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One Dimentional Solids

Beam Subjected To A Moving System With Two Degrees Of Freedom

It is described by the differential equation:

It describes the case in which the vehicle is idealized by a single mass point. However, such a
simplification is no longer applicable for modern vehicles with clearly differentiated unsprung and sprung

Factors to consider that bear considerable effects on dynamic stresses

 Track irregularities
 Elastic properties of roadways on railway bridges and tires on highway bridges
 Unbalanced components of unsprung masses
 Other factors

In order that all effects be accounted for, the problem was decided into two-fold:
1. Ratio between vehicle length
2. Bridge Span
Beam Subjected To A Moving Two-Axle System
If the axle is comparable with the beam span, it cannot be neglected and must be included in the analysis.
Since it is precisely impacts that produce the highest dynamics effects in short-span bridges which we are
going to analyze, Impacts that arise between the moving system and the beam should be considered.

Beam Subjected To A Moving Multi-Axle System

Multi Axle vehicles are very complex mechanical systems with a number of degrees of freedom, linear
and non-linear springs and damping.
Systems Of Prismatic Bars Subjected To A Moving Load
These complicated systems are usually solved by principle of superposition.
Frame Systems – the horizontal bar of which is traversed by a concentrated constant P at constant speed.
The bars must be:

 at equal length ℓ
 same ratio μ/J
 same λ;
Two types of vibration on frames
1. Free vibrations
2. Fored vibrations

Non Uniform Beams And Curved Bars Subjected To A Moving Load

Straight non-uniform bar – a non-uniform has both its mass per unit length μ(x), and the moment of
inertia J(x), dependent on the length coordinate x.

 The Network Method

 Galerkin’s Method

Infinite Beam On Elastic Foundation

This presents a detailed solution of the problem of a constant force moving along an infinite beam on an
elastic foundation, including in it all possible speeds and values of viscous damping.
Poles of the function of a complex variable

 Static case
 Case with no damping
 Light damping
 Critical damping
 Supercritical damping

String Subjected To Moving Load

One-dimensional elements resistant to tension but not to bending, such as strings, fibres, ropes, cables,
chains, etc.

String with a moving force

Motion of a mass along massless string

String with ends suspended at unequal heights

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