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– a Brain-Friendly Approach

By Christian Mark Christensen Transforming an organisation from working with waterfall
and Rasmus Rytter models to working with Agile methods and mindsets is a large
change for everyone involved.

Often, Agile starts in one corner of the whole organisation without having too
organisation and is scaled from there. many local setbacks.
Figure 1 This approach can be very effective in the
Key elements when
implementing Agile in beginning and can create a lot of energy. • First, transformations need to be
large organisations But often, implementations like this lose ­benefit-driven, and benefit ownership
their bearings and suffer a series of local must be clear.
setbacks. Agile becomes a word instead of
the new way of working and thinking, and • Second, we must make the change
the benefits are never realised to the full “brain-friendly”. By this we mean
extent. making the things we practice being
good at easy, fun and rewarding for
everyone involved.
Three key elements of Agile
Brain- change • Third, Agile transformations must use
friendly In this article, we will present three Agile tools to create flow and trans-
­operational tools that can help you drive parency. We call that using an Agile
an Agile transformation forward in the approach to an Agile transformation. 1
Focus on benefits in
agile transformations

Design the Agile transformation map. At the workshop, we start with the
to realise benefits purpose and work our way from the right
When we are benefit-driven from the side to the left side of the map.
beginning in an Agile transformation, the
kind of benefits we pursue in the change The big difference compared with a more
become very clear. Focussing on bene- traditional approach is that we look at
fits will often be what makes managers benefits realisation first and the specific
across the organisation take ownership deliverables last. Subsequently, the ques-
of the Agile transformation, thus creating tions we ask are:
a demand for the project throughout the
whole organisation. • What is the purpose?
• What benefits do we need to realise to
fulfil our purpose?
Working with benefits • What changes will that require in our
To ensure benefits realisation, we start by organisation?
Figure 2 designing the Agile change at a three-hour • What change effort, training and deliv-
The benefit map of an Agile
transformation (simplified workshop where the key stakeholders erables or solutions do our colleagues
example) involved in the change create the benefit need in order to change their behaviour?

Deliverables Compe- Behaviour Benefits Purpose

tences (we (we are doing
can do some- something
thing new) new) Performance End benefits

Focussed training Scrum Masters Scrum Masters Faster time to Business benefits Efficiency
in Agile throughout have the compe- facilitate the market related to faster
the company  tences to facilitate process time to market 
the process  (A: m. revenue

Agile role de- Managers know Managers’ new Productivity FTE (employee)

scription of all how to move role is to move increase reduction (B: m.
employees obstacles  obstacles for (% increase) cost reduction)

Continuous  Experts know how Experts work in Free X FTE (em- Increase earnings
communication to work in Agile teams and not on ployee) for other
about the Agile teams individual tasks assign-ments (C:
transformation  m. cost avoidance)

External Agile Product owners Product owners Defect Business benefits Employee

coaches  are able to formu- formulate what reduction to producing more satisfaction
late what to do to do  (% increase) solutions (D: m.
revenue increase)

Leadership All roles can On a regular basis, Higher employee Churn reduction
­training of ­participate we reflect about engagement (E: % in churn
­managers in ­process the process  reduction)
­reflections 2
Focus on benefits in
agile transformations

Can we agree on the purpose? Examples of new behaviour are:

The first step is to agree on the purpose,
and the purpose is never to implement • Experts working in teams and not on
Agile! The purpose concerns the “why” individual tasks
behind implementing Agile. It could be
“efficient solution delivery”, “enabling • Managers who move obstacles for
increased earnings” or “higher ­employee colleagues and who are not to be
satisfaction”. If management in both IT reported to
and the business do not agree on the
purpose, you will fail with parts of the • Scrum Masters facilitating the process
implementation, and you are very likely to
lose support from key stakeholders, which • Product owners formulating what to do
might jeopardise the whole initiative.
• Teams formulating the “how to”

What are the actual benefits? • All of us reflecting on the process on a

How big of an increase in productivity can regular basis
we expect? Will the business promise to
deliver more sales based on more output, • Teams delivering working software
and how much? Perhaps, we should frequently
instead use fewer defects and higher
productivity to reduce the number of By identifying the new behaviour, we will
people in our organisation? also have an initial idea of how big the
change will be, and in order to actually
Making an organisation Agile can be tough experience the new behaviour, we need
and thus expensive, so if you don’t have to support the change and develop new
business or IT managers ready to own competences, which is the next step in the
money-related benefits, it is not the right benefit map workshop.
time to implement Agile.
Later in this article, we will address how
we can ease the transformation with
New competences – when we
an Agile approach and a Brain-Friendly want to do something new
Approach. Focussing on what kind of competences
we need to have in order to acquire new
Although we can make the transformation behaviour makes it easier to identify the
easier, it will still be a change in behaviour kind of training that is required. It may
and competences that will demand an appear redundant that we distinguish
investment in time and resources. between a Scrum Master who facilitates
the process and a Scrum Master who
has been trained and can facilitate the
What is our new behaviour? process. The reason is that going from
The benefit map also provides an over- can to do is the most difficult step in the
view of the parts of the organisation that benefit map.
will be affected by the Agile transforma-
tion. Organisations working with Agile The benefit map, which we have now
know that a large change in behaviour is unfolded, shows not only what kind of
involved when shifting from a waterfall benefits we want to realise, but also what
approach to Agile methods and mindsets. kind of behaviour and competences we
need to develop in order to realise them.
In the benefit map, we want to know what Using this approach makes it easier to
kind of new behaviour it will take to drive choose among the large range of actual
benefits realisation. deliverables. 3
Focus on benefits in
agile transformations

Deliverables to the Agile benefits we want and why. On top of that,

­transformation we build measures for benefits as well as
Our deliverables in an Agile transforma- behaviours, so that we know the kind of
tion can be many, and it is very easy to behaviour that is critical for us to realise
lose our bearings. That is why we suggest the benefits.
using an Agile approach to an Agile trans-
formation. We will return to this later in By building a benefit map, we create
the article. Concrete examples of overall management ownership and a demand
deliverables are: for implementation, and we acquire
important input to the story about the
• Agile role descriptions of all employees change. The benefit map also provides
(technical deliverable) important initial input about what we can
be flexible on and what will be a “non-­
• Focussed training in Agile throughout negotiable” when it comes to behaviour for
the company (training deliverable) the different employee groups.

• Leadership training of managers Estimating the benefits is difficult, but it

(training deliverable) is an even more difficult task to estimate
the change effort. But we need these esti-
• Continuous communication about the mates to find out whether we believe that
Agile transformation (change Agile will work for us in more than just one
deliverable) small corner of the company.

• External support delivered by Agile To estimate the change, you need to

coaches (change deliverable) understand how to implement Agile in a
brain-friendly manner and how to use an
We use three types of deliverables. Agile approach while doing it.
Technical deliverables are classic
deliverables such as a role description, a
process, a product or an IT system. These Making the Agile transformation
deliverables are used by people to work brain-friendly
in a new way. Training deliverables that Failing to change behaviour is the most
support acquiring the competences each important reason why most transforma-
role needs and change deliverables that tion projects do not realise the benefits
ensure that the necessary change in they were intended to. In short, realising
behaviour actually happens. our benefits in an Agile transformation
depends on our ability to change our
Later, we will use an example of how to behaviour.
formulate the change deliverable “imple-
menting daily stand-ups in an Agile team” By using the Brain-Friendly Approach, the
by writing it as a user story. This user story chance of creating behavioural change
can point to one or more of the elements is much bigger. We will not delve into the
in the benefit map, in order for us to know reasons why the Brain-­Friendly Approach
exactly what kind of behaviour we aim to works, but merely suggest further reading
gain by working with the specific change. on the topic from our colleague Laust
­Lauridsen. Here, we will describe the prin-
ciples of the Brain-Friendly Approach that
Using benefits realisation going we find relevant to Agile transformation,
forward in the change and very briefly describe how we apply
Before making the final decision about this in Agile transformation.
Agile throughout the organisation, we After that, we will unfold the specific
develop the benefit map from a sketch on elements in the Agile approach and
the wall to our common image of what we ­mention the Brain-Friendly Approach
need to do, how we must work and what when relevant. 4
Focus on benefits in
agile transformations

Figure 3
Source: Laust Lauridsen / The
Brain-Friendly Approach


Save energy Release energy Invest energy
Make it easy Make it fun Make it rewarding
Design Play Challenge
Known and safe Same or similar Something different
Run habit Form habit Plan habit

The Brain-Friendly Approach: “Make it them choose for themselves what they
easy, fun and rewarding” want to focus on changing next in the
Agile transformation.
Using an Agile approach to an Agile trans-
formation frequently reminds us to make
it “easy, fun and rewarding”. We use it as Agile transparency in the Agile
a guideline on how to think and design transformation
the change. And we use it in our daily In Agile transformations, we often see that
work. There is no big, easy answer to it, organisations lose their bearings in the
but a lot of small ways to constantly have change and from time to time feel that the
that ­approach implemented in the Agile Agile change and behaviour stands still or
change. We will unfold this more in the even goes backwards.
“Agile approach” part of the article.
When implementing Agile methods and
The Brain-Friendly Approach: “The brain mindsets, we suggest using an Agile
reacts positively to clear goals” and “use approach. By doing this, we ensure,
time to define the wanted behaviour” among many other things, transparency
of the specific elements in the change,
In the benefit map, we describe the and we believe it is easier to apply the
wanted behaviour on an overall level. But Brain-Friendly Approach, as described
we are much more specific when we use earlier.
the Agile methods for change. By writing
user stories with acceptance criteria and To unfold this in more detail, we will go
breaking the actual behaviour down into through a concrete example of how to use
specific tasks in the design of the actual an Agile approach to an Agile implemen-
change, we aim at having very clear goals tation by writing user stories, breaking
that are easy to train. user stories down into tasks and having
stand-up meetings with key stakeholders
The Brain-Friendly Approach: “Make at fixed intervals.
change on demand” and “make change
pull instead of push” The example will be about implementing
daily stand-ups in a permanent team. The
Becoming Agile is a large change for all reason for using daily stand-ups as an
individuals involved. But we can create a example is that it is a central ceremony
pull towards change instead of a push, for that is easy to understand, but difficult to
instance by using a Kanban board with implement to an extent where the team in
all behavioural changes of the people effect is self-organised around motivated
­involved in the change, and by letting individuals. 5
Focus on benefits in
agile transformations

Agile changes formulated as user stand-up, we – at the very least – need

stories to have a good refinement process with
If we use the structure in a user story, “Definition of Ready” (DoR) criteria and a
“As <role / person>, I want <what?> so that good planning session as well as a set of
<why?>” it ensures all the advantages that rules to live by in the team. These will have
we normally gain by using user stories to their own user stories (change delivera-
formulate what we want. It is very precise bles) to be delivered in the change effort.
about who needs to do the change, what
we want to do and why we want to do it.
Agile changes as specific tasks
Let’s see what a user story with our daily When we write change behaviour as
stand-up could look like: a user story, it is the first step in the
Brain-Friendly Approach because we
• Headline: “Daily stand-up”. make it specific and easy. But we want
to make it even easier and even more fun
• Description: “As a Scrum Master, I want and rewarding by breaking our user story
to facilitate daily stand-ups, so that down into specific tasks. When we do that,
team members co-ordinate with each we decompose the behaviour and are
other and issues are identified.” ­encouraged to be very operational with
the specific behaviour we want to create.
As with all user stories, formulating the
acceptance criteria is essential. They When you write down the tasks of the new
enable us to see when a task is done and behaviour, we encourage you to ask your-
make it easier to break the user story self: Is this easy? How can we make this
down into specific tasks. fun? How can we make it rewarding?

Examples of acceptance criteria to our spe- Specific tasks for our daily stand-up user
cific “daily stand-up user story” could be: story could be:

• “The team talks to each other and • Talk with the team about when to have
follows the structure: What have I done the daily stand-up (so they can commit
since our last stand-up, what am I going to the specific time) and invite the team
to do until the next stand-up and do I to the daily stand-up
have any issues?”
• Write the three questions down and
• “Issues are identified at the stand-up hang them up on the Scrum board (so
and solved after the meeting.” we remember them)

• “The team takes responsibility for user • Ask the team to inform each other at
stories and tasks on the board.” the stand-up (and not to report to the
project manager or the product owner)
We could write it with the team as the
role/person, but for now, we will focus on • Ask team members to move their own
the behaviour of the Scrum Master, and tasks (so they also undertake responsi-
what he/she can do. When we coach and bility for reporting the task)
train an Agile transformation while using
the Brain-Friendly Approach, it is essen- • As a project manager, move away from
tial to stress that it is the person(s) who the inner circle (so team members don’t
is undergoing the change that writes the report to you)
user story. It will often be with help from
an Agile coach who has actual experience • Think about your own energy when
with the concrete Agile behaviour. facilitating the stand-up – have fun

This will be one of many user stories in • Place sweets on tasks as rewards when
an Agile transformation. To have a good moving to “Done” 6
Focus on benefits in
agile transformations

And so on. A good stand-up will require that everyone is on the same page at the
more tasks. Experienced Scrum Mas- same time. There are several stakeholder
ters know how many details need to be groups in an Agile transformation that
in place to have a daily stand-up where will benefit from knowing: What we are
teams are encouraged to work togeth- working on right now, what kind of ­specific
er and discouraged from reporting to a challenges we have and how we are
proxy project manager instead of working ­handling them.
together on common goals.
Zooming back into our “daily stand-up
user story”, we suggest that the Agile
Transparency in the Agile change coach has a stand-up/status meeting
By now, we have a user story that is with the new Scrum Master and the team
­broken down into specific tasks. To make once every two weeks to talk about the
it visible to our new Scum Master, the kind of new behaviour currently being
team and everyone else involved in the trained. This could be in retrospect to
change, we will use a Kanban board to each sprint.
create transparency in the change. We
will have all user stories and their specific When all tasks are moved from “To Do” to
tasks on the board. In the beginning, “Done”, we can look at each of our user
everything will be in “To Do”. In Agile, this stories and see if we meet the acceptance
is business as usual. criteria of the user story. If we do that, we
can move the user story to “To Do” and give
Because we cannot work on everything at high fives or other rewards to the ones
one time, and because we need to train involved in the specific change.
in order to master a specific behaviour,
we will start with two to three tasks from
our “To Do”. We will only work on tasks in Next step Agile
“Doing” and move tasks to “Done” when we An Agile change is a large ­behavioural
can see that the actual change in behav- change. In this article, we have only
iour has been implemented. Furthermore, ­covered a small corner of it. Are you
by doing this, we can manage WIP (Work ­undergoing or thinking about working with
in Progress) limits on the Kanban board, Agile methods? Then, an operational next
ensuring focus on a few things and hereby, step could be to ask yourself the following
maximising the possibilities of experi- questions:
encing flow. It is also important to let the
person(s) involved in the specific change • Do we have a purpose working with
prioritise which tasks to work on and agile?
decide when to start a new task.
• What kind of benefits are we trying to
When you have an overview of the Agile achieve?
transformation, it also ensures good
insights into the status of the overall • What kind of behaviour do we want?
change and not only the specific behav-
ioural change related to one user story. • Do we have transparency in our

Stand up to the Agile change • Is the change in behaviour specific?

When we make our progress visible to
everyone involved in the change, we • Do we have an agile approach to the
exchange information about the elements change?
in our new behaviour that we are work-
ing on right now. By meeting with key • Are we working on making it easy, fun
stakeholders at fixed intervals, we ensure and rewarding? 7
Focus on benefits in
agile transformations

Suggested further reading

The Brain-Friendly Approach
by Laust Lauridsen

Benefits realisation
by Rasmus Rytter

About the authors

Rasmus Rytter, Management Consultant,
Implement Consulting Group

Rasmus has in-depth subject matter

expertise in benefits realisation projects.
He works across business and IT and
complements hands-on and advisory
jobs with training project managers in
“Advanced project management”, “Change
management” and “Benefits realisation”.
+45 30 85 80 63

Christian Mark Christensen, Management

Consultant, Implement Consulting Group
FAST FACTS Christian has significant experience in
ABOUT IMPLEMENT planning and executing Agile transforma-
tion. He is an expert in Agile work methods
Founded: 1996 (SAFe, Scrum and Kanban), organisational
Number of employees: 800 Agile design and servant leadership.
Headquarters: Copenhagen
Offices: Stockholm, Malmo, Oslo, Zurich and Munich +45 23 71 27 68

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