Design and Development of Irrigation System For Planting Part 1

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2 Integrated Design Project Conference (IDPC) 2015,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 11 Dec 2015.


A.M Rasyid1, N. Shahidan1, M.O Omar1, N. Hazwani 1 ,C. J. Choo1

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600, Pekan, Pahang,
*Phone: +60109164264


Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the land or soil. It is used to assist in the
growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and revegetation of disturbed soils in
dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfallIn the modern challenge of improving the
growth of plants and reducing costs justifies that the development of an irrigation system that
will minimize the waste of water and reduce workers and monitor overhead is crucial. This
project is taken up as Malaysia is an agriculture oriented country and the rate at which water
resources are depleting years by years due to increasing of the population. This system is to help
and provide an irrigation system that will ease the burden of the users to take care of plants. Soil
moistures are difficult to measure and their target levels cannot be maintained efficiently. That
is the reason an automated irrigation system would be the best solution for this problem. The
soil moisture sensor will refer to the level of soil moisture and the system will start
automatically when the level of moisture is below the sufficient level for the plants to grow
healthily. The system will automatically stop when it reached the moisture soil level for such
particular time such as we set the time during morning and evening. The brain for this system is
microcontroller. Besides that, it made up of reliable parts and relatively low cost.

Keywords: Irrigation system, soil moisture sensor, microcontroller.


In Malaysia irrigation system has existed since 1990, but the use of the irrigation system
in agriculture is not very widespread. They still use manpower for watering plants or crops. In
addition, the pressure and flow rate in the irrigation system is irregular. Agriculture industry
remains to be one of the major industries that contribute toward our average GDP. According to
a report by Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA), The business opportunity in
Malaysia agriculture was the third most contributing sector toward national GDP (Gross
Domestic Product) during year 2012 [1-2]. Malaysia is one of the countries that have sporadic
rainfall and the sandy soil has low water holding capacity [3]. Water is required for the basic
growth of plant. When there is insufficient of water, the plants will in a big trouble because
stress can occur and the quality of plants will decrease or plants will dead. The inability of many
of soils in Malaysia to hold enough water to support the growth of plant before it lead to plant
stress and only a few days without rainfall or irrigation [4-6]. This is when an automated
irrigation system is needed to overcome this problem. An automatic irrigation system is
responsible to water the plant efficiently and also providing a system that can reduce the amount
of manpower needed for watering plant.

In Malaysia irrigation system has existed since 1990, but the use of the irrigation system
in agriculture is not very widespread [7]. According to Risk in Malaysian Agriculture, one of
the threats that being faced by agriculture sector in Malaysia is the drastic climate change [8].
The irrigation system receives the bulk of its water supply from natural rainfall/drain water and
so on, which will affected during the dry season, which in turns affecting the crop yields [9].
Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil usually for assisting in growing crops
[10-11]. Most of the farmers use the manual systems to water their plant but this system is not
efficient. In order to solve this problem, an automatic irrigation system is used [12]. It will
reduce the number of workers and time usage to maintain the plants. The objectives of this
project are as below:

a) To design and develop an automatic irrigation system controlled by using

b) To implement the automatic watering system based on soil moisture sensor.
c) To provide a system that help the plant grow with the least of manual monitoring.

In the monsoon areas like Malaysia, the farmer usually planned his crop production
primarily on the basis of expected rainfall [13-16]. It is not an efficient way for a mass
production or larger crop and will affect the growth of the plants if there is insufficient of water
[17]. An automatic irrigation system is developed to make watering process in agriculture more
convenient, by helping to reduce the amount of manpower needed for watering process, and
ultimately save time as well [18-19]. Irrigation systems are also used for dust suppression,
disposal of sewage, and in mining [20]. There are two main types of irrigation system, sprinkler
irrigation (Figure 1) and drip irrigation (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Sprinkler irrigation

Figure 2: Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is water-saving system in which it supplies water by slowly dripping the water
into the soil or the root of the plant [21-23] while sprinkler irrigation supplies water by
sprinkling the water around the crop [24-25]. There are advantages and disadvantages using
these two irrigation system. Table 1 shows the comparison between both methods.

Table 1: The comparisons between both irrigation systems

Drip Irrigation Sprinkler Irrigation


 A water saving solution  Highly efficient system given its

 Reduced pest problem and disease uniform water distribution
 Using low power pump  Does not need a specially trained
 Good adaption, suitable to person to operate it
different surface of soil  Early ripening of crop, better yield
of crop
 Uniform application of fertilizer
and pesticide

 Pipe blockage  High initial cost as it need high

 Need regular maintenance power pump for the sprinkler
 Pest problem
 Efficiency of watering will
decrease with strong wind or high
temperature condition


A microcontroller also known as MCU and µC is a functional computer system on a

chip [26]. Microcontroller is integrated chip that performs controlling function [27-28]. It also
referred as one-chip microcomputer is used to control a wide range of electrical and mechanical
appliances [29-31]. Since they were first introduced, microcontrollers have evolved to the point
where they can use for increasing complex applications [32]. Some microcontrollers in use
today are programmable, expanding the number of application in which they can be used [33-


Irrigation is the most important cultural practice and most labor intensive task in
planting operation. Knowing when and how much to water is two important aspects of irrigation
[35]. To do this automatically, sensors and methods are available to determine when plants may
need water [36-38]. It is suggested to use soil moisture sensor to do irrigation [39]. The
moisture sensor will be an important element for this project [40-42].

Figure 3: Soil moisture sensor


Solenoid valves are electromechanical valves that are controlled by stopping or running
an electrical current through a solenoid, in order to change the state of the valve [43-44]. A
solenoid is a coil of wire that is magnetized when electricity runs through it [45]. The solenoid
valve makes use of this solenoid in order to activate a valve thus controlling the water flow,
airflow and other things with electricity [46]. There are three types of solenoid valves which are
general-purpose type, low pressure steam type and high pressure steam pipe [47-49]. Valve is
one of the components that need maintenance. The solenoid valve can get damaged after some
period [50-51]. Thus, a replacement of solenoid valve may be needed.

Figure 4: Solenoid valve



The model of irrigation system is design by using Solidwork software as shown in Figure 5
below. The design is improve from the current design which is the frame are applied control
system, it make the frame can move forward and backward. Besides, the control such as
moisture sensor, time and others are applied in this system.

Figure 5: Frame of Irrigation System



There are few steps to make the model of irrigation system. First, the material is cut into
desired length as shown in Figure 9 by using grinder cutter the dimension of the structure is
1.5m X 1.5m X 1m. Then, the hollow square and hollow round join by L-shape steel using bolt
and nut, the material is drill to make hole for bolt using driller with drill bit of M8 and also hole
saw 28mm diameter. After the material cut and drilled, the part is join using bolt and nut.
Besides, support is attached by using MIG welding so that the structure is strong enough as
shown in Figure 10 Furthermore, the roller part is drill using hole saw diameter 28mm, and then
1 inch pipe is inserted to the roller as the shaft. Finally, for piping system, sprinkler is attached
by using silicon glue.

Figure 10: Support of the Irrigation system structure


In this project we were using Arduino UNO to control the motor. The irrigation system
will operate by setting the time and with the assist of moisture soil sensor to measure the level
of soil moisture and the signals to Arduino if watering is required. The motor or water pump
supplies water to the plants until the desired moisture level is reached. Table 3 shows the
components for software setup and Figure 11 shows the complete set of Arduino UNO.

Table 3: Components for software setup

Equipment Quantity

Moisture sensor (YL-69) 1

Breadboard 1
Arduino UNO 1
Real Time Clock (RTC-DS 1307) 1
Motor driver (MD10C) 1
Mechanical switch (SPDT) 2
Solenoid valve (ZE-4F180) 1
Power window motor 1
Resistors 1K ohm -1 1
Resistor 10K ohm -2 1
diode (1N4004) 1
Transistor (TP120) 1
Wiring 1

Figure 11: Complete set of Arduino UNO.

To complete the system by using Arduino UNO, it has a concept flow to make the system better
and efficient. After that, the coding of Arduino UNO are set up by using Arduino software
which is time and moisture of soil are been control by the Arduino systems. For the time;
watering plant start at 8.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. but it’s depend on the soil moisture (600). The
detail of flow for Arduino is shown in the Figure 12.


Monitoring & controlling system on


At specific time (8.00 am &

6.00 pm)

Moisture soil (wet)



Motor and solenoid valve turn on

Read time moisture sensor


Moisture sensor reading

>= 600

Motor and solenoid valve turn off

Figure 12: Flow of Arduino


In this experiment, it has a three parameters that we consider is distance of the pipe, the
diameter of the pipe because it’s may influence the pressure and flow rate of water. Besides, we
consider the pressure of the system in the tank and inside the pipe. Furthermore, the density of
water, area affected, volume if water elevation of the tank (high), material use, and valve
operation also consider in this system. The Bernoulli’s theorem is applied in Equation (1)


The others equation is use in this system are pressure, flow rate, loss coefficient,
efficiency and electrical power in Equation (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6)

P= (2)
Q = VA (3)

k= /V2 (4)
Pin = I x V
Pout = τ x ω (5)

Efficiency, E = (6)


Sample calculation

The calculation in this system as follow:

P = (1000 ) (9.81 ) (12.2m)

= 119.68 KPa.

o Area of plantation

A = 1.5m x 1.5m

= 2.25m2

o flow rate

Q = VA

= (3.57 ) (2.25m2)

= 8.0


V = velocity get from appendix PVC 80.

A = area of affected (planting)

 Piping calculation

hL= hL-major + hL-minor

Loss coefficient

k= /V2
= 0.52/ (3.57^2)
= 0.04

Head loss coefficient

hm = 0.8 ( )

= 0.52 m

K for straight pipe is 0.8 refer table 8.4 (loss coefficient table)

Pin = I x V
= 15A x 12v
= 180W

ω = speed x

= 100rpm x

= 10.47 rad/sec

Pout = τ x ω

= 15N.m x 10.47 rad/sec

= 157.05W

Efficiency, E =

= 157.05 W /180W

= 0.87 = 87%


For this project, we choose Finite Element Method to conduct our simulation for the
structure. In this case, the roller path is one of the critical parts that we need to estimate how
much the force or load that it can handle. This is because roller path is very crucial aspect for
irrigation system structure to operate. The sprinklers are moved with the help of roller.
Therefore, the path for the roller must be stable and can withstand the pressure from the water
flow. Figure 14 shows the part encountering the load while figure 15 shows the part after the

Figure 14: The load is applied at the structure.

Figure 4.3: After simulation

After the simulation, we can conclude that the red part that is shown in the figure above has the
highest displacement magnitude and from the Stress Von Misses analysis we can conclude that
the stress concentration located at the red part. We can predict that failure might occur at the tip
of the roller structure. While the blue part has the lowest displacement magnitude and there is
no stress concentration located at that part.


Both hardware and software part are developed and built successfully as shown in
figure 13. The system is complete when both of them are connected together. The
microcontroller is connected directly to AC to DC adaptor that is functioning as power supply to
switch on the control unit. As the water spread to the soil until it reach certain humidity that
have been selected, the moisture sensor will start measuring and the data obtain will be sent to
control unit in voltage form that will be processed by PIC microcontroller. Since the
microcontroller has the capability of 10-bit analog to digital converter, it will convert and
manipulate the data obtained to get the actual value of humidity. The control unit also will
instruct the pump to start working based on the data obtained and the pump will stop working
also based on the data obtained by the microcontroller. The unsymmetrical sprinkler pipe and
unsuitable track cause the movement of roller to stuck little bit and not run smoothly, the
Addition height of the track reduce the friction between the bearing roller and the track. The
pressure of the water from the source is need to control based on the suitable water mass flow
rate to avoid leaking because of the pressure.

Figure 13: Software and hardware setup is connected together


An automated irrigation system was successfully designed and assembled. It serves to

reduce the consumption of water used, the human monitoring and the labor associated with
standard methods. This system can be manufactured at relatively low cost using simple
electronic parts. The irrigation system is very important nowadays because we need to use water
effectively and efficient to avoid the waste of water. Besides, it might helpful the agriculture
field to control the consumption of water and it may be increase the production of fruits or
vegetables. However, the design is still in prototype stage. More tests need to be conducted
before the efficiency, durability and reliability can be demonstrated. Additionally, many
improvements can be made to make the system is more versatile, customizable and user-
friendly. Below are list of suggestion for the improvement of this automatic irrigation system,

1. Symmetrical alignment for the roller shaft, so the movement will be smooth and
less friction.
2. Parallel gear to equalize the torque distribute along the roller shaft.


First of all we would like to thank our supervisor Dr Mohd Hafizi bin Zohari for his caring and
guidance in completing this Mechanical System Design Project which our title is Design and
Development of Irrigation System for Planting. We would like to thank our lecturers Dr
Muhamad bin Mat Noor and Dr Kumaran A/L Kadirgama for guiding us in this project and
share information regarding this subject. Lastly, we would like to thank to all the lecturers and
friends that help us in every way, thank you.


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