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Unit 2.

2 Present simple - TASKS -Et

Task one
(al Llnderline the uerb in each of the follou,tng adztertising slogans.

@ Our Label Spells Style

(b) Yorr tuill ttotice thnt all the uerbs qou hnue underlined nre in the Present SimTtle tensc. Cnn tlotr
,qiae a reusott tuhv the ndt,erttsers hn-ne chosert to usc this tense?

Task two
Read the following text nttd fill in thc missing u,ords rcith any aerb tlou think is apptroprinte.
It is a fact that:
(a) The United States (i) . . . . . the most extensive road system in the world. The proportion

of cars to people (ii) . . . . almost ridiculously high. With 500 cars to every thousand of
population, there (iii) . . . . . one toeverytwopeople. This (iv). . . . . . babies, children and

old people. There (v) . . . . . . approximately thirty-six cars per mile of road.
(b) (i) Australians . . . . . . more meat per year than any other nationality.
(ii) Over 50% of Italians . . . . . . their own homes.
(iii) 21 % of Germans...... reading to any other leisure pastime.
(iv) 17olo of 3-vear-old children in Japan . . . . . . to school.
(v) On average, every French person . . . . . . 4.9 books per vear rvhile every Austrian
Task three
The statistics that nTtpear in Tnsk tiL,o rL,erc contpilcd |tt/ questioninl prr'opr/g nltttut tlteir hnltits ard
possessioits. What questiotts do vou think tlte 7:eoplc u,tre nskcd? Fill itt tlte ntissin.q it,ords in the
follouittg tltLestions to tnnke them questiorts thnt ntight hnte Ltcnr nsked:
(a) Howmuch meat...... you...... everv week?
(b) . . . . . . you . . . . . . your house or . . . . . . you . . . . . . the house vou . . . . . . in?
(c) What...... you ...... in vourleisure time?
(d) t{ow many 3-year-olcl children . . . . . . there in the school?
(e) How many books ...... vou...... in a year?

Task four
(Extension task)
Listen to a newsbroadcast in English (for example,BBCWarld Seraicc, Voice of America or alocol
rndio seraice in English) or to people speaking Englislt, or u,ntch nn Englislt teleaisiott programme.
Find as mantl examples as you cgrt o.f the Present Simple f ornt in the texts tlou haxe listened to and
try to decide tuhrl the speakers hat,e chosen to use the Present Simytle fornr ench time.


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