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tliddan Pleturas 1 Learn as you play! Original edition © 2007 Boyds Mils Press, Inc ‘This edition © 2008 by Learners Publishing Pte Lid published under licence trom Bayds Mis Press, Inc, United States First published 2008 by Learners Publishing Pte Ltd 222 Tagore Lane, #03-01 TG Building, Singapore 787603, Al rights reserved. No part ofthis book shal be reproduced, or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher Email: Visit our website: http:/we ISBN 978 981 4151 887 Printod by 8 & Jo Enterprise Pte Lid, Singapore Please remember that unauthorized photocopying of this book is illegal. ‘Associre Cowpanes RIC Learners international Limited P.O. Box 332, Greenwood WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6924 RIC Publications Limited (Asia) Sth floor, Gotanda Mikado Building 2-5-8 Hiratsuka, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo JAPAN 142-0051 ‘To 09-3788-8201 Fax: 03-3788-9202 Email: ‘Website: wwnwstepubications,com Contents Preface 4 Drawing in the living room 5 Living in a shoe house 6 Life in Mouse Town 7 Life in Mouse Village 8 ‘Out in the fields. 9 ‘Among the flowers 10 In the flowerbed 1 Is there a safer way? 12 Bringing in the harvest 13 Making peanut butter 14-15 Delivering dog snacks 16 Enjoying ice cream ina shop 7 Visiting the public library 18-19 Seeing the dentist 20 Performing card tricks a Having fun at the fair 22-23 Dancing ballet on stage 24 Queuing for autographs 25 Racing scooters in a park 26 Riding a tandem downtill 27 Cheering on a football game 28 Cleaning up after the game 29 Meeting at the clubhouse 30 Playing Gulliver in Lilliput 31 Quenching thirst with juices 32 Satisfying hunger with tacos 33 Competing in log-rolling 34 Putting to win the match 35 Whose act is better? 36 Now, all together! 37 Cooling off in a puddle 38 Going on a fishing trip 39 Gophers having a barbecue 40 Alligators enjoying a picnic 4 Giving Mr Snow a ride 42 Enjoying a cool concert 43 Competing in an ice rink a4 Skiing in the countryside 45 Gathering for story-time 46-47 Celebrating a birthday 48 Giving and getting valentines 49 Out visiting on Halloween 50 All set for Christmas 51 In step for the New Year! 52 Answers 53-64 Preface Hidden Pictures, a series of four books, is produced in the belief that not all learning is text-based. Learning occurs with every human activity. It is especially effective when the activity is purposeful and focused while at the same time exciting and pleasurable. Solving hidden pictures puzzles is just this kind of activity. Besides being enjoyable, it develops figure-ground perception and improves the ability to establish object constancy and size relationships. Educators have shown that working on such puzzles can also enhance a child’s attention to detail, reinforce good work habits, increase both word and general knowledge and aid in developing self-confidence. With guidance, this potential can be realized. At the start of the activity, the child could be told to look at the big picture and describe the scene as a whole—that is, say what the picture shows or is about. Then he/she could be encouraged to talk about the details. Finally, the child's attention could be drawn to the things illustrated in the margins and he/she asked to identify them in the big picture. With time and practice, the child could become quite expert at solving the puzzles and would have kept him/herself entertained while he/she was at it! Drawing in the living room SE Ao S= co mallet toothbrush spatula horseshoe apple light bulb D Living in a shoe house ay CU estates by Lary Date Life in Mouse Town B Se —s carrot toothbrush bowl P S & “ domino ST ——) crescent Curt 5 irs lollipop hockey lice of stick watermelon 8Pe0n 2snakes open book ax) a A torch 0 = ag AX} T } a © belt i “ 0 g = re (Ls 0 € mug SL 6 " e p fl) paintbrush 9 6 z ie ‘ o 3) a 5 f | flag eC golf club 5 Soya Co O0}) Y \ lollipop. needle M *) ode h . y Oe As UX) yeart aes Life in Mouse Village Can you find these things in the big picture? a Co, Qa, Se Shy —@ it 1G lollipop oo «2:3 sree Katy oxi > cupcake Out in the fields CIES STU ed po. Jb Vac pipes) Neste - Val | ji Vy Among the flowers Look for these things in the big picture, es ce BEd i cae candle trowel = ~ saw ———stocotthbbrush Is there a safer way? EIN cued handbell Bringing in the harvest ZS OD SO see coat-hanger S H pencil ff CO —D lollipop cart toothbrush spatula ERO, needle mctod oy Mc Pal Making peanut butter Look for these CU SCT a oly i? - YS l] SER re ik HA we ih. PEE WAS. es rea = OAR He ea a Delivering dog snacks PIT CERT SUC ed " carrot ff rinkin, = Se = a os = = Ss oe = So o = > i > = 9 EI any 2 2 FS Fy EI ct 3 eT = A ES 3 f= F EA S & Visiting the public library Ts PO ST SCS TS] Seeing the dentist CO CST SOU red le A | baseball bat flower Ya a’ = of thread S of pie book umbrella ? toothbrush Ae fish hook as drinking straw = SS * baseball bat A iS eS artist’s brush Having fun at the fair POC a CET] Cas y BS Y VA | SACS SS Ey SES NET WY ZA hg yee bg ‘Paat | p 6 ik. Si 5 es om Wi IN eccrcwn (CNS lS COOW 8. eCey Dancing ballet on stage drinking straw g toothbrush x estaty pin mushroom a snake cupcake salt cellar telephone receiver Queuing for autographs CECT TSC =< i 0 CWOCOO-0008 necklace & 7 tack pencil telescope ruler ladder pear caterpillar Racing scooters in a park TO ko DE BES aS Ore Mis ballpoint pen golf club Za aN T af artist's brush (ra I a \\iv7 Dx} A Lh Heats =F ula > (7 AA NED eA | mitten ay SA \s SZ ana to slice ist ladle Ok es Cheering on a football game PERO RU UR ieee ea 359) u LSS Jom Tih candle ie uet “mal let 2 fish hook see. Lah a Se slice of pizza ice-cream go pencil sheep's head lollipop usted Lay Dane Cleaning up after the game cfeacent)\ == ay moon tweezers toothbrush © wishbone ~ snake Eat ome ring 8 AN Ss ¥ wrench “alicast piesa of pizza mitten oars open book ik Po fone ee key ice-cream a fal Dimbors(oel EAI 1 om eo © at Q Cc pt i horseshoe ( 9 & wwh tack OMe funnel ls B Meeting at the clubhouse Pee TAS CS wp at Ha ere golf club slice of pie tack < spoon Se = WJ i spatula artist’s brush paintbrush banana pennant |, oy candle Playing Gulliver in Lilliput COURTS a eGQBowa i ice-cream cone toothbrush ‘ ANN fs t 6 Si @ > 4 a POS" 4 Te Wy aL) * en 2 A k y LSS) 7 eos wih \ ‘= = a a a ‘ r mad yes A is 8 = L loaf of bread leaf mitten Q golf club toothbrush ring ice-cream Satisfying hunger with tacos CETTE ku snag Competing in log-rolling = | =" € y spoon bid nak banana Putting to win the match OO se ne skipping-rope Whose act is better? Can you find these things in the big picture? Ko ONY SESE ( Ree Pe gs We eg EX : crayon A 7 7A Y a Re ca aN Ae Mh i Sen AY’ (EY % v ns oe | aA G 99) bowling pin Shag, ~S US bd [teat aa ees ei ie ig A GeRO es 5A Gy | LRA comme [AS Oe oRGN ; SE: ) &— | ANITA pencil < 2) a elieg “3 Ys. 0 baseball cap glove drinking glass KAY) A ( DOS me i lollipop Now, all together! PT ASR Ce Going on a fishing trip COEUR SOE TS 0 T oe os a OSs tack slice of cake paintbrush mallet mS Poa = \ 7 _ K 2 And ore 3 é pa Bet ” er ey inal Gophers having a barbecue CET CO US RU SUP ee ° = — Ss : SJ PS ag = Alligators enjoying a picnic CU UR SU Cee scissors Pr — S RIS SS A inal Lee et, ST Giving Mr Snow a ride Look for these things in the big picture. ul g ice-cream lollipop Enjoying a cool concert & <- Ck. 4 SS {| SSD feather ay compact disc sailing boat teacup parcel Competing in an ice rink Te Ue ane SN CGY ANA LSS NAC IGCIIEY abi L Wb ae) B | | ee (y : ~ ¢ a | Ce In I CS = 4 SHER! BQ Jet Skiing in the countryside l B tick tack ey spool of thread +—__& \ . crown arrow feather A GD} wedge of cheese telescope needle Gathering for story-time OSU ne \nnl iY 2) ON, , wy wit o (= SYD 5 St A Se | SCG ae ee socks / ‘golf club pear —————_ needle =——ice-cream cone oO bell snak Giving ane getting | ones Out visiting on Halloween Dee TR CESAR SN ce TEER m All set for Christmas Look for these things in the big picture, > Awa BASTING iP Dy ( DAN Ny) i ee Y} YS £3 QOAST \) A SS \\) SIN) In step for the New Year! Can you find these things in the big arg ¥ Page 9 Y Page 11 Y Page 13, V Page 16 Teen S| fy my V Pages 14-15 pi . . Dy)’ & i Li @ \ 2 i) ii ~ ERS LA® y INN AS . eS OH) IE) ‘owe 4 ga: : ; if as PG - eS SS eS fy 4 vA V Page 20 Y Page 17 Y Pages 18-19 YY Page 21 Page 24 \ [eg Mae io t eR : % 2 cod / l is ln , : 4 o : oD i Pay é Sh pa] l= ASU a Y Page 29 Y Page 31 PUES Tel ey Y Page 33 PU EES ¥ Page 39 Y Page 37 V Page 40 ¥ Page 38, V Page 43 V Page 41 Y Page 42 ¥ Page 48 Ke ; » cS fo SS ah > iy D a This series of four books promises hours of fun and loads of benefits for all the family! Each seek-and-find activity can be done individually as a pastime, or played as a game with a partner or a ‘rival’ group. But more than that, solving the puzzles develops figure-ground perception and improves the ability to establish object constancy and size relationships. In fact, educators have shown that working on such puzzles can * enhance a child's attention to detail, * reinforce good work habits, * increase both word and general knowledge and * aid in developing self-confidence.

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