Seatwork 2020

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City of Malolos, Bulacan

Quarantine Seatwork No. 1

LN, FN, MI:________________________________________ Date:_______________________
Year and Section:_____________________
Problem Solving. Solve for the following questions and show your solutions. Write legibly and neatly. Round off to ___ decimal
places and box your final answer/s. All final answers should be written using a ballpoint pen. Answers with no solutions will be
considered wrong. Note that x = your class number * 0.1

1. Herds of African elephants are generally spread over large areas. Infrasonic sound waves (sound waves
below the human range of frequency detection) are used by these elephants to locate each other and to
communicate. Sound waves with low frequencies have a greater ability to bend around obstacles and generally
carry further. Scientists have detected sound waves with frequencies as low as 13 Hz being produced by
elephants. If the temperature that day is 27.69x degree Celsius, determine the wavelength of these sounds


2. On a recent PE-sponsored adventure education program, students went hiking at Devil's Head State Park.
At one point, Jeremy let out a holler which reflected off a nearby rocky cliff and was detected as an echo
1.80x seconds later. Determine the distance to the rocky cliffs. Assume a speed of sound of 344 m/s.

3. A man is standing exactly at the middle of one end of a corridor 30 meters long and 10 meters wide.
a.) If the temperature is 20x degree Celsius, at what time, in milliseconds, will his shout reach the end of the
b.) If his voice echoed and returned to him after 172 ms, what is the temperature that day?
c.) If the direct sound coming from his shout reached the other end of the corridor at 84.5 ms, at what time
will a 45 degree incident wave coming from him reach the other end of the corridor? (Assuming that the walls
of the corridors are 100% reflective)


Sound source
(figure not scaled)

4. A deep sea ocean vessel uses SONAR to detect the ocean's bottom. Sound waves are emitted from the
surface of the ocean and travel through the water at 1450 m/s. The ocean bottom is 1630x m below the
surface. Determine the amount of time that passes before the sound waves are reflected back to the surface.


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