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. ..the world's
lowest cost
computer system TM

JOLT@) is the new, fully-tested microcomputer with the exclusive on-board DEMON@) debug
monitor. You can build it, plug it in and talk to it in three h.ours or less .. . for a price of just $249!
The basic JOLT@) card includes an 8-bit
MOS Technology Model 6502 CPU, which
requires no clock, can directly address
65k of memory, has two index registers ,
58 instructions with 11 addressing
modes , two interrupts and includes both
single step and address halt capability.
And that's only a part of it.
JOL T' s@l CPU ca rd is ava il ab le
I MMED IATEL Y* in either kit form or as-
semb led ($249 fo r the kit in single quanti ty
and $348 asse mbled). Eith er way , the
JOLT@l CPU is completely tes te d prior to
delive ry . It comes complete w ith a termi-
nal in terface (TTY or EIA) and a unique
so ftware DEbugger/ MONitor called
DEMON@l, for which fu ll documentation is
provided. It is ve ry easy to program, and All kits are de livered with a complete instruction manual and packaged for easy visual identifica -
any JOLT@l delivery inc lu des an easy-to- tion of parts to aid you in assembly.
fo llow assembly instruction manual, show-
to any termin al speed from 10-30 CPS. And the quantity of one price is what you
in g you exac tl y how to pu t everything With it, you can di splay and alter you r CPU mi g h t expec t to pay in quanti ties of
together . .. correctly. Comp lete asse m- reg ister and memory locations, plus you 100 ... ve ry inex pens ive I
bly should take you no more th an Ihree can read , write and pu nch Hex for matted
hours if you choose the CPU in kit form. There 's also a JOLT@) I/O card for you,
d ata ... wi th Write/Punc h BNPF format
Besides the JOLT@l CPU - the 6502 from data for PROM programmers . It has un li-
our Peripheral Interface Adapter. You
MOS Techno logy - the basic JOL T@l mited breakpoinl capab ility along with can't beat the price - single kit 96
card has a fully static memory accom- separale non-maskab le interrupt entry bucks - or the function.
modating 512 bytes of the user RAM . The and id entif icat ion. External device inter-
JOLT@l CPU memory also has 64 bytes of rupts can be direc ted to any locat ion you
inl e rru p t ve cto r RAM. ROM Progr a m choose, or tlley can be defaulted to
memo ry on the basic card cons ists of 1k DEMON@l recognition. DEMON@l also
bytes of monitor/debugg er with an au-
gives you (1) a completely protected ROM
tomatic Pow er-On boot str ap p rogram resident debug/monitor; (2) the capability
- so you can sta rt ta lking to JO LT@l and it to begin exec ution at any location in mem-
to you as soon as you plu g it in to your ory ; (3) the capability to bypass DEMON@l
terminal. On-board Inpu t/Output devices entirely to permit full control by you over
on the JOLT@l CPU ca rd inc lude TTY 20 your system ; (4) a high -speed 8-bit parallel
mi lliamp current loop and an EI A inter- input option ; and (5) it includes user call a- Pictured above is the assembled JOL T'fB! CPU
face, both fu ll duplex. The ca rd has hig h ble DEMON@l I/O subroutines. MOST IM-
card with DEMON@!. just plug it in and you 're
speed reade r interfac e lines and 16 fully ready to go.
prog rammab le user I/O lin es with full TTL STANDARD WITH ANY JOLT@l CPU KIT Tile JOLT@l PIA (Per iph e ral Interface
drive. OR ASSEMBLED BOARD! Adapter) I/O card includ es two PI A LSI
Nobody, but nobody, except MAl can c hips , 32 in put/output lin es, two interrupt
Obviously, the JOLT@) basiC card is a lines , on-boa rd decoding and standard
offer you an on-board debugger/monitor computer in and of itself. But you can add TTL dri ve. It is also fu lly programmable
like DEMON@) . It's fully documented, significantly to its capacity and versatil- and avai lab le IM MEDIATE LY' in either kit
too . ity by adding 4k RAM JOLT@) memories or assem bled form ... at a very attractive
The exclusive DEMON@l Debug Moni tor sing le un it price ($ 140 assembled) .
- in one card or a whole bunch. A RAM
real ly makes JOLT@l one of the most out- Considering the function and capacity of
standi ng computer sys tems offered at any card kit is only $265 (S 320 assembled).
Now. 4096 Bit R AM 4K BYTE the JOLT@) Power Supply Card, you
time, at any price . Even without DEMON@l
and its superior software featu res, JO LT@l Th e JOLT@l memory card is a fu lly static probably th ink the quantity of one price
is the lowest cos t computer system in ex is- 4,096-bit Random Access Memory (RAM) - $145 - is a misprint. It isn't.
tence. A nd DEMON@l is a bonus you'll with 1 microsecond access time and on- The JOLT@l fam il y also in c ludes a power
have to use to be lieve. First, it se lf-ada pts board decodin g. It is also available now.' supply card, which operates at any of
three vo ltages - +5, + 12 and - 10. The Th e JOLT@J Universal ca rd is comp lete ly •••••••••••••••••••••• ••
power supp ly supports the basic JOLT@J nude. It' s a bl ank you c an use any way ••
CPU card, plus 4,096 bytes of RAM and you wish, for contro l panels , T.V. inter-

1/0. The only two words for the price are faces , keyboards, LEO 's, or any other in - •
" di rt cheap. " It is available for delivery terface logic , becau se the card's holes •• All componenls in the JOLT@> family are
immediately with a single unit kit price of are d rill ed to accept 14 , 16,24, or 40 pin
••• first
new and ful ly tested prior to shipmen t. Kit
$ 145 ($190 assembled). sockets and has the same form factor as components are fully warranted during the
the other JOL T@J cards. Th e single unit 60 days of ownersh ip . Assembled
price is just $25.
•• parts are fully warranted during the fi rst 6
months of ownership. If you r properly as-
If you think you need extra cables, wires ••• ordersembled kit does not work. just ship you r
back to Microcomputer Associates
and the like, choose a Super Value •• Inc . and we'll repair. replace . or refund

JOLT@) Accessory Bag. A $55 Value for you r money.
just $40. •

Th e JOLT@J Accessory Bag in c lud es 25
separate parts , enough hardware to con-
nect one JOL T@J card to another. Order an 20% BONUS
The assembled power supply card shown
above powers the JOLT@! CPU, I/O, and RAM Accessory Bag for each add iti ona l JOLT@J NOW! Special ONE TIME BONUS DISCOUNT.
Memory cards. card. Th e Bag co ntains suc h necessary Order one CPU before November 10,1975 and
items as flat cab le, connectors , cord deduct 20% off of all additional cards and ac-
You can also choose a blank JOLT@) uni- cessories. (Note : Discount does not apply to
spacers , hardware , wire , etc.
versal card. Or several. CPU cards, assembled or unassembled.)

We told you JOLT@) was the world's lowest priced computer system. These prices prove it.
1-4 5-19 20-49 50-99 100 u~ 1-4 5- 19 20-49 50-99 100 uQ
JOLT@> CPU $249 $235 $230 $225 $215 JOLT@> CPU $348 $325 $320 $3 15 $305
JOLT@> RAM 265 255 250 245 235 JOLT@> RAM 320 305 300 295 280
JOLT@> I/O 96 90 88 82 75 JOLT@> 110 140 125 120 11 5 105
SU PPLY 145 135 130 128 115 SUPPLY 190 175 170 165 150


BAG 40 36 34 32 30


~;\'~~fom,!;~'6',~:,:~~c:.'~ loe.
Los Altos, Calif. 94022
( Phon e (415) 941-1977

r ,I
' Order will be shipped within 15 days. ©1975 Pehaco Corporation

I This coupon wi" bring you a JOLT@) ! Complete and return it.
Here is my check, money order or credit card payment for the
following JOll'@' products. If a U.S. or Canadian order, please add 200/0
Order one CPU before November 10, 1975 and 20% I
I $4.86 for shipping, handling and insurance. (Orders to all other
countries are priced F.O.B. los Alios and will be shipped FREIGHT

Send me immediately:
BONUS deduct 20% off of all additional cards and ac-
cessories . (Note: Discount does not apply to
CPU cards, assembled or unassembled.)




JOLT@>RAM MEMORY KIT (include 4-digit #)
JOLT@> I/O KIT My cred it card expires on

I ---
JOLT@> UNIVERSAL CARD Al l credit ca rd orders must be signed l )




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TOTAL REMITTANCE (U.S. DOLLARS ONLY) $ - -- - PH O NE --~~;::-;--==-r::::;::;--

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MAIL Pehaco Corporation, JOLT@> Sales A g e n t s d ' Make your check payable to: Microcomputer Associates Inc. ~rJ,
YOUR Microcomputer Associates Inc. Dept. G (ll. j Internationa l Orders: Payme nt should be cab led to Account
ORDER 111 Main St., Los Altos, Ca 94022 ~ #00417-06355 Ban k of America , 215 So. Murphy

All 0"", "bj'" 10 1h' p'i",4a.p.p.r.ov.a.lrofJt.h.e.m.8.n.urfa,•

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Machine will then perform services. That will make YOU feel good. Put your machine on a good SOFTWARE diet
like some of the following CHOW!
Discusses a "minimum length" Assembler program that can reside in 2K of memory, plus a more sophisticated
version for those who have additional memory and desire a more powerful version. Included in this manual is a
thorough explanation of the fundamental concepts of an assembler's operation, details on how to format the
"source listing," step-by-step analysis and presentation of subroutines, program flow charts, and assembled listings of
the programs ! Price? A very reasonable $17.95.
Describes variations of an "Editor" program that can reside in 2K of memory. Additional memory may be used to
increase the size of the text buffer. The program enables one to manipulate "text" in order to create "source
listings" or perform other kinds of text preparation. Includes discussion of routines, flow charts, and assembled
listing. Priced at just $14.95.
Describes a "Monitor Control" package that allows you to contro l the operation of your computer from an external
"keyboard" device. Various routines enable you to examine and modify memory locations and CPU registers, set
"breakpoints" and execute programs for "debugging" purposes, contro l bulk storage I/O devices, and perform other
useful functions. This manual comes complete with subroutine exp lanations, flow charts, and an assembled, highly
commented program listing. Low priced at just $11 .95.


This assembler program utilizes some of the unique routines we utilized in our popular '8008' assembler which
enables us to provide an '8080' assembler that operates comfortably in 4K bytes of RAM (including the symbol
table). An unusual feature of this assembler program is that it has been designed to accept mnemonics closely re lated
to those used by SCELBI for our'8008' based machines. What this means is that programs originally written for an
'8008' unit can be directly processed by this assembler to produce object code for an '8080' machine! NEAT! Of
course, it also handles the extended instruction set of the '8080' as we ll. This program is provided in our popular
style of a manual that discusses the major routines, presents pertinent flow charts, and includes a highly commented
assembled listing. $17.95.
This is essentially a "carbon copy" of the material in our earl ier manual describing a '8008' Editor, except the
assembled listing is provided with the machine code for an '8080 : It is a good deal at $14.95.
These routines perform the same types of functions as described above for the '8008' version except routines were
spec ifically developed to utilize the extended capabi li ties of the '8080' instruction set. Great price at just $11.95.


You CAN learn how to develop your own machine language programs. And, if you are really serious about utilizing a
small system effectively, you had better plan on learning something about it sooner or later! Here is a good way to
get started.
THIS manual was written to provide the reader with the detailed knowledge one needs to know in order to
successfully develop machine langu age programs. This information packed publication discusses and provides
numerous examples of algorithms and routines that can be immediately applied to practical problems. Virtually all
the techniques and routines illustrated in the manual can a lso be applied to other similar microcomputers such as
"8080" systems (by applicable machine code conversion) . The price of this exciting new manual is a low $19.95.
(The floating-point arithmetic package presented in the publication is worth that price alone!)
Prices given are for domestic delivery at book mailing rate. Add $2.50 for each
publication if PRIORITY air service desired (U.S .) Overseas - include $6.0 0 for each
publication for airmail service.
(Pricing, specifications, availability subject to change without notice_)
Order direct from: 1322 REAR BOSTON POST ROAD
Il:llll3l 1:0Mll'IJIIII DEPT OJ
1:0~llJlII~(i I~I:.
In I:he Queue JANUARY 1976
LET THERE BE LIGHT PENS . .. . .... .. . . . _.. _ ...... 26
Hardware - Loomis
LI FE Line 4 _. . _ . . .... . __ . ... _ .. _. . ..... . ..... . . _.32
Applications - Helmers
GOLF HANDiCAPPiNG .... .... . . . .. ..... " .. ..... .46
Applications - Haller
Techniques - Helmers
.;1' ',I i ", ,I !.'
,;i ' 11" '''"I''II ,"II "111 "l11...,·
Background I II'" ",,,,,,,11', !IIII
"Ii ,II ' . '"" .. " ,
NEW MINI -MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEM ..... __ . . _... . _12 "" I~''j""1Ilt'li; 'I 'II
II' '
Processors - Baker "
HORROR STORY ... .. . . ... .. .... . " , _ . ..... _. .. .. 31
Problems - Warren
Systems - Lau
INTEL 8080 OP CODE TAB LE . .. . __ ,. _...... . .. . ... . 50
Reference - Dittrich
Applications - Helmers
System Design - Luscher
KO R k? .... ... ..... ... ... .... ............ .. ... .64
Style - Peshka
p . 32
THE CT-1024 K IT ... . .. ......... . . . .. . . .... .. .. ... 92
Review - Hogenson

In This BYTE ........ ...... .......... ... .. . _ .4
Beach Ball Software ............ , ... .. ... _ ..... 9
BOMB . .... . ... ... .... ... . . .. .. ... .. . ... .. 10
For the Joules, It's a Steal ... . ...... ... ....... .67
Clubs, Newsletters . .......... . ..... . ......... 68 p- 56

MITS Computer Caravan . . .. ... .... . .. .. .... .. 73

Th at Didn't Take Long at All .... . ....... . . _ .. . . 74 8K --,
Classified Ads .. .... .. .. . ........... _ ........ 74 ,
BYTE magazine is published
1110ntl1ly by Green Publishing,
Inc ., 70 Main St, Peter-
BYTE's Bugs . . ...... .. ... ... . . ... ... ..... . . 77 ,

borough , New Halnpshire An swers to December Word Hunt _.. ............ 77

03458. Subscr iption rat es aI-e
Sphere Rolls Into Town .... . ..... ... . .... ... __ 80 4K
$ 1 2 for o n e year worldwide.
Two years, $22. Three years, Letters .... _.. ... ..... . ........ _. .. .... . .. .82
$ 30. Second c lass postage
application pending at Peter- II
Book Reviews ..... .... ... .. . .. . ... .. ... . .. .. 88
borough, New Hampshire
03458 and at additional mail- The BYTE Questionnaire .... . . . .. .. .. . ... _ . ... 96 p . 60
ing offices. Phone
603-924-72 17 . Ent ire conten ts Reader's Service .. . ..... ... . ......... .. . .. . . .96
cop yrig ht 1975 by Gree n Pub-
lishing, Inc , Peterborough NH
03458. Address e ditorial
co rr es pondence to Ed itor ,
BYTE, 70 Main St, Peter-
borough NH 03458. New BYTE phone : 603-924-7217
In This ~~TI

On the cover, artist Robert Tinney has provid ed a scene In the October BYTE , Ri chard Gar dner co mmented on the
dep icting the combination of computers and golf handica pping app li cation of personal computers in hou sehold situations. In
described by Dr. George Haller in hi s articl e. this issue, Ted Lau continues on th at theme with a n article of
"structured specul ation" on the Total Kitchen Information
How would you like a PDP-ll/40 in your base ment System (TKIS).
computer room? The price would probably be too high fo r the
typical amateur. But Digital Equipment Corporation also Computers solve probl ems, right? On e prob lem which
makes the LSI-ll, a microcomputer which implem ents the go lfers have is calculating handicaps so that duffe rs can pl ay
PDP-ll/40 instruction set and inh erits a wealth of ex isting aga inst pros in th e same tou rn ament. In Golf Handicapping
PDP-ll software. Turn to Bob Baker's article on the LSI-ll (or: Buy a New Peripheral with Money Earned from Your
for a summary. Local Duffers), Dr. George Haller desc ribes a progra m he
concocte d to serve as the bas is for a part time bu si ness
How do you draw a picture on an osci ll oscope displ ay? Add calcul ati ng golf handicap s at hi s country club . For readers with
a Light Pen as described by Sumner Loomis, and you wil l be teenage children, this mi ght make a great opportunity fo r the
able to add and delete points of li ght. kids to make som e money to help pay for college expenses
while learning how to run a bu siness.
When the LI FE program can't figure out a key code, it calls
DEFAULT, as described in LIFE Lin e 3. This is sue's LIFE Comp uter systems have many resources which can be used
Line 4 specifies the DEFAULT routine used to enter cur sor by the person who assembles or modifies the design . One
moti on control data and numeric data for th e KEY- resource which is very important is the memory address space
BOARD INTERPRETER. As a combined hardware and inh ere nt in the design of the computer. Taking Advantage of
software system, the LIFE application enters th e realm of Memory Address Spaces by James Lu scher can provide
hardware for the first time with a simple circuit to interface important improvements in speed and function of yo ur
the cursor motion control keyboard and an ASCII keyboard sys tem.
via the same input port.
Wh at is sty le? In his articl e K or k?, Manfre d Peshka
Wire wrapping is a technique often used to asse mbl e describes some notation al conventions which apply to BYTE's
circuits. Turn to Photographic Notes on Wire Wrapping for uniqu e combination of hardware and software inform ati on.
some pointers for your own custom computer interfaces . Whil e the change of these standards is incomple te in this issue,
fut ure BYTEs will empl oy the stand ard abbrev iati ons and
According to tradition, no computer is eve r complete units throughout.
without blinking lights. But There's More to Blinking Lights
Than Meets the Eye, or the control panel designer's utilitari an Wh at is one of the most useful peripherals ? Why , the
motives. This issue provides a few ide as for using simpl e and television set of course. To use the TV you need an interface.
inexpensive LED indicators in ways far removed from the One such interface is the CT-l024 product by SWTPC
traditional control panel application . revi ewed by Jim Hogenson.
Lowest Price in the World!
In January of 1975, MITS stunned the computer world with Altair 680 Documentation
the announcement of the Altair 8800 Computer that sells for
The Altair 680 kit comes with complete documentation
$439 in kit form.
including assembly manual, assembly hints manual, operation
Today MITS is announcing the Altair 680.
manual, and theory manual. Assembled units come with
The Altair 680, built around the revolutionary new 6800
operation and theory manuals. Turnkey model and CPU boards
microprocessor chip, is the lowest priced complete computer on
also include documentation.
the market. It is now being offered at the special, NOTE: A complete set of Altair 680 manuals in
low price of $345! a 3-ring Altair binder is now available for $14.50
(regularly $25). Offer expires January 30,1976.
The Altair 680 comes with power
supply, front panel control board,
and CPU board inclosed in an Personal checks take 2-3 weeks to
11" wide x 11" deep x411 / l6" case. process while money
In addition to the 6800 processor, orders and credit card
the CPU board contains the follOwing: purchases can be
1. 1024 words of memory (RAM processed in 1-3 days.
2102 type 1024 x I-bit chips). Delivery should be
2. Built·in Interface that can 30-60 days but this
be configured for can vary according to
RS232 or 20 rnA order backlog. All
Teletype loop orders are handled
or 60 rnA on a first come, first
Teletype. served basis.
3. Provisions for
1024 words of
Altair 680 Prices
The Altair 680 can be Altair 680 complete computer kit_ . __ .... __ $345
Altair 680 assembled and tested. _. . _. __ . _.. . .. .. ____ . $420
programmed from the front
Altair 680T turnkey model (complete Altair 680 except
panel switches or it can be front panel control board) Kit Only ____ .. _. _. . ____ . .. $280
connected to a computer terminal (RS232) or a Teletype such as Altair 680 CPU board (including pc board, 6800 micro-
processor chip, 1024 word memory, 3 way interface
an ASR-33 or surplus five-level Baudott Teletype (under $100). and all remaining components except power supply) . _$195
The Altair 680 can be utilized for many home, commercial or Altair 680 CPU board assembled and tested . . . .. . ..... . $275
industrial applications or it can be used as a development system Option IC socket kit (contains 40 IC sockets. CPU,
memory and PROM sockets come with 680 kit) . .... .. $ 29
for Altair 680 CPU boards. With a cycle time of 4 microseconds,
Option cooling fan (required when expanding 680
l6-bit addressing, and the capability of directly addressing internally) . ..... _.. _. _. .. _........ . ........ .. .... $ 22
65,000 words of memory and a virtually unlimited number of Option cooling fan installed . .. ... .... . .. . ....... .. .. $ 26
I/O devices, the Altair 680 is a very versatile computer! PROM kit (256 x 8-bit ultraviolet, erasable 1702 devices) $ 25
Connectors (Two sets of 25-pin connectors. Required
Altair 680 Software when interfacing 680 to external devices) . . _. ..... .. . $ 22
Prices. delivery and specifications subject to change.
Software for the Altair 680 includes a monitor on PROM,
assembler, debug, and editor. This software will be
available to Altair 680 owners at a nominal cost.
Future software development will be influenced by
customer demand. MITS will sponsor lucrative software
contests to encourage the rapid growth of the Altair 680 "Creative Electronics"
software library. Programs in this library will be made
MITS/ 6328 Linn N.E_, Albuquerque, NM 87108 505/ 262-1951
available to all Altair 680 owners at the cost of t. .
printing and mailing. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY!
Altair Users Group o Enclose9ischeck forC$----'''---,,;~----,~_+-f!,
o BankAmericard # _ _ __ _
All Altair 680 purchasers will receive a free one year o Altair 680 0 Kit qAssembled ",D Altair 688T
0 Altai~?80CPU
membership to the Altair Users Group. This group is the largest o Socket Kit 0 Fan 0 PROM kiteD Documentation Special
of its kind in the world and includes thousands of Altair 8800and o Please send Iitgrature
680 users. NAM~E ___________________------~------~------
Members of the Altair Users Group are kept abreast of Altair I ADDRESS'~ ____~~____~__~-=T- ____ _____

developments through the monthly publication, Computer CITY STATE & ZIP......,.,..._ _
Notes. MITS/6328 Linn N.E/i"Albuquer;que,NM 8Z~.08 505/2~2.1951 ;
OCTOBER 20-22,1976...

Our 1976 Annual Conference will be held October

HOUSTON You are invited to submit a paper on any aspect of
20 - 22 in Houston. We feel that it will be one of computer research, development, or implementation .
the most relevant ACM conferences ever held, both High quality papers of a theoretical, state-of-the'art or
for the practicing professional and the researcher. The tutorial nature are welcome. The technical program for
conference facilities in downtown Houston's Regency ACM '76 will again be organized around the ACM
Hyatt House will be outstanding . You will find that Special Interest Groups, although additional sessions
ACM '76 will be a place where you can enjoy your· will be provided for papers of general interest or those
self, renew old acquaintances, make some new ones, not related to any SIG .
and participate in a serious technical discussion of the
problems and potential of our indu stry . Plan to attend. Papers must not have been previously presented or
published ; they should not exceed 10 published pages,
Olin Johnson including a 100·word abstract, bibliography, and illus-
General Chairman, ACM '76 trations; and they must be received in four copies by
March 1, 1976. All papers will be refereed either by the
SIG's or by reviewers selected by the Technical Pro-
gram Committee. Notification of acceptance will be
made by May 1. If you intend to submit a paper, and
we sincerely hope that you do, please send in the
coupon below. If you have an idea for a good session
or some other technical program idea, please do the
same or start promoting your idea in your SIG
but do it now! Be a part of the spirit of ACM '76!

about the conference about the technical program

Be a part of the "Spirit of ACM '76"


Roger W. Elliott
Technical Program Chairman, ACM '76
Department of Industri al Engineering
Texas A & M University
College Station, Te xas 77843 1713) 845·5531
Name ____________________________________ Phon e _____________
Address ____________________________________________________

Ci ty State _______________ Zip _______

o I intend to submit a technical paper.

Tentat ive title _________________________________________
_________________________ SI G (option al) _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

o I am enclosing a technical program suggestion.

o Please call me . I would like to discuss an idea for the technical program.


11~11~11~1I0Riii~S AR~ II~IIAD~ Of JI~I~SE : :


2102 lK STATIC RAM---STILL ONLY $1,95 4K BY 8 BOARD, , ,$200 (ADD $25 & WE PROGRAM) ONE-TH I RD OF A CENT PER BIT--- Our most popu-
GUARANTEED FASTER THAN 750 NS, Buy l a r memory kit. You get sockets for a ll IC s,
2K BY 8 BOARD", $125 (ADD $15 & WE PROGRAM) industrial-qual ity plated-through board, lots
100, TAKE 20%; BUY 1000, TAKE 30%,
of bypassing,S voltage regulator s t o sha re
Now you can stuff up to BK of your favorite soft- the power l oad (less thermal problems, more
5203 2K EROM --- $9,50, THIS STA TIC ware----edi tor/assembler or what have you- ---on a re l iability), typical 500 ns access time at
MEMORY I S FULLY PROGRAMMABLE AND MAY board. Pro gram it yourself or have us do the pro- 25°C, and buffered add r esses a nd outputs (no
BE ERASED WITH UV LI GHT , NON-VOLATILE, gramming . Just I ike the RAM kit, DIRECT ALTAIR input presents more than 1 LPTTL l oad; out -
8800 PLUG-IN COMPATIBLE. In cludes sockets, bypas- put s can drive 20 standarG TTL l oads). May
sing, industrial-quality plated- through board, be powered with 8 volts unregulated; or by
11\5204 4K EROM---$24,50 , SIMILAR TO buffered addresses and outputs, on board regula- bypassing the on board re gula tors, with
tion. LOW POWER: Full 8K requires tA @ 5V , ISO +5V . Complete with assembly instructi ons
rna @ -12V. Fi I e protect feat ure includes 1 ine re- and l ogic print of the RAM board.
,1 MEMORY/PROCESSOR 8 BIT CHIP SET: ceiver with real hyst eres i s to prevent false trig-
$32 ,50 BR I NGS YOU 8 OF OUR 2102s ger i ng on noise. EXPANDABLE: If yo u buy our 2K ALTAI R 8800 OWNERS, PLEASE NO TE ,
AND AN 8008 MI CROPROCESSOR, board and war:t to move on to bigger and better THIS MEMORY BOARD KI T, LIKE OUR
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ImI Efl()m E()flfl[)
We've got 4K by 8 board s pre -p rogrammed with 8080 assembler, editor, and monitor rou-
tines . $200 buys you the same quality and ALTAIR PLUG-IN COMPATIBILITY as our other
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Beach Ball
Software Editorial
Carl Helmers
What a pred ica me nt. Yo u've bou ght this sph ere within the limits of you r pe rceptio n. PUBLISHERS
box f ull of printe d circuit boards, tra ns- Usi ng an appropriate measurin g t ool you Virginia Green, Presiden t
forme r iron and integrated circuit silicon. find that its diameter is 30 c m. The surface Manfred Peshka, General Manager
After long ho urs pay ing atte ntion to the is res ili ent but hard . The ball slips out of EDITOR
Carl T. Helmers, Jr.
details of an intricate assembly process it is your hands and drops to the fl oor wh e re its
"done." To th e best of your a bilities you've res ilience is confir med by a hea lthy rebound .
Beth Alpaugh
ve rifi ed that the box does what it is After the examin ation , you put it back o n Judith Havey
supposed to do . Now it's sitting over the re the pe destal. Again, the thought : wh at good ASSOCIATES
o n the bench (or living room table (or office is a beach ba ll ? It sits there with no life of its Hal Chamberlin
desk)) plugge d into the AC wall o utlet a nd own, not eve n condescendin g to wink an Dan Fylstra
grinnin g like a Cheshire cat with a mouth LED at yo u. How could anyone possibly Don Lancaster
f ull of LED or TVT tee th . So, now what do she ll out h ard earn ed cash for such an Chri s Ryl and
you do with it? Like many objects of some o bject? PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT
bulk and substance, it seems so useless - but Lynn Panciera-Fraser, Manager

is it? There are lots of human des ign ed Beach Ball Software Nancy Estl e
Neal Kandel
objects which at first sight appear to be But people do shell o ut lots of ha rd
Peri Mahoney
use less. But most turn out to have great earned money for beac h balls. And peop le
Bob Sawyer
poten tial va l ue wh ich can be rel ease d by the such as yo u and I are not fools when we bu y PHOTOGRAPHY
active and creative human mind . Th e secret a quality beach ball. We know beach balls Ed Crabtree
of use and enjoy me nt is the application of are useful t hro ugh o ur appreciation of fu n Bill Heydolph
that most characteristically hum an capacity and ad ve rtising of the products. Th e beach DRAFTING
to think. Th e ho bby created about these ball is t he bas ic "hardware" req uired to pl ay Bill Morello
artific ial "brains" is an excellent training num ero us ga mes; beach ba ll s are even used TYPESETTING
gro und fo r the hum an brain - one of the o n occasion for more practical tasks. The Barbara Latti, Manager
beach ball is a wide ly distributed stand a rd Marge McCarthy
secrets of its ap peal.
product with a simple des ign. Very little user PRINTING
Biff Mahoney
But Then, What Good is a Beach Ball Either? documentation is suppli ed by the manufac-
turers and distributors of beach balls. The
As an exa mpl e of a simpl e object which Marshall R aymond, Manager
wide acce ptance of the beach ball is due to Kim Johansson
requires creativity to reali ze its pote ntial,
the num erous applications inh e rent in its CIRCULATION
consi der a child's beach ball. Im agi ne f or a
des ign . These app licati o ns await the creat ive Judy Waterman, Manager
moment th at your newly constructed com-
minds of huma n beings who dec ide what to Pat Gei lenberg
puter kit is sitting on its pedesta l and begins
do with the ba ll and how t o do it. Any ga me Dorothy Gibson
slowly to change into a be ac h ball through Pearl Lahey
o r recreation which uses the beach ball as a
some advanced technological " magic. " Its Deborah Luhrs
prop is an exampl e of the "beach ball
corners begi n to round, the edges smooth COMPTROLLER
software ." Such ga mes may h ave been made
out, and after some mome nts of transforma- Knud E. M. Keller
up ge nerations ago and sto red in the form of
tion it is a jo lly round beach ball hav ing the
word of mo uth learnin g, printed books or
same general prop e rti es the computer had: it
magaz ines o n the subject. Or, t hey may be
sits there looki n g useless to the skeptic.
made up or re invented spontaneo usly a nd
As an intelligent and active bein g, neve r record ed at all. Whatever the source,
curiosity is o ne of yo ur most admirable the game and its rul es form a method of
traits. So yo u walk over to the pe destal, pick usin g the beach ball which takes advantage
up that beach ball and begin a thorough of its properties, but is not in any way built
exa mina tion of its characteristics. What do into the d evice.
you find ? As you pick it up you verify th at So havin g temporarily ap proac he d the
it is a so lid object which has the ex pected problem fro m the point of view of a beach
weight of a beach ball. You rotate it about ball, let's invert t he transformation and turn
several axes and verify that it is indeed a the object back into a computer. We still

have not solved the proble m of where to get e mploy the computer. It might be that you
the specific creativity required for the com- use the compu ter si mply to improve the
puter software, but the beach ball analogy efficie ncy of some menial task, or you might
provides a usefu l model. use the computer in an app li cation - such as
A computer system, like a beach ball, is complex interactive games - which would
an incomplete system no matte r how fu ll y have been impossible to perform minus the
A manufacturer who supported by manufacturers' software. No com puter's intelli ge nce. Like any activi ty,
supplies a series of manufacture r can tell you what you want to you get out of a computer rewards which are
interesting sample pro- do with the machine in comp lete detai l. The in proportion to the effo rt app li ed to under-
grams to illustrate the use manufacturer can supp ly suggested uses an d stand and "get into " the activity .
build in features which make certain uses With computers - as with beach balls - it
of his processor and
inherently easy to program, but ultimately is ofte n possibl e to find a starting point in
system is providing you
the us er of the computer must decide what this area of app lications and softwa re.
with a valuable service .. . to program or when to use the programs Creativity of the individua ls who have pre-
available. The beach ball system is com- vious ly thought about the subjects involved
pl eted when the beach ball user decides can often be useful as a starting point. By
upon a particu lar game or practical applica- seei ng concrete examples of the uses of the
tion in which the beach ball is a key computer systems, you can acquire a
element. It might be that t he beach ball valuab le basic understanding of what can be
simply makes the ap plication easie r to per- done. One obvious sou rce of such informa-
form, or it might be that the beach bal l is so tion is in the form of BYTE articles .
crucial that the application wou ld not even Another form is in the user support
have been possible without that bal l. The packages provided by manufacturers. A man-
computer system is also comp leted when ufacturer who supp li es a series of interesting
you - the user - decide how you want to sample programs to illustrate use of his
processor and system is provid ing you with a
valuable service - you find out how things
are done with his computer in specific and
detailed examp les. One excellent examp le of
BOMB: BYTE's Ongoing Monitor Box such a service is the documentation which
BYTE would like to know how rea ders evaluate the efforts of can be purchased fo r the assembler and text
the authors whose blood, sweat, twisted typewriter keys, smoking editor programs of the SCELB I computers -
rcs and esoteric software abstractions are reflected in these pages. complete listin gs of the programs with
BYTE will pay a $50 bonus to the author who receives the most detailed expl anati ons and design information
points in this survey each month. (Editor Helmers is not eligible for
the bonus.) The following rules apply:
are provided in the manu als for these
SCE LB I program products. When evaluati ng
1. Articles you like most get 10 points, articles you like least get a computer system, look fo r such examp les
o (or negative) points - with intermediate values according to in the documentation and compare the
your personal scale of preferences.
2. Use the numbers 0 to 10 for your ratings, integers only. offe rings on this poi nt. There are other
3. Be honest. Can all the articles really be 0 or 10? Try to give a sources of information about the creative
preference scale with different values for each author. uses of the computers of the world. Direct
4. No ballot box stuffing: Only one entry per reader! inform ation can often be acq uired in the
Fill out your ratings, and return it as promptly as possible along context of the computer club, an assoc iation
with your reader service requests and survey answers. Do you like an of users for the pu rpose of so lvin g problems,
author's approach to writing in BYTE? Let him know by giving him exc hanging ideas, fi lling in gaps in
a crack at the bonus through your vote .
knowledge, etc. When you tal k to your
techno logical neighbor about wh at he or she
Page LIKED is doing, you can get valuab le information
No. Article LEAST BEST on the possibl e applications of your
12 Baker : Mini-Microcomputer 0 2 345 6 7 8 9 10 machine; and of course your neighbor
26 Loomis: Light Pens 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 rece ives similar benefits in return .
31 Warren: Horror Story 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
It is t his kind of exchange of creativity
32 Helmers : LIFE line 4 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
and ideas among interested individu als wh ich
42 Lau: Kitchen Information System 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
will make the personal computing fie ld into
46 Haller: Golf Handicapping 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
50 Dittrich: Op Code Table 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a well developed facet of our civili zation ,
52 Helmers: Blinking Lights 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 growing out of the scattered a nd isolated
56 Helmers: Wire Wrapping 0 2 3456789 10 efforts of individuals who pioneered the
60 Luscher: Memory Address Space 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 activity. One of the main reasons for BYTE
64 Peshka: K or k? 0 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 magazine's very existence is to help foster
92 Hogenson: CT-l024 Kit Review 0 2 3456789 10 this transfer of information, to give our
readers the knowledge and ideas useful as
creative starting points for personal ap pl ica-
tions of computers. -

solder less.
Whether youre test yo ur operat ing circuit. we can fill them. For
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Design circuits literally as
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make interco nn ect ions easy
/" ,~
of our handy OT
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starting yo ur next project with a At $4995~ comp lete . irs not Test DIP s w ith it. Starti ng at $2.00.
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c 1975 C o nlin en l a l Specia ili es Corp .

Digital Equipm e nt Corporation has a new

A New
addition to the microcomputer market.
Designated the LS 1-11, it is a complete 16
bit microcomputer system o n a single 8.5
inch by 10 inch (21.6 cm by 25.4 cm)
printed circuit board, combining the instruc-

Mini - Microcomputer tion set of a PDP-ll /40 with an und er

$1000 price .
A 3.5 inch H by 19 inch W by 13.5 inch
D (8.9 cm by 48 . 3 cm by 34.3 cm) boxed

System version of the LSI-11 is designed as an

off-the-shelf microcomputer system. Desig-
nated the PDP-11/03, it consists of an
LSI-11 microcomputer, serial line interface,
power supply, and a mounting box designed
to mount in a standard 19 inch cabinet.
Removing the front panel exposes the LSI
modules and cables allowing replacement or
The Digital Equipment installation of a module from the front of
the PDP-11 /03. The power supply has three
front panel switches and indicators

Corporation LS I-II accessible through a cutout in the front

panel. The lights and switches are still
attached to the power supply and functional
when the front panel is removed . Input
power of the PDP-11/03 is typically 190
Watts at full load .

LSI-ll Evolution
The processor, memory, device interfaces,
backplane and interconnecting hardware of
the LSI-11 are all modular in des ign to allow
Robert W. Baker
custom tailoring necessary for specific appli-
34 White Pine Dr.
Littleton MA 01460 cation requirements. It was not intended to
be a low end minicomputer, but to provide
minicomputer capability to the new micro-
com pu ter appl ications.

To accomplish this goal, the LSI-11 was bus. Every device on the bus capable of
designed to optimize system costs rather becoming bus master has a specific priority
than compo nent costs. A four-chip micro- associated with its position along the bus.
programmed central processor was selected When two devices request use of the bus
to emulate the PDP-11 instruction set, simultaneously, the higher priority device
allowing the inclusion of automatic dynamic wi II receive control. All data transfers on the
memory refresh without additional cost. The bus are interlocked so that communication is
microprogrammed processor also makes independent of the physical length of the
feasible user microcode and an ASCII con- bus and the response time of the slave so
sole which will be discussed later. long as a bus timeout does not occur.
Asynchronous operation allows each device
Central Processor to operate at the maximum possible speed.
The central processor module consists of
Interrupt System
the microprogrammed processor and 4096
words of memory, together with the bus Interrupt and DMA handling incorporates
transceivers and control logic. The four c'hip two daisy-chained grant signals. This method
microcomputer controls the time al locatio n eliminates device polling to service interrupt
of the LSI-11 bus for peripherals and per- requests and esta blishes an interrupt
forms all arithmetic and logic operations as priority. The highest priority device is the
well as instruction decoding. Eight 16 bit, module located electrically closest to the
ge neral-pupose registers can be used as microcomputer module. Only when a device
accumulators, address poi nters, ind ex is not asserting a request does it pass grant
registers, stack pointers, or other desired signals to lower priority devices . When an
functio ns. Arithmetic operations can be interrupting device receives a grant, the
from one register to another, from o ne device passes to the processor an interrupt
memory location or device register to vector which points to a new processor
another, or between a memory location or a status word (PSW) and the starting address
device register and a general register. Data of a n interru pt service routi ne for the devi ceo
transfers between 10 devices and memory on The current value of the PSW and program
the bus occur without disturbing the counter (PC) are stored on the stack.
processor registers. Th e processor operates with the interrupt
mask (PSW bit 7) set (1) or cleared (0).
Bus When PSW bit 7 is equal to 1, no external
device can interr upt the processor with a
The bus, which is impl emented o n the
request for service. The processor must be
H9270 card guide backplane asse mbly, is the
operating at PSW bit 7 equal to 0 for the
data path which enables a complete system
device's request to be effective. Inter rupts
to be configured. This bus was designed to
can occur only between processor instruc-
al low low cost per ipheral interfaces for
tions since they change the state of the
microcomputer applications, rather than to
processor. DMA operations, on the other
support the wide range of peripheral co nfig-
hand, may occur between individual bus
urations common to large minicomputer
cycles since these operations do not change
systems. The processor module is capable of
the processor state.
driving six device slots along the bus without
One signal line on the bus functions as an
add iti ona l termination, as provided with the
exte rnal eve nt interrupt line to the
H9720 backplane. Devices or memory can
processor module. When connected to a 60
be installed in any location along the bus , as
Hertz line frequency source, this signal line
most bus control and data signals are bidirec- can be used as a real-time clock interrupt.
tional, open-co ll ector lines that are asserted When automatic interrupt dispatch (vec-
when low. The bus signals includ e 16 multi- toring) is not needed, this line may be used
plexed data/address lines, 6 data transfer as a common interrupt signa l. Although this
co ntrol lines, 6 system control lines, and 5 necessitates device polling (as in earlier
interrupt and direct memory access (DMA) computers, such as the PDP-8), device inter-
control lines. faces may now be slightly less complicated.
Any commu nication between two devices A single connection on the processor module
on the bus is in the form of a master-slave enab les or inhibits the external event
relationship. Only one device , the bus interrupt. When enabled, the device con-
master, can have control of the bus at any nected to this line has a higher interrupt
point in time. The master device controls the priority than any device connected to the
bus while communicating with another daisy-chained grant signals.
device on the bus, the slave. Since the
LSI -11 bus is used by the processor and all Power Fail/Restart
10 devices, there is a priority structure to To further increase the system flexibility,
determine which device gets control of the several powe r fail/restart options are avail-

able. The power fail sequence is initiated
upon sensing a warni ng signal from the
power supply signaling an impending AC
power loss. The current PSW and PC are
pushed on the processor stack and a new PC
and PSW are taken from a vector at location
24. Normally, with non-volatile memory,
this routine would save processor registers,
set up a restart routine, and halt. When only
volatile memory is used, the registers cannot
be saved but the power fail trap does allow
an orderly system shutdown to occur.
When AC power is restored, one of the
four jumper selectable power-up options is
initiated. The first option is loading a pro-
grammed PSW and PC from the vector at
location 24. This would be used with non-
volatile memory to continue execution of
the program at the poi nt where the power
fail occurred or to restart the program at an
arbitrary address with ROM program
storage. If the BHAL T line on the bus (the
halt switch) is asserted during this power-up
sequence, the ASCII console microcode will
be entered immediately after loading the
PSW and Pc. The second power-up option
causes an unconditional entry to the ASCII
console routines. The processor can then be
started by an ASCII console command
allowing remote system starting without
controlling the bus halt line. (More on the
ASCII console later.) Alternately, the last
two options allow program execution to
begin at a specified address in either macro-
code or microcode.
The 4096 word memory on the basic
CPU module consists of sixteen 4096 bit
dynamic RAMs. This memory logically
appears on the external bus while being
physically on the CPU module. Being
accessible to the bus allows external DMA
transfers to take place to and from the basic
4096 word memory. Also, an optional
jumper allows the CPU module memory to
occupy either the first or second 4096 word
block of the bus address space.
Various memory modules are available
for applications requiring more storage than
the standard 4096 word MOS memory on
the processor board. Those offered include a
non-volatile 4096 word core memory, a
1024 word static RAM, read-only memory
(PROM/ROM) with a maximum capacity of
4096 words per board in 512 word incre-
ments or 2048 words in 256 word incre-
ments, and a 4096 word dynamic MOS
A common disadvantage of using
dynamic MOS memory is the necessity of
refreshing the contents of memory at
specific intervals. The refresh operation is
required to replace the stored charge in each

QUICK ....
Here's why the new MIKE 2 and MIKE 3
are the best values in microcomputers to-
what number is this?
.0 0.0 .0.
If you hav e to read your microcomputer
shifts each digit left automatically as a
new digit is entered! The val ue on the
display is also entered into an internal
CPU register, ready for the next opera-
tion. Simply by pressing the write key,
for example, the user loads 135 into
memory .
like this-obit by bit, from rows oflights--the
8008 OR 8080 The MON ITOR program also allows the
computer's making yo u do irs work. And if
user to step through memory, one loca-
Martin Research has solved the problem you have to use rows of toggle switches to
tion at a time (starti ng anywhere), to
bothering many potential micro users program it , you might wonder why they check his programming. Plus, the Swap
.... whether to go with the economical call th e computer a labor-sav ing device! Register Option allows use of the inter-
8008 microprocessor, or step up to the rupt capabilities of the microprocessor:
powerful 8080. Our carefully designed the MONITOR saves internal register
bus structure allows either processor to Contrast th e layout of a typical pocket
calculator. A key for eac h number and status upon receipt of an interrupt re-
be used in the same system! quest; when the interrupt routine ends,
function; six easy-to-read digits. Why not the main program continues right where
The MIKE 3 comes with an 8080 CPU design micro comp uters like that? it left off.
board, complete with crystal-controlled
system timing. The MIKE 2 is based on We invite the reader to compare the pro-
the 8008. To upgrade from an 8008 to grammability of the MIKE family of
an 8080, the user unplu gs the 8008 CPU microcomputers to others on the mar-
board and plugs in the 8080 CPU. Then ket. Notice that some are sold, as basic
he unplugs the 8008 MONITOR PROM, units, without any memory capacity at
and plugs in the 8080 MONITOR
all. This means they simply cannot be
PROM, so that the system recognizes the programmed, until you purchase a mem-
8080 instruction set. That's about it! ory board as an "accessory." Even then,
adding RAM falls far short of a conve-
If the user has invested in slow memory nient, permanent MONITOR program
chips, compatible with the 8008 but too stored in PROM. Instead, you have to
slow for the 8080 running at full speed, enter your frequently-used subroutines
he will have to make the 8080 wait for by hand, each and every time you turn
memory access-an optional feature on the power on.
our boards. Better still , a 4K RAM board Here they are! The m odular micros from
can be purchased from Martin Research
with fast RAM chips, capable of 8080 Martin Rese a rch . The keyboard programs EASY I/O INTERFACE
speeds, at a cost no more that you might the computer, and the bright, fully-
The MIKE family bus structure has been
expect to pay for much slower devices. decoded digits display data and memory
designed to permit easy addition of in-
addresses. A Monitor program in a PROM put and output ports. A hardware inter-
In short, the MIKE 2 user can feel confi- makes program en try easy. And, eve n the face to the system generally needs on Iy
dent in developing his 8008 system with
smallest system comes with enough RA M two chips-one strobe decoder, and one
expanded memory and other featu res,
memory to get started! latching device (for output ports) or
knowing that his MIKE 2 can be up-
three-state driving device (for inputs) . A
graded to a MIKE 3-an 8080 system-in
Both the MIKE 2 system, with the popular new I/O board can be plugged in any-
the future.
where on the bus; in fact, all the boards
8008 processor, and th e 8080-based MIKE
in the micro could be swapped around in
EASE OF PROGRAMMING 3 rely on the same universal bus structure. any position, without affecting opera-
This means that accessories--like our 450 tion. I/O addresses are easy to modify by
Instructions and data are entered simply ns 4K RAM--ar e compatible with these reconnecting the leads to the strobe de-
by punching the 20-pad keyboard. Infor- coder (full instructions are provided);
mation, in convenient octal format, ap- and o th er 8-bit CPUs. And , systems start
this is in marked contrast to the clumsy
pears automatically on the seven- at under $300' For details , write for your. ..
input multiplexer approach sometimes
segment display. This is a pleasant con- used.
trast to the cumbersome microcom-
puters which require the user to handle
all information bit-by-bit, with a confus- POWER & HOUSING
ing array of twenty-odd toggle switches MIKE 2
and over thirty red lights! The micros described to the left are com-
MANUAL. .. plete except for a cabinet of your own
Th is looseleaf
A powerful MONITOR program is in- design, and a power supply. The basic
book includes micros require +5V, 1.4 A, and -9V,
cluded with each microcomputer, stored full information
permanently in PROM memory . The 100 MA. The 4K R AM board requ ires
on the MIKE 2 5 V, 1 A. A supply providing these volt-
MONITOR continuously scans the key-
board, programming the computer as sys tem, with ages, and ±12 V also, will be ready soon .
keys are depressed. schemati cs.
Pri ce for orders rece iv ed OPTIONS
Say the user wishes to enter the number
135 (octal for an 8008 OUTPUT 16 in-
by November 15, 1975 .. $19 A number of useful micro accessories are
I ncludes a certificate worth $ 10 towards
struction l. He types 1, and the righ t- a modular micro system, good 90 days. scheduled for announcement. In addi-
hand three digits read 001. Then he tion, the MIKE 3 and MIKE 2 may be
(Offer valid, USA only.) After 11 / 15: $25.
presses 3, and the digits say 013. Finally purchased in configurations ranging from
he punches the 5, and the display reads unpopulated cards to comp lete systems.
135. Notice how the MONITOR program ~ modular micros R martin research F For details, phone, write, or check the
reader service card.
(Continued in column 3.)
Martin Research / 3336 Commercial Ave.
Northbrook , IL 60062 / (312) 498-5060

memory cell which has been lost through addresses 000 to 376 are usually reserved for
leakage currents. To eliminate most of the trap and device interrupt vector locations.
control circuitry normally necessary to per- Several of these are reserved in particular for
form this memory refresh, the LSI-11 CPU software generated interrupts (TRAPS) as
microcode features automatic refresh con- shown in Appendix A.
When enabled by an optional jumper, the Instruction Set
CPU refresh control causes execution of a All operations are accomplished with one
microcod e subroutine ap prox imately every set of instructions rather than the conven-
1.6 milliseconds; this operation refreshes all tional collection of memory reference in-
dynamic MOS memory in the system, not structions, operate/accumulator control
just the memory contained on the CPU instructions, and 10 instructions. Single and
module. While asserting a bus signal causing dou ble operand address instructions for
all dynamic memori es to cycle at the same words or bytes are used with a wide range of
time, the CPU perform s 64 memory addressing modes, providing efficiency and
references to refresh their contents. During flexibility in programming. The various
the burst refresh time, external interrupts addressing modes include sequential forward
are locked out while DMA requests are still or reverse addressing, 8-bit byte addressing,
possible. 16-bit word addressing, and stack addressing.
Maximum memory size of the 16 bit Using variable-length instruction formatting
LSI-11 is 65,536 bytes or 32,768 words. allows a minimum number of words to be
Usu ally the top 4096 words of memory on used for each addressing mode .
members of the PDP-ll family are reserved Each processor instruction requires one
for peripheral device control and data or more bus cycles. The first operation
buffers, so the nominal maximum main fetches an instruction from the location
memory size is 28,672 sixteen bi t words. specified by the program counter (PC). If no
However, the user is not required to dedicate further operands are required for executing
the entire upper 4096 word space to 10, but the instruction, no further bus cycles are
may implement only what is needed. Octal used. If memory or an 10 device is



1-8008 $5D ps 25-1 0 t o 25v 1a lab type power su ppl y w it h ad justabl e curren t
li m iti ng; remot e sens in g & remo t e pr og rammin g fo r vo ltage & curre nt.
Insturctions inc luded. A ll parts except ch ass is. meter (sl. p. c. boa rd .
8-2102 K it of parts w it h schemat ics. $ 14.9 5
p. e . boa rds ava ila ble. No. 007 $3.00 ea.





8008 MICROCOMP. CHIP$30.95

21021 K STATIC RAM 3.00
5203 256x8 PROM 15.00
5204 512x8 PROM 25.00 008A MICROCOMPUTER KIT
INFO ON ABOVE CHIPS IF 8008 CPU, 1024 X 8 memory; memory is expand-
ASKED FOR. able. Kit includes manual with schematic, program-
ming instructions and suggestions; all ICs and parts
supplied except cabinet, fuses & hardware. Includes
p. c. boards. $375.00
MANUAL ON L Y, $25.00
(no discount on manual)
MORE GET FREE BYTE 008A-K ASCII keyboard input kit. $135.00
FOR (CONTINENTAL U.S. 008A-C Audio cassette adapter kit. $100.00
Details on computer, peripheral kits in our flyer.

3650 Charles St., Suite K • Santa Clara, CA 95050. (408) 247 -0158

We sell manv ICs and components not listed in th is ad. Send a stamp for our free fIver. TERMS OF SALE:
All orders prepaid; we pav postage. $1 .00 handling charge on orders un der $ 10.00. California residents please
include sales ta x. Please include name, address and z ip code on all orders and fiver requests. Prices subjec t to
change without notice.

referenced, however, one or more additional niq ue and are shown in detai l in Appendix
bus cycles are required . E. These includ e examining and changing the
A special maintenance instruction is contents of memory and registers, calcula-
included in the LSI-11 instruction set to aid tion of effective addresses for relative a nd
in hardware checkout. This instructi on indirec t addressing, and the functions of
stores th e contents of five internal registers halt, single-step, continue and restart. By
in a specified bl ock in main memory. A exa mining the contents of an internal CPU
diagnostic program may then be used to register, it is poss ibl e to determine which of
examine the informat ion and determin e the the five methods of entering the console
in te r nal operation of the micro-level routines was us ed.
processor. Upon entering t he console routine, t he
The basic in struction set is that of the location of the next instruction to be exe-
familiar DEC PDP-11/40 without memory cuted will be printed followed by @. The
mapping. Included are seve ral operations console routine will then wait for one of the
normally not found eve n in other small 14 lega l command characters. Thus, the user
PDP-11 processors, such as excl usive-or reta ins all the direct hardware contro l of a
(XOR), sign extend (SXT), or subtract one conventional li ghts and switches front panel
and branch (SOB). There are also two new and gains the ability to boot load from a
instructions used to ex plicitly access the specified dev ice in byte transfer mode.
processor status word (PSW) . With the
optional extended arithmetic chip, full Interfaces
integer multiply/di vide and floating point The LSI-11 system includ es several
arithmetic are also available. The instruction standard interface modul es to handl e a
set is more comprehensive than that of the variety of applications. Currently both a
PDP-11/05 whi Ie the execution times are a serial and a parall el 10 interface is avai labl e,
littl e slower. Refer to Appendix B for a each as a single 8.5 inch by 5 inch (21.6 cm
complete list of the LSI-11 instruc tio n set by 12.7 cm) PC board. Th e DLV-ll ha ndl es
and Appendix C for typical timings. a single asynchronous serial line between 50
The branch instructions make use of the and 9600 baud , while the DRV-11 provides
condition codes (PSW bits 0 to 3) which are a full 16-bit parall el interface comp lete with
set after execution of every arithmetic or two interrupt control units . Th e use of the
logic al instruction. This allows more two standard interface modul es makes it
efficient use of memory by eliminating extra very simple to connect any desired device to
instructions and temporary sto rage locatio ns the LSI -11 bus. Standard devices such as
typically used to check results of various teletypes, line printers, analog to digital
operations. The result of eve ry operat ion is converters, etc., can be connected directly to
directly accessible and can be modified th e interface modules with no additional
under software control by using any of the circuitry. A simple cassette recorder inter-
Condition Code Operato r instructio ns. A list face can be made using the DRV-11 parallel
of the four condition codes along with a interface, a UART chip, and a simp le speed
brief definition of each is listed in Appendix ind epe ndent recorder interface circuit such
D. as that shown in Don Lancaster's articl e
Serial Interface, page 30, in t he Septe mb er
Software issue of BYTE . •
Since the LSI-ll uses sta nd ard PDP-ll
software, th ere is an extensi ve library of
programs availabl e from DEC including
Are you interested in buying one?
diagnostic program s to check out your
system after it is built. Th ere is also a DEC This article has described the details of
Users Society (DECUS) which makes ava il- the LSI-77 computer by Digital Equipment
able a complete library of various PDP-11 Corporation. For those interested in pur-
programs at reasonabl e prices. Every LSI-11 chasing the board version of this computer,
owner automatically beco mes a memb er of the Southern California Computer Society is
this organi za tion . organizing a group purchase for amateurs.
This purchase will in volve an original equip-
ASCII Console ment manufacturer (OEM) quantity of 50 or
The conventional front panel li ghts a nd more machines, on a basis of cost plus 2%
switches are repl aced by an ASCII console/ minimum contribution to SCCS. For further
ODT pac kage that operates with any stan- information contact Hal Lashlee of The
dard terminal device communicating through Southern California Computer Society, at
a serial interface at a spec ific device address 273·682-3708. SCCS is organizing quantity
at any available baud rate. Th e functions purchases of other computer equipment, and
available are very similar to those used by is interested in making such offerings avail-
the fa mili ar PDP-11 Octal Debugging Tech- able through other computer clubs.

BR Unconditional branch
BNE Branch i f not equa l to III
BEQ Branch i f equal to III
BPL Branch i f plus
BMI Branch i f minu s
BVC Branch i f overflow is clear
BVS Branch i f overflow is set
BCC Branch i f carry is clear
APPENDIX A: TRAP VECTORS BCS Branch i f carry is set

Signed Conditiona l Branches:

Location Vector
BGE Branch if greater or equal to III
(Reserved) BLT Branch if le ss than III
Time out & other errors BGT Branch if greater than III
Illegal & reserved instructions BLE Branch if l ess or equal to III
BPT instructions
lOT instructions Unsigned Conditional Branches:
Power Fail
EMT instructions BHI Branch if higher
TRAP instructions BLOS Branch if lower or same
Console Input Device BHIS Branch if higher or same
Console Output Device BLO Branch if lower
External event line interrupt
FIS option Condition Code Operators:

CLC Clear C Condition Code Bit

CLN Clear N
MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION CCC Clear all condition code bits

Single Operand - General: SEC Set C Cond i tion Code B.i t

CLR Clear word SEZ Set Z
CLRB Clear byte SEN Set N
SCC Set all condition code bits
<::OM(B) Comp lement (l's)
INC (B) Increment Jump & Subroutines:
DEC (B) Decrement
NEG (B) Negate (2's complement) JMP Jump
TST(B) Test JSR Jump to subroutine
RTS Return from subroutine
Rotate & Shift: MARK Mark (aid in subroutine return)
SOB Subtract 1 & branch if not III
ROR(B) Rotate right
ROL(B) Rotate left Trap & Interrupts:
ASR(B) Arithmetic shift right
ASL(B) Arithmetic s hi ft left EMT Emulator trap
SWAB Swap bytes TRAP Trap
BPT Breakpoint trap
Multiple Precision: lOT Input/Output trap
RTI Return from interrupt
ADC(B) Add carry RTT Return from interrupt
SBC(B) Subtract carry Misce llan eous Instructions:
SXT Sign extend
HALT Ha lt
Processor Status (PSW) Operators: WAIT Wait for interrupt
RESET Reset external bus
MFPS Move byte from PSW NOP (no operation)
MTPS Move byte to PSW
Optional EIS:
Double Operand - General:
MUL Multiply
MOV(B) Move DIV Divide
CMP(B) Compare ASH Shift arithmetically
ADD Add ASHC Arithmetic shift combined
SUB Subtract
Optiona l FIS:
Logical :
FADD Floating add
BIT (B) Bit test (logical AND) FSUB Floating subtract
BIC(B) Bit clear FMUL Floating multipl y
BIS(B) Bit set (logical OR) FDIV Floating divide
XOR Exclusive OR Continued on page 22

NI~\\' I ... \'1 ,\\-1
., ultra high speed intelligent display
., generates 16, 64 character lines
of alpha-nullJeric data
., displays upper and lower case
., full 128 ascii characters
.. single printed circuit card
., standard video output

- !'~'1t;tt-·..t-


Scientific Notation Software Package with Formatted Output
The floating point math package features 12 decimal digits with exponents from +127 to -127;
handles assigned and unassigned humbers. With it is a 5 function calculator package: + - X -7- &
sq. root. It includes 3 storage and 3 operating memori es and will handle chain and column
With the purchase of (1) VDM-1 and (1) 4KRA-4 Memory:

Just $299.00 (Offer e xpire s 2-1-76)

"II I~
I ISI·I.4A\~
,\\ttl 111.41~
- - - - "----.-_.. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -- ' '- - -- - _ ._ - - --

~~ •• I.II •• I ••lt·I •• 11 r;., 2465 Fourth Street

~~.. ••• •• ~ Berkeley, Ca. 94710
Continued from page 19


ADD Rl, R2 3. 5 Register addressing

MOV R3,R0 3.5

MOV TAGl , 10 (R2) 11.55 Relative & index addressing

TSTB (R3)+ 5.25 Auto-indexed

BMI TAG 2 3.5 Conditional branch

JSR PC , 2 (R2) 8 . 05 Subroutine call

JMP (R4) 4.2 Jump indirect

RTI 10·5 Return from interrupt

Optional EIS & FIS In structions: APPENDI X D:

MUL 24 - 64 Multiply

FADD 42.1 Floating add

FMUL 52 . 2 - 93 . 7 Floating mult
N 3 I f result were negative
FDIV 151 - 232 Floating divide
Z 2 I f result were zero

V 1 I f operation resulted i n
an arithmetic overflow
C If operation resulted in
ASCII CONSOLE/ODT COMMANDS a carry from the msb (most
significant bit) or a 1
was shifted from the Isb
Conunand Function (least significant bit)

<CR> Close opened location and accept next conunand .

< LF> Cl ose current l ocation ; open next sequentia l


Up- arrow Open previous location .

Back-arrow Take contents of opened location as a

re l ati ve address, and open that l ocation .

@ Take contents of opened l ocation as

abso lute address and open that l ocation .

r/ Open word at locat ion r.

/ Reopen the last l ocation .

$n/ or Rn/ Open general register n(0-7) or S (PSW).

r;G or r G Go to location r and start program

nL Execute bootstrap l oader using n as device

CSR. Console device is 177560 .

; P or P Proceed with program execution.

RUBOUT < DEL> Erases previous numeric character. Response

is a backs l ash (').
Continued on page 24

Go Compucer lIow'
Why no. 1


SPHERE starts with a CPU using a Motorola 6800 mi croprocessor , a Re al-Time Clock, 4K of dynam ic memory , 1 K of
PROM software. The CRT Board generates 16 lines by 32 characters of ASCIl on a television or video monitor. Keyboard is
complete with numeric and cursor editing keypads. From here , hardware can be expanded to your hearts desire with extra
memory boards (up to 64K) , serial communications interface , cassette interfa ce, Modem , digital I/O (as many as you need).
Floppy Disk memory (up to 4 disks), 8 computer terminal s, line printer etc ... all from one M6800 chip.
With a SPHERE Computer, stand-alone development is just the beginning, you can configure your system to handle
your problem solving/record keeping needs. All SPHERE Computer Systems come complete with useable software languages .
Available are "PDS" lK Basic, or extended Basic Compiler. When computer is turned on, it immediately goes into a comm-
and mode, so that you can instantly start programming. "PDS" contains a mini-assembler , editor, debugger, and utility comm-
and set in lK of PROM. Also available is a lK subset of Basic. Our extended Basic compiler is complete with string, matrix,
and file functions , and requires 12K of memory. With this software you can perform your applications whether it be account-
ing, home management , education, security monitoring, research, business , etc. Why not invent your own application? For
play or for work your biggest problem is no problem at all. $860 is the start for an operating Computer System Kit. Your
computer is ready and comes complete with operator manuals sufficient for first-time computer users. Contact us today for
more informatio n.


ONE·CARD COMPUTER : Motorola 6800 microprocesso r, 4K RAM, $999 $1499' SPHERE 2: Includes all fea ture s of SPHERE 1, plu s seria l communica·
$350 $520
512 by tes EPROM (containing a Program Development Sys tem ), a tions a nd audio casse tt e or MODEM interlace .
Monitor, and a seria l ty pe interface. This is the 100· quanlit y price . 1765 2250' SPHERE 3: Includes all th e featu res of SPHERE 2, plu s memory
ex tended to the hobby user for a limited time o n a sing le uni!. totaling 20K which is sufficient to run fu ll extended BASIC Language .

CPU BOARD : Motorola 6800 microprocesso r, 4K RAM, 1KEPROM SPHERE 4: Includes all of the features of SPHERE 3, except the
522 622 6100 7995'
(containing an EDITOR , ASSEMBLER, DEBUGG ER , COMMAND casse tt e has bee n re pla ced b y an IBM-campa table Dual Floppy Disk
LAN GUAG E, CASSETTE LOADER , D U MPER , UTiLITIES I, and a REAL- Syste m . This system in cludes a Disk-operating Syste m and BASIC
TIME CLOCK. Language and a 65 lPM line printer.

SPHERE 1: Includes th e CPU BOARD described above , plus 512 OTHER SPHERE PRODUCTS : Light pen op tion ; full color and B/W
860 1400' (\'ari ous)
characte r vi deo w ith fu ll ASC II k eyboa rd and numeridcu r so r video graphics sys tem ; low cos t Dual Floppy Di sk System : and full
keypad, power s upply, chassis. manuals and associated parts . lin e of low cost periphera ls.

"Thi s ASSEMBLED SPHERE System includes th e co mpl ete cha ssis. and video monitor as pictured below.

791 South 500 West Dept . 129 (801) 292-8466
Bountiful, Utah 84010

Continued from page 22

BUS A collection of parallel data paths PC Program Counter. A register

and power I ines used to which contains the address of the
interconnect the various elements next instruction to be executed.
of the system, including the
central processor, memory, and
all peripherals. POWER·UP Two wire jumpers on the CPU
SEQUENCE module select one of the four
BUS Bus timeouts or bus errors occur possible power-up modes :
TIMEOUT whenever the controlling device
on the bus (the bus Masted does OPTION POWER-UP
not receive a response from the o PC at 24, PSW at 26, or HA LT
add ressed device (the Slave) 1 ODT - ASCII Console
within a certain length of time. In 2 PC = 173000, or HALT
general, these are caused by 3 Special processor microcode
attempts to reference
non-existent memory or The power-up sequence is
peripheral devices. Bus error traps initiated upon supplying power to
cause processor traps through the the processor module or on
trap vector address 4 . restoration of power after a
temporary power fail has
DMA Direct Memory Access. For high occurred.
speed devices, memory may be
accessed directly through the bus
without the use of program PSW Processor Status Word . Contains
controlled data transfers . information on the current status
of the processor including the
JUMPER The CPU module contains priority mask (bit 7) and the
SELECTABLE locations for six wire jumpers to condition codes (bits 0 to 3).
OPTIONS control the various operating
options as follows:
STACK An area of memory set aside by
1. Two wires select which of the the programmer for temporary
four possible power-up options is storage or subroutine/interrupt
desired. These are normally set to sevice linkage. The stack uses the
restart through vector location 24 "Last In - First Out" concept;
(so the LS 1-11 acts as a standard thus various items may be added
PDP-11 ). to a stack in sequential order and
retrieved or deleted from the
2. One wire jumper enables the stack in reverse order . Stack starts
external event (or real-time clock) at the highest location reserved
interrupt feature when inserted. for it and expands linearly
downward . In the LSI -11, register
3. One wire jumper enables the 6 is reserved as the hardware stack
automatic dynamic memory pointer and must be initialized by
refresh feature when inserted. the software. However, registers 0
to 5 may be used for various
4. Two wire jumpers determine program defined stacks as needed.
the addressing of the 4K RAM
memory located physically on the
CPU module. TRAP Software generated interrupt.

Each wire jumper consists of a

short length of bare copper wire VECTOR A unique address which points to
soldered between two designated a reserved set of locations (2
holes in the PC board . words) for interrupt or error
handling. The first word contains
MACROCODE The instruction set which the the starting address of a service
programmer sees and actually uses routine (a new PC) while the
to implement his program, such as second holds the new PSVV to be
the PDP-11 instruction set in this used by the service routine.

MICROCODE The low level instruction set used VOLATILE Volatile memory, such as RAM,
in a microprogrammed processor MEMORY will not retain useful information
to "emulate," or execute, the without power applied
macrocode. Microcode is more continuously . Non-volatile
primitive in function, but memory, such as core or ROM ,
executes at a higher speed than will always retain its information
the macrocode. with or without power applied.

elll nlla!
4K - $115'
8K - $401'
11K - $561'
16K - $6.6'


The SPHERE Memory board. Is designed to hold 16K of memory on one board.
2107 A-8 memory chips are used on this board and are designed in 4K increments to
allow choice of 4,8,12, or 16K. Each memory chip is socketed and is delivered to you
completely assembled and tested. The PC memory board connects to the CPU board
tri-state buffered bus cables. The memory locations are strap selectable as to order of
addressing. Those memory mania purchasers of 12 or 16K who have, or who buy, any
SPHERE Computer System will get absolutely free the SPHERE extended BASIC com-
piler. All documentations will be included.


Dept . 130
791 South 5 00 West
Bountiful, Utah 84010
I Yes! Th e facts j've read have convinced me!
I 0
Pl ease ru sh me more details on your memory board.
Please rush me more details on your low -c ost compute r
system and periph e r a ls. (Specific questions, if any, are
I attached.)

I Print Name: I
I Address: I
I City and State ' I CORPORATION
Z,p Code. Phone· _ _ _ _ _ __ 791 South 500 West Dept . 130 (801) 292-8466
~--------- ______ I Bountiful, Utah 84010

......... .... .. ..........................................
. ......................... .............
· . "" ............. ......................... ............. ...
;;;;.....;;::.~!!.....!~~ ~ ~~~ll!!m;:.
... ... " , ......
":1~~ :~~::'................
;l ;;i111111W11.
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....................... .. ~ITT£H Cf4 8' DIM
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........""" .........
......... ...
..................................................... ........
.... ........ ..... .......... .... .... ........ ..... ..... .. ~ImH (II 4' DIM
·· ...................................................
" '" ............................. . ......... .,
., ., . . ....................
.... ................. " " ...
... ..............
'" •••••••••••••••••••••••••• I. •••• • ••

... ... .......... ... '" ..

..... ...... ..
..... ,., .
.: ... :........: .:::::::
.... ....
.... .......
.. ::::::: ..... .
.... .... ...........
....... .
........ ..
.. ..... ......
....... ..... .... ..... . ......
..... ........ . Photo 1: The ease of removing just one dot from a

......... ..........
............. .:. .... ......
...... ::::: .:::::::::. full field display depends upon the display size.
............................. ........ . The author's X-V display has an adjustable size
:::: \\\~~\~~ ~g~~gmmmmlm~:::::: :::::::::::::::: control which was used in preparing this picture.

Let There Be
Light Pens
Sumner S. Loomis With only a few components a nd a few
Loomis Laboratories hours of construction you can add a versatile
Route 1 Box 131A light pen to the oscilloscope graphics inter-
Prairie Point MS 39353 face which has been described in the
October 1975 issue of BYTE, page 70 ff.
By holding the light pen to the face of
the cathode ray tube (CRT), a point may be
added or removed. This eliminates the
awkward and time consuming effort
required when using a program or manual
switches to change the dots on th e screen.
The resolution and capability of the light
pen are dependent on two characteristics of
the CRT. The brightness and the size of the
display tube will determine how easily you
may add or remove one dot. An idea of the
effect of display size may be had from photo
1. The word Test was written twice on a 12
inch (30.5 cm) black and white TV picture
tube configured as an XY display like an
oscilloscope. Th e top word was written with
the display adjusted to an 8 inch (20.3 cm)
size, and the lower word was written with a
4 inch (10.2 cm) display. Each letter was
written with only one stroke of the light pen
without touch up or corrections. With some
practice, and possibly several passes, one dot
may be added or removed if the display
measures 8 inches (20.3 cm) or more.
Further improvements to the pen are
required with smaller displ ay tubes. An
Photo 2 : The light pen can be used in an "erase" mode by filling the screen with "on"
dots then selectively removing dots with the light pen. The titles added to this picture
advanced circuit that greatly improves the
(and all the pictures in this article) were created with a separate character generator capability of the pen with small displays is
which is not described. also described in this article.

The light pen can erase or draw
depending on the setting of a switch.
Examples of the two actions may be seen in
photos 2 and 3. If the oscilloscope interface
is adjusted for a high repetition rate, some
smearing or carryover into the neighboring
dot positions occurs. The author's system
has a front panel control permitting ten
repetition rates. A small improvement in
resolution can be noted at the lower writing
rates, as shown in photo 2. A frame consists
of 64 by 64 dots.

Theory of Operation
The light pen operates on the principle
that brightness is quite intense during the
actual interval that a particular dot is being
written by the CRT's electron beam.
Although phosphor will continue to emit
light for some time, the brightness decays in
an exponential manner after the writing
beam has moved on to the next dot.
Figure 1 illustrates the simple light pen Photo 3: The light pen can be used in an "enhance" mode by using a footswitch control
to flood the screen momentarily when the light pen is in position.
circuit. With proper adjustment of the sensi-
tivity control (and possibly the brightness
control), the photocell in the tip of the light
pen will sense the moment in time when a
dot is written at the particular location of
the light pen. At this instant, the photocell
will conduct, biasing the PNP transistor
which causes a short pulse to be conducted
through capacitor Cl to the base of the NPN
transistor Q2. If the pulse is greater than .6
V, this transistor will be driven into satura-
tion , and the Iight pen output will fall to .3
V. This output line is the connected to pin 5
of the oscilloscope graphics unit which
writes a 1 or a 0 bit (dot or no dot) at MFG PHOTOCELL CONTROL
precisely the instant that the dot position TI H-35 1M
R5 TI H-38 2M
touched by the pen was addressed. RI 2N5138
IK TI L-63 5K
The above procedure works quite well if CLAIRE 903 20K

the dot to be changed is illuminated at the LIGHT-PEN

time. With proper adjustment of the sensi- OUTPUT 10
tivity control, we can usually use an illum- I
inated dot just above the point of action (it I 51
must precede the dot in scan sequence) to bLDDU
create a new dot in the next space. This SPST
action of extending a line can be quite useful
for drawing bar graphs on the CRT. This
Figure 1: The simple version of the light pen can be constructed according to this
mode of entry is possible because screen schematic. All resistors ~ w.
persistence allows the light pulse to be
carried over into two or three subsequent
dot positions depending on the frame speed. RI
How can the photocell sense the dot's ~Rgu~~~~ CARD _----'\fVVo-----_---_....-_ ~O,~~~~LLOSCOPE
position if there is not any illumination to R2
trigger it? This is accomplished by the flood -12V - - - - - - - . R3 R9
circuit which is shown in figure 2. This 5K
circuit overrides the normal Z-axis control
and floods the screen with light by feeding a CI
logical one signal to the Z axis of the display
unit. With this arrangement the pen is placed
at the required dot position, the footswitch Figure 2: The foot switch control used to flood the screen for " enhance" mode
is actuated to flood the screen with light, operation is given in this circuit which modifies the Z-axis signal to the oscilloscope
and the photocell is energized when the driver.

C3 C4 +5V 10 PIN:!
O.II'F 20I'F




1.5K I
R3 I



Q 9)-t----'

LIGHT PEN PC-I '----1-------.-------'

Figure 3: By adding a pair of oneshots to the circuit, the ability to draw pictures is improved through a short
data lockout period which avoids smearing.

writing beam reaches that particular dot In figure 3 resistor R4 and capacitor C1
position. Releasing the footswitch removes control the length of the write pulse, and
the flood and allows the data to be resistor R5 and capacitor C2 control the
examined. wait time. For the 4528 CMOS oneshot, the
The circuits just described will probably time of the pulse (T) measured in micro-
suffice if you wish to use the light pen only seconds is a function of resistance (R) and
for occasional correction of data. If you plan capacitance (C) measured in ohms and
extensive and detailed work, such as microfarads, respectively, as follows:
cartooning or statistical data entry, a modifi-
cation of the circuit will allow you to tailor
the light pen's response to your own pa rticu-
T = 2.5 * R * C ** .85;
lar needs and system speed. The circuit
shown in figure 3 is similar to the one shown where a single asterisk denotes multiplica-
in figure 1 . However, it includes two oneshot tion , and a double asterisk exponentiation.
multivibrators (contained in one CMOS The circuit shown in figure 3 also
DIP). The first one produces a constant includes a switch and connections for using
amplitude pulse of approximately 200 nsec the light pen with the author's text display
duration wh ich is sufficient to bring about and editing system. Exact details for this
the storage of a 1 or 0 bit in most versions of connection are not given here, as they will
the 2102 memory (ICs 11 to 14 in the differ with the type and construction of the
oscilloscope graphics interface) . The second text display system. I found, however, that
one delays the generation of another write the shift register type memories commonly
command for .25 sec, giving the operator used in these systems require a much longer
sufficient time to withdraw the pen from the write pulse than is necessary for the 2102
screen or move to a new location, before a memories. It was also desired to eliminate
double or multiple dot can be drawn. Once the holdoff circuit (second oneshot) for this
the two pulses have been timed in accor- application. These changes are accomplished
dance with a given system speed and the with switch 51 and resistors R9 and R5 . If
operator's writing speed, it becomes very these features are not desired, it is recom-
easy to draw detailed i mages with the light mended that R9 be replaced by a wire, R4
pen. changed to 4.7 k.Q and C1 to 20 pF .

As is shown in the table accompanying
figure 1, several different types of photocells
are suitable for use in the light pen. The /

Texas Instrument (TI) type H-35 or H-38 is

a very small device with a built in lens. These
were originally designed for use in punched
tape and card readers, thus the small size.
Their size, sensitivity, and restricted field of
view make them ideal for this application.
The high impedance of these devices, how-
ever, makes them somewhat slow for this
appl ication, particularly at low brightness
levels. The slow response time limits their
use at the faster scan rates, and complicates
the smearing mentioned earlier. Another
device, the L-63 type which is available from
Radio Shack (276-140 infared detector), was
found to be considerably faster. Being a
much larger device, however, it has a larger
field of view, and much of its speed advan-
tage is lost to optical smearing. Models of Photo 4 : This shows a pen based on the TI type L -63 photocell, built using a marking
both photocell types were built and tested pen case.
by me, with only slight preference for the
H-3S. With some careful masking, and
possibly the addition of a small, short focal
length lens (e.g., Edmund Scientific number
12050 cyl inder lens, or a small drop of clear
epoxy), this photocell will probably perform
better than the H-35 for this application.
The Claire types 903 and 903-L were tried
with only fair results.
Any ball-point pen or felt-tipped marker
can be reworked to make a housing for your
light pen . Take a tour of the local stationery
store to find likely candidates. The L-63
photocell was found to fit nicely into the
end of a Graphi-100 marker pen which can Photo 5 : This picture shows an assembled light pen using a TI type H-35 (or H-38)
easily be disassembled with diagonal cutters. photocell with a standard ballpoint pen housing.
An example of the construction with the
L-63 is shown in photo 4, and the H-35
assembly is shown in photo 5.
Secure the photocell in place with epoxy
adhesive after attaching the shielded cable.
The cable can also be secured against damage
from pulling by filling the entire pen with
silicone rubber adhesive or ordinary house-
hold bathtub caulk. It is wise to keep the
cable short, especially with the H-35 or H-38
photocells, to obtain maximum possible
res ponse speed. I used an 18 inch (45.7 cm)
long miniature coaxial cable leading to a
miniature phone pi ug.
If you are using the simple circuit of
figure 1, the parts can be assembled on a
small turret terminal board available at most
electro nic supply houses. This assembly is
shown in photo 6. The circuit of figure 3 can
be assembled in the same manner with the
addition of a 16 pin DIP socket. R4, R5, C1
and C2 should be mounted in such a manner Photo 6 : This photo illustrates how the circuit of figure 1 can be assembled using a small
that they can be changed easily (Cambion turret terminal board. The transistors and R5 are mounted out of sight on the rear side
601-1512 component clips are useful here) . of the board.

The sensitivity control may be conveniently
mounted on the front paneL
The operation of the light pen requires
control of the inputs to the oscilloscope
graphics unit. I have found that one of the
most convenient ways in my system is
through a set of manual data switches. This
type of input was illustrated as a test fixture
for the oscilloscope graphics interface in
figure 5 on page 75 of the October 1975
issue of BYTE. In my system, these data
input switches are shared with a Mark-B
minicomputer front panel by means of an B
pole doubl e throw toggle switch. It is also
possible to set up input codes to the
oscilloscope graphics unit using software in
the microcomputer system which drives it.
In order to enter data with the light pen,
a deposit switch is pressed whenever the pen
is in the proper position for data entry. The
deposit switch should be mounted in a
convenient location near the display tube
and light pen. In my system the light pen
deposit switch was mounted next to the
original deposit switch of the Mark-B com-

Photo 7: Using the improved circuit of figure 3 reduces much of the over-writing of Using The Light Pen
multiple dots which occurred using the original circuit of figure 1. This is an enhance To illustrate the use of the light pen, we
mode picture.
wi II cover the procedure necessary to draw a
simple figure on the screen in the erase mode
using manual controls. Set the switch
register to 1000 0110 binary (turn scan on)
and depress the deposit switch. This should
produce random dots on the screen. Set the
switch register for 10000010 binary (set Z
on) and depress the deposit switch again.
The screen will show a full field of dots. (If
the Z axis polarity of your display tube is
reversed, you wi II have to use the "set Z off"
command (10000011 binary) to illuminate
the screen.} Set the switch register for 1000
0010 (set Z on), but do not activate the
deposit switch. Now bring the light pen in
contact with the display CRT, and note that
the dot or dots within its field of view are
erased. To erase the entire scree n and start
over, simply press the deposit switch and
repeat the above procedure.
To write in the enhance mode (screen
dark, writing illuminated dots), reverse the
above procedure by wiping the screen clean
with the "set Z off" command (while the
scan is on), and after setting the switch
register to "set Z on" without the deposit
switch, proceed to write dots with the light
pen. In this mode, the flood foot switch
must be periodically activated to provide the
required illumination . Examples of the light
Photo 8 : This illustrates a cartoon drawn using the erase mode of operation with the pen's drawing capability can be seen in
improved circuit of figure 3. photos 7 and B.•

Horror Story

Not too long ago, researchers at Stanford "error-checking codes," and form an Jim C. Warren Jr.
Medical Center in California were horrified on-going area of applied-mathematics Star Route Box 111
to discover that several years of data that research. In either case, partial redundancy is Redwood City CA 94062
were stored on magnetic tape had important in that it improves reliability, but
disa pp eared. The tapes hadn't disappeared, r eq uir es less additional storage than
just the data. The discovery was made when full- or triple-redundancy.
they attempted to retrieve some of the data First, the researchers thought (prayed)
for a nalys is, but fo und o nly "garbage" that their tape decks were malfunctioning.
recorded on the tapes. Even more disturbing Not so. Diagnostic checks were made and the
was the fact that these tapes were supposed tape equipment was working properly. Next,
to be ultra reliable. They had been especially the tapes were examined. Nothing was
developed for storage of important research wrong with them, physically, and in fact,
data and used a fully redundant recording new data could be recorded on them and
technique for improved reliability. retrieved without difficul ty. They as ked
Fully redundant recording is a storage others around the Medical Center if they had
technique in which each data bit is recorded encountered similar problems (there are
in two differe nt locations. In this case, a bout 50 computers at the Sta nford Medi cal
DECtape TM was being used . This is tape Center). None had . Then they looked for
that is 3/4ths of an inch wide a nd has six environmental causes, but there appeared to
parallel data record ing channels or paths. be none. The temperature and humidity
The data recor ded in the three channels on recorders, common to biomedical research
o ne side of the tape is duplicated in the facilities, indicated no significant
t hree chann els o n the other side. Thus, the fluctuations. There had been no fires, no
tapes have ha lf the data capacity that they chemical accidents, and there was no x-ray
cou ld ha ve, but their re li ab ility is signifi- or high power electronics gear in use nearby.
cantly improved. The tapes had bee n in their individual boxes,
It should be noted that there are a just like the tapes for all of the other
number of other possible redundant storage computer facilities in the Medical Center,
techniques in use for improving reliability. a nd these boxes had been neatly stored on
For instance, "tr iply redundant recording" the bottom shelves of a cabinet, well out of
replicates each bit three times in three the way of possible harm . It was a most
separate locations. Alternatively, depending frustrating puzzle .
on the allowable bit-patterns that may be Finally, however, the mystery was solved.
used to store data, "partial redundancy" It seems that the janitor had made his
may be used . In this technique, a biannual floor polishing rounds, using a
computation is performed on the explicit heavy duty rotary floor pol isher. The
bit-pattern of each datum. The computation magnetic radiation from its massive motor,
result requires fewer bits than the original in proximity to the low shelved tapes, had
datum, but may be used to either replicate raised havoc with the bit patterns that had
the o riginal datum (thereby recovering it, if bee n recorded on the tapes.
necessary) or to at least verify the The researchers now store their tapes on
authenticity of the original datum. These are the top shelves. -
referred to as "error-correcting codes" and

Integrating graphics control commands
Carl Helmers In LIFE Line 3, the design of the optionally be performed by depressing either
DECODE routine of the LIFE program was the birth key or the death key at the same
presented. DECODE is designed as a table time. Thus as many as three keys may be
driven mechanism for selecting one of sensibly pressed simultaneously when
several subroutines wh ich carry out the entering data.
functions of the LIFE progra m's KEY- The large number of combinations
BOARD_INTERPRETER. Howeve r if you possible for the six bits which will be needed
exami ne table 1 of LIFE Line 3 (see p. 51 of for six switches strongly argues . against
BYTE #4), you will note one conspicuous making the software use a table driven
and intentional lack: There are no routines algorithm such as DECODE . This is the
which process the interact ive graphics com- reason why no cursor motion and data entry
mands required to set up LIFE patterns on commands are found in table 1 of LI FE
the scope display. Yet in LIFE Line 1, Lin e 3. Since each bit of the parallel
several special purpose keys were introduced information from the motion control
as manual inputs for cursor motion control switches can have an independent meaning, a
and data definition purposes. Where is the specially programmed determination of
missing part of the program which interfaces motion control actions uses less memory
these keys? What are the hardware implica- than the huge table which would be required
tions of requiring a special keyboard? for all the combinations. Thus handling of
Answers to these questions are the major motion control is left to the DEFAULT
concern of LI FE Line 4. Integrating the routine which is called by DECODE when it
graphics control commands is a combined fails to decode one of the commands in table
hardware and software topic. The software is 1 of LIFE Line 3. (DEFAULT also handles
that of the DEF AU LT routine that inter- ASCII numeric inputs, as you'll see a bit
prets several keyboard inputs not handled by later in LIFE Line 4.)
DECODE; the hardware consists of the
design of a special keyboard interface to Graphics Control Hardware Considerations
automatically switch between an ASCII key- For the hardware of LIFE, how can the
board's 7-bit parallel output code and the need of this special set of input codes be
LIFE graphics control keypad. reconciled with the need to input ASCII via
The main requirement for LIFE cursor the same eight-bit input port? One answer
motion and data control is that one, two or lies in the choice of an eight-bit format in
three of the input keys can be depressed at which the most significant bit determines
the same time. This capability is needed in what lies in the low order seven bits . With
order to specify all the possibl e combina- this format, one state of the most significant
tions of motio n control and optional cell bit indicates when an ASCII code is present
birth or death data inputs. The individual in the low order; the other state of the most
motion control possibilities (one key at a significant bit indicates when graphic control
time) are the movements in four principal keyboard information is in the low order.
directions: up, down, left or right. When two This choice of format is supported in hard-
motion control keys for perpendicular direc- ware by the addition of a simple interface
tions are selected at the same time, diagonal module which uses seven integrated circuits
motion is the desired result. With either to switch between data sources and
form of motion control, entry of data can debounce the motion control keyboard.

Graphics Control Commands

Format: 7 6 5 4 3 2 o
x c b u d

right movement if one

left movement if one

down movement if one

up movement if one

birth/death (one/zero)

change enable, if one,

move only if zero


one to indicate a graphics


ASCII Keyboard Input

Format: 7 6 5 4 3 2 o
o a a a a a a a

ASCII characte) (7 bit)

I zero to indicate ASCII

Figure 1: Data forma ts for graphic control commands and ASCII keyboard input.

The combined ASCII and control data prototype is currently using one of the A flip flop with preset and
format is illustrated in figure 1. When the surplus Sanders 720 keyboards described in clear inputs can be used in
value of bit seven of the interface is read as BYTE m.) The graphic control information place of a hand-wired set
one, the pr ogram ming of the DEFAULT is derived through jack J 2 fro m the special reset flip flop.
routine will always be entered and the low keyboard via the 7474 flip flops IC1, IC2
order bits will be analyzed as graphic control and IC3. These D flip flops are being used as
infor mation as shown by the upper diagram set reset flip flops by gro unding the clock
in figure 1. The low order bits zero through line and employing the preset (PRES) and
three represent the individu al key states of clear (CLR) inputs for data and keyboard
the motion control switches and the next ack nowl edge functions respectively. The flip
two bits, four and five, are encoded with flop outputs for bits zero to three go
information on data entry from the birth directly to the data selector to define cursor
and death switches. If the value of bit seven motion inputs. The flip flop output for bit
is read as a logical ze ro, the program will four (birth switch) also is directly connected
interpret th e ASCII value of the low order to the selector. However, bit five of the
bits through the DECODE routine of LI FE selector's cursor motion inputs is taken from
Lin e 3, or through the DEFAULT routine if NAND gate IC4D which encodes a CHANGE
the command is not in the table which drives ENAB LE signal when eith er birth or death
DECODE. data input is indicated. (Note that the user
The hardware needed to implement this of the LI FE cursor motion control keyboard
special interface is shown in figure 2. The is on his ho nor not to push both birth and
interface consists of a two way data selector death keys simultaneously - with this
(IC6 and IC7) which determines whether the encoding logic, birth always locks out
eight bit pattern prese nted to the system bus death.) One item derived from the cursor
interface comes fro m the cursor motion control keyboard is a key pressed signal
control keyboard or from the ASCII key- produced by 7430 NAND gate IC5. This
board. The ASCII data is routed straight to signal is inverted by IC4C and used to
the data selectors from a jack (J 1) which control the data selector: If any key on the
receives a ca bl e which connects to the cursor motion control keyboard is pressed,
keyboard unit. (The LI FE Line system the ASCII keyboard will be locked out;

1 +5V

I~ 4 PRES 0 5 LO+ KO+

LO -

~ .


RR~22~ ~fPt~f;-ff-a~'~CI_7_4_7_4
0 9
...L 3

____~~________________- ,
S2=LE F;T dCLR C al LI- I
13 ...LII B
I R3+¥ fff
l /. ~1_~~~
=-~~44P~;--a~5______~~L~2~+~____________- - , K2+ 1
~ <> •
~ ;PRES _0 J
,I 1
L2 -
I CLR C 0 6 1
+5V I ...L3 I

R4 fff IC2 7474
', ~1-'~~__~'0~~S--C~9____-+~~L~3~+~____________,
<> PRES 0
S4=UP! WCLR C ~ \ <{
I +5V 13 ...LII B I U.
I ~ fff I IX
I PR~E~S;--a~1,5~__~+-~~L~4~+________~D~A~TA~+-~~-+~~+-______- - , K4+ I-
55= BI RjI'H HCLR C 0" L4-

I p+5V I 0. 3 6
I / I R6 10 IC3 7474 13 <{
~S6--D'E AT H
I 13
~ CL R
QLB: 1 L5- 12 ./
K6+ ::.::
~ IC4C R7
I 2 3 4 5 [ 6 111 112 7400

2 5 II 14 13 106
21 5 II 141310613
A A A A B B B B 15

~~~57 7'.f'~7
o I I
t-'j"'" 'I r UND
1 0 I 1
4Y 3Y 2Y IY 4Y 3Y 2Y IY r. 7
1 I 1 I 12 9 7 4 12 9 7 4 GI

~~~~3______~ 6 ACKN- ACKN- I
PULSE TO 2 J"L 5 1
DO 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
(IDLE STATE: 00000000)

Figure 2: The logic diagram of a keyboard interface which implements the fonnats of figure 1. Resistors R1 to R7 are TTL pUIl up resistors. The
value are not critical, and may range from 1 KO to 1 0 KO, J;.! w.

otherwise the ASC II keyboard is connected computer's data bus, buffered by National
and the cursor motion contro l keyboard is DM8833 Tri State bus transceivers is used.
ignored. Note that the cursor motion input T he interface thus consists of two DM8833's
has priority over the ASC II keyboard since it used to drive the bus, plus the address
contro ls the data selector. selection logic needed to detect the address
Fina ll y, to complete the interface logic of t he keyboard and produce the bus enable
sections A and B of IC4 are used to buffer signal as we ll as t he WRITE- signal. For a
the computer-generated keyboard WR ITE- computer based upon a kit, the input port
signal wh ich occurs when the computer logic will be in a standard form designed by
writes data into the keyboard location. This the kit manufacturer. What is needed is a
signal is used to reset the graphics contro l paralle l input port, which might already
f lip f lops. The buffered version of the signal exist if your computer kit comes with a
(p in 6 of IC4) is used to drive the acknow- keyboard and para ll e l interface.
ledge line of the ASC I I keyboard unit. A
separate buffer is recommended due to the Notes on Assembly
unknown loading of the ASCII keyboard T he prototype version of the graphic
device. In LIFE Line's design of a program, control keyboard is illustrated in photo 1.
the logic of the KEYBOARD INTER- The keys were made from conventional
PRETER procedure is used to manipu late magnetic reed switches obtained from key-
the interface. board units found at a computer auction .
What is not shown in figure 2 is the actual Any single pole single throw keyswitch can
system bus interface. The design of such an be used; options on mounting are left to the
interface must be done consistent with a ingenuity of the bui lder. T he arrangement of
given computer's data bus. In the prototype keys shown in photo 1 is designed so that
system for LI FE Line, a Motorola 6800 t he cursor motion controls are at the top in

Photo 1: The graphics control keyboard of
the LIFE Line prototype system. The group
of four switches with arrows are cursor
motion control keys. The two switches with
captions "B" and "D" are the birth and
death data keys, respectively.

a group of four. The arrows were applied

Photo 2: Detail illustrating wire wrapped assembly of figure 2 using a general
using small pieces of self-sticki ng ad dress purpose prototyping board.
labels of th e type often used by computer
centers. Th e two isolated switches at the
botto m of t his arrangement are the birth (B) routine whenever DECODE cannot match an
and death (D) keys. The wiring of the input from this port to a n entry in the
keyswitches to the computer is acco m- COMMAND tabl e. Decoding of the graphics
plished through a multi-conductor bundle of control format and ASCII numeric
wires trailing away at the bottom. This cable characters is left to the DEFAULT routine
terminates in a dual-inline header plug which because of the systematic nature of these
fits into a socket on the wire wrap board inputs.
containing the computer and inte rface . How is this decod ing done? One answer
Photo 2 illustrates the wire wrap wiring of of course li es in the des ign of the DEFAULT
the interface logic in the LI FE Line proto- routine. DEFAULT is specified in a pro-
type system. cedure-oriented language in figure 3.
Basically the DEFAULT processing fo llows
Using The Control Information one of two paths of execution according to
The purpose of the interface hardware is the hi gh order format identifier bit, bit seven
to combine two keyboards into a single of the formats illustrated in figure 1. The
input port with software distinguishing input data from the interface is passed to
"who called" on the basis of the format DEFAULT in the va riable KEY which is set
shown in figure 1 . How does the LI FE at line 11 of KEYBOARD INTERPRETER
software handle this data format? Recalling (see LI FE Lin e 3, figure 3). The high order
the presentation in LIFE Line 3, the bit of KEY is tested by the AND o peration
DEFAUL T routine is called by the DECODE of line 3. The mask ing bit string 10000000B

3 IF (KEY AND 10000000B) NOT = 0 THEN
6 IF (KEY AND 00100000B) NOT = 0 THEN
8 IF (KEY AND 00010000B) = 0 THEN
13 END;
14 END;
17 NUM = KEY - 30H ;
18 IF NUM > 9THEN NUM = 9;
19 ZUM = 0;
20 DO FOR 1=1 TO 10 ; / * MULTIPLY = REPEATED ADD */
22 END;
23 ENTRY = ZUM + NUM ;
26 END;

selects only the high order bit of KEY so

that the result of. the masked test will be
zero if bit seven is zero, non ze ro if bit seven Data (8-bit bytes) used by DEFAULT at this level :
is one. If the result of the AND is not equ al
to zero, the graphics control case will be NUM = temporary data byte used to hold a BCD digit for conversion to
executed: th e DO .. . END group ex tending binary.
from line 4 to lin e 14. If the result of the ZUM = temporary data byte used to for m the prod uct whe n ENTRY is
AND is zero, ASCII input is present so the shifte d left 1 BCD digit b y multipli cat ion with 10, lines 20 to 22.
character is forced into a num eric entry
interpretation. The ELSE DO ... END Data (8-bit bytes) used by DEFA UL T but shared with the
clause of lines 15 to 26 ha ndles this altern a- whole program.
tive .
Graphics Control Processing
Subroutines Referenced by DEFAULT:
The processing of the graphics control
format is not at all compl ica ted . A pro-
LPUT . .. Routine (used als o by FACTS_OF _ LIFE) which placeS th e
cedure, called MOVECU RS is executed first bit value of the third arg ument at a loca tion specified by th e first two
to decode the four low order bits of the arguments. Thus lines 9 and 11 define a new value for the bit at XCOL
graphics control form at and adjust the and YROW in the LIFEBITS matri x.
cursor position.
MOVECURS .. . Th e rou tine (see Fig. 11) which moves the cursor up,
MOVECURS is specifi ed in a procedure- down, left or right depending upo n the motion control switches which
oriented lan guage in figure 4. This routine are read into the low o rd er bits of KEY.
contains four IF statements which test the
four motion control bits. Motion is ac hiev ed DISPLA Y . . .. The rou tine which co pies LI FEBITS to the graphics
output d evice for viewing.
for each logical one bit by simply adding or
subtracting o ne from the corresponding
cursor position variable XCOL or YROW. Figure 3: The DEFAULT routine specified in a procedure-oriented
Note that this software takes care of an language.
invalid combination of up and down (or left
and right) in a unique way : nothing happe ns .
If contradictory commands are input, the


The p ri ce of t he A LTA IR 4K memo ry boa rd s trOIll I\I\ ITS was

in cor rec tl y li sted at $264 in th e " M ITS-MAS " Chri stilla s Cata log
prin ted in Dece mber's Popular Elec tronic s. Unfo rtun ately, th e
price change ca ill e after th e ca talog was printed .

Th e A LTA IR -IK board prov id es 4,096 wo rd s (by te s) of d y naill ic

I~AM (Rand o m Access Mem o ry) fo r th e ALTA IR 8800. Eac h
in d iv id ual boa rd co ntain s memory p ro tec t c irc uit ry an d ad dress Two new A LTA IR 8800 I/ O b oa rd s are now in producti o n.
se lec tio n c irc uitry for anyo ne of '16 starting address locat io ns in Th ese in c lude a se ri al i nterface (B8- 2SI0 ) t hat ca n be ordered
in crements o f 4K. Th e m ax illluill access tim e o f th e A LTA IR -I I< w ith o ne o r two ports, and a pa rall el interfa ce (88- PI0 ) t hat ca n
board was r ece ntl y re duced f ro m 300 n a n oseco nd s t o be o rdered w ith up to fou r port s.
200 nanoseco nds. Ea c h p o rt 01 th e n ew Se rial in terface hoard is use r-selec t ab le
Dynami c Illemo ry was chose n for t he ALTA IR 4K boa rd beca use for RS232 , TTL, o r 20 m illi alllP c urrent loop (Telet ype). Th e
it is generally fa ster and requ ires less c urrent than stat ic memory 88-25 10 with two port s ca n in terface two se ria l I/ O dev ices, eac h
(a 4K static ca rd th at Illee ts A LTA IR b us d ri ve spec if icat io ns runnin g at a diffe rent ba ud rate and eac h usin g a different elec-
req uires c lose to three t im es th e 5 vo lt c urrent of d y nailli c tr icil l interco nn ec t. For exam p le, tlw 88-25 10 co uld be in terfac ed
melllory ). to an R5 232 CRT terillin al running at 9600 baud and a Teletype
Ot he r A LTA II~ 8800 memor y opt ions in c lud e a 11< (1,024 words ) runn i ng at '11 0 haud.
and a 2K (2,048 wo rd s) stati c meill o ry carel. These low power An o n-homcl. c rys tal-co nt ro ll ed c lock all ows eac h po rt to be
stat ic memory card s co ntain Illemory pro tec t fea tures and ha ve se t for o ne o f 12 baud rates: 37. 5, 75 , 11 0, 150, 300, 450, 600,
a maxilll uill access tim e of 850 nanoseco nd s. 1200, 1800, 24()0, 4BOO, o r 9600. Baud rate s arc the speed at w hi c h
d atil is tran sfered betwe en th e co mputer and th e I/ O d ev ice.

ALTAIR 8800 Memory Prices:

4K Dynamic ............... ......... ........ $195 kit and $275 assembled Each port "I th e new Parallel interface p rov id es '16 clata lin es
2K Stat ic. ... , ' ' .. $145 kit and $195 assembled and fo ur co nt ro ll ab le interru pt li nes. Eac h of th e da t a lines ca n
1K Stati c.. .. ... ..... , ' .. , ........ $ 97 kit and $139 assembled be used as an i nput o r o ut p u t so tha t a si ngl e port ca n i nterface
a termi nal req uiring 8 li nes i n and 8 l in es o ut - o r it ca n interfa ce
two input d ev ices suc h as a paper t ape rea der and a key board -
PriceS. delivery a nd specificati o ns subject to change . or two o ut p ut d ev ices suc h as a paper t ape pun ch and print er -
o r iln y co mhin ati o n for custom app li ca ti o ns. A ll data lin es il re
full y TTL co mp at ibl e

ALTAIR 8800 Interface Prices:

88-2S 10 Se rial Int erface .. .. .... $115 kit and $144 ass e mbl ed
88-SP additional 88-2S10 port ........ $ 24 kit and $ 35 assembled
"Creative Electroni cs" 88-4P10 Parall e l Inl e rface with o ne
port.. . .$ 86 kit and $112 assembled
MITS/ 6328 Linn N .E., Albuquerque, NM 87108 505/ 262-1951 88-PP additional 88-4P10 port . . ... $ 30 kit and $ 39 assembl e d
5 I F (KEY AND 1000B) NOT = 0 THEN
6 YROW= YROW+ 1;
8 YROW = Y ROW - 1 ;
10 XCOL = XCOL - 1;
12 XCOL =X COL+l ;

Data (8-bit bytes) used by DEFAULT but shared with the

whole program. See Table 2 of LIFE Line 3, BYTE # 4, pg.
55, for details.

Figure 4: The MOVECURS routine specified in a procedure-oriented


Decoding "who called" is cursor position variable in question is both mea ning. At line 17, a valu e of hexadecim al
done in software by the incremented and decreme nted with a net 30, denoted 30H, is subtracted from the key
DEFAULT routine . result of no change. Remember also that code. Sin ce valid numeric ASCII characters
time delays are bui lt into KEYBOARD _ run from hexadeci mal 30 to 39, th is wi ll
INTERPR ETER to govern the speed of res ult in data running from 0 to 9 fo r va lid
changes wh en keys are held down co ntin- numeric codes. Th e test of line 18 exc lud es
uously. invalid co des by forcin g a 9 value. (Unsigned
Upon return from MOVECURS with the arithmetic is assumed here so that all 8-bit
newly upd ate d position, the remaining integer values not in the range 0 to 9 wi ll be
porti on of the graphics co ntrol processing larger than 9.) Th en the previous ENTRY
consists of program logic to test for data value is multiplied by 10 using a repeated
entry. If the change enabl e bit (bit five) has additi on loop at lines 20 to 22. Th e new
a valu e of one, a change is indicated. Then if entry di git value is then added in to the low
the data bit (bit fo ur) is zero, the current order at line 23. Note th at ENTRY is a
position in LI FEBITS is turned off, indi - binary number, but that the di git being
cating a death ; if the data bit is one, the d efaulted is entered with a decim al
current position in L1FEBITS is turned on, weighting. (F or multiplicati on. an altern ative
indicating a birth . Graphics control change to repeated addition in this case would be to
processing is comp leted at line 12 wh en observe that 10 x = 8 x + 2 x. Thus using
DISPLAY is called to pu t the new data out three arithm etic left shifts both twice and
on the displ ay screen. eight times the ori ginal ENTRY cou ld be
obtained and sum med produ ci ng the lO x
Numeric Default Processing produ ct. )
In the alternative DEFAULT process ing After execution of one or th e other of
case of an ASCII character which is not the two paths determin ed by the for mat bit
recogni ze d by the DECODE routine, the of the data in KEY , DEF AULT reaches its
program will assume num eri c entry. In effect CLOSE statement and returns to DECOD E.
wh at this mea ns is that any unrecogni zed
non-numeric ASCII character wiII cause Where Does LIFE Stand?
i nvalid data to be placed in the ENTRY In the course of LIFE Lin e through thi s
registe r of th e software since this li ttle installment, th e structure of the LI FE pro-
routine uses brute force to ex tract a numeric gram has been the major topic . L IFELin e 4



8008 . . . ... . . .. . . ....... . .... $ 35 .00 - - - - Commercial Grade-up to 35° C .
8080 .. ... .. . .. ..... .. . ..... . 135.00
These units are factory
2102 . . . ...... . . . ...... . .. .. . 3.50
fresh, full spec devices.
2102-2 .. . . ... .... .. .. . .. . .. . 4.50


All units are short-circuit proof , fold back current limited and with
over-voltage crowbar protection .

MD-15 MD-5-1 MD-5-3 MD-5-6

±15 Volt at 200MA +5 Volt at 1 Amp +5 Volt at 3 Amp +5 Volt at 6 Amp
Dual Tracking $24.50 $34.50 $44.50
$30 .00


COMBINATIONS All devices a re factory fresh , full spec uniTs.
For the 8008 7400 .... .... . ... .. .. ..... . ... ... .. .... . . . . .23
MD-0 8-+5 volt at 6 amp , -12 , -9 at 200 7404 .. ... .. . . . ... . . .. . ... ..... ..... . .. . . . . .25
ma . . . .. . .... . .... ... ..... . ..... ... . ... $75. 00 7442 . . . .. . .. ...... . .... . . ..... . ... .. ... .... 60
Forthe 8080 7447 ....... . . ...... ........ ... .. . .... . ... .. 95
MD-80-+5 volt at6 amp , ±12v at 200 ma ... $75 .00 7448 .. .. .... .. . . . ... .... ..... . ... . . . ....... 95
For the Fairchild F-8 747 5 ....... .. . . .. .... . . ... ............ 60
MD-8-+ 5 vo lt at6 amp, +12 v at 200 m a ... $65. 00 7490 . . ... ... ....... . . . .. .. ... . ............. 60
For the M6800 7493 .. ...... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .... .. . .. . ... .. .. 60
MD-5-+5 voltat6amp . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... $44 .50 741 25 ..... . . .. .. . ... .. . .. . ... ...... . . . . .. .. 55
74126 ... ...... . . ... . .. .. .. . . .. . . . ... . ..... .55
All units are short circuit proof , fold-back curre nt 74192 . .. .. ...... ... . . ... . . .... .. .. . . . . .. . 1.10
limited and with over voltag e c rowbar protection . 74193 .. .. . . . .. ......... ... .. .. .... . .. . ... 1.10

All Prices Subject to Change Without Noti ce

s~ost devices s~UARAN;EE
Minimum Order $10.00 p Ippable Wi th ' Ipped With in 2
Add $1.00 to Cover Postage and Handling erlo rmanc In 2 wee ks 4 hou rs II
days. De l e gUa ra nteed paYm ent re I' no t
Send Check or Money Order (N o C .OD.) T o : NO T ec tl ve On a ll . Unded
ICE' Th ' Parts rep i u n its 10 .
N . J . Residents Add 5% Sa les T ax tha t hav~ n IS wa rranty a aCed a t no ch r 30
SOCke ts 10 at been So ld PPI les Only t arge.
r YOUr incom' ered. You a Pa rts
Ing in spect . mUs t use
Ia n tests.


BOX 413, EDISON, NJ 08817. (201) 549-2699
o A co.mmer~ial grade cabinet, made of heavy gauge aluminum, custom designed for this specific product. Rack mounting is availab le as a
special option.
o Lucite display panel with a photographically reproduced lei:l!nd and LED display mask. I n addit ion to standard li ghts and switches, the
heavy duty front panel has an extra 8 program controlled LcD's.
o Rugged commercial grade paddl e switches backed up by reliable debouncing circuits.
o Gold plated contacts on board edge connectors to assure co rrosi on free contact at a ll locations.
o A heavy duty power supply to handle lots of extra cards, the power supply delivers up to 24 amperes at 8 volts, and 3 amps eac h at +16
and -16 volts.
o A sturdy card cage to properly support up to 22 p rinted circuit boards.
o Plug removable front panel board that eliminates the normal wiring harness between front panel and back plane. For special dedicated
uses, the front panel tioard may be removed from the unit altogetlier and used only when program changes a re desired.
o A full line of peripheral devices to build truly powerful and complete systems.
o An exclusive shared memory facility from the compa ny that pioneered shared memory microprocessing. Shared me mory facilities a ll ow
multiple microprocessors in the same cabinet to share the same memory, yet run diffe rent programs in parallel with each other.
o A full compliment of board options.
BASIC COMPUTER INCLUDES: 8080A Pr~essor Boar~l Front Panel COl;1tro l Board, lights and switches, power supp ly, Ex pander
Board, Cabinet, ... and ... 256 BYTES OF RA,v, (on a 4K Board).
PRICES : KIT ... $439 ASSEMBLED ... $621
OPTIONS: Rack mount, RAM & PROM Boards, Parallel & Serial I/O Boards, a n 8 leve l Priority Interrupt/Clock Board, Shared Memory
Boards, Interface Boards.
PERIPHERALS: Flop'py Disk Drives, 3.2 Column/125 LPM Printer, 80 Co lumn/300 LPM Printer, 50 Megabyte Disk Drive, 30 character
per second Printer With Plotting Mode .
TERMS: Check or Money Order, Bankamericard" Master Charge, 25% deposit on COD ord e rs. On all ord e rs under $1000, add 5% postage
and handling. California residents add 0% tax .
(415) 483-2093
If you would like to step-up to the commercial qualitr of an I MSA 18080, you will be pleased to know that your ALTAI R 8800 boards are
"plug-in" usable-without modification -i n the IMSA 8080 cabinet. Furthermore, by acq uiring IMSAI's unique Memory Sharing Facility,
your ALTAIR MPU board and IMSAI MPU board can co-exist in the same ca bin et, operate in parallel with each other, and share a ll memory
In common. This is the technology that laid the foundation for I MSAI's powerful HYPERCU BE Computer and Intelli gent Disk systems
(recently featured in Computerworld, Datamation and Electronics magazines) .

has introduced the first hardware co nsidera- A bibliography of Scient ifi c American infor-
tions - the special keyboard - as a mation on LIFE (all references are to Martin
Gardner's "Mathematical Games" column).
requirement in the specification of graphics
control processing. LI FELine 5 wi II con-
tinu e the software theme by completing the October 1970: page 120. This is the
initial specification of the LI F E program original LIFE article, including the
design exclusive of the RESTORELlFE, definition of the Facts of LIFE, and
illustration of num erous fundamental
cedures which together form a major soft- November 1970: page ll8. Answers to
ware subject in their own ri ght. LIFE Lin e 5 several questions posed in the first
will cover the DISPLAY, RUN, SETXLOC, article on the subject, including
SETYLOC, LlFEDONE, and SETNGEN definition of the several varieties of
"spa ceships."
procedures as its main theme. Then the January 1971: pages 105, 106 and 108.
series will turn to the hardware of the LI FE Continued progress on the LIFE
system prototype in more detail, to provide front including answers to several
a basis for the generation of actual unsolved questions and results of a
flurry of computer LIFE activity.
executab le programs which will run on the February 1971: Special "Mathematical
prototype system. The first major phase of Games" article on "celJular autom ata
the LI FE Lin e project will be comp leted thcory ."
when it is possible to draw a LI FE pattern March 1971 : pages 1 08 and 1 09. Short
on an osc illoscope output device using the note about progress made by Jolm
Co nway and R. William Gospers, plus
cursor motion control keyboard, then illustrat ion of a large scale flip flop
initiate the pattern evo lution acco rding to pattern which is delicately balanced
the facts of LI FE as presented in LI FE Line and easily destroyed by minor distur-
1. bances such as impact of a glider.
April 1971: pages 116 and 117.
The second major ph ase of the project Exa mples of fuses, the five cell cross
will be the addition of the data management series, and announcement of Robert
hardware and softwave facilities of the T. Wainright's LIFELINE newsletter.
SAVELIFE, RESTORELIFE and November 1971: pa ge 120. Short note
on continued progress at the MIT AI
INITIALIZE procedures. These facilities will Laboratory .
enable the construction of initial patterns Janu ary 1972: page 107. The discovery
from "standard parts" saved on a mass of the "eater" by Bill Gospers at
storage device. As always, the aim of t he MIT.
entire series of LI FE Line articles is to show This is an essential list of readily available
how the bits and pieces of hardware and information on the LIFE game which interested
software design f it together to produce a readers can research in any complete public or
university library.
working app l ication system. _

An Aside Regarding the Ultimate LI FE calculator, and a Turing machine pattern.

LI FE on a 64 x 64 grid is an achi evab le The ultimate climax of the eve ning's demon-
project for the home brew computer stration was Bill's demonstration of a
enthusiast. But it is far from the ultim ate. disproof - by examp le - of John Conway's
My thanks to Bob Clements of Lex in gton, conjecture that no LIFE pattern could grow
Massachusetts for arrangi ng a demonstration without limit. The particular examp le he
by R. William Gospers, Jr. , at the MIT used is a co lossa l moving glid er gun factory
Artific ial In tell ige nce Laboratory one recent - a pattern which leaves a trail of act ive
Saturday even ing. When LIFE was f irst glider guns behind it as it travels slowly to
widely publici zed by Martin Gardner in hi s the right on the display screen. This patte rn
October 1970 Mathematical Games column f ill s the plane of the LI FE matrix with cells,
in Scientific American, it helped set up a and the number of active cells increases in
flurry of research work on the subject. proportion to the square of the number of
Bill Gospers and his associates at the MIT generations the pattern has lived. After an
AI Lab took the definition of John arbitrary length of time, an arbitrary region
Conway's game and began constructing a of the pl ane will be filled with glid er
highly efficient LIFE system runn ing on a patterns eman ating from the residue of
Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-6 com- glider guns produced by this LIFE machine.
puter with a hi gh resolution 1024 x 1024 The programs which form the MIT LIFE
position osci ll osco pe display. This research system are run on equipment far beyond the
tool was used by the MIT peo pl e to genera te range of price a hom e brewer could consider
numerous mathematically interesting LI FE - but with the advances in technology it is
patterns. These include such fundamental now possibl e to make a LI FE system which
d'lscoveries as glid er guns, space ship d e monstrates many principles without
factories, a binary transcend ental numb er breaking budgets.

Total Kitchen
Information System

Ted M Lau I want t o o utlin e a plan fo r a total outputs. For example, box 1.0 takes grocery
7740 P Chalmette Dr kitchen informatio n system (TKIS) sui ta bl e prices f rom several markets a nd spits out a
Hazelwood MO 63042 for impl ementing on a home computer. This list of bargains to be scheduled into mea ls.
o utline is the first step in the development Box 2. 0 acce pts a list of o n-han d perishables,
of TKI Ss of arb itrary complexity from t he in addition to t he o utput from 1.0, a nd
simplest inventory modu les to artific ial y ields a schedule of meals. Box 3.0 trans-
inte lli ge nce modules (such as t hose suggested fo rm s the meal schedule into the foo d
by Richard Gardner in t he October 1975 needed . Box 4.0 transforms raw, separate
issue of BYTE) . The funct iona l approach foodst uffs into cooked fare. Box 5.0 turns a
used here should all ow the reader to plan a mea l into left overs and gar bage, an d 6.0
complex system usin g small and manageable, turns garbage into clean Iiness .
" byte-sized " pieces, o r to interface ind e pen- Notice that I've ignored inputs t hat
de ntly developed modules. a ppear unchanged as outputs, suc h as the
This project began as a gr ipe li st my wife recipes consulted to pl <ln the meal (2.0):
and I compil ed after many frustrati ng They are brought in at the beginning a nd
experiences in the kitche n; t hrow ing o ut returned uncha nge d at the end of t he task.
spoiled food we'd forgotte n in the refriger- These unchanged or rarely changed inputs
ator, a ba nd on ing a recipe for lack of a key are the tables and files referenced b y the
ingredient, reeling with conf usion after read- function boxes. These tables a nd f il es appear
I have become a hateful ing pages of groce ry specials, neither being t o be intern al to the boxes, and therefore
person just because my able to remember an appealing recipe nor to can be ignored for the time being, thus
grocery list is unsorted. f ind it among a ll o ur cookbooks, a nd so o n. a ll o wing me to concentrate on TKIS fun c-
tions. Though f ile design itse lf can be put
Hierarchy Chart off, provision must be made for the creation
Figure 1 shows the fu nctions to be a nd ma intena nce of this data (7.0).
perfor med by a TKIS, structu red in Exa mples are the writing of recipes o nto
hi erarc hi c fas hi on - meaning that every bl a nk reci pe cards, o r the (presume d) struc-
function is made up of several subfunctions, turing of a previously un structured human
eac h function box performs o ne ge nera l task bra in nerve net to respo nd to a low price in
which ca n be divided into seve ral spec ific ha mburge r.
tasks, and so o n. This chart differs from a Notice that action boxes (3.5, 4.5, 5.0)
flowchart in that the fu nction boxes are not are mi xe d in with thought boxes. The H
necessaril y performed in left to ri ght o rd er, chart attempts to completely describe a ll the
nor are the conditions fo r exec ut io n give n. f unctions involved in operating a kitchen,
The hi erarchy (H) chart atte mpts to outline whether primarily physical or prim"3.ri\)I
what a system must do, but not how, when, infor matio nal. Whil e no one ca n seri o usly
or if. atte mpt to computer ize these physical tasks
Each rectangle in the chart represents a at the prese nt time, we mu st remember that
transformation of some inputs into so me all ph ys ical processes have in for mat ional

Figure 1 : Functions of Total Kitchen Information System.

components {a nd are t hu s fair ga me for fas hi o n. Specifica ll y, TKIS pl a ns to review a

com puter enhancement}, a nd t hat any large number of grocery item prices a nd to
d istinction between physical a nd inform a- call attention t o those tha t meet a specials
tional is strictly provisional {and is su bj ect to crite ri on specified by t he d eve loper {1.1}. It
erosion as computers ex pand their capa- pl a ns to call atte ntion t o items in inve n tory
bi lities to manipul ate objects, as in rob ot ics whose per ishabl e date fa ll s within the next
and au tomation}. So the H chart incor- meal sch edulin g period {2.1}. It pl a ns to
pOl'ates in to its co mprehensive structure retrieve recipes based on key ingredi ents a nd
both modul es that are su bj ect to prese nt other cha racte ristics suc h as casse rol e, quick-
data processing so lu tio ns and modules that meal, Chinese, price-per-serving, nutrition al
must wait for fut ure technology. {Readers valu es, etc. , (2.4), a nd to revea l th e recipe
wi ll ide ntify bo x 4.0 as th e voice responsive ingredients not on hand, or to reveal o nly
vending mac hine in t he rec room of the Star t hose recipes whose in gred ie nts are a ll o n
Ship Enterprise .} hand. It pl a ns to he lp t he kitche n operator
Notice t hat t he H chart says nothing d ecide whi ch markets to visit by simulating
about com puters. It describes my co nce p- the ex penses of buying at vario us markets,
t io n of a very rigorous manu a l sys tem th at inc luding la bor t ime a nd gasol ine costs {3.2} .
cou ld be performe d with paper and pencil. It It pla ns to calcu late the q uantiti es of ingre-
purposely steers cl ea r o f computer concepts dients needed fo r recipes with adjusted
to all ow you to be fle x ibl e in m ak ing serv ings {3.1.1, 4.1}. It plans to collect me nu
software and hardwa re des ign decisions. T o and recip e evaluations {yum, goo d or echch}
paraphrase: "Hardware and software may (6.4), a long with keeping past meal
pass a way, but functions endure." The tasks schedul es a nd mark e t rece ipts, for f ut ure
to be performed by the TKIS re mai n ana lys is in planning me nu s, purch as ing
uncha nged f ro m o ne sys tem configuration to foods, budge ting, and dietetics. It even pl a ns
anoth er. to sort the items o n each groce ry list into
The H chart fu ncti o na lly descr ibes my store location o rder , so that by walking
view of what mu st be d o ne to get mea ls o n through the store in a prescribed way the
t he table . I t is tr igge red by spec ials a nd ite ms will be e ncounte red in o rder (3 .3.3 ).
perisnables in t hat it tries to cut costs by Thi s is big o n my gripe li st: I hate carrying a
pl anning meals usi ng bargains, an d to reduce pencil to mark t he groceries I bu y, a nd I also
wastage by scheduling pe rishabl es in timely hate c has ing allover the store to find the last

mately equal to the development time? To
answer these questions, someone must
REC IPES expand the effort to prepare detailed hard-
ware, software, and manpower estimates.
For example, a recipe retrieval subsystem
might use a CRT with keyboard to initiate a
search of the recipe file, and to display the
results on the cathode ray tube (CRT) (see
FOR figure 2 for a schematic of the hardware and
an H chart of the software functions).
Assuming a file contains 2000 recipes aver-
2.4.1 I 2.4.2 I aging 500 B each, what are the cost and
1 performance tradeoffs between a tape
LIST system versus disk system? In order to make
this estimate we must know, first, what
2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 response time is acceptab le to the kitchen
J operator. If the program reads records

RESU LTS sequentially, what tape speed is required?
What bandwidth is needed for data path A in
Figure 2: Recipe Subsystem. figure 2 and how fast must programs exe-
cute? And so on ...
2 . How can the human labor required for
data entry be kept below that required for
the manual system? Data entry is the process
by which humans, through the sweat of their
brows, convert data into machine readable
form so that the computer can do marvelous
things with it and look like a genius. Data
entry is probably one of the most costly
items in the operating budget of the TK I5,
and certainly o ne of the most boring.
Table 1 lists the tables and files needed to
implement a basic version of the TKI5. Of
the tables, recipes and prices represent large
data entry tasks at initial system startup and
at periodic intervals. It would be very nice if
the kitchen operator could acquire data in
machine readable form (on cassettes or via
the phone line) . The book and magazine
publishers could supp ly a periodic update of
recipes and the markets an update of prices.
5 tandard formats woul d have to be
Figure 3: Inventory Subsystem. developed for these interfaces, and a
few unmarked items. I have become a customer base must be developed to provide
hateful person just because my grocery list is an economic incentive.
unsorted. The files, on the other hand, originate
within TKI5 and change continually with
Beyond The Hierarchy Chart use, making it difficult to solve the data
The H chart tells us what to do bu t not entry problem in the same way. For
how, so where do we go from here? I would examp le, figure 3 describes a test design for
hope that some of the readers will come an inventory module. The functions of this
forward with data base and fi le designs, subsystem are to add a record (or a count)
hardware specifications, and program of eac h purchased item to the inventory f il e
descriptions. This is a massive project and corresponding to the storage location, to
certainly in need of special talents and all ow retrievals by item, and to decrement
diverse opinions. There are many well the inventories as items are used. The major
known techniques for designing computer data entry requirements are to tell the
systems, and I think it is sufficient for me to computer what was used and what was
mention some of the potential problems that bought.
may be encountered. An efficient way to do the former is to
1. Is the proposed TKI5 techn ically and sign ify what was used, instead of specifying
economically feasible in a home? If not now, in detail what was used. By entering the
will it become so in a time frame approxi- recipe name (say, recipe B), the operator

Table 1: Functional Storage Requirements.

File Name Contents Possible So urce

A. Tables
1. Prices grocery item prices by brand for each market Grocers

2. Recipes ingredients, instructions, recipe characteristics, Book and Magazine

nutritional data, number of servings Publishers

3. Menus groups of recipes, menu characteristics Book and Magazine


4. Calendar dates, meal times, number of guests, other TKIS User

requ irements

5. Markets market name, address, distance TKIS User

B. Files
1. Inventories number and quantity of ingredients by location TKIS User
freezer } also perishable items by I DNa.
stock items - number and quantity of items, rate of use (salt, soy sauce)

2. Meal Schedule menu or recipes for each meal TKIS User

3. History past schedules and evaluations, market receipts, TKIS User


4. Working Storage purchase list, grocery lists, etc. TKIS User

says in effect that "the ingredients for recipe less accurately describe the condition of the
B were used." This requires that the com- computer than it does our emotional state
puter have a recipe file for translating after the unthinkable has happened.) Backup
"recipe B = ingredients D, E, F." If the manual procedures or alternate computer
computer lacks this file, the operator must services must be provided to allow the
enter the specific ingredients used. Thus a kitchen operator who has become dependent
stand alone inventory subsystem is less data on the TKIS to function while the system is
entry efficient than one integrated into a full down . Adequate system recovery and restart
TKIS (a truism about systems in general) . procedures must be designed, and a tech-
On the other hand, telling the computer nique developed for catching the computer
what was bought can be handled rather up on what transpired while it was uncon-
neatly, by adhering to the rule that once the scious. The importance of these considera-
data is in machine readable form it should tions will depend upon the complexity and
not be degraded out of same. Instead of a reliability of the hardware and software, but
paper receipt, the bag person at the market must be conceived and designed as an
will plop a cassette in your bag containing all integral part of the total system.
the items you purchased and their prices. 4. Finally, assuming a TKIS was
This cassette will have been produced by the developed, would a kitchen operator use it?
market's point-of-sale terminal which so Besides being more efficient, less costly, and
graciously performed the data entry chore all th e other good reasons for which we
for you by optically scanning your groceries. developed it, the TKIS must be flexible
(In fact - or rather in fantasy - the market enough to allow for human inefficiency and
won't even have to provide the cassette: you taste preferences. What if the TK I5 user
will bring the purchase list created by TKIS doesn't want to prepare the scheduled meal
on cassette to the store, insert it into the for the evening? TKIS must be able to take
account of human inconsistency.
computer at the front door which sorts and
prints your grocery list in location order Summary
(3.3 .3 and 3.3.4), and carry the cassette to the
I have briefly outlined the functions I
checkout counter for recording of your
think a kitchen information system should
perform, and mentioned some considera-
3. What does the kitchen operator do tions affecting its design. I hope this article
when the system goes down because a disk will help catalyze development efforts in
crashes, or the bus turns flaky, or a program what appears to be a fruitful home computer
blows up? (This picturesque lingo seems to applications area. -

DUFFER Program Symbol
Table: In order of appearance,

002/07 1
ADD20 0
002/33 4

RSTRT 002/126 DIV1 002/341
CALCULA 002/134 ENDIVI 002/363
BUBBLE1 002/141 SCORE 003/000
BUBBLE2 002/146 I NCRC 003/040
SWITCH 002/1 64 RNDLOOP 003/042
ADDSCOR 002/1 75 FRSTRND 003/050
ADDLDOP 002/203 ENDR1'lDT 003/062

Dr. George Haller

1500 Galleon Dr. Table 7: The absolute and symbolic assembly listing of the
Naples FL 33940 DUFFER program written for an 8008 computer.
Alm ost every golf club kee ps a roster of address octal code label op. ope rand conunentary

its members with up-to-d ate golf handi- 002/000 056 003 DUFFER un H (SCORE ) set up address of the
002/002 066 000 LLI L (SCORE)
caps. By using these handi caps, the members 002/004 125 OUT 12
scor e data i
SCELB! k eyboard handshake;
with varying degrees of skill in the game can 002/005
read SCELBI keyboard;
test status in bit 7;
play competitively against each oth er. Many 002/007
005 002 JFS NEXTIN loop til ready.
OUT 12 SCELBI k eyboard handshake;
large clubs have go ne to semiauto matic 002/013 074 320 CPI "p" is it a "P"?
002/015 150 134 002 JTZ CALCULA if so then go process scores:
computer services with terminals in t he 002/020 0 16 000 LBI 0 clear input register B;
002/022 074 26 1 CPI "1 " is it a "1" digit?
clubho use but most clubs still appoint a 002/024 110 044 002 JFZ OUTTEN if not then skip next digit.
handicap committee of members which 002/027
016 144
send to special display;
initialize 100 decimal;
meets periodi call y, usuall y monthl y, to 002/032
NOP several NOPs here and there
calculate each member's handicap. 002/034 300 NOP give room for mistakes;
00 2/035 300 NOP
Basicall y, a golf han di cap is calculated by 002/036 111 INTEN IN read SCELBI keyboard again;
002/037 240 NDA test status in bit 7;
taki ng the average of t he best ten of the 002/040 120 036 002 JFS INTEN loop for tens digit;
002/043 125 OUT 12 SCELBT k eyboard handshake;
twenty most recent scores for a regul atio n 002/044 135 OUT 16 tens to special display;
18 hole game, subtracting the course rating 002/045
017 NOI
00001111B mask BCD digi t in low order;
2 times tens dig it;
from this average, and multipl yi ng this 002/050 320 ICA save in C r egiste r;
002/05 1 022 RAL 2 x 2 x ten s digit;
difference by a fac tor of 0 .85 . This result is 002/052 022 RAL 2 x 2 x 2 x tens digit'" B x digit;
002/05) 202 ADe (2 + B ) x tens digit = 10 x digit;
rounded off to the nearest whole number to 002/054 201 ADS add in 100s or zero from B;
002/055 310 LSA sav e lOs + 100s in B;
beco me the ha ndicap . As an exa mpl e, if the 002/056 III INUN IT IN read SCELB I keyboard again;
ave rage of the pl aye r's best ten of his most 002/057
120 056 002
test status bit 7;
loop for units digi t;
rece nt scores is 95.2 and the course rating is 002/063 125 OUT 12 SCEI..BI keyboard handshake;
002/064 137 OUT 17 units to special display;
68.6, then the di ffe rence of 26.6 is multi- 002/065 044 017 NDI 0000 1 111B mask BCD digit in 10worder;
002/067 201 ADS 100s + l Os + Is is the number;
pli ed by 0.85 giving 22.6. Rounding gives 002/070 310 , LSA save binary score in B again;
002/071 111 GOAHEAD IN look for conunand code;
thi s pl ayer a handicap of 23. 002/072 240 NDA test status as usua l ;
The calcul ating of these handicaps offe rs 002/073
0 71 002 JFS
loop for D or C command;
SCELBI k eyboard handshake;
a small bu si ness op portunity to the owner of 002/077
07 4
114 002
is it a " o " ?
if so then go deposit score;
a small computer. Sheets ca n be made up 002/10 4 074 303 CPI "c" e l se is it a "C"?
002/106 150 126 002 JTZ RSTRT if so then go ignore entry;
with spaces for the members' names and 002/111 11 0 071 002 JFZ GOAHEAD loop til proper 0 or C is found;
002/114 371 DROUTN L>lS deposit score in memory l ocation;
columns for t he most rece nt twe nty scores, 002/115 060 INL increment L r eg ister ;
the old and new handicaps. The handi cap 002/116 006 013
LA! " '"
define" I" pattern;
002/120 133 OUT 15 "J" into 100s digi t;
002/121 135 OUT 16 "' " into lOs digit;
SEVE N 390n (7)
002/122 137 OUT 17 "J" into I s digit;
OUTPUT SEG MEN T '5~~~~~ DI SPLAY 002/123 104 005 002 JMP NEXT IN begin input sequence again;
MAN 4 OR 002/ 1 26 006 012 RSTRT define "I" pattern;
LA! "'"
7475 744B DATAUT 704 002/130 133 OUT 15 "I" into 100s digit;
002/131 104 005 002 JMP NEXTIN beg in input sequence again;
DO '6 f---~ '5 ,...+-1++-++-1 002/134
014 CALCULA. LAI "U" define "U" pattern;
01 '5 f---~ OUT 15 "U" into 100s digit as marker;
'0 f---~
9 f---~
'01-~++I 7 I-I 002/137
start the sort of scores;
counter gets initial pointer;
02 f---~+-I ~3 I-I 002/141 056 003 BUBBLE1 LHI H (SCORE) pointer to beginning of SCORE;
002/1 4 3 066 000 LLI L (SCORE) also part of SCORE address;
13 14 -
002/145 323 LCD current pointer to C;
002/146 307 BUBBLE2 LAM fetch cur r ent byte;
12 1.3
002/147 240 NDA set conditions;
002/ 1 50 060 INL point to next byte in bubble;
002/151 277 ePM compare next byte in bubble;
002/ 1 52 140 164 002 JTC SWITCH swi tch i f need be;
002/155 021 Dec decrement sort count ;
S TRO BE COD E 133 lsi . DIG IT 002/156 110 14 6 002 JFZ BUBBLE2 keep going on inner loop of sort;
CO DE 135 2nd . DIGIT 002/ 1 61 104 175 002 JMP AODSCOR leave sort wh en done;
CO DE 137 3rd . DIGIT 002/ 164 317 SWITCU LBM bubble sort involves a process
002/ 165 061 DeL of switching neighboring
002/166 307 out of sequence pairs
Figure 7: Each one of the three digits of the 002/167 371
I1<B until a uniform sequence
special display for this program is wired 002/170
002/17 1
is obtained; this set of
instructions does the switch;
according to this schematic. One output port 002/172
141 002
BUBBLE 1 then keep s t rying until sort done;
spare byte with NOP;
is required for each digit. 002/176 016 000 LBI 0 B will accumulate carries;

002/200 026 0 11 LCI 90 ten = nine plus predefinition. service furnishes these sheets to the golf club
002/202 307 LAM fetch f ir st value before loop;
002/203 061 ADOLOOP OCL point to next value; to fill in all the information except the new
0 02/204 207 ADM add it f rom memory;
002/20 5 142 217 002 CTC INCHO if carry i ncrement h igh order. handicap. The handicap service th en co ll ects
002/2 10 021 decrement loop count;
002/2 11 110 203 002
JFZ ADOLOOP keep adding until done;
the sheets on a monthl y or other pe riodi c
002/2 14
002/ 217
22 1 002
SUBRATE branch around subroutine INCHO;
inc rement B subroutine
basis and returns them promptly with the
002/220 007 RET is simplicity squa r ed; newly calculated handicap. If don e on a
002/22 1 2 40 SUBRATE NDA set f l ags;
002/222 024 267 SUI 267 octal low order of course rating; * monthly basis, a reasonable charge mi ght be
002/22 4 100 230 002 J FC NOBRRW if no bor r ow then no adj u stment;
002/227 011 DCB high order adjust if borrow ; from o ne to three doll ars per member per
002/230 320 NOBRRW LCA save low order in C;
002/231 301 LAB high order prepared; year depending on the length of the season.
octal high order course rating; *
02 4
002 SUI 2
LBA save high order in 8;
This income will not support much of a
002/235 342 LEC start multiply by 8.5; computer service establishment, but could
002/236 002 RLC shif t left high order of data;
002/237 330 LOA save r esu lt in 0; help in th e purchase of som e new
002/2 40 320 LAC fet ch the low order of da ta;
002/2 41 240 NDA clears condition flags; peripherals.
002/2 4 2 002 RLC shift left low order ;
002/243 142 327 002 CTC I NCRO if ca rry then increment high order; In the author's case a SCELBI computer
LCA D/C !"lOW have twice the result;
002/2 46
303 LAD fetch high order;
with its 8008 CPU was used with a standard
002/25 1
multiply by 2 (4 x tota l) ;
save high order;
ASCII keyboa rd and a smal l home brew
002/252 302 LAC fetch low order; readout which cost less than ten doll a rs for
002/253 2 40 NDA clear flags;
002/254 022 RAL multiply by 2 (4 x total); pa rts. A progra m equiva lent to this one can
002/255 1 42 327 002 CTC I NCRO if carry then increment high order;
002/260 320 LCA save low order again; be written for almost any sm all home
002/261 303 LAD and again fetch high order;
002/262 002 RLC and multiply by 2 (8 x total ) ; computer. The diagram of the readout for
002/263 330 LDA and again save high o rder;
each digit is shown in figure 1.
002/26 4 302 LAC and again fetch l ow order
14 2 327 002
and again multiply by 2 (8 x total);
if carry then increment high order;
The program requires fewer than 320
002/2 71 0 44 370 NOI 370 mask low order in 8 x total. bytes. Golf scores can range from 60 for a
002/273 320 LCA save low order in e again;
002/27 4 30 4 LAE fetch old original low order; super player to 150 for a complete duffer.
002/27 5 012 RRC divide by 2 giving .5 x ;
002/276 0 44 177 Nol 01 111111B turn off high order bit; Regulation golf courses have ratings ranging
002/300 340 LEA save in E
002/301 301 LAB fetch origi n al high order result ; from 65 to 75 which are a lways a matter of
002/302 2 40 NDA clear flags;
002/303 0 12 RRC divide by 2 giving. 5 x;
record at the golf club.
002/30 4 310 LBA saVQ high order in 8
002/ 305 304 LAE fetch low order; The program to calcul ate the handicap on
002/306 142 331 002 erc ADD200 if c arry, adjust low order;
an 8008 is shown in tabl e 1. The keyboard is
002/3 11 240 NDA clear flags;
002/312 202 ADC 8 + 0.5'" 8 . 5 x result; used to input the scores one at a time. If the
002/313 320 LCA save low order B. 5x in C;
002/31 4 14 2 327 002 CTC I NCRD increment 0 if carry to high order; first digit is a 1 then 100 (decim al which is
002/317 301 LAB fetch high order;
002/320 0 44 177 NoI 0111 1111 B clear bit 7; equal to 144 octal) is loaded into register B
002/322 203 ADD add other high order giving 8.5 x;
002/32 3 310 LBA save back into B; and displayed on the left readout. If th e first
002/32 4 10 4 33 4 002 JMP GOD I Vl branch around two subroutines;
002/327 030 !NCRO IND subroutine increments 0 register;
digit is not a 1 then th e score is less th a n
004 200 AoD200
ADI 100000008
and returns almost instantly;
turn on high order bi t i f off;
100, and this digit is considered a second
002/333 007 RET and al so return almost instantly; digit. The second digit is displayed on the
002/33 4 036 144 GODIVI LDI 1000 load 100 count in 0;
002/336 046 011 LEI 90 load 9 count in E; centra l readout. Multiplied by 10, it is th en
002/3 40 301 LAB fetch high order of numerator;
002/3 41 310 oIVl LBA save high order in B; added to the contents of register B. The fin al
002/342 302 LAC fet ch low order to A;
002/3 43 022 RAL divide by 2; digit is shown in the right readout and added
002/ 344 320 LCA save low order;
002/3 45 041 DCE decrement subtraction count;
to the co ntents of register B. The operator
002/3 46
002/35 1
15 0
363 002 JTZ
ENoIVI if zero, then end divide;
fetch old high order;
verifies the score shown on the three digit
002/35 2 022 RAL r otate left; readout. If it is correct, the key D is pressed
002/353 223 SUD here is the repeated subtract;
002/354 100 341 002 JFC olVl i f no borrow then tr ia1 ok; which stores the score in memory and sends
002/ 357 203 ADD else fix up for false subtract;
002/ 360 104 341 002 JMP olVl and go back f o r more subtracts; the program back to look for the next score
002/363 022 ENOl VI RAL mul tiply low order by 2;
002/364 340 LEA save low order in E; to be entered. If an error has been made, by
load all ones into A;
377 LAI
exclusive OR with all ones
pressing key C the program goes back for a
002/370 320 LCA
comp lements e;
jump around da ta;
corrected score without storing th e incorrect
002/371 104 050 003
score in memory . After twenty scores are
003/000 SCORE BLK 320 32 bytes for scores; **
entered, the key P starts the calculating
003/040 020 INeRe INC subroutine to incr eme nt C
003/041 007 RET and then return ; routine to process the scores . This routine
003/042 024 012 RNoLOOP SUI 1 00 subtract 10 from negative of
003/044 030 INO low order, incr e ment couht ; sorts the scores in desce nding order, adds the
062 003
ENDRNOT go to cnd test;
fetch high order;
ten lowest scores, subtracts ten times the
003/051 24 0 NoA clear flags; course rating, mUltiplies by 8.5) divides by
003/052 074 062 CPI 500 compare to decimal 50;
003/054 102 0 40 003 CFC tNeRC if = >50 then increment quotient 100, rounds off the result and displays the
003/057 30 2 LAC l ow order to A.
003/060 036 000 LOI 0 clear divide count in 0; ha ndi cap.
003/062 240 ENORNOT NoA clear flags;
003/063 074 012 CPI 100 is it less than 1 0?; On Jan . 1, 1976, the multiplying factor
if not back for adjustment;
042 003 JFC
17 send A to units digit output; changes from 0.85 to 0.96. To adapt the
OUT 16
fetch tens digit result;
send 0 to tens digit output;
progra m, take the difference as obtained at
003/073 104 000 002 JMP DUFFER go back to consider next duffer;
location 002/233, multipl y by 4, add 50,
*NOTE : The course rating in thi s example is assumed to be 69.5 . To account for
divide by 100, subtract the quotient (disre·
10 double prec i sion adds, thi s is multipli ed by 10 giving 695.
take s two by tes with 002 in the high order, 267 in the low order.
In octa l, this gard the fraction) from th e origin al
difference , add 5 and divide by 10. Th e
*. NOTE: The mnemonic " BLK" is used to i nd icate that a block of memory
i 8 reserved for use by the prog ram , with the name (SCORE here) used to
quotie nt, dropping the fraction, will be the
reference the first address in the block. rounded off handicap . _

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An Intel 8080 Op Code Table
Fred Dittrich Fred Dittrich, 312 N 8 St (no 2), 31 1F 037 RAR
312 N 8 St (no 2) Columbia MO 65201, supplies this table of 32 20 040 Unimplemented
Columbia MO 65201 33 21 041 LXI H< LO><HI >
op codes for the 8080 instruction set. The
34 22 042 SHLD <LO >< HI>
notation for mnemonics is that of the Intel 35 23 043 INX H
8080 Microcomputer System Manual 36 24 044 INR H
( M CS-4 72-0275), publ ished in January 37 25 045 DCR H
1975. The table gives all the 8 bit numbers 38 26 046 MVI H< DATA>
39 27 047 DAA
from 0 to 255 in decimal, hexadecimal and 40 28 050 Unimplem ented
octal so the table can also be used as a base 41 29 051 DAD H
conversion chart. Th e following format is 42 2A 052 LHLD <LO >< HI>
used for the mnemonics: 43 2B 053 DXC H
44 2C 054 INR L
One byte instructions are shown in 45 2D 055 DCR L
capital letters only, such as MOV C, H 46 2E 056 MVI L< DATA>
Two and three byte instructions have 47 2F 057 CMA
symbols in angle brackets signifying 48 30 060 Unimplemented
49 31 061 LXI SP < LO >< HI >
the additional bytes following the op 50 32 062 STA < LO >< HI >
code, such as LOA <LO> <HI>, 51 33 063 INX SP
where <LO> is the low order portion, 52 34 064 INR M
and <HI> is the high order portion of 53 35 065 DCR M
54 36 066 MVI M< DATA>
a 16 bit address ; and <DATA> means 55 37 067 STC
immediate data; and <DEVICE> = 56 38 070 Unimplemented
device code 57 39 071 DAD SP
For details of the operation of instructions 58 3A 072 LDA < LO >< HI >
consult the Intel literature, manufacturers' 59 1B 073 DXC SP
60 3C 074 INR ACC
specifications from 8080 second sources, or 61 3D 075 DCR ACC
the user documentation of computer kits 62 3E 076 MVI ACC < DATA >
which use the 8080 chip. 63 3F 077 CMC
64 40 100 MOV B, B
65 41 101 MOV B, C
66 42 102 MOV B,D
67 43 103 MOV B, E
68 44 104 MOV B, H
69 45 105 MOV B, L
Dec Hex Octal Mnemonic 70 46 MOV
106 B, M
o 00 000 NOP 71 47 107 MOV B, ACC
1 01 001 LXI B< LO >< HI > 72 48 110 MOV C, B
2 02 002 STA X B 73 49 111 MOV C,C
3 03 003 IN X B 74 4A 112 MOV C, D
4 04 004 INR B 75 4B 113 MOV C, E
5 05 005 DCR B 76 4C 114 MOV C,H
6 06 006 MVI B< DATA > 77 4D 115 MOV C, L
7 07 007 RLC 78 4E 116 MOV C,M
8 08 010 Unimpl emented 79 4F 117 MOV C, ACC
9 09 011 DAD B 80 50 120 MOV D, B
10 OA 012 LDAX B 81 51 121 MOV D,C
11 OB 013 DCX B 82 52 122 MOV D,D
12 OC 014 INR C 83 53 123 MOV D, E
13 OD 015 DCR C 84 54 124 MOV D, H
14 OE 016 MVI C< DATA > 85 55 125 MOV D, L
15 OF 017 RRC 86 56 126 MOV D,M
16 10 020 Unimpl emented 87 57 127 MOV D,ACC
17 11 021 LXI D < LO >< HI > 88 58 130 MOV E, B
18 12 022 STAX D 89 59 131 MOV E, C
19 13 023 INX D 90 5A 132 MOV E, D
20 14 024 INR D 91 5B 133 MOV E, E
21 15 025 DCR D 92 5C 134 MOV E, H
22 16 026 MVI D< DATA> 93 5D 135 MOV E, L
23 17 027 RAL 94 5E 136 MOV E, M
24 18 030 Unimplemented 95 5F 137 MOV E,ACC
25 19 031 DAD D 96 60 140 MOV H,B
26 1A 032 LDAX D 97 61 141 MOV H,C
27 1B 033 DCX D 98 62 142 MOV H,D
28 1C 034 INR E 99 63 143 MOV H,E
29 1D 035 DCR E 100 64 144 MOV H,H
30 1E 036 MVI E< DATA> 101 65 145 MOV H,L

102 66 146 MOV H,M 179 B3 263 ORA E
103 67 147 MOV H,ACC 180 B4 264 ORA H
104 68 150 MOV L,B 181 B5 265 ORA L
105 69 151 MOV L,C 182 B6 266 ORA M
106 6A 152 MOV L,D 183 B7 267 ORA ACC
107 6B 153 MOV L, E 184 B8 210 CMP B
108 6C 154 MOV L,H 185 B9 271 CMP C
109 6D 155 MOV L, L 186 BA 272 CMP D
110 6E 156 MOV L,M 187 BB 273 CMP E
111 6F 157 MOV L, ACC 188 BC 274 CMP H
112 70 160 MOV M, B 189 BD 275 CMP L
113 71 161 MOV M,C 190 BE 276 CMP M
114 72 162 MOV M,D 191 BF 277 CMP ACe;
115 73 163 MOV M, E 192 CO 300 RNZ
116 74 164 MOV M,H 193 Cl 301 POP B
117 75 165 MOV M, L 194 C2 302 )NZ < LO><HI>
118 76 166 HLT 195 C3 303 )MP < LO><H I >
119 77 167 MOV M,ACC 196 C4 304 CNZ < LO><H I >
120 78 170 MOV ACC, B 197 C5 305 PUSH B
121 79 171 MOV ACC,C 198 C6 306 ADI < DATA >
122 7A 172 MOV ACC,D 199 C7 307 RST 0
123 7B 173 MOV ACC, E 200 C8 310 RZ
124 7C 174 MOV ACC, H 201 C9 311 RET
125 7D 175 MOV ACC,L 202 CA 312 )Z < LO><H I >
126 7E 176 MOV ACC,M 203 CB 313 Unimplemented
127 7F 177 MOV ACC,ACC 204 CC 314 CZ < LO><H I >
128 80 200 ADD B 205 CD 315 CALL < LO> < HI >
129 81 201 ADD C 206 CE 316 ACI < DATA>
130 82 202 ADD D 207 CF 317 RST I
131 83 203 ADD E 208 DO 320 RNC
132 84 204 ADD H 209 Dl 321 POP D
133 85 205 ADD L 210 D2 322 )NC < LO> < HI >
134 86 206 ADD M 211 D3 323 OUT < DEV ICE>
135 87 207 ADD ACC 212 D4 324 CNC < LO>< HI >
136 88 210 ADC B 213 D5 325 PUSH D
137 89 211 ADC C 214 D6 326 SU I < DATA >
138 8A 212 ADC D 215 D7 327 RST 2
139 8B 213 ADC E 216 D8 330 RC
140 8C 214 ADC H 217 D9 331 Un imp lemented
141 8D 215 ADC L 218 DA 332 )C < LO><H I >
142 8E 216 ADC M 219 DB 333 IN < DEV ICE>
143 8F 217 ADC ACC 220 DC 334 CC < LO >< HI >
144 90 220 SUB B 221 DD 335 Unimp lemented
145 91 221 SUB C 222 DE 336 SBI < DATA >
146 92 222 SUB D 223 DF 337 RST 3
147 93 223 SUB E 224 EO 340 RPO
148 94 224 SUB H 225 El 341 POP H
149 95 225 SUB L 226 E2 342 )PO < LO>< HI>
150 96 226 SUB M 227 E3 343 XTHL
151 97 227 SUB ACC 228 E4 344 CPO < LO>< HI >
152 98 230 SBB B 229 E5 345 PUSH H
153 99 231 SBB C 230 E6 346 ANI < DATA>
154 9A 232 SBB D 231 E7 347 RST 4
155 98 233 SBB E 232 E8 350 RPE
156 9C 234 SBB H 233 E9 351 PCHL
157 9D 235 SBB L 234 EA 352 )PE < LO> < HI >
158 9E 236 SBB M 235 EB 353 XCHG
159 9F 237 SBB ACC 236 EC 354 CPE < LO><H I >
160 AO 240 ANA B 237 ED 355 Unimplemented
161 Al 241 ANA C 238 EE 356 XRI < DATA >
162 A2 242 ANA D 239 EF 357 RST 5
163 A3 243 ANA E 240 FO 360 RP
164 A4 244 ANA H 241 F1 361 POP PSW
165 AS 245 ANA L 242 F2 362 )P < LO>< HI >
166 A6 246 ANA M 243 F3 363 DI
167 A7 247 ANA ACC 244 F4 364 CP < LO>< HI >
168 A8 250 XRA B 245 F5 365 PUSH PSW
169 A9 251 XRA C 246 F6 366 OR I < DATA>
170 AA 252 XRA D 247 F7 367 RST 6
171 AB 253 XRA E 248 F8 370 RM
172 AC 254 XRA H 249 F9 371 SPHL
173 AD 255 XRA L 250 FA 372 )M < LO><HI>
174 AE 256 XRA M 251 FB 373 EI
175 AF 257 XRA ACC 252 FC 374 CM < LO><H I>
176 BO 260 ORA B 253 FD 375 Unimp lemented
177 Bl 261 ORA C 254 FE 376 CPI < DATA>
178 B2 262 ORA D 255 FF 377 RST 7

There's More to Blinking
lights Than Meets
The Eye
Carl Helmers A blinking light peripheral is an inexpen- dance and gyrate in interesting patterns has
sive, entertaining addition to your computer remained.
system. The use of multiple indicator lamps As a simple example of moving lights,
under computer control to produce moving consider a single 8 bit byte of memory in
patterns can lead to many hours of creative your computer, which might be called
programming and pleasant amusement. BLINK. Assume that you have also con-
Playing with blinking lights is nothing structed an 8 bit output data latch which
new to people working with computers. drives eight LEOs as shown in figure 1. When
Early systems, to say nothing of science a certain program is started, BLINK might
fiction movie caricatures, tended to have be initialized as follows :
monstrous front panels with row after row o0 0 0
1 000
of indicator lamps. These lamps were used to
reveal various machine states. As computers Suppose this value is sent to the display,
became more sophisticated, the need for which is set up so that a 1 bit lights an LED,
many of these indicators diminished, but the then the display will look like this :
fascination of making the indicator lamps • • • • 0 • • •


I LED (a)
I 220n (B)
1 ~
3 14 'CI ~

6 II tC;( 'CI
'CI Q(
a -- 7
0 QD
4 13
7475 T
K. 4
4 13 I
I tQ{
14 \CY d
II d~
0 QD
a J.. .~ ta1
I 7475 iI


Figure 1 : The basic "straightforward" approach to display lamps. One latch is assigned to each of several output ports of the
computer. The output port decoding logic will determine when the latch is addressed for output. The result of decoding is a
WRITE signal which latches the data presented at the bus receivers. The sample program of figure 2 assumes two such display
registers. In principle the idea can be extended to many registers in groups of eight, limited only by the computer's input output
addressing capability and the available power for lighting LEDs. In this circuit, TTL fanout limitations on the bus receivers would
limit expansion to a total of 10 latches. The LEDs can be mounted on a separate display panel with connections by means of dual
in line header plugs and sockets. A neutral tinted glass or plastic cover plate and an attractive wooden frame are good finishing
touches for the visible portion of the project.

Figure 2: The CATERPILLAR program listing. Opcodes and addresses are specified in
octal notation for the BOOB CPU. Comments at the right are designed to help convert the
program to other machines.

address octal code label op. operand commentary

010/000 250 START XRA c lear carry and A;

010/001 036 377 LDI 11111111B first caterpillar word;
010/003 046 000 LEI OOOOOOOOB second caterpillar word;
010/005 304 MARCH LAE right byte to A;
010/ 006 022 RAL shift left into carry;
010/007 340 LEA then saved for next time;
010/010 303 LAD left byte to A;
010/011 022 RAL shift left into carry;
010/012 330 LDA then saved for next time;
* note that RAL shifts old carry into A each time,
* thus the above accomplishes shift from E's high
* order bit into D's low order bit via carry ... ;
010/013 177 OUT 37 write into left lamps;
010/ 014 304 LAE fetch right value;
010/015 175 OUT 36 write into right lamps;
010/016 026 300 LCI 192D set delay loop constant;
010/020 307 DELAY LAM use
010/021 307 LAM several
010/022 307 LAM longish
010/023 307 LAM instruc tions
010/024 307 LAM to
010/025 307 LAM s t ret c h
010/026 307 LAM o ut
010/027 307 LAM the
010/030 307 LM-I l oop
010/031 307 LAM (a BYTE in time saves nine) ;
010/032 021 DCC decrement delay count;
010/033 110 020 010 JFZ DELAY if non zer o then repeat delay;
010/036 104 005 010 JMP MARCH back for another step;
* note that during the operations at addresses 010/013
* to 010/036 the carry bit value set by the last RAL
* is retained unchanged , so that the RAL at 010/006
* will shift the old high order bit of the l e ft register
* (D) into the low order bit of the right reg ister (E);

This program uses only the internal CPU registers for its data, and assumes that 8008
output ports 36 and n are assigned to latched 8 bit displays so that a visible pattern can
be seen.

The key element in creating an illusion of With a program executing these four
motion is time. If the program starts out steps, the pattern of lit indicators will be
with data as shown above, waits a short seen moving to the left, disappearing on the
time, then executes a left rotate instruction, left in the same step at which it reappears on
a new pattern will be obtained. The new the right. By changing the program delay
binary value 0001 0000 can be sent to the (step 3), the speed of the pattern's apparent
display : motion can be changed.
• • • 0 • • • • Figure 1 shows two quad latches which
In the simplest of all motion programs, are used to drive 8 indicator lamps. The 220
these three steps are repeated in an endless o resistors are typical values for LEOs as
loop : indicators. This value allows reasonable
1. Rotate BLINK left one bit position. brightness with most LEOs. The comple-
2. Send BLINK to the display. ment outputs of the 7475 ICs used as latches
3. Wait n milliseconds. produce a lit LEO for each 1 bit received .
4. Go to step 1. When you purchase LEOs for a blinking light

• •• ••
• • E • • • •
0 0
• 0

• 0 •

• • 0 •
• •
0 •
A • 0 0 •
•• 0 0 0 0
• •••••• •• • • 0 0 •
•• 0
0 •
•••• • •

• •
• •
• •
• •
• • •
C ••••
• • • D • • • • ••

0 0
• •
• • •
• • •
• •
• • • •
• • • • • 0 •
• •
• •
• 0
• 0 •
•••• 0 •
• 0


• • • 0

• •• • •
• 0

Figure 3: Creativity in the arrangement of the lamps of your blinking light peripheral can make th e show more impressive and interesting. A : The
traditional blinking light display, a la control panel, is a straight line of sixteen lamp s in a row using two output latches. B: Tradition is nice, but
how about a bit of circular thinking, using thirty two lamps in a circle with four output latches. C: Don't rule out the bouncing ball effect either.
Here we make a parabola shape using sixteen lamp s, one at the focus, with two output latches. D: With enough lamps, we can make a spiral show
with one or more arms. Here 'are forty lamps using five output latches. E : There are an infinite number of patterns to be made. In this case, infinity
consists of sixty four lamps using 8 output latches. .

display, make sure they are all the same, as The cost of two 7475s, eight resistors, and
the display will not look as attractive if eight LEOs is about $3 (using BYTE 's
lamps of different types are mixed . advertising pages as a source of prices). Thus
Now, suppose you use four latches for 16 a very reasonable display of 64 LEOs will set
bits of data and 16 LEOs. How do you you back onl y $24 and the time it takes to
program an 8 bit computer to do the shifting put it together.
li ght pattern function for 16 bits? The basic Using a bit of imagination, the extension
way in which this is accomplished is to shift of the program can lead to interesting
the bits t hrough the carry flag of your patterns running around non-linear configur-
machine. ations such as those illustrated in f igure 3.
Figure 2 il lu strates a program which does Variations in the patterns resu lt in displays
a 16 bit sh ift in an 8008 microcomputer, of light. Beyond the scope of this short
and sends the data to the output ports article are more complicated programs using
reached by the OUT36 and OUT37 instruc- the same displ ay peripheral : Programs in
tions (octal 175 and 177, respectively). The which the light patterns do more interesting
result is a moving display of 16 lights . A t hings than simpl y chasing aro un d the race-
band of several bits is always marching rig ht track at uniform speeds.
to left aro und the display at a steady rate. Try building a simple 16 bit blinking light
But, why let the imagination end at a displ ay version first, then go on to bigger
mere 16 bit display ? The use of 10 ports can and better things. Then see if you don't
be extended without too much cost (given agree that there's more to BLINKing lights
limitations on power supp li es, of course). than meets the eye! •

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Photographic Notes on
Wire Wrapping
Carl Helmers

Photo 1: One of the most widely used Photo 2: The business end of an industrial
custom assembly methods in the computer quality wire wrap tool is the bit and sleeve
industry is wire wrapping. Special square assembly. The bit is driven by a high speed
wire wrap posts are built into sockets or motor (or hand operated mechanism) and
mounted directly onto components. The rotates around the post to be wrapped. The
stripped ends of insulated wires are con- center of the bit has an alignment hole
nected to the posts using a special electric or which fits over the wire wrap post to guide
hand operated tool. The result is an the operation. The bit also has a groove
excellent connection with gas tight " vacuum along its length into which the stripped end
welds" at each corner of the post as the of a wire is inserted as shown. The wire is
sharp edge cuts slightly into the wire . Wire held in the groove by the sleeve and is pulled
wrapping is a quick, easy and permanent out during the process of wrapping. The
way to connect point A to point B in your sleeve itself does not rotate and is held
custom circuitry. rigidly in position.

Photo 3: The bit and sleeve may be removed
from the typical industrial wrapping too1.
The groove for the wire can be seen as a line
running the length of the bit in this photo-
graph. Note how the groove has an enlarged
section near the tip of the bit. This enlarged
section allows a small length of unstripped
wire to be inserted so that one turn of
insulation will be wrapped around the post.

Photo 5: To quote the previous caption,

" When the trigger has been pulled on a
loaded wire wrap gun, the result (hopefully)
will be a perfect wrap every time." Here is
an example where hope was in vain. A
problem which sometimes occurs is the
"wrat's nest" wrap shown in this photo-
graph. The normal operation of the
wrapping gun includes retraction of the bit
inside the sleeve as the wire layers are added
to the coil around the post. A spring loaded
mechanism in the gun provides for this
controlled retraction. Occasionally the bit
sticks and does not retract properly. This
results in a jumbled mess as layers of wire
wrap over previously wrapped layers. If the
wrat's nest wrap occurs only occasionally,
the likely cause is your tool position while
wrapping. If the bit is not centered about
the wrapping post, friction in the pilot hole
Photo 4: When the trigger has been pulled can prevent the bit from retracting properly.
on a loaded wire wrap gun, the result If the wrat's nest wrap occurs consistently a
(hopefully) will be a perfect wrap every likely cause is dirt and grime buildup on the
time. The wrapping action begins at the bit. If particles of metal scraped off the wire
bottom with a single turn of insulated wire are allowed to accumulate, the resultmg
followed by successive layers of stripped friction can inhibit retraction of the bit.
wire. In this picture you can count 15 layers Thus if the gun consistently makes wrat's
of bare wire on the side facing the camera. nest wraps, removing the bit and cleaning it
The single turn of insulated wire is produced may resolve the problem. After cleaning, the
by what is called a modified wrap bit. This bit may be oiled. Oiling should be done very
single turn around the post uses the insula- sparingly at the gun end of the bit so that
tion to help act as a strain relief to prevent excess oil does not get in the groove and
breakage when handling wires while onto the wire. When a wrat's nest occurs,
debugging a system. A standard wrap bit whatever the cause, good practice indicates
would start the first coil of bare wire minus that you should remove the mess and start
the strain relief feature. over.
Photo 6: Continuing on the theme of less Photo 7: The length of the coil produced by
than optimal wrapping results, this picture the wrapping action is a function of the
shows an example of the "impatient wrap." length of bare wire prepared for insertion in
The primary cause of the impatient wrap is the tool. For the typical .025 inch square
your own impatience to see the result. If the wrapping posts with 30 gauge wire, approxi-
wire wrap gun is removed from the post mately 8 layers will be added to the coil for
while the wrapping action is under way, the each inch of bare wire inserted into the bit.
result will be widely spaced coils of wire This photo shows an example of the "pigmy
often covering the length of the post. This wrap." When a short coil of wire is pro-
example is an exaggerated version concocted duced, one possible explanation is that not
on purpose; the typical case is a normal base enough wire was stripped when preparing for
to the coil with the top one or two layers the connection. (Another possible explana-
spread out. The solution to this problem is tion is that the wire broke, leaving most of
to allow the gun to do its work before the stripped section inside the groove where
removing it from the post. In a case such as it must be removed by disassembling the
the one shown here, removal of the connec· tool.)
tion and rewrapping should be done. In
milder forms of the impatient wrap, the
wrap would not necessarily have to be
Photo 8: It is often necessary to connect second post from the right, you must first
several wire wrap posts to one electrical bus. remove the second level wrap on that post.
The method of accomplishing this is to However, the wire to the second level comes
create a chain of point to point wraps. In from the first level wrap of the third post
such a chain each wrapping post except the and must be removed at both ends since wire
first and the last will receive two wraps: a wrap wire cannot be recycled. But this
level one wrap at the bottom and a level two presents the same problem all over again at
wrap above it. One way to build the chain is the third post, and the problem will propa-
to start at one end connecting one post to gate down the chain until all the wire has
the next until the last connection is reached. been removed. One way to get around the
In the model shown here, wrapping began at problem simply is to clip the removed wire
the right and progressed toward the left. and leave a dummy wrap on the post,
There is a major disadvantage with this making any new connection at the third
technique of chaining. Suppose you want to level if the post is long enough. There is an
remove the link between the two posts alternative method of connection shown in
furthest to the right in the photo. Note that the next photograph which minimizes the
in order to remove the first level wrap on the effects of a chain change on long chains.

Photo 9: The alternative method of chaining with an even number of posts, this will put a
which minimizes propagation of changes is level one wrap at every post; for buses with
illustrated in this photograph. This technique an odd number of posts, one post will be left
is highly recommended for initial wiring without a connection after all the pairs are
of any bus which connects more than 4 wired. Then, each end of each pair is
posts. The principle which governs this form connected to its neighboring pair with a level
of wiring is simple: Wires are connected to two wrap, completing the chain. For odd
the same wrap level at each end. If a change length buses, the solitary unwrapped post is
is required at level two, only one wire has to connected to one of the pairs at this stage.
be removed to break a link. If a change is This method of wrapping works only with
required at a level one link, three wires must the initial wiring of a chain. If later changes
be removed (and two possibly rewired). are made, such as adding or deleting seg-
When wiring a bus this way, the first step is ments in the middle, necessity may force a
to connect all the possible pairs of posts in hybrid version of the two techniques of
the bus with wraps at level one. For buses chaining.

Taking Advantage of
Memory Address Space

James Luscher The address space of a computer is the set main memory addressing. Thus there are
2012 Jefferson Street of addressable data locations provided in several distinct address spaces associated
Madison WI53711 the design of its instruction set. A common with the 8008 design.
misconception is to view a computer's The designers of a computer have to give
address space as the equivalent of the actual careful consideration to all the address
memory that the machine has. This point of spaces supported by the computer they
view is both incorrect and too restrictive for create. The input instruction address space
the hobbyist or engineer who is able to allows up to 8 locations as input ports. If the
modify his machine. designer of the Intel 8008 had wanted to
allow 16 input devices he would have needed
Thinking in terms of address spaces is
4 bits. Using the larger address space means
more productive than thinking in terms of
that some instructions must be modified,
memory for three reasons : First memory is
eliminated or restricted because the bit
normally installed in blocks of addresses
retained for addressing cannot be used to
where each word is identical in length, speed
distinguish instructions.
of access, etc. In contrast, an address space
You pay for the 'extra address space in
need not have identical physical impl ementa-
your computer even if you don't use it fully.
tions at each location . Second there are
You pay for 8 input ports even if you only
often several logically distinct address spaces
need 2 input addresses, and the cost is in
in a computer while there is usually only one
terms of the instructions which could not be
main memory for programs and data.
implemented, You also pay in terms of the
MUltiple address spaces have separate func-
bits of memory which are required to hold
tions or functionally distinct address spaces
the unused parts of the addresses. Deciding
(e .g., input output device space and main
how to handle the addressing of various
memory address space) can be mel·ged.
functional elements in a computer is one of
Lastly, a computer normally has a smaller
the most crucial issues in the design of an
main memory than it is capable of
instruction set.
addressing, thus wasting some (or most) of
the address space. Non·Uniform Address Spaces
To see that an address space need not
A computer's address Non-Memory Address Spaces identify uniform arrays like main memory
space is not necessarily As an example of a non-memory address let's re-examine the 8008's ADr instruction ,
equivalent to the amount space, let's first consider the ADr instruction The register address space can specify one of
of memory it has installed. (add register to accumulator) as imple- 8 locations with 3 bits. However there are
mented on Intel's 8008 microcomputer chip. only 7 registers in the 8008. Each of the
Its bit pattern is 10000RRR, where RRR registers numbered 0 to 6 specifies a byte of
represents the register address field. This data which is part of the 8008 CPU. These
defines an address space for the 8008 CPU registers, named A, B, C, 0, E, Hand L, are
which is not directly associated with main the seven "normal memory" addresses in the
memory at all. As a second example, con- 8008 register address space. Each of these
sider the 8008 input instruction, INP. The registers, if selected by the RRR bits of the
bit pattern for this instruction is ADr instruction can have its content added
0100MMM1 where MMM is the input unit to the A register when the instruction is
address field. This defines a second address executed. The eighth address in this address
space for the 8008 which is also unrelated to space (numbered 7) is different in function
from the other seven. Address seven in the state of the bit in memory. In either of these
register address space is not a register at a ll. first two ways, the unused bits may be wired
Referencing register 7 causes the H and L to logica l zero or one. A third way, shown in
registers to be placed end to end forming a figure 2d, is to connect the ou tpu t of the
16 bit address register. This is t hen used to single bit memory to a ll 8 data lines at the
address a byte in main memory. T hu s one inte rface to the bus. When th is method is
element of the register address space of the chosen, the data va lu e loaded from the
8008 is very different from the other seven one-bit memory locatio ns wil l be either zero
e leme nts (see figure 1). or -1 (hexadecima l 00 or FF). The one bit
wide memory is much less expe nsive si nce
Using Non-Uniform Main Memory Address on ly the single bit being used at any address
Space has a physical implementation as a memory
The prev ious examp le illustrated a non- device.
uniform address space bui lt into the archi-
tecture of a specific computer chip, the 8008'5 ADR INSTRUCTIONS

8008. There is no reason why t he hobbyist I

10 000
1 RRR'
can't use the same concept of a no n-un iform
address space e lement to hi s advantage in the ~ I Designers of computer
design of custom systems or additions to IDENTIFIER ADDRESS architectures have to give
existing systems. Supp ose that someone has RRR REGISTERS careful consideration to all

a 6800 processor wi th 4096 bytes of 000 CD the address space
memory and wants to implement t he LI FE 001 crJ supported by the com-
app li cation on this machine. With a 64 x 64
grid, 4096 bytes of memory a lone would be
0 10 c:o puter they create.
011 C[:J
req uired for data storage if one byte is used 100 CD
for each element of t he LI FE matrix. Two 101 [JD
normal so lutions to the problem are to buy
more memory or to impl ement subroutines
110 CD
which store 8 matrix elements into each
byte, thus requiring only 512 bytes for data
cr I H I L
plus storage for the packing and unpacking
subroutines . This last approac h has the
unfortunate drawback of being slow, not to
mention its added programming difficulty.
There is another clever way to solve the Figure 1: An example of a small non-uniform
prob lem of accessi ng large arrays of bits, a address space is provided by the register address
space of an 8008 microprocessor. Seven out of
way wh ich is open to the hobbyist who eigh t possible locations are registers of the pro-
designs his own machine or doesn't mind cessor; the eighth (M) however has a very special
addi ng to his machine. It is possible to build hardware meaning an d is not implemented on the
a 4096 bit memory at a cost much lower chip at all.
than the cost of a fu ll 4096 byte memory
A 6800 system which uses on ly 4096
board. In effect you are rep lac ing t he
memory addresses is not using 94 percent of
packing and unpacking routines with the
its total ava il ab le address space of 65536
chip address se lection hardware at a nominal
possib le locations. There is plenty of space
dollar cost and a great increase in speed .
for another 4096 sin gle bit memory. This
Figure 2a illustrates the concept of t he 4096
approach is cost effective, spee d effective
bit memory added to a system wh ich a l ready
and makes better use of the hardware
has 4096 bytes of random access memory.
resources inhere nt in the CPU chip design. It
Since on ly one bit of information is is a good so luti on to the problem of stor ing
involved, the way t he addressed bit is an array of bits and can be used in any
hooked up to the bus interface data lin es is a system which does not require byte memory
matter of personal preference and program- or peripherals at every avai lab le location in
ming convenie nce. One way (figure 2b) is to address space.
connect the single active bit to the low order
bus line at the bus interface. Testing the 10 and Other Uses of Address Space
state of t he stored bit co uld the n be done by In the article "Notes on Parallel Output
loading from the memory location of the bit In terfaces" in BYTE #3 (page 52), Carl
and testing the zero flag with a co nditional Helmers pointed ou t ho w memory address
branch instruction for the computer being space can be used to address output devices.
used. A seco nd way is to connect the active In suc h a usage, the 10 address space and the
memory chip to the high order bit, in whic h memory address space of a more co nve n-
case the sign of the res ul t (in two's comp le- tiona l design are one a nd the same thi ng.
ment notation) co rr esponds to the present This is the on ly way 10 is done in the DEC

Figure 2: For purposes of manipulating arrays of
BK --, single bit data, it is possible to use otherwise empty
memory address space for a partial implementation
Don't make the mistake of I
I 4K X I of read·write memory. a. i11ustrates th e memory
th inking you have to : MEMORY
al1ocations with such a partial array in a typical
include every bit of every I example. b., c. and d. show three alternative
connections of the partial word 's data to the bus
word in a memory. 4K X B interface.
Leaving out one or more MEMORY
memory chips will not in
general affect the function
of the remaining portions
of the memory module. ARRAY ARRAY ARRAY



o OR I

o OR -128

o OR-I

PDP-11 family of minicomputers, as well as the result into Y cou ld be impl eme nted
microcomputers like the 6800 and the 6501 fairly simply:
family . These machines have no 10 in struc-
tions at all. In the PDP-11 family, there is LDX X fetch first operand (16 bits);
STX A16 store into 16 bit A register;
one particul ar 4096 word block of memory
LD X Y fetc h second operand (16 bits);
address space reserved for use wi th external STX B16 store into 16 bit B register;
dev ices; for most microcomputers, specific LDAA #$0 1 define co ntrol code
allocations of 10 addresses in memory STAA ( 16 and store it into exte rn al unit;
address space are a discretionary choice of LDX A16 fetc h accumu lated result;
the system designer. STX Y and store it into Y;
Th e addressing concepts used to interface
arbitrary 10 devices can also be used to add Th e add resses A16 and 816 refer to the
new functions to your comp uter. Since a registers of the externa l math unit built
CPU cannot tell what kind of memory it is along the Iines of figu re 3; the control
interactin g with over the bus, it is possible to register C16 when set wi th an appropriate
have memory locations which se rve special code will execute the math operation -
computing purposes. Suppose that you want which could just as eas ily have been a
to manipul ate 16 bit words with a 6800 multiply or a divide or so me other funct ion
system. Specially implemented address space such as block data move ment or an array
locations can be used to store a nd man- operation implem ented in hardware. What
ipulate data with the longer word length we have done here is to augment the data
indepe nd ent of the CPU's restrictions. hand ling capabilities of the microprocessor
Figure 3 shows two 16 bit registers and by addi ng hardware which interfaces
one control register for a simple 16 bit through a series of locations in memory
arithmetic uni t. Registers A 16 and 816 address space. With this type of har dware
occupy two memory address space locatio ns addition, the onl y programming required is
eac h, for a total of four locations . The thus a series of loads and stores needed to
control register occup ies one address loca- move the data to and from the special
tion. Now su ppose that locations X and X+1 memory locati ons, thus saving a lot of
on the main memory section of the com- microprocessor programming and making
puter contain a 16 bit number, and that ex tended precision arithm etic much faster
locations Y and Y+1 contai n a second 16 bit than the eq ui va lent software version. Wh ile
number. A routine to add X to Y and store the ci rcuitry to perform such exte nd ed

SYSTEM Computer or Teletype Use
INTERFACE Up to 2400 Baud $149.95


r+ ! ~ LOCATION 616

I 6
Uses the industry standard tape
saturation method to beat all FSK
LOCATION 616+1 systems ten to one. No modems or
FSK decoders required . Loads 8K of
memory in 34 seconds. This recorder
LOCATION A16+1 enables you to back up your computer
by loading and dumping programs and
data fast as you go, thus enabling you
to get by with less memory. Great for





business bookkeeping.
IMAGINE! A year's books on one

Thousands are in use in colleges and

businesses all over the country. This
new version is ideal for instructional,
amateur, hobby and small business
LOGIC CI6 use. Ideal for use by servicemen to
load test programs. Comes complete

J with prerecorded 8080 software
program used to test the u nits as they
are produced. (Monitor)
Figure 3: Another use of memory address space resources is to interface special function A. Recording Mode: Tape SalurJ- F. Comparability: Will interface
[iOIl binary. This is not an FSK any computer using a UART or
hardware. This diagram shows the concept of a 16 bit arithmetic module which can be or Home type recorder. No voice PIA board. (Altair, Sphere,
capability. No modem. M680D etc.)
constructed and interfaced as four data locations and one control location in memory B. Two channels (1) Clock, (2) G. Other Data: 110 V - (50-60)
address space. Data. Or, two data channels pro- Hz ; 2 Watts total ; UL listed
viding four (4) tracks on [lie #955D; three wire line cord;
cassette. Can also be used for on/off switch; audio, meter and
NRZ, Bi·Phase, etc. light operation monitors.
C. Input s: Two (2). Will accept Remote control of motor
operations is not trivial, it is a lot less TTY, TTL or RS 232 digital.
D. Outputs : Two (2). Board
optional. Four (oat, seven can·
ductor remoting cable provided.
expe nsive and easier to accomp lish than changeable (rom TTY, RS232 or H. Warrantee: 90 days. All units
TTL digital. tested at 110 and 2400 baud
building a complete CPU with instruction E. Erase: Erases while recording
one trijck at a time. Record new
before shipment. Test cassette
with 8080 software program
decodi ng, conditional bran chi ng, su brouti ne data on one track and preserve included. This cassette was
three or record on two and recorded and played back during
calling mechanisms, interrupts and all the preserve two. quality control.

other capabi liti es needed in a processor . This ONE DOLLAR brings operating and main-
is the way to build an " extended ins truction tenance manual with schematics.
set" in a machine which nominally does not COMING NEXT MONTH - IN KIT
. . . the central theme is to have any extens ion possibilities . FORM
always keep an open and Extended ar ithmetic hardware of this • Hexadecimal Keyboard - Load pro-
kind is very common on medium and large grams direct from keyboards' 16
creative outlook towards keys and verifying display. Does not
utilizing all the capabilities scale machines where speed improvements use Computer I/O.
are needed. For examp le in floating point • I/O for use with Computer Aid or
your machine provides ... other digital recorders. Variable
arithmetic which involves a lot of double
baud rate selectable on externally
precision addition and shifting, a common located unit by one knob. Can load
commercial techniqu e is to buy a fast computer or accept dumps without
floating point pl·ocessor from an outside software. Turnkey Operation . For
vendor and plug it into a minicomputer. This any 8 bit computer.
Reco rd /PI ay back Am pi ifi er.
type of extension of the centra l pl"Ocessor Expa nded version of our Computer
capabilities by doing computation and data Aid board for use with your own
manipulation in the address space (ex ternal deck (cassette or reel to reel). Go to
to the CPU prop er) is something that the 9600 baud on reel to reel. Digital in,
diQital out, serial format .
advanced hobbyist may find to be a * Interested in these? Send your name
challenging and useful addition to the and address for brochure when released.
system. Whether adding instruction set Send check or money order for $149.95
plus $2.00 Shipping & Handling (N.J. Resi·
extensions or implementing partial memory, dents add 5% Sales Tax) to:
the central theme of this is to always keep
an open and creative out look towards
utilizing all of the capabi liti es YOUI· machine
NATIONAL multiplex
3474 Rand Avenue, Box 2BB CORPORA nON
South Plainfield, New Jersey 070BO
provides - espec ial ly the address space. -

K or k?
Man fred Peshka

Th e lack of conventions and standards 15 for the decimal number fifteen.

used to abbrevi ate un its of measure, to Lea ding zeros, on the other hand , are
determine scale of measurements, base of important in the re presentation of strings.
numbers, or mathematica l, relational, and Arithm etic operations req uire numbers, an d
logical operators, may occasionall y lead to logic operations use strings. In t he latter
confusion and mi sunderstandi ngs. There are case, leadin g zeros are sign ificant. For
peopl e who prefer to use such ex pressions as exa mpl e, a 16 bi t register is to be set to a
KB for 1024 bytes, CPS for characters per value of 15. On e approach, using numbers, is
second, LPM for lines per minute, etc., while to zero the register a nd add the hexadecim al
others fo llow differe nt conventions, such as number F to the register. Another approac h,
kHz for 1000 hertz, m/s 2 for meter per usin g strin gs, is to load the register with the
squared second, MB for megabyte (either bit string '0000 0000 0000 1111 ' whic h can
1,000,000 or 1,048,5 76 bytes, depending be represented in hexa deci mal notation as
upon convention), and so on. Some people '00 OF'. The spaces within the string quotes
like to use AMPS, or Amps, or amp s, or A, are not part of the sy mbols representing the
to denote the uni t to measure electric strin g va lue; they simpl y add to the legibil ity
current. We fi nd abbreviatio ns vary ing and may be omitted. In the above examp le,
dep endin g upon scale; sec stands for second, the strings were qualified: Th e fi rst one is a
while m s means milli second . Similar bit string, and the second one a hexadecim al
probl e ms may ari se from the use of num erals strin g. An unqualified string, therefo re, is
to indicate numbers: 11 may mean in binary assumed to be a text string consisti ng of
the value three, in octa l the va lue nine, in letters, digits, and pun ctuation marks
dec imal t he value eleve n, and in hexadecim al including spaces: ' , is a string of a s'mgle
the value seventeen. Also relational, mathe- space on your typewriter or terminal which
matical, and logical operators are not con- transl ates to '40' hexadeci mal or '01 00
sistently used. Some writers prefer to use t he 0000' binary in the Exte nd ed Binary
symbol AND, others the ampersa nd (&), and Dec im al Interchange Code (EBCDIC).
others use the dot (0) to indi cate the logical In other words, numbers are decimal, and
AND operation. You find the slash (/) used strings, which are to be encl ose d in string
for divi sion of numbers, or to mean the quotes, are the usu al letters, digits, and
logical OR operation. special sy mbols, unl ess they are specifica ll y
To help our reade rs understand the use of qualified as binary, octal, or hexadecimal
these different symbols, BYTE will attempt representations.
to consistently empl oy certai n ab breviations Ambi guity exists also in the symbols k
for frequently used units of measu re, sca le and K used as scale factors. Acco rdi ng to
factors in measurements, ope rators, and Webste r's New Collegiate Di ctionary (1975,
number bases. page 629), the lowe r case letter k mea ns
All numbers are ass umed to be decimal 1024; accordin g to conventi onal use, such as
numbe rs unl ess it has been stated specifica ll y kg for kilogram, km for kil ometer, etc., th is
to the contrary : In these in stances the base symbol means 1000. In the co mpu tin g litera-
of the number syste m is indicate d in t he ture, on the other hand, the cap ita l lette r K
text , in a column headin g, etc. Leadin g zeros is ofte n used in meas urin g memory size and
are omitted. The hexadec im al number OF Iine transmissi on spee ds. In these ins tances K
will be written as F fo r the sa me reason that means a factor of 1024. BYTE will fo ll ow
leading ze ros in dec imal numbers are thi s co nvention : K means 1024 and k is a
omitted. We generally do not write 015 but factor of 1000. There are many more sca le
factors used in scaling measurements. Table
1 shows the various unit of measure prefixes
which will be used in BYTE .
All but one scale factor are powers of ten.
The ex ception is K which equals 2**10 or
1024. Th e two asterisks have been e mpl oye d
to indicate ex pon entiation instead of the
frequently found superscript 210. The pur-
pose of this notation is to facilitate the
printing of fo rmulas on lin e printers and
terminals which otherwise would require
speci al hardwa re and programming to raise
the expon ent. In a similar mann er the slash
(J) is bein g used to indicate di vision. Table 2
below lists operatio ns performed on numbers.

Table 1: Scale of Measurement Prefixes

Abbreviation Meaning and Example

T Tera or one tri II ion; five terabi ts or 5 Tb

G Gi ga or one billion ; two gigahertz or 2 GH z
M Mega or one million; 28 megabytes or 28 MB
K K or 1024; two K bytes or 2 KB or 2048 B
k Kil o or one thousand; two kilohertz or 2 kHz
h Hecto or one hundred ; 5 hectometers or 5 hm The Hickok Model 512 Dual
D Deka or ten; six dekaliters or 6 DI
Trace Oscilloscope eliminates
d Deci or one tenth; five decimeters or 5 dm
c Centi or one hundredth ; 90 centimeters or 90 cm the set-up and precision
m Milli or one thousandth; one millihenry or 1 mH problems you 've had to accept
u Micro or one millionth; six microfarads or 6 uF using other triggered scopes.
n Nano or one bi Ilionth ; 18 nanoseconds or 18 ns It's easy to set up
p Pico or one trillionth; four picofarads or 4 pF • Simplified color-coded front panel
• Beam finder quickly locates off-scale
Table 2: Mathematical Operations traces.
• Foolproof triggering to 15 MHz.
Abbr Meaning and Example It gives you superior performance
x ( ) Function, where x is re placed by a function abbreviation, • 10 MHz response flat within 3dB.
and th e arguments are placed in parenth eses, e.g., Excellent pulse response.
MAX(4, 7, 2) is 7, the maximum of the three va lues. • 3% accuracy on vertical and hori-
** Exponentiation; 2**10 zontal ranger.
Negation, a prefix operator; - - 4 is 4 Hickok industrial lab quality and con-
* Multiplication ; A * 4 struction
Di vision; 4/8
+ Addition; A + C Glass epoxy PC boards used through-
Subtraction ; 5 - 4 out. Regulated power supply.

Table 3: Concatenation and Comparisons AT YOUR DISTRIBUTOR $675 00

c omplete with probe s an d access ories
Abbreviation Meaning and Exampl e

CAT or
Concatenation ; 'aC' CAT ' , yields 'aC '
Less th an; , , LT 'a' in EBCDIC
NL -,< Not less than
the value innovator
LE <= Less than or equal to
10514 Dupont Avenue. Cleveland. Ohio 44108
GE >= Greater than or equal to; if AGE B then ... (216) 541-8060 • TWX : 810-421-8286
GT > Greater than ; it is false that 5 GT 6
NG or -, > Not greater than ; 5 NG 6 is true

Table 4: Logical Operations and Assignment

Abbreviation Meaning and Exampl e

Besides mathematical operations which
require numbers, relational operations (com- NOT or -, Denial, a prefix operator; '0' is --, ' 1' is always true
parisons) may be performed on either AND or & Conjunction; C := A & B
numbers or strings; in addition, only strings NAND Negated conjunction
may be concatenated, i.e ., tied together. The Alternation D := C A
OR or
string 'abc ' concatenated with '1234' results Negate d alternation
in the string 'abc1234'. This may be written Assign ment; X:= 15
either 'abc' CAT '1234' or 'abc' II '1234'.
Since not all terminals have these special
symbols, an alternative set of two or three amps, AMP, Amp, Amps, AMPs, AMPS,
upper case lette rs can be employed. The ampere, am peres, a or A to denote the unit
abbreviations for relational and concatena- of measure for electric current. Often abbre-
tion operations are shown in table 3. viations are not used consistently, e.g., sec
Whil e the concatenation of two strings versus ms which stand for second and
results in a string, a comparison operation mill isecond, respective ly.
returns a value of true or false which can be There also seems to be little consistency
expressed as a bit. A binary '1' represents in spelling and hyphenating, e.g., Hertz or
true (or yes) and '0' false (or no). This value hertz, Giga-Hertz, GigaHertz or gigahertz,
of a comparison may be assigned to a logical etc. We decided, therefo re, to spell units of
(bit string) variable. In this context, the measure in lower case letters. After all, these
differe nt uses of the equality symbol are measurement units and not the people
become very clear: It is used to assign a after whom they were named .
value to a variable, and to test eq uality. Th e inconsi ste nt us age of abbreviations
In order to make the difference between creates a real problem; it's like learning
the assignment operation and the equality differe nt languages, or dialects, to say the
comparison more clear, we wi II use the colon least. We thought that frequently used units
followed by an equal sign (: =) to denote the of meas ure should be abbrevi ated as short as
assignment, and reserve the equal sign for possible, preferably as a single lette r, unless
co mparisons of equality. To set a 16 bit this conflicts with stan dard usage . We will
regi ster RA to a value of 15, you may wri te attem pt to use cap ital lette rs for abbrevia-
RA:=15; to compare the register with the tion s because they stand out more clearly
value 15, you may write RA=15. In this than lower case lette rs.
instance the comparison happens to return a Acronyms, by the way, are always capital
true value, i.e., a '1' bit which may be saved lette rs because eac h lette r rep rese nts the first
in a bit string variable named SWITCH by letter of each word of the compound term
writing SWITCH :=RA=15. Of course, this for which the acrony m stands. Multiple
latter expression does not mean that you letter ab breviati ons, on the other hand, may
may type it into your computer and expect have an initi al cap ital lette r followed by
results. This depends on the availability of a lower case letters, such as Hz for hertz.
compiler which would generate the appro- Table 5 Iists some of the more frequently
priate code. On the other hand, this state- encountered units of measu re in BYTE . •
ment expresses an intent and a purpose of a
computation, no matter how many machine
instructions nee d to be issued, regardl ess of Tabl e 5: Units of Measure Abbreviations
the computer at hand.
Like numbers, bit strings have their own Abbreviation Meaning and Example
set of operations resulting in bit strings.
Special graphics are often used to indicate A ampe re; 5 kA, five ki loamperes
these operations. For example, some peopl e b bit; 1 Kb, one K bits, K bits
prefer the dot (0) to indicate logical AND, B byte; 14 KB, 14 K bytes
others use the ampersand (&), and others use C character; 14.8 Cis, 14.8 characters a second
alphabetic keywor ds like and or AND. We db decibel; 40 db, 40 deci bels
will try to be consistent in our use of the se g gram; 3 Dg, three dekagrams
symbols in order to facilitate your reading of H henry ; 50 mH, 50 millihenry
the magazine. Since only a few computer Hz hertz; 2 G Hz, two gigahertz
output devices have extended graphic m me ter; 10m, ten meters, ten meter ban d
character sets, two choices are presented in o ohm; 28 kO, 28 kiloohms
table 4. second; 1 ns, one nanosecond
Abbreviations of units of measurement v volt; 16 mY, 16 millivolts
vary widely. We find, for example, amp, W watt; 2 MW, two megawatts

The supply comes as a black box with
several interconnection terminals. Two of

For The Joules, these terminals are for the 110 V A( input.
Three other terminals are for the positive
output, negative output, and ground. For +5

It's a Steal Volt TTL then, the negative output should

be connected to ground. Since it is a black
box, the supply does not come with line
cord, pilot light or switch. I surmounted this
problem by building the supply into an
I just bought a 105 W power supply for Peter H . Helmers
aluminum chassis along with a custom ±12 V
under fifty cents a Watt. This is the 79 Evangeline St.
power supply . Although the unit is built Rochester NY 14619
"sophisticated logic supply,"* 21 A at 5 V
with massive heat sinks, I decided to mount
which is available from at least two sources:
a ventilating fan to ensure good air flow for
Meshna Electronics, P.O. Box 62, E Lynn
an extra measure of cooling.
MA 01904 and Electro Science Mart, 119
The power supply comes with a fuse
Foster St., Peabody MA 01960. Using stan-
protected output and a voltage adjustment
dard TTL logic, a good rule of thumb is to
pot. The pot adjusts the output from 4 V to
allow one A at 5 V for approximately 30
I(s. Thus this power supply, manufactured a bout 5.6 V. I also hooked up a test load of
by Dressen-Barnes, is capable of powering a % 0, 50 W resistor to check on the ripple
approximately 600 I(s. For the average of the supply with a 10 A load . I could see
o nly about 10 to 15 mV of ripple on my
computer hobbyist who is designing his or
oscilloscope. Also, voltage stability over a
her own system, one of these supplies will be
per iod of 24 hours was good; I saw no
perfect for the main power supply. It is
cheap enough to buy right away, and it has measurable drift .
In summary, this supply has the capacity
sufficient capacity for just about any con-
to rectify a lot of current problems. Watt a
ceivable future expansion (not being
"average" myself, I just ordered a second bargain! -
supply to cover my anticipated future * As advertised on page 95 of the November 1975
needs). BYTE.

No more shorting across

DIP leads .. . just quickly
clip on an IC TEST CLIP
to bring DIP leads out for
safe attachment of scope
Systems Research, Inc. presents - probes and other leads.
!deal for signal input, trac-
A Complete Microcomputer for only *$575. Ing, troubleshooting, etc.
The SRI-500 Patented precision, "con-
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Include. TTY and RS-232 Inlerlace•. Connecl. 10 any 20MA loop teletype. Enclo.ed
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In a compact, de.k lop unit, II contalnl 1K (word) RAM'" expandeble Prom, power
Rovv-To- Part
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TC-8 .3IN. 923695 $7 . 35 card racks (unique - see
'alk even for the Inexperienced u •• r. TC-14 . 3IN. 92369B 4.50
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photo). Engineered Me-
•• Addillonil Ram available TC - 16 LSI .5/.6IN. 923702 8.95 chanical clamping plus
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Available Options All items completely assembled and tested -
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SRI-510 Keyboard (provides allow 6D-90 days delivery time. All items
TC-2B .5 / .6IN .
tact. Also unequaled as a
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Pittsburgh Group

The following note was received from

Eric Liber and Fred Kitman of Pittsburgh :
Dear Fellow Computer Phreaks :
Just a quick note to let you know thaI
hobby computing and computers are al ive
and well in Pittsburgh. The name of the
organization is the Pittsburgh Area Com·
puter Club. We had our first meeting on
October 8, 1975 and even though the
weather was inclement we had 15 people in
attendance. In addition there is definite
interest from at least that many more! Not
bad for a beginning.
The name of our acting president is Eric
Liber and the name of the secretary/
treasurer is Fred Kitman. We can be reached
at the address below or at the following
telephone numbers: Day: 412-391-3800;
Night: 412-276-6546.
The members of the club have a total of 5
computers with 2 Altairs, 1 PDP/11, one
Wang and one 8008. Not a bad start!!
Pittsburgh Area Computer Club, 400 Smith-
field St., Pittsburgh PA 15222.

Clubs and Newsletters

The Santa Barbara California Club

Doug Penrod, 1445 La Cima Road, Santa

Virginia Seminars Barbara CA 93101 sent in a good letter
describing the newly formed club which has
David G. Larsen of Virginia Polytechnic been meeting at the Goleta Library.
Institute and State University, Blacksburg Interested persons from the Santa Barbara
VA 24061 sends in the following notice of area should contact Doug by mail or phone
two seminars which will be given this coming (962-3337). The club is best described by
March on microcomputer themes. the following paragraph copied from
1. Microcomputer Interfacing Workshop, Datafile, Volume 1 number 0:
March 12-13, 1976. A two-day workshop The first meeting of the un-named club of
based on the popular Intel 8080 micro- computer hobbyists of the Santa Barbara
processor. This course is sponsored by the area was held Wednesday evening at 7:30,
VPI and SU Extension Division at the 1975 October 8 at the Goleta Library, 500
VPI Center in Reston VA (near Dulles North Fairview. Attendees ranged from
Airport). This workshop will include many professionals to those with a keen interest
hours of experience in programming and but no knowledge so far. Equipment ranged
interface construction with over 12 oper- from abacus and slide rule to a Data General
ating microcomputers for participant use. Eclipse system. Most expressed an interest in
For more information contact Dr. Norris owning a machine of their own, from pro-
Bell, VPI and SU Continuing Education grammable calculator through microcom-
Center, Blacksburg VA 24061, puter to minicomputer. Most felt that the
703-951-6328. most valuab le feature of meetings is the
2. Digital Electronics for Automation and "random access" period, during which
Instrumentation, March 21-26, wh ich is a members mill about and compare notes on
hands on laboratory/lecture course covering their projects and problems, and examine
basic digital electronics as well as data hardware brought for display and consu lta-
communications and interfacing using asyn- tion. At the first meeting was an HP-65
chronous serial techniques. It is held at VPI (Ralph Boland), a MITS Altair 8800 (Doug
and SU in Blacksburg VA and is sponsored Penrod), a MITS Scientific Calculator (Doug
by the American Chemical Society, Educa- Penrod), a home brew microcomputer built
tion Division, 115516th St NW, Washington around an Intel 8008 microprocessor chip
DC 20036 (202)-872-4528. (Larry Plate), and a "TV Typewriter" {Grant

Runyan). Brian Johnson gave a lecture on

©@Uili)(pQO~@(fO~@@] I
microprocessors and computer principles for
beginners, during the random access period.
Everyone who is interested in any aspect of

computing/calculating is encouraged to join
us at our meetings. If you like mathematical
games and puzzles, computer history, want
to learn how computers work, want to build
a computer or calculator, want to learn
programm ing - any aspect of software or
hardware, this is the place to meet the
people you want to talk to. In addition to
informal exchange of information, help, and
goodies, we expect to have tal ks and demon-
strations by experts on occasion. We also
offer advice on publications and books. I II
Assemble your own electronic
Ping· Pong unit that connects

I Q)
to any TV. It's easy!
Complete plans, pIc boards,

preassembled & finished units.
Our d8Si~ns include challenging

Minneapolis-St. Paul Computer Activities

I ~ game aCtion, a computer-

control paddle sound effects

& on·screen scoring. Exciting!


Build the basic unit for about
$40 in common components.
organization of computer hobbyists and
small systems engineers serving primarily the
Send $27.50 for "Superset"
pIc board (with aligned hariz.
Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area . The
I & vert. oscillators) & plans ...

or . . . send $1 .00 Irefundablel

members seek to exchange newsletters and for circuit diagram & info
technical data with organizations or
packet of pic boards, plans,

individuals with similar interests. ~.B@O=X 4~
204B ac'cessories & completed units.


I $1 for schemati c diagram & info

'- ________ .J
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 pack !reflmdable on purchase).
begun in 1973 by users of the BIT 480-483
minicomputers, and remains a source for
replacement parts and licenses regarding the
said machines. It has expanded to encompass
persons with interest in various minicom-
puters and microprocessors, and is actively ANNOUNCING
engaged in the design and construction of
selected peripheral devices suitable for BASIC-8 USERS CRT
hobbyist use and which can be built at low
1. 1,920 character display - 80 characters x 24 lines
cost at home. Raster-scan television graphic 2. Basic language with extended math functions
and uniquely dense alphanumeric television 3. More powerful than many mini-computer basic systems
terminals, for example, are in final stages of 4. AvaUable 1 st quarter of 1976
development. PHONE: 617-966-0929
The sponsor of the BIT USERS ASSO-
9080 Microproc .. . . . . . ... .. . . . ...... .. ..... . . . . $56.00
CIATION is the Resource Access Center, a
Replaces 8080
non-profit educational center serving com- 91 L02 1 K low power RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . ...... 3 .90
munity service agencies. Inquirers are 21021 K RAM .. . ....... . ... . .... . . . ... .. ........ 2.90
requested to send self addressed stamped ASCII Keyboard Kit .. .. ... .. .. . ... . .. .... . . ..... 79.50
envelope, but no other monies please. In FEATURES: Full 55 key,
Minneapolis, telephone 824-6406 (or reliable scanning logic, N
message service, 823-8247) . BIT USERS key rollover, TTL com·
patible parallel output.
ASSOCIATION, RESOURCE ACCESS Also available-serial out-
CENTER, 3010 4th Ave S, Minneapolis MN put, parity bit, TTY
55408. current loop output.
kits available:
1702 PROM Programmer 125.00
Nashua NH Area Computer Club 8223 PROM Programmer 79.50
Audio cassette interface 69.50
CRT TV display
Dwayne Jeffries, 181 Cypress Lane,
Nashua NH 03060 notes formation of a
computer club in the Nashua NH area. For
information and details, contact Dwayne.
Continued on page 70
P.O. Box 403,
Holliston MA 01746

Miami Area Computer Club and mathematical subroutines for floating
point. Specialized functions may be added
Terry Williamson, P.O. Box 430852, S. by the user.
Miami FL 33143 went to the MITS Caravan The proposed syntax and grammar for
seminar in Miami recently. As often TINY BASIC is described in the PCC news-
happens when people get together wi th paper Vol. 4, nos. 1 and 2. The design
common interests, Terry got involved in philosophy is to keep it simple and use as
conversations wi th several other personal little memory as possible. Speed is sacrificed.
computer addicts at the MITS show. The net PCC would greatly appreciate any help
result is the forming of a Miami area and ideas. Sixteen bit (double word) addi-
computer club. For details contact Terry by tion, subtraction, multiplication, division,
mail or at 305-271-9909. Thanks to MITS decimal-binary and random number routines
for catalyzing another computer club. are needed.
Bernard R. Greening
People's Computer Company
P.O. Box 310
North Texas Group Menlo Park CA 94025

The Computer Hobbyist Group of North

Texas is the name of the computer club in Washington DC Area Club Activity?
the Dallas-Fort Worth Area. In a recent
letter to BYTE, Bill Fuller (hardware editor Robert Jones of Washington DC is
of TCHGNT newsletter) comments: interested in organizing a computer club for
" ... thanks for the plugs in BYTE for the nation's capital. If you are interested,
contact him at: 4201 Massachusetts Ave,
the Texas Club. We went from 35 to 75
Apt. 168 W, Washington DC 20016.
since BYTE appeared and that's why I'm so
darn busy."
The club puts out a newsletter with
information on activities, and has arranged Reston VA Club?
for some demonstrations by computer com-
pany representatives and by members who In Reston VA, Andrew Convery reports
have built computers. Meetings are held that he is interested in assembling a local
monthly. For latest details, contact Bill club. Contact him at 2315 Freetown Ct, Apt
Fuller at 2377 Dalworth 157, Grand Prairie 11 C, Reston VA 22091. His home phone is
TX 75050. (703) 860-1849, and his work phone is
(703) 241-3551.

News of NECC
Tiny Basic
The New England Computer Club held its
People's Computer Company has been first meeting on November 5, 1975, at the
promoting programming in BASIC. Several Jarrell-Ashe plant in Waltham MA with
companies have produced inexpensive micro- about 200 people showing up. As is typical
processor chips. One ofthese, Intel, has made of "first meetings," the most important
the Intel 8080 chip. Currently available objective was accomplished - the assembly
versions of BASIC take 4 to 8K words of of a mailing list of interested individuals, and
memory. identification of a small group willing to put
PCC is working on a TINY BASIC. It will together a more formal organi zation. Future
be oriented to : meetings have tentatively been scheduled for
the Mitre Corporation cafeteria in Bedford
kids having fun MA.
teaching BASIC One key goal is setting up a series of
games seminars on the technology of hardware and
elementary school arithmetic software. Other expected activities are
mathematical recreations "show and tell," trading posts for equipment
send us your ideas . . . exchange among individuals, and tal ks by
manufacturers or computer users concerning
It will run on an Intelec 8/Mod 80 or an appl ications of the technology. A newsletter
ALTAIR 8800. It will use 16 bit (double will be financed by the sale of 30 Intel 8080
word) integer arithmetic. Its design will be systems manuals donated by the local repre-
public so that others may reorganize the 10 sentative.

You can buy
this microcomputer
for $39.95, but...
We would be a bit surprised if you In fact every part including the powerful
could do anything meaningful without Me 6800 CPU and the 8K dynamic RAM
additional hardware and software. M C 6800 is guaranteed for 120 days. It has the best
Wave Mate's Jupiter IITMisn't the kind of software around, System Monitor and Debug
microcomputer kit you only stare at ... when programs (ROM). Includes powerful text
you've completed your Jupiter II just plug in editor and Motorola compatible assembler.
your teletype and you're ready to go. That's And BASIC at no extra cost. Because we've
because it goes beyond the sum of its high been making microcomputer systems for over
quality parts. It's the ultimate micro kit 4 years, we can offer you the broadest line of
experience. In performance, in documentation, interfaces including TV terminal and dual
in reliability. First, consider its superb features. audio cassette. Impressive. And yet the
It has small pluggable wire wrapped cards grandest feature is the experience (r)-6-=J--:::-=f}:-.......,)
easily tailored to suit your modifications. of completing a kit that works. ( J
Every Ie is socketed and 100% burn-in tested. Guaranteed. W.4¥~ 11lau.

ACT NOW AND SAVE. 0 Send details on kit-a -month club II
... Introductory price $1225. (Assembled $1885.) 0 Kit 0 Assembled ...
I11II (Good until F ebrua ry 1, 1976) I11II
II 0 Send Jupiter II Microcomputer Kit. Includes : 0 RS 232C conve rsion kit ( tele ty pe) $47 .85 II
.... Modular plu g-in power • Rack moun t module cage 0 I'm not convinced ; send m e 101 reasons why. ...
I11II suppl y
.... 9 module P C backplane
• Wire wrap tool
• Wire unwra p tool
0 PI df J . lIS I
ea se sell ree u plte r . y stem cata ogue. II
I11II • CPU modul e • Cables. connectors, all
.... System moni tor module
I11II • 8K dynamic RAM
other necessa ry
ha rdware
0 Check e nclosed for $
Include $10.00 for postage and handling. California
... modul e • Softwa re (edi tor , debug, residents a dd 6 % tax D elivery 60 days ARO I11II
I11II • Seria l R S 232 assembl er, BASIC ) ...
II communication interface • Assembly manuals 0 Mas ter C ha rge # - - - - - -- - -- I11II
modul e • Operators manuals 0 B kA . d # ...
II • Front panel modul e • Theory of opera ti on an menca r I11II
.... Front panel manuals
I11II • Wire; cut , stripped , color • Annual membe rship in
C redit ca rd expires on II.
II coded. users group N a me II
, Address II
City/ State/ Zip _

1015 W est 190th Stree t Gardena, California 90248 II
Telephone ( 213 ) .~7.~:~~~:.................................. II
(--L nl.......l S WARRANTY E II
L~ I ) i 120 days on a ll parts, i II
: materials and workmanship. : II

Permission Granted to Xerox
(or 3M, IBM, A p eco o r ot h erwis e jitcsimile, copy or du plica le)


Abo ut all of th e new small systems co mi ng on the market ... whi c h are real and which are
still in development stages ... t here will be a simple se ries of articl es on computer languages . ..
revi ews of kits . . . in fo on surpl us bu ys and use d equipment . .. circuits for building your own
equipment . . . disc ussions of stand ard s .. . news of use r clubs and programs avail able ... info
on speciali ze d newsletters ... ga mes and game gro ups ... game progra ms . . . co mputer art . . .
computer music ... and if th at doesn' t cover it, all yo u have to do is write in and eith er say
what else you want or else start writing t he articl es yourse lf.


With single copies go ing fo r $1.50 (i nsane price ), t he $12 subscription pri ce begins to lo ok
attractive. You wo n' t want to miss a copy (presumabl y), so fill in the coupon here and se nd it
in quickly ... no cash needed, just se nd it in , we' ll put you into the subsc ripti o n computer
(with fin ge rs crossed) and send you th e in voice . It's pro babl y a business expense, ri ght? If you
dislike rippin g your soon to be valu abl e issu e of BYTE to shreds by removing a co upo n, yo u are
hereby given permi ssion in perpetui ty (until sub sc riptio n ra tes go up) to vi olate th e copyright
and make a co py of any one of the fo ur co up ons .. . nea tn ess coun ts. Your friends may do
likewi se, unless you are a lo t less persuasive th an we thin k you are .

The Management

I Name . .. . . . .. ..... . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. iI Name. ... ..... . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . ... .. . . ... .. . .. . .. .. . . . . II
I Address .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I
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l O BI LL ME 0 Check for $12 enclosed : 0 BI LL ME 0 Check for $12 enclose d i

I 0 Bill BankAmericard or MasterCh arge # . . . . . . . . . . .. , 0 Bill BankAmericard or MasterCharge # ... ... ..... , I
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II Name . . . . . •..•.. . . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . ...... .. . . .• . . . .... .. : Name ·· · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · ·· ···· · · ·· · ·· · ·· · · ··· · ····· 1
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L _______________________ -1 _____________________ .JI

• BYTE. Peterborough NH 03458

MilS Computer Caravan
The Mighty MITS Mobile stopped off in puter systems. MITS is reportedly going to
Boston recently and roused the micropro- have this ready for use in a few weeks. This
cessor byters from the woodwork. It was a certainly will be a major step toward pro-
good deal like a club meeting as the MITS viding low cost complete operating com-
Computer Caravan paused to provide a puter systems.
seminar for 30 plus enthusiasts. The MITS line printer is also about to be
Since it is more than likely that virtually released, complete with its operating system,
everyone who is reading this brief report and magnetic tape memories are in the
was to some degree snared into the com- works. Considering that all this really started
puter hobby field as a result of the Altair only about one year ago, the progress by
8800, we won't try to explain who MITS is MITS has been just about incredible.
or what they make. The MITS Caravan was thoroughly
But reading about the Altair and seeing it enjoyed by everyone and it seems likely that
in action are two different things , so the as a result of the group getting together for
crowds have been catching the Caravan in that seminar that a club will be forming ...
large numbers. It's a good show, so don't another feather in the cap for MITS. This
miss it when it comes around. The registra- sort of thing has been happening all around
tion fee is $12 and for that price you get a the country. -
loose leaf binder with schematics of the
Altair and notes to go with the short
instruction course presented during the
Caravan seminar. The book alone makes the
price reasonable. You also get an oppor-
tunity to see the Altair in action and ask
questions until you get tired.
The 8800 on demo had a teletype 10 and
a cassette memory unit, which is what most
of us were anxious to see and tryout. The
program was a good one, starting out with a
discussion of the fundamentals of computers
and logic, then the Altair hardware, and
finally the software with a demo of MITS
A couple of non-beginners went out for a
short snort or something while the introduc- fastest, most reliable
tion to logic circuits unfolded .. . everyone method known ... to build, test
else listened with interest. The session was and modify experimental circuits
run by Mike Hunter, who has been driving 8-bus distribution system High-performance A P Super-
the Caravan all around the country. plus universal .1" by .1" matrix Strip component matrices consist
of solderless. plug -in tie points of 128 terminals of 5 tie points
The standard modem tones of 2025 and all in one integral device. each. The 8 buses of 5 connect-
2225 Hz were used for the cassette storage Accepts all DIP's and discretes ed 5-tie-point terminals are for
voltage, ground, reset and clock
... which seemed like a good feature . After with leads up to .032" dia.
lines, shift command, etc . New,
a short loading program via the front panel Interconnect with any solid wire non -s horting, in stant-mou nt
up to No. 20 A.W.G. backing and quick-removal
switches BASIC was loaded from a cassette screws are supplied .. . use several
and demonstrated. This certainly appears to ORDER BY PART NUMBER Super-Strips to create large-scale
be a very good version of BASIC and to have 923252 (nickel·sil,,, "nninal.I ...... . $17.00 breadboards on panels up to
923748 (gold·plat.d"nni"I.I .......• $18.90 1/8" thick .
a lot of advantages over other possible
We honor M .C. and B.A .C. charg es. Add_ SHIPPING/ HANDLING C.O.D .
languages. Add sales tax on OH and CA orders. fees from Up 10 $10.00 $1.00 $ .70
The soon to be released floppy disk (F.O.B. Painesville on company P.O.'s. )
Dealer inquiries invited this cha rt. j~~?~~0s6~OO ~:~ ::
operating system was discussed. This will
make fast access bulk memory available for a
very reasonable price as compared to com-
mercial units now available for the minicom-
That Didn't Take
WAITING FOR long at All
In the November issue of BYTE we
published Dan Fyls tra's article "Son of
Motorola," comparin g the new MOS Tech-
$599 00 * nology 6501 and 6502 computers with the
Motorola 6800. At the time the article was
wr itten (l ate August) he could not pred ict
• FACTORY ASSEMBLED AND TESTED when a kit would be avail able for the MOS
• PLUGS INTO 8800 WITH NO MODI FICATIONS T ec hnology processors.
• PROTECT-UNPROTECT CIRCUITRY INCLUDED Th e f irst MOS T echnology 6502 kit is
TO MATCH 8800 now avail ab le: Microcomputer Associates
• TWO 4k BLOCKS OF DYNAMIC R.A.M. Inc., of Cup ertino, California, have
• USER OR FACTORY ADDRESS PROGRAMMING a nn o unc ed the JOLT computer kit.
(SPECIFY) According to their news release, this kit
• EACH CMR-8080-8k is SHIPPED WITH AN EDGE- combines hardware and software fo r small
BOARD CONNECTOR INCLUDED. scale computing at a low cost.
• EXPANDER BOARDS AVAILABLE (ADDS FOUR Components of the JOLT include t he
SLOTS TO 8800) central processor kit, a 4096 byte RA M kit,
an 10 interface kit, powe r supply ki t, and
miscellaneous items such as a uni versal
TEN REASONS TO CHOOSE prot otyping card and an accessory kit.

THE CMR MEMORY CARD Th e basic central processor card conta ins
512 bytes of programmable random access
1. 300ns ACCESS TIME memory, 64 bytes of interrupt vector ran-
2. TWICE THE MEMORY DENSITY dom access memory, and 16 fully program·
3. LESS $$ PER K OF MEMORY mabi e 10 lines. Th e most important feature
4. DESIGNED FOR THE 8800 of the CPU card is its read onl y memory.
5. USES THE LATEST T.I. CH IPS This memory contai ns the DEMON (DEbug-
6. G-1 0 EPOXY BOARDS MONitor ) progra m product, a basic software
7. PLATED THROUGH HOLES. element needed to run the system 'f rom t he
8. GOLD PLATED CONNECTOR CONTACTS. serial terminal interface, which is imme-
9.8192 WORDS OF DYNAMIC RAM di ately avail abl e when yo u turn on t he

*ORDERING NOTE: Classified Ads Available for

Readers who have equipment, software or oth er
items to buy, sell or swap should send i~ a clearly
typed or printed notice to that effect. The notices
D ENCLOSED IS CHECK OR M.O. FOR $ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
are free of charge and will be printed one time only
AMOUNT $ 3 0 % = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
on a space available basis. In sertion s should be
limited to no more than 100 words. Notices can be
• PLEASE SEND _ _ _ CMR ·8080·8k CARD{S)' AS accepted from individuals or bona fide computer
DESCRIBED ABOVE @ 599.00 EA. POSTPAID users' clubs only. Commercial advertisers should
.PLEASE SEND _ _ _ E X PANDER BOARD{S) contact Bill Edwards, BYTE advertising m an ager,
(ADDS 4 SLOTS TO 8800) BOAR D ONL Y @ 15.00 EA. for the latest rate card and terms.
NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ALTAI R 8800, assembled, tested, and completely
ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ operational includes 1 K RAM board with 256
w ords. Complete documentation including news·
CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE & ZIP_ _ _ _ _ __ letters, quality built by electrical engineer. ON L Y
$500 postpaid . D . Schreiter, 9032 Whit~haven Dr ,


P.O. BO X 167. 1 92 1 DOGWOOD LANE
St. Loui s MO 63123 .

Would very much like to buy a used memory board

VIENNA , VIRGINIA 22180 (or two) for a Raytheon 704 minicomputer . R ick
Loomis, PO Bo x 1467, Scottsdale AZ 85252 ,
(602) 994· 9104 (cal l afternoons or late at night) .

The DEMON program includ es routines
to display and alter registers or memory, a nd
control termi nal interface service routines.
DEMON also includes a breakpoint capa-
bility useful in debugging programs, two
kind s of formatted memory read and write
operations for program loading and saving, a
hi gh speed 8 bit parallel input routine and WAVEFORM
severa l 10 serv ice routines which may be
call ed by a user's program.
Perhaps the most unique feature of the
DEMON program is its adaptable terminal
interface service routine; the software senses
and automatica ll y adapts to the speed at
which the terminal o perates between 10 to
30 characters per seco nd .
A minimum system built with the JOLT
components ca n be asse mbl ed from the CPU
card kit, the accessory kit, and a Teletype or
RS-232 compatib le terminal. With such a
system, many of the basic concepts of
programming can be demonstrated within
the confines of a 512 byte area of user
memory . Inpu t and output operations can
take advantage of the DEMON subroutin es
to interact with the terminal. This would
make a good initial system for a person to
learn the ropes of computing.
As programming sophistication increases
the owner may expand the memory by
purchasing additional boards.
For users who want to breadboard their The Hickok
own peripherals, the universal card will come Model 270 Function Generator
in handy as a starting point for an interface gives you a lot more waveform
construction project. generating capability than you 'd
For ordering information and prices, con- expect for its price .
tact Microcomputer Associates In c., at
10440 N Tantau, Cupertino CA 95014, • Puts stable, calibrated, high
408-247-8940. Delivery is 30 days after quality sine , square and
rece ipt of order accordi ng to their news triangle waveforms from 1 Hz
release . • to 500 kHz at your fingertips.
• With external connections
for the eq uipment . You put it together. We'll both
you can produce logic
use it once it's running. I 'm tired of paying $1 ODD' s pulses, sweeps and ramps ,
to a 370/ 155 batch processing service. My interest
i s statisti c al a nalysis of large volumes of stock
AM and FM outputs , phase
market-type data . I need a powerful (for a micro) and frequency shift keying
system, with disk or disk-type orientation, tape
capab ili ties, line printer, card reader (maybe),
signals, tone bursts and more.
BASIC or FORTRAN compiler, telecommunica -
tion ability . Joe Schachter, 41 Amory St. , Cam- • I(s an audio generator and
bridge MA 02139. (617) 492·2765. much more.
NEEDED. See ad above.
ASR -33 TELETYPE in perfect physical and oper-

ati ng condit ion ; 20 mA current loop interface,
w/reader power supp ly and pedestal - $ 500 . Also,
Kleinschmidt drum printer with parallel ASCII ,
TT L -compatible interface, 30 cps in perfect oper -
ating condition, w/o dress cover - $300. (617)
757 -2037 after 6 pm. D . F . Craft, Jr. the value innovator
For sale , DEC PDPB / L mini computer. The co m · INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROLS DIVISION
puter is 100% working and in excellent condition . THE HICKOK ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO
Hardware : 4K core, TTY interface, Pos I/O inter-
10514 Dupont Avenue. Cleveland. Ohio 44108
face Pos I / O bus board. Software: editor, diag·
nost'ics, assembler, other misc. Price $900. Call
(216) 541-8060 TWX 810-421-8286
617·592-2937 evenings. Peter A Balkus, Lynn MA.

You'll Want to Nybble
at these Byte Books
Where does the editor of a computer magazine turn to when he must
verify some author's hardware design? Information on a 75450
interface gate, or a 74147 priority encoder circuit does not spring forth
by magic. Checking the information supplied by authors is part of
BYTE's quality control program.
When you build a project, you need this same sort of information. All you find in the advertisements for parts are
mysterious numbers identifying the little beasties ... hardly the sort of information which can be used to design a
custom logic circuit. You can find out about many of the numbers by using the information found in these books. No
laboratory bench is complete without an accompanying library shelf filled with references - and this set of Texas
Instruments engineering manuals plus Don Lancaster's TTL Cookbook will provide an excellent starting point or
addition to your personal library.
• The TTL Cookbook by Don Lancaster, published by Howard • The Semiconductor Memory Data Book for Design Engi-
W. Sams, Indianapolis, Indiana. Start your quest for data here with neers, by Texas Instruments, Incorporated. Don't forget the
Don's tutorial explanations of what makes a TTL logic design tick. importance of memories to your systems. Refer to this 272 page
335 pages, $8.95 postpaid. manual to find out about the T.I. versions of many of the popular
• The Supplement to The TTL Data Book for Design Engi- random access memories and read only memories. Order your
neers, by Texas Instruments Incorporated. What happens when personal copy today, only $2.95 postpaid.
you can't find a 7400 series device listed in The Data Book for
DesilJl Engineers? Before you start screaming and tearing your • The Linear and Interface Circuits Data Book for Design
hair out in frustration, turn to the Supplement. The Supplement Engineers, by Texas Instruments Incorporated. When you run
has 400 pages of additional information including a comprehensive across one of those weird numbers like 75365 the immediate
index to both TTL Data Book volumes. To be complete (and keep frustration problem occurs again. What kind of gate could that be?
your hair in place and vocal cords intact) you'd best order the We won't tell in this ad, but you can find out by reading the
supplement at $1.95 to accompany the main volume. specifications in The Linear and Interface Circuits Data Book for
Design Engineers. You can interface your brain to the 72xxx
• The Transistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers, (linear) and 75xxx (interface) series of functions by ordering your
by Texas Instruments, Incorporated. You'd expect a big fat data
copy of this 688 page manual at only $3.95 postpaid.
book and a wide line of diodes and transistors from a company
which has been around from the start of semiconductors. Well, its
available in the form of this 1248 page manual from T.I. which • The TTL Data Book for Design Engineers, by Texas
describes the characteristics of over 800 types of transistors and Instruments Incorporated. How does an engineer find out about
over 500 types of silicon diodes. This book covers the T.I. line of the TTL circuits? He reads the manufacturer's literature. This 640
low power semiconductors (1 Watt or less). You won't find every page beauty covers the detailed specs of most of the 7400 series
type of transistor or diode in existence here, but you'll find most TTL logic devices. No experimenter working with TTL has a
of the numbers used in switching and amplifying circuits. Order complete library without The TTL Data Book for Design
your copy today, only $4.95 postpaid. Engineers. Order yours today, only $3.95 postpaid.

Caution: Heavy Reading

Buyers of these books should be cautioned: heavy reading will be required. These books are so
filled with information that they weigh in at a total of about 190 ounces (5387 grams). On the basis of
sheer mass, these books have got to be the bargain of the century. Make sure that you use a
structurally sound book shelf and above all avoid dropping one of these books on your foot. But the
mass of these books doesn't affect the bargain: we pay postage on all orders shipped to addresses in
the USA and Canada, so the prices you see are the prices you pay. (That's only $.005 per gram on the

_ _ TT L Cookbook @ $8.95 Send to: N"-'-"'am=e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ TTL Data Book @ $3.95
_ _ Supplement to TTL Data Book @ $1.95
_ _ Linear and Interface Circuits @ $3.95 City State Zip
_ _ Semiconductor Memory Data @ $2.95 o Check enclosed
_ _ Transistor and Diode Data Book @ $4.95 o Bill MC # _______ Exp . Oate _ _ __
o Bill BA # Exp. Oate _ _ _ __
~~TI PETERBOROUGH, NH 03458 Signature


Here lies documen tation of k nown bugs
16,384 8-BIT WORDS ON

detected in previous editions of BYTE . ..
• LOW POWER: + 8 TO +10V, LESS THAN 600 mA
Roger Frank, 1801 E Girar d #24 7, Engle-
+15 TO +18V, LESS THAN 125 mA
wood CO 80110 points out the following -15 TO-18V, LESS THAN 30 mA
error in the text of Jim Hogenson's " Build • 4K WITH PROTECT-UNPROTECT
An Oscilloscope Graphics Interface," page • USES LOW POWER SCHOTTKY TTL
72 of BYTE # 2: The description of control • MEMORY CHIPS SOCKET MOUNTED
code 7 at the top of the third co lumn should .50/50 GOLD-PLATED EDGE CONTACTS
read : "Cont rol code 7 wi II not set Z, bu t wi II • EPOXY BOARDS WITH PLATED THRU HOLES
decre men t the X coord i nate of the di sp l ay. • JUMPER PROGRAM 16K ADDRESS SLOT
Thi s changes the hor·izontal section of the .8080 HOME BREW COMPATIBLE
counter on ly, without affecting stored data • 420nS ACCESS DYNAMIC RAM
in the memory of the interface unit." • NOT A FLAKE
Th e remainin g portion of the ori gi nal INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL ON ORDERS
paragraph describing the 0 an d 7 cod es RECEIVED BEFORE 1/ 1/76
should be deleted, through the words • • Take $50 Discount • • Take Free 50/50 Edge Connector
" decrement X contro l code ." • • Pay No Shipping Charges

BYTE #4, page 35, tab le 3: The Bau dot
code for the letter Q in the table should read
" 1 1 1 0 1." DUTRONIGB
P.O. Box 9160,
Stockton CA 95208 *BANKAMERICARD - OK


WORD HUNT page 18

ADD (not in address)
4, 3

e 16,10
9 ,2


8, 1
AND 4,3 1 FALSE 15, 10 4 PCB 20,14 5
APL 6,4 5 FETCH 14,4 8 PERIPHERAL 18,1 8
ASCII 16,7 6 FILE 7,7 5 PLOT 12,9 8
ASSEMBLER 19,12 7 FLAG 5, 14 2 POINTER 3,1 8
ASYNCHRONOUS 19,12 4 FOCAL 5,14 6 PRIORITY 14,19 2
BASIC 13,10 4 FORMAT 5, 14 3 PROGRAM 4,8 1
BATCH 8,5 5 FORTRAN 7,20 2 PROM 12,9 5
BAUD 2,20 2 GATE 2, 12 4 QUEUE 2, 7 1
BCD 3,10 1 GLOBAL 11,13 2 RAM (not in program) 8,12 2
BET 9,21 2 HALT 7,3 7 READ 19,17 4
BINARY 12,8 4 INPUT 6, 6 7 RECORD 11,8 4
BOOLEAN 13,10 7 INSTRUCTION 20, 2 8 ROL 14,2 1
BRANCH 9,21 4 INTERFACE 20,21 6 SOURCE 2,18 2
BUFFER 14,17 2 INTERRUPT 20,21 4 STACK 16,9 4
BYTE 9 ,2 1 6 JUMP 2,8 1 STATUS 11,9 6
CHECKSUM 1,4 1 LED 3 , 17 2 STORAGE 17,14 6
CHIP 14,7 8 LINK 2,21 2 SUBROUTINE 21,14 4
CLOCK 9,17 7 LIST 17,12 8 SUBSYSTEM 8,3 8
COBOL 13,1 8 LITERAL 13, 18 2 SYNTAX 21,20 4
COUNTER 7,13 6 LOAD 2,1 8 TABLE 12,12 2
DATA 6, 5 4 LOCATION 12 , 13 5 TRANSMITTER 10,16 2
DEBUG 6, 5 2 LOG 14, 3 2 TRAP 11,21 4
DESTINATION 2,15 2 LOOP 4,2 6 TTL 3,5 2
DEVICE 1, 16 2 LSI 12,10 6 VCC 14,1 6
DIAGNOSTIC 10,2 8 MATRICES 8 , 11 3 VECTOR 3,16 4
DIODE 21 , 1 8 MEMORY 19 ,20 6 VERIFY 3,16 1
DISK 12,18 3 MHZ 9,6 8 WIRE 4,19 6
DISPLAY 21,1 6 MICROCODE 17,2 6 WORD 4,19 5

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HP-5082-7300 $19.95 per kit.
~Ione conSli tutes a ~iable compu ter sys tem complete with
The JOLT sys tem consiSIS 01 a sel ot modular mic·
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A 56 page book on the facts
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Rolls into Town
On a recent Friday evening the chaps etc. Since this is the major potenti al for
from Sphere demonstrated their system to small computer systems this is certainly an
about 50 interested computer hobbyists at a enlightened approach. As more and more
downtown Boston Holiday Inn. computer stores open up around the country
The show was a Despite an almost incredible schedule, a and literature such as that provided by
resounding success ... good show was put on. Mike Wise, the Sphere is gotten out to the owners of small
president of Sphere, was rocking a little after businesses, sales of these systems cannot be
several days of going almost 24 hours a day but astronomical.
... th e caravan had driven in from Toronto The Sphere sales literature is extremely
that day! ... and it was an every day a well done ... and best of all, it is written for
different city deal. the businessman, not the computer expert.
The product was certainly impressive ... Computer stores should have little trouble in
a computer built into a box the size of a selling this approach to the business world.
video display and keyboard unit. Th at long The utter simplicity of the system will
row of switches and LEDs on most CPUs has certainly appeal to the businessman.
been replaced by a little PROM software The PROM has quite a repertoire and
chip which permits programming to be done includes an editor, assembler, debugger,
via the keyboard. command language, cassette loader, dumper
and utilities ... all on a 1 KB chip! Since the
It was most pleasant to see the system
programming is on a PROM, this still leaves
turned on and come up ready to be used.
the entire 4 KB RAM available for the user
The operating system is all built right into it
and doesn't tie 1 KB of it up just with the
in the PROM so not even a short loading
operating system ... a big plus even at
program has to be switched in to get it
today's low memory prices.
The PROM operating system permits
The Sphere system consists of the rather sophisticated editing techniques
Motorola M6800 microprocessor wi th an including movement of the cursor with ease,
ASCII keyboard and interface to the 6800, a scrolling of the lines of text through the
video display generator system, the Motorola buffer memory, delete lines, add lines,
loader, small operating system and monitor. modify lines, etc. The system also permits
At $860 for the complete kit this is quite a the keyboard to be used for entering pro-
package. grams into the computer using hexadecimal
The Sphere requires an external television or octal notation. It also enables the user to
set for a monitor. It will feed video to this look at any address and see what is there . . .
monitor, or a few parts can be added to the change the data if desired ... an d then scan
video output board which will generate a on through succeeding bytes. Not a bad
signal which th e TV set can pick up via its bunch of programs to be crammed into one
antenna terminals . Some problems with FCC 1024 byte PROM!
licensing of transmitters seems to have held Another plus is the comprehensive Sphere
up the supplying of these parts with the kit book of instructions. It is not only
itself. amazingly complete (particularly when you
Mike told the group that they are well consider how short a time the company has
along with a BASIC language package for the been in existance), it is also written in
system and that they ex pect to have a language which is not beyond the relative
library of about 4000 business oriented newcomer to computers.
programs available. In all, the show was a reso unding success
The Sphere literature stresses the business in Boston and a tired, but happy Sphere
applications of the system, showing it in use crew packed up for the next night in New
in offices, stores, homes, banks, laboratories, York. _

THE SUNTRONIX MODEL KBD IV Keyboard is ideally suited as a general
purpose ASCII Keyboard for data terminal applications. This keyboard more than
meets the needs of the data entry market for long life and reliability.

The KBD IV utilizes the 2 key rollover solid state read-only MaS memory allowing
encoded outputs to be strobed out as each key is depressed. A second key may be
depressed concurrent with the first, but the second ke y encoded output will not be
strobed out until the first key is released. This feature prevents ambiguity of
character codes as a result of two keys being depressed in rapid succession.
* Voltage requirements - +5.0 V and -12.0 V
* Power consumption - less than 200 mw
* Outputs - standard ASCII; 7 bits + strobe
* Negative or positive logic output, jumper selectable
* Output connector - standard 14 pin DIP IC socket
* Three modes - normal, shitt & control
*Size - 12%" x 6%" x 2y/'
*High grade glass epoxy PC board
*Keyboard ROM SMC KR2376 40 pin MaS
*Electronic shift lock, not mechanical
*Keyswitches one integral assembly, not individual keys
*Switches have four-finger phosphor bronze contacts with gold inlay
*Keycaps are 2-shot high strength ABS plastic
These keyboards are available off the shelf in two forms - fully assembled and
unconditionally warranteed against defects in manufacture or materials for a full
ninety days, or in the more economical kit version. Kit parts are fully warranteed
against defects in manufacture or materials for a full ninety days. In either version,
full instructions are supplied for operation, including specifications and data sheets.
In the kit version, complete instructions are supplied for the assembly process. A
reasonably competent technician can completely assemble and test this keyboard in
one evening. All parts needed are included.

Factory assembled - $74.95 ppd.
Complete kit, w/instructions - $64.95 ppd.
Please add $ 1.00 handlin g per order.
Minimum order - $5.00

~\ JJl~ ]"J Irl D1~]JJ'{ nDIn Pj) 1] Y

o 'S,'l
360 Merrimack St., Lawrence, Mass. 01843
(Telephone orders: 617-688-0751 603-434-4644)


Your answer to a reader's question on the

difference between a "bit" and a "byte" and
a "word" was pretty good, except for the
definition of a word . The difference is made
NEVER YOU MIND more apparent if we look at the evolution of
Early, so-called first generation machines
generally performed arithmetic operations
only in accumulators, which were of a fixed
OCCUPANT bit length. This length was called a word.
Since all operations were done in accumula-
NH 03458 tors, each storage address usually had the
same bit length, so a word was also the
number of bits obtained in one storage
I n the second generation, systems were
classified as either business or scientific. The
scientific machines generally used binary
arithmetic, performed in accumulators as
before. Business systems, however, did not
TASTY BUT NOT FILLING have accumulators, but used storage-to·
storage arithmetic. In this system, the con-
A friend of mine showed me the first tents of two storage locations were input to
three issues of your new magazine . I found the ALU, and the ALU output was stored in
them extremely tasty but not at all filling; one of those locations. These machines were
please send more BYTEs as soon as possible! of variable word length , in that a non-data
(I have sent my subscription order in.) bit in each storage location was used to mark
I have just one "bit" of criticism: Please the end of a word. Since most of these
adopt some designations for end-of-article, machines used 6 data bits and each of the 64
continued-on-next-page, and continued-on- bit combinations had an assigned graphic,
page-n! Their use is not essential, but my each storage location was usually referred to
ETP (English Text Processor) has become as a character.
used to finding them (it's a heuristic routine, The IBM 360 series was the first of the
you see) and often wastes considerable time third generation, and was d esigned to be
when they're not there. general purpose; that is, either scientific
Possibilities includ e the IBM end-of-file (binary) or business (decimal). Its general
Once that happy time code, /*, for end-of-article, or the ASCII purpose registers (which could be used as
comes to the ham, linking abbreviations ETX (end of text) and FF binary accumulators or index registers or
home brew computer (form feed) for end-of-article and go-to- memory address registers) were 32 bits long,
terminals to their Teletype next-page, respectively. And FF nn could be so this was called a word. The floating point
set-ups will combine two used for go-to-page-nn. Alternatively, some accumulators were 64 bits, or a double
common notations from asse mbly languages word. Thus the binary arithmetic instruc-
of the most fascinating
could be used: END, BR *+1 (go to next tions could obtain, in one storage reference,
hobbies ever conceived by
page), and BR nn (go to page nn); but on either a double word, a word, or a half word
the mi nds of men. second thought, these would probably not (16 bits). Decimal arithmetic was performed
be as easily recogni ze d by as many people as storage-to-storage, with the instruction con-
the ASCII symbols. taining the length of each operand. Since the
Hope to see your next issue in my term word was used to refer to the register
mailbox. Meanwhile, I'm going to try to (accumulator) length, a new term was
persuade the proprietors of my college book- needed to refer to the number of bits
store to carry BYTE. Wish me luck! contained at any single storage address; IBM
chose the term byte, and in the 360 series a
Jamie E. Hanrahan byte was 8 bits .
Fullerton CA In most micros to date, the number of
bits at one storage address (a byte) is the
Regarding end of file marks, you should same as the length of the accumulator
notice by now that articles in BYTE's latest (word), so the terms are interchangable,
issues are terminated by a typeset ". ". whether it is 8, 12, or 16 bits. But who
We've considered other things ranging from knows what the future will bring?
an "EOF" to an END statement. This
convention of the black square is simple and R. S. Downs
effective, so it became the obvious choice. Raleigh NC

OSCI LLOSCOPE GRAPH ICS Now that you've got your computer, sit
INTERFACE down and share a byte with a friend.
TRI·TEK Acoustic Couplers and Data
Modems can get your system on speaking
The Oscilloscope Graphics Interface in terms with your buddies' systems for the
the Octob er 1975 BYTE is a useful addition price of a phone call.
to any microcomputer system. However, if Trade programs, get extra computing power,
combine memory capacity or play computer
the display ever got really busy, it looks like games across town or across the country -
the screen would be a mess. This is due to anywhere you can get to a phone.
the fact that when a Set X or Set Y is used, If you don't have a computer, turn a
TELETYPE or video display into a remote
the scan continues from that point on down
the screen. Rapid access to the 2102's, as in
any sort of "moving picture" presentation,
GET YOUR rnIT1f~ terminal which will talk to any time·share·
system found in most large cities or at
universities. Form your own club, make one
would never let th e trace get down the
screen very far.
TOGETHER computer and share it over the phone lines
with your terminal.

Hundreds of these quality units are in service in industry and business;

A simple modification which would alle- and TRI ·TEK is now making them available to the small system users in
viate the situation would be to have two factory·assembled or kit form .
counters feeding the 2102 address lines, one Models avai lable to do your job in TTY, RS232 or DAA, Bell 130.
free running at 100 kHz all the time, and the Write for data sheets or use the reader service sheet.
other under program control. With three 12 BIT MICRO PROCESSOR CHIP-
state buffers (i.e., 8097's), the memory write IM6100 12 bit CPU recognizes POPB/E, Mp·12 and 0·112 Instruction set.
FEATURES: silicon gate CMOS, single supply, or chip clock, power·on
of new information would gate only the initialize. All interface'control signals produced in CPU .
desired address to the 2102's, after which DMA, interrupt, dedicated control panel, directlindirectl
auto indexed MEM addressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60.00
the other address (from the 100 kHz TRANSPARENT CONTROL PANEL CHIPS-
counters) would again be applied to the Allows IM6100 to free itself of control panel supervision. Control panel
functions can be increased simply by adding additional control panel RAM,
2102's. Thus the scan would pick up shortly easing the main memory useage.
IM5603 P ROM/IM5501 RAM set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 .00
after the point where it left off.
For readers with an infrequent screen SET OF DATA FOR IM6100 SYSTEM . ... . . .. . .. . . . . .. ..... . . . . .. 4 .00
update, this is not necessary, but for those
with fast processors doing frequent display
modification, this approach should work
Roger Frank
Englewood CO
Send stamp for ou r
fl yers of new and
su rp Ius
el ectronic
W 'f:
tRI-tEk, Inc
6522 N 43rd Avenue
Glendale AZ 85301

You are right, Roger, and the hardware

modification you propose will correct the
situation. Another way to avoid running into
that problem is to use appropriate software:
Simply, do full screen updates when changes
are desired.


You have asked for comments from

BYTE subscribers about themselves, and Super-Versatile™
building blocks for experimental circuits
anything else that may come to mind, and
here are my thoughts on what I had hop ed Universal.l0" matrices of Create custom breadboards in minutes
solderless, plug-in tie points with these new instant-mount strips.
for and anticipate in your magaz ine. DISTRIBUTION STRIP (top) contains
For all DIP's and discretes 2 continuous buses of 12 connected 4-
First off, I am a ham, W2ZPW, for some with leads to .032" dia. tie-point terminals. Size: 6.5" by .35".
26 years . Th at automatically signifies a Interconnect with any solid TERMINAL STRIP contains 128 5-tie-
General class ticket or better, and General wire up to No. 20 A .W.G. point terminals, holds up to nine 14-pin
DIP's. Size: 6.5" by 1.36". Integral,
class it is. I am not interested in any high er Nickel-silver terminals non-shorting, instant-mounting back-
class of Iicense for a very good reason . I am ing permits quick build-up of special
ORDER BY PART NUMBER breadboards using any mix of strips.
entirely deaf. Any additional frequencies 9232n distribution strip ... $2.50
Other models available.
earned with a higher class of license would 923261 terminal strip .... $12.50
require hearing for phone or CW (Con- We honor M.C. and B.A.C. charges. Add_ SHIPPING/HANDLING C.O.D.
tinuous Wave or Morse code for anyone who Add sa les tax on OH and CA orders. fees from Up to $10.00 $1.00 S .70

just immigrated from the Moon) .

IF.O.B. Painesville on com pany P.O.'s.1
Dealer inquiries invited
this chart . ;~?o~~~O~~5000 i:~ :~
My sole interest in ham radio is in
Teletype. Since computer technology runs
closely parallel, in many ways, with radio
frequency communications, there is no As soon as the FCC removes the restric-
doubt in my mind but that a good ly tion against ASCII coding, a magazi ne such
proportion of articl es to come will be as BYTE will then become the obvious
slanted toward the amateur radio enthusiast. vehicle for guiding both amateur radio and
Considering this possibility it is certainly not computer enthusiasts to combine their
too much to hope for to ultim ate ly see a hobbies for the greatest enj oy ment im ag in-
simple and ine xpe nsive commercial ASCII- able. The possibilities are endless and limited
to-Baudot converter that could read il y be onl y by the imagination.
used to actuate the widely used Baudot
coded amateur Teletype equi pme nt. Mack O. Santer
Brooklyn NY
Use of ASCII code is being pond ere d and
will no doubt soon be written into FCC
It looks like there is plenty of possibility
regulation s. But eve n so, those amateurs who for the synthesis of amateur radio and
have RTTY using five leve l Baudot equip-
computer activities. It will be interesting to
ment will mostly continue to do so because
see just what people actually do with this
it is in virtual universal use. It is my novel application of computers. BYTE will
considere d opinion that ASCII will take hold
report on developments in the radio/com-
to a greater degree than 100 WPM Baudot
puter field as they occur.
did, but by mea ns of soo n to be devised
converters (of a simple and inexpensive
nature, it is hoped) , switching from Baudot
to ASCII, and bac k aga in, will become
virtually universal.
Once that happy time comes to the ham, QUESTIONS -
linkin g ho me brew computer terminals to STAR TREK, SURPLUS
their Teletype set-ups will co mbin e two of CHIPS
the most fascinating hobbi es ever co nceived
by the minds of men (and women). It th en In the first three issues of BYTE, which
beco mes possible to visualize a means of are just what the doctor ordered, you've
co mmuni cation co mbining ca bl e and radio. mentioned the ga me of Star Trek a numb er
Where more than one mini-co mputer system of times in your columns. I am a Star Trek
is linked by way of telephone lines it will freak with an IBM 1130 at my disposal. Is
become a simple matter to "patch" the there any way of obtaining a Star Trek
phone line into a radi o station and rebroad- program written in Fortran IV or other
cast the computer outp ut to form input to informati on on the subject?
anoth er computer repatc hed back into a In the near future, will any co mp ani es be
phone system elsewhere at a distant point. It marketing a 16 bit computer utilizing
ope ns entirely new vistas that may take a bit National's IMP-16 CPU chip?
of deep thinking to eve n visuali ze at this Wh at companies carry used or surp lus
point. The possibiliti es are so broad in scope Teletype machines in worki ng condit ion at
that I hate to eve n begin to enum erate them. reasonabl e prices? Perhaps your magazine
can do a series on the surplus market place.
In view of the FCC restriction made up on
In the first issue you publi shed a review
hams to use onl y five leve l Baudot code,
of the RGS 008A computer by James
most of the amateur eq uipm ent in current
Hoge nson. I found this very informative and
use is American made Telety pe Corporation
am looki ng forward to more such reviews,
eq uipm ent. Some mod el 14, mostly tape
perhaps on the Altair 8800 or SWTPC's new
gear, is used. Mode l 15 printers an d the
Motorol a based 6800 computer system.
compan ion mode l 19 sets combine model
14 and 15 to form a co mp osite set that will Look in g forward to more fantastic issues
ei th er produce co ded ta pe for transmission of BYTE.
(but not be received from on t he air) or Richard Wexler
print out on roll s copy that is received or Texarkana TX
sent. The model 15 printers are often obtain-
abl e for as low as $25 and rarely hi gher than
$100 for the model 19. There is a BASIC version of Star Trel?
The ultimate in Baud ot equ ipment at called Space War listed in complete detail in
present is th e model 28. Obsolete as they 101 BASIC Games, published by DEC in
may be where computers are concer ned, Maynard MA. See the boo/? review in this
they are hi ghl y pri ze d for ham use. There are issue. The closest product to an IMP-76 yet
few model 33 an d 35 Teletype machines available is the National PA CE chip, its LSI
amo ngst amateu rs but since they are single-chip successor.
designed for ASCII use t hey require some
mea ns of conversion to Baudot cod ing. Continued on page 86

10% OFF ON ORDERS OVER $100.00
1 ~% OFF ON ORDERS OVER $2~0.00
TTL 7451 .17 74154 1.25
7447 BCD to 7 seg. decoder drvr. $ .69 2102 $2.65 5311 $3.95
7400 $ .14 7453 .17 74155 1.07 7483 4 bit binary full adder .59 2102-1 2.75 5312 2.95
7401 .16 7454 .17 74156 1.07 7490 Decade counter .45 2102-2 2.75 5314 3.95
7402 .15 7460 .17 74157 .99 74151 8 channel multiplexer .59 82S23 3.25 5316 4.15
7403 .16 7464 .35 74158 1.79 74153 Dual 4 input multiplexe r .79 F93410
7404 .19 7465 .35 74160 1.39 CALCULATOR CHIPS
74180 Parity generator checker .79 256 bit RAM 2.19
7405 .19 7470 .30 74161 1.25 5005 $1.69
74193 Binary up/ down counter .99
7406 .35 7472 .30 74162 1.49 9602 Dual one shot .69
7407 .35 7473 .35 74163 1.39 8038 FUNCTION GENERATOR
75COO Quad 2 input NAND gate (CMOS) .12
7408 .18 7474 .35 74164 1.59 Voltage controlled oscillator - sine, square, triangular
7409 .19 7475 .57 74165 1.59 output. 16 pin DIP with data $3.95
7410 .16 7476 .39 74166 1.49 LINEAR 7001 CLOCK CHIP
7411 .25 7483 .79 74170 2.30 301 Hi pe rf op amp mDiP .25 4-6 digit, 12-24 hr. alarm, timer and date circuits - with
7413 .55 7485 1.10 74173 1.49 339 Quad compa rato r DIP 1.29 data.. ... ............ $6.95
7416 .35 7486 .40 74174 1.62 320T 5V neg. V reg. 5V 1.39
7417 .35 7489 2.48 74175 1.39 320T 12V neg. V reg. 12V 1.39 DVM CHIP 4';' DIGIT
7420 .16 7490 .59 74176 .89 340T 12V neg. V reg. 5V 1.39 MM5330 - P channel device provides alilogicfor 4Y:z digit
7422 .26 7491 .97 74177 .84 340T 15V pas. V reg. 15V 1.39 volt meter. 16 pin DIP with data ..... . $14.95
7423 .29 7492 .71 74180 .90
7425 .27 7493 .60 74181 2.98
7426 .26 7494 .94 74182 .79
7427 .29 7495 .79 74184 2.29 Data sheets on request. With order add
7430 .20 74% .79 74185 2.29 $.30 for items less than $1 .00 ea.
7438 .35 74107 .40 74191 1.35
7440 .17 74121 .42 74192 1.25
7441 .98 74122 .45 74193 1.19
7442 .77 74123 .85 74194 1.25
7443 .87 74125 .54 74195 .89 MEN's 5 function - hours, minutes, month, LINEAR CIRCUITS
7444 .87 74126 .63 74196 1.25 day and seconds. 300 Pos V Reg (super 723) T0-5 S .71
7445 .89 74141 1.04 74197 .89 latest slim-line design (pro •• W ' thick) 301 Hi Perf Op Amp mDIP T0-5 .29
7446 .93 74145 1.04 74198 1.79 Four year calendar - requires setting only 302 Volt follower T0-5 .53
7447 .89 74150 .97 74199 1.79 304 Neg V Reg T0- 5 .80
on February 29th. Pos V Reg T0-5 .71
7448 1.04 74151 .79 74200 5.90 305
One year warranty against all defecls in 307 Op AMP (super 741) mDIP T0-5 .26
7450 .17 74153 .99 material and workmanship. 308 Mciro Pwr Op Amp mDiP T0-5 .89
Built-in phototran sistor adjusts intensity of 309K 5V lA regulator TO-3 1.35
LOW POWER TTL 310 V Follower Op Amp mDIP 1.07
display. 311 Hi perl V Comp mDIP T0-5 .95
74100 S .25 741 51 S .29 75190 Sl .49 Gold tone - with adjustable mesh strap. 319 Hi Speed Dual Comp DIP 1.13
74102 .25 74155 .33 74191 1.45 320 Neg Reg 5.2, 12, 15 T0-3 1.19
74L03 .2 5 74171 .25 74193 1.69 322 Precision Timer DIP 1.70
74104 .25 74172 .39 74195 1.69 324 Quad Op Amp DIP 1.52
74198 2.79
74 L1 64 2.79
$99.50 339
Quad Comparator DIP
Pos V reg (5V, 6V, 8V, 12V,

74120 .33 74178 .79 74 L165 2.79 +$1.50 Shipping 15V, 18V, 24V) T0-3 1.69
74LJO .33 74185 1.25 340T Pos V reg 15V, 6V, 8V, 12V.
74141 1.49 74186 .69 & Handling 15V. 18V, 24V) T0-220 1.49
Usual 10% Discount 372
AF-IF Strip d e tector DIP
AM/ FM/ SSB 51rip DIP


Applies 376 Pos V Reg mDIP 2.42
377 2w Stereo amp DIP 1.16
74HOO .25 74H21 $ .25 74H55 S .25 380 2w Audio Amp DIP 1.13
74HOl .25 74 H22 .25 74H60 .25 380·8 .6w Audio Amp mDIP 1.52
74H04 .25 74 H30 .25 74H61 .25 381 Lo Noise Dual preamp DIP 1.52
74H08 .25 74H40 .25 74H62 .25 382 Lo Noise Dual preamp DIP .71
LED '. 5SO Prec V Res DIP .89
74HIO .25 74HSO .25 74H72 .39 MV10B Red TO 18 S .22 MEMORtES
74 H74 .39 555 Timer mDIP .89
74Hl1 .25 74H 52 .25 MVSO Axial leads .1 8
74 H53 .25 74H76 .49 556A Dual 555 Timer DIP 1.49
74 H20 .25 MV5020 Jumbo Vis. Re d 1101 256 bit RAM MOS S 1.SO
560 Phase Loclled Loop DIP 2.48
(Red Dome) .22 1103 1024 bil RAM MOS 3.95
S62 Phase Locke d Loop DIP 2.48
Jumbo Vis. Red 1702A 2048 bit static PROM
8000 SERIES UVeras. 17.95 565 Phase Loded Loop DIP TO-5 2.38
(Clear Dome) .22 566 Function Cen mDIP T0-5 2.25
80!;t1 S .53 8214 S1.49 8811 S .59 ME4 Infra red diff. dome .54 2102-2 1024 bit slatic RAM 4.25
567 Tone Decoder mDIP 2.66
8092 .53 8220 1.49 8812 .89 MANI Red 7 seg .. 270" 2.19 5203 2048 bit UV eras PROM 17.95
709 Operational AMP TO-5 or DIP .26
8095 1.25 8230 2.19 6822 2.19 MAN2 Red alpha nurn .32" 4.39 5260 1024 bit RAM 2.49
710 Hi Speed Voll Comp DIP .35
8121 .Btl 8520 1.16 8830 2.19 MAN4 Red 7 seg .. 190" 1.95 5261 1024 bit RAM 2.69
711 Dual Difference Com par DIP .26
812] 1.43 8551 1.39 88]1 2. 19 MANS Gree n 7 seg .. 270" 3.45 5262 2048 bit RAM 5.95
723 V Reg DIP .62
8130 1.97 8552 2.19 8836 .25 MAN6 .6" high solid seg. 4.25 7489 64 bit ROM TIL 2.48
739 Dual Hi Perf Op Amp DIP 1.07
8200 2.33 8554 2.19 8880 1.19 MAN7 Red 7 seg .. 270" 1.19 8223 Programmable ROM 3.69
74200 256 bit RAM tri-state 5.90
741 Comp Op Amp mDlP TO-5 .32
8210 2.79 8810 .69 8263 5.79 MAN3 Red 7 seg .. 127" 747 741 Dual Op Amp DIP or T0-5 .71
8267 2.59 straight pin s .29 748 Fre q Adj 741 mDIP .35
MAN8 Yellow 7 seg . . 270" 3.45 1304 FM Mulpx Siereo Demod DIP 1.07
9000 SERIES MAN66 .6 " high spaced seg. 3.75 1307 FM Mulpx Ste reo Demod DIP .74
MCT2 Opto-iso transistor .61 1458 Dual Comp Op Amp mDIP .62
9002 S .35 9309 S .79 9601 $ .89 CALCULATOR & Stereo multiplexer DIP 2.48
9301 1.03 9] 12 .79 9602 .79 . . .- - - - - - - - - - - - -. . . . .
lH2111 Dual LM 211 V Comp DIP 1.70
5001 12 DIG 4 funcl fix dec S2.49
MULTIPLE DISPLAYS 3900 Quad Amplifier DIP .35
5002 s.ame as 5001 exc
NSN33 3 digit .12" red le d 12 pin 7524 Core Mem Sense AMPL DIP .71
btry power 2.79
fits IC skt . S1.79 8038 Voltage conlr. osc. DIP 4.25
5005 12 DIG 4 fuct w/ mem 2.99
CMOS 40Tf)A .56 40S0A .59 HP45082 5 digit .11 led magn. lens
MM5725 8 DIG 4 funct chain & dec 1.98 8864 9 DIG Led Cath Dr", DIP 2.25
7405 com. ca lh 3.49 75150 Dual Une Driver DIP 1.75
",OOOA .26 4017A 1.19 4066A .89 MM5736 18 pin 6 DIG 4 funct 4.45
4068A .44 HP5082 4 digit .11 LED magn. 75451 Dual Perepheral Driver mDIP .35
4001A .25 ·W20A 1.49 MM5738 8 DIG 5 funct k & mem 5.35
402 1A 1.39 .44 7414 le ns comm . cath. ].25 75452 Dual Peripheral Driver mDIP .35
4002A .25 4069A MM5739 9 DIG 4 funcl (btry sur) 5.35
4022A 1.10 4071A .26 FNA37 9 digil 7 seg le d RH 75453 (351) Dual Periph Driver mDiP .35
4006A 1.35 MM5311 28 pin BCD 6 dig mux 4.45
dec dr. magn. lens 4.95 75491 Quad Seq Driver for LEO DIP .71
",OO7A .26 4023A .25 4072A .35 MM5312 24 pin 1 pp5 BCD
SP-425-09 9 digit .25" n eon direct 75492 He. Digit driver DIP .80
4008A 1.79 4024A .89 40nA .39 4 dig mux 3.95
interface with MOS/ LSI ,
4009A .57 4025A .25 4075A .39 MM5313 28 pin 1 pps BCD
1SO VDC, 7 seg. 1.79
",OIOA .54 4027A .59 4078A .39 6 dig mux 4.45
401lA .29 4028A .98 4081A .26 MMS314 24 pin 6 dig mux 4.45
4012A .25 4030A .44 4082A .35 MM5316 40 pin alarm 4 dig 5.39
4013A .45 4035A 1. 27 4528A 1.60 SHIFT REGISTERS
4014A 1.49 4042A 1.47 4585A 2.10
401 5A 1.49 4049A .59 MM5013 1024 bit accum. dynamic
mDlP SI .75
MM5016 500/5 12 bit dynamic mDIP 1.59 Salis faction guaranteed. Shipmenl will be made via first class mail in U.S., Canada and
74COO ) .22 74C74 SI.04 74C162 $2.9] SL5-4025 QUAD 25 bit 1.29 Mexico wilhin 5 days from receipl of order. Add $.50 10 cover shipping and handling
74C02 .26 74C 76 1.34 74C16] 2.66 for orders under $25.00. Minimum order $5.00. California residenls add sales lax.
74C04 .44 74C 107 1.13 74C164 2.66
74CI 51 2.61
74CI 54 3.15
74C l 73 2.61
74C19S 2.66 DTL
74e20 .35
74C42 1.61
74C1 57 1.76
74C160 2.48
1. 13
930 S .15 937 .15 949 .15 .a. P.O . BOX 17081 MONTEREY, CA. 93940 USA
74C73 1.04 74C161 2.93
932 .15 944 .15 962 . 15 --.-.
I .....
PHONE (408) 659-3171
936 .15 946 .15 963 .1 5 j . ; .. :

At long last one of the thi ngs that I have I am particularly encouraged to see a
wondered about all my life has bee n defined. magazine of this type published ; most of the
I refer to your answer to Stephen Holl and's other publications available either assume
letter on page 84 of issue 3. You define a the bac kground of an electrical engineer or
nybble as half of a byte. I am a fisherman computer science theoretician, or assume no
and had never before known exactly what a background at all. I've always wanted a
nybble was. Now will you define stryke? computer of my own, and when the
All kidding aside, I enjoy the magazine "Mark-8" project came along, I jumped at
greatly. I am a nuts and bolts hardware type the chance to get one. I have it almost
with a good technical background, first finished, but have had ~o me problems in
phone and amateur extra, and enjoy all the obtaining simple items like a decent power
articles. The ones on programming are above supply at a reasonable price (not trusting my
me yet. No experience in that area. So, on electrical theory enough to build my own),
page 88 I give them all 10 (shades of or attractive paddle switches for a front
Analog). panel. Fortunately I have not been working
Keep up the good work with a balanced alone, having a partner building another
magazine that will appeal to all of us for we Mark-8 along with me; we order our com-
all need to know something abo ut each ponents together and take advantage of
other's areas. quantity discounts.
Your magazine kept my wheels turning
Roy W. Dancy
into the early hours of the morning,
Dothan AL
especially the material on graphics displ ay
devices. The 8008 is cheap and that is an
A stryke is what happens when lightning important consideration for any one on a
hits a computer. It gets all shal?en up and grad student's budget. Perhaps in the future,
refuses to work. the other chips and kits will come down in
price and us poor fol ks wi II get a ch ance to
play wi th the other stuff.

Robert Jones
Washington DC
A well done Spacewar SPACEWAR,
game is one of the most ANYONE? - PS, Any chances of an organized proj ect
interesting strategy and to get a hardware text editor, loader, assem-
hand-eye coordination Let me first add a word of ap prec iation bler for 8008 systems?
tests ever invented. to all the others you have received. BYTE is
a great magazine. Be sure and send me my It is good to hear that you are getting a
renewal notice when it comes due . computer up and running, Robert. An 8008
The other item I would like to bring up is will certainly serve you faithfully and
Spacewar. This is a game that was played on reliably once you get your system up,
conventional computers 5 years ago. How running and debugged. I may be critical of
much memory do es it take? Do you know the 8008 at times because it is a machine
where I could get a copy of a program of with which I have intimate familiarity: my
one of its versions 7 first hom e brew computer learning
experience was an 8008. Aside from the
Stewart Shelton relatively slow speed of an 8008, it is quite
Madison WV capable of executing all the typical home
brew computer person's requirements.
Thank you Stewart. We cannot reel off a
definite answer on memory requirements for
Spacewar, but do believe a reasonably com-
petent Spacewar application is within the HOUSEKEEPING COMPUTER
realm of the home brew computer tech-
nology as it stands today. We've seen imple- My husband just received his first copy,
mentations done on minicomputers with less October, of BYTE yesterday, and as usu al I
than 32K 76-bit words. When we get some glanced at it as I brought it in . Surprise! An
good articles on this application, you'll see article just for me ! Most of his magazines
them printed in the pages of BYTE. A well don't interest me too much, because their
done Spacewar game is one of the most articles are too technical. But Rich ard Gard-
interesting two-person strategy and hand-eye ner's article was fascinating . We almost
coordination tests ever invented. fought over who got to read the magazine.
The main reason the article was so
interesting to me is that that is almost
exactly our story. We have our own com-
puter (Altair 8800 with 9K of memory), and
we have been planning to use it in most of
the ways you mentioned . Soon I will be
allowed to put my food planning on the
computer: recipes, menus, nutritional plan-
ning, seasonal shopping, etc. I think I'll even
key it to alternate speedy meals for days
when dinner starts late . Keith has already
begun thinking of eventually using it to
control our interior environment, which will
be very helpful in maintaining proper storage On all models ...
simply plug in your
conditions for our year's food supply. I obsoletes components and inter-
think he is eve n planning to use it to play ordinary connect with 22-g a. solid
wire. All models accept all
selected music throughout our dream house breadboards DIP's, TO-5's and discretes
from a central control center to speakers in with leads up to .032" diameter.
Multiple buses can easily be linked for power and ground distribution,
the various rooms . His original plan was to reset and clock lines, shift command, etc. Bases: gold-anodized alumi-
deve lop an information retrieval system, to num. Terminals: non-corrosive nickel-silver. Four rubber feet included.
reduce the space required in filing. (We have Order
ACE Tie DIP No. No.
Points Capacity Buses Posts
Board Size
Model No. Each
a 4-drawer legal size file cabinet, full, as well 923333 200-K Ikltl 728 8116'51 2 2 4-9 / 16 x 5-9 / 16 $18.95
923332 208 (assem.) 872 8116'51 8 2 4-9 / 16 x 5 - 9 / 16 28.95
as many books, notebooks, etc.) And we 923334 201-K (kit) 1032 12 114'51 2 2 4-9 / 16x7 24.95
923331 212 (assam.) 1224 12 114'51 8 2 4-9 / 16 x 7 34.95
have already been having the neighbor kids 923326 218 (essem.) 1760 18114'51 10 2 6-' / 2 x 7-' /8 46. 95
923325 227 (assam . ) 2712 27114'51 28 4 8x9-1 / 4 59.95
in playing with the computer. When we get 923324 236 (assam.) 3648 36114'51 36 4 10-1 / 4x9-1 / 4 79 . 95
the terminal and cassette recorder con- We honor M.C. and B.A.C. charges. SHIPPING / HANDLING C.O.D.
nected, our only limit will be the sky (or is it Add sales tax on OH and CA orders.
IF.O.B. Painesville on company P.O.'s.)
fees from
$10.01 to $25.00
$ .70
this chart.
the me mory?). Dealer inquiries invited 25.01 to 50.00 2.00 .90

I'm looking forward to hearing more

about home computers, and would appre-
ciate help in programming my food pro-
grams, as I don't know much of the tech-
nical aspects .

Carol H. Kendall
Vernal UT Bulk Memory
Microcomputer Audio
Yes indeed, by all means, instantly enter
my subscription to your fabulous, fascin-
Cassette Interface
$ 83 50~~
ating, incredible magazine. My imagination ,f.
races at the thought of a Klugeharp. TV
o Records and plays back through
typewriters titilate my thoughts. Do it .. . standard TTY interface
my check is enclosed.
o Variable BAUD rate
Allow me to share with you a notice
pos ted on the wall of a major com pu ter o Single +5V supply
* Unit QuantitY
manufacturer I once was associated wi th:
o Rate factory set at 300 BAUD for use with inexpensive
Today's computers execute instruc- audio cassette recorder
tions in the sub-microsecond range.
This can cause programs to develop
Send To: SOUTHWEST 13777 North Central Expwy.
considerable logical inertia, making DEVELOPMENT Suite 416
Dallas, Texas 75231
HALTS ext remely dangerous , The COMPANY 214-231-2558
following technique is suggested when
a HALT is necessary :

D Enclosed is check for $83.50. Please send my cassette
interface immediately.
HALT In case still skidding
GOTO Stop D Please send cassette interface C.O.D.Enclosed is my check
for $8.50. I will pay postman $80.00 upon delivery .
L. E. Staples Name _______________________________________________
San Antonio TX
As with all software problems, the solu- Address _____________________________________________
tion is a mass of instructions, City _____________________ State _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ ___
101 BASIC Computer Games, Digital Equip- eating the poisoned piece; the ancient game
ment Corporation. Maynard, Mass. $7.50. of GU ESS, where the user tries to guess the
number the computer is "thinking of";
HANG, the age-old game of hang-man, with
Before you dismiss this as just another of the added "bell and whistle" of drawing the
the plethora of BASIC game books, note hung man part-by-part; and TOWER, a game
that 707 BASIC Computer Games claims the program that helps the user attempt to solve
Because they are simply distinction of being the "first [circa July the o ld, old puzzle of the Towers of Hanoi,
programmed, there are 1973] collection of games all in BASIC, " providing a graphic display of each step on
endless small games of and "the only collection that contains both the way.
a complete listing and a sample run of each There are dozens of standard game-
chance, games involving
game along with a descriptive write-up ." playing or sport-simulating programs . For
out-guessing the computer,
The preface cites the educational val ue of examp le, in the card game area, we have
and venerable "ancient"
games as one of the prime motivations for ACEYDU, an acey-deucey game; BLKJ AC, a
games, often with modern the book. This is a fact which no one would very comprehensive (Las Vegas rules) black-
twists thrown in. seriously contest, but which computer jack game; POKER; and the old card game
center di rectors seem to overlook as they of WAR. The book also sports baseball,
contemplate the hours of wasted computer basketball, bowling, boxing, darts, bull-
time. Since time on our home systems is fighting, high school and professional foot-
never wasted, by definition, this shouldn't ball, golf, ice-hockey (against Cornell!), and
pose a problem. parachuting games. Board games include
Most of the games in the book are bingo, checkers, Go, Monopoly , Nim, and
computer simulations of simpl e games of three-dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe (none of
chance, sports, "ancient" games, and board which embody much computer intelligence,
or card games. And, as the preface adds, very unfortunately). The simulations include
few of the games use the innovative capa- games of battleship, gunboat, a World War II
bilities of the computer "to come up with bombing mission, Can-Am road racing, Civil
something new and truly unique." War battles, fur-trading, governing the
The authors of this collection have, for ancient land of Sumeria, ruling a modern
the most part, put an imaginative or island wisely, successful pizza-delivering,
Many of these programs humorous illustration with each game . The A polio capsule landing, lunar lander
are over-simplified versions format consists of a short descriptive write- maneuvering, space war, and a stock market
up of the game, any special language or simulation. The gambling games and games
of the "real" games, due
computer requirements, a reference to (and of chance are even more numerous.
to the dual constraint of
sometimes personal notes from) the author, Many of these programs are over-simpli-
the BASIC language and and a listing of the game, along with sample fied versions of the "real" games, due to the
generally limited computer runs. dual constraint of the BASIC language and
resources, but this makes Because they are simply programmed, general ly limi ted computer resources, but
them even more attractive there are endless small games of chance, this makes them even more attractive for the
for the microcomputer games involving out-guessing the computer, microcomputer user. A few of th e games are
user. and venerable "ancient" games, often with quite comprehe nsive and thus rather large :
modern twists thrown in . For example, blackjack , pro football, Can-Am racing,
there's AWARI, an ancient game of rotating lunar landing, and space war (which is really
beans in a pit; BAGLES, a 3-digit number a complete Star Trek simulation).
guessing game that teaches simple logic; 707 BASIC Computer Games includes a
BUG, a dice-rolling game that draws a bug few novelty and scientific programs such as
part-by-part; CHOMP, involving eating a BANNER, which prints large letters on
compute ri ze d cookie, whil e trying to avoid standard terminals in a banner-I i ke fashion,
'IIi S. D. SALES CO. From a c lose out ofVERNIER DIAL manufacturer . '/2
metal detector
Turn, 8 to 1 ratio. Int ernal stops easily removed to make

~ 6 Digit Digital Clock Kit unit multi-turn. ~

~ M-
. . We wanted our word to mean something to you. When _
~ we first introduced our cloc k we used such words as ~
.. S. D. presents the MAN-64 by Monsanto - 40 _
~ " impossible ", "unbelievab le bargain", " prime qual- inch character. A ll LED construction - not're- ~
~ ity ", and "unconditional money back guarantee. " We flective bar type, fits 14 pin DIP. Br and new ~
. . anticipated selling several hundred kits. Your response and f actory prime. Left D.P. _
&fl to our clock has been fantastic. Now several thousand $1 .59 ea. 6 for $7 .5 0 ~
~ kits later , we hear such comments as "o utstanding ~
. . va lue ", "exce ptional service" , " I can ' t believe it ", etc. FAIRCHILD LED READOUTS _ 69c DRIVER"
~ One enthusiastic customer even wrote saying it was FND-70. Common cathode . Rig ht hand RANSISTORS ~
~ " the best thing since bottled beer." decimal point. .25 inch character. Prime 2N3904 - NPN ~
.. new units. Perfect for clocks, frequency 2N3906 - PNP ..
~ counters , etc. 69c 10 For $6 8 for $1 ~
. . Here ' s What The Kit Includes: Best Readout Buy in USA! _
~ 1 - MM5314 National Clock Chip with socket 21021K RAM's - 8 FOR $12.95
NPN and PNP Driver Transistors
Push Button Switches for time set
Common Cathode Led Readouts (.25 in. char.) New units by National. We bought a load on a super
deal, hence this fantastic price.
Units tested for 500NS Speed.
~ 1 - Switch for Time Hold (KIT) FET'S BY TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Qg
.. 1 - Filter Cap WITH SPECS. #TIS-75 but with an internal house number . TO-92 ~rA
~ 4 - IN4001 Rectifiers Transformer POSTPAID plastic case. N Channel, Junction type FET. ..
~ 1 - IN914 Diode ~
.. 2 - .01 Disc. Caps $1.50 SPECIAL 5 FOR $1 ..
~ $3.00 each A big .50 inch easy to read character. Now available in ~
~ either common anode or common cathode. Take your ~
. . INTEL 1702A 2K ERASEABLE PROM'S $6.95 pick. Super low current drain, only 5 MA per segment ~
.- We tell it like it is. We could have said these were typical. YOUR ..
factory new, but here is the straight scoop . We bought FND - 510 Common Anode CHOICE ~
~ a load of new computer gear that contained a quantity FND - 503 Common Cathode ~
~ of 1702A ' s in sockets. We carefully removed the parts , ..
~ verified their quality, and are offering them on one heck H_P_IS BACK! ~
. . of a deal. First come, first served. Satisfaction No Rejects or Retests here - You Want ~
._ guaranteed . Quality? You have it with this popular 0.3" ..
L.E.D. by Hewlett Packard. Fits Standard I.C. ~
~ Here is the kind of super deal that S. D. is famous for . 5082-7740 - Common Cathode. .$1.25 ~
, . Treat your ears to a super sound at a super price . Soft 5082-7730-COmmonAnode. . . . .$1.25 ~
~ 6 for $6.00 -
. . padded ear cushions, lightweight, fully adjustable
~ headband, long coiled cord, wide response. $6 Post
36 ::~V~.~~T~PS. 115VAG 60 HZ. LM324 _ QUAD 741 OP
PRI. For power supplies or audio power AMP _ 99c
~ SALE ON CUT LEAD SEMICONDUCTORS amps. Best quality , full y enclosed. $4.95 NE555 _ Timers _ 49c ~
~ Leads were cut for PCB insertion . Still very useable. ~
I N4148 Diode - 40/ $1 2N3904 (House #Transistor) - Signetics , TRI-State He x Buffer. MOS 4 For $1 _
and TTL interface to TRI-State Logic. ~_
~r:.., ial : $1.49. GE SCR C106B1
4 AMP 200PIV. Sensi- ~

~ 936 DTL BY ITT tive Gate. 59c _
Black with brushed aluminum insert. Medium size, very Prime , house numbered . Hex Inverter M-
attractive st Ie. SPECIAL 5 FOR $1 ~

~ 82S129. ~~~NxE!'C~i~~:':R~~Ch faster Ult~~~t~~I~'~:~:eE 3T~'t~~Ep~C:ia~ $1 MOTOROLA PO$~.~: DARLINGTON "

~ than MOS devices. 50 NS . Tri-stat e FILTER C MJ3001 - NPN - 80 Volts - 10 Amps - ~
~ outputs. TT L compatib le. Field program- Dual section, 2000 MFD and 1500 MFD HFE 6000 typo To-3 Case. Ideal for ~
.. abl e, and features on ch ip address at 30 WVDC Twist Lock. 79c ea. 3 For $2 power supplies, etc. We include a free ~,
_ decoding. Per fect for microprogramming REGULATOR 723 regulator wl schematic fo r power ~
~ applications . 16 pin DIP. With specs. Like 7805. 5VDC _ 1 AMP output. Has supply with purchase of the MJ3001 ~
.. $2.95 ea. TO-220 plastic power tab _ 99c You get the two key parts fo r a DC ~.:.
~ TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 8 DIGIT for only $1.99. Regular catalog ~
~ CALCULATOR CHIP TMSO 103NC IN41 MP $1 the MJ3001 is .82 "
~ MC1463R - Like our 1469R . excePtof u or ~.:."
.. negative voltage. Reg . catalog $5. r ~
~ 5 rice $1.95. "
~ We do not sell junk. Money back ~.:.
.. 741C OP AMPS LARGE SIZE LED LAMPS guarantee on every item . WE PAY _
M- Prime , factory tested and marked . Full Similar to MV5024. Prime factory tested POSTAGE. Orders under $10 add 75c "
~ spec on all pa rameters . Not re-test ed, units . We include plastic mounting clips handling. No C.O.D. Texas Res . add 5% ~
_ fun ction al only , units as sold by others. which are very hard to come by. tax. ~
M- 741 CH -TO-58 Lead Metal Can. 31$1 i I ~
K 741CV - 8 Lead Mini Dip.
MC1469R . TO-66 9 Lead package . For 3
S• D• SALES CO • ~
rA By Litronix . .65 in ch character . Common TO 30V Outputs. Provides 600 MA direct P.O. BOX 28810 ~
~ anode. Outperforms SLA-3. perfect for ou tput or more by USing on externa l DALLAS, TEXAS 75228 -
'liD giant digital clocks. Only 20 MA. per
~ power tran sistor. Rego ca ta1og $4 ea . ~
_ segmen t Special $250 ea (Not Class It) With specs . $1 .95 ea. ~

"~~1: MER Rye H R 1ST MAS AND A HAP P Y NEW YEA R ilfnfftmfftr.
LIFE, L1FE-2, which is a competitive game are written in "standard" BASIC (where
of life, HEXPAWN (see BYTE no. 3). and a "standard" apparently means DEC's
children's literature quiz. A few of these BASIC), so some conversion may be
games are worth singling out - my favorite necessary for other BASIC systems. I would
is a buzzword generator that produces useful emphasize this warning - some of DEC's
(?) computer jargon such as "total moni- BASIC features used in the games (the file
tored mobility," "systematized reciprocal handling procedures, for example) may be
programming," "integrated management difficult to convert.
options" (surely a useful phrase) and However, it should be clear that 7D7
"parallel digital concept." Another pair of BA SIC Computer Games is really a
programs, POETRY and POET, produce "Hacker's Garden of (Computer) Verse,"
Haiku-like and Edgar Allen Poe-ish verse, and is certainly worth the $7 .50 it costs. For
respectively. They're somewhat deter- ordering and bulk discount information,
ministic, but certainly fun at first. write Digital Equipment Corporati on, Soft-
The preface includes a caveat, warning ware Distribution Center, 146 Main St.,
any users that the majority of th e programs Maynard MA 02154.
Man is never satisfied with
what he's got - the third
section of Microprocessors
deals with limitations of
microcomputers and how
Microprocessors : New Directions for 16-bit unsigned operands in 23 mi cro-
to push them back a bit.
Designers, edited by Edward A. Torrero, seconds. Using only 16 standard SSI and
7975. Hayden Book Company, Rochelle MSI circuits, this CPU additio n reduces
Park, New jersey. $8.95. multiplication time by a factor of 30 from
software, and by a fac tor of 7 from the
optional National-supplied multipl y instruc-
Microprocessors is a paperback collection tion. Other articles include an investigation
of reprints, originally published in Electronic of the "microprogrammability" of some
Design from 1973 to 1975. Edward A. micros for special applications, construction
T orrero has put together a book aimed of a system that allows a conventional mini
principally at the desi gn engineer, empha- to debug a microsystem, implem entation of
sizing the practical aspects of microcom- an external push-down stack for the 8008 to
puter design. ass ist in interrupt handling, and specifica-
The first section dea ls with an overview tions for providi ng the clock and drive
of the micro's imp act on industry . Represen- signals for the 8080, something apparently
tative articles are "Focus on Micropro- missing from the 8080's application data.
cessors," a truly global assessment of the The articles of the fourth and last section
current situation and potential of microcom- cover an ample range of applications. The
puters for the design engineer; and "Smart first is a close-up of a Motorola 6800 CPU
Machines in Industrial Electronics," a look used as a controller of a simple drum printer;
at micros in num erical control and related the second describes the use of an ACIA
equipment. (Asynchronous Communications Adapter) in
The second section, " Microcom pu ter a minicomputer context. The last three
Basics," includes articles on microprocessor articles deal with uses of micros in instru-
For the hobbyist hardware mentation, phase locked loop motor control,
selection for various applications, the capa-
expert, the book provides and "intelligent" networks of computers.
bilities and various techniques of microcom-
a fair overview of the puter input and output, the choice between From this (rather exhaustive) list of
microcomputer field; for random logic and micros, an analysis of articles, it should be clear that Micropro-
the person more micro instruction sets, some basics of soft- cessors is certainly a useful book for its
acquainted with software, ware construction, and an excellent worked- intended audience, the electronics des ign
it gives a good introduc- through example of microprocessor control engineer. It also fills two other important
tory look at the field from of traffic lights. This section also features a functions: for the hobbyist hardware expert,
detailed look at the internal operation of, it provides a fair overview of the microcom-
a hardware perspective.
and external support required for, the 8008 puter field; for the person more acquainted
CPU chip. with software, it gives a good introductory
But man is never satisfied with what he's look at the field from a hardware perspec-
got - the third section of Microprocessors tive, an introduction that I found very
deals with limitations of microcomputers useful.
and how to push them back a bit. The first
article, "Speeding Microcomputer Multipli-
cation," shows how to build a CPU-comple- Chris Ryland
mentary multiplication circuit for the 25 Fallen St.
IMP-16C that allows multiplication of two Cambridge MA 02138

This high impact plastic
Have you ever loaded a long housing was part of a
program into memory, only to famous name programmable
have the power fail? Lost the desktop calculator. It is tan,
entire program, huh? If so, you has the general appearance
know the value of having a non· of a typewriter case, and is
volatile magnetic core memory. ideal for many types of compo
We have acquired these core uter keyboards. Mounting
memory boards, made by center for the keyboard is 15%".
8urroughs. They appear to be The readout space is 15" x 4". ~
52 x 52 x 4 bits wide (2704 Overall size is 18" x 18%" x 6%".
bits x 4), for a total of 10,816
bits. Unfortunately, we don't have data, but for the modest price we 3 Ibs. Will easily house an entire
TVT.or micrpcomputer. Prepunched
are asking they are well worth the effort to figure out. 7%" x 9" x hole In rear for a muffin fan. The opening in the top may vary
1*". Sh ipping weight 2 Ibs. Less than 1/1 0 cent per bit! the one shown in the drawing.
STOCK NO. 85316 Core Memory 80ard $9.95 each, 4/35. STOCK NO. 89176 $3.75 each, 2/7.00


- -!
.. .

Another non·volatile magnetic core

: \ .. I
This power supply is surplus from a maker of
computer peripherals. It has outputs of +5v.
@ 5 amps, -5v @ 500ma, +12v @ 2.5 amps. '
memory board. This one was originally and -12v @ 200ma. All voltages are well
. • d made for one of America's largest calcu· filtered and regulated. Ideal for your micro· .
.: ill II IIIIIr;. ,iii" " lator manufacturers. It is a complete or mini· computer. All are tested & working.
256 bit x 4 bits wide memory board (1024 bits). Complete with 10% .. x 13%" x 7" high, shipping weight 221bs.
core drivers and sensors. 6%" wide x 3*" high, 1 lb. With limited STOCK NO. 85312 $34.95
Machined aluminum knobs with 2 setscrews. Clear anod i zed

KEYTOPS & SWI TCHES finish . Latest distributor price $ .65 to i .05 each.
TO MAKE YOUR OWN KEYBOARD KS 500A . 500" x .625" w / skirt 86176 .40 ea • .10/ 3.50
K 700A .750" x .620" 96177.40 ea. 10/ 3.50
K 1250A 1.250" x .750" 86178 .60 ea, 1014.50 '

2502 AY-5-1013 UART
Brand new, tested, General Instrument AY·5·1013 UART
We have a large selection of KE YTOPS and S WI TC H lOS . mad e bv
RAYTHEON CO. The key tops co"," in black . grey and white . (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter). This
with contrasting legends . The switches mate w i th the tops. and are 40 pin IC is pin compatable with Signetics 2536, T!'s
magnetic reed switches . . The follow i nSJ c ombin a tions are available :
TMS6012, SMC COM2502, etc. The UART is the
54 key typewriter set, keys only. black K9276 2.95 .
54 key typewriter set. keys only, grey K 9278 ~.95
standard buildin.Qblock for para/leI to serial and serial
54 key TTY set. no symbols whit e K 9 279 2 .95 to parallel conversion, serial communication, etc. A must
54 key TTY set. with symbols white K9282 2 .95 for TVTs, cassette interface, RS·232 interface, etc.
54 key set. keys & switches blac k K 9288 30.00 STOCK NO. B3119 $3.95 each
54 key set. keys & switches grey K9290 30. 00
64 TTY set, no symbol. keys 81 Sw. White K9291 30.00 COMPUTER GRADE ELECTROL YTICS
54 TTY set. with symbols. keys & Sw. whiteK9291 30.00
We carry a good selection of capacitors of all types, dipped micas,
11 Key Numeric set. Keys only Black K9283 1.50 ceramic disks, mica trimmers, tantalums, silvered micas, tubulars,
11 Key Numeric set. Keys only Grey K9284 · 1 . 60 small electrolytics, high voltage, etc. Listed below are a few of our
11 Key Numeric set, Keys only White K9 2 95 1.50
12 Key numeric set. Keys only whit e K9286 1 . 50
large computer grade electrolytic capacitors.
11 Key Num.set. keYI & switches Bl ac k . K9293 7 . 00
11 Key Num. set, keys & switchesGrey K9294 7.00 10v 40,000 82026 2.00 each, 6/11.00
11 Key Num. set. keys & switchesWhite K9295 7.00 10v 90,000 82495 3.00 each, 3/8.00
12 Key Num. set, keys 81 switcheswhite K9296 7.50 10v 160,000 82515 3.25 each, 4/12.00
15v 110,000 82352 3.50 each, 3/~.00
Blank key 1 Y, keys wide white K9297A 3 /. 25 25v 32,000 82492 3.00 each, 4/10.00
Blank key 2 keys wide white K92978 3 / .25
K9297A with switch
35v 40,000 82255 3.50 each, 3/9.00
whitt! K9 2 9BA 3 / 2 .00
K9297 B with swit c h white K9 2 988 3( 2 . 00
50v 10,000 82493 3.25 each; 4/12.00
75v 6,000 82450 3.50 each, 4/12.00
200v 500 82345 2 ..50 each, 4/9.00
1458, dual 741 type op·amp. 8 pin mini·DIP. Very versatile.
This IC Keyboard Encoder is ideal for use with the above key· STOCK NO. 83112 $1.25 each, 5/5.00
board sets, or with any other keyboard. Made by General Inst.,
this 40 pin IC features TTL/DTL or MOS compatable outputs, 2 MILLION BIT MEMORY DRUM
external parity selection, 2 key roD·over, N·key lockout, self We have one 2 million bit memory drum which was removed from
contained oscillator, and static charge protection of all inputs an experimental computer. It was manufactured by General Instru.
and outputs. This chip is programmed for ASCII code outputs
for 88 keys in the Normal mode, using external Shift operation. ment Co. for Ultrasonic Systems Corp., Mount Laurel, N. J. It is
"In the Shift mode, it is programmed for EBCDID outputs. New, G. I. Model MHI2C·I28·189, Serial No. 7816, and U.S.C. Model
tested, with data sheets. G.I. number KR.2376-10. 620MDRAI206. It has a maximum access time of 33.4 ms, and a
transfer rate in excess of 500K bits/ sec/ track. There are 108
r-_ST_O_C_K_N_O_._B_3_1_1_8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---'S...;.9_.9""5_ea_c_h____ -\ storage tracks, expandable to 128 tracks, with a seperate head for
each track. The number of bits/ track = 16,000. For more data,
M1568 Clual 15 volt regulator IC. Tracking regulator, 15v phone us and ask for Mel Weiss or Ray Jorgenson. 617·388-4705
@ 100 rna each. 14 pin DIP. STK NO. 84481 $1.50 ea, 4/5.00 S500
MIN IMUM OR DE R $5 .00 . I nclude sufficient pos.taga . excell
refunded . Send for new 88 page Catalog 15. bigger than aver.
......,,'w. now accepted. minimum charge $16.00. PI.as8
- Incl~de all numbers. Plume ordars !,ccected.

The CT -1024 Kit

James Hogenson Th e Southwes t Tech CT-1024 is a key- for component placement and two color foil
Box 295 board to TV interface which di spl ays 16 pattern diagram . The main board circuit
Halstad MN 56548 lines of 32 ASCII characters each on a TV diagram is supplied on a separate 18 inch by
screen. The CT-1024 may be ordel-ed with a 24 inch (45 .7 cm by 61.0 em) sheet.
variety of options facilitating easy inte rfa ce Docum entation for th e optiona l plug-in
with any computer. Th e CT-1024 is a boards is provid ed with each of thos e kits .
welcome compromise betwee n one line LED Assembly is not difficult, but it is not a
displays and commercial CRT or hard copy "one-evening" type of project either. It will
terminals. be worth your whil e to take your tim e and
Data to be displ ayed is stmed in the form be careful while putting the CT-1024
of ASCII coded characters. The display togeth er. There is a flat charge of $25 if you
circuitry scans th e memory, converts the have to send your main board in for repair.
ASCII codes to 5 by 7 dot matrix characte l's, Getting the CT-1024 adjusted and cali-
and then generates the video signals brated after assemb ly is as simple as turning
necessary to reproduce th e characters on a four pots. There are no specia l tricks
TV screen . involved , and the on ly instrum ent nee ded is
The mai n bo ard holds th e character a VOM .
ge n er ator, synchronization and tlml ng The CT-1024 I-equires 5 Vat 2 A, and -5
circu its. This doubl e sided board, meas uring V and - 12 V at 100 mA each. If your
9.5 inches by 12 inches (24.1 cm by 30.5 existing system's power supp ly is unabl e to
cm) holds 42 integrated circuits and a few provid e this, you can buy the CT-P power
other parts. Three cable connectors are supp ly kit for $15.50; the entire supply
mounted on the main board for input, circuit is contained on one small separate
output and power supply connections. A board. The PC board, components and trans-
group of conn ectms are provided for plug-in former are included in the power supply kit.
boards. There is a wide variety of input options
The memory board plugs into th e main for the CT-1024 al lowing interface with
board. The memory uses 2102 type chips to almos t anything. Any TTL compatible
store 1024 characters. The memory is ASC II input wi ll be accepted. Th e SWTPC
divided into two pages of 512 characters keyboard kit can be connected directly to
each. A switch can be used to select the th e CT-1024 main board. If you do not
page, or without a switch, the pages will require data ready control strob es, you can
alternate. When one page is fi ll ed, the conn ect your microcomputer's output
display automatica ll y selects the other page. directly to the main board input. If this is
The main board, memory board, parts for done, however, you must program a tim e
both and a 29 page manu al, constitute the delay between each data transfer. This
basic kit se lling for $175. The manu al method will also be error prone if inter-
includ es step-by-step assemb ly instructions connect cables are more than 2 or 3 feet in
for the main bo ard and memory board, length.
detai led testi ng and cal ibra ti o n instruc tions, If the CT-1024 is used as a remote
five and one half pages of "How it Works," terminal, the ser ial interface kit is an
connector diagrams, parts lists, and fo ld outs exce ll ent option. This kit will al low the
New Lambda transistorized, regulated, worth 2 or 3 times our price.
1. (LVEE-5)OV, 5VDC74amp ............. .. ...... . ........... 125.00
2. (LWD - 12) 12 VDC 26.5 amp ............................... 100.00
3. (LMB - 5) 5 VDC 3.7 amp ................................ 40.00
4. (LMD - 15Y) 15 VDC 9 amp .................................. 45.00

By Dressen·Barnes and NJE. Transistorized,
finely filtered and regulated . 115 volt input.

#41·5S Output 5VDC 6 Amp $25.00

#421 ·32 Output 32VDC 3.3 Amp 12 Ib 20.00
#421-90 Output 90VDC 1.2 Amp 12 Ib 20.00
#NJE 5VDC 34 Amp 351b 75.00


New memory system by Honeywell, small ...
measures only 9x4x 1 inches. 1024 core memory,
1024 words with 8,9,10 bits/word. Random access,
with all logic, register, timing, control, core select and
sense functions in one package. New, booklet of
schematics and data. Looks like a good beginning for
a mini-computer. Limited supply on hand.
Ship wgt 3 Ibs. #SP-79 ......... $125.00

1,0001lF 15 volt $ .35 2,000 11 F 35 volt 1.00

COMPUTER 2,000 15 .50 12,000 40 2.50
CAPS 1,000 25 .70 3,900 50 2.00
BRAND 3,000 25 1.00 22,000 75 3.25
NEW 1,000 35 .80

Another brand new memory, ultra small. Measures only 4 x 4 inches
with format on one plane of 32 x 32 x 16 (16,384). Only about 35
units of this on hand.
#SP-81 .................. . ............... $20.00

SANDERS 720 KEYBOARD ....... $40.00

Please add shipping cost o n above.

MESHNA PO Bx 62 E. Lynn Mass. 01904

Southwest Tech CT-1024 video terminal . .. built on a homemade base. Row of switches along the top is for extra functions.

terminal to communicate via a three wire faster data transfer between the CT-1024
system, phone line, or magnetic tape storage and your microcomputer. The parallel inter-
system. face board provides the handshaking,
The seria l interface will convert parallel buffering and timing necessary to transfer
data to serial data and will produce not only data properly at high speed in a number of
the serial data, but start, stop and parity bits system configurations. The various operating
as well. The seria l interface will both modes are programmed by jumper wires.
transmit and receive, thus making the The versatility of the parallel interface board
CT-1024 a complete termi nal. Standard makes the CT-1024 compatible with any
speed is 110 baud. Adding optional parts to computer system - from home brew hobby
the PC board will provide 150, 300, 600 or systems to large scale commercial systems.
1200 baud. High noise immunity in the parallel inter-
When the serial interface is used, the face is provided by a special circuit on the
keyboard is connected to the serial interface strobe lines and on all inputs from the data
board. I n the echo mode, data is transmitted bus. For maximum flexibi lity, all data and
to the receiver, but is not displayed on the strobe lines from the 10 bus can be selec-
. screen until it is transmitted back to the tively inverted by programming jumpers on
terminal. Otherwise data is transmitted and the PC board. The keyboard can be directed
simultaneously displayed . to just print data on the screen, print data
The input and output connections are on the screen and load the data onto the
RS-232 compatib le and will attach directly output bus, or just load data onto the
to most couplers and data sets. To record on output bus. The latter option will allow you
or play back from magnetic tape, it will be to have all data echoed back for verification.
necessary to build an FSK circuit which is The interface input and output bus lines
not included on the serial interface board. can be used separately or parallel for bidirec-
The serial interface board measuri ng tional systems. To make interfacing even
3.375 inches by 9.5 inches (8.6 cm by 24.1 easier, the data flow control lines can be
cm) plugs into the main board. This kit either strobed or operated in a demand/
including thorough documentation sells for response mode. All of these options are
$39.95. selected by inserting jumper wires on the PC
A parallel interface board is avai lable for board.
The pa ra ll el interface boa rd measures 4 Th e c u rso r ge nerati o n c ircuitr y is
inches by 9. 5 inches (10.2 em by 24.1 c m ) inc lud ed o n th e ma in board . A n op t io nal
and plu gs in to the main board . Both para ll el cursor co nt ro l kit will p rov ide a wid er ra n ge
a nd seri al interface boards canno t be used at of co ntro ls over t he cursor. The manu al
t he sa me ti me. Th e pa ra ll el inte rfa ce ki t is cursor co ntro l kit will prov ide swit ch
p ri ced at $22. 95 . d ebo un cing fo r yo ur cho ice of sw itc hes . The
The CT-1024 produces a video signal use of th ese swi tches o r keys wi II a ll ow yo u
o utpu t whi ch ca n be viewed o n a vid eo to move the cursor up , do wn , left or ri ght.
mo nitor o r a modifi ed t elevisio n set. Do n't " Ho me up " will return th e curso r t o the
let the " mo d ifi ed " scare you away because u pp er left corn er of t he screen. " Erase to
t he modi f icatio n is qui te simpl e. e nd of line" will erase anyt hin g bet wee n the
I picked u p an o ld tub e ty pe jun ke r fo r cursor and t he end of t he line. " Erase t o e nd
$1 5. I inserted a 10 pF capacito r as me n- of f ra me" will erase any thin g betwee n the
ti o ned in the instructio ns, left o ut the rest, cursor a nd th e lower ri gh t corn er of the
bu t pl aced a 6.8 kO resi stor and a 180 pF fra me.
di sc capac ito r in pa rall el between t he The cursor co ntro l boa rd plu gs int o the
CT-1024 video o ut put and th e TV vid eo ma i n board. The curso r co nt ro l swi tc hes
inpu t. I d isconnected t he I F stage from the con nect via wires to the curso r co ntro l
grid of t he video o utpu t t u be and co nn ect ed boa rd . Th e manu a l curso r co n tro l kit is
t he CT-1 0 24 at th at po int. Th e o nl y way to ava il abl e fo r $11 .50.
fi nd o ut what modi ficat io ns are necessary o n If yo u are not prese nt ly in a pos it io n to
yo ur set is t o start ex perime nting. The fork o ut t he bill s for a good Te lety pe, jo in
telev isio n modi f icati o ns necessary will va ry t he club . A nd get a CT-1 0 24. Or fo r th ose of
fro m one set to th e nex t. yo u who have a T eletype ri g, how a bo u t all
The CT-1 0 24 includes ano th er co n- t hose tim es yo u rea d a printo u t o nce, th en
veni ence: a cursor. Th e cursor is a littl e t hrew it away and tried aga in ? A TV
blin kin g sq uare di spl ayed o n th e scree n te rmin al mi ght be wor th the co nsid eratio n.
which shows wh ere the next cha rac t er T he re are lots of other uses fo r a TV
entered will be di spl aye d. A n op t io nal typewri ter wit hout t he co mpu ter, too. Wh at-
switch will sto p th e blin king acti o n or bl a n k eve r your appli cat ion mi gh t be, it seems t hat
out th e cu rso r if des ired. t here a re a lo t of sat isfied CT-1024 use rs. -

(and users of Altair components )
Interface your computer with the outside world!
Now an A/ D D/A board for the Altair with :
• 1 or 2 analog outputs with 10 bit resolution
.8 Analog inputs
.4 Digital outputs for control functions
• Complete driving software provided
• Interfaces numerous inexpensive sensing devices including
photocells, thermistors, ultrasonics, and other analog
• Drives plotters, CRT's, servos, etc.
with 1 D/A$135 kit $175 assembled
2 0/ A's $180 kit $235 assembl ed
Coming January 1-a one-board video interface for the
Altair with keyboard interface
• Full graphics capability (48x64 matrix)
• 16 Iines of 32 characters (64 characters optional on board
for use with high resolution TV monitors)
• Graphics and text may be mixed on screen
• Upper and lower ·case charactures (7x9 font)
• Keyboard input port provided
$160 kit $230 assembled
(Cal residents please add 6% sales tax)

P.O. Box 2207, Goleta , Calif. 93018

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It see m s th at a great many people th a t particu lM bl-and of computer_ fac e cal-ds are only $35_00 for ser ia l
cam e to t h e same conc lus ion that we SwTPC uses th e sta ndard Motomla or parallel types_
did he re at SwTPC_ The M6800 is an MCM6 830L7 ROM_ Thi s provides
Memory expansion wil l be esse n-
o ut sta nd ing pmcessor and makes a a utomatic loa ding and a n operating
tial if you ever intend to use a resi-
gl-eat comp ute r - "BUT" - Not al l sys tem th at is compatable w ith othel-
dent assemb ler, or highel- level lan-
comp ut e l-s using the M6800 pro- syste m s us ing th e sta ndard wide ly
guages s uch as APL 01- BASIC on
cessor a re the sa m e_ Ma y we s ugg es t so ld Motomla eva lu atio n set_ As an
your system_ Assemblel- pmgrams
that yo u co ns id e r the following fea- ownel- o f am 6800 computer sys te m,
typically require a minimum of4,096
tures w hen you mak e your ch o ic e_ yo u are eligib le for m e mb e l-s hip in
wO I-ds of memory and h igh el- leve l
th e Moto l-o la Use l-s Group_ If you
languages require eve n more_
IT IS A COMPLETE jo in yo u have access to a li bl-al-y of
6800 SYSTEM? p m gr ams that w ill I-un on your sys-
You ca nnot get a ll of the adva n - tem_ Editor and assemb lel- pmgl-a ms
tages o f t he 6800 sys tem with only a l-e avai labl e directly hom SwTPC.
Let's hope it is by way of a TTY ,
the processor c hip_ Unle ss the w hol e
or video tel-minal_ No one with a
6800 family of ch ips is use d you can - CAN THE SYSTEM BE EXPANDED
serious computer app li cat ion would
not poss ibl y get a ll of th e vel-siti lit y AT A REASONABLE COST?
considel- attempting to entel- data
a nd superiol- perfOl-mance that th e Some of the limit ed syste m s be-
from a sw itch and status Iight con-
syste m is ca pable of pmviding_ If fOI- in g offe l-ed at laWN pI-ices can be
so le _ These may be educationa l, but
insta n ce the design does not use th e expanded on ly wi th difficult y _ Ch ec k
th e y sure aren't practical. Calculator
MC6820 pa l- a ll e l a nd the MC6850 th e amount o f m e mory that can be
keypads and digital readouts are not
se ri a l int egrated circuits fa I- inte rfac- added and at w hat cost_ How m a ny
much better_ Thel-e is no substitute
ing, you lose the progl-a mmable intel-- add itional intedaces ca n be ad d ed, if
for a full a lph anumeric keyboard and
face feature th at m akes it so easy to a n y_ How mu c h o f the above can be
term in a l system display fOI- serious
inte l-co nn ect the com pute r syste m run off o f the power s upply pmvided
work _
w it h outside devices s uch as termi- with th e system? The SwTPC 6800
na ls, pl-intel-s, disks, etc _ can be expa nded up to 16K wO I-d s of Mi/?bug ® is a registered trademarl? of
m e mol-y in t h e stand a rd cabinet and Motorola Inc.
IS THE SOFTWARE w ith the powel- supply pro vided_ It
COMPATABLE OR UNIQUE? m ay also be expa nded up to eight
If the design does not us e the inteda ce ( I/ O) bOal"ds fO I- ex t e rnal
"M otmo la" Mikbug® ROM, th e n the devic es by simply plugging in the Computer System
softwa l-e and programs th at will run cards_ Me mory is $ 125_00 for eac h with serial interface and 2,048 Words
on the syste m a l-e pmbably unique to 4,096 word s o f expa ns ion and inter- of memory _ _ _ _______ __ _ $450_00

o Enclosed is $450 for my SwTPC Computer Kit 0 Send Data

O orBAC _________________________ # __________________

o or MC _ _______________________ Ex Date _______________




Southwest Technical Products Corp _, Box 32040, San Antonio, Texas 78284

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