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- the most important system specification

- Unstable system cannot be designed for a specific transient response or
steady-state error requirement

Recall: Total output response of a system is the sum of two responses: the forced
response and the natural response.

Forced response- also called the steady-state response or particular solution.

Natural response- also called the homogenous solution

c ( t ) =c forced ( t ) +c natural (t)

Using these concepts, we present the following definitions of stability, instability,

and marginal stability:

Based on Natural Response

 A system is stable if the natural response approaches zero as time

approaches infinity
 A system is unstable if the natural response grows without bound as time
approaches infinity
 A system is marginally stable if the natural response neither decays nor
grows but remains constant or oscillates as time approaches infinity.

Physically, an unstable system whose natural response grows without bound can
cause damage to the system, to adjacent property, or to human life.
Based on bounded-input, bounded-output (BIBO)

 A system is stable if every bounded input yields a bounded output

 A system is unstable if any bounded input yields an unbounded output

1. The values of the Laplace transform variable, s, that causes the transfer
function to become infinite
2. Any roots of the denominator of the transfer function that are common to
roots of the numerator

1. The values of the Laplace transform variable, s, that cause the transfer
function to become zero
2. Any roots of the numerator of the transfer function that is common to roots
of the denominator.


- Poles are marked x and zeros are marked Ο

Pole-zero map of transfer functions

- S-plane including the locations of the poles and zeros of the function
Find the poles and zeros and plot the s-plane map
( s+2)
1. G ( s )=
( s+5)
(s−2)( s+1)
2. G ( s )=
( s+ 4)( s+3)( s+1)
3. G ( s )= 3
s −5 s 2 +8 s +6

Stability Based on Transfer Function and the Complex Plane

1) Stable systems have closed-loop transfer functions with poles only in the left-
half plane
2) Unstable systems have closed-loop transfer functions with at least one pole
in the right-half plane and/or poles of multiplicity greater than one on the
imaginary axis
3) marginally stable systems have closed-loop transfer functions with only
imaginary axis poles of multiplicity 1 and poles in the left-half plane

 identify whether the examples given earlier are stable, marginally stable, or
1. G ( s )=
( s +5 ) s
2. G ( s )= 2
s (s +2 s+ 5)

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