Career Horoscope PDF

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Astrology predictions based upon astrological transits can help you understand your
career horoscope. There are times when you will be able to find a job easier and other
times when it will require much more effort to obtain your next job position. Learn the
astrology indications of the stability of your job and career path.

Astrology and the Top 5 Influences You Need To Understand For Your Career.

Looking for a new job? Wondering if there is any chance of getting a new job or are you
setting yourself up for disappointment and rejections? Astrology can give you insights
and information on when the lights will shine in your favor.

Jupiter is the planet that symbolizes opportunity and good luck. A Jupiter transit will
open doors or at least unlock the door allowing you the chance to turn the knob and open
the door. Once the door is open we need to walk through and strut our stuff. You will
need to know the degree of your Sun. It is easy to calculate within one degree of
accuracy. From the first day that the Sun moved into your sign count how many days
until your birthday- that will be approximately the degree of your Sun. When Jupiter is at
the same degree (number) as your Sun either in the same sign, sign that is 3 signs away,
or the opposite sign that will be the time that opportunity is around you.
During these times make an extreme effort to comb through the job posting boards,
network, and do whatever you know is applicable in your field to get the proverbial foot
in the door. Jupiter cracks the door open it is up to you to pry it open the rest of the way,
walk through and prove to others that the work you have done previously is ready to pay

A Saturn transit in astrology has a rap of being difficult and hard. Saturn symbolizes hard
work, the time it takes to accomplish anything, and accepting accountability and
When you have a Saturn aspect to your Sun you can acquire a new job, work harder at
your current job, or be fired or laid off from your place of employment. Yikes, what a

Uranus transits to your Sun is a very interesting time. You may suddenly find your self
out of a job and just as unexpectedly find that you have a chance at your dream job. This
transit is a rare chance to do something different. Many people change careers under this
energy. Sometimes it is not adopted by choice, it can be by necessity. If you are
wondering whether or not the reorganization in your company will impact your job then
look for this signature. If you have Uranus aspecting your Sun then get your resume
ready and your spirit willing to launch into something bigger and brighter.

Neptune to your Sun is a difficult transit to have if you want to new job. On the one hand
Neptune is asking you to seek something that is aligned with the ideal life. But do not kid
yourself. With a Neptune transit it is easy to fool oneself or overlook the fine practical
points of leaving your well paying yet stressful job to move to a tropical island and seek a

Astrology Indications of Career And Changes

position there. It is a time to dream, yet when you wake up from the dream the reality
may not live up to the expectations.

Looking for a job under a Pluto transit is the perfect time in your life to prove to the
world what you can do. It is essential that you stay very conscious during these times as
you most likely will be pulled into power struggles with others. Pluto transits demand
transformation. You will be required to let go of any part of your personality that is
holding you back from an accomplishing bigger and better platform. This is a time in
your life that it can be very wise to seek counseling, vocational or psychological.
Understanding how you make the decisions you make and how they can be holding you
back from where you want to go needs to be explored during a Pluto transit. Once
mastered you can emerge from the cave and feel strong and confident with your

Knowing astrology will help you navigate through the fun as well as the difficult times in
life. The universe has messages for us if we are willing to open our hearts and minds to
hear. Life is full of change and the information from the planets helps us understand why
what is happening and how to use this information to be empowered to make informed
decisions. A transit report informs you of the days that the different planetary influences
are around you. Order your personal 12 month transit report @

Astrology Indications of Career And Changes

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