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air (n) the mixture of gases that is around the Earth and that we breathe

atmosphere (n) the air around the Earth

climate (n) the general weather conditions that are typical of a place

cycle (n) a series of things that are repeated again and again

death (n) the end of life

drought (n) UK /draʊt/ US /draʊt/ a long period of time without rain

event (n) something that happens, especially something important or unusual

heat (n) the quality of being warm, or the temperature of something that is warm

hit (v) to have a bad effect on someone or something

lethal UK /ˈliː.θəl/ US /ˈliː.θəl/ (adj) extremely dangerous and causing death

rainfall (n) the amount of rain that falls

steam (n) the hot mist that forms when water boils

Vocabulary practice

1. Complete the sentences with five of the words in the Keywords box. Each word is needed twice.

1 2016 is the 400th anniversary of the __________ of Shakespeare.

2 Cannes Film Festival is an annual cinema __________ in France.

3 I don’t cook – I just __________ up food in the microwave.

4 I like to __________ -cook vegetables. They taste better.

5 It’s good to get out in the __________ and go walking or cycling.

6 Our hotel room had no __________ conditioning and it was too hot to sleep.

7 Some tennis players had problems with the extreme __________ in the Australian competition.

8 The bathroom fills with __________ after my shower. I can’t see in the mirror.

9 The doctor said the cause of __________ was a heart attack.

10 The Olympic Games are the biggest sports __________ in the world.
Grammar practice

2. Look at how these nouns are used in the article and decide if they are countable (C) or
uncountable (U).

1 air ______ 10 landslide ______

2 cycle ______ 11 money ____

3 drought ______ 12 ocean _____

4 event ______ 13 rainfall ______

5 flood ______ 14 steam ______

6 gas _____ 15 temperature ______

7 heat ______ 16 typhoon ______

8 heat wave ______ 17 water ______

9 hurricane ______ 18 weather ______

3. Choose the correct option.

1 We had great weather / weathers on our summer holiday.

2 How much / How many water is in that bottle?

3 There’s danger of landslide / a landslide after this rain.

4 There is / There are a lot of steam in the kitchen!

5 We use a special system to measure rainfall / rainfalls.

6 We are organizing some special event / events for our music festival.

7 There was / There were a severe drought in California last year.

8 I don’t like the heat / heats. I prefer winter.

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