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Reaction Paper about Existentialism

- Existence is always particular and individual, my existence, your existence, his existence,
her existence. Existence of primarily the problem of existence. The problem of what humans are
in themselves can be dis cenned on the Socrate imperative know thy felf", as well as in the work
16 the century French excuriat according to Michel de Man taigne Card Blaise Pascal, a 17th
century French religious philosopher and mathematician. Now I realise that existence is part at
our lives, but honestly Existentialis is very confusing topic of Philosophy. After listening and
reading about the existentialism noa I am still confused on what the philosopher said and there
theory about the exstence of human, the existence of God and the existence of everything

As a student, my wind is still contused about the things exist in this world, but even though I
didn't physically see that specific thing and I believed on that things because that’s What they
said, specially God, we don't physically see God but we believe on God that he exist because We
could feel God's presence through his words anal the life and blessings that has given to us and
also he believes God's existence because when we was a child our parents always in tell as about
religion and making us a good person you going Honestly this topic in our subject philosophy is
the most confusing because if you don't understand about what the philosophers said you will
never understand the topic, and this topic is one of the greatest topic ever of philosophy for me.

Life in full mysteries and mysteries in full ot life and existence is full mysteries and full ft
life and I found out that there are also Philosophers That don't believe the existence of God and
that what we call atheist and they are the people who don't believe of God because that’s What
they believe and some Philosophers have there own Theory about the existence of God but we
can't do any thing about it. but we should respect on what they believe because they respect us on
what we believe

When reflecting on metaphysics, otherwise known as the nature of things, I focus on reality
and the question of what is it, why is it, and how can we understand it. In life, as I come across
anything I am unfamiliar with, such as a different religion than my own, I ask myself these
questions. It not enough to merely dismiss what is unknown without first trying to understand it.
Philosophy has reinforced the importance of taking on tasks with an open mind and trying to
understand the differing concepts by asking critical questions. In life I will use this philosophy
when I am greeted with unfamiliar forms of thinking or new ideas.

I do not have a set purpose because we spend our lives creating who we want to be. We
create who we are through our choices and actions. Humans are nothing more or less than what
they make themselves to be. People who criticize existentialism may claim that we cannot
choose who we are because there are certain aspects of life that every human is born with and
cannot control. For example, we cannot control the fact that humans are going to eat, sleep,
breathe and die. We also have no control over our culture, class, age or family history. Sartre
classifies these limitations as the human condition. Although this human condition exists for
everybody, we cannot say that it prevents us from making choices.
We are forced to make decisions every day that we are alive. “What never varies is the
necessity for him to be in the world, to work in it, to live out his life among others” (Sartre, 42).
Sartre believes that these limitations do not fully determine who we are. Humans get to choose
how to react to these limitations. Some may claim that they “do not choose” how to react to these
limitations; they just deal with it. However, by not choosing to react to these limitations, the
person is still making a choice.

Often times, signals get crossed because every individual derives for him or herself a
different point-of-view, which in turn clouds the perception of society as a whole. A question we
ought to ask ourselves is “How do we know what’s best for society when we only have a basic
understanding of ourselves as individuals?” This is a question that the idea of existentialism
seeks to find out.

I thought existentialism is about how we grow or how we will survive but

existentialism is just a connection or one of a guide to find yourself. It is about for what you are
doing to yourself. Example, a baby, it doesn't have any moral ability to understand. It doesn't
know if it is good or bad. Then here comes the environment which he/she has been educated and
already know what is good from bad. Then he/she decide for what he will be doing, the right
thing or the bad thing or the bad thing. That is what Jean-Paul going say to us. It is up to us for
what we will be doing and that way we build up our own self, our own uniqueness and our own
differences. We ourselves made ourselves, bad or good it only depends on us and nothing can
drag you down. In the matter of fact, life is a matter of choice.
Life is a choice and choice will cannot be undone. So choose wisely and live more.
Existentialism tells us we exist. We exist because we know that we are existing. So I think the
only existing in this world are us people.

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