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Your Physique Does Not
Look the Way YOU Want

Head Coach
Find me on IG: cedmonds18
5 Reasons Why Your Physique Is Not What You Want It To Be
1. You simply are not training hard enough - Despite what you see on IG, most people can
work way harder than they currently are. During your next training session envision your
idol/mentor is standing over your shoulder the entire set, watching, pushing you to go
deeper into the pain cave. Remember this feeling, as this is how you should be training
EVERY session.
a. For your compound exercises, work up to a set where you only leave 1 rep in the tank!
b. For your isolation exercises, take your last set to failure.
c. Pick an isolation exercise that you go beyond failure with a drop set or other high
intensity technique on the last set only.
2. Your diet is crap – 9 times out of 10 everyone that comes to us is under eating quality
nutrients and over-eating “easy and convenient” foods. It is not sexy enough to sell as a
fad, but the real secret is this: consistently nailing your diet and training hard.
a. Measure/weigh your food for 2 weeks so you clearly know how many calories you are
b. 90% of your meals should be nutrient dense whole foods. 10% can be fun foods!
3. You have no direction and accountability - This is where having a coach is worth its
weight in grass-fed steaks. They supply the plan and all you must do is execute. In
addition, when you have to send stats, pictures and % deviations to someone you respect
each week, you will find your progress makes a drastic jump in the right direction.
a. Pick someone (coach or someone you trust) to keep you accountable.
b. Check in at the same time every week with required stats such as weight and % of
program completed successfully.
4. You pay zero attention to rest and recovery - This one is huge because you could be
nailing the above 3 points to absolute perfection, yet you aren’t allowing your body to
grow because you are chronically stressing it. We all need quality sleep, as well as, rest
days from the gym. For most people even things like massage, cupping, chiropractic work
and stretching/mobility/foam rolling can play a vital role in taking your physique to the
next level.
a. Aim for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night.
b. Lower the temperature in the bedroom to 65-59 degrees.
c. Turn off all electronics 60-90 minutes before bed.
d. Read or do something relaxing before sleeping.
e. Use rehab work proactively.
5. You are not nailing Peri-Workout Nutrition - This literally can be a gamechanger for most
new clients. The meal before, what you drink during training and the meal following are
the MOST vital to having a successful muscle building workout. In addition, mastering
this window will drastically enhance your ability to prevent DOMs (muscle soreness after a
lift). And if we can reduce or prevent muscle soreness, that means we can train the
muscle more frequently. The ability to train more frequently means you get results faster !
a. Have a small to medium sized meal 30-60 minutes before training with a balanced
macronutrient profile.
b. Consume EAAs and carbs while you train.
c. Eat a balanced whole meal when you get hungry after training.

BONUS: Make YOUR GOALS a Priority!

Communicate to your family, friends, and coworkers your goals and ask them to support you. If
they understand the reason behind what you are doing, they are more likely to be your ally as
opposed to trying to get you to eat a whole pizza every night!

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