnt).
InboundMessageCount The number of inbound requests received No
since the performance statistics were last
reset (perf_int_cnt).
InboundApprovalPercentage The percentage of inbound transactions that No
were approved since the performance
statistics were last reset (perf_int_apprv_cnt
and perf_int_cnt).
InboundDenialPercentage The percentage of inbound transactions that No
were denied—for reasons other than a bad
PIN or key synchronization error—since the
performance statistics were last reset
(perf_int_deny_cnt and perf_int_cnt).

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

InboundBadPinPercentage The percentage of inbound transactions that No
were denied due to a bad PIN since the
performance statistics were last reset
(perf_int_bad_pin_cnt and perf_int_cnt).
InboundKeySyncErrorPercentage The percentage of inbound transactions that No
were denied due to a key synchronization
error since the performance statistics were
last reset (perf_int_key_sync_cnt and
kpt_in_txn_cnt). The percentage is based on
the number of transactions processed using
the current inbound PIN key.
InboundAverageResponseTime The average total authorization time for all No
inbound authorization requests (in
milliseconds) since the performance
statistics were last reset (perf_int_ttl_tim
and perf_int_cnt).
InboundInternalAverageResponseTi The average BASE24-eps authorization time No
me for all inbound authorization requests (in
milliseconds) since the performance
statistics were last reset (perf_int_auth_tim
and perf_int_cnt). This average does not
include time required for processing the
transaction outside of the system.

Basic operations
The Service MBean exposes no standard operations. Any operations need to be defined by the
process registering the service.

BASE24-eps interface component operations

The following are the operations exposed by a Service MBean for all BASE24-eps Interface
components that are registered as services. The left-most column indicates the button on the ACI
desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation (in this case the button text matches
the operation name). The right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.
Note: All of the exposed operations initiate BASE24-eps process control commands which
are created and sent by the Process Control component. For information about process
control commands, refer to the BASE24-eps Process Control User Guide.
Button/Operation Description Parameters
INITIALIZE Initializes the interface. This operation
LOGOFF Logs off the specified interface or station <station> – the name of
(if specified) as an acquirer and an the station to be logged
issuer. This operation initiates a off.

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ACI application management MBeans

Button/Operation Description Parameters

LOGOFFACQ Logs off the specified interface or station <station> – the name of
(if specified) as an acquirer. This the station to be logged
operation initiates a DELIVER IFMGR off.
LOGOFFACQ command.
LOGOFFISS Logs off the specified interface or station <station> – the name of
(if specified) as an issuer. This operation the station to be logged
LOGON Logs on the specified interface or station <station> – the name of
(if specified) as an acquirer and an the station to be logged
issuer. This operation initiates a on.
LOGONACQ Logs on the specified interface or station <station> – the name of
(if specified) as an acquirer. This the station to be logged
operation initiates a DELIVER IFMGR on.
LOGONACQ command.
LOGONISS Logs on the specified interface or station <station> – the name of
(if specified) as an issuer. This operation the station to be logged
MACKeyChange Generates a new MAC key and sends it
to the interface. This operation initiates
MACKeyRepeat Generates a MAC key repeat message
and sends it to the interface. This
operation initiates a DELIVER IFMGR
MACKeyVerify Generates a MAC key verify message
and sends it to the interface (which
verifies the specified MAC key by
comparing check digits). This operation
VERIFY command.
PerformanceReset Resets the performance accumulators
for the interface. This operation initiates
PINKeyChange Generates a new PIN key and sends it to
the interface. This operation initiates a
PINKeyRepeat Generates a PIN key repeat message
and sends it to the interface. This
operation initiates a DELIVER IFMGR PIN
KEY REPEAT command.

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ACI application management MBeans

Button/Operation Description Parameters

PINKeyVerify Generates a data key verify message
and sends it to the interface (which
verifies the specified data key by
comparing check digits). This operation
VERIFY command.
DataKeyChange Generates a new data key and sends it
to the interface. This operation initiates
DataKeyRepeat Generates a data key repeat message
and sends it to the interface. This
operation initiates a DELIVER IFMGR
DataKeyVerify Generates a PIN key verify message and
sends it to the interface (which verifies
the specified PIN key by comparing
check digits). This operation initiates a
Links Reports link status information for
interface stations. This operation

BASE24-eps VSP component operations

The following are the operations exposed by a Service MBean for the BASE24-eps VSP (Version/
Service Pack/Patch) component, which is registered as a service. The left-most column indicates
the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation (in this case
the button text matches the operation name). The right-most column identifies parameters
required for the operation.
Note: The VersionInfoGet operation initiates a BASE24-eps process control command that
is created and sent by the Process Control component. For information about process
control commands, refer to the BASE24-eps Process Control User Guide.
Button/ Description Parameters
VersionInfoGet Reports the version, service pack, and patch level of a
component. This operation initiates an INFO VSP *

The Service MBean emits no notifications.

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ACI application management MBeans

ProcessControl (BASE24-eps)
The ProcessControl MBean provides the capability to execute BASE24-eps process control
commands through the ACIJMX agent. For information on using ProcessControl, refer to section 7,
“BASE24-eps process control commands”.
BASE24-eps process control commands are documented in the BASE24-eps Process Control User
Guide. That manual provides the following reference information you will need for entering each

Value Description
Destination An identifier for the application server to which the command is sent. This
value is used as the first parameter for the operation.
Command The type of command. Types are ALTER, DELIVER, INFO, and STATUS. These
values correspond directly to the operations supported by the ProcessControl
Component An identifier for the component to which the command is sent. This value is
used as the second parameter for the operation.
Command Text The specific text that must be entered for the command. This text can include
constants and variables. The text, in its entirety, must be entered as the third
parameter for the operation.

The following are the attributes exposed by the ProcessControl MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Hostname Host to contact for the BASE24-eps Process Control Service. Yes
Port Port number for the BASE24-eps Process Control Service. Yes
Symname Symbolic name No
Type User-specified MBean classification Yes

The following are the operations exposed by the ProcessControl MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the ACI desktop or APF Admin browser used to initiate the operation. The
right-most column identifies parameters required for the operation.

Button Operation Description Params

alter alter Creates and sends a BASE24-eps ALTER <Destination>
<Command text

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Button Operation Description Params

deliver deliver Creates and sends a BASE24-eps DELIVER <Destination>
<Command text

info info Creates and sends a BASE24-eps INFO <Destination>

<Command text

status status Creates and sends a BASE24-eps STATUS <Destination>

<Command text

Sync sync Reinstantiates the MBean using the current

descriptor file. This operation allows changes in
the descriptor file to be reflected in the MBean.

The ProcessControl MBean emits no notifications.

BASE24-eps business services

BASE24-eps business services, as well as any other SBA-based services, can be instrumented and
managed by the ACIJMX agent. The System Integration Services (SIS) and Foundation layers that
are part of all standard BASE24-eps C++ process have built-in functionality that enables service
classes to register and expose processing metrics and operations dynamically using the following
• SBA Metrics Component
• SBA Metrics Service
• Foundation Metrics Component
• Foundation Metrics Service
• SBA Service Management Service

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ACI application management MBeans

SBA Metrics Component

Each registered SBA Metrics component represents a single SBA service proxy or SBA service stub
within a single application process. One SBA Metrics Component MBean is created and managed
by the MBean Server for each proxy or stub registered.

These attributes are exposed by the SBA Metrics Component MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

ComponentID The identifier for the proxy or stub. Proxies are identified in No
the following format:


Stubs are identified in the following format:




Exceptions SBA service proxy: The number of non-timeout exceptions No

encountered by the specific proxy.
SBA service stub: The number of exception responses sent
by the specific stub.

Invocations SBA service proxy: The number of requests issued by the No

specific proxy.
SBA service stub: The number of requests received by the
specific stub.

RegisteredInstance The executable name of the application process that No

registered the proxy or stub.
ResponseTime SBA service proxy: The average response time for the No
specific proxy.
SBA service stub: The average response time for the specific
Note: ResponseTime is represented in 100-
nanosecond intervals (for example 1 = 100

Responses SBA service proxy: The number of normal (non-timeout and No

non-exception) responses received by the specific proxy.

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

SBA service stub: The number of normal (non-exception)

responses sent by the specific stub.

SummaryScreenType Set to SBA. No

Timeouts SBA service proxy: The number of timeouts detected by the No
specific proxy. Timeouts are a specific type of exception
where a response is not received in timely manner by the
SBA service stub: Not tracked. Always zero.

Trace A true or false value indicating whether a trace is running on No

the proxy or stub.
True = Trace is running.
False = Trace is not running.

TraceFileName Name of a trace file. When a trace is running, this is the file Yes
to which the trace information is written.

These operations are exposed by the SBA Metrics Component MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the Application Management user interface used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

ResetCount ResetCount Resets the count value for all attributes.
Stop Stop Stops (disables) a stub in a process. This disables
all service providers in a process associated with
the service name and version. This operation is
not functional for a proxy.
Note: There is no corresponding start

TraceOff TraceOff Stops a trace.

TraceOn TraceOn Starts a trace.

The SBA Metrics Component MBean emits no notifications.

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SBA Metrics Service

Each registered SBA Metrics service represents aggregate information for all instances of a specific
SBA service proxy or SBA service stub across multiple processes in the system. One SBA Metrics
Service MBean is created and managed by the MBean Server for each proxy or stub registered.

These attributes are exposed by the SBA Metrics Service MBean. The right-most column indicates
whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Exceptions SBA service proxy: The aggregate number of non-timeout No
exceptions encountered by all proxy instances for a particular
service. These non-timeout exceptions include all exceptions
thrown by the proxy code, either as a result of its own
processing or as a result of exception responses received
from other code.
SBA service stub: The aggregate number of exception
responses sent by all stub instances for a particular service.

ExecutableList A list of executables that have registered the proxy or stub. No

Multiple executables can register their own instances of a
specific proxy or stub. This is a list of those executables.
Invocations SBA service proxy: The aggregate number of requests issued No
by all proxy instances for a particular service.
SBA service stub: The aggregate number of requests
received by all stub instances for a particular service.

RegisteredInstance The executable name of the application process that No

registered the proxy or stub.
ResponseTime SBA service proxy: The average aggregate total response No
time for all proxy instances for a particular service.
SBA service stub: The average aggregate total response time
for all stub instances for a particular service.
Note: ResponseTime is represented in 100-
nanosecond intervals (for example 1 = 100

Responses SBA service proxy: The aggregate number of normal (non- No

timeout and non-exception) responses received by all proxy
instances for a particular service.
SBA service stub: The aggregate number of normal (non-
exception) responses sent by all stub instances for a
particular service.

ServiceID The service name associated with the proxy or stub. No

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Attribute Description Mod

SummaryScreenType Set to SBA No
Timeouts SBA service proxy: The aggregate number of timeouts No
detected by all proxy instances for a particular
service.Timeouts are a specific type of exception where a
response is not received in timely manner by the proxy.
SBA service stub: Not tracked. Always zero.


These operations are exposed by the SBA Metrics Service MBean. The left-most column indicates
the button on the Application Management user interface used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

ResetCount ResetCount Resets the count value for all attributes.

The SBA Metrics Service MBean emits no notifications.

Foundation Metrics Component

Each registered Foundation Metrics component represents a single instance of a service consumer
or service implementation within an application process. One Foundation Metrics Component
MBean is created and managed by the MBean Server for each instance registered.

These attributes are exposed by the Foundation Metrics Component MBean. The right-most
column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

ComponentID The name and version of the service consumer or service No
implementation in the following format:


Exceptions Service consumer: The number of non-timeout No

exceptions encountered by the specific service consumer.
These non-timeout exceptions include all exceptions
thrown by the service consumer code, either as a result
of its own processing or as a result of exception
responses received from other code.
Service implementation: The number of exception
responses sent by the specific service implementation.

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

Invocations Service consumer: The number of requests issued by the No
specific service consumer.
Service implementation:The number of requests received
by the specific service implementation.

RegisteredInstance The executable name of the application process that No

registered the service consumer or service
ResponseTime Service consumer: The average response time (in No
milliseconds) for the specific service consumer.
Service implementation: The average response time (in
milliseconds) for the specific service implementation.

Responses Service consumer: The number of normal (non-timeout No

and non-exception) responses received by the specific
service consumer.
Service implementation: The number of normal (non-
exception) responses sent by the specific service

SummaryScreenType Set to BSVC. No

Timeouts Service consumer: The number of timeouts detected by No
the specific service consumer instance. Timeouts are a
specific type of exception where a response is not
received in timely manner by the instance.
Service implementation: Not tracked. Always zero.

These operations are exposed by the Foundation Metrics Component MBean. The left-most column
indicates the button on the Application Management user interface used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

ResetCount ResetCount Resets the count value for all attributes.

The Foundation Metrics Component MBean emits no notifications.

Foundation Metrics Service

Each registered Foundation Metrics service represents aggregate information for all instances of a
specific service consumer or service implementation across multiple processes in the system. One

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Foundation Metrics Service MBean is created and managed by the MBean Server for each service
consumer or service implementation registered.

These attributes are exposed by the Foundation Metrics Service MBean. The right-most column
indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

Exceptions Service consumer: The aggregate number of non- No
timeout exceptions encountered by all instances of the
specific service consumer. These non-timeout
exceptions include all exceptions thrown by the service
consumer code, either as a result of its own
processing or as a result of exception responses
received from other code.
Service implementation:The aggregate number of
exception responses sent by the specific service

ExecutableList A list of executables that have registered the service No

consumer or service implementation. Multiple
executables can register their own instances of a
specific service consumer or service implementation.
This is a list of those executables.
Invocations Service consumer: The aggregate number of requests No
issued by all instances of the specific service
Service implementation: The aggregate number of
requests received by all instances of the specific
service implementation.

RegisteredInstance The executable name of the application process that No

registered the service consumer or service
ResponseTime Service consumer: The average aggregate total No
response time (in milliseconds) for all instances of the
specific service consumer.
Service implementation: The average aggregate total
response time (in milliseconds) for all instances of the
specific service implementation.

Responses Service consumer: The aggregate number of normal No

(non-timeout and non-exception) responses received
by all instances of the specific service consumer.

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Attribute Description Mod

Service implementation: The aggregate number of

normal (non-timeout and non-exception) responses
sent by all instances of the specific service

ServiceID The service name associated with the service No

consumer or service implementation.
SummaryScreenType Set to BSVC. No
Timeouts Service consumer: The aggregate number of timeouts No
detected by all instances of the specific service
consumer. Timeouts are a specific type of exception
where a response is not received in timely manner by
the instance.
Service implementation: Not tracked. Always zero.

These operations are exposed by all Foundation Metrics Service MBeans. The left-most column
indicates the button on the Application Management user interface used to initiate the operation.

Button Operation Description

Reset Count ResetCount Resets the count value for all attributes.

The Foundation Metrics Service MBean emits no notifications.

SBA Service Management Service

Each registered SBA Service Management service represents a specific service provider that has
registered with a Service Locator process. Service providers are registered automatically with the
ACIJMX agent when they register with the Service Locator process.

These attributes are exposed by the SBA Service Management Service MBean. The right-most
column indicates whether the attributes can be modified by the MBean.

Attribute Description Mod

ExecutableList A list of executables that provide the service. Multiple No
executables can register to provide the same service. This
is a list of those executables.
PreferredProviders The number of application processes that are preferred No
providers of the service.

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ACI application management MBeans

Attribute Description Mod

Providers The number of application processes that are providers of No
the service.
RegisteredInstance The executable name of the applications process that No
provides the service.
ServiceID The service name and version of the service in the No
following format:


Status A true or false value indicating whether or not the service No

is available. Values:
True = The service available.
False = The service is not available.

SummaryScreenType Set to SBA_MGMT. No

These operations are exposed by all SBA Service Management Service MBeans. The left-most
column indicates the button on the Application Management user interface used to initiate the

Button Operation Description

OverrideOff OverrideOff Removes the “preferred” designation for a service
OverrideOn OverrideOn Sets the “preferred” designation for a service
ProviderDetail ProviderDetail Displays details for a specific provider.

The SBA Service Management Service MBean emits no notifications.

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ACIJMX agent security

Section 3: ACIJMX agent security

This section describes how the ACIJMX agent functions are secured using the ACI Java
Infrastructure (AJI) security framework.
Note: For more information about the AJI security framework and how it is used in your
environment, refer to the ACI Desktop User Interface Manual and the BASE24-eps Java
Server Reference Guide.

In this section:

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ACIJMX agent security

The ACIJMX agent uses the standard ACI Java Infrastructure (AJI) security framework to
authenticate Application Management users and to authorize and audit actions carried out through
Application Management.
To enforce and manage security, the ACIJMX agent expands the standard JMX three-layer
architecture by integrating a Security Layer as shown in the following diagram. This security layer
handles all aspects of security for the ACIJMX agent and communicates with the AJI security
framework as needed for authentication, authorization, and auditing.

ACIJMX MBean server wrapper component

The ACIJMX MBean Server Wrapper is a specialized MBean Server within the ACIJMX agent with
which all external adaptors and connectors communicate. Any external requests for action sent to
the ACIJMX agent are fielded by the ACIJMX MBean Server Wrapper, which authorizes the
request. It verifies the request is appropriate based on the user’s privileges and only forwards
authorized requests to the actual MBean Server for action.

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Any actions requested of the ACIJMX agent must be initiated by an authenticated user. As such,
the MBean Server Wrapper requires a valid session handle/ticket with each request from an
external entity.
Throughout the AJI security infrastructure, session handles/tickets are used to identify users and
as verification that users have been logged on and properly authenticated. Session handles/tickets
are sent with requests to enable the receiving components and processes to identify the user as
logged on and authenticated. They also enable receiving components to access the user’s
permissions through the AJI User Security and Auditing functions to authorize any subsequent
action. The MBean Server Wrapper requires the presence of a session handle/ticket and denies
requests if one is not present.

Third-party production authentication

The following diagram illustrates how authentication is carried out in the case of third-party
applications. Here, the connector uses the user ID and password passed by the third-party
product to authenticate the user and create a session handle/ticket.

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ACIJMX command interpreter authentication

The following diagram illustrates how authentication is carried out in the case of the ACIJMX
Command Interpreter interface. Here, the session handle/ticket is created as a part of the login.

ACI desktop or APF Admin Browser/ESWeb Authentication

The following diagrams illustrate how authentication is carried out in the case of the ACI desktop
or APF Admin browser/ESWeb. Here, the session handle/ticket is created as a part of the ACI
desktop or APF Admin browser/ESWeb logon.

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The MBean Server Wrapper verifies that requested actions are allowed based on the privileges and
roles that have been assigned to the user requesting the action. It does this by using the session
handle/ticket to interact with AJI User Security and Auditing functions.
From the session handle/ticket, AJI security functions can authorize the intended action. If the
action is authorized, the MBean Server Wrapper sends the action to the MBean Server to be
carried out. If the action is not authorized, the MBean Server Wrapper denies the requested action
and creates an event message.

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Denied actions can be audited as well if the action was set up to be audited.

Authorized actions
The following table lists the actions that the MBean Server Wrapper authorizes.

Action Description
View Attribute Users can be given privileges to view all attributes exposed by an
MBean, only specific attributes, or no attributes.
If a user does not have the privilege to view specific attributes, they will
not be returned. For additional information about this, refer to the
“Enabling and disabling authorizations on view actions” topic.

Update Attribute Users can be given privileges to update all attributes exposed by an
MBean, only specific attributes, or no attributes.
If a user does not have the privilege to update specific attributes,
attempts to update the attributes will be denied, and an event message
will be created.

Invoke an MBean Users can be given privileges to invoke an operation exposed by an

Operations MBean.
If a user does not have the privilege to invoke an operation, attempts to
do so will be denied, and an event message will be created.

Create or Register an These are scripting functions that are not associated with specific MBean
MBean operations or attributes.
Unregister an MBean When scripts are executed and parsed by the ACIJMX agent, these
script commands are either allowed or disallowed based on the user
Add a Notification executing the script.
If the user does not have the privilege to execute a particular script
Remove a Notification action, an event message will be created, and the script execution will
Listener stop without executing any further commands (the script might not stop
if it is written to handle denied actions).
Note: Scripts that are executed based on a schedule rather than
executed from a logon are not authorized (refer to the “Script
authorization” topic).

Enabling and disabling authorizations on view actions

Security checks for the ACIJMX agent can be very granular and, due to the number of attributes
and operations associated with each MBean, can be performance-intensive.
The show.only.authorized.actions property in the file can be used to speed up
processing for those actions that require large-scale lookups of MBean operations and attributes.
If that value is set to true, every operation and attribute for every MBean is authorized prior to
returning the operation or attribute in responses. If a user is not authorized to execute an
exposed operation, that operation will not be returned. If a user is not authorized to view an
exposed attribute, the attribute value will be replaced with an “unauthorized view” message.

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If the show.only.authorized.actions property is set to false, every attribute is still authorized, but
all operations are returned regardless of whether or not the user has permissions to execute
them. Thus, on a user interface, users would see all of the exposed operations; however, they
would still only be able to execute those for which they have permissions. Attempts to execute
operations for which they do not have permissions would be denied.
Note: At installation, the show.only.authorized.actions property is set to false by default.

Script authorization
All Jython scripts executed from a logon are parsed during execution, and each script action is
authorized individually. If a specific action is not allowed for the user, it is denied. For example, if
a script calls for starting processes and stations, and the user is granted permissions to carry out
start operations on processes but not stations, the start process actions in the script could be
executed but not the start station operations. The first unauthorized action encountered will cause
the script execution to terminate unless the script is specifically coded to deal with denied actions.
As such, scripts cannot perform actions that the user executing the script does not have the
permissions to perform.
Caution: Scripts that are executed by the ScriptManager MBean based on a schedule rather
than the result of a command are not authorized. Therefore, take particular care when
executing review scripts in this manner. You should also secure your <ACIJMX_BASE>
\scripts directory to protect it from unauthorized changes or additions.

The MBean Server Wrapper carries out auditing for ACIJMX agent. It can send an audit record to
the AJI User Security and Auditing functions for each action that it authorizes. Whether or not a
particular action is audited depends on settings in the APPLCNFG table. Actions that can be
audited are noted in the table below. The table includes the APPLCNFG settings that control
whether or not they are audited.
The default value for all of these settings is true, meaning that the corresponding action will be
audited. Thus, if the APPLCNFG is not loaded at startup, all of the actions will be audited by
default. Note that loading the APPLCNFG at startup is controlled by the autoload.applcnfg property
in the file.

Action Description
View Attribute Attempts to view attributes are audited based on the
ajmf.audited.attrview setting in the APPLCNFG table.
Update Attribute Attempts to update attributes are audited based on the
ajmf.audited.attrsave setting in the APPLCNFG table.
Invoke an MBean Attempts to update attributes or invoke operations are audited based on
Operations the ajmf.audited.oper setting in the APPLCNFG table.
Create or Register an Attempts to execute these functions from a script are audited based on
MBean the ajmf.audited.mbs setting in the APPLCNFG table.
Unregister an MBean

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Action Description
Add a Notification
Remove a Notification

Master/client agent security

In a master/client agent relationship, only the master agent enforces security. The master agent
authenticates the user, and it authorizes and audits all actions on both the master and client
Commands from master to client go through the remote connnector which passes command
directly to the client’s MBean Server rather than to the MBean Server Wrapper.

Application management security settings

The ACI Java security infrastructure defines user permissions based on a hierarchical set of
definitions which can be combined to create the roles you want to assign to users.
• Roles — top-level; roles are assigned to users.
• Permission Groups
• Permissions
• Tasks
• Functions
• Filters/Filter Types
The standard and default security settings for Application Management are provided in the
sections that follow. Most of these settings can be changed through the ACI Java security
infrastructure as you would change the security setting for any other functions. Those that can
and cannot be modified are noted throughout.

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Refer to the ACI Desktop User Interface Manual and APF Admin browser online help for
information about setting up and changing user roles and permissions. Other products that base
their user security on the ACI Java security infrastructure will have their own documentation.

Naming conventions
This table identifies the specific naming conventions that must be followed when adding or
modifying security settings for Application Management. Note that the MF prefix used in these
naming conventions refers to Management Framework.

Security Settings Required Naming Conventions

Roles No required convention.
Permission Groups No required convention; however, ACI recommends that you include MF as
a prefix for new Application Management permission groups.
Permissions No required convention; however, ACI recommends that you include MF as
a prefix for new Application Management permissions.
Tasks Tasks are created based on MBean type and require the following naming
MF<MBean type> (e.g., MFCommsHandler)

Functions ViewAttr and SaveAttr are standard functions for viewing and modifying
MBean attributes. These cannot be changed and are used for all MBeans
with attributes.
Operations-based functions require the exact name of the MBean
operation (e.g., start, stop, sync, etc.)

Filters No required convention; however, ACI recommends that you include MF as

a prefix for new Application Management filters. Note that filters work with
MBean attributes only; filtering is not used with MBean operations.
Filter Types Filter types are created based on MBean type and require the following
naming conventions for viewing (AV) and modifying (AS) attributes:
MF<MBean type>AV (e.g., MFQueueAV)
MF<MBean type>AS (e.g., MFQueueAS)

Filter Type Values Requires an asterisk or an exact attribute name.

An asterisk specifies all attributes associated with the filter type. To filter
for a specific attribute, use the exact name of the attribute.

Default roles
This table lists the default roles set up for Application Management, along with the permission
group assigned to each. You can add, change, or delete roles for Application Management as

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Role Name Description Permission Groups

App Mgmt Operator Full access to all MBeans MFFullPermGrp
App Mgmt Monitor View only access to all MBeans MFViewPermGrp
App Mgmt Scripting Admin access to all AppMgmt MFAdminPermGrp

Default permission groups

This table lists the default permission groups set up for Application Management, along with the
permissions assigned to each. You can add, change, or delete permission groups for Application
Management as needed.

Permission Group Permissions

MFAdminPermGrp MFFullMBeanServer
(Full access to MBeanServer functions) MFFullScriptManager

MFFullPermGrp MFFullServerManager
(Full access to mbean operations,attributes) MFFullProcess

MFViewPermGrp MFViewServerManager

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Permission Group Permissions

(View only access to mbean attributes) MFViewProcess


Default permissions
The following tables list the default permission set up for Application Management, along with the
tasks and functions assigned to each. You can add, change, or delete permissions for Application
Management as needed.
This single permission is for scripting actions that provide direct access to the MBean Server. As
such, it should only be given to higher level administrative users.

Permission Name Task Function

MFFullMBeanServer MFMBean Register
(Full access to MBeanServer) UnRegister

Most permissions are based on, and named for, the MBean type to which they relate. These
permissions are listed below.

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MBean Type Permission Name Task Function

CommsHandler MFFullCommsHandler MFCommsHandler SaveAttr
(Full access to ViewAttr
CommsHandler MBean)

MFViewCommsHandler MFCommsHandler ViewAttr

(View access to
CommsHandler MBean)

CommsManager MFFullCommsManager MFCommsManager SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
CommsManager MBean)

MFViewCommsManager MFCommsManager ViewAttr

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MBean Type Permission Name Task Function

(View access to
CommsManager MBean)

Component MFFullComponent MFComponent SaveAttr

(Full access to Component ViewAttr

MFViewComponent MFComponent ViewAttr

(View access to
Component MBean)

MessagingManager MFFullMessagingManager MFMessagingManager SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr

MFViewMessagingManager MFMessagingManager ViewAttr

(View access to

Monitor MFFullMonitor MFMonitor SaveAttr

(Full access to Monitor ViewAttr

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MBean Type Permission Name Task Function


MFViewMonitor MFMonitor ViewAttr

(View access to Monitor

Msgrouter MFFullMsgrouter MFMsgrouter SaveAttr

(Full access to Msgrouter ViewAttr

MFViewMsgrouter MFMsgrouter ViewAttr

(View access to Msgrouter

Process MFFullProcess MFProcess SaveAttr

(Full access to Process ViewAttr

MFViewProcess MFProcess ViewAttr

(View access to Process

ProcessControl MFFullProcessControl MFProcessControl SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
ProcessControl MBean)

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MBean Type Permission Name Task Function


MFViewProcessControl MFProcessControl ViewAttr

(View access to
ProcessControl MBean)

ProcessManager MFFullProcessManager MFProcessManager SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
ProcessManager MBean)

MFViewProcessManager MFProcessManager ViewAttr

(View access to
ProcessManager MBean)

Queue MFFullQueue MFQueue SaveAttr

(Full access to Queue ViewAttr

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MBean Type Permission Name Task Function

MFViewQueue MFQueue ViewAttr
(View access to Queue

QueueManager MFFullQueueManager MFQueueManager SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
QueueManager MBean)

MFViewQueueManager MFQueueManager ViewAttr

(View access to
QueueManager MBean)

RemoteAgentProxy MFFullRemoteAgentProxy MFRemoteAgentProxy SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr

MFViewRemoteAgentProxy MFRemoteAgentProxy ViewAttr

(View access to

ScriptManager MFFullScriptManager MFScriptManager SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
ScriptManager MBean)

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ACIJMX agent security

MBean Type Permission Name Task Function


MFViewScriptManager MFScriptManager ViewAttr

(View access to
ScriptManager MBean)

ServerManager MFFullServerManager MFServerManager SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
ServerManager MBean)

MFViewServerManager MFServerManager ViewAttr

(View access to
ServerManager MBean)

Service MFFullService MFService SaveAttr

(Full access to Service ViewAttr

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ACIJMX agent security

MBean Type Permission Name Task Function


MFViewService MFService ViewAttr

(View access to Service

Station MFFullStation MFStation SaveAttr

(Full access to Station or ViewAttr
Stationpool MBeans)

MFViewStation MFStation ViewAttr

(View access to Station or
Stationpool MBeans

TopologyManager MFFullTopologyManager MFTopologyManager SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
TopologyManager MBean)

MFViewTopologyManager MFTopologyManager ViewAttr

(View access to
TopologyManager MBean)


(Full access to XPNETNode ViewAttr

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MBean Type Permission Name Task Function



(View access to
XPNETNode MBean)

XPNETSystem MFFullXPNETSystem MFXPNETSystem SaveAttr

(Full access to ViewAttr
XPNETSystem MBean)

MFViewXPNETSystem MFXPNETSystem ViewAttr

(View access to
XPNETSystem MBean)

XPNETSystemMana MFFullXPNETSystemManag MFXPNETSystemMana SaveAttr

ger er ger
(Full access to
MBean) addXPNETSystemLike

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MBean Type Permission Name Task Function


MFViewXPNETSystemMana MFXPNETSystemMana ViewAttr

ger ger
(View access to

Standard tasks
The following tables list the standard tasks available for Application Management. These cannot be
changed or added to.
This single task is for scripting actions that do not relate to a particular MBean. The task and its
functions provide direct access to the MBean Server.

Task Functions Filters

MFMBean Register None

All other tasks are based on, and named for, the MBean type to which they relate. These tasks are
listed below.

Type Task Task Description

CommsHandler MFCommsHandler Use Communications Handlers in
App Mgmt.
CommsManager MFCommsManager Add and delete Comms Handler
Mgrs in App Mgmt.
Component MFComponent Use components in App Mgmt.
MessagingManager MFMessagingManager Manage Queue Managers in App
Monitor MFMonitor Use monitors in App Mgmt.
Msgrouter MFMsgrouter Use ICE-XS message routers in
App Mgmt.
Process MFProcess Control processes in App Mgmt.

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Type Task Task Description

ProcessControl MFProcessControl Use process control commands
in App Mgmt.
ProcessManager MFProcessManager Add and delete processes in App
Queue MFQueue Use queues in App Mgmt.
QueueManager MFQueueManager Use Queue Managers in App
RemoteAgentProxy MFRemoteAgentProxy Start and stop remote agent
proxies in App Mgmt.
ScriptManager MFScriptManager Use scripts in App Mgmt.
ServerManager MFServerManager Use ServerManager monitors in
App Mgmt.
Service MFService Use services in App Mgmt.
Station MFStation Use stations in App Mgmt.
TopologyManager MFTopologyManager Add and remove remote agent
proxies in App Mgmt.
XPNETNode MFXPNETNode Use XPNET stations, processes
and q's in App Mgmt.
XPNETSystem MFXPNETSystem Use XPNET nodes in App Mgmt.
XPNETSystemManager MFXPNETSystemManager Use XPNET systems in App

Standard Functions
This table lists the standard functions available for Application Management. For the most part,
they are based on available MBean operations.

Function Description
Register Register a new MBean in App Mgmt.
UnRegister Unregister an MBean in App Mgmt.
AddNotifListener Add a notification listener to MBean in App Mgmt.
RemoveNotifListener Remove a notif listener from MBean in App Mgmt.
addCounterMonitor Add a Counter Monitor MBean in App Mgmt.
addGaugeMonitor Add a Gauge Monitor MBean in App Mgmt.
addStringMonitor Add a String Monitor MBean in App Mgmt.
deleteMonitor Delete a Monitor MBean in App Mgmt.

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Function Description
initBackup Start backup instance of MBean in App Mgmt.
resetMonitor Stop and restart individual Monitor in App Mgmt.
startMonitors Start all Monitors in App Mgmt.
shutdown Stop a resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
stopBackup Stop a backup instance of an MBean in App Mgmt.
startNotifier Start notifications in App Mgmt.
stopNotifier Stop notifications in App Mgmt.
init Init a resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
sync Sync a resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
start Start a resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
stop Stop a resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
kill Kill a resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
getDerivedGauge Get value of monitor attr for MBean in App Mgmt.
getDerivedGaugeTimeStamp Get time monitor was last updated in App Mgmt.
getThreshold Get current threshold value for MBean in App Mgmt.
addObservedObject Add MBean to monitored MBeans in App Mgmt.
removeObservedObject Remove MBean from monitored MBeans in App Mgmt.
containsObservedObject Test if object is monitored by MBean in App Mgmt.
exec Execute resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
addNotificationObjects Add MBeans monitored for script notif in App Mgmt.
addNotificationType Add type of notif for script notif in App Mgmt.
execScript Execute Jython script from a file in App Mgmt.
removeScheduledScript Delete a scheduled script in App Mgmt.
scheduleScript Schedule a script in App Mgmt.
removeNotificationObjects Remove MBeans for script notif in App Mgmt.
removeNotificationType Remove type of notif for scripts in App Mgmt.
alter Enter process control Alter commands in App Mgmt.
deliver Enter prcs cntrl Deliver commands in App Mgmt.
info Enter process control Info commands in App Mgmt.
status Enter process control Status commands in App Mgmt.

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Function Description
setDynamicAttribute Set dyn attrs for cmpnts and srvcs in App Mgmt.
obey Execute a file containing JMXCI-format commands.
addRemoteAgentProxy Add a remote agent for management in App Mgmt.
removeRemoteAgentProxy Remove a remote agent from management in App Mgmt.
setThresholds Set high-low thresholds for monitors in App Mgmt.
registerExecutable Register execs that provide srvc in App Mgmt.
deregisterExecutable Deregister execs that provide srvc in App Mgmt.
showStation Add station for permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
hideStation Remove station from permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
inquireStation Add station for temporary mgmt in App Mgmt.
showStationpool Add stationpool for permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
hideStationpool Remove stationpool from perm mgmt in App Mgmt.
inquireStationpool Add stationpool for temporary mgmt in App Mgmt.
showMsgrouter Add msgrouter for permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
hideMsgrouter Remove msgrouter from permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
inquireMsgrouter Add msgrouter for temporary mgmt in App Mgmt.
listStations List stations for ICE-XS process in App Mgmt.
listStationpools List stationpools for ICE-XS process in App Mgmt.
listMsgrouters List msgrouters for ICE-XS process in App Mgmt.
connect Connect resource associated with task in App Mgmt.
disconnect Disconnect resource assoc'd with task in App Mgmt.
addProcess Add a new process in App Mgmt.
deleteProcess Delete a process in App Mgmt.
addProcessLike Add process like existing process in App Mgmt.
restoreProcesses Restore a deleted process MBean in App Mgmt.
addCommsHandler Add an ICE-XS process MBean in App Mgmt.
deleteCommsHandler Delete an ICE-XS process MBean from App Mgmt.
addLikeCommsHandler Add ICE-XS process like existing prcs in App Mgmt.
restoreCommsHandler Restore deleted ICE-XS process MBean in App Mgmt.
getAttrSummary Get info for resource assoc'd w-task in App Mgmt.

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Function Description
pop Clear specified # of msgs from queue in App Mgmt.
listQueues List q's for WMQ q mgr or XPNET node in App Mgmt.
showQueue Add a queue for permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
inquireQueue Add a queue for temporary mgmt in App Mgmt.
hideQueue Remove a queue from permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
addQueueManager Add a new WMQ queue manager in App Mgmt.
deleteQueueManager Delete a WMQ queue manager from App Mgmt.
addLikeQueueManager Add WMQ q mgr like existing q mgr in App Mgmt.
restoreQueueManager Restore a deleted WMQ queue manager in App Mgmt.
ViewAttr View attrs for resrce assoc'd w-task in App Mgmt.
SaveAttr Modify attrs for obj assoc'd w-task in App Mgmt.
addXPNETSystem Add an XPNET system MBean in App Mgmt.
deleteXPNETSystem Delete an XPNET system MBean from App Mgmt.
addXPNETSystemLike Add XPNET system MBean like existing in App Mgmt.
restoreXPNETSystem Restore a deleted XPNET system MBean in App Mgmt.
hideNode Remove XPNET node from permanent mgmt in App
listNodes List XPNET nodes in App Mgmt.
showNode Add XPNET node for permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
hideProcess Remove XPNET process from perm mgmt in App Mgmt.
inquireProcess Add XPNET node for temp mgmt in App Mgmt.
listProcesses List all XPNET nodes for XPNET prcss in App Mgmt.
showProcess Add XPNET process for permanent mgmt in App Mgmt.
resetStats Reset cntrs in App Mgmt for object assoc'd w-task.
freeze Suspend routing to a queue in App Mgmt.
purge Remove all messages for a queue in App Mgmt.
qread Read messages from disk to queue in App Mgmt.
qtransfer Transfer msgs from q to q of object in App Mgmt.
qwrite Write msgs from a queue to disk file in App Mgmt.

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Standard filters and filter types

Standard filters and filter types are defined for MBean types as shown in the following table. You
can add, change, and delete filters as needed. Filter Types cannot be renamed, although their
values can be changed or added to.
The default filter type values of asterisks denote that the view or save actions can be performed
on any attributes for the corresponding MBean type. The asterisk can be replaced by new filter
type entries if you want to filter actions by attribute. To do this you would create a new filter type
entry and include the name of the attribute instead of the asterisk. Refer to section 2 for the valid
attribute names that can be used.

MBean Type Filter Name Filter Type Value

CommsHandler Chg All AppMgmt CommH Attrs MFCommsHandlerAs *
(Various save attributes of (Filter changing ICE-XS
CommsHandler) commshdr attrs in App

View All AppMgmt CommH Attrs MFCommsHandlerAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing ICE-XS
CommsHandler) commshdr attrs in App

CommsManager Chg All AppMgmt CommM Attrs MFCommsManagerAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing ICE-XS
CommsManager) CommsMgr attrs in App

View All AppMgmt CommM Attrs MFCommsManagerAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing ICE-XS
CommsManager) CommsMgr attrs in App

Component Chg All AppMgmt Cmpnt Attrs MFComponentAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing Component
Component) attrs in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMgmt Cmpnt Attrs MFComponentAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing of
Component) Component attrs in App

MessagingManager Chg All AppMgmt MsgMgr Attrs MFMessagingManagerAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing WMQ
MessagingManager) MsgMgr attrs in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMgmt MsgMgr Attrs MFMessagingManagerAv *

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MBean Type Filter Name Filter Type Value

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing of WMQ

MessagingManager) MsgMgr attrs in App Mgmt.)

Monitor Chg All AppMgmt Mntr Attrs MFMonitorAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing Monitor
Monitor) attributes in App

View All AppMgmt Mntr Attrs MFMonitorAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing Monitor
Monitor) attributes in App

Msgrouter Chg All AppMgmt MsgRtr Attrs MFMsgrouterAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing ICE-XS
Msgrouter) Msgrtr attrs in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMgmt MsgRtr Attrs MFMsgrouterAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing ICE-XS
Msgrouter) Msgrouter attrs in App

Process Chg All AppMgmt Prcss Attrs MFProcessAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing Process
Process) attributes in App

View All AppMgmt Prcss Attrs MFProcessAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing Process
Process) attributes in App

ProcessControl Chg All AppMgmt PrcCtl Attrs MFProcessControlAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing Process Cntl
ProcessControl) attrs in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMgmt PrcCtl Attrs MFProcessControlAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing Process
ProcessControl) Control attrs in App Mgmt.)

ProcessManager Chg All AppMgmt PrcMgr Attrs MFProcessManagerAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing
ProcessManager) ProcessManager attrs in App

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MBean Type Filter Name Filter Type Value

View All AppMgmt PrcMgr Attrs MFProcessManagerAv *
(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing
ProcessManager) ProcessManager attrs in App

Queue Chg All AppMgmt Queue Attrs MFQueueAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing WMQ Queue
Queue) attributes in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMgmt Queue Attrs MFQueueAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing WMQ Queue
Queue) attributes in App Mgmt.)

QueueManager Chg All AppMgmt QMgr Attrs MFQueueManagerAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing WMQ
QueueManager) QueueMgr attrs in App

View All AppMgmt QMgr Attrs MFQueueManagerAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing WMQ
QueueManager) QueueMgr attrs in App

RemoteAgentProxy Chg All AppMgmt RmtAgt Attrs MFRemoteAgentProxyAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing
RemoteAgentProxy) RmteAgentProxy attrs in
App Mgmt.)

View All AppMgmt RmtAgt Attrs MFRemoteAgentProxyAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing
RemoteAgentProxy) RmteAgentProxy attrs in
App Mgmt.)

ScriptManager Chg All AppMgmt ScrMgr Attrs MFScriptManagerAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing
ScriptManager) ScriptManager attrs in App

View All AppMgmt ScrMgr Attrs MFScriptManagerAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing
ScriptManager) ScriptManager attrs in App

ServerManager Chg All AppMgmt SvrMgr Attrs MFServerManagerAs *

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MBean Type Filter Name Filter Type Value

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing

ServerManager) ServerManager attrs in App

View All AppMgmt SvrMgr Attrs MFServerManagerAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing
ServerManager) ServerManager attrs in App

Service Chg All AppMgmt Srvc Attrs MFServiceAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing Service
Service) attributes in App

View All AppMgmt Srvc Attrs MFServiceAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing Service
Service) attributes in App

Station Chg All AppMgmt Station Attrs MFStationAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing ICE-XS
Station and Stationpool) Station attrs in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMgmt Station Attrs MFStationAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing ICE-XS
Station and Stationpool) Station attrs in App Mgmt.)

TopologyManager Chg All AppMgmt TopMgr Attrs MFTopologyManagerAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing
TopologyManager) TopologyMgr attrs in App

View All AppMgmt TopMgr Attrs MFTopologyManagerAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing TopologyMgr
TopologyManager) attrs in App Mgmt.)

XPNETNode Chg All AppMg XPNode Attrs MFXPNETNodeAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing XPNET Node
XPNETNode) attr in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMg XPNode Attrs MFXPNETNodeAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing of XPNET
XPNETNode) Node attrs in App

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MBean Type Filter Name Filter Type Value

XPNETSystem Chg All AppMg XPSystem Attrs MFXPNETSystemAs *
(Various save attributes of (Filter changing XPNET
XPNETSystem) System attr in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMg XPSystem Attrs MFXPNETSystemAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing XPNET
XPNETSystem) System attrs in App Mgmt.)

XPNETSystemManager Chg All AppMg XPSysMgr Attrs MFXPNETSystemManagerAs *

(Various save attributes of (Filter changing XPNET
XPNETSystemManager) SysMgr attrs in App Mgmt.)

View All AppMg XPSysMgr Attrs MFXPNETSystemManagerAv *

(Various view attributes of (Filter viewing XPNET
XPNETSystemManager) SysMgr attrs in App Mgmt.)

User defaults
The following table lists the Application Management default settings for the SysAdmin user and
the AppMgmtAdmin user. The SysAdmin user is a general administrative user and may have more
roles assigned; the AppMgmtAdmin is an administrative user with only Application Management
permissions. The filters are the default filters assigned to each.

User Name Role Name Filters

SysAdmin App Mgmt Operator View All AppMgmt SvrMgr Attrs
AppMgmtAdmin App Mgmt Operator Chg All AppMgmt SvrMgr Attrs
App Mgmt Scripting View All AppMgmt Prcss Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt Prcss Attrs
View All AppMgmt Mntr Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt Mntr Attrs
View All AppMgmt ScrMgr Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt ScrMgr Attrs
View All AppMgmt PrcCtl Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt PrcCtl Attrs
View All AppMgmt Cmpnt Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt Cmpnt Attrs
View All AppMgmt ScrRnr Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt ScrRnr Attrs
View All AppMgmt TopMgr Attrs

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User Name Role Name Filters

Chg All AppMgmt TopMgr Attrs

View All AppMgmt Srvc Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt Srvc Attrs
View All AppMgmt CommH Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt CommH Attrs
View All AppMgmt RmtAgt Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt RmtAgt Attrs
View All AppMgmt PrcMgr Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt PrcMgr Attrs
View All AppMgmt CommM Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt CommM Attrs
View All AppMgmt MsgRtr Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt MsgRtr Attrs

View All AppMgmt Queue Attrs

Chg All AppMgmt Queue Attrs
View All AppMgmt QMgr Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt QMgr Attrs
View All AppMgmt Station Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt Station Attrs
View All AppMgmt MsgMgr Attrs
Chg All AppMgmt MsgMgr Attrs
View All AppMg XPSysMgr Attrs
Chg All AppMg XPSysMgr Attrs
View All AppMg XPSystem Attrs
Chg All AppMg XPSystem Attrs
View All AppMg XPNode Attrs
Chg All AppMg XPNode Attrs

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Audit records
AJI-based audit records have a standard structure. The MBean Server Wrapper creates audit
records containing the following information for the various types of actions that are audited.

Audit Data Description

Timestamp Standard timestamp of the date and time the action took place.
ActivityGroupID This value is not set.
ContextDescr The name, type/subtype of the MBean on which the action was
performed. The following are examples of how the information is
• mbean=I821_JMX:name=I821_UIAUD,subtype=UnixProcess
• mbean=I821_JMX:name=ScriptManager,type=ScriptManager
• mbean=I821_JMX-Image:name=EventLogger1,type=EventLogger

Ticket The session handle/ticket information associated with the action. The
session handle/ticket includes the user ID, session number, and terminal
ErrorData OK or Error, depending on whether or not there was an error.
ErrorDescription A description of the error, if an error occurred. The following are several
examples of errors:
• User is not authorized to register an mbean
EventLogger_EventLogger1 (6050.4)
• User is not authorized to unregister an mbean
EventLogger_EventLogger1 (6050.5)
• User is not authorized to add notification listener to an mbean
EventLogger_EventLogger1 (6050.6)
• User is not authorized to remove notification listener from an mbean
EventLogger_EventLogger1, listener I821_JMX-
Image:name=Notifier,type=Notifier (6050.7)

ActivityType The type of activity (action) being audited. Valid activity types are as
• ViewAttribute
• UpdateAttribute
• Operation
• RegisterMBean
• UnRegisterMBean
• AddNotifListener
• RemoveNotifListener

ActivityDetails Detailed information about the action. The following are examples for
each of the types of audited actions

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Audit Data Description

• getAttribute on mbean
• setAttribute on mbean
I821_JMX:name=ScriptManager,type=ScriptManager, attribute=Type,
• operation on mbean
param1=aa[java.lang.String], param2=null[java.lang.String],
param3=null[java.lang.String], param4=null[java.lang.String],
param5=null[java.lang.String], param6=null[java.lang.String]
• Registering mbean org.python.proxies.main$EventLogger1$1@750e30
• UnRegistering mbean
• Adding a new notification listener, mbean:I821_JMX-
• Removing notification listener, mbean:I821_JMX-

Service Set to AJMF, which stands for ACI Java Management Framework.

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Application management user interface

Application management user

Section 4:
The Application Management windows of the ACI desktop user interface and the Operations
Management pages of the APF Admin browser are used to access and manage the Application
Management functionality. This section describes these windows or browser pages and the types
of data that can be managed from them.
Note: The ACI desktop user interface is currently available only with the BASE24-eps
product only, while the APF Admin browser is currently available only with the ACI Proactive
Risk Manager product.

In this section:

Application management windows/pages..................................................................... 157

Detail windows/management console pages................................................................. 157
Summary windows and pages..................................................................................... 162
Communications Handler Summary window and page................................................... 166
Message Routers Summary window or page................................................................. 167
Process Summary window and Processes Summary page.............................................. 168
Queue Summary window and Queues Summary page................................................... 169
Queue Manager Summary window and page................................................................ 170
Station Summary window and Stations Summary page................................................. 171
BSVC Components Summary window...........................................................................172
BSVC Services Summary window.................................................................................173
SBA Components Summary window.............................................................................174
SBA Services Summary window...................................................................................176
SBA Management Services Summary window............................................................... 177

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Application management user interface

Application management windows/pages

There are two sets of Application Management windows/pages in the ACI desktop and APF Admin
• Detail windows/Management Console/pages. These windows/pages provide access to the
operations and attributes exposed by a specific MBean configured in the system. These
windows/pages enable you to manage individual resources.
• Summary windows/pages. These windows/pages provide summary information for the different
types of managed resources in the system. These windows/pages enable you to manage
groups of resources.
The content and look of these windows/pages differs depending on the platform and the MBeans
configured for your system, but the basic functionality is similar across platforms.

Accessing the application management windows/pages

This topic describes how to access the Application Management windows or browser pages on the
ACI desktop user interface or APF Admin browser.

ACI desktop window access

The Application Management windows are accessible on the ACI desktop from the System
Operations > Application Management menu item.
Select Application Management to view the available detail windows for your system. Select
Application Management Summary to view a summary window.

Browser page access

The Application Management pages are accessible on the APF Admin browser from the Setup >
Operations Management menu item.
Select Management Console to view the available Management Console pages for your system, or
you can select a summary page.

Detail windows/management console pages

The Application Management detail windows and Management Console detail pages provide
access, by way of a structured user interface, to the operations and attributes exposed by the
MBeans configured for your system.

Left pane
The left pane of the window or page provides a hierarchical display of all managed resources from
which you can select. The content of this pane is dynamic and based entirely on the MBeans you
have configured in your system. The following are examples of a detail window and page. In both
cases, no specific resource has been selected and the right pane is unpopulated.
Refer to section 2 for description of the MBeans that can be configured for your system.

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Note: Certain aspects of the hierarchy and labeling in the left pane can be changed. For an
explanation of what changes can be made and how to make the changes, refer to section
19, “Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console

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Application management user interface

Right pane
The right pane displays the operations and attributes exposed by the MBean managing the
selected resource. Here again, the content of the pane is dynamic. In this case, the content is
based on the operations and attributes exposed by the MBean of the resource you are viewing.
The following examples show a SISUnixProcess resource. In these examples, the Detail window or
Management Console page displays those operations (as functions) and attributes exposed by
corresponding SISUnixProcess MBeans.

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Accessing individual managed resources

To view an individual managed resource, click the corresponding group headings in the left pane
to expand the list as needed and then click the resource.
In accessing the resource, you are provided with the operations and attributes exposed by the
corresponding MBean.

Executing operations
The operations you can execute on a managed resource from the Detail window or Management
Console page are based on the operations exposed by the MBean managing the resource.
Function buttons are provided dynamically for each available operation. Section 2 provides a
listing of all of the operations exposed by the various ACI MBeans and their corresponding
function buttons.
To initiate an operation for the managed resource, click the corresponding Function button. If the
operation (such as Start) does not return information, then the status bar will show either a
successful submit of the operation or an error message. Some operations require parameters to
be entered. As an example, the Queue Pop operation removes the number of messages entered
by the user.
Note: Hovering the mouse pointer over a function button displays a short description of the

Additional parameters
Some operations require parameters to be entered. As an example, the ProcessManager
addProcessLike operation, which adds a new process with the same attributes as an existing
process entry, requires two parameters: the symbolic name by which the new process will be
known and the symbolic name of the process that will be used as the template.
When you select the Add Like button on the Detail window, a panel for parameter entry is
presented. You must then fill in values for the parameters.
When you select the Add Like button on the Management Console page, a popup for parameter
entry is presented. You must then fill in values for the parameters.
In some cases, a drop-down menu for selecting a parameter may be presented. For example, the
XPNETNode showQueue operation, which adds a queue for permanent management, requires two
parameters, and the type of the queue is presented as a drop-down menu.

If an error occurs on the execution of an operation on the Detail window, the status bar shows a
color-highlighted error message. For some error messages, more error information can be
obtained by hovering the mouse pointer over the status bar error text.
If an error occurs on the execution of an operation on the Management Console page, a
descriptive error message is displayed near the top of the page.

Viewing and modifying attributes

The attributes you can view and modify for a managed resource from the Detail window or
Management Console page are based on the attributes exposed by the MBean managing the

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Application management user interface

resource. Attributes are listed dynamically on the page for the managed resource being viewed.
Section 2 provides a listing of all of the attributes exposed by the various ACI MBeans and
whether or not they can be modified.

Detail window
To view an attribute on the Detail window, you can scroll through the attribute list. You can
double-click in any Description or Value cell to display the Zoom button. Clicking the Zoom button
displays a larger field that contains the description to make it easier for you to, for example, copy
the contents and paste them in another field.
To modify an attribute, click the Edit button. The window is redisplayed with appropriate edit
boxes. Only read/write attributes can be changed; these are distinguished by a white background
in the value column.
Modify the values and click the Save button. This issues update requests to the ACIJMX agent for
the affected attributes. Note that the attribute values are only checked for syntax.
If you do not want to save your changes, click Cancel/Done. This cancels the changes that you
You can click in any cell of the Value column that has a white background to modify values.

Management Console page

To view an attribute on the Management Console page, you can scroll through the attribute list.
You can click on any attribute with a hyperlink to edit the value of the attribute. You cannot
modify the value of attributes displayed without a hyperlink. Clicking an attribute hyperlink
displays an Edit Application Management Attribute popup, from which you can change the
attribute value. Modify the values and click the Save button. This issues update requests to the
ACIJMX agent for the affected attributes. Note that the attribute values are only checked for
If you do not want to save your changes, click Cancel. This cancels the changes that you made.

Manipulating resources using list/show/inquire/hide operations

The following manager-level MBeans support list, show, inquire, and hide operations that provide
options for viewing, adding, and removing resources in cases where the actual underlying
resources cannot be added or removed by the ACIJMX agent.
• WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean
• ICEXS (CommsHandler) MBean
• XPNETSystem MBean (does not support the inquire operation)
• XPNETNode MBean
The standard list, show, inquire, and hide operations can be useful for viewing potential resources
for management, for adding resources for permanent or temporary management, and for
removing resources from management. For information about these operations, refer to the
“Manipulating resources using list/show/inquire/hide operations” topic in section 2.
Again, these operations do not add or remove underlying resources. They just expose or hide the
resources for management by the ACIJMX agent.

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Summary windows and pages

The Application Management summary windows and pages are summary displays of specific types
of managed resources that enable you to not only view resources as a group but also monitor the
state of select resources or to perform actions on a set of select resources. The Application
Management summary windows and pages also enable you to create queries or select predefined
queries to tailor groups of resources to meet certain criteria.

Accessing a summary window

To display summary windows for managed resource types, select Application Management
Summary from the System Operations > Application Management menu.
From there, you can select one of the summary windows.

Accessing a summary page

To display summary pages for managed resource types, select the page from Setup >
Operations Management > JMX Application Management in the left-hand navigation pane or
from Setup > Operations Management on the home page.

Using queries
All of the summary windows and pages support a query capability. The purpose of a query is to
produce a summary view of only those resources meeting the query criteria. You might use
queries for the following purposes.
• To monitor a specific set of resources, such as to monitor all processes that have been started.
• To perform a function on a specific set of resources, such as to shut down all processes that are
in the started state.
The summary windows and pages provide predefined queries or you can create your own queries
using some basic query syntax.

Predefined queries
Summary windows. Each summary window provides a list of pre-defined query strings that can
be executed by selecting the desired query and submitting the query. If the query you want to
use is in the list, select it and click Submit.
Note: You can add a query to the list of queries in the Predefined Query field by modifying
the property file for a given summary window.
Summary pages. Each summary page provides a list of pre-defined query strings in the
Predefined Query field that can be executed by selecting the desired query and submitting the
query. If the query you want to use is in the list, select it and click Go.
Note: You can add a query to the list of queries in the Predefined Query field by modifying
the file in the resource bundle for the APF Admin application (e.g.,

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The following are the default entries in the file for predefined query items on
Application Management Summary pages. You add additional queries by inserting a new property
with the number incremented by 1.

apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.commsHandler.queryList.0=State == "Connected"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.commsHandler.queryList.1=not State == "Connected"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.msgrouter.queryList.0=InboundConns > 0
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.msgrouter.queryList.1=InboundConns == 0
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.msgrouter.queryList.2=OutboundConns > 0
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.msgrouter.queryList.3=OutboundConns == 0
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.msgrouter.queryList.4=ConnsRefused > 0
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.process.queryList.0=State == "Started"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.process.queryList.1=not State == "Abnormal"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.queue.queryList.0=CurrentQueueDepth > 0
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.queue.queryList.1=OpenInputCount > 1
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.queue.queryList.2=not OpenInputCount > 1
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.queue.queryList.3=OpenOutputCount > 1
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.queue.queryList.4=not OpenOutputCount > 1
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.queueManager.queryList.0=State == "Connected"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.queueManager.queryList.1=not State == "Connected"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.station.queryList.0=State == "Started"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.station.queryList.1=not State == "Started"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.station.queryList.2=CommsHandlerState == "Connected"
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.station.queryList.3=not CommsHandlerState ==
apfadmin.list.appMgmtSummary.station.queryList.4=(MessagesReceived == 0) or
(MessagesSent == 0)

Creating your own queries

You can also create your own queries using the query syntax documented below.
Summary pages. The following example shows the entry of a query to display processes that are
in the Stopped state. The query string is entered in the lower text box, and the query is executed
by clicking Go. The summary page refreshes with the updated information.

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Query syntax
The following table describes the syntax variables that can be used to form queries.

Variable Definition
<attrName> Attribute name is a valid attribute—not enclosed by quotation marks.
Attribute names are case-sensitive.
<attrValue> One of the following, depending on the type of attribute specified by the
<booleanAttrValue> = a boolean attribute value of true or false—not
enclosed by quotation marks and not case sensitive.
<stringAttrValue> = A string value—enclosed by quotation marks.
<intAttrValue> = An numeric value—not enclosed by quotation marks
and treated as an integer.

<equivalenceOp> An equivalence operator, denoting equal values—one of the following,

not enclosed with quotation marks: “==”, “!=”
<relationOp> An relational operator, denoting greater than or less than (and optionally
equal to) values—one of the following, not enclosed with quotation
marks: “>”, “>=”, “<“, “<=”

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Variable Definition
<stringRelationOp> A string relational operator—one of the following, not enclosed with
quotation marks: “startsWith”, “endsWith”, “matches”
<binaryLogicalOp> A binary logical operator—one of the following, not enclosed with
quotation marks: “and”, “or”.
<unaryLogicalOp> A unnary logical operator—not enclosed with quotation marks: “not”

Query syntax examples

The query syntax that you use to perform queries supports two types of queries:
• Queries that include attributes of resources that you want to display.
• Queries that exclude attributes of resources that you want to display.
The syntax of queries that include attributes of resources that you want to display can have one of
the following formats:

<attrName> <equivalenceOp> <booleanAttrValue>

Example: Restartable==true
<attrName> <relationOp> <intAttrValue>
Example: CurrentQueueDepth>0
<attrName> <stringRelationOp> <stringAttrValue>
Example: InputQueue matches "*IS"

Queries that exclude attributes of resources that you want to display have use the following

[ <unaryLogicalOp> ] <queryExp> [ <binaryLogicalOp> <queryExp> ]

Example: not State == "Started" and InputQueue matches "*.IS"

You can use the following queries to display processes:

State == "Started"
not State == "Started"
State == "Started" and InputQueue matches "*.IS"

You can use the following queries to display queues:

CurrentQueueDepth > 0
Type == "Mytype" and ( (CurrentQueueDepth > 0) or (OpenInputCount < 2) )

You can use the following queries to display stations:

(MessagesSent == 0) or (MessagesReceived == 0)

Viewing multiple summary windows of the same type

The ACI desktop supports having multiple summary windows open at the same time, even
multiple windows of the same type. This allows operators to have different views of the total
application environment.

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Taking action on resources from the summary windows or pages

When you first display a summary window or page, the function buttons are not active. You must
select an item or items in the summary table to activate the buttons (you can select all rows by
clicking the Select All action button in the lower left corner of the table).
Once you have selected the resources you want to perform an operation on, click the appropriate
function button. Once the operation is performed, the information in the summary table is
automatically refreshed. For example, if you selected and stopped a process, the text in the State
column for that process would be changed to Stopped.
You can also view a monitored resource on a popup Management Console page by clicking the
resource’s hyperlink on a summary page.

Copying and pasting text on detail windows

To copy and paste information from the summary table on a Detail window, click the Zoom button
displayed on the right side of the cell and copy the text from the Zoom window.
This can be useful if you want to, for example, copy the name of a queue, process, or
communications handler to paste in another field, perhaps to perform an operation on that

Communications Handler Summary window and

Use the Communications Handler Summary window or page to connect to and disconnect from
communications handler processes.
Currently, the only communications handler processes supported are ICE-XS processes, and they
are managed by ICE-XS MBeans. In order to view and manage an ICE-XS process and its
underlying stations, msgrouters, and stationpools, the ICE-XS MBean must be connnected to its
corresponding ICE-XS process.

Summary window
Communication handlers can be selected for actions on the Comms Handler Summary window
individually or in groups using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection
or together with the Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by
clicking the Select All button in the upper left corner of the table.

Summary page
Communication handlers can be selected for actions on the Communications Handler Summary
page individually or you can also select all rows by clicking the Select All action in the lower left
corner of the table.

Prerequisites for using the Communications Handler Summary window or page

ICE-XS processes must be running in order to connected to them.

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Accessing the Comms Handler Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > Comms Handler Summary.

Accessing the Communications Handler Summary page

Select the following from the APF Admin browser: Operations Management > JMX Application
Management > Communications Handler Summary.

Connecting to a communications handler

Select the communications handlers to which you want to connect and click the Connect button.

Disconnecting from a communications handler

Select the communications handlers from which you want to disconnect and click the Disconnect
Note: You should disconnect from ICE-XS processes prior to shutting them down. ICE-XS
processes are started and shut down outside the scope of Application Management (i.e.,
they cannot be started and stopped by the ACIJMX agent).

Message Routers Summary window or page

Use the Message Routers Summary window or page to view all message routers that are available
for monitoring.
Currently, the only message routers available for viewing from this window or page are those
controlled by the ICE-XS processes.

Prerequisites for using the window or page

The following are prerequisites for using this summary window or page:
• The ICE-XS processes controlling the message routers must be running, and the corresponding
ICE-XS MBeans must be connected to these processes.
• To view message routers on this page, they must have been added as managed resources.
Message routers are added as managed resources using the Show MsgRouter operation
exposed by the ICE-XS MBean. They are removed as managed resources using the Hide
MsgRouter operation exposed by the

Accessing the Message Router Summary Window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > Message Router Summary.

Accessing the Message Router Summary Page

Select the following from the APF Admin browser: Operations Management > JMX Application
Management > Message Routers Summary.

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Process Summary window and Processes

Summary page
Use the Process Summary window or Processes Summary page to start, stop, and view the state
of processes currently monitored.

Process Summary window

Processes can be selected for actions on the Process Summary window individually or in groups
using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection or together with the
Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by clicking the Select All
button in the upper left corner of the table.

Processes Summary page

Processes can be selected for actions on the Processes Summary page individually or you can also
select all rows by clicking the Select All action in the lower left corner of the table.

Prerequisites for using the window or page

In order to view and manage a process from this page, it must have a corresponding MBean
instantiated. Process MBeans include ZProcess, UnixProcess, WndProcess, SISZProcess,
SISUnixProcess, JSFZProcess, JSFUnixProcess, and JSFWndProcess MBeans.

Accessing the Process Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > Process Summary.
Note: The summary window does not automatically refresh, so dynamic attributes, such as
State, need to be periodically refreshed using the Refresh button on the tool bar of the
summary window.

Accessing the Processes Summary page

Select the following from the APF Admin browser: Operations Management > JMX Application
Management > Processes Summary.
Note: The summary page does not automatically refresh, so dynamic attributes, such as
State, need to be periodically refreshed using the Refresh action on the top left of the
summary page.

Starting a Process
Select the processes you want to start and click the Start button.

Stopping a Process
Select the processes you want to stop and click the Stop button.

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Queue Summary window and Queues Summary

Use the Queue Summary window or Queues Summary page to monitor and manage all or
selected groups of queues. You can perform the following operations from this window or page:
• Connect to queues – for the purposes of getting current information about the queue and
performing operations.
• Disconnect from queues.
Currently, the only queues available for viewing and operations from this window or page are
those controlled by the WebSphere queue managers.

Queue Summary window

You can select queues for actions on the Queue Summary window individually or in groups using
typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection or together with the Control
or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by clicking the Select All button in
the upper left corner of the table.

Queues Summary page

You can select queues for actions on the Queues Summary page individually or you can also select
all rows by clicking the Select All action in the lower left corner of the table.

Prerequisites for using the window or page

The following are prerequisites for using this summary window or page:
• The WebSphere queue managers controlling the queues must be running, and the
corresponding WMQ MBeans must be connected to these processes.
• To view queues on this page, they must have been added as managed resources. Queues are
added as managed resources using the Show Queue operation exposed by the WMQ MBean.
They are removed as managed resources using the Hide Queue operation exposed by the WMQ

Access the Queue Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > > Application
Management > Application Management Summary > Queue Summary.

Access the Queues Summary page

Select the following from the APF Admin browser: Operations Management > JMX
Application Management > Queues Summary.

Connect to a queue
Select the queues to which you want to connect and click the Connect button.

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Disconnect from a queue

Select the queues from which you want to disconnect and click the Disconnect button.

Queue Manager Summary window and page

Use the Queue Manager Summary window or page to connect to and disconnect from queue
Currently, the only queue managers supported are WebSphere queue managers, and they are
managed by WMQ MBeans. In order to view and manage a WebSphere queue manager and its
underlying queues, the WMQ MBean must be connected to its corresponding WebSphere queue

Queue Manager Summary window

Queue managers can be selected for actions on the Queue Manager Summary window individually
or in groups using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection or together
with the Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by clicking the
Select All button in the upper left corner of the table.

Queue Manager Summary page

Queue managers can be selected for actions on the Queue Manager Summary page individually or
you can also select all rows by clicking the Select All action in the lower left corner of the table.

Prerequisites for using the window or page

A WebSphere queue manager must be running in order to connected to it.

Accessing the Queue Manager Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > Queue Manager Summary.

Accessing the Queue Manager Summary page

Select the following from the APF Admin browser: Operations Managemen > JMX Application
Management > Queue Manager Summary.

Connecting to a queue manager

Select the queue managers to which you want to connect and click the Connect button.

Disconnecting from a queue manager

Select the queue managers from which you want to disconnect and click the Disconnect button.
Note: You should disconnect from WebSphere queue managers prior to shutting them
down. WebSphere queue managers are started and shut down outside the scope of
Application Management (i.e., they cannot be started and stopped by the ACIJMX agent).

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Station Summary window and Stations Summary

Use the Station Summary window or the Stations Summary page to monitor and manage all or
selected groups of stations.
You can perform the following operations from this window or page:
• Start stations.
• Stop stations.
• Synchronize stations using a new descriptor file
Currently, the only stations available for viewing and operations from this window page are those
controlled by the ICE-XS processes.

Station Summary window

Stations can be selected for actions on the Station Summary window individually or in groups
using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection or together with the
Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by clicking the Select All
button in the upper left corner of the table.

Stations Summary page

Stations can be selected for actions on the Stations Summary page individually or you can also
select all rows by clicking the Select All action in the lower left corner of the table.

Prerequisites for using the window or page

The following are prerequisites to using this summary page:
• The ICE-XS processes controlling the stations must be running, and the corresponding ICE-XS
MBeans must be connected to these processes.
• To view stations on this window or page, they must have been added as managed resources.
Stations are added as managed resources using the Show Station operation exposed by the
ICE-XS MBean. They are removed as managed resources using the Hide Station operation
exposed by the ICE-XS MBean.

Accessing the Station Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > Station Summary.

Accessing the Stations Summary page

Select the following from the APF Admin browser: Operations Management > JMX Application
Management > Stations Summary.

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Starting a station
Select the stations you want to start and click the Start button. This action starts the managed

Stopping a station
Select the stations you want to stop and click the Start button. This action stops the managed

Syncing a Station
Select the stations you want to sync and click the Sync button.
The sync action reinstantiates the ICEStation MBEANs for all of the selected stations using the
current version of the ICEStation-descriptor.xml file. Sync actions are used to enables changes
made to the descriptor file (such as adding or removing attributes and operations).

BSVC Components Summary window

Use the BSVC Components Summary window to monitor all or selected groups of BSVC
components. You can also perform reset operations from this window.
BASE24-eps business service (BSVC) components represent a single service consumer or service
implementation instance within a single BASE24-eps service-based application process.
Application Management BSVC windows display information exposed by the BASE24-eps
foundation layer.
BSVC components can be selected for actions on the BSVC Components Summary window
individually or in groups using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection
or together with the Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by
clicking the Select All button in the upper left corner of the table.
An example of the BSVC Components Summary window is shown below. It displays various
statistics for each individual service, including counts for exceptions, invocations, responses, and
timeouts, a list of executables that provide the service, and the average response time for the

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Accessing the BSVC Components Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > BSVC Components Summary.

Resetting component counts

Select the component whose counts you want to reset and and click the ResetCount button. This
action resets the component counts to zero.

BSVC Services Summary window

Use the BSVC Services Summary window to monitor and manage all or selected groups of BSVC
You can perform reset operations from this window.
BASE24-eps business service (BSVC) services represent an aggregate view of a specific service
consumer or service implementation across multiple BASE24-eps service-based application
processes in the system. Application Management BSVC windows display information exposed by
the BASE24-eps foundation layer
BSVC services can be selected for actions on the BSVC Services Summary window individually or
in groups using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection or together

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with the Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by clicking the
Select All button in the upper left corner of the table.
An example of the BSVC Services Summary window is shown below. It displays various
aggregated statistics for each service, including counts for exceptions, invocations, responses, and
timeouts, a list of executables that provide the service, and the average response time for the

Accessing the BSVC Services Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > BSVC Services Summary.

Resetting service counts

Select the service whose counts you want to reset and and click the ResetCount button. This
action resets the service counts to zero.

SBA Components Summary window

Use the SBA Components Summary window to monitor and manage all or selected groups of SBA
You can perform reset operations from this window.

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SBA components represent a single service proxy or service stub within a single BASE24-eps
service-based application process. Application Management SBA windows display information
exposed from the BASE24-eps SIS layer.
SBA components can be selected for actions on the SBA Components Summary window
individually or in groups using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection
or together with the Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by
clicking the Select All button in the upper left corner of the table.
An example of the SBA Components Summary window is shown below. It displays various
individual statistics for each component, including counts for exceptions, invocations, responses,
and timeouts, a list of executables that registered the component instance, an indicator of
whether a trace is currently enabled, and if so, the name of the trace file.

Accessing the SBA Components Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management >
Application Management Summary > SBA Components Summary.

Resetting component counts

Select the component whose counts you want to reset and and click the ResetCount button. This
action resets the component counts to zero.

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SBA Services Summary window

Use the SBA Services Summary window to monitor and manage all or selected groups of SBA
You can perform reset operations from this window.
SBA services represent an aggregate view of a specific service proxy or service stub across
multiple BASE24-eps service-based application processes in the system. Application Management
SBA windows display information exposed from the BASE24-eps SIS layer.
Note: Aggregate information is not currently tracked for service proxies and stubs.
Therefore, the information in this window will not be populated until that functionality is
SBA services can be selected for actions on the SBA Services Summary window individually or in
groups using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection or together with
the Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by clicking the Select
All button in the upper left corner of the table.
An example of the SBA Services Summary window is shown below. Once aggregate information is
tracked, it will display various aggregated statistics for each service, including counts for
exceptions, invocations, responses, and timeouts, a list of executables that registered the service,
and the average response time.

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Accessing the SBA Services Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop: System Operations > Application Management
Summary > SBA Services Summary.

Resetting service counts

Select the service whose counts you want to reset and and click the ResetCount button. This
action resets the service counts to zero.

SBA Management Services Summary window

Use the SBA Management Services Summary window to monitor and manage all or selected
groups of SBA Management Service services. You can also perform reset operations from this
SBA Management services represent service providers that have registered with the SBA Service
Locator process. Application Management SBA windows display information exposed from the
BASE24-eps SIS layer.
Services can be selected for actions on the SBA Management Services Summary window
individually or in groups using typical selection techniques (mouse left-click for individual selection
or together with the Control or Shift key for multiple selection). You can also select all rows by
clicking the Select All button in the upper left corner of the table.
An example of the SBA Management Services Summary window is shown below. It displays
various statistics for each service, including a list of each executable that provides the service,
lists of preferred providers and service providers, the number of preferred and service providers,
and the status of the service.

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Accessing the SBA Management Services Summary window

Select the following from the ACI desktop:System Operations > Application Management
Summary > SBA Management Services Summary.

Resetting service counts

Select the service whose counts you want to reset and and click the ResetCount button. This
action resets the service counts to zero.

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Section 5: MBean server management
This section describes those operations and actions available through the ServerManager MBean
for managing an agent’s MBean server component. These operations include initializing and
stopping a backup MBean server, starting and stopping notifications, and controlling trace
message levels.
Managing the MBean server
The MBean server is the core of an ACIJMX agent. There are several operations that the
ServerManager MBean performs directly related to the MBean server:
• Initializing and stopping the backup MBean server
• Starting and stopping notifications
• Controlling trace message levels
Note: The ServerManager MBean is also responsible for setting up and configuring
monitors. Monitors are discussed in section 9.

In this section:

Initialize or stop a backup MBean server...................................................................... 180

Start or stop notifications............................................................................................180
Controlling trace message levels..................................................................................181

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MBean server management

Initialize or stop a backup MBean server

The ServerManager MBean initBackup and stopBackup operations start and stop a backup
instance of the MBean.
The ServerManager can also be configured to start a backup MBean server automatically using its
BackupConfigured attribute. If the attribute is set to true, the ServerManager MBean starts the
backup MBean server automatically when the ACIJMX agent is started. If the attribute is set to
false, the ServerManager MBean does not start the backup MBean server automatically.
Tip: Because the ACIJMX agent can become critical to managing a system, it is
recommended that the MBean server within the agent have a backup running. This creates
a backup instance of the server that is not performing any work but can take over should
the existing server fail for some reason.
Backup MBean server startup script
The backup MBean server must be started by a script, which must be specified in the
StartupScript attribute of the ServerManager MBean. This attribute is used by the ServerManager
initBackup operation to start the backup MBean server. It is also required if the ServerManager is
configured to start the backup MBean server automatically when the ACIJMX agent is started.
There is no sample script currently available for starting the backup MBean server; however, one
can be created as needed for your system using the runacijmx script as a model. The runacijmx
script is described under the “Standard ACIJMX scripts” topic in the “ACIJMX directory
information” section.
Backup MBean server takeover
When started, the backup MBean server runs in the background, monitoring the main MBean
server thread. As long as the main MBean server thread is running, the backup server performs
no other processing. However, should the main MBean server thread terminate, the backup server
takes over as the main MBean server.
Because configuration and processing information is stored in XML flat files, the backup MBean
server can pick up processing where the main MBean server left off.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Mangement Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ServerManager.
4. If starting the backup MBean server, check the StartupScript attribute to verify that it
specifies the startup script for the backup server.
If not, click the StartupScript hyperlink, specify the script, and click Save.
5. Click Init Backup to start the backup MBean server or Stop Backup to stop the backup MBean

Start or stop notifications

In order for notifications to function within the ACIJMX agent they must be enabled through the
ServerManager MBean—using the startNotifier operation. If they are not enabled, notifications are
not generated or processed.

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MBean server management

The stopNotifier operation stops processing of notifications.

If notifications are shut off, no notification-related event messages will be generated by the
ACIJMX agent. Also, the ScriptManager MBean will not receive any notifications.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ServerManager.
4. Click Start Notifier or Stop Notifier.

Controlling trace message levels

The ACIJMX agent can be enabled to produce trace messages for analysis and problem solving.
Trace messages are intended for diagnostic purposes in development and test environments and
typically are not enabled except when needed to diagnose problems. ACI strongly recommends
that trace message be used in a controlled and limited manner in a production environment due to
the overhead and impacts on performance.
Note: Trace messages are entirely separate from event messages. Although in some cases
they can share similar type classifications, they are produced as separate output and for
different reasons. None of the trace message controls discussed here have any effect on the
generation of event messages. Refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide for
more information about configuring tracing for AJI server processes.
Enabling tracing
Tracing is enabled for the ACIJMX agent using the trace.enabled attribute in the
file. To enable tracing, set the trace.enabled attribute to true; to disable tracing, set the
trace.enabled attribute to false.
To activate changes to the trace.enabled attribute, the ACIJMX agent must be stopped and
Trace message output locations
If tracing is enabled, the ACIJMX agent writes its trace messages to the logging locations defined
in the TraceConfig.xml file, located in the <ACIJMX_BASE>
\config directory.
The TraceConfig.xml file contains appenders for writing trace messages to a trace file location
(e.g. Trace.log) and to the ACIJMX agent’s stdout location (e.g., ACIJMX.stdout or

Set the levels of trace messages to be produced

Trace messages produced by the ACIJMX agent are categorized by type, which enables the tracing
facilities to filter the trace messages produced. The ACIJMX agent produces the following types of
trace messages.

Value Trace Message Type

0 Trace
10 Debug

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MBean server management

Value Trace Message Type

20 Information
30 Warning
40 Error
50 Fatal

The numeric values in the left column are used in the ServerManager MBean TraceLevel attribute
for controlling the level of trace messages to be produced by the ACIJMX agent.
If tracing is enabled, the ACIJMX agent produces only trace messages of the types equal to, or
greater than, the corresponding numeric value specified in the ServerManager MBean TraceLevel
For example, if the TraceLevel attribute is set to 30, the ACIJMX agent would write only Warning
(30), Error (40), and Fatal (50) messages to its trace log locations; in this case, it would not write
Trace (0), Debug (10), and Information (20) messages because those message types have
corresponding numeric values less than 30.
For the ACIJMX agent to produce all types of trace messages, the TraceLevel attribute must be set
to 0. In this case, all message types—Trace (0), Debug (10), Information (20), Warning (30),
Error (40), and Fatal (50)—would be produced because all message types have corresponding
numeric values equal to or greater than the attribute value 0.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ServerManager.
4. Click the TraceLevel attribute hyperlink, and enter the numeric value specifying the lowest
level of trace messages to be produced.
5. Click Submit Request or Save.

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Section 6: Process management
This section describes the process management capabilities provided by the ACIJMX agent on an
IBM System z, Linux/UNIX, or Windows platform.
Note: Process management on an HP NonStop platform is carried out using XPNET
components. For information on managing processes on an HP NonStop platform, refer to
section 10, “XPNET management”.

In this section:

Process instrumentation..............................................................................................184
Managing processes....................................................................................................184
Setting up processes to restart automatically............................................................... 187

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Process management

Process instrumentation
Process management is instrumented from the top-level ProcessManager MBean, which creates,
configures, and manages MBeans for the following types of processes on the indicated platforms:

MBeans Platform Process Description

JSFZProcess System z Interact with and manage ACI Java Server Framework
processes. ACI Java Server Framework processes are built
JSFUnixProcess UNIX
using the ACI Java Server Framework (AJSF). They have
JSFWndProcess Windows attributes unique to the AJSF and require specialized MBeans.

SISZProcess System z Interact with and manage C++ processes, implemented with
System Interface Services (SIS). Processes implemented with
SISUnixProcess UNIX
SIS have unique attributes that require specialized MBeans.1
ZProcess System z Interact with and manage unspecialized processes running on
a IBM System z, UNIX, or Windows platform. ICE-XS
UnixProcess UNIX
processes use this type of MBean.1
WndProcess Windows

1 Currently, ICE-XS processes and SIS-based processes are not supported on the Windows

Symbolic names
Processes, like all resources in the ACIJMX agent, have symbolic names that will be used in
displaying the processes. Symbolic names, like all attribute values, are case-sensitive.

Managing processes
You can perform a number of operations for managing and controlling processes using an ACIJMX
agent. These are described below, both in terms of the exposed operations used (for third-party
management systems) and how the operations are carried out from the ACI desktop or APF Admin

Add a new process from an existing process

Typically, the most efficient way to add a new process is to use an existing process as a template.
The addProcessLike operation exposed by the ProcessManager MBean is used for this.
Adding a process adds both an MBean to manage the process and the underlying managed
process itself.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > ProcessManager entries in the left pane.
3. Click Add Like.
4. Enter the name of the new process and the existing process you want to use as a model.
5. Click Submit Request or Submit.

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Process management

What to do next:
Once the new process has been added, you can refresh the navigational pane to display the new
process entry. You can then select this entry and update it with the Edit button to reflect the
actual attributes of the new process.
To add a new SISUnixProcess in this way, the only attributes that would typically need to be
changed would be the CommandQueue, InputQueue, and perhaps ThreadCount.

Add a new process

If there are no processes of a given type to use as a template, the addProcess operation exposed
by the ProcessManager MBean would be used to add a process. This operation adds a new process
entry with default values for the attributes.
Adding a process adds both an MBean to manage the process and the underlying managed
process itself.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > ProcessManager entries in the left pane.
3. Click Add.
4. Enter the name of the new process in the Process symbolic name field.
5. Select the appropriate Process style.
6. Click Submit Request or Submit.
What to do next:
Once the new process has been added, you can refresh the navigational pane to display the new
process entry. You can then select this entry and update it with the Edit button to reflect the
actual attributes of the new process.
In order for the process entry to be considered valid, at least the ExecutablePath attribute must
be set to a valid program file path.

Delete a process
A process is deleted using the deleteProcess operation exposed by the ProcessManager MBean.
The process symbolic name must be specified as a parameter.
Deleting a process deletes both the MBean used to manage the process and the underlying
managed process itself.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > ProcessManager entries in the left pane.
3. Click Delete.
4. Enter the symbolic name of the process to be deleted and select the appropriate Process
5. Click Submit Request or Submit.

Restore a deleted process or processes

When a process is deleted, the persistent store image of the process’s attributes is not removed
automatically from the <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory.

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Process management

You can use the ProcessManager MBean’s Restore operation to restore one or more process
entries as long as old process files remain in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory (i.e., they have
not been cleaned up or removed by a system administrator).
To recover an individual process, supply the symbolic name as the parameter to the Restore
operation. You can restore multiple processes by supplying a pattern as the parameter value to
the Restore operation.
Restoring a process, recreates the MBean for the process and recreates the underlying managed
process as well, based on the persistent store image.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > ProcessManager entries in the left pane.
3. Click Restore.
4. Enter the symbolic name of the process to be restored or a pattern identifying a group of
process symbolic names.
5. Click Submit Request or Submit.

Start and stop individual processes

An individual process is started using the start operation exposed by the individual process
An individual process is stopped using the stop operation exposed by the individual process
MBeans. Stopping a process allows the process to stop gracefully.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > ProcessManager entries in the left pane.
3. Expand the process groupings as needed and select the process to be started or stopped.
4. Click Start or Stop.

Start and stop multiple processes

You can start and stop groups of processes from the ACI desktop using the Process Summary
window and from the APF Admin browser using the Processes Summary page. To start or stop a
group of processes:
1. Access the Process Summary window or Processes Summary page.
2. Select those processes you want to take action on.
3. Click Start or Stop.

Kill individual processes

You can kill a process using the kill operation exposed by the process MBean.
Killing a process forces the process to stop at the point the kill command is received. The process
does not go through its normal steps for a graceful stop, which can leave the process in an
inconsistent state.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > ProcessManager entries in the left pane.
3. Expand the process groupings as needed and select the process to be killed.
4. Click Kill.

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Process management

Setting up processes to restart automatically

Processes managed by the ACIJMX agent can be configured to be restarted automatically upon
failure. Automatic process restarts are controlled by several attribute settings that are standard
across all of the process MBeans.
The following table describes those attributes that control automatic process restarts. When a
process is added, these attributes are defaulted to the values in the right-hand column of the

Attribute Description Default

Restartable A Yes or No value indicating whether or not the process is to be Yes
restarted upon failure.
RetryEvalDelay The number of seconds to wait between failed attempts at 60 seconds
restarting a process. If a process fails to restart, the MBean
waits this number of seconds before attempting to restart the
process again.
Retries The maximum number of times the MBean will attempt to 3
restart a failed process. After this number of attempts, the
MBean will cease trying to restart the process.

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BASE24-eps process control commands

BASE24-eps process control

Section 7:
This section describes how to use the ACIJMX agent for entering BASE24-eps process control
Caution: Before entering BASE24-eps process control commands, you should understand how the
commands work. This section describes how to use the ACIJMX agent to enter process control
commands. It does not describe how and when to use the commands, nor the full required syntax
for each command. For that information, refer to the
BASE24-eps Process Control User Guide.

In this section:

BASE24-eps process control commands....................................................................... 189

Initiating process control commands............................................................................ 190

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BASE24-eps process control commands

BASE24-eps process control commands

BASE24-eps process control commands are text commands that can be sent to BASE24-eps
processes to initiate specific processing. These text commands are used for a variety of purposes,
and BASE24-eps processes (and their internal components) are coded to recognize and act on
BASE24-eps process control commands can be sent to processes in several ways; the ACIJMX
agent is just one of those ways. The commands themselves are processed exactly the same by
the processes that receive them regardless of how the commands are sent. The way in which a
command is sent has no impact in the processing of the command.
ProcessControl MBean alter, deliver, info, and status operations provide the capability to enter
BASE24-eps process control commands through the ACIJMX agent. These operations, in turn,
expose that entry capability through Application Management, which opens up access to these
capabilities to remote management applications.

Process control command flow

The following diagram shows the basic flow of BASE24-eps process control command messages
from the Application Management agent. Any application with access to the exposed
ProcessControl MBean operations can initiate process control commands.

Process control command documentation

All available BASE24-eps process control commands are documented in the BASE24-eps Process
Control User Guide, and all of these commands can be entered through the ACIJMX agent using
the ProcessControl MBean. In addition to providing information on the function and purpose of
each process control command, the BASE24-eps Process Control User Guide also provides the
following required information for entering each command.

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BASE24-eps process control commands

Value Description
Destination An identifier for the application server to which the command is to be sent. This
value is used as the first parameter for the operation.
Command The type of command. Types are ALTER, DELIVER, INFO, and STATUS. These
values correspond directly to the operations supported by the ProcessControl
Component An identifier for the component to which the command is to be sent. This value is
used as the second parameter for the operation.
Command The specific text that must be entered for the command. This text can include
Text constants and variables. The text, in its entirety, must be entered as the third
parameter for the operation.

Specifying the hostname and port to which process control commands are sent
The ProcessControl MBean Hostname and Port attributes define the destination to which the
ProcessControl MBean is to send commands. For BASE24-eps Processing Control commands,
these values must be set as follows:

Attribute Setting
Hostname The host name of the system on which the ICE-XS or XPNET process receiving
the command is running.
Port The host port on which the ICE-XS or XPNET process receiving the command is

Initiating process control commands

Initiating process control commands uses the alter, deliver, info, and status operations exposed
by the ScriptManager MBean. Each operation requires the following parameters, in order:
• Destination
• Component
• Command Text
Valid values for the parameters for each command are documented in the BASE24-eps Process
Control User Guide.

Initiate process control commands from the ACI desktop

To execute a command from the Application Management windows on the ACI desktop, take the
following steps.
1. Identify the process control command you want to enter and the information you will need to
enter the command. This information can be found in the BASE24-eps Process Control User
2. Access the Application Management Detail window.
3. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.

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BASE24-eps process control commands

4. Select ProcessControl.
5. Verify the Hostname and Port attributes are set correctly.
6. Click alter, deliver, info or status, depending on the command type you want to enter.
7. Enter the destination of the command as the first operation parameter.
8. Enter the name of the component to which the command is to be sent as the second
operation parameter.
9. Enter the command text required for the command as the first operation parameter.
10. Click Submit Request. Response information is returned from the target process.

Initiate process control commands from the APF admin

To execute a command from the Application Management pages on the APF Admin browser, take
the following steps.
1. Identify the process control command you want to enter and the information you will need to
enter the command. This information can be found in the BASE24-eps Process Control User
2. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
3. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
4. Select ProcessControl.
5. Verify the Hostname and Port attributes are set correctly.
6. Click alter, deliver, info or status, depending on the command type you want to enter.
7. Enter the destination, component ID, and command text for the command on the Perform
Application Management Action popup and click Submit. Response information is returned
from the target process.

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IBM Websphere MQ management

IBM Websphere MQ
Section 8:
This section describes the IBM Websphere MQ management capabilities provided by the ACIJMX

In this section:

IBM Websphere MQ instrumentation............................................................................ 193

Managing an IBM Websphere MQ queue manager......................................................... 193
Connecting to and disconnecting from the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager...............195
Permanent and temporary IBM Websphere MQ queue management............................... 195
Managing IBM Websphere MQ queues..........................................................................196

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IBM Websphere MQ management

IBM Websphere MQ instrumentation

The ACIJMX agent offers the capability to manage IBM Websphere MQ queue managers and
queues. These resources are instrumented using the following MBeans:
• WMQ MBean – Instruments the WebSphere queue manager; created by the MessagingManager
• WMQQueue MBean – Instruments the individual WebSphere message queues; created by the
WMQ MBean.
Note: The ACIJMX agent cannot add new IBM Websphere MQ resources (i.e., managers and
queues) to the environment. It can only instrument and manage those that are already
there. MQ queue managers and queues must be added to the environment using the
traditional MQ management utilities.

Managing an IBM Websphere MQ queue manager

Before an IBM Websphere MQ queue manager can be instrumented and managed by the ACIJMX
agent, it must first have been defined within WebSphere environment using MQ utilities. The
ACIJMX agent cannot create new IBM Websphere MQ queue managers.

Bindings mode and client mode

There are some WMQ MBean configuration differences that depend on the mode of connection
used between the ACIJMX agent and the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager. There are two such
connection modes: bindings mode and client mode.

Mode Description
Bindings The ACIJMX agent communicates directly with the IBM Websphere MQ queue
manager without using a TCP/IP connection.
Client The ACIJMX agent communicates with the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager
using a TCP/IP connection.
In this case, an MQ listener process must be defined and running for the IBM
Websphere MQ queue manager. Also, a server connection channel must be
defined and started for the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager.
Note: Client mode is not supported on the IBM System z platform.

Adding management for an IBM Websphere MQ queue manager

The Add or Add Like operation exposed by the MessagingManager MBean is used to create the
WMQ (WebSphere Queue Manager) MBean, which acts as a proxy for managing the actual IBM
Websphere MQ queue manager.
To add a WMQ MBean, you must supply the name of the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager to
be managed, as it is known to MQ. This name becomes the WMQ MBean Symname attribute.

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IBM Websphere MQ management

Once the WMQ MBean is added, the following attributes must be changed from their default
values, depending on the mode of connection being used, client mode or bindings mode.
Note: Client mode cannot be used in an IBM System z environment, so in this case, only
the InitialManagerState attribute need be considered.
Attributes Settings Connection Mode
ClientChannel Set to a valid server connection channel. This Client: Required
is typically the SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN default
server connection channel. Bindings: Not used.

ClientHostname Set to the DNS hostname to contact for Client: Required

accessing this queue manager. Typically, the
queue manager is running on the same Bindings: Not used.
system as the agent, so the value “localhost”
can be used for this attribute.
ClientPort Set to the port number (e.g., 1414) that the Client: Required
MQ listener uses for connections. For
example, in a BASE24-eps system, this would Bindings: Not used.
be the same value specified by the
MQ_PORT_JMS environment variable.
InitialManagerState By default, the WMQ MBean does not Client: Optional
automatically connect to the underlying MQ
queue manager when the ACIJMX agent is Bindings: Optional
initialized. This is to accommodate the
situation where the MQ queue manager is not
initialized when the ACIJMX agent is started.
Setting this attribute to “connected” causes
the WMQ MBean to connect to the queue
manager automatically at agent startup.

Add a new IBM Websphere MQ queue manager for

management from the ACI desktop
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select MessagingManager.
4. Click Add Like.
5. Enter the name of the new IBM Websphere MQ queue manager in the New QueueManager
Name field.
6. Enter the name of the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager you want to model the new one
after in the Existing QueueManager Name field.
7. Click Submit Request.

Add a new IBM Websphere MQ queue manager for

management from the APF admin browser
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select MessagingManager.

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IBM Websphere MQ management

4. Click Add Like.

5. Enter the name of the new IBM Websphere MQ queue manager in the New Name field.
6. Enter the name of the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager you want to model the new one
after in the Like Name field.
7. Click Submit.

Connecting to and disconnecting from the IBM

Websphere MQ queue manager
In order to manage queue functions, the WMQ MBean must be connected to the IBM Websphere
MQ queue manager. Connecting to the queue manager enables the WMQ MBean to expose queues
to the ACIJMX agent for management.
Once the WMQ MBean is created and configured, it must connect to the IBM Websphere MQ queue
Connecting to the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager is accomplished using the WMQ MBean
connect operation. Conversely, disconnecting from the IBM Websphere MQ queue manager is
accomplished using the WMQ MBean disconnect operation.
The following is a typical error you might receive on a newly added WMQ MBean.

Error Message Description

queueManager <name> Either the named MQ queue manager has not been initialized or
not started there is an error in the symbolic name (Symname attribute) of the
WMQ resource that was added.
If the name is in error, delete the WMQ resource and re-add it with
the correct name (the Symname attribute is a read-only attribute
and cannot be modified).

Connect to and disconnect from a running IBM Websphere MQ

queue manager
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager.
4. Click Connect or Disconnect.

Permanent and temporary IBM Websphere MQ

queue management
Queue management enables you to connect to and set up management of queues in the
environment. There are two types of queue management that can be used:
• Permanent. Used when you want to add a queue and manage it until you specifically remove it.

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IBM Websphere MQ management

• Temporary. Used when you want to add a queue for a short time only. Queues added in this
manner are removed automatically. Temporary management can be useful for investigating
errors on specific queues that you do not want to manage permanently.
Before a queue can be managed by the ACIJMX agent, it must first have been defined within the
IBM Websphere MQ environment (i.e., the ACIJMX agent cannot create new queues; it can only
manage those that are there).
Also, to define a queue for management, the ACIJMX agent must be connected to the queue
manager that manages the queue (this connection is made using the WMQ MBean).
Before a queue can be managed by the ACIJMX agent, it must first have been defined within the
IBM Websphere MQ environment (i.e., the ACIJMX agent cannot create new queues; it can only
manage those that are there).

Managing IBM Websphere MQ queues

IBM Websphere MQ queues are managed by the WMQQueue MBeans, which are instantiated by
the WMQ MBean. Queues can be managed on either a temporary or permanent basis.
Note: In order to perform any of the functions related to IBM Websphere MQ queues, the
WMQ MBean must be connected to the corresponding WebSphere queue manager.

Listing all queues defined to the WebSphere queue manager

The WMQ MBean supports a listQueues operation to list out all queues defined to a running
WebSphere queue manager. This operation returns all queues, regardless of whether or not they
are managed by the ACIJMX agent.

List all queues defined to a running WebSphere queue manager from the
ACI desktop
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager.
4. Select the WMQ MBean.
5. Click List Queues.
6. Enter an asterisk in the Queue pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
7. Click Submit Request.

List all queues defined to a running WebSphere queue manager from the
APF admin browser
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager.
4. Click List Queues.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Name Pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit.

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IBM Websphere MQ management

Note: You can select and copy one of the listed queues to the clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

Adding an IBM Websphere MQ queue for permanent

The WMQ MBean supports a showQueue operation that adds a queue for permanent management.
This operation adds a WMQQueue MBean for the queue resource. In this case, the WMQQueue
MBean remains until it is specifically deleted.

Add an IBM Websphere MQ queue for permanent management from the

ACI desktop
Tip: You may want to use the List Queues operation first to get a list of available queues.
That way, you can copy the name of the queue you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager.
4. Select the WMQ MBean.
5. Click Show Queues.
6. Enter name of the queue in the Queue Name field.
7. Click Submit Request.

Add an IBM Websphere MQ queue for permanent management from the

APF admin browser
Tip: You may want to use the List Queues operation first to get a list of available queues.
That way, you can copy the name of the queue you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager.
4. Click Show Queues.
5. Enter name of the queue in the Name field.
6. Click Submit.

Remove an IBM Websphere MQ queue from permanent

The WMQ MBean supports a hideQueue operation that removes a queue from management. This
operation deletes the corresponding WMQQueue MBean for the queue resource which terminates
the management of the resource.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager.
4. Click Hide Queue.
5. Enter name of the queue in the Queue Name field.

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IBM Websphere MQ management

6. Click Submit Request or Submit.

Add an IBM Websphere MQ queue for temporary management

The WMQ MBean supports an inquireQueue operation that adds a queue for temporary
management. This operation adds a WMQQueue MBean for the queue resource and removes the
MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the WMQ MBean CleanupTimer
While the queue is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the Detail window and
Queue Summary window on the ACI desktop and from both the Management Console page and
Queues Summary page on the APF Admin browser.
Tip: You may want to use the List Queues operation first to get a list of available queues.
That way, you can copy the name of the queue you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager.
4. Click Inquire Queue.
5. Enter name of the queue in the Queue Name field.
6. Click Submit Request or Submit.

Connect to and disconnect from IBM Websphere MQ queues

Connecting to and disconnecting from queues are carrried out by the WMQQueue MBean, which
exposes connect and disconnect operations. Connecting to the queue enables you to get current
information for the specific queue and to perform queue operations (e.g., pop).
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager managing the queue and expand its list of queues.
4. Select the queue.
5. Click Connect or Disconnect.

View IBM Websphere MQ queue attributes

Once an IBM Websphere MQ queue is managed, its attributes are exposed and current attribute
information can be viewed using the getAttributeSummary operation of the WMQQueue MBean.
Refer to section 2 for a list of attributes exposed by the WMQQueue MBean.
Prerequisites: To view current attributes for a queue, the WMQQueue MBean must be connnected
to the queue.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager managing the queue and expand its list of queues.
4. Select the queue.
5. Click Connect to connect to the queue.
6. Click Get Attr Summary.

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IBM Websphere MQ management

Pop an IBM Websphere MQ queue

The WMQQueue MBean supports a pop operation that clears a specific number of messages from
the the queue. The operation requires one parameter: the number of messages to remove from
the queue.
Prerequisites: To pop a queue, the WMQQueue MBean must be connected to the queue.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > MessagingManager > WMQ entries in the left pane.
3. Select the queue manager managing the queue and expand its list of queues.
4. Select the queue.
5. Click Connect to connect to the queue.
6. Click Pop.
7. Enter the number of messages you want to remove from the queue in the Count field.
8. Click Submit Request or Submit.

Starting and stopping an IBM Websphere MQ queue (not

supported by the ACIJMX agent)
The ACIJMX agent does not support the capability to start and stop queues. This must be done
within the IBM Websphere MQ environment.

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ICE-XS management

Section 9: ICE-XS management

This section describes the ICS-XS management capabilities provided by the ACIJMX agent.
Note: ICE-XS is configured externally to the ACIJMX agent—the Node Operator Facility for
multiple platforms (NOF-XS) utility is used to add new ICE-XS communications definitions.
The ICE-XS product must be configured prior to setting up the ACIJMX agent for the

In this section:

ICE-XS managed resources and instrumentation...........................................................201

Managing an ICE-XS process....................................................................................... 201
Connect to and disconnect from an ICE-XS process.......................................................202
Start and stop ICE-XS processes................................................................................. 203
Permanent and temporary management in ICE-XS....................................................... 203
Managing ICE-XS stations........................................................................................... 204
Managing ICE-XS stationpools..................................................................................... 207
Managing ICE-XS msgrouters...................................................................................... 210

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ICE-XS management

ICE-XS managed resources and instrumentation

The ACIJMX agent offers the capability to manage ICE-XS processes and their related stations,
stationpools, and msgrouters. ICE-XS resources are instrumented using the MBeans in the table
Note: The ACIJMX agent cannot add new ICE-XS resources to the environment. It can only
instrument and manage those that are already there.
Resource Description MBean
ICE-XS ICE-XS processes function as communications ICEXS
Processes handlers. Each process is responsible for its own
defined set of stations, stationpools, and Created by the
msgrouters. CommsManager MBean

Stations Stations represent a connection to a remote ICEStation

endpoint. Metrics such as current station state
and messages sent and received are tracked at Created by the ICEXS
the station level. ICE-XS station endpoints MBean
represent started TCP sockets.
Stationpools Stationpools provide a template for dynamic ICEStationpool
STATIONs created for incoming connections.
This also provides a mechanism for grouping all Created by the ICEXS
the static STATIONs. This will track statistics MBean
accumulated from all the subordinate STATION
resources (both static and dynamic).
Msgrouters Msgrouters represent message collection and ICEMsgrouter
routing points within ICE-XS. An ICE msgrouter
tracks metrics such as number of concurrent Created by the ICEXS
connections established, number of connections MBean
refused, and peak connection counts.

Managing an ICE-XS process

ICE-XS processes are managed using two MBeans: a process MBean and a CommsHandler MBean.
The process MBean provides for basic process capabilities, such as stopping and starting. The
CommHandler MBean provides for more extensive management capabilities such as exposing ICE
stations, stationpools, and msgrouters.
The basic order for setting up management of an ICE-XS process is to configure and start it from
a shell prompt, then add a process MBean for the process, and then add a CommsHandler MBean
for the process.
Note: In order to be managed, ICE-XS processes must have been configured and started
initially from the shell prompt. Once started, they can be stopped and restarted by the
ACIJMX agent using a process MBean. The restart, in this case, is a warmstart using the
existing configuration. Configuration changes requiring a coldstart require the process to be
started again from the shell prompt.

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ICE-XS management

Creating a process MBean for an ICE-XS process

In order to stop and start the ICE-XS process, a process MBean must be created for the ICE-XS
process. Either the ZProcess or UnixProcess MBean would be used. Refer to section 6, “Process
management”, for information on adding processes.
The only prerequisite for adding the ICE-XS process as a managed process is that it must be
running. Once added as a process, it can be stopped and started by the ACIJMX agent.

Create a CommsHandler MBean for an ICE-XS process

The addCommsHandler or addlikeCommsHandler operations exposed by the CommsManager
MBean is used to create the ICEXS (Commshandler) MBean.
To add an ICEXS MBean, you must supply the symbolic name given to the
ICE-XS process at startup. This name is placed in the ICEXS MBean Symname attribute. You also
select the style of commshandler (in this case, ICEXS).
Once the ICEXS MBean is added, you might want to change the following attribute from its default

Attribute Setting
InitialCommsHandlerState By default, the ICEXS MBean does not automatically connect to
the associated ICE-XS process when the ACIJMX agent is
initialized. This is to accomodate the situation where the ICE-XS
process in not started when the ACIJMX agent is started. Setting
this attribute to “Connected” causes the ICEXS MBean to connect
to the ICE-XS process automatically at agent startup.

1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.

2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select the CommsManager MBean.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter the name of the ICE-XS process and the type in the Comms handler name and Comms
handler style fields.
6. Click Submit Request.

Connect to and disconnect from an ICE-XS

In order to manage ICE-XS resources, the ICEXS MBean must be connected to the ICE-XS
process. Connecting to the ICE-XS process enables the ICEXS MBean to expose ICE-XS resources
to the ACIJMX agent for management.
Once the ICEXS MBean is created and configured, it must connect to the ICE-XS process.
Connecting to the ICE-XS process is accomplished using the ICEXS MBean connect operation.
Conversely, disconnecting from the ICE-XS process is accomplished using the ICEXS MBean
disconnect operation.

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ICE-XS management

The following is a typical error you might receive when attemping to connect to a newly added

Error Message Description

I/O error establishing IPC The symbolic name does not match that of a running
communication to ICE-XS with symbolic process. Either the process is not started or the
name <symname> symbolic name entered for the process is incorrect.

1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.

2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Connect or Disconnect.

Start and stop ICE-XS processes

The UnixProcess and ZProcess MBeans support the capability to stop and start an ICE-XS process
through their stop and start operations.
Prerequisites: In order to stop and start an ICE-XS process, the process must have been
configured and started initially from the shell prompt (outside of the ACIJMX environment).
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > ProcessManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Stop or Start.

Permanent and temporary management in ICE-

The ACIJMX allows you to connect to an ICE-XS process and set up management of stations,
stationpools, and msgrouters in the environment. There are two types of management that can be
• Permanent. Used when you want to add a station, stationpool, or msgrouter and manage it
until you specifically remove it.
• Temporary. Used when you want to add a station, stationpool, or msgrouter for a short time
only. Stations, stationpools, or msgrouters managed in this manner are removed automatically.
Temporary management can be useful for investigating errors on specific stations, stationpools,
and msgrouters that you do not want managed permanently.
Before a station, stationpool, or msgrouter can be managed by the ACIJMX agent, it must first
have been defined within the IBM Websphere MQ environment (i.e., the ACIJMX agent cannot
create new stations, stationpools, and msgrouters; it can only manage those that are there).
Also, to define a station, stationpool, or msgrouter for management, the ACIJMX agent must be
connected to the ICE-XS process to which they are defined (this connection is made using the

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ICE-XS management

Managing ICE-XS stations

ICE-XS stations are managed by the ICEStation MBeans, which are instantiated by the ICEXS
MBean. Stations can be managed on either a temporary or permanent basis.
Note: Stations that represent connections to an external host or interchange should be
permanently managed. However, it may be difficult to permanently manage stations that
represent individual devices that are part of a large population.
Note: In order to perform any of the functions related to ICE-XS stations, the ICE-XS
MBean must be connected to the corresponding ICE-XS process.

List all ICE-XS stations defined to a running ICE-XS process

from the ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports a listStations operation to list out all stations defined to a running ICE-
XS process. This operation returns all stations, regardless of whether or not they are managed by
the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click List Stations.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Station name pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit Request.
What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the stations to the desktop clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

List all ICE-XS stations defined to a running ICE-XS process

from the APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports a listStations operation to list out all stations defined to a running ICE-
XS process. This operation returns all stations, regardless of whether or not they are managed by
the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click List Stations.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit.
What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the stations to the clipboard to add it for permanent
or temporary management.

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ICE-XS management

Add an ICE-XS station for permanent management from the

ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports a showStations operation that adds a station for permanent
management. This operation adds an ICEStation MBean for the station resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations.
That way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Show Station.
5. Enter the name of the station in the station name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Add an ICE-XS station for permanent management from the

APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports a showStations operation that adds a station for permanent
management. This operation adds an ICEStation MBean for the station resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations.
That way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Show Station.
5. Enter the name of the station in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit.

Remove an ICE-XS station from permanent management from

the ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports a hideStation operation that removes a station from permanent
management. This operation deletes the corresponding ICEStation MBean for the station resource.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Hide Station.
5. Enter the name of the station in the station name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

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ICE-XS management

Remove an ICE-XS station from permanent management from

the APF admin browser
To remove an ICE-XS station from permanent management:
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Hide Station.
5. Enter the name of the station in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit.

Add an ICE-XS station for temporary management

The ICEXS MBean supports an inquireStation operation that adds a station for temporary
management. This operation adds an ICEStation MBean for the station resource and removes the
MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the ICEXS MBean CleanupTimer
While the station is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Station Summary screen.
Hint: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations. That
way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and paste it
during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Inquire Station.
5. Enter the name of the station in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit Request or Submit.

View ICE-XS station attributes

Once an ICE-XS station is managed, its attributes are exposed and current attribute information
can be viewed using the getAttributeSummary operation of the ICEStation MBean. Refer to
section 2 for a list of attributes exposed by the ICEStation MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process and expand the list of managed stations.
4. Select the station.
5. Click Get Attr Summary.

Start and stop ICE-XS stations

Once an ICE-XS station is managed, the ACIJMX agent can start and stop it using the start and
stop operations exposed by the ICEStation MBean.
To start or stop an ICE-XS station:

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ICE-XS management

1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.

2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process and expand the list of managed stations.
4. Select the station.
5. Click Start or Stop as necessary.

Managing ICE-XS stationpools

ICE-XS stationpools are managed by the ICEStationpool MBeans, which are instantiated by the
ICEXS MBean. Stationpools can be managed on a temporary or permanent basis.
Prerequisites: In order to perform any of the functions related to ICE-XS stationpools, the ICE-XS
MBean must be connected to the corresponding ICE-XS process.

List all stationpools defined to the ICE-XS process from the

ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports an listStationpools operation to list out all stationpools defined to the
running ICE-XS process. This operation returns all stationpools regardless of whether or not they
are managed by the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click List Stationpools.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Stationpool name pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit Request.

What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the stationpools to the desktop clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

List all stationpools defined to the ICE-XS process from the

APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports an listStationpools operation to list out all stationpools defined to the
running ICE-XS process. This operation returns all stationpools regardless of whether or not they
are managed by the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click List Stationpools.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit.
What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the stationpools to the clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

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ICE-XS management

Add an ICE-XS stationpool for permanent management from

the ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports a showStationpools operation that adds a stationpool for permanent
management. This operation adds an ICEStationpool MBean for the stationpool resource.
Hint: You may want to use the List Stationpools operation first to get a list of available
stationpools. That way, you can copy the name of the stationpool you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Show Stationpool.
5. Enter the name of the stationpool in the stationpool name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Add an ICE-XS stationpool for permanent management from

the APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports a showStationpools operation that adds a stationpool for permanent
management. This operation adds an ICEStationpool MBean for the stationpool resource.
Hint: You may want to use the List Stationpools operation first to get a list of available
stationpools. That way, you can copy the name of the stationpool you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Show Stationpool.
5. Enter the name of the stationpool in the Symame field.
6. Click Submit.

Remove an ICE-XS stationpool from permanent management

from the ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports a hideStationpool operation that removes a stationpool from
permanent management. This operation deletes the corresponding ICEStationpool MBean for the
stationpool resource.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Hide Stationpool.
5. Enter the name of the stationpool in the stationpool name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

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ICE-XS management

Remove an ICE-XS stationpool from permanent management

from the APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports a hideStationpool operation that removes a stationpool from
permanent management. This operation deletes the corresponding ICEStationpool MBean for the
stationpool resource.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Hide Stationpool.
5. Enter the name of the stationpool in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit.

Add an ICE-XS stationpool for temporary management from

the ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports an inquireStationpool operation that adds a stationpool for temporary
management. This operation adds an ICEStationpool MBean for the stationpool resource and
removes the MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the ICEXS MBean
CleanupTimer attribute.
While the stationpool is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Station Summary screen.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stationpools operation first to get a list of available
stationpools. That way, you can copy the name of the stationpool you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Inquire Stationpool.
5. Enter the name of the stationpool in the stationpool name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Add an ICE-XS stationpool for temporary management from

the APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports an inquireStationpool operation that adds a stationpool for temporary
management. This operation adds an ICEStationpool MBean for the stationpool resource and
removes the MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the ICEXS MBean
CleanupTimer attribute.
While the stationpool is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Station Summary screen.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stationpools operation first to get a list of available
stationpools. That way, you can copy the name of the stationpool you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.

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ICE-XS management

3. Select an ICE-XS process.

4. Click Inquire Stationpool.
5. Enter the name of the stationpool in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit.

View ICE-XS stationpool attributes

Once an ICE-XS stationpool is managed, its attributes are exposed and current attribute
information can be viewed using the getAttributeSummary operation of the ICEStationpool MBean.
Refer to section 2 for a list of attributes exposed by the ICEStationpool MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process and expand the list of managed stationpools.
4. Select the stationpool.
5. Click Get Attr Summary.

Start and stop ICE-XS stationpools

Once an ICE-XS stationpool is managed, the ACIJMX agent can start and stop it using the start
and stop operations exposed by the ICEStationpool MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process and expand the list of managed stationpools.
4. Select the stationpool.
5. Click Start or Stop as necessary.

Managing ICE-XS msgrouters

ICE-XS msgrouters are managed by ICEMsgrouter MBeans, which are instantiated by the ICEXS
MBean. Msgrouters can be managed on a temporary or permanent basis.
Note: In order to perform any of the functions related to ICE-XS msgrouters, the ICE-XS
MBean must be connected to the corresponding ICE-XS process.

List all msgrouters defined to the ICE-XS process from the ACI
The ICEXS MBean supports a listMsgrouters operation to list out all msgrouters defined to the
running ICE-XS process. This operation returns all msgrouters, regardless of whether or not they
are managed by the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click List Msgrouters.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Msgrouter name pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit Request.

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ICE-XS management

What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the msgrouters to the desktop clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

List all msgrouters defined to the ICE-XS process from the APF
admin browser
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click List Msgrouters.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit.
What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the msgrouters to the clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for permanent management from

the ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports a showMsgrouter operation that adds a Msgrouter for permanent
management. This operation adds an ICEMsgrouter MBean for the Msgrouter resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List Msgrouters operation first to get a list of available
msgrouters. That way, you can copy the name of the msgrouter you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Show Msgrouter.
5. Enter the name of the msgrouter in the msgrouter name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for permanent management from

the APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports a showMsgrouter operation that adds a Msgrouter for permanent
management. This operation adds an ICEMsgrouter MBean for the Msgrouter resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List Msgrouters operation first to get a list of available
msgrouters. That way, you can copy the name of the msgrouter you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Console page.
2. Select and expand theCategories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Show Msgrouter.
5. Enter the name of the msgrouter in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit.

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Remove an ICE-XS msgrouter from permanent management

from the ACI desktop
The ICEXS MBean supports a hideMsgrouter operation that removes a Msgrouter from permanent
management. This operation deletes the corresponding ICEMsgrouter MBean for the Msgrouter
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand theCategories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Hide Msgrouter.
5. Enter the name of the msgrouter in the msgrouter name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Remove an ICE-XS msgrouter from permanent management

from the APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports a hideMsgrouter operation that removes a Msgrouter from permanent
management. This operation deletes the corresponding ICEMsgrouter MBean for the Msgrouter
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand theCategories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Hide Msgrouter.
5. Enter the name of the msgrouter in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit.

Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for temporary management from the

ACI dekstop
The ICEXS MBean supports an inquireMsgrouter operation that adds a Msgrouter for temporary
management. This operation adds an ICEMsgrouter MBean for the Msgrouter resource and
removes the MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the ICEXS MBean
CleanupTimer attribute.
While the Msgrouter is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Msgrouter Summary screen.
Tip: You may want to use the List Msgrouters operation first to get a list of available
msgrouters. That way, you can copy the name of the msgrouter you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the ICE-XS process.
4. Click Inquire Msgrouter.
5. Enter the name of the msgrouter in the msgrouter name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

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ICE-XS management

Add an ICE-XS msgrouter for temporary management from the

APF admin browser
The ICEXS MBean supports an inquireMsgrouter operation that adds a Msgrouter for temporary
management. This operation adds an ICEMsgrouter MBean for the Msgrouter resource and
removes the MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the ICEXS MBean
CleanupTimer attribute.
While the Msgrouter is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Msgrouter Summary screen.
Tip: You may want to use the List Msgrouters operation first to get a list of available
msgrouters. That way, you can copy the name of the msgrouter you want to add from the
available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process.
4. Click Inquire Msgrouter.
5. Enter the name of the msgrouter in the Symname field.
6. Click Submit.

View ICE-XS msgrouter attributes

Once an ICE-XS msgrouter is managed, its attributes are exposed and current attribute
information can be viewed using the getAttributeSummary operation of the ICEMsgrouter MBean.
Refer to section 2 for a list of attributes exposed by the ICEMsgrouter MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories > CommsManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select an ICE-XS process and expand the list of managed msgrouters.
4. Select the msgrouter.
5. Click Get Attr Summary.

Start and stop ICE-XS msgrouter (not supported)

The ACIJMX agent does not support the capability to start and stop msgrouters. This must be
done from within the ICE-XS environment.

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Section 10: XPNET management

This section describes the XPNET management capabilities provided by the ACIJMX agent.
Note: XPNET runs on the HP NonStop platform only. Thus, the information in this section is
relevant to that platform only. Also, the information in this section only describes XPNET
management capabilities exposed by the agent. It does not describe how and when to use

In this section:

XPNET managed resources and instrumentation........................................................... 215

XPNET system level functions...................................................................................... 215
Permanent and temporary management of XPNET system resources..............................217
Managing XPNET nodes...............................................................................................218
Managing XPNET processes......................................................................................... 219
Managing XPNET stations............................................................................................ 221
Managing XPNET queues............................................................................................. 223

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XPNET managed resources and instrumentation

The ACIJMX agent offers the capability to manage XPNET systems and their related nodes,
stations, process, and queues. XPNET systems are instrumented using the MBeans in the table
Note: The ACIJMX agent cannot add new XPNET resources to the environment. It can only
instrument and manage those that are already there.
Resource Description MBean
Systems XPNET systems are an architectural layer XPNETSystem
consisting of a collection of one or more XPNET
nodes. Created by the

Nodes XPNET nodes are the fundamental building blocks XPNETNode

of an XPNET system. An XPNET node consists of
an XPNET process and its associated stations, Created by the
lines, and processes. XPNETSystem MBean

Stations A station represents a physical point in the XPNET XPNETStation

system that sends or receives messages. Stations
are abstractions of remote devices and Created by the
connections to other platforms. XPNETNode MBean

Processes From an XPNET perspective, processes are those XPNETProcess

application processes started and managed by the
XPNET process (node). In this context, the XPNET Created by the
process is not included as a process. XPNETNode MBean

Queues Queues are the queuing modules defined to the XPNETQueue

XPNET process that handle the queuing of
messages to objects in the node. Each process Created by the
and station defined to the XPNET process has a XPNETNode MBean
queue associated with it.

XPNET system level functions

XPNET system level management functions are carried out by XPNETSystem MBeans, which are
created by the XPNETSystemManager MBean.
The XPNETSystemManager MBean is automatically loaded during agent initialization, depending on
whether or not the NET24-XPNET product is being used.
XPNETSystemManager operations provide for adding, deleting, and restoring application
management on XPNET systems. These operations are described below.

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XPNET management

Add an XPNET system to be managed

To add an XPNET system for application management, an XPNETSystem MBean must be added.
This is done using the addXPNETSystem or addXPNETSystemLike operation exposed by the
XPNETSystemManager MBean.
Before you begin:
To add an XPNET system for management, it must have already been defined in the XPNET
To add an XPNETSystem MBean, you must give it a symbolic name that describes an entire XPNET
configuration, regardless of the number of nodes or HP NonStop systems in the configuration. This
name would typically match the value of the 4-character NETWORK-NAME define in the N24DEFS
file. Examples of XPNET system names are CERT (Certification), DVLP (Development), PROD
(Production), TEST (Test).
Once added, the following attributes must be set appropriately for the newly added XPNETSystem

Attribute Setting
NCPServerClass Set to the server class of the NCP Server process to which management
requests will be sent for this XPNET system. This attribute defaults to
PathmonPPD Set to the PPD name of the Pathway system that contains the NCP Server
process to which management requests are sent for this XPNET system. For
example, on a system where the XPNET system has been configured with a
PPD-PREFIX of $P, the PathmonPPD attribute would need to be set to

1. Access the Application Management Detail window.

2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNETSystemManager entry.
4. Click Add System or Add Like System.
5. Enter the required parameters.
For an Add System operation, enter the symbolic name of the new system.
For an Add Like System operation, enter the symbolic names of the new system and the
existing system after which the new system is to be modeled.
6. Click Submit Request.
7. Refresh the screen to see that the new system is added under the XPNETSystemManage
8. Select the new system.
9. Click Edit.
10. Update the NCPServerClass and PathmonPPD attributes to their correct values for the new
11. Click Save.

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XPNET management

Remove an XPNET system from application management

Deleting the XPNETSystem MBean for an XPNET system removes the capability of the ACIJMX
agent to manage that system. XPNETSystem MBeans are deleted using the Delete operation
provided by the XPNETSystemManager MBean.
Caution: You should not delete an XPNETSystem MBean before deleting all underlying
XPNETNode, XPNETStation, XPNETProcess, and XPNETQueue MBeans.

Note: Current MBean information—at the point of deletion—is retained in the

<ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory until it is specifically deleted. This stored information can
be used in a restore operation to recreate the deleted MBeans and restore processing.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNETSystemManager entry.
4. Click Delete System.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the system in the XPNET System Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.
7. Refresh the screen to see that the system is removed from under the XPNETSystemManage

Restore an XPNET system to application management

When an XPNETSystem MBean is deleted, the persistent store image of the MBean’s resources
and attributes is not removed automatically from the <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory.
The XPNETSystemManager MBean’s restore operation can be used to restore an XPNET system to
be managed as long as the old system files remain in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory (i.e.,
they have not been cleaned up or removed by a system administrator).
Note: Restoring a system recreates only the XPNETSystem MBean. It does not
automatically restore any deleted nodes, processes, stations, or queues previously
associated with the system.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNETSystemManager entry.
4. Click Restore System.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the system in the XPNET System Name field. This must match the
symbolic name attribute of the deleted MBean.
6. Click Submit Request.
7. Refresh the screen to see that the system is added under the XPNETSystemManage entry.

Permanent and temporary management of

XPNET system resources
Once an XPNET system is defined, the ACIJMX agent enables you to set up management of nodes,
stations, queues, and processes in the XPNET system. There are two types of management that
can be used:

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• Permanent. Used when you want add a node, station, queue, or process and manage it until
you specifically remove it.
• Temporary. Used when you want to add a station, queue, or process for a short time only.
Stations, queues, and processes added in this manner are removed automatically. Temporary
management can be useful for investigating errors on specific stations, queues, and processes
that you do not want to manage permanently.
Before a node, station, queue, or process can be managed by the ACIJMX agent, it must first have
been defined within the XPNET environment (i.e., the ACIJMX agent cannot create new nodes,
stations, queues, and processes; it can only manage those that are there).

Managing XPNET nodes

XPNET nodes are managed by the XPNETNode MBeans, which are instantiated by the
XPNETSystem MBean. Nodes can be managed on either a temporary or permanent basis.
Prerequisites: In order to perform any of the functions related to an XPNET node, the
XPNETSystem MBean must be properly defined.

List all nodes defined to the XPNET system

The XPNETSystem MBean supports a listNodes operation to list out all nodes defined to an XPNET
system. This operation returns all nodes for the system, regardless of whether or not they are
managed by the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET system.
4. Click List.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Node name pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit Request.

What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the node names to the desktop clipboard to add it for
permanent management.

Add an XPNET node for permanent management

The XPNETSystem MBean supports a showNodes operation that adds a node for permanent
management. This operation adds an XPNETNode MBean for the node resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List operation first to get a list of available nodes. That way,
you can copy the name of the node you want to add from the available list and paste it
during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET system.
4. Click Show.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the node in the XPNET Node Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

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XPNET management

7. Refresh the screen to see the new node under the XPNET node resources.

Remove an XPNET node from permanent management

The XPNETSystem MBean supports a hideNode operation that removes a node from permanent
management. This operation deletes the corresponding XPNETNode MBean for the node resource.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET system.
4. Click Hide.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the node in the XPNET Node Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.
7. Refresh the screen to see that the node is removed from under the XPNET node resources.

Managing XPNET processes

XPNET processes are managed by the XPNETProcess MBeans, which are instantiated by the
XPNETNode MBean. Processes can be managed on either a temporary or permanent basis.
Prerequisites: In order to perform any of the functions related to an XPNET process, the
XPNETSystem and XPNETNode MBeans must be properly defined for the system and node in
which the process resides.

List all processes defined to the XPNET node

The XPNETNode MBean supports a listProcesses operation to list out all processes defined to an
XPNET node. This operation returns all processes for the node, regardless of whether or not they
are managed by the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click List Processes.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Process name pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit Request.

What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the processes to the desktop clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

Add a process for permanent management in XPNET

The XPNETNode MBean supports a showProcesses operation that adds a process for permanent
management. This operation adds an XPNETProcess MBean for the process resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations.
That way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.

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XPNET management

1. Access the Application Management Detail window.

2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Show Process.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the process in the Process Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Remove a process from permanent management in XPNET

The XPNETNode MBean supports a hideProcess operation that removes a process from permanent
management. This operation deletes the corresponding XPNETProcess MBean for the process
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Hide Process.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the process in the Process Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Add a process for temporary management in XPNET

The XPNETNode MBean supports an inquireProcess operation that adds a process for temporary
management. This operation adds an XPNETProcess MBean for the process resource and removes
the MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the XPNETNode MBean
CleanupTimer attribute.
While the process is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Process Summary screen.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations.
That way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Inquire Process.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the process in the Process Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

View XPNET process attributes

Once an XPNET process is managed, its attributes are exposed and current attribute information
can be viewed using the getAttributeSummary operation of the XPNETProcess MBean.
Refer to section 2 for a list of attributes exposed by the XPNETProcess MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.

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2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETProcess entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET process.
4. Click Get Attr Summary.

Start and stop XPNET processes

Once an XPNET process is managed, the ACIJMX agent can start and stop it using the start and
stop operations exposed by the XPNETProcess MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETProcess entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET process.
4. Click Start or Stop.

Reset XPNET process statistics

Once an XPNET process is managed, the ACIJMX agent can reset its statistical counters using the
resetStats operations exposed by the XPNETProcess MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETProcess entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET process.
4. Click Reset Stats.

Managing XPNET stations

XPNET stations are managed by the XPNETStation MBeans, which are instantiated by the
XPNETNode MBean. Stations can be managed on either a temporary or permanent basis.
Note: Stations that represent connections to an external host or interchange should be
permanently managed. However, it may be difficult to permanently manage stations that
represent individual devices that are part of a large population.
Prerequisites: In order to perform any of the functions related to an XPNET station, the
XPNETSystem and XPNETNode MBeans must be properly defined for the system and node in
which the station resides.

List all stations defined to the XPNET node

The XPNETNode MBean supports a listStations operation to list out all stations defined to an
XPNET node. This operation returns all stations for the node, regardless of whether or not they are
managed by the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click List Stations.

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5. Enter an asterisk in the Station name pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit Request.

What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the stations to the desktop clipboard to add it for
permanent or temporary management.

Add an XPNET station for permanent management

The XPNETNode MBean supports a showStations operation that adds a station for permanent
management. This operation adds an XPNETStation MBean for the station resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations.
That way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Show Station.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the station in the Station Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Remove an XPNET station from permanent management

The XPNETNode MBean supports a hideStation operation that removes a station from permanent
management. This operation deletes the corresponding XPENTStation MBean for the station
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Hide Station.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the station in the Station Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

Add an XPNET station for temporary management

The XPNETNode MBean supports an inquireStation operation that adds a station for temporary
management. This operation adds an XPNETStation MBean for the station resource and removes
the MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the XPNETNode MBean
CleanupTimer attribute.
While the station is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Station Summary screen.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations.
That way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.

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2. Select and expand theCategories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >

XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Inquire Station.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the station in the Station Name field.
6. Click Submit Request.

View XPNET station attributes

Once an XPNET station is managed, its attributes are exposed and current attribute information
can be viewed using the getAttributeSummary operation of the XPNETStation MBean.
Refer to section 2 for a list of attributes exposed by the XPNETStation MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETStation entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET station.
4. Click Get Attr Summary.

Start and stop XPNET stations

Once an XPNET station is managed, the ACIJMX agent can start and stop it using the start and
stop operations exposed by the XPNETStation MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETStation entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET station.
4. Click Start or Stop.

Reset XPNET station statistics

Once an XPNET station is managed, the ACIJMX agent can reset its statistical counters using the
resetStats operations exposed by the XPNETStation MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETStation entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET station.
4. Click Reset Stats.

Managing XPNET queues

XPNET queues are managed by the XPNETQueue MBeans, which are instantiated by the
XPNETNode MBean. Queues can be managed on either a temporary or permanent basis.
Prerequisites: In order to perform any of the functions related to an XPNET queue, the
XPNETSystem and XPNETNode MBeans must be properly defined for the system and node in
which the queue resides.

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List all queues defined to the XPNET node

The XPNETNode MBean supports a listQueues operation to list out all queues defined to an XPNET
node. This operation returns all queues for the node, regardless of whether or not they are
managed by the ACIJMX agent.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click List Queues.
5. Enter an asterisk in the Queue name pattern field, or another type of selection pattern.
6. Click Submit Request.

What to do next:
Note: You can select and copy one of the queues to the desktop clipboard for adding it for
permanent or temporary management. Each queue is displayed on a separate line in the
response. Each line of the response starts with the queue name followed by a space
followed by the queue type. Take note of the type, because you will need it to add a queue
for management.

Add an XPNET queue for permanent management

The XPNETNode MBean supports a showQueues operation that adds a queue for permanent
management. This operation adds an XPNETQueue MBean for the queue resource.
Tip: You may want to use the List Stations operation first to get a list of available stations.
That way, you can copy the name of the station you want to add from the available list and
paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Show Queue.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the queue in the Queue Name field.
6. Select the type in the Queue Type field. Values are Process, Station, Service, Dest, Internal,
Unknown, or External.
7. Click Submit Request.

Remove an XPNET queue from permanent management

The XPNETNode MBean supports a hideQueue operation that removes a queue from permanent
management. This operation deletes the corresponding XPNETQueue MBean for the queue
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Hide Queue.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the queue in the Queue Name field.

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6. Click Submit Request.

Add an XPNET queue for temporary management

The XPNETNode MBean supports an inquireQueue operation that adds a queue for temporary
management. This operation adds an XPNETQueue MBean for the queue resource and removes
the MBean automatically after the number of seconds specified by the XPNETNode MBean
CleanupTimer attribute.
While the queue is being temporarily managed, it is available from both the detail screen and
Queue Summary screen.
Tip: You may want to use the List Queues operation first to get a list of available queues
and their corresponding types. That way, you can copy the name of the queue you want to
add from the available list and paste it during this procedure.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET node.
4. Click Inquire Queue.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the queue in the Queue Name field.
6. Select the type in the Queue Type field.
7. Click Submit Request.

View XPNET queue attributes

Once an XPNET queue is managed, its attributes are exposed and current attribute information
can be viewed using the getAttributeSummary operation of the XPNETQueue MBean.
Refer to section 2 for a list of attributes exposed by the XPNETQueue MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETQueue entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET queue.
4. Click Get Attr Summary.

Suspend routing to an XPNET queue

Once an XPNET queue is managed, the ACIJMX agent can suspend routing to it as needed using
the freeze operation exposed by the XPNETQueue MBean.
Caution: There is no thaw function currently available through the ACIJMX agent.
Reinstating routing to a frozen queue needs to be done through XPNET network control.

1. Access the Application Management Detail window.

2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETQueue entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET queue.
4. Click Freeze.

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XPNET management

Manage messages in an XPNET queue

Once an XPNET queue is managed, the ACIJMX agent can perform a number of operations on
messages in the queue.
The available operations are summarized in the following table. Most of these operations require
additional parameters. Refer to the XPNETQueue MBean in section 2 for further information about
each operation and its required parameters.

Operation Description
pop Removes a specified number of messages from the queue
purge Removes all messages for a specific queue
qread Reads messages from a disk file and queues them
qtransfer Transfers messages from the queue to the queue of a specified object
qwrite Writes messages from the queue to a disk file

1. Access the Application Management Detail window.

2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETQueue entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET queue.
4. Click the corresponding button.
5. Enter the required parameters, if necessary.
6. Click Submit Request.

Reset XPNET queue statistics

Once an XPNET queue is managed, the ACIJMX agent can reset its statistical counters using the
resetStats operations exposed by the XPNETQueue MBean.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories > XPNETSystemManager > XPNETSystem >
XPNETNode > XPNETQueue entries in the left pane.
3. Select the XPNET queue.
4. Click Reset Stats.

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Managing BASE24-eps
Section 11:
business services
You can use ACI Application Management to manage BASE24-eps business services, as well as
any other SBA-based services, that can be instrumented and registered.

In this section:

BASE24-eps business services MBeans.........................................................................228

Managing service providers......................................................................................... 229
Managing service proxies and stubs in a specific application process.............................. 230
Managing specific proxies and stubs across multiple application processes......................232
Managing BASE24-eps service consumers and implementations in a specific application
Managing specific BASE24-eps service consumers and implementations across multiple
application processes..................................................................................................234

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Managing BASE24-eps business services

BASE24-eps business services MBeans

BASE24-eps service resources are instrumented using the following MBeans, which enable you to
perform the indicated management functions.

Resource MBean Description Management functions

SBA Component Exposes attributes and operations View and reset attributes
components for individual service proxies or
Start and stop raw
service stubs started in a specific
message tracing
SBA-based application process.
SBA services Service Exposes aggregated metrics for View and reset attributes
all instances of a specific service
proxy or service stub across
multiple application processes in
the system.
BSVC Component Exposes attributes and operations View and reset attributes
components for individual service consumers
or service implementations
started in a specific SBA-based
application process.
BSVC services Service Exposes aggregated metrics for View and reset attributes
all instances of a specific service
consumer or service
implementation across multiple
application processes in the
SBA Service Service Exposes a set of attributes and View and reset service
Management operations for each service attributes
service provider that registers with an
SBA Service Locater process.

Service proxies, stubs, consumers, and implementation

Service proxies, stubs, consumers, and implementations are all internal classes that can be
included in BASE24-eps application processes that support service-based processing. Proxy and
consumer classes are used to consume services; stub and implementation classes are used to
provide services. Exposing attributes and operations at the class level provides a granular view of
the service-based processing occurring within specific BASE24-eps application processes and
across multiple BASE24-eps application processes.

MBean types and user permissions

Processes that register with ACI Application Management dynamically can define the attributes
and operations they expose. However, these resources are actually registered with a generic
MBean types of “Component” or “Service.” This means that user permissions for these MBean
types will be those associated with the Component and Service MBean types.

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Managing BASE24-eps business services

Adding new resources

The ACIJMX agent cannot add new services or service resources to the environment. It can only
instrument and manage those that are already there. Services and service resources must be
added to the environment using the standard service configuration.

Managing service providers

Each service provider that has registered with a Service Locator process is registered
automatically with ACI Application Management as a Service Management service.
Registered Service Management services are listed in the Application Management navigation tree
under Categories> Services > SBA_MGT. You can access their exposed attributes and operation
by clicking through the navigation tree and selecting the service.
This is how Service Management services are identified in the navigation tree.

Service name
Service Name+“_mgmt”+“_”+version
Example: DebitAddRq_mgmt_1

When you select a service in the navigation pane to the left; its functions and attributes are
shown in the detail pane to the right. Refer to the Service Management service MBean definition
for function and attribute descriptions.

View or reset attributes for a service provider

1. Select Categories > Services > SBA_MGT.
2. From the navigation tree, locate and click the service provider you want to view.
3. To reset the attributes, click the ResetCount button. This operation resets all of the attributes
to zero.

Note: The attributes are read-only and cannot be reset individually.

Set a service provider as preferred (OverrideOn)

Preferred service providers are typically used in test environments to give specific specific service
providers preference over others for receiving work requests.
1. Select Categories > Services > SBA_MGT.
2. From the navigation tree, locate and click the service provider you want to set.
3. Click the OverrideOn button. A parameter entry window is returned.
4. In the Param1 field, enter the the symbolic name of the process and the provider ID
(separated by a comma) of the service you want to set as preferred.
5. Click the Submit Request button. An “OK” message is displayed.
6. Click the Cancel/Done button to return to the service detail window.

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Remove the preferred setting for a service provider

1. Select Categories > Services > SBA_MGT.
2. From the navigation tree, locate and click the service provider you want to set.
3. Click the OverrideOff button. A parameter entry window is returned.
4. In the Param1 field, enter the the symbolic name of the process and the provider ID
(separated by a comma) of the service for which you want to remove preferred setting.
5. Click the Submit Request button. An “OK” message is displayed.
6. Click the Cancel/Done button to return to the service detail window.

View service provider details

1. Select Categories > Services > SBA_MGT.
2. From the navigation tree, locate and click the service provider you want to view.
3. Click the ViewDetails button. A parameter entry window is returned.
4. In the Param1 field, enter the the symbolic name of the process and the provider ID
(separated by a comma) of the service for which you want to view details.
5. Click the Submit Request button. The detail page is displayed containing the following
information for the service provider:
• Availability
• Preferred - whether or not the service is preferred.
• Native name - the name of the UNIX queue or HP NonStop native service where the
service receives requests.
• Native type - A value of Q (queue) or X (native service), indicating the type of
mechanismfrom which the service receives requests.
6. Click the Cancel/Done button to return to the service detail window.

Managing service proxies and stubs in a specific

application process
Each service proxy and service stub that is started in an SBA-based application process is
registered automatically with ACI Application Management as an SBA component.
Registered SBA components are listed in the Application Management navigation tree under
Categories > Components > ProcessName > SBA. You can access their exposed attributes
and operation by clicking through the navigation tree and selecting the component.
This how SBA components are identified in the navigation tree.

ProcessName Proxy Stub

Name of the application process Service Name+“_consumer” Service Name+“_provider”
in which the proxy or stub is +<version> +<version>
Example: Example:
DebitAddRq_consumer_1 DebitAddRq_provider_1

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Managing BASE24-eps business services

When you select a provider or consumer component in the navigation pane to the left; its
functions and attributes are shown in the detail pane to the right. Refer to the SBA Metrics
component MBean definition for function and attribute descriptions.

View or reset attributes for a service proxy or stub in a specific

application process
1. Select Categories > Components .
2. Locate and click the name of the application process whose proxy or stub you want to view.
3. Click SBA. This lists the proxies or stubs started within the process.
4. Locate and click the name of the proxy or stub you want to view. This displays the attributes
and operations.
5. To reset the count attributes, click the ResetCount button. This operation resets all of the
count attributes to zero and returns an “OK” response.
6. Click the Cancel/Done button.

Stop a service stub in a specific application process

Stopping a service stub disables the corresponding service provider.
1. Select Categories > Components .
2. Locate and click the name of the application process whose proxy or stub you want to view.
3. Click SBA. This lists the proxies or stubs started within the process.
4. Locate and click the name of the proxy or stub you want to stop. This displays the attributes
and operations.
5. Click the Stop button. This operation stops the stub and returns an “OK” response.
6. Click the Cancel/Done button.

Initiate a raw message trace

Before you begin:
SBA raw message traces write trace data to a trace file. Before activating a trace, a trace file must
be created, and you must know the name of it.
SBA raw message traces trace messages exchanged between an SBA proxy and its corresponding
stub. Traces are resource-intensive and are intended for short-term diagnostic purposes only.
They are not intended to be enabled on multiple instances of the same consumer or provider, and
are not intended to be enabled on production systems for an extended period of time.
1. Select Categories > Components .
2. Locate and click the name of the application process whose proxy or stub you want to trace.
3. Click SBA. This lists the proxies or stubs started within the process.
4. Locate and click the name of the proxy or stub you want to trace. This displays the attributes
and operations.
Verify that the name of a trace file is set in the TraceFileName Value field. If not, you can set
it as follows:
a. Click the Edit button.
b. Change or add the name of the trace file in the TraceFileName Value field.

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c. Click the Save button. This saves the new or updated file name
d. Click the Cancel/Done button.
Note: Neither the Application Management user interface or ACIJMX server
validates the file name or directory location entered for the TraceFileName.
5. Click the TraceOn button. This operation starts the trace and returns on “OK” response.
6. Click the Cancel/Done button.
Note: The Trace attribute for the component will be set to true if the operation is

Terminate a raw message trace

1. Select Categories > Components.
2. Locate and click the name of the application process whose proxy or stub trace you want to
3. Click SBA. This lists the proxies or stubs started within the process.
4. Locate and click the name of the proxy or stub. This displays the attributes and operations.
5. Click the TraceOff button. This operation terminates the trace and returns an “OK” response.
6. Click the Cancel/Done button.
Note: The Trace attribute for the component will be set to false if the operation is

Managing specific proxies and stubs across

multiple application processes
When the same service proxy or service stub is started in multiple application processes, as would
be the case when service-based application processes are replicated, their individual metrics are
aggregated to provide a general view of the proxy or stub functions across the system.
Each proxy and stub started in an SBA-based application process is registered automatically with
ACI Application Management as an SBA service in order to expose this aggregate information.
Note: Aggregate information is not currently tracked for service proxies and stubs.
Therefore, the information in this window will not be populated until that functionality is
Registered SBA services are listed in the Application Management navigation tree under
Categories > Services > SBA. You can access their exposed attributes and operation by clicking
through the navigation tree and selecting the service.
This is how SBA services are identified on the Application Management window.

Proxy name Stub name

Service Name+“_consumer” Service Name+“_provider”
Example: DebitAddRq_consumer Example: DebitAddRq_provider

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Managing BASE24-eps business services

When you select a service in the navigation pane to the left; its functions and attributes are
shown in the detail pane to the right. Refer to the SBA Metrics service MBean definition for
function and attribute descriptions.

View or reset attributes for a specific service or proxy across

all applications processes in the system
1. Select Categories > Services > SBA. This lists all of the proxies or stubs in the system.
2. Locate and click the name of the proxy or stub you want to view. This displays the attributes
and operations.
3. To reset the count attributes, click the ResetCount button. This operation resets all of the
count attributes to zero and returns an “OK” response.
Note: The attributes are read-only and cannot be reset individually.

4. Click the Cancel/Done button.

Managing BASE24-eps service consumers and

implementations in a specific application process
Each BASE24-eps service consumer and service implementation started within an application
process registers automatically with ACI Application Management as a BSVC component.
Registered BSVC components are listed in the Application Management navigation tree under
Categories > Components > <ProcessName> > BSVC. You can access their exposed attributes
and operation by clicking through the navigation tree and selecting the component.
This how BSVC components are identified in the navigation tree.

ProcessName Service consumer Service implementation

Name of the application Service Name+“_”+version Service Name+“_”+version
process in which the service
Example: Example:
consumer or service
DebitAddRq_1 DebitAddRq_1
implementation is located.

When you select a service in the navigation pane to the left; its functions and attributes are
shown in the detail pane to the right. Refer to the Foundation Metrics component MBean definition
for function and attribute descriptions.

View or reset service consumer or implementation attributes

1. Select Categories > Components .
2. Locate and click the name of the application process whose service consumer or
implementation you want to view.
3. Click BSVC. This lists the service consumers or implementations started within the process.
4. Locate and click the name of the service consumer or implementation you want to view. This
displays the attributes and operations.

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5. To reset the count attributes, click the ResetCount button. This operation resets all of the
count attributes to zero and returns an “OK” response.

Note: The attributes are read-only and cannot be reset individually.

6. Click the Cancel/Done button.

Managing specific BASE24-eps service

consumers and implementations across multiple
application processes
When the same BASE24-eps service consumer or service implementation is started in multiple
application processes, as would be the case when service-based application processes are
replicated, their individual metrics are aggregated to provide a general view of the service
consumer or service implementation functions across the system. Each service consumer or
service implementation started in an SBA-based application process is registered automatically
with ACI Application Management as an BSVC service in order to expose this aggregate
Registered BSVC services are listed in the Application Management navigation tree under
Categories > Services > BSVC. You can access their exposed attributes and operation by
clicking through the navigation tree and selecting the service.
This is how BSVS services are identified on the Application Management window.

ProcessName Service consumer Service implementation

Name of the application Service Name+“_”+version Service Name+“_”+version
process in which the
Example: Example:
service consumer or
service implementation is DebitAddRq_1 DebitAddRq_1

View or reset service attributes

1. Select Categories > Services > BSVC . This lists all of the service consumers or
implementations in the system.
2. Locate and click the name of the service consumer or implementation you want to view. This
displays the attributes and operations.
3. To reset the count attributes, click the ResetCount button. This operation resets all of the
count attributes to zero and returns an “OK” response.
Note: The attributes are read-only and cannot be reset individually.

4. Click the Cancel/Done button.

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Section 12:
GaugeMonitor_ and StringMonitor
This section describes the monitoring capabilities provided by the ACIJMX agent through the use
of the CounterMonitor, GaugeMonitor, and StringMonitor MBeans.

In this section:

Adding and configuring monitors................................................................................. 236

Starting and stopping monitors................................................................................... 241
Delete monitors..........................................................................................................242

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CounterMonitor_ GaugeMonitor_ and StringMonitor processing

Adding and configuring monitors

ACIJMX agents can be set up to watch the values of specific resource attributes for exception
conditions or out-of-bounds values and issue notifications in the event that the monitored
conditions are met. This is accomplished using monitor MBeans.
Monitor MBeans are instantiated by the agent to watch a specific attribute for one or more
managed resources. There are three types of monitor MBeans:
• CounterMonitor
• GaugeMonitor
• StringMonitor
Refer to section 2 for a description of how each type of monitor MBean works.
Once started, monitor MBeans execute at their configured intervals and check the attributes they
are watching against their configured threshold values. If an attribute meets the monitored
condition based on the configured threshold value, the monitor MBean emits a notification.
Notifications as a result of a monitor evaluation are mapped directly to standard events within the
ACIJMX environment. Where applicable, notification-to-event mappings are provided along with
the individual MBean descriptions in section 2 (under “Notifications”).
Monitor MBeans are added and managed by the ServerManager MBean.

Adding monitor MBeans

The ServerManager MBean adds monitor MBeans using the following operations:
• AddCounterMonitor
• AddGaugeMonitor
• AddStringMonitor.

Required entry parameters

The following table identifies the parameters required to add a CounterMonitor (C), GaugeMonitor
(G), or StringMonitor (S) MBean. Corresponding fields appear on the ACI desktop or APF Admin
browser when adding a monitor MBean.

Parameters C G S
Monitor symbolic name – The name to give the monitor within the ACIJMX X X X
Object type to monitor – A broad classification of MBean to be monitored. In an X X X
IBM System z and UNIX environment, types include:

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Parameters C G S


In an HP NonStop environment, types include:


Object symname pattern – Regular-expression pattern for an MBean or set of X X X

MBeans to be monitored. This corresponds to the Symname attribute that is
supported by all ACIJMX MBeans.
Attribute to monitor – The name of an attribute to monitor. This must correspond X X X
to an attribute supported by the MBean set to be monitored. Any attribute
exposed by a resource’s MBean can be monitored. Refer to the MBean
descriptions in section 2 to find the attributes exposed for each type of MBean.
Note: Invalid attributes are not reported at the time of the monitor add.
The monitor is added successfully, but an event is logged to note the
situation. An invalid attribute can be corrected by altering the
ObservedAttribute attribute of the monitor once it is added.

String form of monitor high threshold – A number indicating the value that the X
monitored attribute must exceed in order to have an event issued.
String form of monitor low threshold – A number indicating the value that the X
monitored attribute must fall below in order to have an event issued.
Raw compare or difference compare – A true or false indicator. If set to true, then X
all attribute comparisons are done on the raw value of the attribute. If set to
false, then the difference between the current and previous reading is compared
to the threshold.
String form of counter monitor threshold – A number indicating the value that the X
monitored attribute must exceed in order to have an event issued.
Raw compare or difference compare – A true or false indicator. If set to true, then X
all attribute comparisons are done on the raw value of the attribute. If set to
false, then the difference between the current and previous reading is compared
to the threshold.
Compare string – the string to be used for the comparison. X

Add monitor MBeans from the ACI desktop

1. Click on ServerManager to display the detail screen.

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CounterMonitor_ GaugeMonitor_ and StringMonitor processing

2. Click the AddCounterMonitor, AddGaugeMonitor, or AddStringMonitor button, depending on

the type of monitor to add.
The desktop window responds with a list of parameters to be provided (refer to the list
provided below).
3. Enter the necessary parameters and click the Submit Request button.
The ServerManager responds by adding and automatically starting the MBean.

Add monitor MBeans from the APF admin browser

1. Click on ServerManager from the Management Console page to display the detail screen.
2. Click the AddCounterMonitor, AddGaugeMonitor, or AddStringMonitor button, depending on
the type of monitor to add.
The browser responds with a list of parameters to be provided (refer to the list provided
3. Enter the necessary parameters and click the Submit button.
The ServerManager responds by adding and automatically starting the MBean.

Configuring monitors – sample monitor configurations

To change the configuration of a monitor MBean, you need to access and change those exposed
attributes that can be modified. Refer to section 2 to find those attributes that are available and
can be changed.
The configuration options are quite extensive. Several examples are provided below for
configuring several types of monitors.
Note: For all samples, assume that the GranularityPeriod attribute is not set and defaults to
10 seconds.

Sample GaugeMonitor MBean to monitor the depth of a queue

The classic example of a monitor would be to monitor the depth of a queue object and log an
event when the queue depth is exceeded.
The following are examples of values you might use to add this type of GaugeMonitor MBean.

Parameters/Attributes Value
Monitor Symbolic Name ISQueueMonitor
Object type to monitor Queue
Object symname pattern TEST.IS*
Attribute to monitor CurrentQueueDepth
String form of monitor low threshold 5
String form of monitor high threshold 10
Raw compare or difference compare True sets the DifferenceMode attribute to false.
False sets the DifferenceMode attribute to true.

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Without further modification, this monitor would check the CurrentQueueDepth attribute of all of
queue resources matching the TEST.IS* pattern every 10 seconds and emit a notification if the
queue exceeded 10 or dropped below 5.
Once the GaugeMonitor has been added, it can be modified by selecting it by symbolic name from
the left-hand pane of the Detail window or Management Console page and modifying attributes.
Some examples of attribute changes might be as follows:

Parameters/Attributes Value
NotifyLow Set to false to turn off notifications for dropping below
the low threshold.
GranularityPeriod Change to lengthen or shorten period at which the
thresholds are checked (e.g., from 10 seconds to 20

Sample GaugeMonitor MBean to monitor the opens on the integrated server input
WebSphere MQ queue
Another common use of a GaugeMonitor MBean would be to monitor the status of the opens on
the Integrated Server input WebSphere MQ queue. If the number of opens for input (reading/
getting) drops below a specific value, it would indicate that a number of threads within the IS
population had terminated.
The following are examples of values you might use to add this type of GaugeMonitor MBean.

Parameters/Attributes Value
Monitor Symbolic Name ISQueueOpenMonitor
Object type to monitor Queue
Object symname pattern TEST.IS*
Attribute to monitor OpenInputCount
String form of monitor low threshold 10
String form of monitor high threshold 10
Raw compare or difference compare True sets the DifferenceMode attribute to false.
False sets the DifferenceMode attribute to true.

Without further modification, this monitor would check the OpenInputCount attribute of all of
queue resources matching the TEST.IS* pattern every 10 seconds and emit a notification if the
count moved higher or lower than 10.
For this type of situation, the user typically only wants to be notified when the value drops below
the low threshold (the high threshold is usually irrelevant here).
Once the GaugeMonitor has been added, it can be modified by selecting it by symbolic name from
the left-hand pane of the Application Management detail screen and modifying attributes. The
following attribute would typically be modified in this case.

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Parameters/Attributes Value
NotifyHigh Set to false to turn off notifications for going above
the high threshold.

Sample CounterMonitor MBean to monitor ICE-XS msgrouter connections

One helpful use of a CounterMonitor might be to track when the number of connections into an
ICE-XS Msgrouter exceeds the expected value. In this case, a CounterMonitor may be the best
choice as an operator may only want notification when a ceiling value on incoming connections
has been reached.
The following are examples of values you might use to add a CounterMonitor MBean for
monitoring an incoming connection monitor.

Parameters/Attributes Value
Monitor Symbolic Name ISOConnMonitor
Object type to monitor Msgrouter
Object symname pattern TEST_ISO*
Attribute to monitor InboundConns
String form of monitor threshold 10
Raw compare or difference compare True sets the DifferenceMode attribute to false.
False sets the DifferenceMode attribute to true.

Without further modification, this monitor would check the InboundConns attribute of all of
msgrouter resources matching the TEST_ISO* pattern every 10 seconds and emit a notification if
the count moved higher than 10.

Sample CounterMonitor MBean to Monitor memory usage by an XPNET node

Another use of a CounterMonitor MBean might be to track when the percentage of memory used
by an XPNET node exceeds the expected value. Here, the CounterMonitor MBean may be the best
choice because an operator may only want notification when a ceiling value on memory use has
been reached.
The following are examples of values you might use to add a CounterMonitor MBean for this

Parameters/Attributes Value
Monitor Symbolic Name MonitorP1A^NODE
Object type to monitor XPNETNode
Object symname pattern \OMA3T03.P1A^NODE
Attribute to monitor PercentMemoryUsed
String form of monitor threshold 90

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Parameters/Attributes Value
Raw compare or difference compare True sets the DifferenceMode attribute to false.
False sets the DifferenceMode attribute to true.

Without further modification, this monitor would check the PercentMemoryUsed attribute of the
\OMA3T03.P1A^NODE resource every 10 seconds and emit a notification if the percentage moved
higher than 90.

Sample StringMonitor MBean to monitor processes in an abnormal state

A StringMonitor MBean can be used to monitor processes for a specific state. The following are
examples of values you might use to add a StringMonitor MBean to monitor a group of processes
for an Abnormal state.

Parameters/Attributes Value
Monitor Symbolic Name IKProcessMonitor1
Object type to monitor Process
Object symname pattern IK_*
Attribute to monitor State
Compare string Abnormal
Notify on String compare or String True sets the NotifyMatch attribute to true and the
difference NotifyDiffer attribute to false.
False sets the NotifyMatch attribute to false and the
NotifyDiffer attribute to true.

Without further modification, this monitor would check the State attribute of all of process
resources matching the IK_* pattern every 10 seconds and emit a notification if the State
attribute matched Abnormal.

Starting and stopping monitors

Individual monitors can be started and stopped using the start and stop operations exposed by
their corresponding MBeans.
• Starting a monitor activates the monitor, initiating the evaluation of the specified attribute
value at a period defined by the GranularityPeriod attribute.
• Stopping a monitor terminates the evaluation of the specified attribute value.
The ServerManager MBean can stop and restart a given monitor using its ResetMonitor operation.
It can also start all monitors using its StartMonitors operation.

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Start and stop individual monitors from the ACI desktop or APF
admin browser
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand Categories > ServerManager in the left pane.
3. Expand the monitor groupings as needed and select the monitor.
4. Click Start or Stop.

Start all monitors from the ACI desktop or APF admin browser
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand Categories in the left pane.
3. Select ServerManager.
4. Click Start Monitors.

Delete monitors
The ServerManager MBean can delete a monitor using its DeleteMonitor operation. This removes a
monitor by symbolic name.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window or Management Console page.
2. Select and expand Categories in the left pane.
3. Select ServerManager.
4. Click Delete Monitor.
5. Enter the symbolic name of the monitor.
6. Click Submit Request or Submit.

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Script execution using
Section 13:
This section describes how to use the ScriptManager MBean to execute scripts. Scripts can be
executed on demand, based on a schedule, or triggered by notifications.

In this section:

Executing scripts on demand.......................................................................................244

Scheduling script execution......................................................................................... 244
Triggering script execution with notifications................................................................ 247
Guidelines for writing ACIJMX scripts........................................................................... 251

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Script execution using ScriptManager

Executing scripts on demand

The ScriptManager MBean provides the capability to execute user-written scripts on demand,
which means that you can launch individual scripts at any time.
Executing scripts uses the execScript operation exposed by the ScriptManager MBean. This
operation requires a single parameter: the script file name.
Up to six additional parameters can be provided as needed, depending on the script.
The location (directory) in which the script can be found must be specified in the ScriptManager’s
ScriptPath attribute.

Execute scripts on demand from the ACI desktop

1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Check the ScriptPath attribute to verify that it specifies the correct directory in which the
script is located.
If not, click Edit, specify the correct location, and click Save.
5. Click Exec Script.
6. Enter the name of the script and any required parameters.
7. Click Submit Request.

Execute scripts on demand from the APF admin browser

1. Access the Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Check the ScriptPath attribute to verify that it specifies the correct directory in which the
script is located.
If not, click the ScriptPath hyperlink, specify the correct location, and click Save.
5. Click Exec Script.
6. Enter the name of the script and any required parameters.
7. Click Submit.

Scheduling script execution

The ScriptManager MBean provides the capability to schedule user-written scripts to be executed
at a specified date and time and, optionally, on a recurring daily basis.
Basically, the ScriptManager configuration requires that you specify the script to be executed, the
date and time the script is to be executed, and whether or not the script is to be executed on a
daily basis. The ScriptManager MBean then sets timers to execute the script as scheduled. When a
script is set up to be executed on a daily basis, it executes for the first time at the scheduled date
and time and then each subsequent day at the scheduled time.

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Script execution using ScriptManager

Once a script is scheduled, the schedule information cannot be modified. If the schedule
information needs to be changed, the scheduled script must be removed and re-added with the
new information.
Multiple schedules can be set up for the same script as needed. For example, if scriptA is to be
executed each day at 1:15am, 6:30am, 1:15pm, and 6:30pm, and scriptB is to be executed each
day at 12:00am and 12:00pm, different schedules would be set up as follows. In this case, the
date can be the current date or the date you want the scripts to start running.

Script Date Hour Minute Second Daily

ScriptA <year><month><date> 1 15 0 true
ScriptA <year><month><date> 6 30 0 true
ScriptA <year><month><date> 13 15 0 true
ScriptA <year><month><date> 18 30 0 true
ScriptB <year><month><date> 0 0 0 true
ScriptB <year><month><date> 12 0 0 true

Add scheduled scripts from the ACI desktop

Before you begin:
Automatically executing scripts takes thoughtful planning. You must understand what your script
does and anticipate the results that will occur when the script is automatically executed at the
dates and times you specify.
The ScriptManager MBean supports a scheduleScript operation to add a scheduled script.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Check the ScriptPath attribute to verify that it specifies the correct directory in which the
script is located.
Note: If it does not specify the correct directory, click Edit, specify the correct location,
and click Save. This attribute is used for all scripts run by the ScriptManager MBean.
5. Click Schedule Script.
6. Enter the name of the script.
7. Enter the year (yyyy), month (0–11, with 0 as January) and day (1–31) of the date the script
is to run.
8. Enter the hour (0–23), minute (0–59), and second (0–59) for the time of day the script is to
9. If the script is to be executed each day, click the “Execute this script daily at the same time”
box to add a check mark.
10. Click Submit Request and then click Cancel/Done to return to the ScriptManager detail

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Script execution using ScriptManager

Add scheduled scripts from the APF admin browser

Before you begin:
Automatically executing scripts takes thoughtful planning. You must understand what your script
does and anticipate the results that will occur when the script is automatically executed at the
dates and times you specify.
The ScriptManager MBean supports a scheduleScript operation to add a scheduled script.
1. Access the Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Check the ScriptPath attribute to verify that it specifies the correct directory in which the
script is located.
Note: If it does not specify the correct directory, click the ScriptPath hyperlink, specify
the correct location, and click Save. This attribute is used for all scripts run by the
ScriptManager MBean.
5. Click Schedule Script.
6. Enter the name of the script.
7. Enter the year (yyyy), month (0–11, with 0 as January) and day (1–31) of the date the script
is to run.
8. Enter the hour (0–23), minute (0–59), and second (0–59) for the time of day the script is to
9. If the script is to be executed each day, enter true in the repeats field.
10. Click Submit.

Remove scheduled scripts from the ACI desktop

The ScriptManager MBean supports a removeScheduledScript operation to delete a scheduled
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Check the ScheduledScripts attribute to get the ID of the scheduled script to be removed.
5. Click Remove Scheduled Script.
6. Enter the ID of the scheduled script.
7. Click Submit Request and then click Cancel/Done to return to the ScriptManager detail

Remove scheduled scripts from the APF admin browser

The ScriptManager MBean supports a removeScheduledScript operation to delete a scheduled
1. Access the Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Check the ScheduledScripts attribute to get the ID of the scheduled script to be removed.

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Script execution using ScriptManager

5. Click Remove Scheduled Script.

6. Enter the ID of the scheduled script.
7. Click Submit.

Triggering script execution with notifications

The ScriptManager MBean provides the capability to run user-written scripts based on the receipt
of a notification from a specific MBean.
Basically, the ScriptManager configuration requires that you specify the script to be executed, the
type of notification to be used as the trigger, and the MBean to generate the trigger notification.
When an object/script combination is added, the ScriptManager registers with the MBean server to
receive notifications. When the ScriptManager then receives a notification from the specified
MBean, it runs the corresponding script.

Notifications enabled
In order for notifications to function, they must be enabled through the ServerManager MBean—
using the startNotifier operation. Notifications must be enabled in order for the ScriptManager to
receive notifications to trigger script execution.

Set up automated script execution based on notifications from

the ACI desktop
Before you begin:

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Script execution using ScriptManager

Executing scripts within the ACIJMX agent takes thoughtful planning. You must understand and
identify those notifications that you want to take action on and the MBeans that will generate
them. You must also write an appropriate Jython script to perform the actions that you want to
take for the specific resources you want to affect.
The following steps describe how to use the ACI desktop to set up the ScriptManager MBean to
execute a script upon receipt of a specific notification.
1. Access the Application Management Detail window.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Identify the notification you want the ScriptManager to use as a trigger. To do this, click Add
Type. This displays the Add Type window.
5. Enter the notification type of the notification you want to use as the trigger. Available types
are identified, by MBean, in section 2.
To execute a script on the open input count of an MQ queue dropping below a pre-configured
threshold, the Type value entered would be

6. Click Submit Request and then click Cancel/Done to return to the ScriptManager detail
7. Identify the MBeans that the ScriptManager MBean is to watch for the trigger notification type
and the script to be executed.
To do this, click Add Objects (objects are the MBeans to be added). This displays the Add
Objects window, which accepts the following parameters:

Param Description
Type/classification A type of MBean that issues notifications. Values include the following:
of objects
Note: In nearly all cases, this will be a monitor MBean, because
notifications that are automatically handled are typically issued
by the monitors.

Monitor CounterMonitor


Process UnixProcess



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Script execution using ScriptManager

Param Description



ServerManager ServerManager
Object name Regular-expression pattern for an object or set of objects to be
pattern monitored. This corresponds to the Symname attribute that is
supported by all ACIJMX MBeans.
Script file to The name of a Jython script file to execute. This script file must reside
execute on on the standard script path as specified in the scriptPath attribute of the
Notification ScriptManager.

Example 1: For handling current queue depth threshold events on the Integrated Server
queue, the following is an example of the values that could be supplied to the addObjects

Parameter Setting
Type/classification of objects Monitor
Object symname pattern ISCurrentQueueDepthMonitor
Script file to execute on Notification

Example 2: For handling open input count threshold events on the Integrated Server input
queue, the following values would be supplied to the addObjects operation:

Parameter Setting
Type/classification of objects Monitor
Object symname pattern ISQueueOpenMonitor
Script file to execute on Notification
8. Click Submit Request and then click Cancel/Done to return to the ScriptManager detail

Set up automated script execution based on notifications from

the APF admin browser
Before you begin:
Executing scripts within the ACIJMX agent takes thoughtful planning. You must understand and
identify those notifications that you want to take action on and the MBeans that will generate
them. You must also write an appropriate Jython script to perform the actions that you want to
take for the specific resources you want to affect.

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Script execution using ScriptManager

The following steps describe how to use the APF Admin browser to set up the ScriptManager
MBean to execute a script upon receipt of a specific notification.
1. Access the Management Console page.
2. Select and expand the Categories entry in the left pane.
3. Select ScriptManager.
4. Identify the notification you want the ScriptManager to use as a trigger. To do this, click Add
5. Enter the notification type of the notification you want to use as the trigger. Available types
are identified, by MBean, in section 2.
To execute a script on the open input count of an MQ queue dropping below a pre-configured
threshold, the Type value entered would be

6. Click Submit.
7. Identify the MBeans that the ScriptManager MBean is to watch for the trigger notification type
and the script to be executed.
To do this, click Add Objects (objects are the MBeans to be added). This displays the Add
Objects popup, which accepts the following parameters:

Param Description
Type/classification A type of MBean that issues notifications. Values include the following:
of objects
Note: In nearly all cases, this will be a monitor MBean, because
notifications that are automatically handled are typically issued
by the monitors.

Monitor CounterMonitor


Process UnixProcess






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Script execution using ScriptManager

Param Description



ServerManager ServerManager
Object name Regular-expression pattern for an object or set of objects to be
pattern monitored. This corresponds to the Symname attribute that is
supported by all ACIJMX MBeans.
Script file to The name of a Jython script file to execute. This script file must reside
execute on on the standard script path as specified in the scriptPath attribute of the
Notification ScriptManager.

Example 1: For handling current queue depth threshold events on the Integrated Server
queue, the following is an example of the values that could be supplied to the addObjects

Parameter Setting
Type/classification of objects Monitor
Object symname pattern ISCurrentQueueDepthMonitor
Script file to execute on Notification

Example 2: For handling open input count threshold events on the Integrated Server input
queue, the following values would be supplied to the addObjects operation:

Parameter Setting
Type/classification of objects Monitor
Object symname pattern ISQueueOpenMonitor
Script file to execute on Notification
8. Click Submit.

Guidelines for writing ACIJMX scripts

The ACIJMX agent supports the Jython (Python with Java bindings) scripts. Any scripts to be
executed by the ScriptManager MBean must be written in Jython.
The following are several guidelines to observe when preparing scripts.
• Scripting supports the use of Jython 2.1.
• Scripts written to be run on demand can be written to accept up to six parameters at startup.
• Scripts triggered by notifications are not passed parameters. They are simply run as is.

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Caution: Scripts can be written for any number of purposes. Because of their inherent
flexibility and power, it is very important to review any scripts carefully that you plan to
launch through the ACIJMX agent in order to protect the system from unauthorized or
unintentional actions.

Sample scripts
Scripts can be written for a multitude of purposes, from starting and stopping resources to
warmbooting all of the ACIJMX agent’s managed resources. Several script shells are provided in
the <ACIJMX_BASE>\scripts directory.

acijmx.policy file
The acijmx.policy file resides in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory and is used to place basic
limitations on the script Executor jar files. Refer to the “acijmx.policy file” topic for additional

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Script and command
Section 14:
execution using the ACIJMX
command interpreter interface
This section describes how to use the ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface (ACIJMXCI) to
execute scripts and enter commands. It also documents those commands that are supported by
Note: Scripts can also be entered using the ScriptManager MBean functionality. Refer to
section 12, “Script execution using ScriptManager”, for information on using the

In this section:

ACIJMX command interpreter interface........................................................................ 254

Entering ACIJMXCI commands.....................................................................................256
ACIJMXCI commands..................................................................................................258
Executing scripts using runscript................................................................................. 265
Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and ACIJMXCI..................................... 268

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Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

ACIJMX command interpreter interface

The ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface (ACIJMXCI) is a command-line interface you can use
to submit ACIJMXCI commands or Jython scripts—from an IBM, UNIX, Windows, or HP Nonstop
shell environment—to be run by the ACIJMX agent.
ACIJMXCI commands can execute all of the functions available to you through the ACIJMX agent.
This includes initiating operations on MBeans, setting and viewing attributes, and running scripts.
To use the ACIJMXCI, you must start the interface, which requires a login. This login uses your AJI
User Security (USEC) user ID and password. Once you are logged in, you can enter commands
recognized by the interface.
Note: For more information about AJI User Security and how it is used in your
environment, refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide.

The remote adaptor used to connect the Command Interpreter Interface to the ACIJMX agent
authenticates you when you start the interface.

Once you are authenticated, you can enter commands and execute scripts. As these commands
are received (and scripts are parsed), the MBean Server Wrapper verifies that you are authorized
to take the action. If you are, the action is forwarded to the MBean server; if you are not, the
action is denied and the MBean Server Wrapper generates an exception message. Refer to section
3, “ACIJMX agent security”, for more information about ACIJMX security.

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Access to the local Jython interpreter

The ACIJMXCI can direct commands to a local Jython interpreter for execution in the local
environment instead of to the ACIJMX agent. The SET command determines destination for
commands entered from the command interpreter. Once commands are directed to the Jython
interpreter only the ENV, EXIT, and SET commands are still active. Any other text is passed
directly to the Jython interpreter.

Start the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

Use the runacijmxci script to start the ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface (ACIJMXCI).
Before you begin:
The runacijmxci script reads the file at startup. The file must be
configured to enable the ACIJMXCI to start.
This script can be run on any platform supported by the ACIJMX agent. During startup, you are
prompted for your AJI User Security (USEC) user ID and password to allow for authentication. Use
the following steps for starting the ACIJMXCI.
1. Access the command prompt for your platform.
2. Change directories to the agent’s bin directory. The following is an example:

$ >cd <ACIJMX home directory>/bin

3. Load the agent’s environment variables if not already loaded.

$ > . acijmx_env_vars
4. Run the runacijmxci script.

$ >./runacijmxci
5. The following response is returned. Enter your user ID. This is your AJI User Security (USEC)
user ID.

login: <user-ID>
6. The following response is returned. Enter your password. This is your AJI User Security
(USEC) password. Passwords are displayed as asterisks.

Password: <password>
7. The ACIJMXCI command interpreter prompt is returned if the login is successful.


If your user ID and password cannot be authenticated, an error message is returned noting
the invalid login attempt.

Stop the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

Use the EXIT command to stop the ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface.
1. Enter the EXIT command at the ACIJMXCI prompt:

$ >

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Entering ACIJMXCI commands

Once you are logged in, you can enter commands at the command prompt.
For example, here is a command for starting stopped processes with names beginning with IS.
>EXEC start IN Process/IS* WHERE ‘State == “Stopped” ’
Each command you enter is authorized to verify that you are properly secured to execute the
action on the type of MBeans involved in the command. For example, in the command shown
above, you would need to be secured to execute a start operation on Process Type MBeans.
If you run a script from the command prompt, as shown in the following example, the script is
parsed and executed one script action at a time. In this case, the script is written to start stations
passed in a parameter.


In this case, the MBean Server Wrapper would verify that you have the security necessary to
execute the scripted start operation on a station type MBean.
Note: Refer to section 3, “ACIJMX agent security”, for more information about ACIJMX

Identifying command objects in ACIJMXCI commands

Command objects—or the objects upon which a command action is to be carried out—consist of
one or more MBeans. In the ACIJMXCI commands, MBeans can be identified by type, by type and
name, or by type and name/pattern.

Command Description
Type Specifies the type of object (MBean) affected by the command. You must
enter an MBean type in the command unless a default MBean type has been
assumed (specified using the ASSUME command). MBean types are
documented in section 2 under the “MBean naming convention” topic.
Name Identifies the object or objects (MBean or MBeans) affected by the
command. MBean names are carried in the Symname attribute.
Name Pattern A name pattern can be used to wildcard an object name. Selection patterns
can also be used—these are described in section 2 in the “Operations
parameters – selection patterns” topic.

Specifying querystrings in ACIJMXCI commands

Certain commands support a querystring. A querystring is a conditional statement upon which the
execution of a command is based. If the condition of the querystring is met, the operation is
carried out; if the condition of the querystring is not met, the operation is not carried out.

Query syntax
The following table describes the syntax variables that can be used to form querystrings.

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Variable Definition
<attrName> Attribute name is a valid attribute—not enclosed by quotation marks.
Attribute names are case-sensitive.
<attrValue> One of the following, depending on the type of attribute specified by the
<booleanAttrValue> = a boolean attribute value of true or false—not
enclosed by quotation marks and not case sensitive.
<stringAttrValue> = A string value—enclosed by quotation marks.
<intAttrValue> = An numeric value—not enclosed by quotation marks
and treated as an integer.

<equivalenceOp> An equivalence operator, denoting equal values—one of the following,

not enclosed with quotation marks: “==”, “!=”
<relationOp> An relational operator, denoting greater than or less than (and optionally
equal to) values—one of the following, not enclosed with quotation
marks: “>”, “>=”, “<“, “<=”
<stringRelationOp> A string relational operator—one of the following, not enclosed with
quotation marks: “startsWith”, “endsWith”, “matches”
<binaryLogicalOp> A binary logical operator—one of the following, not enclosed with
quotation marks: “and”, “or”.
<unaryLogicalOp> A unary logical operator—not enclosed with quotation marks: “not”

Querystring examples
Querystrings that include attributes of resources on which you want to take action can have one
of the following formats:

<attrName> <equivalenceOp> <booleanAttrValue>

Example: Restartable==true
<attrName> <relationOp> <intAttrValue>
Example: CurrentQueueDepth>0
<attrName> <stringRelationOp> <stringAttrValue>
Example: InputQueue matches "*IS"

Querystrings that exclude attributes of resources on which you want to take action can have the
following format:

[ <unaryLogicalOp> ] <queryExp> [ <binaryLogicalOp> <queryExp> ]

Example: not State == "Started" and InputQueue matches "*.IS"

You could use the following querystrings to include or exclude processes:

State == "Started"
not State == "Started"
State == "Started" and InputQueue matches "*.IS"

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You could use the following querystrings to include queues:

CurrentQueueDepth > 0
Type == "Mytype" and ( (CurrentQueueDepth > 0) or (OpenInputCount < 2) )

You could use the following querystrings to include stations:

(MessagesSent == 0) or (MessagesReceived == 0)

ACIJMXCI commands
The ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface supports the commands described below. Required
syntax is provided for each command.

ASSUME command
The ASSUME command specifies an MBean type and MBean name/pattern for a series of related
commands that will follow.
If there is an assumed MBean type and MBean name/pattern, these do not need to be specified on
subsequent commands (with the exception of the UPDATE command which requires an Object-
name-specifier each time it is entered).
The ENV command can be used to show the current assumed MBean type and MBean name.

ASSUME Object-type [ Object-name-pattern ]
ASSUME — the required keyword for the command. The keyword can be entered as upper- or
Object-type — the type of MBean you want to specify as the default for commands that follow.
Object-name-pattern — the MBean name or pattern you want to specify as the default for
commands that follow.


ASSUME Process IS*

Sets the assumed MBean type to Process and the assumed MBean name/pattern to
IS* (which would match any MBean name starting with IS). The following is an
example of this command used in a series:

ASSUME Process IS*

EXEC start

Sets the assumed MBean type to QueueManager and the assumed MBean name/
pattern to the specific name, QM_ACIO_SUN. The following is an example of this
command used in a series:

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EXEC connect
SELECT * detail
ASSUME ProcessManager

Sets the assumed MBean type to ProcessManager and the assumed MBean name/
pattern to ProcessManager. Manager MBeans (e.g. ProcessManager,
MessagingManager) are automatically detected by the ACIJMXCI which sets the
assumed MBean name/pattern appropriately. The following is an example of this
command used in a series:

ASSUME ProcessManager
EXEC addProcessLike(IS-6, IS-1)
EXEC addProcessLike(IS-7, IS-1)
ASSUME Process

Sets the assumed MBean type to Process and does not set or reset the assumed
MBean name/pattern. This might be used to shorten subsequent entries if you are
planning to enter multiple process commands. The following is an example of this
command used in a series:

ASSUME Process
EXEC start in IS-1
EXEC start in XML

ENV command
The ENV command reports on the current assumed MBean type and MBean name/pattern, as well
as the current command interpreter in use.
The assumed MBean type and MBean name/pattern are set by the ASSUME command; the
command interpreter used is set by the SET command.

ENV — the required keyword for the command. The keyword can be entered as upper- or lower-

Response Format

ASSUMED OBJECT NAME: <Object-name-pattern>

ASSUMED OBJECT TYPE—The MBean type used in commands if you do not enter an MBean
type. This value is set using the ASSUME command.

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ASSUMED OBJECT NAME—The MBean name/pattern used in commands if you do not enter an
MBean name/pattern. This value is set using the ASSUME command. An MBean name/pattern of
an asterisk (*) indicates that the command applies to all MBeans of the specified MBean type.
COMMAND INTERPRETER—The command interpreter to which commands are passed. JMXCI
indicates the commands are sent to the ACIJMX Command Interpreter—which sends the
commands to the ACIJMX agent for execution. JYTHON indicates the commands are sent to the
Jython interpreter and executed in the local environment.





The assumed MBean type is Process, the MBean name/pattern is * meaning

commands apply to all process MBeans, and the command interpreter is the

EXEC command
The EXEC command executes an operation on an MBean, a set of MBeans, or the MBean server.
Any operation supported by an MBean can be entered, and the operations can be executed
conditionally based on the value of any of an MBean’s attributes.

EXEC [ operation-name [ (param1, param2, ...) ] [IN Object-specifier ] [WHERE ‘QueryString ‘ ]
EXEC — the required keyword for the command. The keyword can be entered as upper- or lower-
operation-name — the operation to be performed. The operation-name is case sensitive. Valid
operations depend on the object (MBean) affected by the command. All MBean operations are
documented in section 2.
[ (param1, param2, ...) ] — the params needed for the operation. Not all commands require
params. Params required for each operation are documented in section 2.
[IN Object-specifier ] — identifies the MBeans on which the operation is to be executed. Object-
specifier can be an MBean type by itself or an MBean type and name/pattern combination.
[WHERE ‘QueryString ‘ ] — an optional conditional statement specifying an attribute name and
value upon which the execution of the command is based. Refer to the “Specifying querystrings in
ACIJMXCI commands” topic for more information about using this value.

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EXEC start IN Process/IS*

Starts all processes whose symbolic names begin with IS.

EXEC start() IN Process/IS*

Equivalent to previous command; starts all processes whose symbolic names begin
with IS.

EXEC start IN Process/IS* WHERE ‘State == “Stopped”’

Starts all processes whose symbolic names begin with IS and whose State attribute
is set to “Stopped”.

EXEC stop IN Process/IS* WHERE not ‘State == “Stopped”’

Stops all processes whose symbolic names begin with IS and whose State attribute
is not set to “Stopped”.

EXEC showstation(STA_ISO1, STA_USEC) IN CommsHandler/ICE1

Performs a showStation operation with two parameters or STA_ISO1 and

STA_USEC. These commands could also be executed using the following sequence:

assume CommsHandler/ICE1
exec showstation(STA_ISO1)
exec showstation(STA_USEC)

EXIT command
The EXIT command is used to stop the ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface.




RUN Command
The RUN command runs a Jython script with up to six optional parameters. The output of the
script, if any, is returned to the screen.

RUN script-name [ param1 [ param2] [ param3][ param4][ param5][ param6] ]

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RUN — the required keyword for the command. The keyword can be entered as upper- or lower-
script-name — the name of the script to be run. All scripts run from this command must be in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\scripts directory.
[ param1 [ param2] [ param3][ param4][ param5][ param6] ] — Up to six optional params to be
acted upon by the script. Use of these params is entirely dependent on the script being run and
are only required if they are required by the script.



Runs the script.


Runs the script with a single param of STA_ATM*.

SELECT command
The SELECT command displays detail or summary information about individual MBeans or multiple
Detail information consists of all attribute and operation values for the selected MBeans. Summary
information consists of a primary subset of attributes and operations for the selected MBeans.
Specifically, the primary subset consists of those attributes and operations defined with a visibility
value of 1 in the MBean’s descriptor file (i.e., <field name=“visibility” value=“1” />

SELECT attribute-list [FROM Object-specifier ] [DETAIL] [WHERE ‘QueryString ‘ ]
SELECT — the required keyword for the command. The keyword can be entered as upper- or
attribute-list — currently, the attribute-list value can only be *.
[FROM Object-specifier ] — identifies the MBeans on which the command is to be executed. Object-
specifier can be an MBean type by itself, an MBean type and name/pattern combination, or the
keyword “Server”. In the case of Server, the MBean server is queried for a list of all available
[DETAIL] — specifies whether detail information is to be provided. Summary information is
provided if this value is not included in the command.
[WHERE ‘QueryString ‘ ] — an optional conditional statement specifying an attribute name and
value upon which the execution of the command is based. Refer to the “Specifying querystrings in
ACIJMXCI commands” topic for more information about using this value.


SELECT * FROM server

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Returns a list of all MBeans registered with the ACIJMX agent MBean server, with a
single line per object.

SELECT * FROM Process/*

Returns summary information for all process MBeans registered with the ACIJMX
agent MBean server.


Returns detail information on all attributes and operations for process IS-1.

ASSUME Process/IS-?

Returns summary information on only those processes that match the IS-? pattern.

ASSUME Station/*ISO*

Returns detail information on all stations matching the *ISO* pattern.

ASSUME Station/*ATM*
SELECT * WHERE ‘MessagesSent > 0’

Returns summary information on all stations matching the *ATM* pattern and
whose MessageSent attribute value is greater than zero.

The following is an example of what a detailed response would look like for an MBean.

<MBean Name> <MBean Description>

<Attribute Name> Value: <Attribute Value>
Description: <Attribute Description>
<Attribute Name> Value: <Attribute Value>
Description: <Attribute Description>
... lists all attributes exposed by the MBeans
<Operation Name> <Operation Description>
<Param Name> Type: <Param Type>
<Param Type Description>
<Param Name> Type: <Param Type>
<Param Type Description>
... lists all params for the operation
<Operation Name> <Operation Description>
<Param Name> Type: <Param Type>
<Param Type Description>
<Param Name> Type: <Param Type>
<Param Type Description>

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... lists all params for the operation

...lists all operations exposed by the MBeans

SET command
The SET command sets the command interpreter to be used for processing commands from the
command prompt.
Commands can either be passed to the ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface—for sending to
the ACIJMX agent—or to a local Jython interpreter for execution in the local environment.
The ACIJMX command interpreter supports only those commands documented here. Commands
supported by the Jython interpreter depend on the capabilities of the interpreter.
From a Jython interpreter, the ENV, EXIT and SET commands will still be active. Any other text is
passed directly to the Jython interpreter.



SET COMMANDS — the required keywords for the command. The keywords can be entered as
upper- or lower-case.
<JMXCI or JYTHON> — a keyword indicating the interpreter to be selected. The keyword can be
entered as upper-or lower-case. JMXCI is the default.



Establishes the Jython interpreter as the command interpreter to be used.

Subsequent commands will be handled as Jython commands and executed in the
local environment.


Establishes the ACIJMX command interpreter as the command interpreter to be

used. Subsequent commands will be sent to the ACIJMX agent to be executed by
the agent.


Equivalent to previous command; JMXCI is the default.

UPDATE command
The UPDATE command updates an attribute or set of attributes for an MBean, a set of MBeans, or
the MBean server.

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UPDATE Object-specifier SET attribute-name = attribute-value [attribute-name = attribute-
value ] ...
UPDATE — the required keyword for the command. The keyword can be entered as upper- or
Object-specifier — identifies the MBeans on which the command is to be executed. Object-
specifier can be an MBean type by itself or an MBean type and name/pattern combination. This
field is required even if a previous ASSUME command has been executed.
SET — a required keyword for the command. The keyword can be entered as upper- or lower-
attribute-name = attribute-value — specifies the name of an attribute and the value to which the
attribute should be set. Additional attribute names and values can be added to the command.
Valid attributes for each MBean are listed in section 2.


UPDATE Process/IS* SET ThreadCount = 8 InputQueue = ISQueue

Sets the values of the ThreadCount and InputQueue attributes for all processes
whose MBean symbolic name begins with IS.

UPDATE ScriptManager SET ScriptPath = /home/myuser/scripts

Sets the values of the ScriptPath attribute for the ScriptManager.

Executing scripts using runscript

The runscript script can be used to execute scripts through the ACIJMX Command Interpreter.
This can be useful when you want to run a script but do not want to go through the steps of
starting the Command Interpreter and entering a RUN command.
Runscript still requires the entry of a user ID and password for authentication, and all scripting
actions will be authorized based on the permissions granted to your user ID and password. The
runscript simply provides a convenient means for launching one-off scripts or coding several of
these commands into a single script.

Start Runscript
1. Access the command prompt for your platform.
2. Change directories to the agent’s bin directory.

$ > cd <ACIJMX home directory>/bin

3. Load the agent’s environment variables.

$ > . acijmx_env_vars
4. Run runscript.

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Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

$ >./runscript [ run-parameters ]

Runscript syntax
Runscript can be started in different ways depending on how you want to enter your user ID and
password for authentication. The following is the run syntax.


runscript <file-name>
runscript -u <user-ID> -p <clear-password> <file-name>
runscript -s <security-file> <file-name>
<file-name> — the name of the script file to be executed. All scripts run from this command must
be in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\scripts directory.
-u <user-ID> — your user ID. This is your AJI User Security (USEC) user ID.
-p <clear-password> — your clear password. This is your AJI User Security (USEC) password.
-s <security-file> — the fully qualified name of a security file that contains your user ID and
encrypted password. The security file can be used for authentication and alleviates the need to
enter additional information at the command prompt.


runscript <file-name>

Runs the script specified by the <file-name>. Prior to running the script, you will be
prompted to enter a user ID and password for authentication. If your user ID and
password cannot be authenticated, the script will not be run.

runscript -u <user-ID> -p <clear-password> <file-name>

Runs the script specified by the <file-name>. Prior to running the script, the user-
ID and password you entered are authenticated. If your user ID and password
cannot be authenticated, the script will not be run.
Caution: This method of entry is not recommended because your user ID and
password are exposed and accessible to others. It is highly recommended that you
use one of the other methods of executing runscript.

runscript -s <security-file> <file-name>

Runs the script specified by the <file-name>. Your user ID and password will be
read from the <security-file> and authenticated. If your user ID and password
cannot be authenticated, the script will not be run.

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Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

Setting up a security file

You can set up a security file (preferably in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory) for use by
runscript containing your user ID and encrypted password.
The security file is a basic text file used to streamline entry of the runscript script by providing
your credentials. The contents are the user ID and encrypted password. The following is an
example of the security file layout.<user-ID>
##### Begin User Encrypted Values ################################
##### End User Encrypted Values ##################################

You would run the ConfigPropertyBuilder Password Encryption utility against this file using the -
UserPropertiesOnly property to create and fill in the encrypted password. When prompted for the
key, enter the <user-ID> value. Refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide for
information about using this encryption utility.

Example ACIJMXCI process control Jython run scripts

The following are example Jython run scripts for entering process control commands through
Before using Jython process control RUN scripts, you must first set the ProcessControl hostname
and port attributes on the ProcessControl MBean (accessed fromApplication Management >
Categories > ProcessControl). Refer to the BASE24-eps Process Control User Guide for the
possible destinations, component IDs, and the command syntax of all process control commands.
For all the following example Jython process control scripts, the following text is printed if the
command is successfully processed. Otherwise, an exception message is returned.

Result : Command sent

Example Deliver command

The following is an example Deliver command to close an ATM terminal. In this example, the
command is sent to the NCR NDC+ Device Handler component.

# * **** SCRIPT START ********************************

proCtl=lookupProxy("ProcessControl", "ProcessControl")
result = proCtl.deliver("IS","NCRDH","Close terminal-id")
print result
# *****************************************************

Example Alter command

The following is an example Alter command to warmboot a specified data source. In this example,
the command is sent to the Data Source component.

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Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

# * **** SCRIPT START ********************************

proCtl=lookupProxy("ProcessControl", "ProcessControl")
result = proCtl.alter("XMLS","DASRC","data-source-name")
print result
# *****************************************************

Example Info command

The following is an example Info command to obtain the values of all Environment attributes. In
this example, the command is sent to the Environment component.

# * **** SCRIPT START ********************************

proCtl=lookupProxy("ProcessControl", "ProcessControl")
result ="IS","envmt","*")
print result
# *****************************************************

Example Status command

The following is an example Status command to obtain status information on a specified Visa SMS
interface station. In this example, the command is sent to the Interface Manager component.

# * **** SCRIPT START ********************************

proCtl=lookupProxy("ProcessControl", "ProcessControl")
result = proCtl.status("IS","ifmgr","LINKS VISASMS S1A^VSMS1")
print result
# *****************************************************

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB

A TLS-enabled connection between the ACIJMX command interpreter and the BASE24-eps system
meets payment industry best practices to safeguard sensitive cardholder data during
transmission. To enable TLS for an ACIJMXACI command interpreter connection to BASE24-eps on
all platforms, perform the following steps.
Important: Industry security best practices dictate that you should not fall back to SSL or
an earlier version of TLS once you have implemented a TLS 1.2 connection either through
manual configuration or by running an automated installation script.
1. Modify the runacijmxci and runscript scripts in the $BIN directory to add the TLS 1.2
configuration. Add the -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 property in the run command at the end of
each file, as depicted with the underlined text.
Example runacijmxci

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Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface



if [ -f $jdom ]; then

if [ -d $APSFLIB ]; then
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Duser.region=US -Duser.language=en -

Example runscript




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Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface


if [ -f $jdom ]; then








if [ -d $APSFLIB ]; then






$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Duser.region=US -Duser.language=en

-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dconfig.filename=$ACIJMX_BASE/config/ run $@

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Script and command execution using the ACIJMX command interpreter interface

2. Restart the ESWEB server and the ACIJMXCI application.

$ >cd <ACIJMX home directory>/bin

$ > . acijmx_env_vars
$ >./runacijmxci
3. Log into the ACIJMX command interpreter interface to establish the TLS 1.2 connection
between the ESWEB server and ACIJMXCI.

login: <user-ID>
Password: <password>

If the ACIJMXCI command interpreter prompt is returned successfully, the TLS 1.2
configuration is correct. If it does not open successfully, verify the configuration in the steps

4. Execute a Jython script using runscript.

$ >cd <ACIJMX home directory>/bin

$ > . acijmx_env_vars
$ >./runscript [ run-parameters ]

If the Jython script is successfully executed, the TLS 1.2 configuration is correct. If it does not
run successfully, verify the configuration in the steps above.

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Multiple agent management (master and client agents)

Multiple agent management

Section 15:
(master and client agents)
This section describes how to set up multiple agents in master/client relationships to manage
multiple system environments.

In this section:

Multiple agent management........................................................................................ 273

Master/client agent requirements................................................................................ 273
Configure the client agent........................................................................................... 275
Configure the master/client relationship....................................................................... 276

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Multiple agent management (master and client agents)

Multiple agent management

The ACIJMX agent offers the capability to manage multiple system environments (multiple agents)
from the single application agent. The TopologyManager MBean is used to link multiple agents
together so that a single top-level master agent can expose the management attributes and
operations of multiple client agents as if they were its own.
The TopologyManager MBean of the master agent is used to create and manage the set of
RemoteAgentProxy MBeans, which act as proxies to the remote client agents. RemoteAgentProxy
MBeans communicate with the actual remote agents using a JMX connector. The following picture
shows a typical multi-agent environment, where a master agent is managing three sites through
three client agents.

Note: Application Management agents support both RMI and JMXMP connectors.

Master/client agent requirements

The default ACIJMX agent installation configures the agent to manage only those resources
defined in its own domain. In order to manage multiple ACIJMX agents (and their respective

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Multiple agent management (master and client agents)

resources) from a single agent, one of the ACIJMX agents must be configured as the master agent
and all other ACIJMX agents as the client agents.

Master agent requirements

Any instance of an ACIJMX agent can act as a master agent. There are no code or configuration
changes required for the agent to act as a master agent.
A master agent can be an agent set up to manage its own system.

Or a master agent can be set up separately, offboard from the systems being managed.

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Multiple agent management (master and client agents)

Client agent requirement

If a remote ACIJMX agent is to be managed, that agent must be designated as a client agent.
There are no code changes required for the agent to act as a client agent. However, client agents
must define and start at least one JMX connector.
ACIJMX agents support RMI- and JMXMP-based connectors.
Note: ACI delivers only the jar files required for the RMI connector. In order to use the
JMXMP-based connectors, you need to download the JSR 160 Reference Implementation
from and modify the
ACIJMX run scripts to include the jmxremote_optional.jar and jmxri.jar file in the classpath
environment variable and set the following system property in the java run line.

Configure the client agent

1. Create a connector for the client ACIJMX agent.

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Multiple agent management (master and client agents)

Connector files are created automatically using the runconnectorconfigbuilder script located in
the <ACIJMX_BASE>\bin directory. For information about creating connector files, refer to
the “Connector definition file” topic in section 17.
2. Restart the client ACIJMX agent.
When restarted, the ACIJMX agent (client) creates the JMX server side connector and is ready
to be managed by the master ACIJMX agent.

Configure the master/client relationship

Before you begin:
The appropriate client configuration must be completed prior to performing these steps.

1. From the master agent, use the AddRemoteAgent operation exposed by the TopologyManager
MBean to create a RemoteAgentProxy MBean. The RemoteAgentProxy MBean serves as the
proxy for the client agent.
2. Once the RemoteAgentProxy MBean is added, set the following attributes as described for the
newly added RemoteAgentProxy MBean:
• Hostname. Set to the DNS hostname to contact for accessing this agent.
• ClientPort. Set to the integer value that the remote agent connector uses.
• Protocol. Set to a valid remote agent connector protocol.
3. After the remote agent connector connection attributes are all specified, the connection to the
remote agent can be started using the Start operation for the RemoteAgentProxy MBean.

What to do next:
Once started and connected, the RemoteAgentProxy MBean queries all the MBeans registered by
the client agent and registers them as proxy MBeans with the master agent.
These proxy MBeans act as proxies to the actual remote MBeans, and the master agent can
perform management functions just as if the MBeans were directly registered with it.

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Section 16: ACIJMX directory information
This section describes the basic structure of the ACIJMX directory and provides some additional
information about specific files and scripts.

In this section:

ACIJMX directory contents.......................................................................................... 278

ACIJMX(boot).mlet file contents.................................................................................. 278
Resource build files.....................................................................................................281
Standard ACIJMX scripts............................................................................................. 289

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ACIJMX directory information

ACIJMX directory contents

The following is the directory structure in which the ACIJMX agent is delivered.

Resource Description
\bin Contains environment variable definitions and run files. The ACIJMX
installation adds files to the <ACIJMX_BASE>\bin directory.
\config Contains the basic configuration files, including all of the descriptor files
used to define the attributes, operations, and notifications for the
supported MBeans.
The ACIJMX installation adds files to the <ACIJMX_BASE>
\config directory.

\lib Contains the Jar files and native library code for the ACIJMX software.
\store Created at Startup. Contains the current XML store files and backups for all
managed resources.
\logs Contains the stdout and sterr files to which the agent logs events when
other logging options are not available.
\scripts Contains a basic set of scripts.
The ACIJMX installation adds files to the <ACIJMX_BASE>
\scripts directory.

\ThirdParty Contains the open-source libraries used by ACI Application Management.

Directory location
The ACIJMX directory is typically installed under the home directory of the product for which it is
being used. For example, for a BASE24-eps installation, the directory would typically be in the
following location.


ACIJMX(boot).mlet file contents

Agent mlet files are created at installation in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory and define all
of the top-level resources to be loaded by the agent at startup. The following is an example of the
contents of an mlet file. There are two forms of the file: one for a coldstart and one for a
warmstart. The difference is in the highlighted parameter shown in the example. It is set to true
for a coldstart and false for a warmstart.

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ACIJMX directory information

File Description
ACIJMXboot.mlet Used in coldstarts. A coldstart rebuilds the agent using only those
resources defined in the mlet file. Typically, this file is used at installation
ACIJMX.mlet Used in warmstarts. A warmstart rebuilds the agent using current
information and all current resources from the agent’s <ACIJMX_BASE>
\store directory. Typically, this file is used once an agent has been started
and additional resources have been defined (beyond those specified in the

/aci/ESJMX/config >cat acijmx.mlet

<MLET CODE="" CODEBASE="file:/aci/ESJMX/lib"
ARCHIVE="esmgmt.jar" NAME=":name=ServerManager,type=ServerManager">
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE=":name=ServerManagerImage,type=ServerManager-
Image" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config/ServerManager-
descriptor.xml" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/store" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="ServerManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="ServerManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Notifier,type=Notifier" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Loader,type=Loader" >
<ARG TYPE="boolean" VALUE="false" >
<MLET CODE="" CODEBASE="file:/aci/ESJMX/lib"
ARCHIVE="esmgmt.jar" NAME=":name=ScriptManager,type=ScriptManager">
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE=":name=ScriptManagerImage,type=ScriptManager-
Image" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/scripts" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config/ScriptManager-
descriptor.xml" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/store" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="ScriptManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="ScriptManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Notifier,type=Notifier" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Loader,type=Loader" >
<ARG TYPE="boolean" VALUE="false" >
<MLET CODE="" CODEBASE="file:/aci/ESJMX/lib"
ARCHIVE="esmgmt.jar" NAME=":name=TopologyManager,type=TopologyManager">
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String"
VALUE="" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String"
VALUE=":name=TopologyManagerImage,type=TopologyManager-Image" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config" >

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ACIJMX directory information

<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config/TopologyManager-

descriptor.xml" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/store" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="TopologyManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="TopologyManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Notifier,type=Notifier" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Loader,type=Loader" >
<ARG TYPE="boolean" VALUE="false" >
<MLET CODE="" CODEBASE="file:/aci/ESJMX/lib"
ARCHIVE="esmgmtnative.jar" NAME=":name=MessagingManager,type=MessagingManager">
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String"
VALUE="" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String"
VALUE=":name=MessagingManagerImage,type=MessagingManager-Image" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config/MessagingManager-
descriptor.xml" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/store" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="MessagingManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="MessagingManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Notifier,type=Notifier" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Loader,type=Loader" >
<ARG TYPE="boolean" VALUE="false" >
<MLET CODE="" CODEBASE="file:/aci/ESJMX/lib"
ARCHIVE="esmgmtnative.jar" NAME=":name=ProcessManager,type=ProcessManager">
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String"
VALUE="" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String"
VALUE=":name=ProcessManagerImage,type=ProcessManager-Image" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config/ProcessManager-
descriptor.xml" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/store" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="ProcessManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="ProcessManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Notifier,type=Notifier" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Loader,type=Loader" >
<ARG TYPE="boolean" VALUE="false" >
<MLET CODE="" CODEBASE="file:/aci/ESJMX/lib"
ARCHIVE="esmgmtnative.jar" NAME=":name=CommsManager,type=CommsManager">
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE=":name=CommsManagerImage,type=CommsManager-
Image" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/config/CommsManager-
descriptor.xml" >

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ACIJMX directory information

<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="/aci/ESJMX/store" >

<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="CommsManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="CommsManager" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Notifier,type=Notifier" >
<ARG TYPE="java.lang.String" VALUE="IK74_JMX-Image:name=Loader,type=Loader" >
<ARG TYPE="boolean" VALUE="false" >
</MLET>/aci/ESJMX/config >

Resource build files

Resource build files can be used to create and add multiple resource MBeans to the ACIJMX agent.
These resource files can be run whenever the ACIJMX agent is running once the mlet file has been
used to create the top-level MBeans.
Resource build files are XML files you create based on the template provided below. These XML
build files are used as input by the runmbeanscriptbuilder script which, in turn, builds the Jython
script needed to add the defined resources to the agent.
The generated Jython script is then used as input to the runscript script which creates and adds
the actual resources.

Resource build file template

The following is the XML template used for creating the resource build files.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SISUnixProcess name="IK52.IS#" instances="8">
</SISUnixProcess >
<UnixProcess name="IK52.ICE_GUI">
<Args>-param /home/xxxx/comms/ice_gui.params -startup warm -foreground</Args>
</UnixProcess >

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ACIJMX directory information

<JSFUnixprocess name="IK52.SOMECLASS">
<Args>-config /home/xxxx/config.xml</Args>
<WndProcess name="IK52.SOMECLASS">
<Args>-param /home/xxxx/someclass.params -startup warm -foreground</Args>
</WndProcess >
<JSFWndprocess name="IK52.SOMECLASS">
<Args>-config /home/xxxx/config.xml</Args>
<WMQ name="IK52.MANAGER">
<Queue name="IK52.IS" />
<Queue name="IK52.XML" />
<Queue name="IK52.EOPP" />
<Queue name="IK52.SITIMR" />
<ICEXS name="ICE_GUI">
<msgrouter name="ICE_GUI_RTR1"/>
<msgrouter name="ICE_GUI_RTR2"/>
<station name="ICE_GUI_STN1"/>

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<station name="ICE_GUI_STN2"/>
<station name="ICE_GUI_STN3"/>
<stationpool name="ICE_GUI_STNPL1"/>
<stationpool name="ICE_GUI_STNPL2"/>
<XPNETSystem name="ES82">
<XPNETNode name="\OMA3T02.P1B^NODE">
<XPNETProcess name="P1B^EOPP" />
<XPNETProcess name="P1B^IS" />
<XPNETProcess name="P1B^XML" />
<XPNETQueue name="QueueName"
Type="Process|Station|Service|Dest|Internal|Unknown|External" />
<XPNETStation name="S1B^GUI1" />
<XPNETStation name="S1B^GUI2" />
<XPNETStation name="S1B^GUI3" />

Required/optional elements
The following describes those elements that can or must be included in the template file for each
type of process. If an element is marked as optional, it can be included; if an element is not
marked as optional, it must be included.
Note: All other (nonprocess) MBeans require all of the elements in their respective
SISZProcess and SISUnixProcess

Element Description Optional

Args Startup arguments
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes.
ErrPath File path for standard error messages Yes. Defaults writes to /
store/uproc/pid_stderr file

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ACIJMX directory information

Element Description Optional

ExecutablePath Program file path
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes. Defaults writes to /
store/uproc/pid_stdout file.
Restartable Restart process on failure Yes. Default is true.
Retries Maximum restart attempts Yes. Default is 3.
RetryEvalDelay Retry evaluation delay Yes. Default is 60 seconds.
CommandQueue Process instance name and command
ApplicationId Metadata application ID
DataPath Directory for metadata
ConfigPath Directory for static configuration files
InputQueue Queue name for request input
QueueManager QueueManager Name
ModelQueueStub Queue name stub for synchronous queue
ThreadCount Number of processing threads to initiate
TimerQueue Queue name for timer requests
MetadataType Type of metadata
ManageProcess Manage the Process

ZProcess and UnixProcess

Element Description Optional

Unix Process
Args Startup arguments
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes.
ErrPath File path for standard error messages Yes. Defaults writes to /
store/uproc/pid_stderr file.
ExecutablePath Program file path
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes. Defaults writes to /
store/uproc/pid_stdout file.
Restartable Restart process on failure Yes. Default is true.
Retries Maximum restart attempts Yes. Default is 3.
RetryEvalDelay Retry evaluation delay Yes. Default is 60 seconds.

JSFZProcess, JSFUnixProcess, and JSFWndProcess

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ACIJMX directory information

Element Description Optional

Args Arguments to be supplied to the main
ClassName Java class to execute (with main)
ConfigFile Configuration properties file
EnvPath File path for environment variables Yes.
ErrPath File path for standard error messages Yes. Defaults writes to /
store/uproc/pid_stderr file.
ExecutablePath Program file path (JVM)
OutPath File path for standard output messages Yes. Defaults writes to /
store/uproc/pid_stdout file.
Restartable Restart process on failure Yes. Default is true.
Retries Maximum restart attempts Yes. Default is 3.
RetryEvalDelay Retry evaluation delay Yes. Default is 60 seconds.
VMArgs Runtime switches for JVM

Resource build file sample

The following are some excerpts from a sample resource build file. The omitted data is depicted
with vertical ellipsises.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SISUnixProcess name="EOPP">
</SISUnixProcess >
<SISUnixProcess name="IS1">

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ACIJMX directory information

</SISUnixProcess >
<SISUnixProcess name="SITIMR">
</SISUnixProcess >
<WMQ name="IK74.MANAGER">
<Queue name="IK74.BOX1" />
<Queue name="IK74.BOX2" />
<Queue name="IK74.CMCP" />
<Queue name="IK74.CMCP1" />
<Queue name="IK74.EOPP" />
<Queue name="IK74.EOPP1" />
<Queue name="IK74.EVTINITQ" />
<Queue name="IK74.EVTLOG" />
<Queue name="IK74.GUI" />
<Queue name="IK74.IS" />
<Queue name="IK74.IS1" />
<Queue name="IK74.IS1.SYNC1" />

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ACIJMX directory information

<Queue name="IK74.IS1.SYNC2" />

<Queue name="IK74.IS1.SYNC3" />
<Queue name="IK74.IS1.SYNC4" />
<Queue name="IK74.IS1.SYNC5" />
<Queue name="IK74.JQB" />
<Queue name="IK74.JQB1" />
<Queue name="IK74.RFSH" />
<Queue name="IK74.RFSH1" />
<Queue name="IK74.SAFMGR" />
<Queue name="IK74.SAFMGR1" />
<Queue name="IK74.SITIMR" />
<Queue name="IK74.SITIMR1" />
<Queue name="IK74.TBP" />
<Queue name="IK74.TBP1" />
<Queue name="IK74.XML" />
<Queue name="IK74.XML.SYNC1" />
<Queue name="IK74.XML1" />
<UnixProcess name="IK74_BNET">
<Args>-symname IK74_BNET -param /aci/logs/.icexs_IK74_BNET.params -startup
warm -foreground</Args>
</UnixProcess >
<ICEXS name="IK74_BNET">
<msgrouter name="IK74_BNET"/>
<station name="P1A^SIM^A^BNET"/>
<UnixProcess name="IK74_MDS">
<Args>-symname IK74_MDS -param /aci/logs/.icexs_IK74_MDS.params -startup warm
</UnixProcess >
<ICEXS name="IK74_MDS">
<msgrouter name="IK74_MDS"/>
<station name="P1A^SIM^A^MDS"/>
<UnixProcess name="IK74_SPDH">

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<Args>-symname IK74_SPDH -param /aci/logs/.icexs_IK74_SPDH.params -startup

warm -foreground</Args>
</UnixProcess >
<ICEXS name="IK74_SPDH">
<msgrouter name="IK74_SPDH"/>
<station name="SPDH"/>
<UnixProcess name="IK74_VISA">
<Args>-symname IK74_VISA -param /aci/logs/.icexs_IK74_VISA.params -startup
warm -foreground</Args>
</UnixProcess >
<ICEXS name="IK74_VISA">
<msgrouter name="IK74_VISA"/>
<station name="P1A^SIM^I^VISA"/>
<UnixProcess name="IK74_HI93">
<Args>-symname IK74_HI93 -param /aci/logs/.icexs_IK74_HI93.params -startup
warm -foreground</Args>
</UnixProcess >
<ICEXS name="IK74_HI93">
<msgrouter name="IK74_HI93"/>
<station name="P1A^SIM^A^HI93"/>
<UnixProcess name="IK74_TSEC">
<Args>-symname IK74_TSEC -param /aci/logs/.icexs_IK74_TSEC.params -startup
warm -foreground</Args>

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</UnixProcess >
<ICEXS name="IK74_TSEC">
<msgrouter name="IK74_TSEC"/>
<station name="JDH1_TSEC"/>

Standard ACIJMX scripts

The following is a list of standard scripts installed in the <ACIJMX_BASE>\bin directory.
Note: Batch file (.bat) versions of the scripts are used on the Windows platform only.
Script Name Description
runacijmx Warmstarts the ACIJMX agent. Started with this script, the
agent uses the current configuration from its
runacijmx.bat <ACIJMX_BASE>
\store directory.
RunACIJMXNoHup Warmstarts the ACIJMX agent. Started with this script, the
agent uses the current configuration from its
Note: Available in an <ACIJMX_BASE>
HP NonStop \store directory.
environment only.
This script is used by the RUNJMX TACL macro to start the
agent and is not intended to be executed from OSS.

runacijmxboot Boots (coldstarts) the ACIJMX agent. Started with this

script, the agent ignores any configuration information in
runacijmxboot.bat its <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory.
Caution: Once the agent is installed, configured,
and up and running, this script should not be used.

RunACIJMXBootNoHup Boots (coldstarts) the ACIJMX agent. Started with this

script, the agent ignores any configuration information in
Note: Available in an its <ACIJMX_BASE>\store directory.
HP NonStop
environment only. This script is used by the RUNJMXBT TACL macro to start
the agent and is not intended to be executed from OSS.
Caution: Once the agent is installed, configured,
and up and running, this script should not be used.

acijmx_env_vars Sets environment variables used by scripts.

encryptpasswords Runs the ConfigPropertyBuilder with the –
UserPropertiesOnly parameter so that the user is only
Note: Available in an prompted to enter values for user properties to be
HP NonStop encrypted (not standard AJI properties).
environment only.

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ACIJMX directory information

Script Name Description

runconfigbuilder Runs the JMX Config Builder to generate the file and the mlet files.
The runconfigbuilder script is typically used only once—at
install time.

runconnectorconfigbuilder Runs the JMX Connector Config Builder to generate a

connector.xml file with the appropriate definitions for the
runconnectorconfigbuilder.bat types of connectors you are using. Refer to the “Connector
definition file” topic for more information about using this
runacijmxci Starts the ACIJMX Command Interpreter Interface
(ACIJMXCI) which can be used to enter commands and
runacijmxci.bat execute scripts from a command line prompt. Refer to the
“Script and command execution using the ACIJMX
command interpreter interface port” section for more
information about the ACIJMXCI.
runmbeanscriptbuilder Runs the JMX MBeans script builder. This script takes an
XML resource build input file and builds a Jython script
runmbeanscriptbuilder.bat that can be run to add MBeans/resources. The Jython
script created by this script is run by the runscript script.
The runmbeanscriptbuilder script is typically used at install
time to automate the configuration of a base set of
resources to be monitored.

runscript Runs a specified Jython script using the ACIJMX

ScriptManager/ScriptExecutor facility. Scripts to be run
runscript.bat must be placed in the directory defined to the
ScriptManager (in its ScriptPath attribute). Refer to the
“Executing scripts using runscript” topic for more
information about runscript.
runenvbuilder Generates the environment (pro_env_vars) file for the
ACIJMX agent.
Note: Not available in
an HP NonStop

stopacijmx Stops the agent.

Note: Not available in Note: In an HP NonStop environment, the
an HP NonStop standard TACL stop command is used to stop the
environment. agent.

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Section 17: Configuring the ACIJMX agent
This section describes the ACI Java Server Framework (AJSF) configuration for ACIJMX agents on
the following platforms:
• IBM System z
• HP NonStop
• Windows
It also describes how to configure processes so that they can communicate with the ACIJMX agent
for instrumenting components and services and how to migrate from version 7.4 to version 8.2 of
the ACIJMX agent.

In this section:

ACIJMX agent file..............................................................................292

ACIJMX agent sample files................................................................. 302
ACIJMX agent APPLCNFG table.................................................................................... 305 file......................................................................................................... 306
acijmx.policy file........................................................................................................ 308
Adaptor definition file................................................................................................. 308
Connector definition file.............................................................................................. 312
Configuring processes to instrument their own components and services........................316
Coding external processes to instrument their own components and services................. 317
Migrate from ACIJMX version 7.4 to version 8.2............................................................320
Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop
platform.................................................................................................................... 322
Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent using Apache
Tomcat...................................................................................................................... 324
Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB and the ACIJMX agent using IBM WAS.. 325

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ACIJMX agent file

The following application properties configured in the file are specific to the
ACIJMX agent.

The domain name for the ACIJMX agent.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.server.domain=JMK1_JMX
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.server.domain=SIS1
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.server.domain=JK92_JMX

The ACIJMX agent backup server port number.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.server.port=16029
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.server.port=27087
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.server.port=16012
The ACIJMX agent management server port number to which processes must connect for
instrumenting components. Refer to “Configuring processes to instrument their own components
and services” for information about how processes are provided with this port number.
Required: Yes
Example Entry:
Example Entry:
Example Entry:
The server host name for the ACIJMX agent.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: (IBM System z)
Example Entry: (HP NonStop)
Example Entry: (UNIX)
Example Entry: (Windows)

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The fully qualified name of the mlet file used to bootstrap the ACIJMX agent.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.server.bootstrap=file:/aci/ESJMX/config/acijmx.mlet

The fully qualified directory in which the ACIJMX agent is installed.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.install.path=/aci/ESJMX

The ACIJMX agent management server port number to which unmonitored AJI-based processes
must connect for instrumenting components. Alternatively, this port number can be provided in
the -Dmanagementport=nnnnn startup argument for an unmonitored AJI-based Java process.
Refer to “Configuring processes to instrument their own components and services” for information
about how unmonitored AJI-based Java processes are provided with this port number.
Required: No
Example Entry: appmgmt.mgmtsrv.port=16029
Example Entry: appmgmt.mgmtsrv.port=27087
Example Entry: appmgmt.mgmtsrv.port=16012

The fully qualified directory in which the JMX Jar files are installed (e.g., mx4j-jmx.jar, mx4j-
remote.jar, mx4j.jar, etc.).
Required: Yes
Example Entry: jmx.install.path=/aci/ESJMX/ThirdParty/lib
The fully qualified directory in which the configuration for all resources managed by the ACIJMX
agent are stored.
Required: Yes
Example Entry:

The fully qualified URL to the adaptor definition file for the ACIJMX agent.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.adaptor.config.url=file:/aci/ESJMX/config/adaptor.xml

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The fully qualified URL to the connector definition file for the ACIJMX agent.
Required: No
Example Entry: acijmx.jmx.connector.config.url=file:/aci/ESJMX/config/connector.xml
The Open Network Control Facility (ONCF) user ID to be used for an XPNET system, where xxxx is
the XPNET system name in all lower case. This property is only required when the agent is
installed on an HP NonStop platform.
To specify the ONCF user ID for your first XPNET system, edit the file as follows:
• Uncomment the line and change the
user ID (on the right of the equals sign) to the appropriate value.
• Change the characters xxxx in the property name to the name of your XPNET system (4
characters). This must be specified in lower case.
For subsequent XPNET systems, add a new line to the file, specifying a property using the format
described above.
Required: No
Example Entry:

The Open Network Control Facility (ONCF) user ID password to be used for an XPNET system,
where xxxx is the XPNET system name in all lower case. This property is only required when the
agent is installed on an HP NonStop platform.
To specify the ONCF user ID password for your first XPNET system, edit the file
as follows:
• Uncomment the line #acijmx.oncf.xpnet.system.xxxx.password=placeholder and change the
password (on the right of the equals sign) to the appropriate value.
• Change the characters xxxx in the property name to the name of your XPNET system (4
characters). This must be specified in lower case.
For subsequent XPNET systems, add a new line to the file, specifying a property using the format
described above.
After editing the file, you need to run the ConfigPropertyBuilder password
encryption utility to encrypt the user password. All user password properties must be
encapsulated within start and end markers within the file. The start marker for
the block of user password properties to be encrypted is a comment line (comment lines start with
the “#” character) containing the text “Begin User Encrypted Values”. The end marker is another
comment line containing the text “End User Encrypted Values”. Examples of these comment lines
are shown below.

##### Begin User Encrypted Values ################################

##### End User Encrypted Values ##################################

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Refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide for information about using this encryption
Required: No
Example Entry: acijmx.oncf.xpnet.system.pro1.user.password=5b839e109f7ee03e (encrypted)

A true or false value determining whether the ACIJMX agent automatically loads the APPLCNFG
table at startup. If this value is set to true, the ACIJMX agent loads the APPLCNFG table at
startup. If this value is set to false, the ACIJMX agent does not load the APPLCNFG table at
Required: Yes
Example Entry: autoload.applcnfg=true

The list of communications handlers supported by the ACIJMX agent. Currently, only the ICE-XS
process is supported on an IBM System z or UNIX platform. This property is not used when the
agent is installed on an HP NonStop or Windows platform.
Required: No
Example Entry:

The type of context management the Context Manager performs. This property is always set to
DISK-WITH-CACHE for the ACIJMX agent. For additional information about this property, refer to
the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: context.type=DISK-WITH-CACHE

The number of milliseconds the Database Connection Manager waits for another thread to free a
database connection. This property value is used when the maximum number of connections has
been reached as specified in the db.max.connections property.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: db.connection.wait.time=1000

The data source URI specification that allows the JDBC driver to access the correct database. You
can typically find the configuration requirements for this property in the vendor documentation for
the JDBC driver. JDBC driver requirements may include information such as the host or IP address
where the database resides, the port to connect to for the database, the name of database on the
host, and other JDBC driver settings.
Required: Yes

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Example Entry: db.datasource=jdbc:JDAL:-MDBV=CSV:-AI=ES:-STRT=/aci/ESJMX/config:-


The class name of the JDBC driver to use for all database connections. Enter the entire package
name as it is found in the JAR containing the driver. Refer to the vendor documentation for the
JDBC driver for supporting information.
Required: Yes
Example Entry:

The maximum number of concurrent database connections that the Database Connection Manager
(DBConnectionManager) can have open at one time.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: db.max.connections=10

A flag indicating whether the database used in the current JVM executing environment is NonStop
SQL/MP. Valid values are as follows:
true = Yes, the database is NonStop SQL/MP.
false = No, the database is not NonStop SQL/MP.
Required: No
Example Entry: db.sqlmp=false

The number of connections the Database Connection Manager acquires when the Java server
process is started. These connections remain active throughout the life of the process.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: db.static.connections=1

The type of database being used in the current JVM executing environment. Valid values are as

DB2 = IBM relational database

JDAL = ACI Java Data Access Layer database
JDAL2 = ACI Java Data Access Layer 2 database
MSSQL = Microsoft SQL Server database
Oracle = Oracle database

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SQLMX = HP NonStop SQL/MX database

Required: Yes
Example Entry: db.type=DB2

Indicates that the database services will automatically manipulate connection transaction isolation
levels. This should be set to true for Microsoft SQL Server and IBM’s DB2 databases. It should be
set to false for Oracle and HP NonStop SML/MP databases. When set to true, database access will
automatically be set to reduce database contention on queries where reading through locks is
Required: Yes
Example Entry: db.useisolationlevel=true
The JDBC user ID needed to authenticate a connection to the database. This user ID is used to
securely access the underlying database and is typically established by a database or system
administrator. ACI applications use this user ID to access the database.
Required: Yes
Example Entry:

The JDBC password needed to authenticate a connection to the database. This user ID is used to
securely access the underlying database and is typically established by a database or system
administrator. For security, the password value stored in the file must be
encrypted using the password encryption utility provided by ACI.
Important: Cross-industry best practices recommends that you do not use vendor-supplied
default passwords, that you use passwords containing both numeric and alphabetic
characters with a minimum password length of at least seven characters, that you change
passwords at least every 90 days, and that a new password is not the same as any of the
last four passwords used.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: db.user.password=657e1f6fecea9ea8

A comma delimited list of the cipher suites that should be enabled. You can obtain the list of valid
cipher suite names by executing the java class com.aciworldwide.framework.SSLUtils (sample list
output is provided below). The following is example syntax to invoke that class:

java -classpath framework-common.jar;framework-ssl.jar

com.aciworldwide.framework.SSLUtils list

After you have configured the enabled.cipher.suites property with the list from the above
command, you can validate it by entering a command similar to the following:

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Configuring the ACIJMX agent

java -Dconfig.filename=%config.home%\ -classpath framework-

core.jar;log4j.jar;concurrent.jar;bouncycastle.jar;<JDBC Driver>
com.aciworldwide.framework.SSLUtils validate

The following is returned from the validate command if the configured cipher suites are
successfully validated:

The list of enabled ciphers was restricted to:

No ciphers have been defined in the property 'enabled.cipher.suites'.

Sample list command output:

The current JVM supports the following ciphers:


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The fully qualified URI location of the log4j configuration file (EventConfig.xml) for logging event
messages For addition information about this property, refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server
Reference Guide.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: event.log4j.config.url=file:/aci/ESJMX/config/EventConfig.xml
The symbolic name assigned to a Java server process.
Required: Yes
Example Entry:^JMX

The list of the types of processes supported by the ACIJMX agent. This property is only used on an
IBM System z, UNIX, or Windows platform.
Required: No
Example Entry: (IBM System z platform)
Example Entry: (UNIX
Example Entry:
cess.wnd.JSFWndProcess (Windows platform)

The list of queue managers supported by the ACIJMX agent. Currently, only the IBM Websphere
MQ Queue Manager is supported on an IBM System z or UNIX platform. This property is not used
when the agent is installed on an HP NonStop or Windows platform.
Required: No
Example Entry:

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A true or false value controlling authorization processing for user actions that require large-scale
lookups of MBean operations and attributes. This value controls the information returned to users
in an inital view of the operations and attributes to which they have access. Values are as follows:

true = Every operation and attribute for every MBean is authorized prior to returning the
operation or attribute. If a user is not authorized to execute an exposed operation,
that operation will not be returned. If a user is not authorized to view an exposed
attribute, the attribute value will be replaced with an “unauthorized view” message.
false = Every attribute is authorized, but all operations are returned regardless of whether
or not the user has permissions to execute them. Thus, on a user interface, users
would see all of the exposed operationseven if they did not have the necessary
permissions to perform them. This value can speed up the initial lookups, but it can
also display more operations than a user will have the necessary permissions to

Required: Yes (default is false)

Example Entry: show.only.authorized.actions = false

A flag indicating whether to log trace messages for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) processing to the
standard out location (STDOUT). Valid values are as follows:

all = Yes, log trace messages for Sun SSL processing.

true = Yes, log trace messages for IBM SSL processing.
false = No, do not log trace messages for SSL processing. This is the default setting.

Note: The Trace facility was designed as a diagnostic tool for development and test
environments and not for general use in a production environment. ACI strongly
recommends that it not be used in a production environment due to the overhead and
impacts on performance.
Required: No
Example Entry: SSL.debug= false

The fully qualified pathname of the data source containing the keystore for Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) server security.
Required: Yes, if SSL is being used
Example Entry: SSL.server.keystore=/aci/config/security/server.keystore.key

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Configuring the ACIJMX agent

The password required to access the SSL keystore for server security. For security, the password
value stored in the file must be encrypted using the password encryption utility
provided by ACI.
Important: Cross-industry best practices recommends that you do not use vendor-supplied
default passwords, that you use passwords containing both numeric and alphabetic
characters with a minimum password length of at least seven characters, that you change
passwords at least every 90 days, and that a new password is not the same as any of the
last four passwords used.
Required: Yes, if SSL is being used
Example Entry: SSL.server.keystore. password=512bb47f6f7206e90d0d440da775982b

The fully qualified pathname of the data source containing the truststore for Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) server security.
A truststore is a keystore that is used when making decisions about who to trust. If you receive
some data from an entity that you already trust, and if you can verify that the entity is the one it
claims to be, then you can assume that the data really came from that entity.
Required: Yes, if SSL is being used
Example Entry: SSL.server.truststore=/aci/config/security/server.truststore.

The password required to access the SSL truststore for server security. For security, the password
value stored in the file must be encrypted using the password encryption utility
provided by ACI.
Important: Cross-industry best practices recommends that you do not use vendor-supplied
default passwords, that you use passwords containing both numeric and alphabetic
characters with a minimum password length of at least seven characters, that you change
passwords at least every 90 days, and that a new password is not the same as any of the
last four passwords used.
Required: Yes, if SSL is being used
Example Entry: SSL.server.truststore.password=7c84e738ea20b628fd407625f148bfb2

A flag indicating whether trace messages are enabled for components or services executing in the
ACIJMX agent. Message tracing is configured in the configuration file specified by the
trace.log4j.config.url property. Valid values are as follows:

true = Yes, message tracing is enabled.

false = No, message tracing is not enabled.

Note: The Trace facility was designed as a diagnostic tool for development and test
environments and not for general use in a production environment. ACI strongly
recommends that it not be used in a production environment due to the overhead and

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Configuring the ACIJMX agent

impacts on performance. For addition information about this property, refer to the BASE24-
eps Java Server Reference Guide.

The fully qualified URI location of the log4j configuration file for logging trace messages. For
addition information about this property, refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide.
Required: Yes
Example Entry: trace.log4j.config.url=file:/aci/ESJMX/config/TraceConfig.xml

ACIJMX agent sample files

The following are examples of the file used for the ACIJMX agents for each of the
following platforms:
• IBM System z, UNIX, and Windows
• HP NonStop

IBM System z, UNIX, and Windows

The following is an example file for the ACIJMX agent installed on a UNIX
platform. The file for the ACIJMX agent installed on an IBM System z or Windows
platform is similar except that the process.list property values are different and the
commshandler.list and queuemanager.list properties are not used on a Windows platform.
# Database {user ID} and {password}.
# {user id} = user ID for application access to the database
# {password} = corresponding password for the user ID. If a db.user.password
# value is specified, it must be encrypted.

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HP NonStop
The following is an example file for the ACIJMX agent installed on an HP NonStop
# The following section of the file is a place holder where user
# properties to be encrypted may be placed.
# It is critical that the section begin with "Begin User Encrypted
# Values" and end with "End User Encrypted Values".
##### Begin User Encrypted Values #####################################
##### End User Encrypted Values #######################################
# Database {user ID} and {password}.
# {user id} = user ID for application access to the database
# {password} = corresponding password for the user ID. If a db.user.password
# value is specified, it must be encrypted.
# Database JDBC driver specification. Ths should be set according to
# the JDBC driver requirements and may include information such as:
# - host or IP address where database resides
# - port to connect to for database
# - name of database on the host
# - other JDBC driver settings. Consult the JDBC driver vendor
# documentation regarding other options.

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# Example:
# db.datasource=jdbc:JDAL:-MDBV=CSV:-AI=ES:-STRT=/G/config/ui6sdata
# Database static connections. This defines the number of database
# connections to acquire when initializing.
# Database maximum connections.
# Database connection wait time. This defines the amount of time
# in milliseconds to wait for another thread to free a Database
# connection in the Database Connection Manager. This is used when
# the maximum number of Database connections has been acquired as
# specified in the db.max.connections property.
# Database isolation level. This indicates if the Database services
# should automatically manipulate connection transaction isolatoin levels.
# This should be set to true for Microsoft SQL Server and IBM's DB2
# databases. It should be set to false for Oracle and Tandem SML/MP
# databases. When set to true, database access will automatically be
# set to reduce database contention on queries where reading through
# locks is valid.
# Datbase driver specification. This set of properties specifies the
# class name of the JDBC driver to use for all database connections.
# This must contain fully-qualified class name including the package
# name as supplied by the vendor.
# The pathname of the data source containing the key store for
# SSL server security
# The password(encrypted) required to access the SSL key store

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# Non-Unicode: SSL.server.keystore.password=1a516c5b655f2155
# The pathname of the data source containing the trust store for
# SSL server security
# The password(encrypted) required to access the SSL trust store
# Non-Unicode: SSL.server.truststore.password=b0953b2fc6fe07d9a8a60973d5afda4c
# A flag indicating whether to log messages to the stdout location
# for SSL processing. Values are:
# all = Yes, log trace messages for Sun implementations.
# true = Yes, log trace messages for IBM implementations.
# false = No, do not log trace messages.


The following application properties configured in the APPLCNFG table are specific to the ACIJMX
agent. Note that loading the APPLCNFG table at startup is controlled by the autoload.applcnfg
property in the file.
Note: In BASE24-eps, the APPLCNFG table is accessible from the Application Configuration
window of the ACI desktop (System Operations > Server Management > Application).
In APF Admin, the APPLCNFG table is accessible from the Manage Application Properties browser
page (Operations Configuration > Application Properties).

ajmf.audited.attrsave A true or false value specifying whether attribute save functions are to
be audited for the ACIJMX agent. True specifies the functions are to be
audited; false specifies the functions are not to be audited. The default
is yes.

Required: No

Example Entry: ajmf.audited.attrsave=yes

ajmf.audited.attrview A true or false value specifying whether attribute view functions are to
be audited for the ACIJMX agent. True specifies the functions are to be

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Configuring the ACIJMX agent

audited; false specifies the functions are not to be audited. The default
is yes.

Required: No

Example Entry: ajmf.audited.attrview=yes

ajmf.audited.mbs A true or false value specifying whether MBean Server functions are to
be audited for the ACIJMX agent. True specifies the functions are to be
audited; false specifies the functions are not to be audited. The default
is yes.

Required: No

Example Entry: ajmf.audited.mbs=yes

ajmf.audited.oper A true or false value specifying whether operations functions are to be

audited for the ACIJMX agent. True specifies the functions are to be
audited; false specifies the functions are not to be audited. The default
is yes.

Required: No

Example Entry: ajmf.audited.oper=yes file
The following properties are configured in the file. The file resides in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory and is read by the runscript and runacijmxci scripts to acquire
the properties they need for processing. The name of the remote host (name or IP address) where the CI
adaptor is executing.

Required: Yes

Example Entry: The remote port number through which the CI Interface

communicates with the CI adaptor.

Required: Yes

Example Entry: The protocol being used for communication between the CI

Interface and CI adaptor. Valid values are http and https.

Required: Yes

Example Entry:

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Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Configuring the ACIJMX agent

SSL.client.keystore The fully qualified pathname of the data source containing the
keystore for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client security.

Required: Yes, if two-way SSL is used.

Example Entry: SSL.client.keystore=/aci/ESJMX/config/


SSL.client.keystore.password The password required to access the SSL keystore for client
security. For security, the password value must be encrypted
using the password encryption utility provided by ACI.
Important: Cross-industry best practices recommends
that you do not use vendor-supplied default passwords,
that you use passwords containing both numeric and
alphabetic characters with a minimum password length of
at least seven characters, that you change passwords at
least every 90 days, and that a new password is not the
same as any of the last four passwords used.
Required: Yes, if two-way SSL is used.

Example Entry: SSL.client.keystore.password=


SSL.client.truststore The fully qualified pathname of the data source containing the
truststore for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client security. A
truststore is a keystore that is used when making decisions about
who to trust. If you receive some data from an entity that you
already trust, and if you can verify that the entity is the one it
claims to be, then you can assume that the data really came from
that entity.

Required: Yes, if one- or two-way SSL is used.

Example Entry: SSL.client.truststore=/aci/ESJMX/config/


SSL.client.truststore.password The password required to access the SSL truststore for client
security. For security, the password value must be encrypted
using the password encryption utility provided by ACI.
Important: Cross-industry best practices recommends
that you do not use vendor-supplied default passwords,
that you use passwords containing both numeric and
alphabetic characters with a minimum password length of
at least seven characters, that you change passwords at
least every 90 days, and that a new password is not the
same as any of the last four passwords used.
Required: Yes, if one- or two-way SSL is used.
Example Entry:

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acijmx.policy file
The acijmx.policy file sets permissions for the ACIJMX jar files. It resides in the <ACIJMX_BASE>
\config directory. The acijmx.policy file grants only the permissions shown in this excerpt to script
Executor jar files. All other jar files are granted permission.
Note: Scripts can be written to perform any number of functions, which can include actions
such as deleting files or even stopping the agent itself. The policy file places some basic
limitations on the scripting actions that can be carried out by the ACIJMX agent. Note that
even with these policy limitations in place, it is still very important to carefully review any
scripts that you plan to launch through the ACIJMX agent.
grant codeBase "file:<ESJMXHOME>/ThirdParty/lib/jython.jar" {
permission "<<ALL FILES>>",
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getProtectionDomain";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setIO";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*";
permission "*", "*";
permission "*";
permission "*", "listen, accept, connect,

Adaptor definition file

The adaptor definition file (adaptor.xml) defines the remote connections for the ACI desktop or
APF Admin browser user interface and ACIJMX command interpreter interface. The location of the
adaptor.xml file is specified by the acijmx.jmx.adaptor.config.url property in the

Sample ACI desktop or APF admin browser and command line interface adaptor
The following sample adaptor.xml file defines the connections for the ACI desktop or APF Admin
browser user interface and ACIJMX command interpreter interface.
Communication settings default to one-way SSL transport security (server authentication).
Customers can disable one-way SSL or change it to two-way SSL (mutual authentication) if they
choose—making these modifications requires changes to the highlighted portions of the file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<create classname=""
objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor" />

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<call objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor" attribute="Port">

<arg type="int">24570</arg>
<call objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor" attribute="Host">
<arg type="string">oma3a005l4</arg>
<call objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor" attribute="Domain">
<arg type="string">IA92_JMX</arg>
<call objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor" attribute="SocketFactory">
<arg type="">
<arg type="boolean">false</arg>
<call objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor" operation="start"/>
<create classname=""
objectname="Server:name=CIHttpAdaptor" />
<call objectname="Server:name=CIHttpAdaptor" attribute="Port">
<arg type="int">24571</arg>
<call objectname="Server:name=CIHttpAdaptor" attribute="Host">
<arg type="string"></arg>
<call objectname="Server:name=CIHttpAdaptor" attribute="SocketFactory">
<arg type="">

<arg type="boolean">false</arg>
<call objectname="Server:name=CIHttpAdaptor" operation="start"/>

Disable SSL transport security for the ACI desktop or APF

admin browser adapter
Use the following steps to disable the SSL communication between the adaptor and the ACI
desktopr or APF Admin browser user interface:
1. Remove the following element from the adaptor.xml file (in the ACIJMX <ACIJMX_BASE>
\config directory) and restart the ACIJMX agent.

<call objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor"

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<arg type="">

<arg type="boolean">false</arg>
2. Make the following changes for the APPLICATION-MGMT external connection in the External
Connection table.
a. Change the protocol options setting from “.SSL.” to “.”
b. Change the protocol scheme in the URL specified for the destination IP address from
“https” to “http” (e.g., from https://.... to http://...) Note that there is no need to change
the IP address portion of the URL.
Note: From the ACI desktop user interface, these values are set in the Protocol
Options and Destination IP Address fields on the Protocol Details tab of the
External Connection Configuration window (System Operations > Server
Management > External Connection).
From the APF Admin browser, these values are set in the Protocol Options List and
Destination IP Address fields on the Edit External Connection page (Operations
Configuration > AJI Processes > External Connections).
APPLICATION-MGMT must be specified in the External Connection ID field on this
window or page.

Disable SSL transport security for the ACIJMX command

interpreter interface adapter
Use the following steps to disable the SSL communication between the adaptor and the ACIJMX
command interpreter interface:
1. Remove the following element from the adaptor.xml file (in the ACIJMX <ACIJMX_BASE>
\config directory) and restart the ACIJMX agent.

<call objectname="Server:name=CIHttpAdaptor" attribute="SocketFactory">

<arg type="">

<arg type="boolean">false</arg>
2. Change the property in the file from https to http.

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Configuring the ACIJMX agent

Convert the ACI desktop or APF admin browser adapter to

two-way SSL transport security
Use the following steps to change the SSL communication between the adaptor and the ACI
desktop or APF Admin browser user interface to two-way SSL (mutual authentication):
1. Change the “false” value in the following element in the adaptor.xml file (in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory) to “true”.

<call objectname="Server:name=CUBSHttpAdaptor"
<arg type="">

<arg type="boolean">true</arg>
2. Create the client key store file ($ES_HOME/ESWeb/ESConfig/eswebclient.keystore.key) for
the ESWeb process using the Java keytool command.
3. Add the ESWeb client keystore certificate to the ACIJMX server truststore file.
4. Add the following two properties to the $ES_HOME/ESWeb/ESConfig/ file for
the ESWeb process and set those properties with the ESWeb keystore file and encrypted
Passwords must be encrypted using the ConfigPropertyBuilder Password Encryption utility.
Refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide for information about using this
encryption utility.
5. Restart the ACIJMX server and ESWeb process.

Convert the ACIJMX command interpreter interface adapter to

two-way SSL transport security
Use the following steps to change the SSL communication between the adaptor and the ACIJMX
command interpreter interface to two-way SSL (mutual authentication):
1. Change the “false” value in the following element in the adaptor.xml file (in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory) to “true”.

<call objectname="Server:name=CIHttpAdaptor" attribute="SocketFactory">

<arg type="">

<arg type="boolean">true</arg>

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Configuring the ACIJMX agent

2. Create the client key store file ($ACIJMX_BASE/config/client.keystore.key) for the ACIJMX
command interpreter interface process using the Java keytool command.
3. Add the ACIJMX command interpreter interface process (CI) keystore certificate to the
ACIJMX server truststore file.
4. Uncomment the following two properties in the file (in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory) file and set those properties with the CI keystore file and
encrypted password.
Passwords must be encrypted using the ConfigPropertyBuilder Password Encryption utility.
Refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide for information about using this
encryption utility.
5. Restart the ACIJMX server.

Connector definition file

The connector definition file (connector.xml) defines the remote connections for applications using
Java Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) or JMX Messaging Protocol (JMXMP) protocols.
Either type of protocol can be used for connecting ACIJMX agents to other ACIJMX agents or to
third-party monitoring applications (depending on the third-party monitoring application—note
that IBM Tivoli Monitoring currently only supports the use of Java RMI).
The location of a connector.xml file is specified by the acijmx.jmx.connector.config.url property in
the files.
Connector files are created automatically using the runconnectorconfigbuilder script located in the
<ACIJMX_BASE>\bin directory. Connectors are created with two-way SSL transport security as
the default.

Runconnectorconfigbuilder script syntax

The following is the run syntax for the runconnectorconfigbuilder script. This script creates a new
connector.xml file and adds to it all of the XML statements needed to define the types of
connectors to be created.
Connectors that carry out authentication and auditing—using the AJI security functions—must be
created using the auth option described in the syntax below. Note that any JMXMP connectors
created with the auth option also require JDK
1.5 in order to run.
Note: Connectors used for third-party applications should be created using the auth option.
Connectors used for client agents should not be created using the auth option.


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runconnectorconfigbuilder <ACIJMX base path> [rmi:<port>] [rmi:auth:<port>]

[jmxmp:<port>] [jmxmp:auth:<port>]
<ACIJMX base path> — The ACIJMX agent installation path (e.g.,
$ES_HOME/ESJMX). This is the value set in the ACIJMX_BASE variable of the acijmx_env_vars
[rmi:<port>] — Adds to the connector.xml file the XML statements necessary to define a JSR 160
RMI connection with the specified port and two-way SSL security.
[rmi:auth:<port>] — Adds to the connector.xml file the XML statements necessary to define a
secure (authenticated and audited) JSR 160 RMI connection with the specified port and two-way
SSL security.
[jmxmp:<port>] — Adds to the connector.xml file the XML statements necessary to define a JSR
160 JMXMP connection with the specified port and two-way SSL security.
[jmxmp:auth:<port>] — Adds to the connector.xml file the XML statements necessary to define a
secure (authenticated and audited) JSR 160 JMXMP connection with the specified port and two-
way SSL security.


runconnectorconfigbuilder $ACIJMX_BASE rmi:25751 rmi:auth:25752

jmxmp:25753 jmxmp:auth:25754

Creates a new connector.xml file containing four types of connectors. The ports
used are numbered 25751, 25752, 25753, and 25754.

runconnectorconfigbuilder $ACIJMX_BASE rmi:25751 jmxmp:auth:25754

Creates a new connector.xml file defining an RMI connector for port 25751 and a
JMXMP connector for port 25754. The sample connector.xml file below is produced
from this example.

Sample connector definition file

The following is a sample connector.xml file created by the runconnectorconfigbuilder script that
defines an RMI connector for port 25751 and a JMXMP connector for port 25754.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<create objectname="naming:type=rmiregistry,port=25751"
<arg type="int">25751</arg>
<call objectname="naming:type=rmiregistry,port=25751" operation="start" />
<object objectid="envrmi25751">
<new classname="java.util.HashMap" />
<call method="put" refobjectid="envrmi25751">

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<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<new classname="java.lang.String">
<arg type="java.lang.String">jmx.remote.rmi.server.socket.factory</arg>
<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<arg type="Boolean">true</arg>
<call method="put" refobjectid="envrmi25751">
<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<new classname="java.lang.String">
<arg type="java.lang.String">jmx.remote.rmi.client.socket.factory</arg>
<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<new classname="" />
<object objectid="rmi25751">
<call classname=""
<arg type="">
<new classname="">
<arg type="string">service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi://localhost:
<arg type="java.util.Map" refobjectid="envrmi25751" />
<arg type="" />
<register objectname="connectors:type=rmi,protocol=jrmp,port=25751">
<arg type="object" refobjectid="rmi25751" />
<call method="start" refobjectid="rmi25751" />
<object objectid="envjmxmp25754">
<new classname="java.util.HashMap" />
<call method="put" refobjectid="envjmxmp25754">
<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<new classname="java.lang.String">
<arg type="java.lang.String">jmx.remote.profiles</arg>
<arg type="java.lang.Object">

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<new classname="java.lang.String">
<arg type="java.lang.String">TLS SASL/PLAIN</arg>
<call method="put" refobjectid="envjmxmp25754">
<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<new classname="java.lang.String">
<arg type="java.lang.String">jmx.remote.tls.need.client.authentication</
<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<new classname="java.lang.String">
<arg type="java.lang.String">true</arg>
<object objectid="authid25754">
<new classname="" />
<call method="put" refobjectid="envjmxmp25754">
<arg type="java.lang.Object">
<new classname="java.lang.String">
<arg type="java.lang.String">jmx.remote.authenticator</arg>
<arg type="java.lang.Object" refobjectid="authid25754" />
<call classname="" method="addProvider">
<arg type="">
classname="" />
<object objectid="jmxmp25754">
<call classname=""
<arg type="">
<new classname="">
<arg type="string">service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:25754</arg>
<arg type="java.util.Map" refobjectid="envjmxmp25754" />
<arg type="" />
<register objectname="connectors:type=tcpip,protocol=jmxmp,port=25754">
<arg type="object" refobjectid="jmxmp25754" />

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<call method="setMBeanServerForwarder" refobjectid="jmxmp25754">
<arg type="">
<call classname=""
<arg type=""
refobjectid="authid25754" />
<arg type="string">connectors:type=tcpip,protocol=jmxmp,port=25754</arg>
<call method="start" refobjectid="jmxmp25754" />
<call method="stop" refobjectid="rmi25751" />
<call objectname="naming:type=rmiregistry,port=25751" operation="stop" />
<unregister objectname="connectors:type=rmi,protocol=jrmp,port=25751" />
<unregister objectname="naming:type=rmiregistry,port=25751" />
<call method="stop" refobjectid="rmi25754" />
<call objectname="naming:type=rmiregistry,port=25754" operation="stop" />
<unregister objectname="connectors:type=rmi,protocol=jrmp,port=25754" />
<unregister objectname="naming:type=rmiregistry,port=25754" />

Configuring processes to instrument their own

components and services
The ACIJMX agent supports the capability of ACI product processes to register and instrument
their own component and service resources with the agent. Processes must be specifically adapted
to do this, but those that are adapted can expose component and service attributes and
operations to the agent for management.
To instrument components or services, a process must connect to the ACIJMX agent using a
specific port—the port specified for the agent by the property in the or APPLCNFG. That port can be provided to those processes that need the port in
their startup arguments (the -managementport startup argument or the appmgmt.mgmtsrv.port
property in the APPLCNFG is used for this purpose). SIS-based processes always use the -
managementport startup argument while AJI-based processes can use the -managementport
startup argument or the appmgmt.mgmtsrv.port property. How this is accomplished for each
platform is described below.

IBM System z, UNIX, and Windows platforms

On the IBM System z, UNIX, and Windows platforms, if the management port is configured in the application property and a monitored process’s ManageProcess

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attribute is set to true, the ACIJMX agent automatically appends a startup argument when it starts
the process—using the port number specified in the application
property. The form of the startup argument is as follows, where nnnnn is the port number. If the
process is not monitored, you must manually enter this argument when starting the process or
you must configure the port number in the appmgmt.mgmtsrv.port property in the APPLCNFG (for
AJI-based processes only).

Process Type Startup Argument

C++ Process -managementport=nnnnn
Java Process -Dmanagementport=nnnnn

An example for C++ processes might be -managementport=16013.

HP NonStop platform
To enable a BASE24-eps IS process to connect to the ACIJMX agent, the XPNET configuration for
the IS process needs to be altered to have the -MANAGEMENTPORT=nnnnn argument configured
in the PROCESS STARTOPTIONS attribute for the PROCESS object in the XPNET Network
Environment File (NEF). The port number specified should match the port number that was in the property in the file.
If the process has already been configured in the NEF, you can use the ALTER PROCESS network
control command to alter the STARTOPTIONS value for the process to include the -
MANAGEMENTPORT argument as shown below:



If the IS process has not yet been configured in the NEF, you can use the SET PROCESS network
control command to configure the STARTOPTIONS value for the process to include the -
MANAGEMENTPORT argument and the ADD PROCESS command to add it to the NEF as shown



Coding external processes to instrument their

own components and services
You can use the Management Service Client Framework API for unmonitored (external) AJI-based
Java processes or the SIS Management Service API for external SIS-based processes to code
external processes to instrument components and services with the ACIJMX agent.

Management service client framework API

Use the Management Service Client Framework API to code external AJI-based Java processes to
instrument their own components and services.

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SIS management service API

Use the SIS Management Service API described in the simgmt.h file to code external SIS-based
processes to instrument their own components and services. This header file defines facilities to
allow a C++ class to register itself to be managed by the sis_management_service. A class can
present itself to the management service as a managed service and/or as a managed component.
A managed component aggregates information across all instances in a process space. A managed
service aggregates information across all instances in a managed system (e.g., using a shared
file) and any instance of a managed service can be taken as a proxy for all instances.
Objects can register as both a component and a service, and can associate some attributes and
operations with their component persona and some attributes and operations with their service

Example class conversion to a managed component

The following example depicts portions of the header and C++ file an unmanaged class named

#ifndef MYCLASS_H
#define MYCLASS_H
#include <siint.h>
class myclass
myclass (void);
~myclass (void);
static sis_int::int16 myint16_get (void);
static void myint16_set (const sis_int::int16 &val);
static sis_int::int16 myint16_;
#include <myclass.h>
sis_int::int16 myclass::myint16_;
myclass::myclass (void)
myclass::~myclass (void)
sis_int::int16 myclass::myint16_get (void)
{return myint16_}
void myclass::myint16_set (const sis_int::int16 &val)
{myint16_ = val}

The next example shows you how this sample myclass could be converted to a managed
component. Modifications are highlighted in blue text.

#ifndef MYCLASS_H
#define MYCLASS_H
#include <siint.h>

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#include <simgmt.h> // <--------

class myclass
SIS_DECLARE_MANAGED_COMPONENT( myclass ) // <--------
myclass (void);
~myclass (void);
static sis_int::int16 myint16_get (void);
static void myint16_set (const sis_int::int16 &val);
static sis_int::int16 myint16_;
#include <myclass.h>
SIS_DEFINE_MANAGED_COMPONENT( myclass ) // <--------
myclass, myint16, myint16_get, myint16_set ) // <--------
sis_int::int16 myclass::myint16_;
myclass::myclass (void)
myclass::~myclass (void)
sis_int::int16 myclass::myint16_get (void)
{return myint16_}
void myclass::myint16_set (const sis_int::int16 &val)
{myint16_ = val}

Create a managed component or service in an external SIS-

based process
Use the following steps to create a managed component or service in an external SIS-based
1. Determine what attributes and operations to expose in the process.
Attributes can be any of the following data types and can be presented with write, read, or
writeread access:
• sis_int::int16
• sis_int::int32
• sis_int::int64
• bool
• sis_c_str
Operations take no input parameters and have a bool return value and a single sis_c_str
output parameter. Component attributes as a rule have static scope and must be mutex
2. Implement methods to present the attributes and operations to be exposed.
• Read attributes have a getter function of the form data_type (*getter)(void)
• Write attributes have a setter function of the form void (*setter)(const data_type &)

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• Writeread attributes have both getters and setters.

• Operators have operator callback functions of the form bool (*operator_fcb)(sis_c_str &)
3. Include the <simgmt.h> header file in the class header file.
4. Present the class as a managed service and/or managed component by inserting either or
both of the following macros in the class header file between the opening curly brace and the
first constructor or 'public' declaration in the class definition in the header (.h) file.
5. Instantiate the data in the declaration by inserting the SIS_DEFINE_MANAGED_SERVICE
(class_name) and/or SIS_DEFINE_MANAGED_COMPONENT (class_name) defines in the
source (.cpp) file after the last include directive.
6. Register the managed attributes and operations by inserting SIS_CREATE_MANAGED_*
defines in the source (.cpp) file after the SIS_DEFINE_MANAGED_* defines.

Migrate from ACIJMX version 7.4 to version 8.2

Perform the following steps to migrate from version 7.4 of the ACIJMX agent to version 8.2 of the
ACIJMX agent on a Unix platform:
1. Stop the JMX process by executing the standard stopacijmx script from the ESJMX folder.
a. cd $ES_HOME/ESJMX folder
b. ./stopacijmx
2. Make a copy of the existing ESJMX folder after creating a backup copy.
a. cd $ES_HOME
b. tar cvf ESJMX_OLD_74.rar ESJMX
3. Remove all of the ESJMX subdirectories except for the Store directory.
a. cd ESJMX
b. rm -rf !(store)
4. Transfer the app_mgmt.tar of JMX 8.2 to the install folder using FTP, un-tar the
app_mgmt.tar files to the $ES_HOME/ESJMX folder, add read, write, and execute privileges to
all of the files in the ESJMX folder, and comment out the QueueEncoding param from the
appender JMSMQAPPENDER in the EventConfig.xml file.
b. gunzip $ES_HOME/install/app_mgmt.tar.gz
c. chmod -R u+rwx *
d. Edit the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/congif/EventConfig.xml, find the appender JMSMQAPPENDER
and comment out the QueueEncoding param.
<!-- <param name="QueueEncoding" value="UTF-8"/> -->
5. Transfer the essetup file to the install directory using FTP after backing up the SETUPINI and
essetup files.
a. cd $ESHOME/install
b. tar -cvf backup.tar SETUPINI essetup

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6. Add the MQ prefix for your system in the mq_prefix param in the SETUPINI file. Edit the
SETUPINI file, locate the “MQ Configuration Type (single/cluster)” comment, and add
“mq_prefix=value of System_prefix param”:
Example :

== MQ Configuration Type (single/cluster)
7. Update the JAVA_HOME and JAVABIN environment variables. JMX 8.2 uses Java 5, as
opposed to JMX 7.4, which uses Java 1.4. Therefore, the JAVA_HOME and JAVABIN
environment variables must be updated in the $BIN/env_vars file to point to the Java 5
location (e.g., /usr/java5 and /usr/java5/bin):
a. JAVA_HOME=/usr/java5
b. JAVABIN=/usr/java5/bin
c. Reload the env_vars file:
1) cd $BIN
2) . ./env_vars
3) echo $JAVA_HOME
4) echo $JAVABIN
8. Modify the SETUPINI and essetup files.
a. cd $ESHOME/install
b. Edit SETUPINI file and modify the mq_prefix value with the value of system_prefix, which
is present in the same file.
c. Edit the essetup file

./runacijmxboot <<BOOTEND >> $sysout 2>> $sysout



./runscript '"*"' '"*"' '' >> $sysout 2>> $sysout

let merr=$?
if [[ $merr > 0 &&
$stepcond = 0 ]]; then
let stepcond=$merr
d. chmod 700 essetup
e. ./essetup STEP015
9. Verify that the ACIJMX_BASE path matches the $ES_HOME/ESJMX path.
a. cd $BIN
b. . ./env_vars

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c. echo $ACIJMX_BASE
Verify that the path is the same as $ES_HOME/ESJMX path. If the path is “/user/acijmx”,
continue with step d. Otherwise, skip to step 10.
d. cd $ESHOME/ESJMX/bin
e. . ./acijmx_env_vars
f. echo $ACIJMX_BASE and check the path is proper path of $ES_HOME/ESJMX
10. Run the ACIJMX agent from the ESJMX folder.
b. ./runacijmx
Verify that the “Application Management Server started” message is displayed.

JMX differences between version 7.4 and version 8.2

The only difference between the two versions is in RunConfigbuilder. The USEC host and port are
removed from RunConfigbuilder in version 8.2 as illustrated below.

JMX 7.4 ConfigBuilder

./runconfigbuilder /db02/b24dev/users/JMXUser/ESJMX /db02/b24dev/users/JMXUser/

ESJMX/store 8026 8027 8028 oma3s031 8021 SU74_JMX oma3s031
com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory /db02/b24dev/users/JMXUser/queuing/
mq_jms_admin/JNDI-Directory -mgmt=8029

JMX 8.2 ConfigBuilder

./runconfigbuilder /db02/b24dev/users/JMXUser/ESJMX /db02/b24dev/users/JMXUser/

ESJMX/store 8026 8027 8028 SU74_JMX oma3s031
com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory /db02/b24dev/users/JMXUser/queuing/
mq_jms_admin/JNDI-Directory -mgmt=8029

The existing Application Management configuration will not be reset because runxacijmxboot is
commented out in the essetupfile.

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB

and the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop
A TLS-enabled connection between the ACIJMX agent and the BASE24-eps system meets payment
industry best practices to safeguard sensitive cardholder data during transmission. To enable TLS
for an ACIJMX agent connection to BASE24-eps an HP NonStop platform, perform the following
Before you begin: Java 7 must be installed on your HP NonStop platform. Java 7 (NSJ7) is the
only Java version supported on the HP NonStop platform for 2.1.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 322

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Configuring the ACIJMX agent

Important: Industry security best practices dictate that you should not fall back to SSL or
an earlier version of TLS once you have implemented a TLS 1.2 connection either through
manual configuration or by running an automated installation script.
This procedure assumes that BASE24-eps 2.1.2 is installed in /user/<lgnt>/<prfx> under OSS
with NSJ7.
1. Modify the RunESWebTacl and RunESWeb files in the /user/<lgnt>oss/<prfx>/ESWeb
directory to add the TLS 1.2 configuration. The RunESWebTacl file is executed when you start
ESWeb from TACL and the RunESWeb file is executed when you start ESWeb from OSS. Add
the JVM property https.protocols in the run command near the end of each file, as depicted
with the underlined text.

run -name=$ESWEB_PPD -term=$OSS_HOME_PPD -cpu=$ESWEB_CPU -gpri=$ESWEB_PRI -

G/SYSACI/XNLIB33/xnliben $JREBin -classpath $XPATH -Xmx512M -Xms512M -
home=$ES_HOME/ESWeb/aci-tomcat -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
-Dconfig.home=$ES_HOME/ESWeb/ESConfig/ -Dcatalina.base=$ES_HOME/ESWeb/aci-
tomcat$ES_HOME/ESWeb/aci-tomcat/temp -Dreports.home=$ES_HOME/
Logs/AG34/P1D^NODE$ESWEB_PRONAME -Dconfig.filename=$ES_HOME/
ESConfig/AG34/P1D^NODE/ -Dfile.encoding=ISO8859-1 -
oding=ISO8859-1 -DSCH=true -Droot.config=$ES_HOME/ESWeb/ESConfig -
DSecurityServe -
DFrameworkService=co -Djdal.trace=false -
_jaas.config -Dorg.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO=false
rtup.Bootstrap &
2. Restart the ESWEB server and ACIJMX agent applications.
3. Log on to the ACI desktop user interface and open the Application Management window
(accessed from System Operations > Application Management > Application
Management) to establish the TLS 1.2 connection between the ESWEB server and the
ACIJMX agent.
If the Application Management window opens successfully, the TLS 1.2 configuration is
correct. If it does not open successfully, verify the configuration in the steps above.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 323

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Configuring the ACIJMX agent

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB

and the ACIJMX agent using Apache Tomcat
A TLS-enabled connection between the ACIJMX agent and the BASE24-eps system using Apache
Tomcat meets payment industry best practices to safeguard sensitive cardholder data during
transmission. To enable TLS for an ACIJMX agent connection to BASE24-eps using Apache
Tomcat, perform the following steps.
Important: Industry security best practices dictate that you should not fall back to SSL or
an earlier version of TLS once you have implemented a TLS 1.2 connection either through
manual configuration or by running an automated installation script.
This procedure assumes that BASE24-eps 2.1.2 is installed in /user/<lgnt>/<prfx> under OSS
with NSJ7.
1. Add the "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2" parameter in the export JAVA_OPTS statement of the
startesweb.bat file in the $BIN directory.



set CATALINA_HOME=%INST_DIR%\ESWeb\aci-tomcat
set CATALINA_BASE=%INST_DIR%\ESWeb\aci-tomcat

set JAVA_OPTS=-Dconfig.filename="%INST_DIR%\ESWeb\ESConfig\" -
Dfile.encoding=ISO8859-1 -Dsun.jnu.encoding=ISO8859-1 -
Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Droot.config="%INST_DIR%
\ESWeb\ESConfig" -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dconfig.home="%INST_DIR%\ESWeb
\ESConfig" -Dreports.home="%INST_DIR%\ESWeb\ESLogs" -DSCH=true -
DAuditService=com.aciworldwide.application.audit.UAUDManager - - -
Djdal.trace=false -Djdal.trace.method=false -"%INST_DIR%\ESWeb\ESConfig\security
\security\jsf_jaas.config" -Dorg.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO=false -
DBSICONTEXT="$USER_INSTALL_DIR$\ESWeb\ESConfig\bsicontext.xml" -

2. Restart the ESWEB server and ACIJMX agent applications.
3. Log on to the ACI desktop user interface and open the Application Management window
(accessed from System Operations > Application Management > Application
Management) to establish the TLS 1.2 connection between the ESWEB server and the
ACIJMX agent.
If the Application Management window opens successfully, the TLS 1.2 configuration is
correct. If it does not open successfully, verify the configuration in the steps above.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 324

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Configuring the ACIJMX agent

Configure a TLS 1.2 connection between ESWEB

and the ACIJMX agent using IBM WAS
A TLS-enabled connection between the ACIJMX agent and the BASE24-eps system using IBM
WebSphere Application Server meets payment industry best practices to safeguard sensitive
cardholder data during transmission. To enable TLS for an ACIJMX agent connection to BASE24-
eps using IBM WebSphere Application Server, perform the following steps.
Important: Industry security best practices dictate that you should not fall back to SSL or
an earlier version of TLS once you have implemented a TLS 1.2 connection either through
manual configuration or by running an automated installation script.
1. Add the following parameters in the 'Generic JVM arguments' statements in the WAS Console.


You must add them on the Control, Servant, and Adjunct displays under Process definition as
shown in the following examples. After adding them, click the Apply button and then ‘Save
directly to the master configuration’.
Note: This is the equivalent to the ‘JAVA_OPTS’ statement of the startesweb.bat file
used with Apache Tomcat.
In the following examples, "ES_QZ25" is the name of the LPAR on which WAS is deployed.
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > ES_QZ25 > Server
Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process definition > Control >
Additional Properties > Java Virtual Machine

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 325

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Configuring the ACIJMX agent

Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > ES_QZ25 > Server
Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process definition > Servant >
Additional Properties > Java Virtual Machine

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 326

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Configuring the ACIJMX agent

Note: The "" property is only needed for tracing and should not
be included in production.
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > ES_QZ25 > Server
Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process definition > Adjunct >
Additional Properties > Java Virtual Machine

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 327

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Configuring the ACIJMX agent

2. Update the ssl.client.props file located in the /wasv85config/w85cell/w8nodeb/

AppServer/profiles/default/properties directory with the following property:

Note: ACI recommends that you transfer the ssl.client.props file as binary to your local
workstation, perform the change, and copy it back. This step is also a pre-installation
step for both UNIX and IBM System z platforms so it may already be completed for
recent installations. Refer to the BASE24-eps (R2.1) UNIX Pre-Install Checklist and
Worksheet and BASE24-eps (R2.1) zOS Pre-Install Checklist and Worksheet for more
3. Restart the JMX agent, ESWEB server (Application Server instance), and WAS.
4. Log on to the ACI desktop user interface and open the Application Management window
(accessed from System Operations > Application Management > Application
Management) to establish the TLS 1.2 connection between the ESWEB server and the
ACIJMX agent.
If the Application Management window opens successfully, the TLS 1.2 configuration is
correct. If it does not open successfully, verify the configuration in the steps above.
5. Verify that TLS 1.2 handshake calls are logged in the $ESJMX/logs/ ACIJMX.stdout file.
6. Because content is added at the end of the ACIJMX.stdout file, you may want to run the
command “tail -f ACIJMX.stdout” to monitor the file before opening the Application
Management window.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 328

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Starting and stopping the
Section 18:
ACIJMX agent
This section describes the procedures for starting and stopping the ACIJMX agent. Starting and
stopping ACIJMX agents must be done from the command prompt for the respective platform on
which the agent is to run.
Prerequisite: The procedures in this section assume that the ACIJMX agent is installed and
configured. You will need to know where its directory is located and be able to access that

In this section:

Start the ACIJMX agent on an IBM system z platform....................................................330

Stop the ACIJMX agent on an IBM system z platform.................................................... 331
Start the ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX platform........................................................ 331
Stop the ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX platform......................................................... 332
Start the ACIJMX Agent on a Windows Platform............................................................ 332
Stop the ACIJMX agent on a Windows platform.............................................................333
Start the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop platform...................................................... 333
Stop the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop platform...................................................... 334

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 329

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Starting and stopping the ACIJMX agent

Start the ACIJMX agent on an IBM system z

Use the steps described below for starting or restarting an ACIJMX agent on an IBM System z
platform. These steps must be carried out for each agent to be started.
Starting an ACIJMX agent requires submitting the RACIJMX JCL job and checking the JESOUT
output location once the job terminates to verify that the ACIJMX agent started.

JCL job


Submit the JCL job

1. From the ISPF (Interactive System Productivity Facility) main console, access the Data Set
Utility screen. For example, type “3.4” and press Enter.
2. From the Data Set Utility screen, enter <PDSHLQ>.<SYSTEMPRFIX>.JCL using the values for
your system for the Dsname Level parameter and press Enter (Example:
3. Position the cursor in front of the data set name and enter an “m” command to open the PDS
(Partioned Data Set).
4. Position the cursor in front of the RACIJMX member and enter a “sub” command to submit the

Check the status of the start job

1. From the ISPF main console, access the System Display and Search Facility screen. For
example, type “sd” and press Enter.
2. From the System Display and Search Facility screen, type
pre <JOBPREFIX>*, to limit the job selections to your jobs, and press Enter.
3. Enter an “st” command to get access to the status of your jobs.
4. Position the cursor in front of the job you just ran, type “?”, and press Enter to open the job
5. Position the cursor in front of JESOUT, and enter an “s” command to open it.
If the ACIJMX agent started successfully, you will see the following message: “Application
Management Server started”.
If the ACIJMX agent did not start successfully, you will see the following message: “Failed to
start application management server”.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 330

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Starting and stopping the ACIJMX agent

Stop the ACIJMX agent on an IBM system z

Use the steps described below for stopping an ACIJMX agent on an IBM System z platform. These
steps must be carried out for each agent to be stopped.
Stopping an ACIJMX agent requires submitting the CACIJMX JCL job.
Caution: Stopping an ACIJMX agent terminates monitoring of its managed resources and
may impact automated operations that rely on monitoring data (e.g., restarting of
processes that terminate abnormally). Note that the ACIJMX agent can be restarted and will
reacquire its managed resource without issue; it will pick up monitoring where it left off.

JCL job


Submit the JCL job

1. From the ISPF (Interactive System Productivity Facility) main console, access the Data Set
Utility screen. For example, type “3.4” and press Enter.
2. From the Data Set Utility screen, enter <PDSHLQ>.<SYSTEMPRFIX>.JCL using the values for
your system for the Dsname Level parameter and press Enter (Example: TSOJMKA.JMK4.JCL)
3. Position the cursor in front of the data set name and enter an “m” command to open the PDS
(Partioned Data Set).
4. Position the cursor in front of the CACIJMX member and enter a “sub” command to submit the

Start the ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX

Use the following steps for starting or restarting an ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX platform.
These steps must be carried out for each agent to be started.
1. Access the Linux/UNIX command prompt.
2. Change directories to the agent’s bin directory.

$ > cd <ACIJMX home directory>/bin

3. Load the agent’s environment variables.

$ > . acijmx_env_vars
4. Run the runacijmx script.

$ >./runacijmx
5. The following response is returned if the startup is successful.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 331

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Starting and stopping the ACIJMX agent

Application Management Server started

$ >

Stop the ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX

Use the following steps for stopping an ACIJMX agent on a Linux/UNIX platform. These steps must
be carried out for each agent to be stopped.
Caution: Stopping an ACIJMX agent terminates monitoring of its managed resources and
may impact automated operations that rely on monitoring data (e.g. restarting of processes
that terminate abnormally). Note that the ACIJMX agent can be restarted and will reacquire
its managed resource without issue; it will pick up monitoring where it left off.
1. Access the Linux/UNIX command prompt.
2. Change directories to the agent’s bin directory.

$ > cd <ACIJMX home directory>/bin

3. Load the agent’s environment variables.

$ > . acijmx_env_vars
4. Run the stopacijmx script.

$ >./stopacijmx

Start the ACIJMX Agent on a Windows Platform

Use the following steps for starting or restarting an ACIJMX agent on a Windows platform. These
steps must be carried out for each agent to be started.
Perform the following steps if you are starting the ACIJMX agent using batch file scripts:
1. Access the Windows command prompt.
2. Change directories to the agent’s bin directory.

$ > cd <ACIJMX home directory>/bin

3. Load the agent’s environment variables.

$ > . acijmx_env_vars.bat
4. Run the runacijmx script.

$ >./runacijmx.bat
5. The following response is returned if the startup is successful.

Application Management Server started

$ >

Perform the following steps to start the ACIJMX agent Windows service if you have configured
the agent to run as a Windows service.

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Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Starting and stopping the ACIJMX agent

6. Access the Windows command prompt.

7. Enter the net start command for the service:

net start <service name>

Stop the ACIJMX agent on a Windows platform

Use the following steps for stopping an ACIJMX agent on a Windows platform. These steps must
be carried out for each agent to be stopped.
Caution: Stopping an ACIJMX agent terminates monitoring of its managed resources and
may impact automated operations that rely on monitoring data (e.g. restarting of processes
that terminate abnormally). Note that the ACIJMX agent can be restarted and will reacquire
its managed resource without issue; it will pick up monitoring where it left off.
Perform the following steps to stop the ACIJMX agent Windows service if you have configured the
agent to run as a Windows service.
1. Access the Windows command prompt.
2. Enter the net stop command for the service:

net stop <service name>

Otherwise, kill the window used to start the agent from the runacijmx script or kill the agent
from the Task Manager.

Start the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop

Use the following steps for starting or restarting an ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop platform.
These steps must be carried out for each agent to be started.
1. Access the TACL command prompt.
2. Change subvolumes to the BASE24-eps control subvolume (the RUNJMX macro is located in
this subvolume).

$MYVOL MYSUBVOL 1> VOLUME $<controlsubvol>.<prefix>CNTL

3. Run the RUNJMX TACL macro. This invokes the RunACIJMXNoHup script.

$<controlsubvol> <prefix>CNTL 2> RUNJMX

4. The following response is returned if the startup is successful.

Starting JMX ($<prefix>JMX), Hometerm $ZTN0.#PTJNYJ7

JMX $<prefix>JMX started.

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 333

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Starting and stopping the ACIJMX agent

Stop the ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop

Use the following steps for stopping an ACIJMX agent on an HP NonStop platform. These steps
must be carried out for each agent to be stopped.
Caution: Stopping an ACIJMX agent terminates monitoring of its managed resources and
may impact automated operations that rely on monitoring data. Note that the ACIJMX agent
can be restarted and will reacquire its managed resource without issue; it will pick up
monitoring where it left off.
1. Access the TACL command prompt.
2. Enter the standard STOP command in TACL using the name of the agent.

$VOL SUBVOL 1> STOP $<prefix>JMX

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 334

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Modifying the display
Section 19:
hierarchy of the Application Detail
window/Management Console page
This section describes how to change the default display hierarchy of the Application Management
Detail window and Management Console browser page.

In this section:

Detail window and Management Console page display hierarchy.................................... 336

Changing the descriptor files....................................................................................... 336
Grouping by attribute values....................................................................................... 338
Extending the hierarchical display for dynamically registered resources.......................... 342
Visibility level for components and services.................................................................. 345

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 335

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Detail window and Management Console page

display hierarchy
Resources are grouped and displayed in the left-hand navigation pane of the Detail window and
Management Console browser page based on a standard default hierarchy.
You can change the hierarchical grouping as well as the group labels used in the navigation pane
by making some minor configuration changes. This capability enables you to tailor the display to
your site.

Default hierarchy and grouping levels

The default hierarchy for the navigation pane of the Detail window and Management Console
browser page mimics the basic relationship of the MBeans to one another. For instance, the
following example illustrates how ProcessManager resources are presented in the default
hierarchy. This default hierarchy can be modified to group resources based on the Type attribute,
which is user-configurable and exposed by every MBean.

<Zprocess 1 sym-name>
<Zprocess 2 sym-name>
<JSFprocess 1 sym-name>
<JSFprocess 2 sym-name>
<SISprocess 1 sym-name>
<SISprocess 2 sym-name>
<SISprocess 3 sym-name>

Grouping levels appear in the Detail window and Management Console browser page as a means
for organizing managed resources. In this example, the italicized red entries are simply grouping
levels shown for the purpose of organizing the managed objects—the default names used for
these grouping levels are names of the corresponding MBeans and can be changed.
The ProcessManager and individual process entries represent actual managed objects in the
system. They have corresponding MBeans that expose their own attributes and operations—which
you would be able to see if you clicked on them on the Detail window or Management Console
browser page.

Changing the descriptor files

To modify the display hierarchy and labeling of the Detail window or Management Console
browser page, you need to make changes to the MBean descriptor files found in the

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 336

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

<ACIJMX_BASE>\config directory. A hierarchy field must be added to a specific set of

<descriptor> fields.
There are a number of <descriptor> tag sets in each descriptor file, but the global-level descriptor
fields you need to change are located toward the end of the file. The following is an excerpt of the
descriptor fields from the SISZProcess-descriptor.xml file.

<field name="log" value="false"/>
<field name="visibility" value="2"/>
<field name="descriptortype" value="mbean"/>
<field name="displayname" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="export" value="F"/>
<field name="currencytimelimit" value="-1"/>
<field name="name" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="persistpolicy" value="OnUpdate"/>

You need to insert a hierarchy field as shown in red in the example below. There are a number of
options you can use with the hierarchy field to tailor organization and grouping labels.

<field name="log" value="false"/>
<field name="visibility" value="2"/>
<field name="descriptortype" value="mbean"/>
<field name="displayname" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="export" value="F"/>
<field name="currencytimelimit" value="-1"/>
<field name="name" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="persistpolicy" value="OnUpdate"/>
<field name="hierarchy" value="{[Type]}"/>

Hierarchy field options

A few basic rules apply to the format of the hierarchy MBean field descriptor:
• Levels within the hierarchy are separated by commas (,).
• Grouping levels in the hierarchy tree (those levels that are displayed only and do not represent
real managed objects) are delimited by braces ({and}).
• Attribute values to be supplied in grouping levels are delimited by square brackets
([ and ]).

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Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Applying the changes to a live ACIJMX environment

Once the descriptor files are changed, all affected objects must be updated using the sync
operation (the Sync button on the Application Management Detail window or Management Console
browser page) for each object.

Grouping by attribute values

Each MBean supports a Type attribute, which is a user-specified type value by which the resource
can be classified. Types can be set individually by resource and then used to group the resources
in the navigational pane of the Application Management Detail window or Management Console
browser page. For example, here is a default example of nine processes whose MBeans are
instantiated from the SISZProcess-descriptor.xml file. Several additional examples are provided
below to illustrate how the hierarchy can be changed.

<Process 1 sym-name>
<Process 2 sym-name>
<Process 3 sym-name>
<Process 4 sym-name>
<Process 5 sym-name>
<Process 6 sym-name>
<Process 7 sym-name>
<Process 8 sym-name>
<Process 9 sym-name>

Using other attributes for grouping

The type attribute is standard across all MBeans and is intended to provide for typing resources
such that they can be grouped by type. However, other attributes can be used. The only
restrictions are that the attribute be readable/writable (i.e., configuration attributes). Attributes
whose value changes over time, such as a Process’s State attribute (or other read-only
attributes), are not useful attributes to specify in this case.

Example: organizing resources by type

To organize processes using the type attribute, you must modify the corresponding MBean
descriptor file. In this case, the SISZProcess-descriptor.xml file would be modified as follows.

<field name="log" value="false"/>
<field name="visibility" value="2"/>
<field name="descriptortype" value="mbean"/>
<field name="displayname" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="export" value="F"/>
<field name="currencytimelimit" value="-1"/>

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 338

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

<field name="name" value="SISZProcess"/>

<field name="persistpolicy" value="OnUpdate"/>
<field name="hierarchy" value="{[Type]}"/>

You would also need to modify the type attribute for each of the process resources. In the
following example, the type attributes for processes 1–3 would be set to Group A, the type
attributes for processes 5–6 would be set to Group B, the type attributes for processes 7–9 would
be set to Group C.

Before After

ProcessManager ProcessManager
SISZProcess Group A
<Process 1 sym-name> <Process 1 sym-name>
<Process 2 sym-name> <Process 2 sym-name>
<Process 3 sym-name> <Process 3 sym-name>
<Process 4 sym-name> Group B
<Process 5 sym-name> <Process 4 sym-name>
<Process 6 sym-name> <Process 5 sym-name>
<Process 7 sym-name> <Process 6 sym-name>
<Process 8 sym-name> Group C
<Process 9 sym-name> <Process 7 sym-name>
<Process 8 sym-name>
<Process 9 sym-name>

Example: changing the group level text

To modify the text used in the group level but not change the basic sorting, you would only need
to modify the corresponding MBean descriptor file. In this case, the SISZProcess-descriptor.xml
file could be modified as follows.

<field name="log" value="false"/>
<field name="visibility" value="2"/>
<field name="descriptortype" value="mbean"/>
<field name="displayname" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="export" value="F"/>
<field name="currencytimelimit" value="-1"/>
<field name="name" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="persistpolicy" value="OnUpdate"/>
<field name="hierarchy" value="{EPS Processes}"/>

In this case, no attribute changes would be required and the results would look similar to the

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 339

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Before After

ProcessManager ProcessManager
SISZProcess EPS Processes
<Process 1 sym-name> <Process 1 sym-name>
<Process 2 sym-name> <Process 2 sym-name>
<Process 3 sym-name> <Process 3 sym-name>
<Process 4 sym-name> <Process 4 sym-name>
<Process 5 sym-name> <Process 5 sym-name>
<Process 6 sym-name> <Process 6 sym-name>
<Process 7 sym-name> <Process 7 sym-name>
<Process 8 sym-name> <Process 8 sym-name>
<Process 9 sym-name> <Process 9 sym-name>

Example: specifying attributes within grouping levels

To organize processes using the type attribute and change the group level labeling, you would
modify the corresponding MBean descriptor file. In this case, the SISZProcess-descriptor.xml file
would be modified as follows.

<field name="log" value="false"/>
<field name="visibility" value="2"/>
<field name="descriptortype" value="mbean"/>
<field name="displayname" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="export" value="F"/>
<field name="currencytimelimit" value="-1"/>
<field name="name" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="persistpolicy" value="OnUpdate"/>
<field name="hierarchy" value="{EPS Processes},{[Type]}"/>

You would also need to modify the type attribute for each of the process resources. In the
following example, the type attributes for processes 1–3 would be set to Group A, the type
attributes for processes 5–6 would be set to Group B, the type attributes for processes 7–9 would
be set to Group C.

Before After

ProcessManager ProcessManager
SISZProcess EPS Processes
<Process 1 sym-name> Group A
<Process 2 sym-name> <Process 1 sym-name>
<Process 3 sym-name> <Process 2 sym-name>
<Process 4 sym-name> <Process 3 sym-name>
<Process 5 sym-name> Group B
<Process 6 sym-name> <Process 4 sym-name>

BASE24-eps® 2.1.6 340

Application Management User Guide — May 2017
Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Before After

<Process 7 sym-name> <Process 5 sym-name>

<Process 8 sym-name> <Process 6 sym-name>
<Process 9 sym-name> Group C
<Process 7 sym-name>
<Process 8 sym-name>
<Process 9 sym-name>

Example: specifying text and attributes within grouping levels

To organize processes using the type attribute and include the type attribute text in the group
level labeling, you would modify the SISZProcess-descriptor.xml file as follows.

<field name="log" value="false"/>
<field name="visibility" value="2"/>
<field name="descriptortype" value="mbean"/>
<field name="displayname" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="export" value="F"/>
<field name="currencytimelimit" value="-1"/>
<field name="name" value="SISZProcess"/>
<field name="persistpolicy" value="OnUpdate"/>
<field name="hierarchy" value="{EPS Processes: [Type]}"/>

You would also need to modify the type attribute for each of the process resources. In the
following example, the type attributes for processes 1–3 would be set to Group A, the type
attributes for processes 5–6 would be set to Group B, the type attributes for processes 7–9 would
be set to Group C.

Before After

ProcessManager ProcessManager
SISZProcess EPS Processes: Group A
<Process 1 sym-name> <Process 1 sym-name>
<Process 2 sym-name> <Process 2 sym-name>
<Process 3 sym-name> <Process 3 sym-name>
<Process 4 sym-name> EPS Processes: Group B
<Process 5 sym-name> <Process 4 sym-name>
<Process 6 sym-name> <Process 5 sym-name>
<Process 7 sym-name> <Process 6 sym-name>
<Process 8 sym-name> EPS Processes: Group C
<Process 9 sym-name> <Process 7 sym-name>
<Process 8 sym-name>
<Process 9 sym-name>

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Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Extending the hierarchical display for

dynamically registered resources
Dynamically registered component and service resources can extend the basic hierarchical
navigation structure used to display them in the Application Management user interface. This can
be useful because resources that register dynamically can be of varying types. By extending the
display labeling, these resources can be grouped and labeled in a more meaningful fashion.
The resource_hierarchy property is an optional property that can be included in the messages sent
to the ACIJMX agent to dynamically register components and services. This property extends the
basic display levels in the Application Management navigation panel. Here is an excerpt from a
component registration message. In this example, the component would be displayed in a three-
level deep hierarchy.

<indication type="register"> <component name="DebitAddRq_Consumer"


The conventions require curly brackets { }, which multiple levels separated by commas.
If the resource_hierarchy property is not included in the registration message, the hierarchy
defaults to the hierarchy defined in the generic Component or Service Template descriptor files. If
the resource_hierarchy property is included, the hierarchy in the registration message is
appended to the default hierarchy found in the generic Component or Service Template descriptor
Here is an example where the resource_hierarchy property is not included. In this example, the
services are displayed under a Services folder, and the components are displayed under a
Components folder. The hierarchy is relatively flat as shown here, and components and services
that may be dynamically registering for different reasons are mixed together.

Service 1 sym-name
Service 2 sym-name
Service 3 sym-name
Service 4 sym-name
Service 5 sym-name
Component 1 sym-name
Component 2 sym-name
Component 3 sym-name
Component 4 sym-name
Component 5 sym-name

By including the resource_hierarchy property during dynamic registration, resources can be

grouped and labeled in a more meaningful way. For example, here are several properties settings
for the services and components in the list above.

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Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Resource Property value

Service 1 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 1},{Subgroup a}”

Service 2 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 1},{Subgroup a}”

Service 3 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 2},{Subgroup b}”

Service 4 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 2},{Subgroup b}”

Service 5 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 2},{Subgroup c}”

Service 6 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 2},{Subgroup c}”

Component 1 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 3},{Subgroup d}”

Component 2 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 3},{Subgroup d}”

Component 3 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 3},{Subgroup d}”

Component 4 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 4},{Subgroup e}”

Component 5 sym-name
resource_hierarchy = “{Group 4},{Subgroup e}”

These settings would create hierarchical navigation groupings as shown here.

Group 1
Subgroup a
Service 1 sym-name
Service 2 sym-name
Group 2
Subgroup b
Service 3 sym-name
Service 4 sym-name
Subgroup c
Service 5 sym-name
Service 6 sym-name
Group 3
Subgroup d
Component 1 sym-name
Component 2 sym-name
Component 3 sym-name

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Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Group 4
Subgroup e
Component 4 sym-name
Component 5 sym-name

Custom hierarchies used by BASE24-eps business services

BASE24-eps services register as both components and services, depending on the attributes and
operations being exposed. This is the hierarchy that they use.

Function MBean type Hierarchy

SBA Metrics Component
{SBA}, {____}, {____}

{SBA}, {____}, {____}

Foundation Metrics Component

{BSVC}, {____}, {____}

{BSVC}, {____}, {____}

SBA Service Management Service

{SBA}, {____}, {____}

Here is an excerpt from the XML message for dynamically registering an SBA component, sent
from the SIS API to the ACIJMX Agent will be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<indication type="register">
<component name="DebitAddRq_Consumer" resource_hierarchy="{SBA}">

Here is an excerpt of the response showing the MBeanParents tag, which describes how the
resource is to be grouped and displayed in the Application Management windows.

<MBeanDescription>Model MBean that represents a Component

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Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Visibility level for components and services

Service and component MBeans have visibility properties defined in their corresponding MBean
descriptor files that control how the ACIJMX agent exposes the components and services and their
attributes and operations in the Application Management user interface.

Visibility properties
Visibility properties are set in the MBean descriptor files: one for the MBean itself and one for each
attribute and operation that is defined for the MBean.

Value Service/Component settings Attribute/Operation settings

1 Most visible. The corresponding service Most visible.The corresponding attribute
or component will appear in both detail or operation will appear in both detail
and summary type displays in the and summary type displays in the
Application Management user interface. Application Management user interface.
2 and 3 Visible. The corresponding service or Visible. The corresponding attribute or
component will appear individually in operation will appear individually in
detail type displays in the Application detail type displays in the Application
Management user interface, but will not Management user interface, but will not
appear in any summary type displays. appear in any summary type displays.
4 Not visible.The corresponding service or Not visible. The corresponding attribute
component will not appear in any or operation will not appear in any
Application Management user interface Application Management user interface
displays. displays.

Changing visibility
Visibility changes must be made to the descriptor files themselves. Typically, these need not be
changed, unless you want to change a value to a 4 (not visible).

How dynamically registered resources are handled

The visibility of resources that register dynamically with the ACIJMX agent is controlled by the
visibility settings in the MBean Component-descriptor and Service-descriptor files, which are set to
2 (visible). This means the resources will appear on the individual detail Application Management
displays, but not the summary displays.

Dynamically registered SBA and BASE24-eps business service resources

The ACIJMX agent has built-in processing to recognize SBA and BASE24-eps business service
(BSVC) components and services that register dynamically. As these resources register, the
ACIJMX agent adjusts the visibility to enable them to appear in specific Application Management
summary displays.
The action is based on the SummaryScreenType attribute included for the registering
resource.The following table shows the visibility adjustments that are made by the ACIJMX agent.

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Modifying the display hierarchy of the Application Detail window/Management Console page

Resource Summary Attributes Operations Related summary

ScreenType display
Component SBA All attributes The ResetCount, SBA Components
are set to a TraceOn, and TraceOff Summary
visibility of 1, operations are set to a
so they will be visibility of 1.
BSVC The ResetCount BSVC Components
operation is set to a Summary
visibility of 1.
Service SBA The ResetCount SBA Services
operation is set to a Summary
visibility of 1.
SBA_MGMT No operations are SBA Management
exposed. Services Summary
BSVC The ResetCount BSVC Services
operation is set to a Summary
visibility of 1.

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Post installation configuration
Section 20:
for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop
This section describes the additional configuration that must be performed following an Application
Management installation for a BASE24-eps system on an HP NonStop platform.

In this section:

Application management for BASE24-eps on an HP NonStop platform............................ 348

Configure ONCF security for the application management agent.................................... 348
Configuring the agent management service..................................................................354

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Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop

Application management for BASE24-eps on an

HP NonStop platform
The BASE24-eps HP NonStop Install utility configures BASE24-eps resources for the Application
Management (ACIJMX) agent. The install utility performs the following steps:
1. Establishes the base configuration for the ACIJMX agent. A supplied Java utility class accepts
a number of parameters as input and creates the following basic set of configuration files:
• $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file—contains values for the properties required
for initialization.
• $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/acijmx.mlet and $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/acijmxboot.mlet files
—contains entries for all management resources that are to be loaded by the agent at
• $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file—contains an example of the format for
specifying a decryption key for the ONCF password for an XPNET system.
• $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/esconfig.xml file—contains the definitions of a representative set
of XPNET resources to be monitored.
2. Adds the External Connection record from the UI Java Server to the ACIJMX agent.
3. Invokes the runmbeanscriptbuilder utility, which reads the esconfig.xml file and generates a
Jython script file that contains script code to add the XPNET resources for monitoring.
4. Invokes the runscript utility, which processes the script generated in the previous step to add
the resources to the ACIJMX agent.

Configure ONCF security for the application

management agent
The ACIJMX agent uses the programmatic operator interface to XPNET—the Open Network Control
Facility (ONCF)—to issue commands (e.g. INFO, STATUS, STATISTICS, START, STOP) to manage
XPNET resources. Optionally, XPNET can be configured with command security that specifies for
each user whether the user has access to each network control command.
The XPNET N24DEFS file contains a number of defines that are used by the N24SETUP macro. The
ONCF-SECURITY define specifies the value generated (in the XPNET PATHCONF file) for the
ENABLE-SECURITY parameter on the NCPI servers. Valid values are OFF, ON, or DETAIL. If
command security is set to OFF on the NCPI servers, Configuring ONCF Security can be skipped.
For further information on ONCF security configuration in XPNET, refer to the following:
• NET24-XPNET Installation Guide, for information about accessing the Pathway screens for the
NCSP and NCSS file maintenance.
• NET24-XPNET Network Control Operations Guide, for information about network control
command security.
The BASE24-eps HP NonStop Install utility executes the ACIJMX agent's runconfigbuilder script in
the OSS environment. This creates a file in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config
directory. The end of the generated file contains the following that is pertinent to
ONCF security:

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Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop
# The following section of the file is a place holder where user
# properties to be encrypted may be placed.
# It is critical that the section begin with "Begin User Encrypted
# Values" and end with "End User Encrypted Values".
##### Begin User Encrypted Values #####################################
##### End User Encrypted Values #######################################

If command security has been turned on (the ONCF-SECURITY define in the N24DEFS file was set
to ON or DETAIL), you must perform the following steps:
1. Add a Network Control Security Profile (NCSP) record for the ACIJMX agent.
2. Add a Network Control Security Specification (NCSS) record for the ACIJMX agent.
3. Configure a property containing the ONCF user ID in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file.
4. Configure a property containing the encrypted ONCF password in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/
config/ file
5. Run the encryptpasswords script that will prompt you for a password to encrypt with a
specified key.
6. Specify the encryption key that was specified when running the encryptpasswords script in
the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file.
7. If the ACIJMX agent is already running, it must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Additional detailed information for these steps is provided in the following topics. Refer to the
“ACIJMX agent file” topic for a description of all of the properties in the file that are specific to the ACIJMX agent.

Adding NCSP and NCSS records for the ACIJMX agent

ACI recommends that commands issued by the ACIJMX agent be executed under the control of a
Network Control Security Specification (NCSS) and associated Network Control Security Profile
(NCSP) record configured exclusively for the ACIJMX agent—with access to only those network
control commands required by the ACIJMX agent.
Each of the tables below list the XPNET network control commands and the associated ACIJMX
agent resources and operations that require the use of network control commands. Access to
these commands should be enabled in the NCSP record for the ACIJMX agent.
Refer to the XPNET manuals for further information on Network Control Command Security.

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Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop

Required Command Access for NCS Object Type: NODE

NCS Profile NCS Profile Used by ACIJMX Used by ACIJMX

Command Command Option Resource Operations(s)
RESETSTATS XPNETNode Reset Statistics
STATISTICS XPNETNode (get attributes)
STATUS XPNETNode (get attributes)

Required Command Access for NCS Object Type: PROCESS

NCS Profile NCS Profile Used by ACIJMX Used by ACIJMX

Command Command Option Resource Operations(s)
ALTER QAT XPNETQueue (set attributes)
ALTER QMI XPNETQueue (set attributes)
ALTER QMT XPNETQueue (set attributes)
INFO XPNETProcess (get attributes)
RESETSTATS XPNETProcess Reset Statistics
START XPNETProcess Start
STATISTICS XPNETProcess (get attributes)
STATUS XPNETProcess (get attributes)
STOP XPNETProcess Stop

Required Command Access for NCS Object Type: STATION

NCS Profile NCS Profile Used by ACIJMX Used by ACIJMX

Command Command Option Resource Operations(s)
ALTER QAT XPNETQueue (set attributes)
ALTER QMI XPNETQueue (set attributes)
ALTER QMT XPNETQueue (set attributes)

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Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop

NCS Profile NCS Profile Used by ACIJMX Used by ACIJMX

Command Command Option Resource Operations(s)
INFO XPNETStation (get attributes)
RESETSTATS XPNETStation Reset Statistics
START XPNETStation Start
STATISTICS XPNETStation (get attributes)
STATUS XPNETStation (get attributes)
STOP XPNETStation Stop

Required Command Access for NCS Object Type: DEST

NCS Profile NCS Profile Used by ACIJMX Used by ACIJMX

Command Command Option Resource Operations(s)
ALTER QAT XPNETQueue (set attributes)
ALTER QMI XPNETQueue (set attributes)
ALTER QMT XPNETQueue (set attributes)
INFO XPNETStation (get attributes)
RESETSTATS XPNETStation Reset Statistics
STATISTICS XPNETStation (get attributes)
STATUS XPNETStation (get attributes)

Example recommended settings

The following is an example of the recommended settings for the XPNET NCSS record for the
ACIJMX agent—assuming the agent will be running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

NET24-ONCF NCS SPECIFICATION 07/09/17 22:59 01 OF 01


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Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop

NODE: ****************
**************************** USAGE RESTRICTIONS ****************************
END TIME (HH:MM): 23:59 FR: Y SA: Y SU: Y
*************************** PASSWORD REQUIREMENTS **************************
*********************************** NET24 ************************************

Configuring the ONCF user ID property

The ONCF user ID to be used for an XPNET system is specified by the property in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/
file, where xxxx is the XPNET system name.
To specify the ONCF user ID for your first XPNET system:
• Edit the generated $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file.
• Uncomment the following line and change the user ID (on the right of the equals sign) to the
appropriate value:
• Change the characters xxxx in the property name to the name of your XPNET system (4
characters). This must be specified in lower case.
For subsequent XPNET systems, add a new line to the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/
file, specifying a property using the format described above.

Configuring the ONCF password property

The ONCF password to be used for an XPNET system is specified by the
acijmx.oncf.xpnet.system.xxxx.user.password property in the
$ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file, where xxxx is the XPNET system name.
To specify the ONCF password for your first XPNET system:
• Edit the generated $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file.
• Uncomment the following line:

• Change the characters xxxx in the property name to the name of your XPNET system (4
characters). This must be specified in lower case.
Note: Do not replace the placeholder with the password, as that will be done in the next
step when you run the encryptpasswords script.

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Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop

For subsequent XPNET systems, add a new line to the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/

file, specifying a property using the format described above.

Generating the encrypted password

Once the previous two steps have been completed (configuring the and password
properties) you are now ready to run the encryptpasswords script in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/bin
The encryptpasswords script executes the password encryption utility
(ConfigPropertyBuilder.class). This utility searches the specified file for start and
end markers that may surround one or more properties to be encrypted. The start marker for the
encrypted block of properties is a comment (comment lines start with the # character) containing
the text “Begin User Encrypted Values”. The end marker is a comment line containing the text
“End User Encrypted Values”. For more information on the ConfigPropertyBuilder.class password
encryption utility, refer to the BASE24-eps Java Server Reference Guide.
For each property found between the markers, the utility prompts you to enter a value for the
property and a key to use to encrypt the value. The utility then replaces the property value with
an encrypted property value.
The following is an example of encrypting passwords using the encryptpasswords script in the JMX
bin directory, where the XPNET system name is TEST. User input is shown in bold.

/B24ES_074/ESJMX/bin: ./encryptpasswords ../config/

Generating properties file: ../config/
Press "Enter" for prompts that are not applicable.
Processing User Encrypted Values.
Enter acijmx.oncf.xpnet.system.test.user.password:
Enter <KEY> to use for encrypting acijmx.oncf.xpnet.system.test.user.password:
acijmx.oncf.xpnet.system.test.user.password Encrypted value is: 5b839e109f7ee03e
Processing Complete for User Encrypted Values.
Processing Complete.

Note: Avoid the use of backslashes and single and double quotes in the key to avoid having
to deal with special escaping rules for data in properties files in the next step, Configuring
the Encryption Key Property.
Encrypted property values are only replaced if you enter both a value and a key. If you press
Enter without entering either value, the property value is not modified.

Configuring the encryption key property

You now need to specify the encryption key that you entered in the previous step (e.g.
Examplekey in the example above) in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file. The
key specified in this file must exactly match the key entered in the previous step and is case
sensitive. The key needs to be specified as the value of a property in the following format:


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Post installation configuration for BASE24-eps on the HP NonStop

Where xxxx is the XPNET system name and ExampleKey is an example of a key that was specified
when the encryptpasswords utility was executed.
Properties File Format Note: The properties file format has special rules regarding the use of the
backslash character and single and double quotes. For further information on these rules refer to
The $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file is read by the ACIJMX agent when an
XPNETSystem MBean is initialized and the and password properties (discussed in the
previous steps) are set for that XPNET system. The ACIJMX agent reads the key so that it can
decrypt the encrypted password that is contained in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file.
The key is specified in a separate file to the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file (where
the encrypted password is stored) for security reasons. The $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/oncf- file should be secured so that only the system administrator and the ACIJMX
agent can read the file. Any user who can access the key could possibly decrypt the ONCF
password(s) in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file.

Configuring the agent management service

The configuration of the Agent Management Service is an optional step that provides greater
visibility for your BASE24-eps IS process. It allows instrumented components (e.g., Interface
Manager) in the IS process to connect to the ACIJMX agent to expose instrumented data for
Application Management.
To enable the Agent Management Service, the following line in the $ES_HOME/ESJMX/config/ file needs to be uncommented (by removing the leading # character on the

The specified <port> value must then be provided to the BASE24-eps IS processes in their
startup arguments. Refer to the “Configuring processes to instrument their own components and
services” topic on how that is done for the HP NonStop platform.

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