Sum of All The Microscopic Kinetic and Potential Energies of The Molecules in The Body Is Known As

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Sum of all the microscopic Kinetic and potential energies of the molecules in the body is known

A. External Energy
B. Internal Energy
C. Both
D. None

2. Temperature may be termed as _____ determination of degree of hotness:

A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative
C. Both A & B
D. None

3. The scales of temperature are based on two fixed points which are

A. The temperatures of water at 0? 100?C

B. The temperature of melting ice and boiling water at atmospheric pressure
C. The temperatures of ice cold and boiling water
D. The temperatures of frozen and boiling mercury

4. Fahrenheit 05 is equal to how much degree centigrade

A. 15
B. -15
C. 0
D. -16.11

5. At constant temperature the graph between V and 1/P is

A. Hyperbola
A B. Parabola
. C. straight line
D. A curve of any shape

6. Standard condition STP refer to a gas at
A. Zero degree C
B. 273K
C. 1atm
D. all of the above

7. Boyle's law holds good for ideal gas process in :
A: isobaric
B: isochoric
C: isothermal
D: adiabatic

8. The reading on the Fahrenheit scale will be double the reading on the centigrade
scale when the temperature on the centigrade scale is

A. 460°C
B. 360°C
C. 260°C
D. 160°C

9. For a gas obeying Boyles law if the pressure is doubled the volume becomes

A. Double
B. one half
C C. four times
. D. One Fourth

10.absolute zero is the temperature at which

A. Water Freezes
B. All liquid becomes gases
C. All gases become liquid
D. None

11. In an isothermal process, The internal energy Of the system

A. Decrease
B. Increases
C. Remains constant
D. First increases then decreases

12. The work done is zero in which of the following process:

A. Adiabatic Process
B. Isobaric process
C. Isochoric Process
D. All of the above

13. In which process all the heat supplied is converted into work

A. Isothermal
B. Isochoric
C. Isobaric
D. Isentropic

14. The unit of entropy is

. A. J.K
A B. J/K B
. C. N.m/sec .
D. Kgm2/sec2.K

. .

15. The purpose of flywheel in the engines is

A. to smooth out the energy variation

B. to add more weight to engine to work it stable
C. to start engine
D. both (a) and (b)


16. Internal energy of an ideal gas depends on:

i. the volume of the ideal gas
ii. the pressure of the ideal gas
iii. the absolute temperature of the ideal gas
(A) I

(B) II


(D) I and II

17. The difference between Cp and Cv is equal to :

A. Boltzmann Constant
B. Planks constant
C. Molar gas constant
D. Universal gas constant

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