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Masrynna set 7 SKPD 3012


Topic 1: Personal Appearance and Hygiene at The Workplace

i. List 3 basic things in the personal hygiene checklist that are recommended in
the working environment:
a. Shave your moustache and beard. Follow the rules and get started with fine
shaving. We can avoid shaving, rubbing, and wild hair by using the right tools and
a little bit of expert knowledge.

b. Trim your fingernails. Nail care is a simple but important routine of personal care.
Short and neat nails not only look great, but also tend to store dirt and bacteria,
which can cause infections.

c. Use pressed and clean clothes. All clothes require regular cleaning and emphasis,
so start your cleaning process by reading your clothing mark. Take note of which
items are special. Many items currently recommend a gentle wash cycle in cold
water, and may dry evenly.
ii. In the section of Behavior and Manners at the Workplace, please indicate
suggestions on how to make you feel confident during an interview session?
a. Turn off all electronic devices during the interview especially your hand phone.
The last thing that we need is a distraction during one of the most important
meetings of your life. Make sure our handphone is on vibrate mode. People can
still hear your cell ring in vibrate mode.

b. Do not chew anything during the interview. Discreetly throw your gum out as you
enter an office, or go to the bathroom before an interview and throw it out. You
want to be able to speak clearly during your interview when answering questions.

c. Arrive on time during the interview at least half an hour before the designated
time. Being on time is extremely important for a job interview. While timeliness
Masrynna set 7 SKPD 3012

may seem easy enough, if you don’t have experience with job interviews, you
may lack certain tricks that can aid in this process. Hiring managers will view
your timeliness on the day of the interview as representing whether or not you will
be on time if you get hired.

Topic 2: Body language & language

a. What is the definition of Non-Verbal Communication?

Non verbal communication refers to gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, eye contact
(or lack thereof), body language, posture, and other ways people can communicate without
using language. Non-verbal communication plays an important role in our daily life. When
we talk about ‘communication’, we often mean ‘what we say’: the words that we use.
However, interpersonal communication is much more than the explicit meaning of words, and
the information or message that they convey.
b. List all the stated non verbal communications.
Common types of nonverbal communication are body language, facial expressions
and gestures, greetings and also intimacy and privacy.

 Body language.
Body language is another widely recognized form of non-verbal communication.
Body movements can convey meanings and messages. The interpretation of body
language, such as facial expressions and gestures, is formally called kinesics. Body
language includes subtle, unconscious movements, including winking and slight
movements of the eyebrows and other facial expressions. Once we are able to
understand our body language and other aspects of non-verbal communication, we
will be able to communicate better with other people and we will find it easier to
avoid misunderstandings

 Facial expressions.
The face is an important communicator. It is commonly said that the face is the
index of the mind. It expresses the type of emotions or feelings such as joy, love,
interest, sorrow, anger, annoyance, confusion, enthusiasm, fear, hatred surprise,
and uncertainty.
Masrynna set 7 SKPD 3012

 Gestures.
Gestures is movement of hands and fingers enhances communication. Therefore,
gesture is the movement of the arms, legs, arms, and heads. There are also some
opinions that gestures for them are intentional body movements because they
express specific and intentional meanings.

 Greetings.
Greet your interviewer with a firm and introduce yourself. Be prepared for a little
small talk, but don't overdo it. Follow the interviewer's lead and let them guide the
direction of the conversation.

 Intimacy and privacy

It is very consequential to venerate intimacy and privacy as this can be very
different in each country and for each person, so it can be arduous to decipher the
reaction of the other person. We must be meticulous because one action can have
different construals and can be experienced differently. We additionally have to
keep in mind the context of the action.

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